For 40
years after the Second World War, Freemasonry was over-protective
of its privacy. There was also a policy of not talking to
the media or correcting any factual errors which appeared
there. As a result, many people developed strange perceptions
of what Freemasonry is and what Freemasons do. Since 1984,
Freemasonry in England has returned to being open in order
to dispel the many myths that have grown over the years. These
days, Freemasons are encourage to talk about Freemasonry to
their families, friends and colleagues. Spokesman are available
and have been interviewed many times on television, radio
and in the press. Anyone can come and look round Freemasons'
Hall in London and many other Masonic meeting places around
the country have public open days.
What is Freemasonry ?
Freemasonry is one of the world's oldest fraternal societies.
The lessons Freemasonry teaches in its ceremonies are to do
with moral values (governing relations between people) and
its acknowledgement, without in any way crossing the boundaries
of religion, that everything depends on the providence of
God. Freemasons feel that these lessons apply just as much
today as they did when it took its modern form at the turn
of the 17th century. Despite what many people claim, Freemasonry
is not in any way a secret society. Freemasonry's so-called
secrets are solely used as a ceremonial way of demonstrating
that one is a Freemason when in Lodge meetings. In any case,
they have been exposed by the media for almost as long as
Freemasonry has existed and are not important information
anyway. The real point of a Freemason promising not to reveal
them is basically a dramatic way of promising to keep one's
promises in general. Other reasons why Freemasonry cannot
be called a secret society are that Freemasons do not promise
to keep their membership secret (they can tell anyone they
wish), where and when Freemasons meet are matters of public
record (you can look up masonic centres in telephone directories)
and our rule book, the Book of Constitutions and our aims
are readily available to anyone. It is ironic that because
Freemasons used to be reticent about their membership (because
they were and still are taught never to use it to advance
their own interests), critics have taken this the wrong way
round and think that there is something secretive and nasty
going on. Nothing could be further from the truth. Masonic
ceremonies are secular morality plays which are learned by
heart by members of the lodge for the benefit of the person
who is becoming a Freemason or who wishes to explore Freemasonry
further. Each ceremony has a message for the candidate. A
further reason why Freemasons do not go around broadcasting
their contents is simply because it would spoil it for the
candidate - exactly as in the same way you would not tell
someone the ending of a book or a film. Under the English
Constitution, basic Freemasonry is divided into two parts,
called the Craft and the Royal Arch [o Royal Arch].
For Freemasons
who really want to explore the subject in more depth there
is a host of other ceremonies, which, for historical reasons,
are not administered by the United Grand Lodge of England.
All English Freemasons experience the three Craft (or basic)
ceremonies unless they drop out from Freemasonry very early
on. These three ceremonies (or degrees as we call them) look
at the relations between people, man's natural equality and
his dependence on others, the importance of education and
the rewards of labour, fidelity to a promise, contemplation
of inevitable death, and one's duty to others. A fourth ceremony
- the Royal Arch emphasises man's dependence on God. Although
all Freemasons are required to profess and continue in a belief
in a Supreme Being, and their ceremonies include prayers,
Freemasonry is not in any way a substitute for religion. It
has and can have no theological doctrines, it offers no sacraments,
and it does not claim to lead to salvation. By having prayers
at its meetings Freemasonry is no more in competition with
religion than, say, having a meal at which grace is said.
Furthermore, Freemasons are not allowed to discuss religion
at meetings. English Freemasonry is also strictly non-political
and the discussion of politics at masonic meetings is expressly
forbidden. These rules both stem from Freemasonry's aims to
encourage its members to discover what people from all different
backgrounds have in common. As is all too well known, debate
about religion and politics has all too often led, when allowed
to run riot, to discrimination, persecution and war. A Freemason
is thus basically encouraged to do his duty first to his God
(by whatever name he is known) through his faith and religious
practice, and then, without detriment to his family and those
dependent on him, to his neighbour through charity and service.
None of these ideas is exclusive to Freemasonry, but all should
be universally acceptable and Freemasons are expected to follow
The Ceremonies
Masonic ceremonies are a means to an end. In Freemasonry the
ceremony (or ritual as it is often known) is the means by
which the principles of Freemasonry are passed on to the candidate
in a dramatic way. Even though prayers are used at certain
points, the ritual is quite categorically not a religious
ceremony. It is merely a formalised set of dramas used to
introduce new members into Freemasonry and explain to them
what it is they are joining and what will be expected of them.
