Photo Gallery
I believe
in God, Grand Architect of the Universe, the Alpha of the unreckoned
yesterdays, the Omega of the impenetrable tomorrows, the beginning and
the ending.
I believe in man, potentially God's other self, often faltering on his
way upward but irrepressible in the urge to scale the spiritual
I believe in Freemasonry - that corporate adventure in universal
brotherhood, despising kinship with no child of the All - Father.
I believe in Prince Hall Masonry, a door of benevolence securely tiled
against the unworthy, but opened wide to men of good report, whether
Aryan or Hottentot.
I believe in Masonic vows - the truths of true men plighted to their
better selves.
Use this page as a
photo gallery for your club or organization. Write an
introduction here, and you may also choose to add
captions to your images.