December, 1999
Fellow Craftsmen,
Congratulations to our new line of Masonic Officers for the year 2000 at Wilmette Park Lodge No. 931. You will find the names of Masons filling the stations and places for the upcoming year listed below. This was the 89th installation since the beginning of Wilmette Park Lodge.
I would like to start my year and first trestleboard as Master of the Lodge by thanking all the brethren and Officers of Wilmette Park Lodge No. 931 who will help me throughout my year. With help from my Officers, Past Masters and brethren this can and should be one of the best years ever. The installation ceremony on Saturday, November 6 was comprised of a five-member installation team of all Past Masters with Rt. Wor. Bro. Russell Johnson as Installing Officer, Rt. Wor. Bro. Donald Dykinga as Marshall our own Rt. Wor. Bro. Edward Rund as Senior Deacon, Rt. Wor. Bro. John Valencik as Chaplain and Wor. Bro. Benjamin Zwick as Secretary who performed the ceremony in a unique and impressive manner in conjunction with an Escort which was provided by the Austin Commandry No. 84. We were especially honored to have Rt. Wor. Bro. John Valencik deliver the Paul Revere charges in a superb manner and in such a way that it will not be forgotten by myself or those present. The reception following the installation consisted of various desert contributions from the Officers and many of our Past Masters where our many guests spent an enjoyable evening conversing.
Wilmette Park's Holiday Party will be held on Saturday December 18th at 6:30PM and all members, family and friends are invited. In addition to a wonderful catered dinner, we will have a visit from Santa. If bringing children please bring a gift for each child of no more than $10.00. If you bring a contribution for our Food Bank, the cost of the dinner will be a modest $6.00 per person: or $7.00 each without a donation.
WE NEED PETITIONS! Why not bring a prospect or two to the dinner?
At our December meeting we will open 1,2,3 as practice for the annual ritual competition. We were first place in the 7th North East District last year and I am sure we can repeat this feat by maintaining and improving our level of proficiency if we start early in December.
The location of the District Breakfast held on the first Sunday of each month has been changed from Jaspers in Glenview to Maxwell's in Morton Grove. The District Breakfast is an excellent way to find out the activities that are occurring in the other Lodges in our district . It starts at 8:00AM and usually lasts for about an hour.
We are sorry to report the passing of Bro. Harold Lundberg's wife Shirley. She was a dear person who was very active in supporting our lodge.
Personal goals for our Lodge during my year in the East are to increase membership, induce inactive members to become active again, strengthen our ritual abilities and adhere to our planned budget.
Joseph P. Chasey,W.M.
Freemasonry is a beautiful system of morals veiled in allegory, and illustrated by symbols. Its Tenets are Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth. Its Cardinal Virtues are Temperance Fortitude, Prudence, and Justice. Its religion, if religion it may be called, is an unfeigned belief in the one living and true God.