Jesus, Mary Magdalene and the Truth

Jesus, Mary Magdalene and the truth

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The washing of Jesus' feet by Mary Madgelene

In the Gospel of Luke Mary wipes her hair on Jesus' feet; Under Jewish law, only a husband was allowed to see a woman's hair unbound and if a woman let her hair down in front of another man, this was a sign of impropriety and grounds for divorce. This incident, then, can be seen as portraying Jesus and Mary either as man and wife or as libertine lovers with scant regard for moral niceties.

Explainations and secrets uncovered that you won't find anywhere else.

From the scattered indications in the canonical Gospels and the secret Gospel of Mark, we can put together a picture of Jesus' baptism, "the mystery of the kingdom of God." It was a water baptism administered by Jesus to chosen disciples, singly and by night. The costume, for the disciple, was a linen cloth worn over the naked body. This cloth was probably removed for the baptism proper, the immersion in water, which was now reduced to a preparatory purification. After that, by unknown ceremonies, the disciple was possessed by Jesus' spirit and so united with Jesus. One with him, he participated by hallucination in Jesus' ascent into the heavens, he entered the kingdom of God, and was thereby set free from the laws ordained for and in the lower world. Freedom from the law may have resulted in completion of the spiritual union by physical union. This certainly occurred in many forms of gnostic Christianity; how early it began there is no telling. The physical union was not sexual but the King of France concluded that it was - so he could prosecute the Templars who must have carried forward this tradition and practice.

Proof of a Mystery School - Observe, the temptations are addressed to the fourfold nature of man, as recognised by the ancient Egyptians. 1st.-To the outer body, with its physical needs. 2nd. -To the inner body, the seat of the senses and desires. 3rd.-To the soul, the seat of the intellect.

Here we have one of the many passages which show that the words attributed to the writers of the Epistles are quotations from this Gospel, and that such portions at least were extant in their time.-e.g., I. John iii. 9. (A. V.).the above from.. The Four Temptations

LECTION 9. 3 -In all the ancient initiations woman was one of the temptations placed in the way of the aspirant. That this was not omitted in the trial of the "Perfect Man" we may be certain, and we are expressly told in the Epistle to the Hebrews that "he was in all points tempted even as we are." Why the writers of the Canonical Gospels omitted this trial, or whether it was dropped out of the original by accident we cannot say, but here we have it restored in its place. It is evidently inculcated by Iesus in this second temptation (what has always been known to the wise) that adepts should store up their physical strength for work on a higher plane, and this Iesus did for the work of the ministry as an example for all who would follow him and heal the bodies and souls of others.

The Roman conspiracy to hide the truth

Concerning Jesus' executioner, Pontius Pilate: We have a considerable body of data that contradicts the largely sympathetic portrayal of him in the New Testament. Even among the long line of cruel procurators who ruled Judea, Pilate stood out as a notoriously vicious man. He eventually was replaced after murdering a group of Samaritans: The Romans realized that keeping him in power would only provoke continual rebellions. The gentle, kindhearted Pilate of the New Testament—who in his "heart of hearts" really did not want to harm Jesus is fictional. Like most fictions, the story was created with a purpose.

When the New Testament was written, gnostic Christianity was banned by Roman law. Then they burned the records and ordered that all of the family members be rounded up and executed. The Romans, well aware that they had executed Christianity's founder—indeed the reference to Jesus' crucifixion by the Roman historian Tacitus is among the earliest allusions to him outside the New Testament—had no reason to rescind their anti-Christian legislation. Christianity's only hope for gaining legitimacy was to "prove" to Rome that its crucifixion of Jesus had been a terrible error, and had only come about because the Jews forced Pilate to do it. Thus, the New Testament depicts Pilate as wishing to spare Jesus from punishment, only to be stymied by a large Jewish mob yelling, "Crucify him." The account ignores one simple fact. Pilate's power in Judea was absolute. Had he wanted to absolve Jesus, he would have done so: He certainly would not have allowed a mob of Jews, whom he detested, to force him into killing someone whom he admired.

It is also not hard to suppose that the Zealots set Jesus up if they couldn’t have a leader, then at least they could have a martyr. He knew they had to betray him and it is interesting that the man who has been recorded as the traitor, Judas lscariot, was undoubtedly a Zealot Sicarii. He was, we can suggest a traitor to Jesus but a patriot to the Zealots. New information discloses that Judas was not a traitor. He did what Jesus told him to do. In fact in the newly released 'Gospel of Judas', Jesus actually trusts Judas more than the others and teaches him seperately. So in effect Jesus did what they wanted. Judas pointed out Jesus to the armed guards who came to make the arrest. And as he was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus asked (as rendered in the original Greek), “Am I a Zealot, that you had to set out to capture me with swords and clubs?” (Matthew 26:55).’~ Jesus thus reveals and incidentally, so does the writer of the Gospel of Matthew that he knew the political reality of the time.

