Message from the East
May 2000
In OUR every day life the two cardinal virtues of prudence and fortitude are associated in our thoughts and actions. In so many ways they move together when we are called upon to make decisions which could be right or wrong, resulting in good or ill, and where the courage of our convictions has to be vindicated. From early times, prudence has been deemed a great virtue. The ancient Greeks believed that the prudent men were the best citizens. They looked upon them as men who were not deceived by worldly show but who concerned themselves with realities which were related to unalterable moral principles. They thought prudence in human character was best exemplified in a spirit of self-sacrifice. Not in an unrestrained giving away of possessions so as to be able to devote time to thought and meditation, but in using leisure hours to learn and acquire wisdom, while at the same time to teach the ignorant, befriend the needy, comfort the sick and relieve the oppressed.
Plato and Aristotle were of the same mind---that prudence meant love of truth and realty; in living for the eternal things, and goodness of the inner life. Plato believed that an ever greater evil than having to suffer infamy, torture, and even death for the sake of justice, was to live in luxury on injustice. Aristotle considered that a man should exercise prudence in all things. The ancient sages thought that prudence meant love of truth and real things. To live prudently is not merely a matter of living discreetly, sagaciously, or worldly wise. It means more than that. It means living your life in keeping with moral and spiritual truth, neither deviating to the right or left from the path of virtue, and to be temperate and just in all your actions. The four cardinal virtues are inseparable. Prudence is not confined simply to taking precautions to prevent the possibility of making or falling into errors, it embraces the wider view also of taking care to ensure that you do everything necessary to maintain true relationships with your fellow men; to see that you discharge in a proper manner all the responsibilities that devolve upon you, and only those things which are right and true.
In this wider sense prudence and fortitude move together, for to do what is right at all times requires strength of character, as the right way may be hard and difficult, may call for self-sacrifice, self-denial or the subjugation of personal desires and ambitions which might infringe on moral truth and justice, for there is little doubt but that we all, at some time or other in our lives, have to face the questions as to whether our contemplated action is right or wrong, and when the exercise of prudence and fortitude becomes necessary. The answer to the question is not what is best for yourself, or even for the other party, but rather what is best for goodness and truth in the eternal view of things. That is where the virtue of prudence enters into the matter and guides the answer as to what to do, and the goodness within you that prompts the reply will also find the fortitude wherewith to put it into effect. Let prudence, therefore, direct you in all your thoughts, fortitude support you, and truth and justice be the guide of all your actions.
Think this over: if each of the nearly 3,500,000 Masons in America should carry into the world of politics, economics, and citizenship the principles and usages he recognizes and conforms to in the lodge, Masonry could do more than all other combined influences to convert our country into an ideal republic where justice, equity and fraternity would replace ignorance, vice, poverty, bitterness and strife. Life lived just to satisfy yourself never satisfies anybody.
Thank you again brothers for making the effort and coming down to the IHS facility on April the 11th to feed the destitute. You are real life heroes. This humble gesture displayed a worthy example of hands-on-masonry by assisting the community's most unfortunate individuals. As we are taught the important lesson in our initiation should we ever meet a friend in as destitute a condition as that in which we can all possibly be in, it will be our duty as citizens to relieve him or her so far as we can do so. My brother Masons, your leadership in community service is contagious. Soon we will be joined in our ranks by the men who share in our beliefs. I am proud to be the Worshipful Master of a lodge with men who are true champions tempered with prudence and fortitude.
Congratulations and welcome to the Fraternity to our new brothers Tim Grant, Alan Lewis and Paul Perris. Thank you to brother Albert Start PM who honored us with his visit and fraternal greetings from the Lodge of Faith of Essex England. Also, a warm aloha and welcome to Honolulu, Hawaii to brother Dr. Kuldip S. Bhogal who has recently moved here from the United Kingdom. Please make Honolulu Lodge your lodge when you are away from home.
Lodge upcoming special events:
On May 2nd we will have our stated meeting and Worshipful Warren Stremming will present a 50 year pin to Ralph Johnson Voigt Over Seas Lodge # 40 Rhode Island.
On May 3rd we will visit Hawaiian Lodge at 7:30pm to present the Worshipful James Monsarrat's Past Masters Jewel on behalf of Honolulu Lodge. Please note: Worshipful James Monsarrat was the Master of Hawaiian Lodge in 1886 to 1887. This is an open ceremony and a historic event so bring your wife or lady friend.
On May 6th we will have a rededication ceremony at the Sand Island Coast Guard Station at 9:30 am to 12:00pm. There will be aprons for the brethren and the Lodge officers are expected to wear their aprons and jewels.
On May 12th at 4:00pm we will join with Hawaiian Lodge to present the teacher awards at the Blanche Pope Elementary School located at 41-133 Huli Street in Waimanalo.
On May 15th there will be a 3rd degree school of instruction at Makiki Temple at 6:30pm.
On May 26th we will visit to the Shriners Hospitals for Children. The topic for the children is the "Pacific Rim and Voyaging Canoes". We have contracted the Lanakila Rehabilitation Center to make toy wooden models of outriggers sailing canoes as gifts for the children. The children are presently making a map of the Pacific Ocean with cardboard cut-outs representing the islands and countries that they come from. Nainoa Thompson from the Polynesian Voyaging Canoe Society will be our guest speaker. We plan to have a mini-luau and refreshments.
On May 30th we will have a 2nd degree and welcome our seafaring brothers from the USS Abraham Lincoln.
Respectfully submitted,
George Theofanis
Worshipful Master