What is the NY Masonic Safety ID Program?

The objective of the New York State Masonic Safety Identification Program (NYMSIP) is to assist law enforcement agencies in the safe and timely recovery of lost or missing children, young adults or senior citizens.
The Masonic Saftey ID Program is the most comprehensive child identification service currently available to our communities. Through the benevolence of the Grand Lodge of F. & A.M., State of New York this service is brought FREE OF CHARGE to the PARTICIPANTS.
The centerpiece of the NYMSIP is the E-Z Child ID System. It produces a mini CD-Rom which serves as a recovery tool that can be used to assist in locating and identifying a missing child, student, or senior citizen. The CD-Rom is imprinted with a file that contains critical identification attributes, as well as, a digital photograph and digital fingerprints of the subject, which is provided to the parent. All information entered on our computer is deleted for the child's safety and confidentiality.

In March of 2007 the Free and Accepted Masons of the State of New York and the Fireman's Association of New York (FASNY) joined together in a team effort to be known as FASNYCHIP. In doing such the Masons bring their Safety ID Program into the FASNY Fire Stations jointly providing this valuable service to their community. The objective of the program is to assist local law enforcement officers in the safe and timely recovery of lost or missing children and/or senior adults.
The FASNYCHIP program provides at no cost to parents, a small CD disc containing the personal data of a child, a digital photo, and fingerprints that are kept by the parent. All information entered on our computers is deleted for the child's safety and confidentiality. In the event a child is lost or missing the disc can be taken to law enforcement agencies to assist in finding the child.
- The Mission of FASNYCHIP is to: Provide a vital community service.
- Aid in the safe recovery of lost or missing children and older adults.
- Encourage our members to become more involved in their communities.
- Promote a positive image of our organizations in our communities.
- Broaden public awareness and recognition of FASNYCHIP as a community program.
- Develop a mutually beneficial relationship between the Masonic Fraternity and New York's Firefighters