Ill. Charles N. Kaufman, 33°, Appointed Deputy In South Dakota
on July 1, 2003, Grand Commander C. Fred Kleinknecht, 33°,
appointed Ill. Charles Newton Kaufman, 33°, as Deputy of
the Supreme Council in the Orient of South Dakota, succeeding
Ill. Marvin K. Bailin, 33°, who retired effective on June
30, 2003.
Born on March 12, 1933, in Huron, South Dakota, Ill. Kaufman has a distinguished academic, community, and Masonic background. His academic credentials include B.A. Huron College, Economics and History; MBA University of South Dakota, Finance; and Doctorate of Business Administration, Indiana University. His positions at the University of South Dakota (USD) since 1989 include: Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs; Dean Graduate School and Research; Professor of Management; and Dean and Professor Emeritus, 2000 to the present.
Active in his church and the community of Vermillion, South Dakota, Ill. Kaufman is a Consultant to the United Methodist Conference of the Dakotas and to the United Church of Christ Congregational Conference of South Dakota. Also, he has served in the areas of economics and education on several South Dakota committees and boards. Since 1990 to the present, for instance, he has been on the Board of Directors First Midwest Bank Corp.; Dow-Rummel Village; Lewis & Clark Health Edu-cation Agency; Yankton College; and the South Dakota Law Enforcement Standards Commission.
Ill. Kaufman was raised a Master Mason in Elk Point Lodge No. 3, Elk Point, South Dakota, in 1960 and served as Master of Incense Lodge No. 2, in Vermillion in 1996. In the Grand Lodge, he held many positions (Grand Orator, Grand Historian, Jr. and Sr. Grand Warden, Deputy Grand Master, Member Grand Lodge Jurisprudence Committee) before being elected Grand Master, 2001-02. A member of the Valley of Yankton since 1967, he has been very active in the Scottish Rite Degrees and has served as Yankton Valley's Co-Personal Representative to the S.G.I.G. since 1996. He initiated the first Scottish Rite Graduate Fellowships for Speech and Hearing in the Yankton Valley, and he provided liaison between the S.G.I.G. and the USD Speech and Hearing Disorder Department in establishing the USD Scottish Rite Children's Clinic in the Masonic Center of Sioux Falls. In recognition of his many achievements in our Order, he was invested with the K.C.C.H. in 1984 and coroneted a 33° I.G.H. in 1988. Ill. Kaufman is also a member of the York Rite, Shrine, South Dakota Lodge of Masonic Research, Scottish Rite Research Society, and Masonic Veteran's Association. He and his wife, Fern, live in Vermillion and have three adult children: Norman, Kevin, and Nanette.
Ill. Charles N. Kaufman's exemplary academic, civic, and Masonic careers predict his continued success as Deputy of the Supreme Council for the Orient of South Dakota.