Jaques De Molay and the Shroud of Turin, page 2
The deception of the Shroud of Turin, page 2

Jesus on Mt Carmel

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The Shocker the Church doesn't want you to find out

If you have come this far, perhaps you have seen there is a path to the 'Light'. You have read many things that discredit the words of so-called Christian ( Cannonized ) writers. Because this has not stopped you from continuing as it does many who come here, there is more to this story. What you are about to read contridicts just about everything you've ever heard or read about 'Jesus' in the King James bible. We apologize if we are about to offend anyone, but the truth is the truth no matter how you slice it. Another reason is 'out of respect for our brothers' who might be Muslims we present this contradiction to the KJB.

More about the real Jesus, More Church ( Religion ) lies

The many Islamic and Hindu historical works recording local history and legends of kings, noblemen and saints of the areas thought to be travelled by Jesus also give evidence of a Christ like man; the Koran, for example, refers to Christ as "Issar". Further east, the Kurdish tribes of Eastern Anatolia have several stories describing Christ's stay in Eastern Turkey after his resurrection. These traditional legends have been ignored by the theological community.

Haran Gawaitha describes a persecution of the People from the Madai mountain (Mt Carmel seen in the picture above), followed by a slaughter, and the escape of a remnant. From this, and other information, we can deduce that the Mandacans considered Mt Carmel (Mountain of the Madai) their true home, Southern Babylonia a place of refuge, and that Jerusalem was not their original centre.
He says The Old Testament was written by Tawus, the Peacock Angel. A rebelious and dark angel responsible for the animal slaughter cult and other teachings found in the Torah which was rejected by yeshu (Jesus).

NOTE: Like modern Mandaeans, Essene Nazoreans reject the false and unhistorical Christian "Christ figure" created by the Roman Church and propogated by modern Christianity. Unlike modern Mandaeans, however, The Order of Nazoreans Essenes accept and worship the original Yeshua and Miryai (the Essene Jesus & Mary Magdalene), as the true Nazorean Messiahs and consider them incarnations of Hibil-Yawar-Ziwa (Manda dHiia) and Simat Hiia that we talked about on 'forbidden'.

... and Haran Gawaita receiveth him and that city in which there were Nasoraeans, because there was no road for the Jewish rulers. Over them was King Ardban . And sixty thousand Nasoraeans abandoned the Sign of the Seven and entered the Median hills, a place where we were free from domination by all other races. And they built cult-huts (bimandia) and abode in the Call of the Life and in the strength of the high King of Light until they came to their end . And they loved the Lord, that is, Adonai , until in the House of Israel there was created something which was not placed in the womb of Mary, a daughter of Moses. It was hidden in her womb for nine months and bewitched her until the nine months were fulfilled and she was in labour and brought forth a messiah.

.. and he called the people to himself and spoke of his death and took away some of mysteries of the (Sacred?) Meal and abstained from the Food. And he took to himself a people and was called by the name of the False Messiah. "And he perverted them all and made them like himself who perverted words of life and changed them into darkness and even perverted those accounted as Mine". And he overturned all the rites. And he and his brother dwell on Mount Sinai, and he joineth all races to him, and perverteth and joineth to himself a people, and they are called Christians... and he shall be called Yahia-Yuhana, the prophet of Kusta , the apostle... who dwelt at the city of Jerusalem; a healer whose medicine was Water of Life, a healer that healeth. .. (evil spirits?) which go forth from Ruha and Adonai to destroy the physical body. from.. MANDAEAN HISTORY - HARAN GAWAITHA

The man on the cross we called Jesus, was not Dead. Read Isaiah 53:10 .."he will see his offspring and prolong his days and the will of the Lord will prosper in his hand. After the suffering of his soul, he will see the light of life and be satisified, by his my righteous servant will justify many,Therefore I will give him a portion amoung the great, and he will divide the spoils with the strong,"

Proof has been found that Jesus' or James' bloodlines were carried on. This proof was in the scrolls found under the temple by the Templars and it was in the writings on the walls under the temple. The Poor Knights of Christ, the Templars, found these writings in 1110 - 1116AD. But did they already Know this? The bloodlines are carried on in the Rex Deus Family.
Jesus' Family Tree More details about this are on our Death of the Disciples series. Thomas, Jesus and Mary, his Mother went to Indiato escape the proscution of Harod.

Jesus said, "that which is hidden from you will become plain to you. For there is nothing hidden that will not become manifest".

Kersten also suggests that prior to Christ's mission in the Middle East, he may have been exposed to Buddhist teachings in Egypt. After his susposed birth in Bethlehem, his family fled to Egypt to avoid Herod's persecution. Surprisingly some scholars now acknowledge that Buddhist schools probably existed in Alexandria EGYPT long before the Christian era. Hence the Nazerine teachings and the explaination of Jesus being called 'of Nazereth'.
Remember the words, "And my son cometh fourth out of Egypt".

