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Installation of Officers
for 2012 - Held on 12/27/2011 |
L-R: Ray Carman - Installing
Officer, Jerry Ashby - Installing Marshal, and Incoming
Master - Jodie Laird
Tammy Laird places the Masters
Jewel Collar upon her Husband and Incoming Master Jodie
Laird |
Geary Laird, PM (L) and Rick
Laird, PM (R) place their little brother and Incoming Master
Jodie Laird in the oriental Chair, while their father, Bro.
Carroll Laird, PM (Far Right) proudly looks on |
The Junior Warden, Kevin Lamkin
(L) and Senior Warden, Doug Laslie (R) are introduced and
Our Treasurer, Geary F. Laird,
P.M., is also the District Deputy Grand Master of District
12 for 2012 |
Bro. Ronnie 'Skip' Skipper, P.M.
is again elected as Secretary of Shawnee Lodge
Bro. John Zeigler P.M. is elected
and seated as Chaplain of Shawnee Lodge |
The rest of Shawnee Lodge Officers
for 2012 are installed. From L-R: Estill Jackson - Trustee,
Al Dixion, P.M. - Tiler, Ron Hendricks - Sr. Steward, Jean
Pierre Jansen - Jr. Steward, Brian Mattingly - Jr. Deacon
and his Mother Cathy Mattingly, and Richard Laird - Sr.
Deacon and his wife Katie |
Master Jodie Laird with his wife
Tammy Laird, who just presented him with a gavel and his
Father in Law's Masonic ring which belonged to Roy Gribbins,
P.M. of Shively Lodge, until his Passing |
Master Jodie Laird presenting a
lovely bouquet of flowers to his wife, Tammy Laird |
Geary Laird P.M. presenting his
brother and newly Elected Master, Jodie Laird, with more
Masonic Light
Rick Laird P.M. meeting his little
Brother, Master Jodie Laird, west of the altar |