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Valley Hi Masonic Lodge #1407 A.F. & A.M. San Antonio, Texas | ![]() |
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Needless to say the operation of the Lodge is not a one man job.
There's a need for each and everyone of us to be a part of it and do our
part to promote our Craft throughout the land. No one knows as much
as all of us and so it is that I ask you to lend your talent, thoughts. ideas,
and support to our effort that will make our fraternity even better. No
idea or thought is too small or unworthy of consideration. Someone
once said that if you build a better mouse trap they will beat their way
to your door. There is plenty of room for a better mouse trap so present
your suggestions and concerns and let us round table them and see
what we can do with it. We need all the help and inspiration we can get.
We need to increase attendance and participation in Lodge activities.
We need to improve our financial status so that we can accomplish
some of the improvements that we sorely need and want. Call me with
your ideas at the Lodge 673-3731 or at home, 674-9421. I'd love to
talk to you about it.
Again this year. the ladies of the Eastern Star Chapter will tackle the
dinner for our stated meetings. They did a super job in previous years
and I'm sure they will find ways to make it even better this year. if that's
Last January when we had our Annual Lodge Banquet we were privileged
to have members of the Helotes Rainbow Girls assist in serving
our dinner. Unfortunately we failed to obtain the names and appropriate
identification information to send them an appropriate letter of appreciation
and to say thank you for a job well done. Although it has been six
months since they provided such outstanding service we would be remiss
if we failed to thank them publicly, so at this time we wish to publicly
apologize for our failure to act in a timely manner and at the same time
say we sincerely appreciate the outstanding service performed by such a
dedicated group of individuals.
The group was headed by Ms. Cookie Carreon, Mother Advisor,
Helotes Assembly 377 Rainbow Girls and Ariana Reyes, Grand Faith,
Grand Assembly of Texas IORG and Sabrina Garcia, Junior Member
Grand Exec Comm, Grand Assembly of Texas IORG.
Thanks for making it special. Being worshipful master of this lodge has given me one of the happiest 12 months of my life. I would like to thank all of the officers and members for the precious time, support, and loyalty, and above all the sense of commitment that each of you have brought to this lodge. For those that have the privilege to go thru the stations and places, a person has the chance to form some of the longest lasting and close friendships they will ever make. While the year moved relatively quickly, and as I look back, I wish there had been just a little more time to see some of the projects to completion. I am honored to say that this year has been great with your help. My hope and wish is that worshipful master Jim Lovely, and his officers, will receive the same open arms that welcomed me in this lodge, and I wish him great success!! I would like to personally thank my officers for all their support and input during my term. They were a tremendous group of leaders, each with so much to add and offer from their experiences. I will always have fond memories of each and every one of you. To PM Jesse Garza who installed me, to PM Bill Rushing, my program chairman, which made my year easy, and came up with excellent lodge programs, to PM's Frank Tijerina, and Dave Wolfe as instructors for us. to PM Andy Hentschel, for getting us a candidate for the Lamar Medal, to our Senior Warden, Jim Lovely and Junior Warden, Chuck Richards, who provided me their outstanding support, to the SD, Bro. Juan Castro who came up with some fund raising programs, and to our JD , PM Bob Bordeaux, a great job in your places. To our stewards, Tim Long and Bill Gillis, for great dinners for all of our stated and special meetings. a great job. For all our appointed officers I thank you so much for your support. To the ones that help maintain the upkeep and cleanliness of our lodge inside and well as outside lawn, Marvin Lee, Chuck Richards, Jim Lovely, Andres Rivera, Don Mahoney, Burton Buck, I thank you so very much for your dedication and hard work you put in. To PM Willie Pitts for keeping me in the right direction and providing me with his expert guidance. Thanks Willie. And to our chaplain, PM Gary Dudley who provided our spiritual guidance and at times short Masonic talks. And last but not least our treasurer, RW PM Joe Paez, who as treasurer and district deputy of our district was a special honor to have served you. I wish to thank all the wives and families who have supported their husbands this year.. Again I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude to each of the officers, and members of this lodge for providing me the opportunity to serve you. May God bless us and our fraternity in the coming year and years to come.
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He took the opportunity to give a little of his Masonic
background that he felt appropriate to the occasion. He
told of his “ mentor”. He said “when I went through the
degrees there was an elderly Filipino gentleman named
George. At that time I fully intended to retire and live in the
Islands after the Navy and he was all for that and so was
his family. After being raised we were on our way to the
celebration that was being held for newly raised master
masons of the lodge. I think I made some remark that
…”now that I have made it to master mason, I didn't have
anywhere else to go.” In response, George stated "now
that you are a Master Mason your next goal should be to
be Master of your Lodge". I think he had Cavite #2 in mind
as I would have been living in Cavite City.
Unfortunately my plans were not to be. After I left I
maintained contact with him for a number of years.
George passed away in the mid 70s and I stopped paying
dues to the lodge after that.
”“I know George is watching tonight from up above and
so to him say George I made it.”
The master continued with introductions and greetings
and after which closed the lodge and invited everyone to
Dimmitt Hall for refreshments.
Two Officers Designated
Title of Emeritus
At the June stated meeting the lodge voted to pay special recognition
to two brothers for their longtime devotion to serving the lodge in the
capacity of treasurer and secretary respectively. As they were completing
their designated “officer” position the lodge voted that Brother Joe
Paez and Brother Willie Pitts be designated Emeritus. The motion was
unamaniously approved.
As stated in Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, Emeritus is an adjective
that is used in the title of a retired professor, bishop, or other professional.
The term is used when a person of importance in a given profession
retires, so that his or her former rank can be used in his or her title. This
is particularly useful when establishing the authority of a person who
might have to comment, lecture or write on a particular subject.