This author says: Various other traditions with different chains of narrators, say that this verse was revealed about the people of Salman.
Ibn Faddal said: "I asked ar-Rida (a.s.) why "an-Nasārā" ( = the Christians) were given that name. He said: 'Because they were from a village called an-Nāsirah ( = Nazarath) in Syria. Maryam and `Isa settled there after they returned from Egypt.' " (Ma`āni '1-akhbār)

The author says: We shall comment on this tradition when writing on the stories of `Isa (a.s.) in Chapter 3 (The House of `Imrn) , God willing.

The same tradition says that "al-Yahd" ( = the Jews) got this name because they are descended from Yahda, son of Yab. (ibid.)see..whoever believes in Allah

"Ibn Sancala, the Christian, has written a book against Sabaeans. In that book he has attributed many ridiculous things to this Harn. For example, he describes the the Sabaeans' belief about Ibrhm (Abraham) in these words: “Ibrhm (a.s.) was removed from their community because a white spot had appeared on his foreskin, and the Sabaeans believed that a person having a white spot was unclean, and avoided mixing with such person. To remove that defect, Ibrhm cut his. foreskin, i.e. circumcised himself. Then he entered one of the temples; and lo! an idol called out to him: "O Ibrhm! you went away from us with one defect and came back with two; get out and do not ever come back to us." Ibrhm was enraged; he smashed the idols; and went out. After some time, he felt remorse for what he had done, and decided to sacrifice his son on the altar of Jupiter, as it was their custom to kill their children to please the deities. When Jupiter was convinced of the sincerity of his repentance, it sent a lamb to him to slaughter in place of his son.”

"It is generally believed that they indulge in human sacrifice, although nowadays they cannot do so openly. But so far as our own information goes, they are monotheists who believe that God is free from every defect and evil, they describe God in negative, not positive, terms; for example, they say: Allāh can­not be defined or seen, He is not unjust or oppressive. According to them, the beautiful divine names may be used for God, but only in an allegorical sense, because no divine attribute can truly describe the reality. They believe that the management of all affairs is done and controlled by the sky and the heavenly bodies; the sky and those bodies are living things having the characteristics of speech, hearing and sight.

For ex­ample, there was the temple of Ba'lbak which housed the idol of the sun; of Qirn, which was related to the moon and built in the moon's shape, like a shawl worn over head and shoulders. And there is a village nearby, Salamsn by name; it is a corruption of its original name, (Sanam Sn = the idol of the moon). Likewise, another village is called Taraz, that is, the gate of Venus. They do also claim that the Ka'bah and its idols belonged to them, and that the Meccan idol-worshippers were of the Sabaean religion. According to them the idols, Lat and `Uzza, represented Saturn and Venus. They have many prophets in their hierarchy, most of them being the Greek philosophers, for example, Hermes of Egypt, Agadhimun, Walles, Pythagoras and Babaswar (maternal grandfather of Plato) and many others like them.

More clues are drawn from the Apocrypha. These are texts said to have been written by the Apostles but which are not officially accepted by the Church. Indeed, the Church regards them as heresy since a substantial amount of the Apocrypha directly contradicts Church dogma and theology.
The Apocryphal 'Acts of Thomas', for example, tell how Christ met Thomas several times after the Crucifixion. In fact they tell us how Christ sent Thomas to teach his spirituality in India. This is corroborated by evidence found in the form of stone inscriptions at Fatehpur Sikri, near the Taj Mahal, in Northern India. They include "Agrapha", which are sayings of Christ that don't exist in the mainstream Bible. Their grammatical form is most similar to that of the Apocryphal gospel of Thomas. This is but one example giving credibility to the idea that texts not recognised by the Church hold important clues about Christ's true life and his teachings.

In tracing Christ's movements to India and beyond, Kersten also discovered that many of his teachings, which have been gradually edited out of the modern Bible were originally Eastern in nature. Principles such as karma and re-incarnation, for example, were common knowledge then, and seem to have been reaffirmed by Christ. Imagine the implications that this discovery holds for Western Christianity and its churches, who have kept Christ in their doctrinal top pockets and have constrained the entire Western culture within the narrow teachings of blind faith, organised religion and original sin!

Further clues are cited from the Gospel of Thomas which are of Syrian origin and have been dated to the 4th Century AD, or possibly earlier. They are Gnostic Scriptures and despite the evidence indicating their authenticity, they are not given credence by mainstream theologians. In these texts Thomas tells of Jesus' appearance in Andrapolis, Paphlagonia (today known as in the extreme north of Anatolia) as a guest of the King of Andrappa. There he met with Thomas who had arrived separately. It is at Andrapolis that Jesus entreated Thomas to go to India to begin spreading his teachings. It seems that Jesus and Mary then moved along the West coast of Turkey, proof of this could be an old stopping place for travellers called the "Home of Mary", found along the ancient silk route. From here Jesus could easily have entered Europe via France. He may have even travelled as far as the British Isles, for in England there is an ancient oak tree called the "Hallowed Tree" which (says local legend) was planted by Jesus himself.

