Dedications in Honor and Memory
In Honor:
The original
"Award Winning" website for Maiden Lodge No. 592 was created by Joseph
"Jody" Stouffer
who has recently moved from Maiden to the Raleigh area. We want to thank
Brother Jody for his hard work and creativity in the first Website for Maiden
Lodge No. 592. We wish Jody and his wife well in their new careers and hope
he will continue to visit his home lodge whenever time allows.
In Memory:
This new Website for Maiden Lodge No. 592 is dedicated to the memory of Darin
Lee Poovey, Master of Maiden Lodge No. 592 in 2003. We encourage all members
of Maiden Lodge, members of the 34th Masonic District of NC, and friends of Darin
and the Poovey family to
continue to contribute to the College Trust Fund for Dracen and Devin Poovey.
The original Website for Maiden Lodge No. 592 was dedicated to the memory of
Joseph K. Stouffer (April 9, 1940 - May 28, 2001). Brother Stouffer was a
member and past secretary of Hagerstown Lodge #217 A.F. & A.M., Hagerstown,
Maryland and the Father of Jody Stouffer a member of Maiden No. 592, Webmaster for
their first Masonic Website .
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