In The BeginningIn the year 1952 there was a basic desire among the members of Glasgow Fire Service who were orientated towards Freemasonry that a Masonic Club or Lodge should be formed. Unfortunately the expected support for these brethren was not forthcoming at that particular time.
In 1953 three of the original group namely, Firemen George Henderson and Harry Watson aided by Brother Willie McLean, a watch-room attendant also serving with the Glasgow Fire Service, decided to try again and on receiving an increased support in their own stations, an approach was made to personnel in the other City Fire Stations in addition to the Glasgow Rate and Salvage Corps based in Albion Street, Glasgow.
The emphasis was now clearly on the formation of a new lodge that would satisfy the needs of service personnel who were ever increasingly living on peripheral housing estates and potentially at some distance from their mother lodges and of course in an era before common ownership of the motor car.
Other factors such as most other Lodges open at 7pm. or 7.30pm. made it difficult for anyone in the service to hold office in a lodge as the fireman's daily shift changeover took place at 6pm. This precluded anyone who had been on day shift from going home and refreshing themselves before attending their meeting.
Having what was now thought to be a favourable response, a number of meetings were held in the church hall of St. George's in the Field which was next door to the then North Fire Station in St. George's Road. A committee was appointed from these meetings and it was agreed that a Masonic lodge should be formed with "Big" George Henderson, as he was affectionately known within Glasgow Fire Service, being duly nominated as the chair of the committee and potentially the first Master of the Lodge.
Brother Watson was instructed to set this in motion. Following some diligent and patient work he finally ascertained the correct procedure to be adopted in petitioning and forming a Masonic Lodge under the Constitution and Laws of The Grand Lodge of Scotland.
As Harry Watson was dealing with all the paperwork he was subsequently nominated as the committee secretary with an understanding and agreement that he should become the second Master and thereafter revert to the secretaries' post.
Financial Support
As with any new venture the first step was to raise money and this was mainly assisted by the formation of a football sweep in every Glasgow Fire Station that was subsequently to provide a steady source of income for many years. In addition various money raising functions were run in and around the Fire Stations that enabled a bank account not only to be opened but to steadily increase as time went on. It was a conscious financial decision to keep the number of charter members for the new Lodge to a minimum and allow the Lodge funds the benefit of affiliation fees accruing from any other brethren who wished to join thereafter.
Sponsor Lodges
Now that the initial financial structure was in place a further meeting was held in St George's in the Field church hall to decided how to meet the requirement of having two sponsor Lodges for the formation of a new Lodge.
It was decided that The Caledonian Railway Lodge No.354 and Lodge St Andrew No.465 should be approached and asked for their support in the venture.
This suggestion was thankfully and graciously accepted by both Lodges and the search was then on for a suitable name for the new Lodge.
Various names for the new Lodge were both quickley thought of and just as readily discarded, with Brothers Watson and McLean finally proposing that the combination of the names Glasgow Rate and Sal vage Corps and the Glasgow Fire Service become the Lodge name. Hence the name of :
Lodge Colours
It was almost inevitable that the colours for the Lodge regalia should be in accordance with the signal-red livery of the Fire Service and Salvage Corps' operational fleet and was unanimously proposed as such. In conjunction with these decisions the Lodge crest was also being worked upon and designed with the help of Brother Joe Harris.
Approach to Provincial Grand Lodge
Having all of these proposals accepted by the committee, the next logical step was to approach the Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow, being the Masonic governing body within the Glasgow Province.
This duty was duly carried out by Brothers Watson and Henderson who had a meeting with the Provincial Grand Secretary, Brother Leslie, to present the petition to form a new Masonic Lodge with a Fire Service and Salvage Corps background.
Brother Leslie initially expressed surprise and then some doubt that the petition would find favour with the Provincial Grand Lodge because of the lack of the proposed membership, which was sitting around 33 members, and he also the perceived that there would be a potential lack of financial backing from such a low number.
Brother Watson was in a strong position not only to show a current bank book in the name of the proposed Lodge, with a balance of £200, but also receipts for regalia previously ordered and paid for.
Brother Leslie then being sufficiently convinced of the seriousness of their intentions laid the petition before the Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow for approval and finding the requisite support, the matter was passed to The Grand Lodge of Scotland with a positive recommendation.
Leadership and Anticipation
George Henderson, was a big man both mentally and physically being Glasgow Fire Brigade's own blacksmith as well as a serving Glasgow Fireman. It was he who emerged as the natural leader of this venture and as it transpired was the only brother who had any real experience of degree work.
