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On October 20, 1841 John A. Weyer, a member of Belmont Lodge #16 and others petitioned the Grand Lodge of Ohio for a charter, sending the necessary papers and $40.00 to the Grand Lodge by the representative from Belmont Lodge as they were recommending that Jacobsburg be permitted to organize said Lodge.No immediate action was taken because the petition did not show that any of the petitioners were Past Masters. This evidence was produced and a dispensation was granted in April 1842. John A. Weyer was informed by William B. Thrall of Circleville who was Deputy Grand Master, to proceed to organize. Brother Thrall was the Grand Master for the next four years.
On April 20, 1842, they met in a room over the old school building located back of the old tavern in Jacobsburg, Ohio for the first time. All the members who signed the application were there that first night.
Charter Members of Moriah Lodge No. 105 October 20, 1842
Worshipful Master……..John A. Weyer________Treasurer……..……William Armstrong
Senior Warden……….John W. Calvert______Senior Deacon……William Calvert
Junior Warden………….Isaac L. Hoops_______Junior Deacon……..Jacob Coleman
Secretary…………..…….Stewart Hall____________Tyler………………Moses Gordon
James Myers, John Ramsay, Euclid Scatterday, Thomas M. Gregory, Samuel Ramsay, Seth Wilson, Jacob KeiferBy October 12, 1842, they had received twenty-three petitions, raised eight, passed ten, initiated fifteen, rejected or withdrew eight, adopted by-laws, purchased equipment, and elected John A. Weyer to go to Grand Lodge and take with him the resolution praying for a charter.
John A. Weyer left the next day riding horse-back for Lancaster, as this was about the only means of traveling other than by boat, walking or stagecoach. He arrived in Barnesville that evening and stayed all night with Colonel Benjamin Mackall who was at the time of his arrival meeting with Brother Masons in a secret building. Having been informed by the Colonel’s wife where the meeting was.
Brother Weyer repaired to the designated place, and before the meeting was over, his zeal and enthusiasm had persuaded the Barnesville Brothers to make application for the return of their old charter. At a later hour, the application was drawn up and John A. Weyer carried it to Grand Lodge.
The Weyer resolution concerning Friendship Lodge was adopted together with other honors bestowed upon him. The Grand Master appointed him Junior Deacon of the Grand Lodge, chairman of some important committees, and issued a charter for Moriah Lodge #105, Jacobsburg, Ohio.
So Brother Weyer came home not only with the dispensation for Friendship Lodge but also his own honors and the charter for his new Lodge at Jacobsburg.
On January 6, 1851. We also find that they purchased property about where the Odd Fellows Hall now stands in Jacobsburg.
On the meeting night of February 26,1858, we find in the minutes where they first talked of moving.
On December 27, 1866, they moved to Powhatan Point and that afternoon had a public installation at the church. I.H. Coleman moved the furniture for $10.00.
The first meeting was held in the John Burgey property in the framed building now owned by P.A. Richardson, which is moved back behind his brick building. It sat beside the Burgey home.
On December 27, 1887, they moved from the Burgey property to a new hall owned by D.P. Hornbrook, now owned by Van Dynes and occupied by Finklestein’s, where they have a department store. Before moving, they had considered seriously the purchasing of property and we find that in later years this same question has come up several times.
April 12, 1889, just about one hour before Lodge time, a tornado struck Powhatan Point. It destroyed the roof of our lodge. Brother Jacob Coleman who was Tyler was killed. They met in the Odd Fellows Hall for the opening and closing for his funeral services, but met no more until November 1, 1889.
January 1, 1916, was a memorable day for Moriah Lodge. They moved into the storey above the First National Bank.
May 10, 1978 the first meeting was held at the new temple and on September 10, 1978 The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ohio meet in Emergent session and dedicated the new Temple at 150 Main St.