Freemasons have traditionally kept the ceremonies to themselves
for a very simple reason. If someone wishing to become a Freemason
knew how the stories went it would ruin the effect, much as
in the same way as being told the end of a book or a film
ruins them. Freemasons do not make some dreadful oath not
to reveal anything they do in lodge meetings. So why use ritual?
There are two reasons. First, by using formalised ceremonies
everyone enters Freemasonry on an equal basis and shares the
same experience, whatever their position or status outside
the Craft may be. Secondly, by continuing to use ceremonies
which incorporate drama, allegory and symbolism, the principles
of Freemasonry are very forcibly impressed upon the candidate's
mind. The origins of the ritual, like the origins of Freemasonry
itself, have not yet been discovered. Other than that they
had a 'mason word' we have no idea what ceremonies were used
in Scottish operative lodges. The earliest evidence we have
comes from two sources: a set of over one hundred versions
of a document now known as the Old Charges and Dr Robert Plot's
Natural History of Staffordshire. Although the versions of
the Old Charges differ in detail they conform to a pattern.
This is largely a legendary history of the mason craft followed
by a set of rules (or 'charges') by which they were to conduct
themselves both at work and in life in general. The various
versions dating from the second half of the 1600s give an
inkling of ritual practice. An obligation was taken, on the
Bible, to preserve the mysteries of the Craft; the mason word
and sign were communicated; the charges were read, telling
the new mason of his duty to God, his master and his fellow
man; and the legendary history was read. Dr Plot adds one
or two minor details including the wearing of aprons and the
presentation to the candidate of two sets of white gloves,
one for himself and one for his wife. It is not until 1690
that we get evidence of ritual content with the Edinburgh
Register House manuscript - a set of questions and answers
describing a simple ceremony and the signs.
From 1690
to 1729 a number of manuscript and printed questions and answers
of varying states of completeness have survived. These show
a simple two-degree system (Entered Apprentice and Fellow
Craft), the taking of an obligation on the Bible (sometimes
including a physical penalty), the communication of signs
and words for each degree and a very simple symbolism based
upon stonemasons' tools. The earliest reference to a third
degree, so far discovered, comes in 1725 but it is not until
1730 that we have any idea of its content. In that year Samuel
Prichard published his exposure Masonry Dissected. This shows
a system of three separate degrees - Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft
and Master Mason - each with its own sign and word but with
only an obligation in the first degree. The ceremonies were
in two parts: the communicating of the sign and word, in each
case followed by a short set of questions and answers in which
the ceremony and the purpose of the degree is explained, again
using simple symbolism based on the stone masons tools. From
the 1770s onwards the lectures based on questions and answers
began to be expanded, incorporating symbolical explanations
of the way the candidate was prepared for each degree. They
also included additional stonemasons tools to illustrate virtues
expected to be practised by Freemasons and symbolical explanations
of the furniture of the Lodge room and the regalia worn by
the members. Under the rival Grand Lodges in England see How
Freemasonry started there had been differences in the way
of carrying out the ceremonies in lodges. When the two Grand
Lodges united in 1813, a Lodge of Reconciliation was set up
to produce a standard form of ritual to be used by all lodges.
The Lodge of Reconciliation spent two years deliberating and
in 1816 its recommendations were accepted by Grand Lodge and
ordered to be adopted by every lodge. In essence the Lodge
of Reconciliation expanded the simple 18th century ceremonies
by incorporating material from the lectures, which gradually
dropped out of use, except in the Emulation Lodge of Improvement.
As Grand Lodge refused to allow the new ritual to be printed
or circulated in manuscript, arranging instead for it to be
demonstrated and passed on by word of mouth, the aim of producing
a standard working to be carried out in every lodge was never
in fact achieved. The methods of promulgation of the new system
together with a refusal to give up idiosyncratic local differences
has led to a wide variety of workings being practised in English
lodges. The basic framework of the ceremonies is the same
but there are differences of wording and of the manner of
carrying out the ceremonies and in some workings there are
additional or extended charges and lectures. The ritual for
each of the three Craft degrees today falls into two parts.