Looking towards the formation of the Lodge he prepared and proposed a list of those that he thought should occupy the various offices, which was duly accepted by the brethren involved.
Then came a long period of rehearsals, mostly at the Henderson household, of the opening and closing of a Lodge when everyone was expected to fill several offices due to the absence of brethren who were on duty.
It soon became obvious to George on whom he could rely to fill a vacant office and also those who were beginning to study and emerge as degree workers. Heady days indeed!
It was no wonder then that there was serious concern at the time regarding some members of the fire brigade who began to act rather strangely when on duty.
It was said that they were found wandering aimlessly around the darkest corners of their fire stations occasionally looking at a small book whereupon they would lift their eyes to the heavens, begin to move their lips and quietly mutter at the ceiling. Now does that not ring a bell or two?
Grant of Charter
The Charter of the Lodge was subsequently granted on the 4 th August 1955 and duly authenticated and signed by the following Grand Lodge Office Bearers:
- The Right Honourable Lord Macdonald, MBE - Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason
- Sir Malcolm Harvey of Kinord - Right Worshipful Past Grand Master
- The Right Honourable The Earl or Eglinton and Winton - Right Worshipful Depute Grand Master
- Thomas Pitcairn - Right Worshipful Substitute Grand Master
- Robert Battison - Right Worshipful Senior Grand Warden
- The Right Honourable Lord Bruce - Right Worshipful Junior Grand Warden
- Alexander Buchan MBE - Right Worshipful Grand Secretary.
The Erection & Consecration of Lodge Salfire No.1505
Finally the great day arrivedon Tuesday 30 th August 1955 with the new office bearers standing proud in their rented tail suits in the Grand Hall of the Masonic Temple, 100 West Regent Street, Glasgow. It was at this special meeting that the erection and concecration of Lodge Salfire No.1505 was carried out in due and ancient form by the Office Bearers of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow.
Founding Office Bearers
The ceremony of dedication and erection was followed by the installation of the Right Worshipful Master and Office Bearers of Lodge Salfire No.1505 as follows:
George Henderson Right Worshipful Master Alexander Letham Depute Master Charles Johnston Substitute Master John Montgomery Senior Warden Hugh Campbell Junior Warden Henry Watson Secretary John Golby Treasurer James Walker Almoner James Bulloch Senior Deacon George McNeil Junior Deacon George Forsyth Inner Guard William McLean Tyler Founding Members
The other founding members were as follows:
Thomas Mongo John Brock William Johnston James 'Lachie' Wright David Daniel John Dunn James Flood Angus McLeod Alexander McInnes James Gray Fred Guthrie John Boyle Angus Skilling John Burrows William Robertson Robert Johnston Angus MacDonald It is interesting to note that the Charter casket presently in use in the Lodge was gifted by Brother John Burrowes on the evening of the inaugural Installation.
To accommodate one of the original reasons for forming the Lodge, i.e. that of allowing the serving members to go home after day-shifts and before attending their meeting, Salfire were given Provincial dispensation to meet at 8pm., which they did for many years whilst residing in West Regent Street.
Of the named Founder Members and Office Bearers ten have progressed on to become Right Worshipful Master in the forty-five years since the consecration of the Lodge.
After some forty years a few fond recollections of that consecration and dedication evening came from PM Angus "Gus" Skilling who was struck by the solemnity and import of the first oath taken by the kneeling office bearers, who were set out in rows and linked with their hands on the shoulders of the brother in front.
"Gus" also remembers the feeling of pride when, for the first time, the Lodge was closed by their own office bearers dressed in their new, bright-red regalia that would become so well known around the world in the years to come.Against what at the time seemed insurmountable odds, he remembers the satisfaction of the founding brethren in making their dream come true ans as he said "without one past master in the Lodge".
However the sponser Lodges continued to play their full part for a few years more by detailing Past Masters to attend Lodge Salfire to offer both support, advice and necessary guidance when required.Gradually the character of the Lodge began to emerge with the degree workers being allowed to introduce some individuality into the ritual through the addition of appropriate lines of poetry.
Apparently this caused some anxious moments for brethren who were following the degree straight from the book and had them scurrying through the pages to see where the conferring master had gone!Temples
The Lodge continued to meet at 100 West Regent Street until 1980, when that temple was finally closed.
