Falls Serves $6.50 Breakfast SaturdayIn conjunction with Town
of Colton Winterfest Weekend, High Falls Masonic Lodge will hold a pancake
breakfast on Sat. January 26, 2013 from 7:30 till 11 AM at the lodge in
downtown Colton. The lodge is located across from the library on Main St.
Adults - $6.50 Seniors $6 - all you can eat. Menu includes pancakes,
sausage, maple syrup, scrambled eggs & drinks.
Dave Heidenreich

Safety ID Event
Masonic Lodge No 393 recently held a Safety Identification Event at Madrid-Waddington
Central Schools. Participating students received a packet containing
a CD with their photos, fingerprints, and personal information to be kept
by their family. This information can be given to authorities to
quickly aid in the safe recovery should the student would become lost or
missing. St. Lawrence County Masons have been providing this service free
of charge for over 20 years. Several events are scheduled throughout
the summer. For more information, visit their website at www.mastermason.com/stlawrencefreemason.
Front (left to right): Worshipful Master Brent Taylor, Senior Warden
Phil Spadaccini 2nd Row: Students Alex and Briana Hammond and Right Worshipful
Joe Rutherford. Missing from the photo is Worshipful Bill Shoen. |
is a pic of R:.W:. Neil Nicol while visiting the George Washington Nation
Masonic Memorial in Alexandria, Virginia (just outside Washington, DC)
on a recent trip.
RW Tom
Jenison, W Randy Stout, RW Joe Rutherford, RW Neil Nicol and W Brent Taylor
standing outside of Grand Lodge entrance before the start of the 231st
Annual Communication |
Neil Nicol accepting the Howard Potts award for Depeyster #573. Neil is
also a member of Depeyster |
- Gouverneur Lodge # 217 held their service year awards
on April 17th. From left to right are: RW. Neil Nicol DDGM 1st St. Lawrence
District, RW. Bruce Gleason, 55-year member, W. William Scozzafava-65 year
member, RW. John deMeurers-30 member, and Worshipful Master Mark Doucet
Waddington Lodge
Visits Friendly Lodge in Iroquois, Ontario, Canada.
Masonic Guitar Proceeds Donated
Masonic Lodge Receives Donation of $3500 towards the Masonic Brotherhood
Fund from David Nichols, owner of Custom Pearl Inlay. Recently, Past Master
of Waddington Masonic Lodge, David Nichols built a custom guitar inlayed
with Masonic Fraternal Insignias. 2 days after completing the project the
guitar was bought by Brother John Buchanan of Fort Covington Lodge. Brother
Nichols subsequently donated the proceeds of the sale to the Masonic Brotherhood
Fund on behalf of Waddington Masonic Lodge. |
has been doing custom Inlay and instrument building for over 50 years.
He also offers training classes on custom guitar building and mother of
pearl inlay processes. For more information on Custom Pearl Inlay visit
their website at www.custompearlinlay.com.
Pictured in photo receiving donation are Worshipful Master Brent Taylor
holding the custom built guitar, RW Randall Ball, Lodge Brotherhood Fund
Chairman and Past Master David Nichols. |
Development Course
14, 2012
MDC Course
to R): RW Joe Rutherford, RW Neil Nicol, RW Ed Snow, RW Randy Ball, W Mark
Doucet, RW Terry Covey
form photo is is RW Tom Jenison |
MDC Class
of 2012
course covered the origin and purpose of Freemasonry, famous Freemasons,
the transition from Operative to Speculative Masonry, and much more.
The course is highly recommended if you plan on becoming Master of a Lodge.
It is only offered every 2 years, alternating with the Road to the East
program. |
Masonic Lodge supported the Waddington Family Resource Center by donating
food supplies and assistance in preparing Christmas Dinner Boxes for area
residents. Waddington Masonic Lodge has supported this annual holiday event
for over 8 years. Pictured are, back row- George Sehring, Paula Sehring,
Phil Spadaccini, and Arlene Martin. Front row- Pat Ball, Edna Raleigh,
Edie Streeter, and Elaine Patraw. Missing from photo William Shoen. |
New York State Senate recently commemorated Massena Masonic Lodge 513 on
their150th Anniversary. Richard Ashlaw, Constituent Representative
for Senator Joseph Griffo, presented a copy of Senate Resolution
Number 963, to the Lodge at their December meeting. Shown are (Front
row, L to R): RW Thomas Jenison, District Deputy Grand Master, Bro. James
Boyce, Richard Ashlaw, W. John Schneider, Master of Massena Lodge, W. Clark
Johnstone, Bro.. Robert Mulvaugh, Bro. Jeffrey Marrin, RW Mourad Tarpinian;
back row: W Randy Stout, Bro. Dewitt Forbes, Bro. Bernard Pitts, DSA, Bro.