The first
is a rather dramatic play in which the candidate is introduced,
demonstrates his qualifications for the degree, takes his
obligation, and has the signs and words communicated and explained
to him. The second part of each ceremony is a formal charge
or lecture in which the purpose of the degree and a Freemasons'
duties are explained. The Charge to the Initiate is possibly
one of the most succinct explanations in the English language
of how to live a good and useful life. The ritual is not set
in tablets of stone and has changed and developed over the
nearly three hundred years for which evidence exists. A comparison
of the earliest simple sets of questions and answers with
the ceremonies of today shows how extensive the development
has been. Sometimes the changes have been imperceptible, while
at others they have been highly publicised. Although changes
have occurred they have not altered the basic nature of the
Craft. One of the major changes, which began imperceptibly,
had been the de-christianising of the ritual. In the early
days much of the simple symbolism used could have given a
distinctly trinitarian christian explanation and the two Saints
John (the Baptist and the Evangelist) were claimed as patrons
of the order. In the 18th century, as non-christians began
to seek admission, the christian references began to be softened
and then gradually removed, so that men of different faiths
could meet in amity. The process was completed by the Lodge
of Reconciliation in 1814-1816, resulting in the Craft becoming
truly universal and able to accommodate anyone with a belief
in a supreme being, however he expressed that belief. In the
firm belief that the ritual is self-explanatory, Grand Lodge
has always refused to issue handbooks further explaining the
meaning of and symbolism in the three Craft degrees. Enthusiastic
masonic writers, however, have produced books in which they
have given personal, and often very idiosyncratic, interpretations
of the ritual. In some cases the religious gloss writers have
put upon the ritual is deeply offensive to the great majority
of Freemasons. It cannot be too highly stressed that these
interpretations are entirely personal to their authors and
neither have the sanction of Grand Lodge nor do they reflect
either Grand Lodge's views or those of the Craft in general.
How Freemasonry Started
In the ceremonies Freemasons are told that Freemasonry was
in existence when King Solomon built the Temple at Jerusalem
and that the masons who built the Temple were organised into
Lodges. Freemasons are also told that King Solomon, King Hiram
of Tyre and Hiram Abif ruled over those lodges as equal Grand
Masters. The ceremonies, however, are built up of allegory
and symbolism and the stories they weave around the building
of the Temple are obviously not literal or historical facts
but a dramatic means of explaining the principles of Freemasonry.
Freemasonry neither originated nor existed in Solomon's time.
Many well-meaning but misguided historians, both Masons and
non-Masons, have tried to prove that Freemasonry was a lineal
descendant or a modern version of the mysteries of classical
Greece and Rome or derived from the religion of the Egyptian
pyramid builders. Other theories reckon that Freemasonry sprang
from bands of travelling stonemasons acting by Papal authority.
Others still are convinced that Freemasonry evolved from a
band of Knights Templar who escaped to Scotland after the
order was persecuted in Europe. Some historians have even
claimed that Freemasonry derives in some way from the shadowy
and mysterious Rosicrucian Brotherhood which may or may not
have existed in Europe in the early 1600s. All of these theories
have been looked at time and again but no hard evidence has
yet been found to give any of them credibility. The honest
answers to the questions when, where and why Freemasonry originated
are that we simply do not know. Early evidence for Freemasonry
is very meagre and not enough has yet been discovered - if
indeed it even exists - to prove any theory. The general agreement
amongst serious masonic historians and researchers is that
Freemasonry has arisen, either directly or indirectly, from
the medieval stonemasons (or operative masons) who built great
cathedrals and castles. Those who favour the direct descent
from operative masonry say there were three stages to the
evolution of Freemasonry.
The stonemasons
gathered in huts (lodges) to rest and eat. These lodges gradually
became not the hut but the grouping together of stonemasons
to regulate their craft. In time, and in common with other
trades, they developed primitive initiation ceremonies for
new apprentices. As stonemasons could easily travel all over
the country from one building site to another, and as there
were also no trade union cards or certificates of apprenticeship
they began to adopt a private word which a travelling stonemason
could use when he arrived at a new site, to prove that he
was properly trained and had been a member of a lodge. It
was, after all, easier to communicate a special word to prove
that you knew what you were doing and were entitled to the
wages it deserved that to spend hours carving a block of stone
to demonstrate your skills. We know that in the early 1600s
these operative lodges began to admit men who had no connection
with the trade - accepted or 'gentlemen' masons. Why this
was done and what form of ceremony was used is not known.
As the 1600s drew to a close more and more gentlemen began
to join the lodges, gradually taking them over and turning
them into lodges of free and accepted or speculative masons,
no longer having any connection with the stonemasons' craft.
The only problem with this theory is that it is based solely
on evidence from Scotland. There is ample evidence of Scottish
operative lodges, geographically defined units with the backing
of statute law to control what was termed 'the mason trade'.
