The KJB relates that the Nephilim are the reason God brings a flood to destroy the world, but these beings are described as the children of the fallen angels and were here on earth before Adam and they remained for a long time even till the time of King David. The bible relates that the fallen angles mated with the daughters of men, but it doesn't explain where these daughters came from, only that they were here between Adam and Noah's time. The bible also doesn't tell us where Cain's and Able's wives came from... So we think these 'other' humans, females in particular are the daughters of Cain and Abel whose wifes are their twin sisters. A little later we will show you how Eve has only one son and it isn't Cain or Abel.
We have already explained how Eve is not the mother of Cain. The Nephilim are also called 'serpent people' due to their intelligence and superior brain power, not because they are 'Satan like' people. The Anunnaki created humans period, and not just a selected few like Adam and Eve. There are two 'creators'. According to the Eunma Elish there is Enki and Enlil and the wife of Enki is called Nin-Khursag. Only Nin-Khursag has the power and knowledge to give the man 'life'. She is the microbiologist of human DNA.
This information about Hiram is incorrect; "The birth of Cain...
is ascribed to a union of Satan and Eve."... Hiram Abiff, the architect of the metal
objects in the Temple of Solomon, "descended from the line of Cain through Tubal-Cain who,
with his son, was said to be the only survivor of the superior race after the flood.
That race, we are told was, or was created by, the
'the serpent people', those of the fire snake."
- David Wood, Genesis.
We contend that Tubal-Cain is
not in a line of descendents that derived from Cain. Because in Genesis 5:18 it
clearly says Jared is the father of Enoch. Genesis 5:28 stops short of naming
Lamech's sons but Tubal-Cain is in the line of Seth, not Cain.
A difference between the 'Shining Ones' and the 'People of the Snake'
"...The geologist Christian O'Brien argued that these [ancient Hebrew and
Sumerian] texts describe a race of beings called Shining Ones - his translation
of the Hebrew word Elohim. These beings created modern humans from earlier
human forms by genetic manipulation. Some of these beings, called Watchers,
mated with humans, and this was considered a crime by the Shining Ones. One of
the Watchers was named Shemjaza, and Yahweh was one of the Shining Ones.
O'Brien argued that the Shining Ones were superior but mortal beings of unknown
- Richard L. Thompson, Alien Identities - Ancient Insights into
Modern UFO Phenomena
"When the gods created Mankind
Death for Mankind they allotted,
Life they retained in their own keeping."
- The Epic of Gilgamesh
"The Elohim originally included not only foreign superstitious forms, but also
all that host of Heaven which was revealed in poetry to the shepherds of the
desert, now as an encampment of warriors, nor as careering in chariots of fire,
and now as winged messengers, ascending and descending the vault of Heaven, to
communicate the will of God to mankind."
- General Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma
Archeological proof of 'different' beings
Perhaps the skulls found in the hypogeum and examined during our visit to Malta, belonged indeed to these priests. As mentioned before, they present an accentuated dolichocephalous, which is particularly the center of our analysis. The long head and drawn features must have given a serpent-like appearance, stretching the eyes and skin. Lacking the lower part of the exhibit, we can only speculate, but the hypothesis can't be far from reality, a reality worsened buy the fact that such deformities certainly created walking problems, forcing him…to slither! The lack of the cranium's median knitting and therefore, the impossibility of the brain's consistent, radial expansion in the skullcap, did so that it developed in the occipital zone of the cerebellum, deforming the cranium that looked like a single cap from the frontal and occipital area. This must have certainly caused the man terrible agony since infancy, but probably enhanced visions that were considered as being proof of a bond with the goddess..
Another race
Even the other skulls we examined presented strange anomalies.
Some were more natural and harmonic than the cranium that mostly
gained our attention, but they still presented a pronounced
natural dolichocephalous and we could assume, without fear of
refutation, that it is distinctive of an actual race, different
to the native populations of Malta and Gozo. This consideration
was confirmed by the Maltese archeologists themselves, Anthony
Buonanno and Mark Anthony Mifsud, who said:.
"They are another race although C-14 or DNA exams haven't yet been performed. Perhaps these individuals originated from Sicily". .
We shall discuss this detail further on. Meanwhile, it's worth the while to emphasize that one of these skulls showed unequivocal signs of surgical intervention in the occipital area. The outlines of three small holes, made in the occipital bone called inion, had time to cicatrize, therefore the patient survived the operation although such intervention surely would have undermined his motorial faculties. But there is more. A fair part of the 7000 skeletons dug out of the Hal Saflienti hypogeum and examined by Themistocles Zammit in 1921, present artificially performed deformations.
A skeleton of the group that was unburied by the archeologist, Brochtorff Circle, shows clear signs of intentional deformation through bondage. These deformations occurred for various reasons: initiations, matrimonies, solar rituals or punishments for social crimes or transgressions. All the tribal apparatus of incisions, perforations, partial or total removals, cauterizations, abrasions, insertions of extraneous bodies in muscles, like the modification of bodies for magical, medical or cosmetic purposes, were part of cruel practices in such, but "with best intentions" for the community.
