Sequoit Masonic Lodge #827 Website
Located 885
Main Street Antioch, Illinois
Stated meetings are the first Tuesday of the month at 7:00
P.M. Rusty Nail meetings are held on the 3rd
Tuesdays at 6:00 P.M.
Hello and
welcome to Antioch, Illinois Masonic website
please feel free to look around and if you have any questions feel free
to ask. Remember 2B1ASK1

This is our 1st website later on as I gain more
experience I hope to include our trestle board and E-mail list of our
The officers of Sequoit lodge:
Worshipful Master: Thomas Nedved
E-mail wizardtb@lnd.com
Senior Warden: Ed Simpson
Junior Warden: Wayne Preston (P.M.)
Senior Deacon: C.Joseph La fleur (P.M. & D.D.G.M.)
Junior Deacon: Robert Raukohl (P.M.) E-mail rraukohl@enc.k12.il.us
Treasurer: Michael Mortensen E-mail Antioch@mmortensen.com
Secretary: Robert Hansen
Assistant Secretary: Ted Hawryluk (P.M.)
Chaplain: James Cole
Senior Steward: Ron Riska Sr.
Junior Steward: William Wegrzyn E-mail wwegrzyn@aol.com
Tyler: James Larson (P.M.)
Marshall & Web
Officer: Clyde Green
E- mail realgreen @prodigy.net
held a 2nd degree for Bro. Justin Pawlik on May 21st at
7:00 P.M
Justin’s 3rd Degree is tentatively
scheduled to take place August 21st 2002.
at the Northern Illinois Conservation Club located at 41081 North
Route 83 Antioch, Illinois
E-mail me at realgreen@prodigy.net
if you are interested in attending the Outdoor Degree.
with this website or our trestle board for further updates.
will be holding our open installation of officers on Sunday June 9th
at 1:00 P.M.
Our new officers will be:
Worshipful Master: Ed Simpson
Senior Warden: Thomas Nedved (PM)
E-mail wizardtb@ind.com
Junior Warden: Robert Raukohl (P.M.)
E-mail rraukohl@enc.k12.il.us
Senior Deacon & Web Officer: Clyde Green
E- mail realgreen @prodigy.net
Junior Deacon: Wayne Preston (PM)
Treasurer: Michael Mortensen
E-mail Antioch@mmortensen.com
Secretary: Robert Hansen
Assistant Secretary: Ted Hawryluk (P.M.)
Chaplain: William Wegrzyn
E-mail wwegrzyn@aol.com
Senior Steward: Ron Riska Sr.
Junior Steward: Brian Witt
Tyler: James Larson (P.M.)
Marshal: James Cole
Lodge Instructor: C.Joseph La fleur (P.M. & D.D.G.M.)

I would like to introduce you to a wonderful man and Master
Mason Brother Clarence Larson Worshipful Past Master Sequoit Lodge (1958)
with more than 50 years of dedication to the craft. Brother Larson is a
Mason you should know. Brother Larson still faithfully attends every
meeting he can. Brother Clarence has held every seat in our lodge at
least once. Clarence is also a member of the 885 civic club of Antioch,