What is Freemasonry? |
centuries, millions of men of every race, color, creed, and
political persuasion throughout the world have found the
Symbolic Lodges of Freemasonry the light to guide their search
for answers to eternal questions: What is the meaning of
life? The nature of God and man?
Freemasonry is a system of morality, veiled in allegory,
illustrated by symbols. Not a religion but religious in
character, it is a philosophy of ethical conduct which imparts
moral and social virtues and fosters brotherly love. Its tenants
have endured since man turned the first pages of civilization.
They embody the understanding by which man can transcend
ordinary experience and build "a house not made with hands" in
harmony with the Great Architect of the universe.
Freemasonry can never conflict with a man's relationship to God
or fellow man. Sectarian religious or partisan political
discussion in a lodge is strictly prohibited. Every Mason stands
equal among his brothers, regardless of walk of life, and none
is turned away for financial need.
purpose of the Ancient Craft of Freemasonry is to unfold a
message where "truth abides in fullness," invoking greater
understanding of the inward life and a spirit of fellowship in
which every Mason can also lead a better outward life.
Brotherhood at Work |
Freemasonry has been characterized as a fraternity devoted to
high ideals and admirable benevolence. Community service and
charitable work are, in fact, principal Masonic activities.
the best-known is the world's largest single charitable
institution, the Shriners Hospitals for Crippled Children
and Burns Institutes, which are located throughout
Canada, the U.S., and Mexico.
Masonic bodies support their own statewide and national
foundations for research, teaching, and treatment or
rehabilitation services for children with learning or speech
disorders, cancer, visual problems, and need of dental
everywhere assist distressed brother Masons and their families.
They also sponsor local projects ranging from the recognition of
the achievements of others to scholarship programs. Masons serve
as community volunteers and quietly extend help for countless
thousands - from providing a child with shoes to assisting the
Altogether, the budgets for these community services exceed
two million dollars per day, which Masons support without
regard to the Masonic affiliation of their recipients. With this
spirit of working together to serve mankind, brotherhood works
well, indeed.
Brief History of
Freemasonry |
its heritage in antiquity is unmistakable, modern speculative
Freemasonry was founded more recently upon the structure,
ceremonies, and symbolism of the lodges of operative or
working freemen stonemasons, who built the
magnificent Medieval Gothic structures throughout much of Europe
and England.
Dated in
1390 A.D., the Regius Poem details the charter of a
lodge operating in the 900s A.D. "Masonry" then meant
architecture and encompassed most of the arts and sciences,
only trusted, capable companions were instructed in the craft -
and then only by degrees, orally and through symbols,
because of widespread illiteracy.
In the
Renaissance, lodges of freemasons began to accept as
speculative masons those educated men who were attracted by
the elegance of Masonic traditions for philosophic expression.
In time they were passed into the inner circles.
Thus, the
framers of speculative Freemasonry began to describe a code of
conduct through the symbolic nature of architecture and the
stonemason's craft. Signaling modern speculative Freemasonry,
the first Grand Lodge was chartered in 1717. Constituent
Symbolic Lodges were soon established throughout the world.
The Principal Tenets of Freemasonry |
For many years, Freemasons have
followed three principal tenets.
Brotherly Love - Every
true Freemason will show tolerance and respect for the opinions
of others and behave with kindness and understanding to his
fellow creatures.
Relief – Freemasons are
taught to practice charity, and to care, not only for their own,
but also for the community as a whole, both by charitable
giving, and by voluntary efforts and works as individuals.
Truth – Freemasons strive
for truth, requiring high moral standards and aiming to achieve
them in their own lives.
Freemasons believe that these
principal tenets represent a way of achieving higher standards
in life.
The Masonic Family: A Family Affair |
The Blue Lodge is
the foundation for the Masonic Family. Several appendant
organizations are found within this family in which family
members and friends of Masons can join and share activities.
The Order of
Amaranth and the Order of Eastern Star are appendant
organizations for adults which welcomes both men and women as
Masonic youth
groups help young people build self-esteem and prepare them for
citizenship through experience with responsibility and
leadership. These groups include the Order of DeMolay,
for young men, and the International Order of Rainbow for
Girls and the International Order of Job's Daugthers
for young women.