In his travels through Persia (today's Iran) Jesus became known as Yuz Asaf (leader of the Healed). We know this because a Kashmiri historical document confirms that Isa (the Koranic name for Christ) was in fact also known as Yuz Asaf. The Jami - uf - Tamarik, Volume II, tells that Yuz Asaf visited Masslige, where he attended the grave of Shem, Noah's son. There are various other accounts such as Agha Mustafa's "Awhali Shahaii-i-paras" that tell of Yuz Asaf's travels and teachings all over Persia. It seems that Yuz Asaf blessed Afghanistan and Pakistan with his presence also. There are for example two plains in Eastern Afghanistan near Gazni and Galalabad, bearing the name of the prophet Yuz Asaf. Again in the Apocryphal Acts of Thomas, Thomas says that he and Jesus attended the Court of King Gundafor of Taxila (now Pakistan), in about 47AD, and that eventually both the King and his brother accepted Christ's teachings. Kersten claims that there are more than twenty one historical documents that bear witness to the existence of Jesus in Kashmir, where he was known also as Yuz Asaf and Issa.

For example the Bhavishyat Mahapurana (volume 9 verses 17-32) contains an account of Issa-Masih (Jesus the Messiah). It describes Jesus' arrival in the Kashmir region of India and his encounter with King Shalivahana, who ruled the Kushan area (39-50AD), and who entertained Jesus as a guest for some time.

Christ's life in India, after the crucifixion, challenges current Church teachings at their very foundation. The theology of Saint Paul, the major influence on modern Christianity, is empty fanaticism in the light of this discovery."... and they (the Jews) have said, 'Verily we have slain Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the apostle of God'. But they slew him not, neither crucified him, but it seemed to them as if (or: he seemed to them to be crucified). They did not kill him with certainty. No, God took him up unto himself".

The historian Mullah Nadini (1413) also recounts a story of Yuz Asaf who was a contemporary to King Gopadatta, and confirms that he also used the name Issar, ie. Jesus. There is also much historical truth in the towns and villages of Northern India to prove that Jesus and his mother Mary spent time in the area. For instance, at the border of a small town called Mari, there is nearby a mountain called Pindi Point upon which is an old tomb called Mai Mari da Asthan or "The final resting place of Mary". The tomb is said to be very old and local Muslims venerate it as the grave of Issa's (ie Christ's) Mother. The tomb itself is oriented East-West consistent with the Jewish tradition, despite the fact it is within a Muslim area. Assuming its antiquity, such a tomb could not be Hindu either since the Hindus contemporary to Christ cremated their dead and scattered their ashes as do Hindus today.

Following Christ's trail into Kashmir, 40km south of Srinagar, between the villages of Naugam and Nilmge is a meadow called Yuz-Marg (the meadow of Yuz Asaf, ie. Jesus). Then there is the sacred building called Aish Muqam, 60km south east of Srinagar and 12km from Bij Bihara. "Aish" says Kersten is derived from "Issa" and "Muqam" place of rest or repose. Within the Aish Muqam is a sacred relic called the 'Moses Rod' or the 'Jesus Rod', which local legend says, belonged to Moses himself. Christ is said to also have held it, perhaps to confirm his Mosaic heritage. Above the town of Srinagar is a temple known as "The Throne of Solomon", which dates back to at least 1000BC, which King Gopadatta had restored at about the same time as Christ's advent. The restoration was done by a Persian architect who personally left four inscriptions on the side steps of the temple. The third and fourth inscription read: "At this time Yuz Asaf announced his prophetic calling in Year 50 and 4" and "He is Jesus -- Prophet of the Sons of Israel"!

Herein lies a powerful confirmation of Kersten's theory. Kersten suggests that Christ may have travelled to the South of India also, finally returning to Kashmir to die at the age of approximately 80 years. Christ's tomb, says Kersten, lies in Srinagar's old town in a building called Rozabal. "Rozabal" is an abbreviation of Rauza Bal, meaning "tomb of a prophet". At the entrance there is an inscription explaining that Yuz Asaf is buried along with another Moslem saint. Both have gravestones which are oriented in North-South direction, according to Moslem tradition. However, through a small opening the true burial chamber can be seen, in which there is the Sarcophagus of Yuz Asaf in East-West (Jewish) orientation! see Christ lived in India

According to Professor Hassnain, who has studied this tomb, there are carved footprints on the grave stones and when closely examined, carved images of a crucifix and a rosary. The footprints of Yuz Asaf have what appear to be scars represented on both feet, if one assumes that they are crucifixion scars, then their position is consistent with the scars shown in the Turin Shroud (left foot nailed over right). Crucifixion was not practised in Asia, so it is quite possible that they were inflicted elsewhere, such as the Middle East. The tomb is called by some as "Hazrat Issa Sahib" or "Tomb of the Lord Master Jesus". Ancient records acknowledge the existence of the tomb as long ago as 112AD. The Grand Mufti, a prominent Muslim Cleric, himself has confirmed that Hazrat Isa Sahib is indeed the tomb of Yuz Asaf!