Could it be possible that, as in other cultures, successive populations tended to deform their infant's heads in order to make them similar to this race of "serpent priests"? In Malta, all this was practiced by a mysterious populace that erected gigantic temples to the Mother Goddess between 4100 and 2500 B.C. The presence of these skulls might be that of the last exponents of the most ancient sacerdotal caste that built the megalithic temples and, never having blended with the local populations, had continued reproducing through the millenniums within familiar unions (as was the usual practice among the elite) and consequently impoverished its genetic patrimony until inevitable pathologies manifested, finally disappearing.
The skulls we examined are dated 2500 B.C. (but may be even older) a date in which Malta's megalithic history ends, initiating a period of historical darkness and absence of population that will last about 300 years, until the arrival of the Phoenicians. These will begin to make Malta their Mediterranean outpost. The Phoenicians will also erect temples to the Mother Goddess in Malta, calling her Astarte, the snake-faced Goddess. Again we find the representation of a Goddess who is associated with the snake and healing powers, almost as if the Phoenicians wanted to continue an interrupted tradition. But it's the date of 2500 B.C. that presents a fundamental key of interpretation for understanding who these long-headed individuals were and to use it we must move from Malta to nearby Egypt.
Professor Walter B. Emery (1903-1971), the famous Egyptologist, author of "Archaic Egypt", who excavated at Saqqara in the 30's, indeed discovered the remains of individuals who lived in pre-dynastic epoch. These presented a dolichocephalous skull, larger than that of the local ethnic group, fair hair and a taller, heavier build. Emery declared that this stock wasn't indigenous to Egypt but had performed an important sacerdotal and governmental role in this country. This race kept its distance from the common people, blending only with the aristocratic classes and the scholar associated them with the Shemsu Hor, the "disciples of Horus".
The Shemsu Hor are recognized as the dominant sacerdotal caste in pre-dynastic Egypt (until approximately 3000 B.C.), being mentioned in the Turin papyrus and the list of the kings of Abydos. It's interesting to note that Emery writes:
"Towards the end of the IV millennium B.C. the people known as the Disciples of Horus appear as a highly dominant aristocracy that governed entire Egypt. The theory of the existence of this race is supported by the discovery in the pre-dynastic tombs, in the northern part of Higher Egypt, of the anatomical remains of individuals with bigger skulls and builds than the native population, with so much difference to exclude any hypothetical common racial strain. The fusion of the two races must have come about in ages that concurred, more or less, with the unification of the two Egyptian Kingdoms".
Therefore, what occurred in Malta is also reflected in Egypt. It's noticeable that in Lower Egypt, the pharaoh's symbol is a bee named "Bit". It isn't coincidental that Malta's ancient name is "Melita", which derives from the Latin word for honey. Malta's symbol was also a bee and its hexagonal cells. Melita has its origin in "Mel" or "Mer" that in Ancient Egypt was the name attributed to the pyramids.
An umpteenth correlation is the fact that this sacerdotal long-skulled caste disappeared in Egypt, as in Malta in the same period, which is between 3000 and 2500 B.C. ...the writer is convinced, although, that a third nucleus was present in the Euphrates zone, becoming part of the Arian stock known as Mithans, who the Egyptians called "Naharin", "Those of the Snake" (from Nahash, snake). The Mithans, who occupied a part of the Kurdistan area, were Abraham's people, whose description is analogous to that of the Shemsu Hor made by Emery (fair hair and robust build). The "serpent priest" tradition originates in the Middle East, with its foremost center right in Kurdistan, where at about 5000 B.C. the matriarchal culture of Jarmo represented the mother goddesses as divinities with faces of vipers and lengthened heads.
These divinities will successively be associated to the "fallen angels" or Nephilims, that are most explicitly cited in the "Testament of Amran" in the Qumran scrolls in which is written: "One of them was of terrifying aspect, like a snake and his mantle was multicolored" and also "his face was that of a viper and he wore all his eyes".
It concerns, in our opinion, not divinities in the strict sense, but individuals in sacerdotal or shaman expression, belonging to a highly developed and profoundly wise culture that had relationships with lesser-organized societies of the period. Its members were considered as "half-gods" for the knowledge they possessed, just like in Egypt with the Shemsu Hor. Analogous viper-faced statues of mother goddesses are found in the land of the Nile, dating back exactly from the archaic period of the Shemsu Hor. It can be therefore concluded that these serpent-priests were the most ancient race that first occupied the fertile half-moon area (particularly Anatolia and Kurdistan) and Egypt (following migrations dating back 6000-4000 B.C.) until reaching Malta to disappear around 2500 B.C. but this culture survived in the Middle East and probably included one of the most famous and yet mysterious pharaohs of Egypt. It concerns the Mithans and the pharaoh Akhenaton.
The Nephilim are the first demi-gods on Earth because they are half human, or half 'fallen angel'. We now understand that they are not angels much less fallen ones. They can turn into plants, animals or rocks. They are the ones on earth who are condemned by the council of Gods (the authorities). The leader of these gods got shortened to one god because the Jews were afraid of the leader they called Jehovah or Yahweh (the Sumerian Enlil). This is also the explaination of the gods we have seen in Egyptian mythology which have animal heads. They can become ill and die or be killed.
