MONROVIA LODGE #654 F. & A.M. MONROVIA, INDIANA home officers calendar trestle board special events past masters what is freemasonry how do you become a mason photos links maps contact us ted and berta romine fund sponsorship & donations
monrovia Lodge #654
f. & a.m. monrovia, indiana 46157 Brethren, We are off to a great start to 2009. We had great attendance at a recent EA degree performed on Tuesday, January 13th and it went well. I encourage everyone to make a degree work performance once this year. If you would like to know when the next one is, please contact a Brother you know to find out when and where. We will be conducting a FC on January 27th at 7:00 p.m. and dinner will be at 6:00 p.m. if this newsletter makes it to you in time. We would like to see everyone there. We do have some MM degrees out there to perform and most likely we will be conducting these at the Mooresville lodge sometime in the near future. If you are unable to make it to lodge due to the narrow staircase, I would like to inform you that the Mooresville lodge is one-storied and is easily accessible if you can attend. Please be on the look out for these dates and times, the lodge and I would enjoy your company.
Thank you, Stan Blacklock WM
Message from the SecretaryLodge Dues should have been received by now. Once you receive the notice, please send your check as soon as possible. If you have not received your notice, please contact me by phone at 317-840-0380. Brother Gregg F. Burks, Secretary; PM
Did you know? The earliest known record of a Masonic initiation anywhere is that of John Boswell, Laird of Auchenleck, who was initiated in the Lodge of Edinburgh according to the lodge minutes of 8 June 1600. That lodge was Operative and Boswell appears to be an example of one of the earliest Speculative initiations and adds weight to a case for the Transition Theory of Freemasonry, at least in Scotland. The earliest records of an initiation in England include Sir Robert Moray in 1641 and Elias Ashmole in 1646. Abroad, the first native-born American to be made a Mason was probably Jonathan Belcher, in 1704, who was then the Governor of Massachusetts.
Our membership is growing!!! We are passing 2 Brothers on January 27th to the FC degree and are preparing to raise 4 MM soon. The pancake breakfast is set for February 21, 2009 at 6:00 a.m. The location will be at the Monrovia Festival building. We will be serving pancakes and sausage and will have plenty of hot coffee for you and your family! Tickets are being sold right now and will cost $3.00 for adults and $1.50 for children under 10. Please contact us if you would like to support a graduating senior from Monrovia HS by buying a ticket to the breakfast. All proceeds go to the scholarship fund to support our Monrovia students. Comments or have anything to add to the TRESTLE BOARD, please contact Brother Ryan Gadberry at 317-996-4253. or you may now E-MAIL us at GREETINGS FROM THE SOUTH The Junior Warden, Rob McCloud, would like for all members to know that we are serving some great meals at all stated meetings and nights set for degree work. Come by and get a nice warm meal that has received praise for a full stomach. We are starting to practice on Tuesday nights that we don’t have degree work or a stated meeting and he wishes it to be known that a snack or finger foods will be provided. Come by if you can make it out for some practice and great fellowship.
Brothers, I am currently searching for history on our Lodge. I am particularly searching for pre-1904 history, when our Lodge was #261. If you or someone you know can help out, please contact myself or another Brother of the Lodge. Fraternally, Rob McCloud Brethren, I apologize for the “time delay” in the newsletter for anyone that may be having difficulty knowing when we will be performing degree work. I strive to mail this out 2 weeks before every stated meeting and sometimes there can be a lapse of information so I can allow for timely delivery of the trestle board before stated meeting. If ever you have a question or would like to know when and where we will be conducting meetings, feel free to contact me at home at 317-996-4253. Please leave a message if I don’t get your call and I will return your call promptly. Thank you, Ryan Gadberry, Sr. Deacon January 2009 Issue Upcoming Events: Stated meeting – February 3rd at 7:30 PM – Fellowship at 7:00 PM
We have several MM degrees to perform in the upcoming weeks. Please contact a Brother if you would like to attend for updated dates and times. We look forward to catching up with you!!!
2009 officers Worshipful Master Stan Blacklock sR. warden Jim Pottorff jr. warden Rob McCloud Sr. deacon Ryan Gadberry Jr. deacon J.B. Pottorff Secretary Gregg F. Burks, PM treasurer Mike Wagner, PM Sr. steward Orville McHaffey, PM Jr. steward Rick Culbertson, PM Chaplain Vern Elkins, PM Tyler Dave maxwell, PM
I have received phone calls about the WM pictures that we are missing and have returned calls without success. Please contact Brother Ryan at 996-4253 to get a time set for your pictures.
trestle board and the monrovia lodge website will be updated frequently please check back often for news and upcoming events!