Holger Kersten: "It is simply of vital importance to find again the path to the sources, to the eternal and central truths of Christ's message, which has been shaken almost beyond recognition by the profane ambitions of more or less secular institutions arrogating to themselves a religious authority. This is an attempt to open a way to a new future, firmly founded in the true spiritual and religious sources of the past".

The 'other murderers'- Due to recent events like 9-11, 2001 and October 15th through 26th, 2002, when a man called Mohammed murdered 10 people randomly in the U.S., 2 U.S. soldiers were shot on 11/25/02 in Kuwait, we must include this; The Koran explicitly denies and condemns several beliefs of Christianity, specifically that Jesus was born of a virgin, that he is God, or that he died on a Cross. They do believe that Jesus was a prophet. We found this may be true, however because of this difference of opinion; The Koran is somewhat schizophrenic in both condemning Jews and Christians and encouraging their elimination, and commending them as "the people of the book." It should be kept in mind, too, that Mohammed was illiterate. But this does explain the rift between East and West.

In the 1970's Elijah Muhammad frequently voiced warnings about "the human beast . . . the people or race known as the white." He called "every Black Man in America to be reunited with his own" and urged a sense of black self-reliance and separation from the white society, even economically. Although this is extreme, and not the normal doctrine of Allah, it bares our attention.
While we (The Brotherhood ) are trying to unite humanity, the radical part of this religion teaches total seperation and hatred of those different than them and it openly abuses women.

Islam was invented by the catholics to oppose the Jews and their beliefs. If you have any doubt to this visit.. farrakhanfactor.com Forum Hitler was catholic!

Briefly, during the British Imperialism of India, the British encountered resistance from Muslims who wished to retain their chosen way of life without interference. The result was that Muslim clerics declared a state of Holy War against the British from which the British were to suffer greatly.

In the employ of the British was an Indian who held a high opinion of himself. The British cultivated and pandered to his ego and gave him support and facilities which enable him to create a pseudo Islamic movement. His followers were ignorant people and when he proclaimed himself to be a prophet they accepted.

As soon as he had sufficient followers he announced the desire of the British that Holy Wars against them were invalid and must thereby cease and so the British achieved their aim.

Although the Qadiyania claim to be Muslims they are denounced and condemned by Islamic authorities on the bases that the Koran and Prophetic quotations clearly state that there will never be another Prophet or Messenger after Prophet Muhammad.

Qadiyani followers, are for the most part, well mannered, agreeable people in their ethics, and unfortunately in many instances, you will find them out-performing their contemporary Muslim neighbors surviving on these merits alone and not on the truth.

It is interesting to note that the Qur'ân does not even mention or hint at the meaning of the crucifixion of Jesus as the salvation of His people. It is very likely that Muhammad, who came into contact with heretical monophysites and other Christian sects of his time, had never heard a true, biblical representation and explanation of the meaning of the crucifixion, which is therefore not to be found in the Qur'ân.
The Crucifixion of Jesus in View of Muslim Theology This explaination matches exactly the
The Second Treatise of the Great Seth in the Nag Hammidi library.
Crucifixion means defeat: If Jesus had really died on the cross, it would have meant the failure of his whole mission: His disciples had forsaken him, Judas had betrayed him, Peter had disowned him and Jesus was dying without the visible success of thousands being converted or of the establishment of an empire like the Islamic one, which came into being already in the 7th century at the end of Muhammad's lifetime. Muhammad's political and religious success is considered as a real proof for his prophethood by Muslim theologians.

Crucifixion means disgrace: Such a disgrace as it would be to be nailed on the cross like a criminal would have been a death unworthy of a honoured prophet. God would be unjust, if Jesus had suffered like a wicked transgressor, and God would not have been on Jesus' side, since he did not rescue him in such a desperate plight. Western Orientalists thought, that the Qur'ân perhaps aimed at vindicating Jesus with the verse in Sura 4, since the end of the verse reads as if Jesus was taken away from his persecutors: "God took him up to himself". Hermann Stieglecker summarizes:
"The idea of the Christians, that God could have humiliated himself to such a degree, that his enemies, the vulgarest mob, could mock, deride and illtreat him like an idiot or a fool and that he eventually suffered the most shameful and painful death like a criminal between two real criminals, that is an outrageous disgrace.

The crucifixion and the representative salvation is intellectual nonsense: Again and again, Muslim apologists pointed out: the death of a mortal man (since for Muslim theology Jesus is not God, but only a human being) cannot bring salvation or anything else for another human being. The fact that Jesus did not deserve his death, but suffered innocently, adds to this intellectual nonsense. The idea that Jesus has carried and taken away all sins of mankind makes it even more untrustworthy. It is not compatible with human intelligence. (This is of course beyond logic: Muslim theologians have argued that Christian doctrines are not compatible with human intellect. But since in their eyes, only the doctrines of Islam are reasonable themselves, everything beside must be unreasonable and absurd).