The Lodge next moved to the Engineers Institute in Bath Street for a short period and as these premises were not really suitable as a Masonic Temple it was decided to approach Lodge Scotia No.178 for accommodation at 133 Whitehill Street in Dennistoun, Glasgow.The brethren of Lodge Scotia having agreed to our request, the Lodge moved to its present Temple in January 1981.
One other interesting point is that Past Master Brother Andy Naughton was the Reigning Master during these moves thereby being the only master to have presided over the Lodge in its three homes.
Of the eight Secretaries who have served the Lodge, the name of Archiebald M. Buchan looms large. "Archie" as he was commonly known affiliated to the Lodge from Lodge Ellangowan No.716 and became Lodge Treasurer in 1957-58.
He held this office for four years when he succeeded Brother Duncan Weir as Secretary, who himself had been in office for five years from 1956-61.
Archie held this post until 1967 when he became the Right Worshipful Master of the Lodge and Immediate Past Master in 1968-69 at which time he regained and held the post of Secretary until 1980-81 when ill-health forced him to give up office.
This sterling work was recognised when Archie received a presentation crystal fruit bowl from the Lodge members and in addition Brother Brian G. Brown, Immediate Past Provincial Grand Master, who was the last P.G.M. to become an Honorary Member of Salfire, presented Archie with a Distinguished Service Diploma.
The Diploma was not only to mark his service to the Lodge in particular but to that of Freemasonary in general. Archie was well known both within and outwith the Province and indeed was an Honorary Member of Lodge St. John Stoneyburn No.1186.Another notable Secretary of the Lodge was PM Charles B. Gibson who was among the first initiates into Salfire after its formation in 1955. Charlie not only followed Archie Buchan into the chair of the Lodge but also took over as Secretary and held this office for the next 10 years from 1981-82 until 1991-92 when the present Secretary Brother William Gallacher assumed the reins.
Another first for Charlie was when he had the pleasure of installing his son Cameron into the chair of the Lodge in December 1977 who was only 25 years old. This made Cameron the youngest Master in history of the Lodge, a title which he proudly held until the installation of PM Simon A.N. Stewart in 1997 aged 24 years.
Charlie served for many years at Provincial and Grand Lodge level and was well respected throughout the Scottish Craft for his knowledge and experience.
He held the Office of Assistant Provincial Grand Secretary and the Chairman of the Board of Examiners for many years.
In June 1981 he was honoured by The Grand Lodge of Scotland by being awarded the office of Honorary Grand Architect which was poignantly the first appointment that he ever held in Lodge Salfire.Treasurer
Following the first two Treasurers, who have already been mentioned, PM J.G. Montgomery then took over and held the office from 1961 to 1968.
Jack alias "Monty" was also the third R.W.M. and at Lodge harmony could always be relied upon for a song that was inevitably a rousing version of - "Delaney's Donkey".Monty was succeeded by PM J.B. McLean (Jack) who for the previous two years had held the post of Lodge Secretary during the time that A.M. Buchan was otherwise occupied as the RWM. and IPM. Jack held the office of Treasurer for a period of 3 years until other commitments forced him to relinquish his office.
PM George Forsyth who for many years had been a most successful Lodge Social Convenor then took over the mantle until he in turn made way for another Fire Service character, Brother Thomas Irvine, who enjoyed a happy time in office until his sudden passing in February 1979.
One month later PM J.B. McLean was once again installed into the office of Treasurer which he held until his successor, Brother Jim Watson a former Lodge Auditor, took over for the short period of one year.
The next Treasurer was PM Andrew Naughton who had a successful run of 5 years in office. This was due mainly to Andy's typical application and diligence in studying book-keeping, through a further education course, to assist him in recording and managing the Lodge Finances.Campbell Cairns next stepped into the breach and held this office for over a decade. During that time Campbell quietly and diligently worked at his duties in the way that had been laid down for him by his predecessors, especially in terms of investing Lodge funds.
It was always a very stressful time for Campbell when it came to the Annual General Meeting and his annual Treasurer's report. This was largely self-inflicted as he was very careful in his presentation of the balance sheet.
However, invariably every year and much to his irritation and Lodge amusement there was always some little point to answer or suggestion as to a better system of making a return on the Lodge funds and almost always from the same source. The year came though, when not one question was asked at the end of his report, which so shocked and amazed Campbell that he delighted in pointing out a mistake that no one else had seen on the night! Much laughter all round.Sadly Campbell died suddenly in May 1997 and the Treasurer's duties were taken over by PM Colin W. Muirhead. Colin, in addition to being an excellent degree worker, is a fastidious manager of our Lodge funds.
