J.J. Crowder Masonic Lodge AF&AM, No.743
9920 Falls of
Raleigh, N C 27615
JJ Crowder |
JJ Crowder Masonic Lodge |
JJ Crowder Lodge Charter |
The mission of Freemasonry at the JJ Crowder Masonic Lodge AF&AM, 743 is to increase the moral, social, intellectual, and spiritual conscience of society by teaching the ancient and enduring philosophical tenets of Brotherly Love, Charity, and Truth. The most important of these tenets is charity. These tenets are expressed outwardly through service to God, family, country, and self under the Fatherhood of God within the Brotherhood of Man. That the brethren become filled with the fortitude of Freemasonry, believe and understand its purposes and ideals.
Basic Understanding of Freemasonry
is the oldest and largest fraternity known. In 17th and 18th century
Freemasonry teaches the universal principle of unselfish
friendship and promotes those moral precepts, which are in keeping with all
great faiths. The following, though not exclusive, is considered basic: One God
created mankind; This God is the author of all life; God's existence is
revealed to man through faith and the Book of Holy Scriptures; The Book of Holy
Scriptures is the Ultimate Authority or Great Light in Freemasonry; The soul of
man is immortal; Man's commitment to Divine Providence determines his destiny;
Man's reverence for God is best exemplified by his actions toward his fellow
man; Considering the universality of freemasonry, its teachings cannot be
defined in any single statement or established profile. The following is
considered to be representative of its fundamental precepts: Man's first duty
is to love and revere God, implore his aid in all laudable undertakings, and
seek his guidance through prayer, embrace and practice the tenets of religion,
extend charity and sympathy to all mankind, shield and support the widow and
orphan, defend virtue, respect the aged, honor the bonds of friendship, protect
the hopeless, lift up the oppressed, comfort the downcast, restore dignity to
the rejected, respect the laws of government, promote morality, and add to the
common stock of knowledge and understanding. The heart of Freemasonry is the
heart of its members.
The making of a Freemason is a continued course of
education, training and character forming or symbolically known as the
search for more light. It is also an innermost desire, followed by obligations,
that makes one a member of the Craft, yet in a truer sense, a man is not a
Freemason unless he lives up to his obligations. The philosophy of Freemasonry,
when discovered and then accepted and practiced, provides simple but profound
solutions to the problems of human relationships. The man who has been raised
to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason must understand that there is nothing
higher and nothing superior to him in Masonry. When he has become a Master
Mason, he has become as much a Mason as he will ever be. Thus, the man who has
received the three degrees in the Symbolic Lodge or Blue Lodge is a Master
Mason. The Master Mason Degree is the climax of Freemasonry. Thus, it is the
sublime degree, and is supreme and unexcelled. From the Symbolic Lodge or Blue
Lodge, one may join other Masonic groups such as the York Rite and the Scottish
Rite. These are sometimes called higher degrees. They
are higher only in the sense that they have higher numbers and that some of them
are prerequisite for others. However, there is nothing higher and nothing
superior to the degree of Master Mason. There are certain other organizations,
the best known of which are perhaps the Shrine and the Grotto, which are not
Masonic bodies, but organizations which require Masonic membership as a
prerequisite for joining them. These organizations, in other words, draw their
membership exclusively from the Masonic Fraternity, but they are not a part of
Freemasonry is not a religion even though it is religious in
character. It does not pretend to take the place of religion nor serve as a
substitute for the religious beliefs of its Members. Freemasonry accepts men,
found to be worthy, regardless of religious convictions. An essential
requirement is a belief in the existence of a Supreme Being. Freemasonry is not
an insurance or beneficial society. It is not organized for profit. However,
the charity and services rendered are beyond measure. It teaches the Golden
Rule. It seeks to make good men better through its firm belief in the
Fatherhood of God, the Brotherhood of Man and the Immortality of the Soul. The
tenets of Freemasonry are ethical principles that are acceptable to all good
men. It teaches tolerance toward all mankind. It is known throughout the world,
it consists of men bound together by bonds of Brotherly Love and Affection. It
dictates to no man as to his beliefs, either religious or secular. It seeks no
advantage for its Members through business or politics. Freemasonry is not a
forum for discussions on partisan affairs. We assemble for work and fellowship
and to learn to love and cherish one another. By so doing, we bring light out
of darkness, beauty out of drabness, exaltation out of despair, to the end that
every Brother's life may become more radiant and meaningful.
To surmise, no man can live according to the principles and
teachings of Ancient Craft Masonry and do anything, knowingly and willingly,
that is contrary to moral and upright principles. Freemasonry frowns on every
wrongful act and admonishes the right actions between each of us and the world
at large. Freemasonry is and should always be a guide to our actions.
Freemasonry is kindness in the home, honesty in business, courtesy in society,
fairness in work, pity and concern for the unfortunate, resistance toward evil,
help for the weak, forgiveness for the penitent, love for one another and,
above all, reverence and love for God. Freemasonry is many things but, most of
Freemasonry is a
way of life…..
Good summary of Masonic belief 2nd Peter 1:5-7
(NIV) |
Freemasonry doesn’t tell men what they are supposed to believe, rather the fraternity attracts men who already adhere to a set of beliefs about the nature of God, their relationship with him, and the moral conduct their God requires. |
(We hope you enjoy these pages about
Freemasonry) |
If you are interested in membership or just have a question email
us at JJ Crowder Masonic Lodge AF&AM, No. 743 |
on the animated graphic to e-mail the Lodge) |
We at JJ Crowder are always looking to make our Lodge
and all the brethren of Freemasonry better men. We hope our web page helps in some manner, to make
Freemasons better men. Any suggestions, comments or constructive criticism
would be of great help to us to keep that standard going. Please take the time and submit anything you wish to share with us. |
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page or any of its contents please contact the Webmaster of this site. To the
webmasters knowledge there is no copyright infringements on any of the images
in this site. Please feel free to use what you can. The Webmaster is a
freemason and believes strongly in its purposes. Peace be
with you all.
This site is intended to further ones
study in freemasonry.
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