Everett Hampton, Bro. Terry DuBray, Bro. Morris Putnam, and W. R.Stuart
McConkey, of Cornwall, Ont. |
Sherm Ayers receiving birthday greetings (at age 104 and 74 years a Master
Mason) from High Falls Lodge, Colton, N.Y. December 14, 2011. He
is doing well and enjoyed receiving the many cards from Masonic Lodges
and fellow brothers |
Lodge Raises 4 - September
27th, Massena Lodge held a 3rd Degree, raising 4 new Master Masons.
Pictured l to r: RW Tom Jenison, District Deputy Grand Master,Jeff Marrin,
newly raised Brothers Scott Lanning, Allen Fukes, Mario Colon (kneeling),
and Geordan Caswell (St. Lawrence Lodge 111).
Row: Jim Boyce, Danny Farnsworth, Randy Stout, Clark Johnstone, Jim Baleno.
John Schneider, and RW Joe Rotherford, Staff Officer
Row: Everett Hampton, Dewitt Forbes, Ray Cutway, Bob Mulvaugh, Terry DuBray,
and Morris Putnam |
and Tarpinian Nominated by Scottish
Scottish Rite Brethren,
Valley of Norwood is honored and extends its congratulations to the following
brothers for their nominations of achievement:
Bro. Richard W. Miller was nominated to receive the Meritorious
Service Award (red hat) at this years Council of Deliberation meeting held
in Syracuse this past July. He was to receive this honor at the 2012 COD
Bro. Mourad Tarpinian was nominated to receive the 33rd degree
(white hat) at this years Supreme Council meeting in Chicago this past
August. He will be Coronet-ed in August 2012 in Cleavland.
Robert Tyrell and Bro. Richard Powell of the Valley of Syracuse as well
as Bro. Dan Parks of Utica were Coroneted 33rd degree masons this year
in Chicago.
Valley of Norwood received recognition at COD for being one of only a few
valley's in the entire Northern Jurisdiction with positive membership growth.
Congratulations to those new brothers brothers who joined our ranks and
to those who help bring them in. We were also fortunate not to lose many
brothers due to death and demits.
W. Crump 33rd
Valley of Norwood |
Tuesday, September 6, 2011, What
Cheer Lodge no. 689, Free and Accepted Masons, located in Norwood,
N.Y., had their annual awards presentations.
left to right: bottom row R.W. Joe Rutherford (staff officer
2nd S.L. District), Carl Goodrich (50 years), Harold Emlaw (55 years),
Lloyd King (55 years), R.W. Thomas L. Jenison ( DDGM 2nd S.L. District)
row..James Clough (45 years), Marshall Smith (20 years), James Bishop (40
years), W.M. Frank Colbert. |
Tuesday, September 13, 2011, Massena
Lodge 513, Free and Accepted Masons, had their annual awards
left to right: bottom row W. Bro. John Schneider, Master, Massena
Lodge; Bro. James Truax, (50 Years); Bro. Bob Squires (60 years);
Bro. Horace Smith (60 Years); W. Bro. Harry Clopman (60 Years); (back row:)
Bro. Everett Hampton (45 years); Bro. Phil McDonald (40 Years); Bro. Danny
Farnsworth, 25 years), RW Thomas Jenison, District Depuy Grand Master,
2nd St. Lawrence District |
Shoen, Bill Shoen, Sharon Northrop, Gordon Spearance, Dave Northrop, Sandy
Brothers, Bob Squires- President of the Massena Shrine Club, Harold brothers-
President of the “Ups and Downs” Parade Unit, Ray Stafford, Dr. Robert
Drummond-Chairman of the Board of Governors- Montreal Shrine Hospital For
Children, Jim Boyce, Sophie Armstrong, Royal Nelson, Joan Nelson, Gino
Berrita- Director, Montreal Shrine Hospital For Children
The Massena Shrine
Club’s “Ups and Downs” Parade Unit and their Ladies traveled
to the Montreal Shriner’s Hospital for Children on September 14, 2011 to
present Dr. Robert Drummond, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Montreal
Shriner’s Hospital for Children, with a check for $10,000. The money was
raised by the “Ups and Downs” Parade Unit by participating in parades throughout
the summer, through can pull tabs saved by elementary schools, by being
the beneficiary of the NYS Correction Officer’s Union Donations and also
through donations provided by the Massena Motor Cycle Club and the Ogdensburg
Motor Cycle Clubs. This donation was earmarked for research to benefit
the children |
a recent Masonic Awards evening at Amber
Lodge 395 Free and Accepted Masons located in Parishville, N.Y.,
NYS Grand Lodge pins and certificates were presented for 50 and 55 year
memberships. 1st row left to right: B. Eugene Groebler (55 years),
B. Edward Warren (50 years), B. Waldo Lyman (50 years) and R.W. Dean Wilson
(50 years)
row from left to right: R.W. Thomas L. Jenison, DDGM 2nd St. Lawrence
District; W.M. Steve Bond, Master of Amber Lodge 395 and R.W. Joe Rutherford,
Staff Officer 2nd S.L. District |
Masonic Lodge held it's annual Ladies Night and Awards Banquet. Brothers
James Pipher, Lester Martin and Gordie Spearance received their 50 year
certificates and pins along with a special 50 year Apron presented by District
Deputy Thomas Jenison. Pictured l-r are Worshipful Master Brent Taylor,
R.W. Thomas Jenison District Deputy Grand Master of the 2nd St. Lawrence
District, Worshipful James Pipher, Worshipful Lester Martin , Brother Gordie
Spearance and R.W. Joe Rutherford Grand Lodge Staff Officer of the 2nd
St. Lawrence District Click here for more photos |
1st Annual Megan Hogan Blood Drive at the Lawrenceville Vol. Fire Dept.