He has another major interest involving the Lodge, in that when a proposal was made in open Lodge to build a world wide web site, it was Colin who, without any reservations, volunteered to be the site manager.
The site was built by him and has been in operation since Summer 1999. To date it has received many "hits" from interested parties. The Salfire web-site can be visited at or by using a search engine and entering - salfire.
Of the eight members who have held this office it would be improper not to recognise PM "Willie" Johnston who held the office for a total of 11years with only one break.
This was when he took up the invitation to return to his own mother lodge, Lodge Union and Crown No.103, to become their R.W.M. immediately on his return to Salfire, Willie lost no time in resuming his former office of Almoner to which he was particularly well suited.
He was also a Provincial Grand Steward and served on Provincial Grand Committee as Lodge Salfire's representative.
Willie was also in the chair of Salfire in 1965 when the Lodge received a visit from The Association of the Masonic Kilties of New Jersey USA, in the July of that year.PM Cameron Gibson, previously mentioned, succeeded Willie Johnston who unfortunately passed away in November 1983. Cameron remained in that office for a period of ten years until once again he accepted the office of Junior Warden en route to his second term in the chair. He is also a member of Provincial Grand Lodge where he has held a variety of offices over the years.
Of the many willing workers and brethren who have held this office the name of Brother Robert Chisolm readily springs to mind. Robert (always to be known as Robert) was a dedicated worker for the Lodge and was Lodge Salfire's Tyler for 17 years. He proved to be a willing assistant to the Wardens in helping them with both the lay out and storage of the Lodge furniture on meeting nights.
In addition he was of great assistance at Lodge Installations by ensuring that the office bearers jewels were returned on time and suitably cleaned for the occasion. Not content with this service he was of valuable assistance to the Lodge Stewards when they found themselves short of help.Organist
However, no story of Lodge Salfire would be complete without the name of Brother and PM George Gardner being mentioned. George became the Master in November 1973 and for many years was the Lodge Organist.
He not only added a musical backdrop and dignity to the ceremonial work of the Lodge but also played at the many social gatherings and harmonies throughout the years.
One other special contribution made by George was the innovative money raising sweepstake in aid of Lodge funds that had collecting agents in most of the 17 Glasgow Fire Stations, at that time.He was also a keen bowler and tragically passed on while playing at Kingston Bowling Club in June 1988, after which many of our brethren said that the absence of George's music and company was sadly missed.
It is therefore most fitting that his Past Master's jewel has been transformed into the Reigning Master's collared Harmony Jewel.Stewards
PM T.A. Bishop, who has been the President of Stewards for the last 14 years subsequently accepted the challenge of managing the sweep-stake. This is now known as the Fifty-Fifty Club and continues to assist in the health of Lodge funds.
"Drew" is not only a kenspeckled character but is also a tireless background worker. He continues to manage the Lodge Stewardship in the provision of sustenance for the members and visitors alike. He makes regular large donations to the funds of the Lodge from the bar-profits made both by him and his transitory team of assistants.
Drew extends his organisational abilities to the Lodge "Weekend Away" which he has successfully run for many years in a variety of locations since its original inception. The Lodge weekend away was first organised by PM Robert Dillon,to Blackpool, Lancashire in September 1979. Drew is a founder member of the "Goodie Two Shoes" Club that was an innate feature of these early social weekends that are still enjoyed to the present day by members, visitors and guests in the company of their wives and partners.Talking of wives reminds me of Nancy, the late wife of PM Alex McInnes and her friend, a certain Mrs. Rae (also the wife of a brother and fellow fireman David Rae), who used to regularly entertain audiences at social evenings with a brilliant duet called The Glasgow Fire Brigade Song. This is reproduced at Appendix C.
Overseas Visitors
As previously mentioned our fist overseas visitors were the Association of the Masonic Kilties of New Jersey who returned in 1991 when the American brethren were jointly hosted by Lodge Salfire No.1505, in conjunction with The Glasgow Star Lodge No.219 and Lodge Kelvin Partick No.1207.
During the second visit, the then President of the Association Brother Walter Elliot, sent a beautiful presentation VSL. to each of the three host Lodges.