What really happened to Jesus?

The Bible does not really support the crucifixion: Muslim theologians took some of their arguments against the crucifixion out of the Bible itself and pointed at the fact, that also the Old Testament in Deut 21:23 teaches that the one who is hung on a tree is under God's curse. Consequently, Jesus could not have died on the cross, since he was a honoured prophet, and not a cursed criminal. Also the Gospels are used by Muslim theologians to show that Jesus' words on the cross "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" prove, that Jesus was crucified against his will (and not, like the Christians say, voluntarily). Additional to that, Jesus' cried in pain, and was therefore weaker than the two criminals who had not cried. How can he be the Son of God? ( what we discovered from the writings of Peter, in the Nag, is that he said, "My Power!, My Power!", which was taken as the Christ spirit left the body.)

In the Caananite mythology the evil Mot slays his brother Aleyin, the son of God, who then resurrects and kills Mot. Just like Jesus on the cross, Mot's last words are "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?" In Egyptian mythology it is the evil Set who, having killed his brother Osiris, is sacrificed on the 'slave post', whilst Osiris returns from the dead. In Euprides' The Bacchae King Pentheus, whose name means 'One who suffers', represents the Eidolon. He tries to kill the Godman Dionysus, but ends up himself meeting his death by being lifted up on a tree. The Jesus story that we are familiar with has cut this part out but the Nag Hammidi includes it as a man named Simeon, a murderer, dies in Jesus' place while Jesus laughs at the ignorance of those who try to kill him. see the Great Seth Link above.
{ The Eidolon - the 'I am the Body' idea or twin }, Jesus and the Lost Goddess
The real 'Resurrection'

When dealing with Jesus' crucifixion, Muslim theologians also go back to higher criticism of European theologians, who pointed out, that the biblical narratives of the crucifixion themselves report that a chaos and a great confusion emerged because of the darkness and the earthquake, so that nobody knew, what happened to Jesus. The narratives of the different gospels are considered to contradict each other and are therefore untrustworthy. One Muslim opinion, that Jesus survived his crucifixion, also gets its support from the so-called rationalism, the last epoch of enlightenment theology of the 18th and 19th century.

In the King James Bible we find Joseph of Arimathea had purchased a tomb site near a garden in the close proximity of the crucifixion. He had told the authorities the tomb was for his family, but Joseph did not live in the area. (Joseph ben Matthias) He lived on the border of Sumaria. John 19: 39, Nicodemus brought a mixture of Myrrh and Aloes, about 75 pounds. The guards assumed it was for embalming and did not interfear. This does not follow Jewish burial rites. Myrrh is used in Egypt. Aloe vera, was a plant native to Arabia and used to heal wounds and burns, but myrrh also has healing qualities . Washing the body of a dead person was important in Jewish burial and this was not done, because Jesus was not dead.
see the above link.. The Reality of the Resurrection. . please wait for the 'automatic scroll down'.

And then there's this..The Roza Bal. The Tomb of Jesus Christ When the women came to the tomb, they encountered two individuals who asked a simple question: Why are you here looking for a living person at a burial site? In order to convince the Disciples that he had survived the crucifixion, Jesus asked them to realize that spirits or ghosts or apparitions are not composed of human flesh and human bones. To make his point firmly, he asked them for a piece of meat. They gave him fish and a honeycomb, and he ate in front of them while they watched. The question becomes: What was the need for a supernatural divinity, a supernatural god, or God Himself, to eat food? Aside from his attempts to assure them that they were not seeing an apparition, it is most probable that Jesus was extremely hungry, having gone through pure hell in being beaten and nailed to a cross.
'The Jesus Papyrus' More evidence to falseified scripture. "He belongs to those conservatives who wish to date the original composition of the Christian gospels as close to the time of Jesus as possible in order to claim thereby that their witness must be all the more reliable".

Another argument for the Muslim opinion, that Jesus was rescued before he could be crucified, is taken out of Hebrews 5:7, a verse Christians believe to be dealing with resurrection: "During the days of Jesus' life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions, with loud cries and tears to the one who could have saved him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission" (God did not deliver him from crucifixion). In addition, the narratives of the gospels are so different and contradict each other so much that nobody can guarantee for the truth of the reports. One of the spiritual leaders of the Egyptian Muslim brotherhood (al-ihwân al-muslimûn), Sayyid Qutb, argues that none of the narratives of the gospel are recorded by eye witnesses, and therefore they are not reliable.

What the NON-BELIVERS SAY ( we didn't write this )

Starting with the advent of historical criticism in the late 18th cent., scholars increasingly recognized that the Gospels were written from the point of view of the original Christian believers, who were more likely than moderns to accept supernatural occurrences and explanations. Thus in the 19th cent. many attempts were made to reconstruct by historical and critical methods a picture of Jesus that corresponded more closely to modern ideas of reality.

