History of the Most Worhipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Texas

and Who first organized Lodges in Texas
Under the leadership
of Captain W.D.Mathews, Most Worshipful Grand Master of Kansas, Lodges
of Free and Accepted Masons were established in Texas in 1871 and 1873
to wit:
- San
Antonio Lodge # 22
- Magnolia
Lodge #24
- Mt.
Bonnell Lodge #2
- Galveston
Lodge #25
- Mt.
Lebanon - Lodge #26
These were the
first Negro Free and Accepted Masonic Lodges organized in Texas
and Who organized the Grand Lodge
In the early part of June, 1875, N.W. Cuney, D.G.M., and Richard Allen,
DDGM, acting under the authority of the Kansas Jurisdiction, issued a
call requesting the above-named Lodges to send representatives on August
19, 1875, to meet with Mount Lebanon, located in Brenham, Texas.
The purpose was to organize the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and
Accepted Masons of Texas.
Persuant to this call, the following Lodges to wit: Mount Bonnell Lodge
No.2; Magnolia Lodge No.24; Galveston Lodge No.25; sent delegates, namely,
Mount Bonnell Lodge No.2 was represented by Brothers J.J. Hamilton and
Edward Wilkerson, Magnolia Lodge No.24 was represented by Brothers Richard
Allen, Richard Brock, W.H. Clark, Samuel Leonard, James Kyle, L.L. James
and J.S. Sanders. Galveston Lodge No.25 was represented by Brothers N.W.
Cuney, Frank Miller, Wilson Nichols, John DeBruhl, J.H. Morris, and John
The convention organized by electing Richard Allen president and Brother
J.H. Morris secretary. The president appointed a committee on credentials,
namely Frank Miller, Samuel Leonard, Edward Wilkerson, J.H. Morris, and
J.S. Sanders.
The committee on credentials made the following report:
Brenham, Texas, August 19, A.D. 1875, A.L. 5875
We your committee
beg leave to report that the following brethren entitled to seats in this
convention, viz. Mount Bonnell Lodge No.2, represented by Brothers J.J.
Hamilton and Edward Wilkerson; Magnolia Lodge No.24, represented by Brothers
Richard Allen, Richard Brook, W.H. Clark, Samuel J. Leonard, James Kyle,
L.L. James and J.S. Sanders; Galveston Lodge No.25, Brothers N.W. Cuney,
Frank Miller, Wilson Nichols, John DeBruhl, J.H. Morris, and John Lands.
On August 20, at 10am, the convention reconvened and a committee of four
consisting of Brothers L.L. James, J.H. Morris, Frank Miller, and J.J.
Hamilton were appointed to recommend names for the various officers of
the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons of Texas. The
committee retired for deliberation, and on their return reported the following
brethren as Grand Officers, to wit:
Most Worshipful Brother N.W. Cuney, Grand Master, Galveston, Texas
Rt. Worshipful Brother J.R. Taylor, S.G. Warden, Brenham, Texas
Rt. Worshipful Brother Edward Wilkinson, J.G. Warden, Austin, Texas
Rt. Worshipful Brother J.H. Morris, G. Secretary, Galveston, Texas
Rt. Worshipful Brother J.P. Ball, Jr., G. Register, Brenham, Texas
Rt. Worshipful Brother Wilson Nichols, G. Treasurer, Galveston, Texas
Rt. Worshipful Brother John Lands, G. Tiler, Galveston, Texas