PM Arthur Blakes must accept some credit for this contact as he is a regular visitor to foreign shores including the North American Continent. Indeed he is an honorary member of Lodge Wisdom No.300 New Jersey in addition to The Association of the Masonic Kilties.
Lodge Ibrox No.740 from Brampton, Ontario, Canada visited Salfire in September 1995 and carried out a most enjoyable ceremony of exemplification and later that evening Brother John Dick, an honorary member of Salfire, presented a Ecommemorative plaque to the Lodge.
UK Visitations
In the forty-five years of the Lodge's existence, many friendships have been forged on a personal basis with members of other Lodges and has resulted in regular as well as sporadic visitations within the Province. It has to be said though, that some of the most successful and enduring inter-Lodge visitations have been outwith the Province of Glasgow.
Lodge Randolph, Buchaven No.776
An example of this phenomenon is the long and current association with Lodge Randolph, Buckhaven No.776 which began with the personal friendship of Brothers John (Jock) Brown and Jack Montgomery, the reigning Master of Salfire.
When "Monty" telephoned to make arrangements for the first Salfire visit, in 1958, he asked Jock how many brethren he should bring with him? To which Jock replied"as many as you can".
Salfire duly obliged and caused a sensation when they rolled into Buckhaven with 3 bus loads of visitors! With the office bearers being duly resplendent in full evening dress and red regalia, PM George Henderson and Gus Skilling brought the house down when they conferred a Salfire third degree that evening.
It is not only credit to the brethren mentioned above, but also to countless other past and present members of both Lodges that, in addition to the ceremonial work, the members and their partners from each Lodge have continued to support and attend the respective social functions until the present day which is now over forty years.
Lodge St. John, Stoneyburn No.1186
The association with Lodge St. John, Stoneyburn, No.1186 began when Brother Dick Ralston was in the chair of that Lodge and had attended a quarterly communication of Grand Lodge and struck up an initial and lasting friendship with PM Archie Buchan.
As St. John were going through a bad patch at that time Archie suggested that the brethren of Salfire could support Dick's Lodge by taking a Deputation to St. John, Stoneyburn, once it had been cleared with his own RWM in Glasgow.
One of the highlights of this long and continuous association was the installation of Brother Jim Robertson in 1965 by two Past Masters of Salfire namely Brothers Angus Skilling and James Walker, truly a day and night to remember!Lodge Caldercuix St. John No.1314
Again it was through the agency of a personal friendship, between Brother John Brown of Lodge Caldercruix St John No.1314 and PM Robert "Bob" Dillon of Salfire, that Bob was instrumental in taking a busload of Salfire members to the "Cruix" installation in 1979.
Bob, who is an honorary member of Lodge Caldercruix St. John, had the honour and pleasure of being the principle installing master in both 1986 and again in 1990 when he installed his good friend Brother John Brown as RWM.Lodge Bothwell Brigg No.1229
Another strong, early and fairly long association was with Lodge Bothwell Brig No.1229 that is now unfortunately only marked these days by personal visits rather than by an official Lodge deputation. However, Salfire members are always made welcome and former associations remembered with fondness because of the earlier bond of friendship.
Lodge Aegis No.9115, E.C.
Brother Bobby Walker who was a member of Salfire and a Leading Fireman in the Glasgow Fire Service (subsequently Strathclyde Fire Brigade) became friendly with Brother Melvin "Mel" Cross of Lodge Aegis No. 9115 who meet in Preston, Lancashire.
This friendship grew from the common activity of sea fishing and angling, with each of them representing their Districts in competitions run by the Fire Service National Sports and Athletics Association.
Bobby became a member of Lodge Aegis (The shield) and resulted in a visit from Brother Mel Cross to Salfire's installation in 1987. Lodge Salfire first visited Preston when Brother Glenn Robertson who was the RWM at the time headed a deputation to witness a fine first degree.
From these beginnings not only has an annual visitation been continued by each Lodge but again as with other visitations many firm and personal friendships have blossomed and in the case of Mel Cross resulted in him receiving an honorary membership of Lodge Salfire in 1995.One feature of the annual visits is the exchange of the many fine and unusual gifts including Lodge furniture, that are now proudly displayed when the Lodge holds its regular meetings.
Reflective Thoughts
It is evident to the informed reader that when persuing the Roll of Past Masters contained at Appendix A that the early predominance of Right Worshipful Masters originating from either a personal or family background within the Fire Service began to decline after the first 14 years. This situation is the result of many factors including social and demographic changes both within the City and society in general.
