To contact us;
Call our Lodge - 352-787-5696
or write to us at;
Leesburg Masonic Lodge
No. 58 F & AM
200 Richey Road
Leesburg, Florida 34748
Or e-mail the Lodge
secretary at: w8im@embarqmail.com
You can also contact our
Lodge coordinator for this website and our Trestle Board at
Your Blue Lodge'
It is
where all other Masonic Bodies begin !!!!
Welcome to the website of Leesburg Masonic Lodge No. 58 Free & Accepted
Masons of Florida. As you will be able to tell as you navigate this
site it is still “Under Construction.”
Leesburg Lodge is located in Central
Florida in the City of Leesburg (Lake County) Florida halfway
between Orlando to the south and Ocala to the north, halfway between
Daytona to the east and Tampa to the west. Leesburg is known as “The
Lakefront City” as we are adjacent to the Harris Chain of Lakes.
Leesburg Lodge No. 58 Free & Accepted Masons received its Charter from the Most
Worshipful Grand Lodge of Florida in 1868 and has been an active
lodge since then. Currently we have over 300 members and meet twice
a month year round. Stated Communications Meetings are held on first
and third Tuesdays of each month at 7:30 p.m.
We recognize that throughout the year we will be faced with
challenges that Masons working together can overcome for the
continued growth, benefit and future of Masonry within our Lodge,
within our County and within the State of Florida.
Where do our new members come from? It can be said from within our
local communities. But, it can also be said that they come from us,
the members who display the examples of a Masonic lifestyle for all
to see. We encourage and accept new members who are desirous of
learning the Art of our Craft, seek the bonds of fraternal
fellowship and who will participate with us in all that Masonry is
and has to offer.
The rituals and ceremonies of Masonry are truly beautiful and
enjoyable to experience and observe when preformed correctly. We
work hard to make them that. We also share the privilege of joining
with our Brother Lodges in exemplifying the Degrees of Masonry
whenever possible.
Masonry has a spirit of dedication to a common goal, devotion to a
cause that unites us as a group, exhibited by enthusiasm,
confidence, cheerfulness, discipline, respect to each other and a
willingness to perform collectively.
Wither you’re a member or a guest, this is your, mine, OUR Lodge.
Let us all commit ourselves to the beliefs and the
furtherance of the good works of Masonry.
You are invited to our Tuesday morning breakfasts and monthly Second
Sunday Dinner, come meet us and enjoy the fellowship.
Again, thanks for visiting and “Stop Back Often” to find out the
latest happenings.
"Randy" Jesmok
Worshipful Master
For more information just click on a topic link to the left.