Why did people believe that Jesus's mother was named Mary and her husband named Joseph? Why did non-Christians accuse Mary of being an adultress while Christians believed she was a virgin? To answer these questions one must examine some of the legends surrounding Yeishu. We cannot hope to obtain the absolute truth concerning the origins of the Jesus myth but we can show that reasonable alternatives exist to blindly accepting the New Testament. We go into more detail about what Jesus really said on Christ's Mission

The name Joseph for Jesus's stepfather is easy to explain. The Notzri movement was particularly popular with the Samaritan Jews. While the Pharisees were waiting for a Messiah who would be a descendant of David, the Samaritans wanted a Messiah who would restore the northern kingdom of Israel. The Samaritans emphasized their partial descent from the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh, who were descended from the Joseph of the Torah. The Samaritans considered themselves to be "Bnei Yoseph" i.e. "sons of Joseph," and since they believed that Jesus had been their Messiah, they would have assumed that he was a "son of Joseph."

The Greek speaking population, who had little knowledge of Hebrew and true Jewish traditions, could have easily misunderstood this term and assumed that Joseph was the actual name of Jesus's father. This conjecture is corroborated by the fact that according to the Gospel of Matthew, Joseph's father is named Jacob, just like the Torah Joseph. Later, other Christians, who followed the idea that the Messiah was to be descended from David, tried to trace Joseph back to David. They came up with two contradictory genealogies for him, one recorded in Matthew and the other in Luke. When the idea that Mary was a virgin developed, the mythical Joseph was relegated to the position of simply being her husband and the stepfather of Jesus.

To understand where the Mary story came from we have to turn to another historical character who contributed to the Jesus myth, namely ben Stada. All the information we have on ben Stada again comes from the Tosefta and the Baraitas. There is even less information about him than about Yeishu. Some people believed that he had brought spells out of Egypt in a cut in his flesh, others thought that he was a madman. He was a beguiler and was caught by the method of concealed witnesses. He was stoned in Lod.

In the Tosefta, ben Stada is called ben Sotera or ben Sitera. Sotera seems to be the Hebrew-Aramaic form of the Greek name Soteros. The forms "Sitera" and "Stada" seem have arisen as misreadings and spelling mistakes (yod replacing vav and dalet replacing reish).

Since there was so little information concerning ben Stada, many conjectures arose as to who he was. It is known from the Gemara that he was confused with Yeishu. This probably resulted from the fact that both were executed for treasonous teachings and were associated with sorcery. People who confused ben Stada with Yeishu had to explain why he was also called ben Pandeira. Since the name "Stada" resembles the Aramaic expression "stat da," meaning "she went astray" it was thought that "Stada" referred to the mother of Yeishu and that she was an adultress. Consequently, people began to think that Yeishu was the illegitimate son of Pandeira. These ideas are in fact mentioned in the Gemara and are probably much older. Since ben Stada lived in Roman times and the name Pandeira resembled the name Pantheras found among Roman soldiers, it was assumed that Pandeira had been a Roman soldier stationed in Israel. This certainly explains the story mentioned by Celsus.

The Tosefta mentions a famous case of a woman named Miriam bat Bilgah marrying a Roman soldier. The idea that Yeishu had been born to a Jewish woman who had had an affair with a Roman soldier probably resulted in Yeishu's mother being confused with this Miriam. The name "Miriam" is of course the original form of the name "Mary." It is in fact known from the Gemara that some of the people who confused Yeishu with ben Stada believed that Yeishu's mother was "Miriam the women's hairdresser."

The story that Mary (Miriam) the mother of Jesus was an adulteress was certainly not acceptable to the early Christians. They say the virgin birth story was probably invented to clear Mary's name. The early Christians did not suck this story out of their thumbs. Virgin birth stories were fairly common in pagan myths. The following mythological characters were all believed to have been born to divinely impregnated virgins: Romulus and Remus, Perseus, Zoroaster, Mithras, Osiris-Aion, Agdistis, Attis, Tammuz, Adonis, Korybas, Dionysus. The pagan belief in unions between gods and women, regardless of whether they were virgins or not, is even more common. Many characters in pagan mythology were believed to be sons of divine fathers and human females. The Christian belief that Jesus was the son of God born to a virgin, is typical of Greco-Roman superstition. The Jewish philosopher, Philo of Alexandria (c. 30 B.C.E - 45 C.E.), warned against the widespread superstitious belief in unions between male gods and human females which returned women to a state of virginity.

The god Tammuz, worshipped by pagans in northern Israel, was said to have been born to the virgin Myrrha. The name "Myrrha" superficially resembles "Mary/Miriam" and it is possible that this particular virgin birth story influenced the Mary story more than the others. Like Jesus, Tammuz was always called Adon, meaning "Lord." (The character Adonis in Greek mythology is based on Tammuz.) As we will see later, the connection between Jesus and Tammuz goes much further than this.

