On Saturday November 4th 2000, A.L. 6000, the 7th NE District Grand Lodge Officers installed the elected officers of Wilmette Park Lodge #931. This was the 90th installation since the beginning of Wilmette Lodge #931. We had a wonderful turnout as many visiting brethren, families and friends observed the formal occasion. Pomp and circumstance was in order as the proud officers took their elected seats in the centuries old ceremony.
After the ceremony, everyone retired to the social hall for delicious desserts brought by the wives of the elected brethren. Conversations, stories and fellowship flowed through the room.
The brethren of Wilmette Park would like to again thank the Installing Officers, and all of our visitors who made our event a most memorable one!!

Here are the installed officers for the year 2001
1st row, left to right: Mike Hoover - Junior Warden; Rick Fox - Worshipful Master; Bill Hilburn - Senior Warden; Bill Eckvall - Junior Deacon
2nd Row, left to right: Bill Crawford - Senior Deacon; Ed Rund, P.M. - Secretary; Ed Coussins, P.M. - Tyler; Joe Chasey, P.M. - Marshal; Harold Lundberg, P.M. - Treasurer

Here is our new Worshipful Master with the Installing Officers
Left to right: Rt. Wor. Bro. Donald Dykinga, - Marshal; Wor. Bro. Frank Welter - Senior Deacon; Wor. Bro. Rick Fox - Worshipful Master; Rt. Wor. Bro. Charles Horwitz - Secretary; Wor. Bro. Emmet Goff - Chaplain; Rt. Wor. Bro. Russell Johnson, - Installing Officer
Here are some candid snapshots of the refreshment afterwards in our auditorium.