St. Lawrence County, NY
CLICK HERE: Printable  8-1/2" X 11" 
poster for your Lodge!

Masonic Charities Page

1st & 2nd St. Lawrence Districts' Main Page


Our Annual Apple Sale Begins!

Apple Sales have begun. Here are the sheets and please spread the word. Some new things have happened over the summer. St.Lawrence Masonic Charities now has a website and email address. Anything Charities will be coming from this email. The website is listed below. Since Randy Ball is out this week it is hard to spread the word and that is why there should be two people in the county to have a Master email list. Plus it is always good to have a backup. Please send me emails of the Brothers and any new ones in the future.

Stephen Tharaldsen
District Chairman for the 1st St. Lawrence District
for the Masonic Safety ID Program

CLICK HERE: Printable  11x 8-1/2" Order Form
List your customers, their orders, and if they've