The true God, as we stated before does not talk to men. We are told in other
texts such as the Atlantian stories recorded by Plato, that the Anunnaki communicated
by telepathic powers. The communication is passed to Abraham, Noah, Moses, Joshua,
and of cource Jesus by these 'angles'. God as the serpent Enki, tells Eve she
will not die and He also tells Adam to pro-create and populate the world. That
means the 'original sin' senario you have been taught is also a lie.
This originally referred to the union of the Anunnaki with human women
and that indeed was the original sin and was condemned by the Gods.
The true God does not cause disasters, earthquakes,
floods, murders and war. He does not reside on Earth. Anu never resided on Earth.
If you notice in Genesis 6:4, it says, "The Nephilim were on the Earth in
those days - and also afterward - when the SONS of God went to the daughters
of men and had children by them".
SONS - there are 200 of them.
When the god in Genesis tells Eve she will have great pain in
child bearing and her husband will rule over her, we also have a
senario created by the bad god to inflict hardship and pain on humans
and control of men over women. This again is imposed on humans by the
Nephilim and is taken up as a cause by church leaders who blamed the
'fall of mankind' on women.
In the Nag Hammidi texts, we find that the earthly leader of the gods lies
to Adam and tells him Eve came from his rib so that he may rule over her.
This again is not true. Eve is seperate and more than this, she teaches
Adam about God, the true God. It is Eve who gives Adam the knowledge of
eternal life, when she offers him the apple (knowledge).
This god tells Adam He will be cursed amoung the livestock as if he were an animal and he tells him he will create 'anmity' between him and Eve and the children of each of them. This appears to mean Eve has children seperate from Adam's children. Genesis 4:1 tells us Eve said, "With the help of the Lord, I gave birth to Cain". Help indeed! "The birth of ascribed to a union of Satan and Eve."...In Genesis 5:3 we find this verse; When Adam had lived 130 years, he had a son in his own likeness, in his own image; and he named him Seth. This is significant because the birth is described much differently than when Cain and Abel arrive.
In the Sumerian text we find that Enlil (son of Anu) raped his sister Ninlil. The result was Enlil's son NINUTRA. The Nag Hammidi texts explain the rest of this with basically the same outcome just using different names for the god and his sons.. You will see this story on Passage page 1.
"Behold, the man has become ONE of US!" Genesis 3:22.
So his so-called punishment is 'death'. Was he withholding the gene of Eternal life?
Everyone dies! Everything dies at some point, but that doesn't
mean the 'death' is permanent. Don't the trees and flowers bud again?
Does this have something to do with the 'Tree of Life'? INDEED IT DOES!
'Death' is the death of the physical body only and the words of
Jesus verify this. "Some of you standing here today will see the kingdom of
heaven before dying". The Egyptians belived in 'life after death' and
this has extended throughout the historical religious doctrines of
all religions, including early gnostic christianity.
So what does this have to do with Egypt?
The bible says Solomon and Moses sined, but we don't think so. This was an attempt to disconnect them with the Egyptian heritage and the Egyptian religion they both shared. Ezekiel finally persuaded the Hebrew's to finalize this and did away with the worship of the Egyptian dieties when he built the second temple. As you recall, he destroyed all the Egyptian figures and any traces of that heritage.
The bible also indicates Joseph was a viser to an
Egyptian pharoah and masonic records indicate he was a pharoah
for 6 years. He also was married to an Egyptian/Hyksos high priestess.
This becomes even more corrupted when we discover that Abraham's wife Sarah was
the pharoah's half sister and was actually married to the pharoah (which was
the custom) and may have bore a son.
In the KJB Joseph is conveniently placed in the Egyptian pharoah's house after being
sold by his brothers,
but this Joseph could have already been in the pharoah's house at Avaris which is 40
miles from Heliopolis, where his wife came from, because the pharoah was
his grandfather.
Look at Genesis
Joseph says, " God hath made me a father to a Pharoah".
No Hebrew would have ever been allowed to become a pharoah in the true Royal house of Egypt which we have already identified as being Thebeian... But this pharoah is the 'other' pharoah, the one in control of upper Egypt. We suggest that this pharoah is not Egyptian but these royal usupers intermarried with Abraham's family. We found another story that says Joseph's body has been found in Egypt, mummified, (Genesis 50:26) but that means it was never transported out, like the bible says. The Egyptian inscriptions on this mummy's tomb relate to the godhead under which the occupant was placed in life, using deiform names like Ra, Amen and Path.
This brings confusion as to who this Joseph really was..Under the priests of On, this Joseph was worshiping a false God. Is there another Joseph? Probably not, but this would explain how the 'false god' worship was carried forward into Israel.
"God hath made me a father to a Pharoah". This story also
relates that this vizer's grandson is Akhenaten, who
is the King who developed the 'One God' concept in Egypt.
We don't think Joseph is connected to Akhenaten.
There is much more to this story, and we will get to that later, but
it does explain one important aspect of why Akhenaten's statues and all
attributes to his memory were destroyed by the Egyptians and his son
King Tut was murdered. They worshiped Aten. But Aten was not the sun
god even though he was represented by a solar disc. Aten was an
omnipotent god with no image. The God identified
as Aten is the equivalent of the Hebrew word Adon - a title borrowed
from the Phoenician and meaning 'my lord'. Many believe that Akhenaten
was actually Moses because he developed the 'One God' notion and
was later bannished from Egypt. Akhenaten did live at Thebes
until he moved the temple to Tell el-Armana.
