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On April 8, 1843, M. LeTellier, Captain of the Whaling bark Ajax, acting under a legal commission to do so, did so regularly congregate and constitute a group of eleven Sojourning Master Masons as Lodge Le Progres de I'Oceanic under the Supreme Council of France A.A.S.R.
Captain LeTellier working through his one interpreter Brother inspired his English and German speaking Brothers to accept a French dispensation, and apply for a French Charter which was finally issued on July 24, 1850.
In 1852, another group of Masons founded Hawaiian Lodge No. 21 under the Grand Lodge of California. On the ninth day of April 1895, a group of Masons gathered together at the home of Clinton B. Ripley to discuss the formation of a new lodge in Honolulu. Brother Henry E, Cooper, the Junior Past Master of Hawaiian Lodge, spearheaded, engineered, organized, and obtained the proper documentation needed to institute a new lodge and laid the cornerstone to erect the new lodge. Pacific Lodge No. 822 was chartered by the Grand Lodge of Scotland through the District Grand Lodge of Queensland.
In 1910, this Lodge transferred to the Grand Lodge of California and became known as Honolulu Lodge No. 409. On May 20, 1989 the Grand Lodge of Hawaii was founded.
Presently all lodges in the Hawaiian Islands are under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Hawaii.
The Lodges of the Hawaiian Islands are the only lodges in the American jurisdiction which has Hawaiian Freemasons of Royal Lineage of the Kingdom of Hawaii and Royal Past Masters.
Alexander Liholiho - Kamehameha IV
Past Master of Lodge Le Progres de I'Oceanie -1859, 1861 and 1862
David Kalakaua Rex
Past Master of Lodge Le Progres de I'Oceanie -1876
Lot Kamehameha - Kamehameha V - 1854
Prince William Pitt Leleiohoko - 1874
Prince David Kawananakoa - 1900