The idea that Mary had been an adultress never completely disappeared in Christian mythology. Instead, the character of Mary was split into two: Mary the mother of Jesus, believed to be a virgin, and Mary Magdalene, believed to be a woman of ill repute. This was an attempt to surpress the Magdalen from any notoriety. The Black Madonna was Mary Magdalen and this image was used to create the order of "Sisters" that now exist. They are commonly called, 'God's wife' but are married to Christ.

The idea that the character of Mary Magdalene is also derived from Miriam the mythical mother of Yeishu, is corroborated by the fact that the strange name "Magdalene" clearly resembles the Aramaic term "mgadla nshaya," meaning "womens' hairdresser." As mentioned before, there was a belief that Yeishu's mother was "Miriam the women's hairdresser." Because the Christians did not know what the name "Magdalene" meant, they later conjectured that it meant that she had come from a place called Magdala on the west of Lake Kinneret. The idea of the two Marys fitted in well with the pagan way of thinking. The image of Jesus being followed by the two Marys is strongly reminiscent of Dionysus being followed by Demeter and Persephone. from REFUTING MISSIONARIES

On our 'Kaballah' page in this site, In a second theory from The Second Messiah on the birth of Jesus, we told you that Mary was impregnated by a High Priest named after Gabriel who was, in charge of the 'selected' group of 12 girls, who attended the 'Temple School' in Jerusalem. Out of this select school, one was to be selected to be the mother of Jesus. The High Priest was a bloodline decendent of King David; The 'virgin birth' was done by artificial insemination. This was an Essene custom and it was said that only in this manner could a 'holi' child be brought forth.
In contradiction; The Nag Hammidi says that the spirit of Christ turned into the Angel Gabriel and planted the seed in her womb..which again could refer to the priest. Justin Martyr ( who died around 165AD ) said 'if a man appears to be the Messiah, he must be a man of solely human birth'.
We said Jesus was not born in Bethlehem, but in a place in Qumran called 'the Bethlehem caves'.. He is called Jesus of Nazareth because of the Nazerene Priests of Egypt. Nazereth of Israel did not exist at the time.. he was also called Jesus ben Levi... the son of the priest. Josephus wrote about the men called 'Jesus'. ... James was also called Jesus which meant 'leader'. The Nag Hammidi scrolls specifically state that Jesus told the disciples not to go to anyone else but his brother James after Jesus had excaped Jerusalem.

Josephus wrote about one of these men whom he said was executed for causing an insurrection in Jerusalem. More details are on,
The Real Jesus And James was stoned by the followers of Paul on The Killing of the Lords Brother

In Greece - The people believed that Yeishu was a sorcerer and they considered him to be a person who had led the Jews astray. As a result of charges brought against him (the details of which are not known, but which probably involved high treason) Yeishu was stoned and his body hung up on the eve of Passover. Before this he was paraded around for forty days with a herald going in front of him announcing that he would be stoned and calling for people to come forward to plead for him. Nothing was brought forward in his favor however. Yeishu had five disciples: Mattai, Naqai, Neitzer, Buni, and Todah.


In the Tosefta and the Baraitas, Yeishu's father is named Pandeira or Panteiri. These are Hebrew-Aramaic forms of a Greek name. In Hebrew the third consonant of the name is written either with a dalet or a tet. Comparison with other Greek words transliterated into Hebrew shows that the original Greek must have had a delta as its third consonant and so the only possibility for the father's Greek name is Panderos. Since Greek names were common among Jews during Hashmonean times it is not necessary to assume that he was Greek, as some authors have done.

The connection between Yeishu and Jesus is corroborated by the the fact that Mattai and Todah, the names of two of Yeishu's disciples, are the original Hebrew forms of Matthew and Thaddaeus, the names of two of Jesus's disciples in Christian mythology.

The early Christians were also aware of the name "ben Pandeira" for Jesus. The pagan philosopher Celsus, who was famous for his arguments against Christianity, claimed in 178 C.E. that he had heard from a Jew that Jesus's mother, Mary, had been divorced by her husband, a carpenter, after it had been proved that she was an adultress. She wandered about in shame and bore Jesus in secret. His real father was a soldier named Pantheras. According to the Christian writer Epiphanius (c. 320 - 403 C.E.), the Christian apologist Origen (c.185 - 254 C.E.) had claimed that "Panther" was the nickname for Jacob the father of Joseph, the stepfather of Jesus.

According to the apocryphal books Protevangelion and The Gospel of the Birth of Mary, the father of Mary was Joachim. Both these books are in agreement. This precludes Mary being the daughter of Heli. Mary was probably from the lineage of Aaron. Luke wrote that Mary’s cousin, Elizabeth, was a Levite: "Elizabeth was ... a descendant of Aaron."