Other descendents of Yusuf-Yuya were Aye who became pharoah in 1352BC. But Aye was only a vizier and not of royal blood. He may have been responsible for the murder of King Tut. In any case he married Ankhesenamen, Tut's widow, to gain kingship. Tut was hurriedly buried in a tomb that wasn't his. A larger tomb that was Tut's went to Aye when he died. Another case of murder to gain control ? No one knows.
Yusuf's wife Tuya ( see Genesis 41:45 ) being the daughter of a priest of Heliopolis and according to the Corpus of Hieroglyphic Inscriptions, at the Brookylin Museum, she was the designated King's Ornament (Khert nesw). By way of her mother, she is reckoned to have perhaps been a granddaughter of Tuthmosis III, founder of the Great White Brotherhood of the Therapeutate, while through her father she was descended from Igrath ( daughter of Esau and Mahalath), the mother of Queen Sobeknefru who established the Dragon Court as a royal institution in Egypt. Genesis of the Grail Kings. The 'White' referred to the manna, the white powder, food of the gods.
You will find some startling references to the Great White Brotherhood of the Therapeutate when we get into the life of Jesus, later on. Just keep in mind it started in Egypt.
Moses was educated by the real Egyptians at Thebes and he did not convert to Hebrew. We also don't think he became a slave. The works of Josephus say he just left. But this was after he lead a army against the Ethiopians and the Hebrews to drive them out which was around 1540 BC. This predates Akhenaten by 200 years. Moses was trained as an Egyptian high priest and magician from the true Royal house at Thebes, and we think he joined the Hebrews when they left Egypt to try and teach them the true god wasn't Jehovah. He did not succeed.
Not only was he crowned at Karnak temple of the god Amun but, like his father he married a lady of non-royal blood, Nefertiti the daughter of the vizier Ay . Ay seems to have been a brother of Queen Tiy (Anen was another) and a son of Yuya and Tuya. Nefertiti's mother is not known; she may have died in childbirth or shortly afterwards, since Nefertiti seems to have been brought up by another wife of Ay named Tey, who would then be her stepmother. see.. Amarna King. Tiye was Nubian. Akhenaten does look like Tiye. There is also a princess at the bottom of the page that resembles Tiye.
The association of Akhenaten with Moses was inspired by Sigmund Freud... But look at Genesis 2:18-21, Reuel is the name of Moses's father-in-law. Five verses later it is changed to Jethro. Genesis 2:19 positively identifies Moses as an Egyptian, and Manetho in The Aegyptiaca says Moses was an Egyptian priest of Heliopolis. It's beginning to look like Moses had no Hebrew heiritage at all because it says, "They would willingly lay claim to him themselves...and pretend that he was of Heliopolis."..which means he wasn't. Then there is biblical evidence that only Aaron would be the High Priest of the Hebrews and not Moses. This is because Aaron was Moses' half Brother and Moses was not the son of a Levite, only Aaron was. If Moses was an Egyptian and an Egyptian King at that, would the Hebrews admit it?
And what about the magic that Moses uses to convince the pharoah to 'Let the People go'? The Bible forbids the use of magic, but this is changed to reflect that it is God's power Moses is using. Hardley! And then we have Solomon who had a bronze serpent on a pole - magic again..but provided by the true God through knowledge.
We also found other archeological evidence that the 'plagues' susposedly imposed by God on Egypt actually occured in 1624 BC. Exodus 10:22-23. A papyrus called Ipuwer acquired by the Museum of Leiden in 1828 is a multi-page 19th century document copied from an earlier source, and tells of a series of devastating events in Egypt, they say was some 300 years before Moses if he is dated to the 19th dynasty or the rule of Ramses which we again review here.. XVIII and XIX Dynasty These events we believe occured before the time of Moses, which we have dated to 1590- 1470BC, before he leads the Hebrews out of Egypt, if he lead them at all. The new documentary film "Exodus Decoded", that we discussed on our Hiram Intro 2 page gives evidence that the Exodus did in fact occur around 1470 to 1590 BC, or the seventeenth Dynasty of Egypt when Ahmose was King of Egypt.
If you waited 500 years to write this down, or rewrite it, you might tend to run it all together. This all occured before the Romans occupied Egypt and Isreal. This was all before any bible was written. And if you research this, the Romans, the catholics in particular, forbid people to even have a bible. When they finally did, this was still 500 years after Jesus' time. The Romans corrupted the Hebrew works even further to suit their own goals and from that time forward have created a religious lie.
Statements by Jehovah announced that, "I am a jealous God, visiting
the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth
generation of them that hate me'. (punishing the children for
the sin of the fathers) which is rediculious in itself.( Exodus 20:5).
Such remarks are indicitive of the bible writers awareness that their's was a god of
wrath and vengence, and by including such judgemental pronouncements
in the text, the temple authorities of the 6th century BC were
able to subject the rank and file to subservience, with the priests
being the authorized bridges between Jehovah and the people. By
virtue of this the people were brought under the rule of the priests,
whose rights of communication with Jehovah were beyond challenge.
