York Rite The Continuation of Blue Lodge

Welcome to the
Ocala York Rite Bodies of Freemasonry website.

The Ocala York Rite Bodies consists of three independent Masonic
Bodies: a Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, a Council of Royal & Select
Masters, and a Commandery of Knights Templar. We strive and look for
quality Master Masons to further their Masonic education and knowledge.
We also strive to make good Master Masons better Masons and leaders.
In Florida, a Master Mason began their journey in their Blue
Lodge under the York Rite ritual. It is natural for a Florida Master
Mason to continue his journey in the York Rite. The various degrees will
fill the events between the first and third degree. This will give you a
better understanding of three degrees in your Lodge. In addition, you
were promised that one day to receive the True Master Mason word. It is
in the Royal Arch degree where you as that future generation finds it.
The Commandery of Knights Templar is the Christian arm of
Freemasonry. The Master Mason must be a firm believer in the Christian
religion. In order to become a Knight Templar, a Master Mason must first
be a Royal Arch Mason and a Royal and Select Master.
The Ocala York Rite Bodies strongly believes and follows
their Mission Statement:
"Ocala York Rite Masons will be recognized as active,
relevant and respected Fraters attracting and retaining other Fraters of
high quality, who are committed to self-improvement, leadership, and to
making a difference within our fraternity and community."
If you want to continue
your journey in Freemasonry and open more doors that will enhance
your knowledge...
join the
York Rite
If you want to find the True Word of a Master Mason...
join the York Rite
If you want to become a better man, improve yourself
and are committed to making a difference...
join the York Rite
Petitions are available on-line :
Petition for OYRB
Need to know more about York Rite
click here
2011 © Ocala York Rite Bodies Questions about the website or
Florida York Rite Freemasonry, please contact the
Page Last Updated 8/09/2011
Upcoming Events
Ocala Chapter No. 13
Stated Convocation
Wed., September 14, 2011
Ocala Council No. 22
Stated Conclave
Wed., October 12, 2011
Ocala Commandery
No. 19
Stated Conclave
Wed., September 28, 2011
Ocala SOOB
Assembly 249
Stated Meeting
Wed., September 28, 2011
Geo. Wolf
No. 378
Allied Masonic Degrees
Stated Meeting
Semper Fi
No. 95
Knight Masons
Saturday, December 3rd
Practice - 10:00 AM
Lunch - Noon
Meeting - 1:00 PM
Grand Commander's Homecoming
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Inverness Country & Golf
Inverness, FL
Dinner Price TBA
OYRB Executive Board
2nd Wednesday of the month
6:30 PM
Belleview Lodge
Companion Bring A Brother Night Program
Date TBA 2011
Belleview Lodge 6:30 PM
Companion sponsor a Blue Lodge York Rite Mason to continue his Masonic
2012 Rose Charity Ball
Date TBA
Place TBA
Dinner & Dance
Donation: $60 per couple
$35 individual
Net Proceeds will go to:
Royal Arch Research Association
Cryptic Masonry Medical Research Foundation
Knights Templar Eye Foundation
Come out and help us help
Fall Ocala York Rite Festival
September & October
Dates to be announced
Ocala SOOB Assembly No. 249
Next Stated Meetings:
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2011
7:30 PM Belleview Lodge
SOOB Main Page
SOOB History & Past Presidents
Marjorie Wolf
1140 Dartmouth Terrace
Inverness, FL 34452
New Secretary
Companions and Sir Knights
Please send all correspondence, dues, letters to our new Secretary,
R. Exc. Alan Walls.
His mailing address is:
P.O. Box 921 Floral City, FL 34436-0912
His email address is :
His phone number is:
(352) 637-5177 - please leave message
Please do not send any correspondence to PO Box 292 Lecanto, FL as
mail shall be returned to you. Thank you.
York Rite Bodies want
to announce the addition of two York Rite Appendant Bodies to their
website. They are: George H. Wolf
Council No. 378 of the Allied Masonic Degrees
and Semper Fi Council No. 95, Knights
Masons. Membership is by invitation only. Basic
requirement, if you are invited, is being a Royal Arch Mason in good
These York Rite Bodies will have their own pages. We will have on
our main page annoucements regarding meetings and events.
George H. Wolf
Council No. 378
Allied Masonic Degrees
Next Stated Meetings:
7:30 PM Belleview Lodge
History & Past Soveriegn Masters
C. Alan Walls
P.O. Box 912
Floral City, FL 34436-0912
(352) 637-5177
Semper Fi
Council No. 95
Knight Masons
Next Stated Meetings:
7:30 PM Belleview Lodge
Knight Masons
History & Past Excellent Chiefs
David A.
6620 W. Constitution Lane
Homosassa, FL 34448
(352) 503-8007
York Rite Bodies want
to congratulate
the 2011 - 2012 Heads of the Grand York Rite Bodies
and hope they have an excellent and productive year.
Excellent Robert Kirkpatrick, Grand High Priest
Illustrious Danny Fullwood, Most Illustious Grand Master
Sir Knight
David A. Aponte, Right Eminent Grand Commander