Aloha and welcome to the web site
of Honolulu Lodge Free and Accepted Masons. I am very proud of our site
and it has helped Masons from all over the world find our lodge on the
internet. Because Honolulu is a popular tourist destination, it has
also assisted our brethren in contacting Masons in Hawaii prior to their
trip. This has given our lodge the opportunity to meet brethren from
every corner of the planet and assist them in attending lodge while
on vacation. It has also allowed us to learn about Masonry in other
states and countries and the differences in ritual work. It has also
allowed us to appreciate that although there are differences we truly
are brethren of the same craft and we feel very privileged to have met
these brethren. Honolulu Lodge prides itself on being the most international
of lodges in Hawaii. We have active brethren from France, Bosnia, Spain,
and other countries in Europe. We also have many brethren who are active
duty military, especially the U.S. Navy. We are proud of their service
to the United States. As these brethren have been deployed or transferred
to a different duty station, many of them proudly keep their membership
in our lodge.
Honolulu Lodge as you will be able
to tell from our pictures, is a very active Lodge. We meet every Tuesday
night at 7 p.m. and rarely go dark. The first Tuesday of every month
is our stated business meeting, which starts at 7:30 p.m. We have dinner
first at about 6:15 p.m. Chances are there will be degree work for a
candidate going on during your visit. We are also active in the community,
marching in the Martin Luther King Jr. parade with Prince Hall Masons,
performing community service work, and recreating the Boston Tea Party
every September for Constitutional Observance.
the web site and please contact either myself using the e-mail address
under lodge Ambassador or clicking on my name below or Worshipful
Monty Glover, Secretary of the lodge. Aloha and may the Great Architect
of the Universe be with you.
Frank M. Condello, II
Worshipful Master