This same tested process is repeated by the christian popes and
bishops and other christian authorities of today.
Long before Yahweh made his dubious entry onto the stage of history as a jealous patron deity, ancient astral deities had already encompassed the major advances later seen in the Christian idea of the supreme creator god, who is both the god of reality and the god of the mind.
In rediscovering the underlying nature of this "God behind God" and his complementary relationship with the Goddess, with whom he is inextricably fused in deep union, just as Shiva and Shakti, we will not only discover our true origins of deity in the joyful marriage of complements - male and female mind and body, but also our much more ancient roots in the links between the conscious mind and the immortal unfolding of fertility which were already discovered 20,000 years ago with the first developments of human culture. In a real sense these ancient traditions, far from being more primitive, capture in archetypal form realities towards which our modern scientific society is only now converging after a long period of imbalance and confusion.
There is more to this, and we'll show what it includes later.
Getting back to Genesis; there is something else about the Genesis account doesn't ring true.
..This corrupted version doesn't give credit to a God that's susposed to be loving, kind and forgiving.
Punishing one person (Adam) for the actions of another (Eve) is immoral and in this case darn right
mean!. If we use the Adam and Eve story to explain evil,
suffering and death then we are saying that God is immoral, cruel
and not a forgiving God which backs up our theory which you
have already seen explained. If we acted like this somebody would
have us committed to the physco ward at the nearest hospital.
This story also may have been used as a metaphor to explain the
creation of mankind, but it shows immediate judgement and anger
and it teaches us to fear God. It says that he is irrational,
unjust, subject to rage at the drop of a hat and is a
sort-of Dr.Jeckel and Mr. Hyde.
We feel that judging Adam and Eve even when they didn't know the difference between good and evil, when they didn't know it was wrong to disobey and couldn't understand that the serpent might have tricked them, is also immoral. When we discover that the serpent isn't the evil one, we have a whole new set of problems to solve. Conclusion; The Adam and Eve story is not a suitable moral story for children nor is it a valid theodicy to explain evil.
Genesis 3:1; serpent - devil, satan. This symbol is less
than accurate, because the subconscious/conscious mind
associates the qualities of the snake - slick, slow, suspicious
movement, potentially dangerous and generally a threat - with
the abstract ideas of temptation, malice, and predatory
inclinations. But so is the lion, tiger, bear, badger, coyote
and any other carnivores animal.
What they don't tell you is that the serpent is also very wise
and has knowledge like that of a modern day Einstein. The problem
is that somebody here doesn't have any common sence, and is as
dumb as a brick and acts on impulse rather than thinking things
out. He is jealous, he is vengefull, ('full of wrath') he is
anotherwords an emotional train wreck! He judges from a hatefull,
get even - viewpoint. He is therefore ignorant. But the tempter
isn't the one who is ignorant or gets angry at the drop of a hat.
.. and the serpent has nothing what-so-ever to do with evil.
In untangeling this mess we discovered that Pope Gregory, who we mentioned on Forbidden forward 2 as the instigatior of the Mary Magdalene as a sinner scam, is also responsible for the description of the devil. In 591 Gregory announced that 'Satan has horns and 'hooves', and said Gregory, 'and power to control the weather.' Henceforth, horned animals (in particular stags and goats) were considered to be devilish, while the pictorial imagery of satan became even more exaggerated by the addition of a tail, bat's wings and a variety of bodily characteristics based upon the satyrs of Greek mythology. There is also no such character as the Anti-Christ, also created to strike terror into the hearts of man..for one reason only - the church.
All teaching that opposed those of the church were designated antichrists or satanists....and it remains so today.
"You will be like the Gods,
knowing and evil"..... But which God did they mean?
In the Nag Hammidi tests, the so-called ignorant one has
called himself the 'Godhead', and he has gathered his hosts around him since he
has been hurled from the 'garden' by YHWH. That's correct,
they (more than one) are already on Earth. The
Sophia of Jesus Christ
in the Nag Hammidi Library says Sophia ( Wisdom ) hurled them to
earth. ..and continues... "He resides now on the earth and he
intends to have control of it."
However Genesis Revisited by Zecharia Sitchen explains that the Anunnaki were here long before the creation of Adam. They did indeed 'control' the Earth. They continually had wars amoungst each other fighting about who was in control of what. Enki was god over the oceans and seas and he was in charge of the mining operations in southern Africa. Needing help with the toil of mining, Enki and his wife created 'slave workers' for the gods. All this was done in a 'test tube' until even more workers were requested by Enlil, Enki's brother who's operational base was in Sipper. So they created Adam and Eve and gave them the ability to 'procreate' thereby extending the population so that there would be 'farmers' to till the soil, plant crops and tend to animals.
Adam and Eve needed 'knowledge' to accomplish this. Recent scientific finds indicate that eating 'meat' which contained proteins, helped to expand their brain capacity. Until then the 'slave workers' ate grass and 'green' things and did what they were told.
