Welcome to a collection of articles on
Esoteric Freemasonry.
The articles I have selected below are
either written about the more speculative, philosophic or occult elements of
Freemasonry, or are articles written by or about Freemasons who were also involved in
other, more overtly, occult societies such as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
Is Freemasonry itself an occult society? As a practising occultist and Freemason it is my
considered opinion that Freemasonry is not. Freemasonry,
while it is "veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols", does not teach the
skills necessary for operative magic and its genuinely occult symbolic framework is too
sparse and disjointed to provide for any sound structure for learning or disseminating
occult principles. At best Freemasonry
provides a place where people who have an interest in symbolism and associated speculation
can meet, at worst (esoterically speaking) it is little more than a gentlemans club I shortly intend to write an essay on this
Anyway here are some articles on Esoteric
Freemasonry, which I hope you will find enlightening (or at least interesting).
Important Note: For
readers unfamiliar with the structure of Freemasonry I must emphise that all articles on
this page (and in fact all articles that are not published by a Grand Lodge as a Grand
Lodge declaration) are the opinions of the author. Freemasonry is governed by fully
independent Grand Lodges at state or national level and there is no universally accepted
UPDATE Due to a variety of reason, I have not been able to update
this page for the best part of a year, however over the next couple of weeks I intend to
do some significant working, and reworking, on the page. Please bear with me. (15 Feb,
UPDATE Well, more time has passed and nothing
has been added. This is in part due to work and study committments, and in part due
to a hard drive failure, which resulted in the losing of much material. Soon new
articles will be appearing
A word regarding copyright. I am operating under New Zealand law as
regards to copyright. In short NZ 'fair use' law allows the publication of the
follow material under the following conditions:
I am not making a profit from the distribution.
That I acknowledge the author and source of the material.
That the material is not in 'public domain'.
I add this disclaimer because of copyright issues being raised with me.
(12 April 2001)

What is 'Esoteric Freemasonry'? |
WRvL |
Links |
Enlightenment from Ritual |
Giuliano Di Bernardo |
Silence, Symbols and Secrets of
Freemasonry |
Jacques Huyghebaert |
The Higher Degrees |
J.S.M. Ward |
Verbo Mirifico: Johannes Reuchlin and
the Royal Arch |
P.G. Maxwell Stuart |
Freemasonry and the Hermetic Tradition |
R.A. Gilbert |
Symbolism of the Lodge |
Norman Senn |
The Higher Degrees (II) |
Jacques Huyghebaert |
4/5/0 |
Occultism of the Bible and the Kabbalah |
Rabbi H. Geffen |
4/5/0 |
Emblematic Freemasonry |
A.E. Waite |
16/6/0 |

This page was last updated on 11/06/12.
Commenced labour April 10 2000
hits since I've been using Site Meter