There is also plenty of evidence that these lodges began to
admit gentlemen as accepted masons, but no evidence so far
that these accepted members were other than honorary masons,
or that they in any way altered the nature of the operative
lodges. No evidence has come to light, after more than a hundred
years of searching building archives, for a similar development
in England. Medieval building records have references to mason's
lodges but after 1400, apart from masons' guilds in some towns,
there is no evidence for operative lodges. Yet it is in England
that the first evidence of a lodge completely made up of non-operative
masons is found. Elias Ashmole, the Antiquary and Founder
of the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford, records in his diary for
1646 that he was made a Free Mason in a lodge held for that
purpose at his father-in-law's house in Warrington. He records
who was present, all of whom have been researched and have
been found to have no connection with operative masonry.
English evidence through the 1600s points to Freemasonry existing
apart from any actual or supposed organisation of operative
stonemasons. This total lack of evidence for the existence
of operative Lodges but evidence of 'accepted' masons has
led to the theory of an indirect link between operative stonemasonry
and Freemasonry. Those who support the indirect link argue
that Freemasonry was brought into being by a group of men
in the late 1500s or early 1600s. This was a period of great
religious and political turmoil and intolerance. Men were
unable to meet together without differences of political and
religious opinion leading to arguments. Families were split
by opposing views and the English civil war of 1642-6 was
the ultimate outcome. Those who support the indirect link
believe that the originators of Freemasonry were men who wished
to promote tolerance and build a better world in which men
of differing opinions could peacefully co-exist and work together
for the betterment of mankind. In the custom of their times
they used allegory and symbolism to pass on their ideas. As
their central idea was one of building a better society they
borrowed their forms and symbols from the operative builders'
craft and took their central allegory from the Bible, the
common source book known to all, in which the only building
described in any detail is King Solomon's Temple. Stonemasons'
tools also provided them with a multiplicity of emblems to
illustrate the principles they were putting forward. A newer
theory places the origin of Freemasonry within a charitable
framework. In the 1600s there was no welfare state, anyone
falling ill or becoming disabled had to rely on friends and
the Poor Law for support. In the 1600s many trades had what
have become known as box clubs. These grew out of the convivial
gatherings of members of a particular trade during meetings
of which all present would put money into a communal box,
knowing that if they fell on hard times they could apply for
relief from the box. From surviving evidence these box clubs
are known to have begun to admit members not of their trade
and to have had many of the characteristics of early masonic
lodges. They met in taverns, had simple initiation ceremonies
and pass-words and practised charity on a local scale. Perhaps
Freemasonry had its origins in just such a box club for operative
it is not yet possible to say when, why or where Freemasonry
originated it is known where and when "organised" Freemasonry
began. On 24 June 1717 four London lodges came together at
the Goose and Gridiron Ale House in St Paul's Churchyard,
formed themselves into a Grand Lodge and elected a Grand Master
(Anthony Sayer) and Grand Wardens. For the first few years
the Grand Lodge was simply an annual feast at which the Grand
Master and Wardens were elected, but in 1721 other meetings
began to be held and the Grand Lodge began to be a regulatory
body. By 1730 it had more than one hundred lodges under its
control (including one in Spain and one in India), had published
a Book of Constitutions, began to operate a central charity
fund, and had attracted a wide spectrum of society into its
lodges. In 1751 a rival Grand Lodge appeared, made up of Freemasons
of mainly Irish extraction who had been unable to join lodges
in London. Its founders claimed that the original Grand Lodge
had departed from the established customs of the Craft and
that they intended practising Freemasonry 'according to the
Old Institutions'. Confusingly they called themselves the
Grand Lodge of Antients and dubbed their senior rival 'Moderns'.
The two
rivals existed side by side, both at home and abroad, for
63 years, neither regarding the other as regular or each other's
members as regularly made Freemasons. Attempts at a union
of the two rivals began in the late 1790s but it was not until
1809 that negotiating committees were set up. They moved slowly
and it was not until His Royal Highness Augustus Frederick,
Duke of Sussex became Grand Master of the Premier Grand Lodge
and his brother, His Royal Highness Edward, Duke of Kent,
became Grand Master of the Antients Grand Lodge, both in 1813,
that serious steps were taken. In little more than six weeks
the two brothers had formulated and gained agreement to the
Articles of Union between the two Grand Lodges and arranged
the great ceremony by which the United Grand Lodge of England
came into being on 27 December 1813. The formation of the
premier Grand Lodge in 1717 had been followed, around 1725,
by the Grand Lodge of Ireland and, in 1736, the Grand Lodge
of Scotland. These three Grand Lodges, together with Antients
Grand Lodge, did much to spread Freemasonry throughout the
world, to the extent that all regular Grand Lodges throughout
the world, whatever the immediate means of their formation,
ultimately trace their origins back to one, or a combination,
of the Grand Lodges within the British Isles.
Text taken from the United
Grand Lodge of England website