Genesis 3, Verse 7 says of Adam and Eve, "they did eat of the tree and their eyes were opened". The KJB does not say Eve was tempted by the serpent. It does use the word 'deceived' which we have already learned is not true. In Genesis 2:25 The man and the woman were naked and felt no shame. Genesis 3:11 has God asking Adam how he knew he was 'naked'. He knew because he was conscious, aware of himself. But then in Genesis 3:14 the God curses the serpent, not Adam. Is this a decrepency too? No, Enlil arrested Enki for imparting 'knowledge' to Eve.
It is not a dark angel or a vile serpent that gives Eve knowledge. The knowledge is from the loving, kind God who in the Sumerian myth is Enki (He is called The Serpent King or Dragon) or actually the knowledge is from from his wife - Nin-khursag, her name meaning 'Mountain Queen'. She is the same as Sophia (the giver of wisdom) in the Nag Hammidi texts. We find that anything associated with 'knowledge' or higher learning is dubbed 'evil' by none other than a religious sect who wanted the people to remain ignorant and not discover the truth.
Where in this story do you see the word 'satan'? There is no satan here. Only a wise Serpent King, who was dubbed a satan by St. Jerome in the 4th century so there would be an opposing force against the wrong god. The problem is, Jerome took the Hebrew point of view and helped form a competor for the false god who the Hebrews called Jehovah.
The Serpent is and has always been associated with knowledge. In Isaiah 14:12 there is a fallen 'day star' (Venus) which was redefined as 'light bearer'. When translated to Latin this word becomes the proper noun Lucifer. Hence in St.Jerome's 4th century Vulgate bible, it becomes associated with an evil satan some 1400 years later. This enemy was necessary so it could claim souls of anyone who did not offer absolute obedience to the church. The older it was the better, so they associated it with the serpent. The 'Serpent Lord' was Enki, but in parts of Chaldea he had been called Shaitan, and so it was determined that the story could be rewritten to suit the desired purpose.
This insite tells us that the Hebrews picked
the wrong god to worship calling him Jehovah and Yehweh.
But the bible also has the name Adon, and Elohm. If you
look in the Catholic encyclopedia, 'Elohm' is a false god.
The good god has no name or it is a secret name only
given 'to those who are worthy to receive it'. Moses was
told his name was, "I Am that I Am". As we read
in Genesis, Abraham did not use the name 'Jehovah'. He
called the god he followed, 'the God of Our Fathers'.
On Abraham's page we explain the difference in which God he
followed. The 'priesthood of Melchizedek' into which Abraham
was initiated, is the key to the idenity of the Good God.
However some texts say this god is Jehovah including
Genesis 14:22,15:2,3,4,7,8. Jehovah is associated with
El Elyon who is the Canaanite god also known as Baal.
Adon is not the bad god. We find his name in Hebrew texts
and the Nag Hammidi scrolls that prove this.
The god the Hebrews chose is a bad god that demands that man 'serve' and 'obey' him. The Hebrews were afraid of this god and we know this is true because at every turn in their history this god destroys...beginning with the flood, then he causes the destruction of the city of Babel and tears down Sodom and Gamorah. The city of Babel wasn't a bad place and Sodom and Gamorah wasn't a den of eniquity - We found out what it really was and why Jehovah destroyed it.
The word Jehovah is derived from beneha-elohim
The Elohim are also called "watchers" by Enoch and if you
read Psalm 82: you find this;
"Jehovah takes his stand
at the council of El to deliver judgement amoung the elohim."
elohim is a plural noun and means the 'sons of the gods'.
Gods? "You too are gods, sons of El Elyon, all of you". Jehovah
is understood to acknowledge his counterparts when he attended
the grand assembly of the deities: "God standth in the
congregation of the mighty ; he judgeth amoung the gods... Ye
are gods, and all of you are children of the most high."
The 'watchers' are those mentioned in the books of Enoch
and Jubilees as those deiform beings who had mated with
the earthly women. Once again..If you didn't read ,
The Books Of Enoch -
you need to.
Exerpt from Enoch's Books; 6.7 And these are the names of their leaders:
Semyaza, who was their leader, Urakiba, Ramiel, Kokabiel, Tamiel, Ramiel, Daniel, Ezeqiel,
Baraqiel, Asael, Armaros, Ananel, Zaqiel, Samsiel, Satael, Turiel, Yomiel, Araziel.
6.8 These are the leaders of the two hundred Angels and of all the others
with them.
In the book of Daniel the Watchers are akin to the
Nephilim. The Nephilim are the 'fallen ones', children
of the the El-ohim, those who are called "Watchers" in the KJB.
Jehovah therefore is the leader of the Elohims and there
are 200 of them...son's ..Plural, more than one.
By comparison, in Sumerian mythology, 'El Elyon' and 'Baal' is also called Enlil and on the Passage 1 page when we get into the Nag Hammidi writings, is the same as Yaldabaoth. This creature would be the same as the God in Genesis and the wrong one is dubbed 'a satan' by St Jerome, not the kind, forgiving deity we wish to know as God and certainly not by Moses who is said to have written down the words of God. Neither Moses nor Jerome would have known that the Nag Hammidi scrolls would catch his lie 600 years later, not to mention the Sumerian clay tablets and other proof we get to after Passage page 3. (see the Enuma elish page.) Yes there is a "God" , but it is not the one who speaks to humans. Adam, Eve, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus were spoken to by God's angles. We think we've found enough proof for you to agree.
