I like to watch the History Channel from time to time. More and more there appears to be coverage and stories about another organization for which I have been very involved with for the past 18 years- the Free and Accepted Masons.
It is quite comical how some of these TV programs veil the Masons in a spooky mysterious manner. Quite frankly I have heard it best put that the Masons are an “open” fraternal organization that has secrets rather than a secret organization that is closed to the public. When you are driving along the highway how many times do you see the emblem of a Mason which has a compass, ruler and a large G? Or, how many of you have seen a man wearing a stylish ring or lapel pin with the same emblem? Masons pretty much have signs in front of their meeting places called lodges. Not exactly secret!
Why would a man want to be a Mason? Well, if you want to become part of something that is larger than you; you like to help others; and feel that it’s time for you to grow personally; Masonry could be something worth pursuing. No one will call you up and say, “Hey you seem like a pretty nice guy would you like to be a Mason?” It just won’t happen. If you are interested you have to make the contact.
See the next paragraph as to how or email me if you like and I will forward things on.
There are a few varying schools of thought on when and where Masonry began. More and more there appears to be a pretty strong connection to the Knights Templars who were involved with the crusades in the Holy Lands beginning in 1118. Much of the lore and ritual work of the Masons goes back to the stone masons who built the magnificent buildings of the Middle Ages. Mathematics is an important element to the fraternity. The first official Grand Lodge was formed in 1717 in England. From there Freemasonry spread throughout the world including the newly formed country of the United States! Remember Paul Revere? You guessed it, he was a Mason.
A Grand Lodge is much like the state headquarters for any large state organization. Like many other organizations there are county, state and national levels to their organizations. Masons have similar structures except that in the US each Lodge falls under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of that state. Here in New York it is the Grand Lodge of New York State and has administrative offices in New York City. It was formed in 1787. The Grand Lodge meeting area is very similar to the House of Commons in England
At a more local level, there are several Lodges
throughout our county. If you would like to see where they are you can visit and click on the Lodge Locator button. There is a lodge that
probably is very close to where you live. Many of the local lodges have been in
Chautauqua County back to the early 1800s.
Much like many service organizations the Masons have dedicated themselves to improving the world around them through community projects and supporting local initiatives. I know that over the past 200 years here in the USA, Masons have been involved with education, medicine, government and finding ways to help those who are in need. In NYS, there is a Medical Research Laboratory, Camp Turk for summer programming, college scholarships, and the Masonic Care Home in Utica for starters. Additionally, Masons throughout the state work at the Masonic Child ID program, Girl and Boy Scout programs, and working with schools through its Masonic Student Assistance Team program. Westfield Academy and Central School went through the training for this very worthwhile program not too long ago. The staff was trained over a period of time by professionals in how to deal with at risk students and help families. All free of charge to the school.
As a county, the Masonic Lodges have supported the Child ID program where parents can bring there child to a local fire hall, for example, and have them digitally photographed and fill out a general description of the child. This is all placed on a CD which is given to a parent for safe keeping should they ever need to share this information in an emergency. This service, as well as many of the other projects that are provided, are free of charge. Another project that you may see the Masons involved with is the child bracelet program at the county fair. A child is registered and given a wrist band in the event they get lost. Many children don’t know a lot of their personal information and imagine how fast they can be reunited with their frantic parents!
Freemasonry is not a religion. To be a Mason, you must be a male, 21 or older and have a belief in a Higher Being and that the soul is eternal. There is a certain amount of ritual and protocol that is followed. Very much like many other organizations. It is still one organization where the gentlemen will show up in suit and tie or tuxedo. Sorry ladies, this is a men’s only organization but you can join the sister organization called the Eastern Stars!
Did I mention famous Masons of whom you may have heard of?
George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Gerald Ford, Harry Truman, John Hancock, John Glenn Jr., Gene Autry, Count Bassie, Gen. Omar Bradley, Sir Winston Churchill, Dewitt Clinton,Ty Cobb, Davy Crockett, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, King Edward VII & VIII, Duke Ellington, Clark Gable, Harry Houdini, Burl Ives, Robert H. Jackson, Andrew Jackson, Gen. Douglas McArthur, William McKinley, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Brad Paisley, Arnold Palmer, EdRendel, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Roy Rogers, Howard Taft, Mark Twain, John Wayne….the list goes on and on…
It’s impossible to write much more in the space allotted.
Freemasonry, Free and Accepted Masons, Master Masons- they all mean the same. If you are at a point in your life where something is missing or you feel it’s time to give back to world, check them out. In my own family there are four of us who are members of Olive Lodge #575 in Sherman, NY.
Happy Holidays!
Dr. John Hamels is a familiar face in Chautauqua County. He is a well known educator, having been a Special Education Teacher, Training Specialist, Principal and now a retired School Superintendent. He has a wide range of interests, serves on a variety of boards of directors in the region, consults and presents as an Adjunct at JCC. He may be contacted at