30th, 2011
Tom Jenison gives the Annual St. Patrick's Day Toast at St.
Lawrence Lodge 111. Afterward, a Corned Beef & Cabbage dinner
was served, followed by an Entered Apprentice Degree for three candidates.
Brothers from What Cheer and Massena Lodge were in attendance. |
RAISED MASTER MASONS. On March 16th Waddington
and High Falls
Masonic Lodges welcomed 5 new brothers to the Masonic Fraternity at a 3rd
degree held at Waddington Masonic Lodge with 40 brothers in attendance
from around the 2nd St. Lawrence Distrcit as well as brothers from Temple
Masonic Lodge in Ottawa Ontario. Front Row- Newly raised brothers Benny
Fairchild, Darren Corrigeou,Jesse Uppstrom,Shannon MacDonald and Jon Ball.
RW Randall Ball, AGL 2nd St, Lawrence District. Back row- RW C. Joseph
Rutherford, Grand Lodge Staff Officer 2nd St. Lawrence District, RW Thomas
Jenison, District Deputy Grand Master 2nd St. Lawrence District and W.
William Shoen, Master Waddington Lodge. Missing from photo- RW David Davis,
Master High Falls Lodge Colton |
Photo: May
2, 2011 at Ground Zero, Manhattan, NYC
L to R: Bill (Liverpool),
Stephen Tharaldsen, John Schneider, Tom Jenison, Joe Rutherford, Brent
Taylor, Neil Nicol
raised Masonic brother Larry Kelsey and W. Master Stephen Tharaldsen
of Gouverneur
Lodge 217, F&A.M. ...Bro. Kelsey received his 3rd degree in Gouverneur
on January 4, 2011. |
Robert Poor, a 50 year member of St.
Lawrence Lodge 111, Canton,NY. recently received a special Grand Lodge
50 year apron in appreciation for his work in Masonry over the years. With
him, from l-r are: R.W. Joe Rutherford, Bro. Poor, R.W. Thomas L. Jenison
and W. Master Ken Hebb of St. Lawrence Lodge 111 |
2011 Road
to the East Class
Row: Don Finen, Robert Dalton, Ted Ritzko, Phil Spadaccini, Patrick
Frary, Tony Caracciolo, James Baleno, Jeffrey Marrin
Row: Raymond Cutway, Matthew Cressey, Grag Tracy, Andrew Ellis, Robert
Saidel, John LaShomb, Jr.
from photo are Dewitt Forbes and James Barney |
Masonic Lodge and Fulton Chapter Order of the Eastern Stars joined
together to assist the Waddington Family Resource Center in preparing their
annual Christmas food baskets for families in the Waddington area. Pictured
are Front row- Randy Ball,Edna Raleigh,Edie Streeter,Lee Rutherford,Arlene
Martin. Back row- George Searles,Butch Rutherford,Fr. Craig Hacker,Phil
Spadaccini,and Mrs. Searles.
Ayers Celebrates Two Distinguished Milestones
On December
20th area Masons visited with Brother Sherman Ayers of High
Falls Lodge 428 to celebrate his recent birthday and Masonic Anniversary.
Sherman celebrated his 102nd birthday December 14th and also is celebrating
his 73rd year as a member of the Masonic Fraternity. Joining Sherman L-R,
RW Randall Ball AGL of 2nd St. Lawrence District, RW David Davis Worshipful
Master High Falls Lodge #428, W David Heidenreich Past Master High Falls
Lodge #428, RW C. Joseph Rutherford Grand Sword Bearer 2nd St. Lawrence
District and RW Thomas Jenison DDGM 2nd St. Lawrence District |
Spread Holiday Fraternal Greatings at Maplewood Campus
December 20th members of the 2nd St. Lawrence Masonic District visited
with Brother Malcolm (Mac) Bates. Brother Bates is a 62 year member of
Chaumont Lodge #172, Chaumont NY and currently resides at Maplewood Assisted
Living Nursing Home on Outer State St., Canton, in Room 124. If in the
area please take a minute to drop in and visit. Visiting with Brother Malcolm:L
L-R are RW David Davis, RW Randall Ball, RW C. Joseph Rutherford,,
and RW Thomas Jenison. |
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