In post-biblical Jewish literature, God is frequently depicted as communicating to human beings by means of a Bath-Qol: a “daughter of a voice,” that is, an echo.
The Sumerian stories have been dubbed myth for far too long by church fathers who misinterperted the Torah and the Hebrew texts long ago. In our so-called educated society, we seem to ignore facts that have emerged in the last 50 years that contridict what we have been taught by church leaders. When we read the actual texts of long buried clay tablets and scrolls we find a different story than the KJB relates.
The 'other texts'
The Sumerian king of Eridu, (Enoch) was regarded as the first man and sage, but was not considered immortal. Whereas Adam is claimed to have named the beasts and fowl, the Akkadian myth credits Adapa (Adam) with the invention of speech. On a fishing expedition in the Persian Gulf the south wind buffeted him but the strength of his curse broke its wings. Afterwards he was summoned to heaven by Anu (The true God with no name) who was displeased by his action. Before he left Ea (Enki) dressed his son in sackcloth and told him not to partake of any food that he was offered while there.
Greeted by Tammuz (also called Isis, Eve and Ishtar), Adapa informed the dying king
(Anu) that he mourned his absence from earth, a sentiment that was
well received. His frank admission of guilt greatly appeased
Anu who offered him the "food of life" and the "water of life,"
of which Adapa refused and returned to Eridu (Eden).
Another legend tells of his (Anu's) wrath
for Ea (Enki). Adapa like Adam discovered his father's advice
(the denial of 'knowledge') was intended to deny him immortality.
He suffered the same consequence as Adam by learning that henceforth
disease and death became the fate of humankind.
But this means having knowledge does reverse the denial of immortality.
The Serpent God Enki granted Adam and Eve knowledge.
A star burst was recorded by the Sumerians (as researched
by Michanowsky) and coincides with the "date of creation" circa
4,000 B.C. ( updated since then ) It was recorded as the "giant star of the god Ea in
the constellation of Vela of the god Ea." from Science Digest,
Mar '81
"Vela" is derived from the Spanish verb velar,
'to watch'. The Akkadians who followed the Sumerians spoke of the
Land of Shumer - which meant the Land of the Watchers.
The Sumerian Watchers
"The Watchers" were "a specific race of divine beings known in Hebrew as nun resh 'ayin, 'irin' (resh 'ayin, 'ir' in singular), meaning 'those who watch' or 'those who are awake', which is translated into Greek as Egrhgoroi egregoris or grigori, meaning 'watchers'." These Watchers feature in the main within the pages of pseudepigraphal and apocryphal works of Jewish origin, such as the Book of Enoch and the Book of Jubilees. Their progeny, according to Hebrew tradition, are named as nephilim, a Hebrew word meaning 'those who have fallen' or 'the fallen ones', translated into Greek as gigantez, gigantes, or 'giants' - a monstrous race featured in the Theogony of the hellenic writer Hesiod (c. 907 BC)...see Sons of God
"...'In the days of Jared',(Enoch's Father) two hundred Watchers 'descended' on 'Ardis', the summit of Mount Hermon - a mythical location equated with the triple peak of Jebel esh Sheikh (9,200 feet), placed in the most northerly region of ancient Palestine. In Old Testament times its snowy heights had been revered as sacred by various peoples who inhabited the Holy Land; it was also the probable site of the Transfiguration of Christ when the disciples witnessed their Lord 'transfigured before them'.
"On this mountain the bad Watchers swear an oath and bind themselves by 'mutual imprecations', apparently knowing full well the consequences their actions will have both for themselves and for humanity as a whole. It is a pact commemorated in the name given to the place of their 'fall', for in Hebrew the word Hermon, or harem, translates as 'curse'."
"In time, each of the 200 took an earthly spouse. These unions produced children of extraordinary size, who quickly devoured the world's food. To satisfy their enormous appetites, the angel-children roamed the earth, slaughtering every species of bird, beast, reptile and fish. Finally, the ravenous creatures turned on one another, stripping flesh from the bones of their fellows and slaking their thirst in rivers of blood.
As this wave of destruction washed over the earth, the anguished cries
of humankind reached four powerful archangels - Uriel, Raphael,
Gabriel, and Michael - who upon orders from God enacted a swift
(This is a Hebrew account- they are afraid
of Jehovah) and retribution is his nature. Uriel, Raphael and
the others have nothing to do with this bad God and Noah and
his sons are not the only humans that are saved - otherwise
how would there be 4 other 'races'? Noah had a
special task that no one one else was able to undertake.
Building the Ark! He is helped by the Good God we call Enki
who is identified as such in the Sumerian texts. Likewise he
is identified as Hashem god in the Torah.
"First Uriel (sent by Enki) descended to earth to warn Noah of a coming deluge,
advising him to prepare an ark to carry his family and a
menagerie of creatures to safety. Raphael then fell upon the
leader of the Watchers, bound him hand and foot, and thrust him
into eternal darkness. Next, Gabriel charged with slaying the
dissenters' offspring, encouraged the monstrous angel-children
to fight one another. Finally, Michael trussed up the remaining
Watchers, forced them to witness the deaths of their progeny,
and condemned them to eternal torment. Only then did the heavens
open up and wash away the last traces of the destruction that
the fallen angels had wrought."