Around the world,
there are a number of organizations not mentioned which are part
of the Masonic family. These groups provide wonderful
opportunities for every member of the family to participate in
the whole Masonic organization and their various activities.
Truly Freemasonry is a family affair.
Filipino Heroes and Leaders |
In the
Philippines, a number of Filipino heroes and leaders are part of
this fraternity. Some famous names are: Jose Rizal, Andres
Bonifacio, Emilio Aguinaldo, Apolinario Mabini, Marcelo H. del
Pilar, Manuel L. Quezon, Juan Luna, Jose Abad Santos, Antonio
Luna, Graciano Lopez Jaena, Camilo Osias, Conrado Benitez, Jose
P. Laurel, Manuel Roxas and others.
A list of
famous Freemasons
can be found in our FAQs section.
Freemasonry: A Way of Life |
Freemasonry is Kindness in the home, Honesty in business,
Courtesy in society, Fairness in work, Pity and Concern for the
unfortunate, Resistance towards evil, Help for the weak,
Forgiveness for the penitent, Love for one another and, above
all, Reverence and Love for GOD.
Although the Masonic fraternity does not solicit members, our
Lodge would be pleased to provide you the necessary information
to enable you to make a sound and mature judgment on your own.
After that point, if you are still interested and desirous of
joining a Lodge, further information can be made available to
*Taken from the
Manila Mt. Lebanon No. , F.&A.M. website. |
Ask yourself |
millions of Masons, not one was lawfully invited to
apply for membership. Our code of conduct prevents it. Thus, no
faithful Mason can invite you. Any Mason can obtain a
Petition for the Degrees of Masonry for you, but you must ask
for it - and for good reason.
You must
first ask yourself if you are suitably prepared to enter the
"gentle craft of Masonry" ... to become a brother in the world's
most exclusive fraternal order. Few men are intellectually or
spiritually prepared to understand or appreciate even the more
apparent meanings of Masonry.
Do you
reflect on the nature of man's existence and your obligations to
God, your family, and yourself?
If such
ethical and moral questions hold little interest for you, then
you will gain little benefit from the teachings of the Craft.
But if you seek a more meaningful quality of life - and the
spirit of charity and good fellowship which flow from it - then
Freemasonry has much to offer.
We want
you to know what we believe, how we act, and what we do ... and
then, should you become a Mason, to be proud to be our Brother
and to participate in our work. Only those who desire membership
because of their favorable impression of us should seek a
That is
why you must "ask yourself."
*Taken from the
Manila Mt. Lebanon No. , F.&A.M. website. |
Ask 1 to be 1 |
The absolute requirements
for becoming a Mason are:
- Be a man, at least 21 years
- Have belief in a Supreme
Being, of any faith or religion
- You should be someone who
does, or want to learn to, enjoy the company of other men from
all different social classes, faiths, backgrounds, races,
countries, etc. Masonry is universal in its ideals.
- If you are a family man,
Masonry considers that your family obligations come FIRST, so
you must be sure that:
- You have the time to
participate (usually two or three evenings/month at first
for meetings and instruction, and then at least one
evening per month for meetings from then on -- often more if
you get involved in lodge activities.)
- you can afford the
initiation fees and the annual dues without hardship to
yourself or your family.
- You should be coming to
Masonry "of your own free will and accord", to learn to
improve yourself and to enjoy the company of other good
people, not because someone keeps pestering you to join or
because you think it will help you "get ahead" in business.
All you need to do is to ask a
- Preferably someone you know or
at least who lives or works nearby, or...
- you can contact any member of
a Lodge within your locality, or...
- if you happen to live or work
within our community, contact a member
of this Lodge.

For comments and
suggestions, please e-mail the webmaster.
Ronald A. Duque (DeMolay)
for the
benefit of Zosimo Montemayor Lodge No. 212, F. & A.M. 2004. All Rights Reserved.
Portions of this site include material
copyrighted by others. Credit is given where possible