The word is typically used as a postpositional adjective but can also
be used as a postposition adjective. It is frequently capitalized when it
forms part of a title. The word originated in the mid-18th century from
Latin as the past participle of emereri meaning “to earn one’s discharge
by service”. Emereri itself is a compound of the prefix e- (a variant of ex-)
meaning “out of or from” and merere meaning “earn”. The word is always
The Worshipful Master then told the brethren that this was a special
night in which the brethren will reaffirm our belief in the mission of
Freemasonry, our allegiance to its precepts and our love for its cause.
We agree that our Masonic obligations point the way to a mode of living
that will glorify God, make us a friend of our neighbor and cause us to
heed the promptings of our conscience. To these principles we will
reconsecrate our abilities and rededicate our efforts.
The Master went on to remind the brethren that rededication is just a
reminder of all the splendid teachings inculcated in our three degrees.
Its purpose is to return each of us to that spirit of dedication which stirred
us all when we first took our degrees. He stated that we should not loose
the value of that experience. He emphasized that dedication is an
essential part of any and every man’s life, if that life is to amount to
anything. Dedication is a basic ingredient in a worthwhile life.
The Worshipful Master then invited the brethren to Awake! Rededicate!
Let us rekindle within ourselves that spark which, with the help of
God, we will take back with us into our Lodge and ignite into the lives of
our Brother Master Masons a genuine burning desire to develop thinking
minds, understanding hearts and dedication to purpose which is
Masonry’s purpose today.
The Worshipful Master then conducted the brethren in the Pledge of
Rededication in which the brethren pledged to rededicate themselves to
the principals of freemasonry.
Following the conclusion of the Rededication Ceremony the Worshipful
Master explained the purpose of obligation renewal night is to promote
harmony throughout our great fraternity and to return our hearts
and thoughts to the most valuable tenets of Freemasonry which are
friendship, morality and brotherly love.
He explained that from the commencement of the world we may trace
the foundation of masonry. During many ages and in many different
countries it has flourished and no art or no science proceeded it. He
stated that abstracted from the pure pleasures which arise from friendship
so wisely constituted as that which subsists among masons and
which it is scarcely possible that any circumstance or occurrence can
erase, masonry is a science confined to no particular country but
extends over the whole terrestrial globe, wherever the arts flourish there
it flourishes too.
The Worshipful Master went on to encourage the brethren to daily
practice the principles of freemasonry and that such is the nature of our
institution that in the Lodge which is confined to no particular spot union
is cemented by sincere attachment and pleasure reciprocally communicated
in the cheerful observance of every obligating office. Spread the
spirit of friendship and brotherly love throughout among all men.
At the Worshipful Masters request Brother Frank Tijerina, Lodge Instructor,
said My brethren in order for us to revert back to the basic
teachings of Freemasonry and to truly reobligate ourselves to the most
valuable tenets of the Fraternity and then conducted the brethren in
repeating the obligation.
The lodge presented the Golden Trowel to Brother William Colin
Gillis during special ceremonies conducted at the lodge. The Worshipful
Master noted the history of the establishment of the golden
trowel as a lodge formal recognition of a Brother for his devoted
service to Masonic principles in general or to his lodge. It is intended
for the brother who year after year, quietly but actively demonstrates
his devotion to the teachings of freemasonry without thought of
recognition or special honors. Recipients are found at labor in the kitchen, on the work committees, in public office, on community projects, in service clubs, heavily involved in their church activities and in schools – anywhere that a true and steady hand of assistance is needed. The secretary read the citation that accompanied the award which stated that Brother Gillis has been a very active member of Valley-Hi Lodge over the past years. During the past five years he has served as junior steward. In this capacity he has spent countless hours assisting the senior steward by taking charge and supervising and or physically setting up the dining area in preparation for serving the meal and cleaning the dining area after the function. The Master noted that Brother Gillis maintains a positive attitude while performing the various sundry duties of his office. He works extremely well with the senior steward and is well liked by all the brethren of the lodge. He is also a big help in helping out in degrees, and lodge cleanup whenever he is called upon. The officers and membership of Valley-Hi Lodge feel they are extremely fortunate to have such a dedicated brother whose labors are appreciated by all brethren that come in contact with him at the lodge. He possesses all the attributes necessary to qualify him to receive the Golden Trowel award. The Worshipful Master presented the award, the lapel pin and the certificate to Brother Gills and thanked him for his contributions to the Lodge over the years and encouraged him to continue his efforts in the future. Several brothers added their comments regarding brother Gillis’ duty, performance, and contributions to the lodge and masonry.
Brothers Paez and Pitts (Contd from Page 2) The following members of Helotes # 377: Nina Caswell Nichole Kramer Leah Mishket Taren Miller Miranda DeLaRosa This is the fifth year we have received service from the Helotes Rainbow Girls and each year they have been superb. We sincerely appreciate your help and apologize for failing to acknowledging your service earlier. associated with the title, not the name of a person. For example, “Treasurer Emeritus Joe Paez or Secretary Emeritus Willie Pitts. Emeritus means retired or honorably discharged from active professional duty, but retaining the title of one’s office or position. The position emeritus (i.e.: treasurer or secretary) of the lodge is an honorary title bestowed as recognition for exemplary service. Emeritus does not imply that the person must be retired from all duties of his previous title. Nor does it imply that the person is engaged in the duties of his or her previous title.
Rainbow Girls (Continued from page 1) The following members of Helotes # 377: Nina Caswell Nichole Kramer Leah Mishket Taren Miller Miranda DeLaRosa This is the fifth year we have received service from the Helotes Rainbow Girls and each year they have been superb. We sincerely appreciate your help and apologize for failing to acknowledging your service earlier.