Thursday - April 5, 2012 |
Robinson Lodge met in Stated Communication
at Belmont Village, located at Bowling
Blvd., Louisville, KY. The officers were in
their stations; check the Tiler's register
for names:
Master: Russell L. Grant
Senior Warden: Joel Anderson
Junior Warden: Larry Garmon
Secretary: Jim Taylor
Treasurer: Jackie Ramsey
Senior Deacon: Bill Wise, PM
Junior Deacon: Scott Elliott
Senior Steward: Jerry Bryant
Junior Steward: Fred McBride
Chaplin: Charles Boston, Sr.
Tiler: Ray Spann
The Lodge was opened in usual ceremonies on
the Master Mason Degree, after prayer by
Brother Charles Boston, Sr. The pledge of
Allegiance was lead by Worshipful Master
Russell Grant. Worshipful Master Russ Grant
welcomed all visitors check the Tiler’s
register for names. Worshipful Master
Russell Grant called for the reading of the
minutes. Brother Secretary the letter of
dispensation from The Grand Lodge of
Kentucky. Brother Secretary read the minutes
from March 15, 2012 and Lodge of Sorrow
April 1, 2012 minutes were approved as read.
Worshipful Master Russell Grant called for:
Unfinished Business: We did not have any.
Deaths: We had two deaths, Brother Carroll
Davenport passed away on March 28, 2012. A
moment of silence was held in his honor.
New Business: We did not have any new
Report on Petitions: No reports were due.
Communications and Bills: Brother Secretary
reported that we report from the Masonic
Secretaries Association was passed around
lodge. A request was received from the
International Order of the Rainbow Girls
wanting us to take an ad in there magazine,
it was decided that we would wait until we
receive the requests from Demolay and Jobs
Daughters and handle all at one time.
Sick Report: Brother Joe Mattingly, PM let
us know that Brother Eugene Gibson called
him to let us know that he fell and he has
probably broke his foot.
Good of the Order: Brother Don Hodges
announced that his lodge Acme was having a
fish fry. Worshipful Master Russell Grant
called on Brother James Cheser for a few
words. Brother Cheser said he was so proud
to have us come and have lodge with him.
With nothing more to come before Lodge, our
Chaplin, Brother Donald Hodges, PM closed
Lodge in peace and harmony with a prayer at
8:10pm. |
Russell Grant, Master |
Jim Taylor, Secretary |