Safety ID Program
Statistics show
that 34 percent of parents in the United States do not know their child's exact
height, weight and eye color. And, when a child is reported missing, time can
be the greatest adversary. Possessing up-to-date photographs and detailed
information about a child can prove to be important proactive measures that can
greatly assist local law enforcement officials to quickly respond to a child's
Using equipment that contains the latest digital fingerprinting technology and high resolution photography capabilities, 58 sites throughout New York are able to produce a SAFE CHILD card for parents and guardians.
The cards contain a child's name, biographical information (date of birth, gender, height, weight, hair color, eye color, etc.), and a fingerprint image of both index fingers. The card can be made in less than two minutes and can be easily carried in a wallet or pocketbook. Interested parents can choose to store the fingerprints, basic biographical information and photographs of children who are not missing -- information critical to expediting the return of a missing child. The storage of information is entirely voluntary and requires the written consent of a parent or legal guardian.
The information
gathered is digitally recorded and stored on a CD disk for the parent’s safe
keeping. In the event a child becomes missing, the parent would have important information,
fingerprints, and photographs of that child that can be submitted to any local
law enforcement agency.
In addition to being able to quickly provide important details to police agencies investigating child disappearances, the information will serve as an important tool when used in conjunction with the New York State AMBER Alert and Missing Child Alert programs. This CD will allow essential missing child information to be electronically disseminated, statewide if necessary, within minutes and dramatically increase the possibility of bringing a missing child home unharmed.
A permission slip can be obtaind by the following Clicking on this link. After filling it out with detail, bring to a Safety ID event that will be posted on this site. Please remember we only have them for a short while.