Cosmic Duality
"Other Watchers stand accused of revealing to mortal kind the knowledge of more scientific arts, such as the knowledge of the clouds, or meteorology; the 'signs of the earth', presumably geodesy and geography; as well as astronomy and the 'signs', or passage, of the celestial bodies, such as the sun and moon.
Shemyaza [the leader of the Watchers] is accredited with having taught men 'enchantments, and root-cuttings', a reference to the magical arts...One of their number, Penemue, taught 'the bitter and the sweet', surely a reference to the use of herbs and spices in foods, while instructing men on the use of 'ink and paper', implying that the Watchers introduced the earliest forms of writing.
Far more disturbing is Kisdeja, who is said
to have shown 'the children of men all the wicked smitings of
spirits and demons, and the smitings of the embryo in the womb,
that it may pass away'. In other words, he taught women how to
abort their babies."
Andrew Collins, From the Ashes of
Angels - The Forbidden Legacy of a Fallen Race (1996) p. 26
Notice here the 'other' watchers. But Adam knew the signs
of the planets and the use of herbs. Writing, ink and paper
are not evil, so you have to ask yourself, what else is not?
Enoch is a scribe, (see Enoch books 12.4) and he says that it was the angels who introduced writing. So, Enoch was probably taught to write, and employed, by the runaway angels. This section describes how Enoch became involved. Enoch describes how representatives of the (good) Watchers approached him, while praying.
No one seems willing to admit there are 'good' watchers,
angels who taught Enoch many things. The key to understanding this
is HOW he uses this knowledge. And here is more proof -
(12.3)They gave him a message
to pass on to the runaways.
The Book of Jubilees below explains this better. "And we explained to Noah all the
medicines of their diseases, together with their seductions, how he
(13) might heal them with herbs of the earth. And Noah wrote down all things
in a book as we instructed him concerning every kind of medicine. Thus the
evil spirits were precluded from (14) (hurting) the sons of Noah. And he gave all
that he had written to Shem, his eldest son; for he
(15) loved him exceedingly above all his sons.
14.3 As He has created, and appointed, men to understand the word of knowledge, so He created and appointed me to reprove the Watchers, the sons of Heaven. The Book of Reproof
The Watcher that taught the signs of the planets is Tamiel.(Enoch 8.3 ) Amezarak taught all those who cast spells and cut roots, Armaros the release of spells, and Baraqiel astrologers, and Kokabiel portents, and Tamiel taught astrology, and Asradel taught the path of the Moon.
8.1; And Azazel taught men to make swords, and daggers, and shields, and breastplates. And he showed them the things after these, and the art of making them; bracelets, and ornaments, and the art of making up the eyes, and of beautifying the eyelids, and the most precious stones, and all kinds of coloured dyes. Rebels amoung the Watchers
9.4 And they said to their Lord, the King: "Lord of Lords, God of Gods, King of Kings!
Your glorious throne endures for all the generations of the world, and blessed and praised!
9.5 You have made everything, and power over everything is yours. And everything is
uncovered, and open, in front of you, and you see everything, and there is nothing that can be
hidden from you.
9.6 See then what Azazel has done; how he has taught all iniquity on the earth and revealed
the eternal secrets that are made in Heaven.
"The explanation of this myth, which has been a stumbling block to theologians, may be the arrival in Palestine of tall, barbarous Hebrew herdsmen early in the second millennium B.C., and their exposure, by marriage, to Asiatic civilization. 'Sons of El' in this sense would mean the 'cattle-owning worshipper of the Semite Bull-god El'. 'Daughters of Adam' would mean 'women of the soil' (adama), namely, the Goddess- worshipping Canaanite agriculturists, notorious for their orgies and premarital prostitution. If so, this historical event has been tangled with the Ugaritic myth how El seduced two mortal women and fathered divine sons on them, namely Shahar ('Dawn') and Shalem ('Perfect'). Shahar appears as a winged deity in Psalm CXXXIX:9, and his son, according to Isaiah XIV:12, was the fallen angel Helel. Unions between gods and mortals, that is to say between kings or queens and commoners, occur frequently in Mediterranean and Middle Eastern myth.
Since later Judaism rejected all deities but its own transcendental God, and since He never married or consorted with any female whatsoever, Rabbi Shimon ben Yohai in Genesis Rabba felt obliged to curse all who read 'Sons of God' in the Ugartic sense. Clearly, such an interpretation was still current in the second century A.D., and lapsed only when Bene Elohim meant 'God' and Judge,' the theory being that when a duly appointed magistrate tried a case, the Spirit of El possessed him: 'I have said, ye are gods.' (Psalm LXXXII:6)"
Jewish religious authorities, concerned that the growing worship of angels would be a threat to the belief in one God, excised works like those of the Books of Enoch and the Book of Jubilees from canonical literature. These books are now part of what is known as the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha.
The mysterious "egregors" of later magical tradition are
linguistically derived from the Watchers and indicate the
continuation of an underground stream of knowledge.
Robert Graves and Raphael Patai, Hebrew Myths: The
Book of Genesis
Continued on Passage forward 3
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