(Luke 1:5 NIV) In addition, the pseudepigraphal book the Testament of Benjamin, (written after Jesus’ time), portrays the messiah (Jesus) as being from the lineage of Judah and the lineage of Levi: "In the later times there will rise up the beloved of the Lord, from the lineage of Judah {Joseph} and Levi {Mary}... " (The Testament of Benjamin 11:2)

 the Moon Again, the Abiathar High Priest called Gabriel was decended of the Royal line of David or Moses. But we find that Joseph was also within the Royal bloodline. Mary is of the Bloodline of Aaron. These bloodlines had to be chosen for the holy birth. The Zadok High Priest was called Michael. The 'bloodlines are important. The Tarot card depicts 'the Grail bearer'. This is also an allegory to Mary Magdalen see.. The Royal Wedding

.. The third theory is 'Gabriel', who is the spirit of the Christ who took the form of the angel and planted the seed of 'power', in her womb. You will see this explained in full at The Second Treatise of the Great Seth

'Holy childern' were not conceived by "unclean rubbing", only by artificial insemmination, which would then be called 'immaculate'.

In this age, a 'virgin' was a woman who was married, who according to law, had spent the wedding night with her husband, but she could not be with her husband again until it was certain whether or not she had conceived. There was then another marriage and they were allowed to be together. If she did not conceive, her husband did not have to marry her the second time. She was an outcast and not worthy of marriage because she could not bare children.

If conception was confirmed, a second marriage took place in March to legalize the wedding. During the trial period between the first marriage and the second marriage the bride was regarded by law as an almah (virgin). Consider this fact in the relationship of Joseph and Mary, before the birth of Jesus.

Another Theory

Plutarch wrote, "... the Egyptians think not unreasonably ... that while a woman can be approached by a divine spirit and made pregnant there is no such thing as carnal intercourse ..." Mary was approached by the Divine Spirit and made pregnant without carnal intercourse: "... that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost." (Matthew 1:20 KJV) ...But the Holy Ghost is Female and in the Gospel of Philip , he proclaims that the Holy Ghost did not impregnate Mary..
"Some said, "Mary conceived by the Holy Spirit." They are in error. They do not know what they are saying. When did a woman ever conceive by a woman? Mary is the virgin whom no power defiled. She is a great anathema to the Hebrews, who are the apostles and the apostolic men. This virgin whom no power defiled [...] the powers defile themselves. And the Lord would not have said "My Father who is in Heaven" (Mt 16:17), unless he had had another father, but he would have said simply "My father". ( as usual, important words are deleted )

This, along with other proof on other pages tells us that the church, like Peter, hated women. They deleted the feminine principal from every doctrine they could. They made women sub-survent, unworthy of having souls and proclaimed that they corrupted men. Only the French in the dark ages, equated women as equals to men, and allowed them the honor and respect they deserved. In the United States, this old rubbish created by the church has caused many men to abuse and disrespect their girlfriends and wives, beating and even killing them because 'they are the so-called man ( master )of the house'. God didn't make men master of women, he made him master over animals.

Philo lived in Egypt and obtained some of his ideas from the Egyptians, who believed that divine spirits impregnate women. He wrote that several births mentioned in the Old Testament were virgin births induced by God himself. He wrote that God impregnated Sarah, Leah, Rebecca, and Zipporah in the same way that Matthew wrote that God impregnated the mother of Jesus. Philo wrote, "He {Moses} presents Sarah as conceiving a son when God beheld her by himself ... And he {Moses} teaches the same lesson ... in the case of Leah, where he says that ‘God opened her womb.’ But to open the womb is the special duty of the husband. ... in this case virtue {the virtuous Leah} received the divine seed from the great Cause of all things ... Isaac addressed his supplications to God, Rebecca ... became pregnant by the means of him who received the supplication; but Moses, who received Zipporah ... found out that she conceived by no mortal man." Philo’s influence on the New Testament is indisputable. Matthew’s and Luke’s claim that God impregnated Mary was probably inspired, if not by the Greek culture, then by Philo.

Because the path to LIGHT is within yourself, these links are provided for more insight Let There Be Light Many of the referals here are to ancient teachings which Jesus himself studied. "The state of abstract meditation may be attained by profound devotedness toward the Supreme Spirit considered in its comprehensible manifestation as I's'wara." ..from.. "Patanjali Yoga"

Come down again to earth. Hold a pebble in your hand and feel its solidity. Why is it there at all? Why is there not simply nothing? Science, philosophy and religion cannot answer these questions - and they will never be able to answer them. Things simply exist. Their sheer existence is and always will be mysterious. And it is in that mystery that one can find divinity.

Wholistic outlook (Spirituality), also has a lot to do with making assessments. Jesus, Joan of Arc, etc., etc., all made assessments of what leads to crudity and what leads to subtlety. 'New ageism' in many cases lacks any development of conscience and so can not be considered spiritual in its fullest sense -- rather it may be considered as pseudo-spiritual, ie, it has in many, many instances no scientific basis. One needs to discern what is the nature of mind and where it runs to in the spiritual path. Not everything goes...from.. Light -- Always In All Ways

"This Technique is for Advanced Initiates of the Mystery Schools Only... It should be practiced slowly and never more than once per day. It will not be understood by everyone."
"Ajna Center Meditation" To Ajna Center (Third Eye) Meditation

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