DeMolays and
Rainbows on their way to lunch from the coral. |
Bro. Ronald
and Bro. Alex, all covered in mud, pin down the bovine. |
Vendelou and Bro. Dexhter just can't hide the sweat with their smiles. |
DeMolays and
Rainbows and friends try to share the moment with Bros. Vendelou,
Dexhter and Nilo.. |
Rainbows and friends strike a pose on the Barn Night. |
Bro. Jun Q, of Wadih C. Saab Chapter, with Bros. Fritz and Alex. |
Bros. trying
to give the motivation Bro. Ross needs while chopping of the wood in the
Wood Chopping Competition. |
DeMolays and
Rainbows with visiting Bro. Ged (from Mt. Matutum Chapter) give their
smiles while on the back of a truck. |
Bro.Ged with his inspiration Sis. Kate Perales (IORG), Muse of the
DeMolay Rodeo Team. |