Therefore the influx of non-service brethren has been the very life blood of the Lodge and has certainly proved to be so, from around the late sixties and early seventies.
Indeed from the 44 Masters of the Lodge, including PM Cameron Gibson serving twice, there has been an equal divide of service and non-service related brethren.
This fact is particularly evident over the last 23 years as had it not been for the 16 Masters hailing from a civilian background during that period, who have been in themselves proud protagonists of the Lodge, Salfire quite simply would not have survived in its present format.
Indeed one major factor in the success of the Lodge over this period must go down to the formation of the Ladies Committee at the time of the 25 th Anniversary of the Lodge.
They were originally formed to assist with raising funds to be used in the purchase of general Lodge equipment and furniture. For this work and also for their continued support and understanding to this day we say a simple but heartfelt thank you.Looking back, then on to the future
To our founder members and office bearers we in this present day owe a debt of gratitude for their early work, drive and forethought.
It is clear that very many dedicated men, wives and partners have worked extremely hard and long for Salfire through the years without necessarily looking for any return and choosing to remain firmly in the background.
We are grateful for having had more that our fair share of kenspeckle characters in and around the Lodge and have delighted through the years and up to and including the present day in the sterling efforts of our marvellous degree workers.
In conclusion, let us then who are tasked with managing the affairs of Lodge Salfire continue this sterling work well into the next millenium.
Charles G.N. Stewart Master, Lodge Salfire No.1505
In Memoriam
As a result of the tragic Whisky Bond fire that occurred at Cheapside Street in the Anderston area of Glasgow on 31 st March 1960, nineteen Firemen and Salvage Corps personnel were killed that night.
Some of those brave men who risked and lost their life in the preservation of life, limb and property in the City of Glasgow were Freemasons.
A vigil and subsequent church service was held and led by the Rev. Matthew Liddell in the St. Davids (Ramshorn) Church in Ingram Street, Glasgow and was attended by many hundreds of Fire and Salvage-men, civilians and Masons from far and wide.
Brother Rev. Henry French of the Barony Church and Lodge Progress No.873 advised and assisted at the memorial servive
Brother Lodge Number George McIntyre Rutherglen 116 Daniel Davidson Neptune 419 Edward Murray Glasgow at Glasgow 441 James McLennan Galen 1285 Archibald Darroch Possilpark 1330 Ian McMillan Salfire 1505 Gordon McMillan Salfire 1505 National Awards
Three Brethren have received national awards:-
- PM John Harrold - British Empire Medal
- PM George B. Alexander - British Empire Medal
- PM Charles B. Gibson - Emergency Reserve Decoration
Appendix A
Appendix B
Acknowledgement: The compliation of the historical background regarding Lodge Salfire No.1505 is due to the efforts of many "assistants" and to the marvellous detailed recall of the following brethren:
- PM Angus L. Skilling
- PM George Forsyth
- PM Charles B. Gibson
- PM Jack G.I. Lindsay, and in particular
- PM John B. McLean, who was most intent in having this story told.
Appendix C
Sung to the tune of "She Wore A Yellow Ribbon."Around her leg she wore a yellow garter,
She wore it in the summer and she wore it in the fall;
And, if you ask her why the hell she wore it ,
She wore it for her lover in the Glasgow Fire Brigade.Chorus:
Fire Brigade, Fire Brigade, she wore it for her lover in the Glasgow Fire Brigade.Around the park she pushed her perambulator,
She pushed it in the summer and she pushed it in the fall;
And, if you ask her why the hell she pushed it ,
She pushed it for her lover in the Glasgow Fire Brigade.Chorus:
Fire Brigade, Fire Brigade, she pushed it for her lover in the Glasgow Fire Brigade.Behind the door her father kept a shotgun,
He kept it in the summer and he kept it in the fall;
And, if you ask him why the hell he kept it ,
He kept it for her lover in the Glasgow Fire Brigade.Chorus:
Fire Brigade, Fire Brigade, he kept it for her lover in the Glasgow Fire Brigade.Upon his grave she planted a bunch of roses,
She planted it in the summer and she planted it in the fall;
And, if you ask her why the hell he planted it ,
She planted it for her lover in the Glasgow Fire Brigade.Chorus:
Fire Brigade, Fire Brigade, she planted it for her lover in the Glasgow Fire Brigade.