The Gospel of Judas can be found on the National Geographic channel web site and downloaded in PDF format. Lost Gospel

If the Sadducee priesthood wanted to be rid of Jesus because they saw him as a messiah and a threat to their power, and if the Zealots too, for different reasons, wanted to be rid of Jesus, then word of this would have reached Pilate. And this intelligence would have put him in a very difficult position. Pilate was Rome’s official representative in Judaca, and Rome’s main argument with the Jews was that they declined to pay their tax to Caesar’. Yet here was a leading Jew the legitimate king no less telling his people to pay the tax. How could Pilate try, let alone condemn, such a man who, on the face of it, was supporting Roman policy? Pilate would himself be charged with dereliction of duty’ should he proceed with the condemnation of such a supporter.

The New Testament represents “the Jews’ as baying for Jesus's blood. And this apparent guilt of the Jews stuck for millennia - it was only recently acknowledged as fraudulent by the Vatican. The militant Zealots, those who hated the Romans and would sacrifice even one of their own for their political aims. In the scenario presented here. Pilate would have found himself in a serious dilemma: to keep the peace he had to try, condemn, and execute a Jew who was supporting Rome but whose existence was causing public disorder, the flames of which were being fanned by the disgruntled Zealots. Pilate needed to try to square the circle on this; he desper­ately needed a deal.

And the deal, I suggest, was this: that he try Jesus and condemn him as a political agitator, thus appeasing the Zealots, who threatened widespread disorder. This was the last thing Pilate needed on his watch, especially since he was aware that he was falling out of favor with the Roman authorities. But while he condemned Jesus and had to go through with the required sentence of crucifixion, he could not dare have it reported to Rome that Jesus had actually died. So Pilate took steps to ensure that Jesus would survive. He spoke with a member of the Sanhedrin and friend of Jesus, the wealthy Joseph of An­mathea.
The Jesus Papers - Michael Baigent

More about this on More of the Story

The Murders of the Believers

Here we find the trial conducted by Phiny the Younger. He says he asks questions of them and then he even tortures some members of the Christian group, some slave women whom he titles "deaconesses" and under torture tries to get them to admit to some of the crimes that he thinks must be associated with this group. In the process he finds that in fact it's a fairly innocuous group.... He says, "I discovered nothing more than an innocuous superstition. They don't really do all that much. They meet before daybreak. They sing hymns antiphonally and they worship Christ as if he were a god," and then he says, "They take an oath, but not an oath to do anything bad, rather an oath only to be good. Not to defraud people. Not to do anything evil," and so on, and so clearly Pliny is baffled a bit about what it is that constitutes their crime, but ultimately he still comes to the conclusion that he must execute some of them .
The Roman that Killed The Followers of Christ

These letters concern an episode which marks the first time the Roman government recognized Christianity as a religion separate from Judaism, and sets a precedent for the massive persecution of Christians that takes place in the second and third centuries.

The letter he writes to Emporer Tanjan; I asked them whether they were Christians or not? If they confessed that they were Christians, I asked them again, and a third time, intermixing threatenings with the questions. If they persevered in their confession, I ordered them to be executed; for I did not doubt but, let their confession be of any sort whatsoever, this positiveness and inflexible obstinacy deserved to be punished. The letter

Epiphanius, the Catholic Bishop of Constantia in the fourth century, wrote a book called Panarion in which he described and denounced various non-Catholic Christian groups. In that book he admits that in his own day, in the fourth century there still existed "Jewish Christians" called "Nazarenes" related to the ancient order of Essenes. Epiphanius admits also that the original followers of Yahowshua were "known as Nazarenes" and that "the sect of the Nazarenes existed prior to the birth of Jesus". But rather than admit the obvious - That the Nazarene sect of his day was the direct descendant of Original Christinity and the true custodian of the teachings of Yahowshua.

Five true Christian women were executed because of their beliefs. These women became the foundation of the Order of the Eastern Star, which still exists today. Their names are Ruth, Ester, Adah, Electa, and Martha. Their emblem rests on the Star of David and was founded in 1867 by Dr. Rob Morris.

Epiphanius denounced them as heretics because their teachings were not in line with Catholic dogma! What were the Nazarene Christian doctrines that Catholic Bishop Epiphanius found so heretical?

1.The Nazarenes, both the ancient Judaic Nairenes and the later Christian Nairenes were strict vegetarians;
2.The Nazarenes believed that the Old Testament books of Moses had been falsified by the fallen orthodox Jewish priesthood and corrupt kings; they believed that Moses indeed gave the true Law, but that the true Law had been removed from the Pentateuch (the first five books of the Old Testament attributed to Moses) and was preserved only in their own Nazarene scriptures;
3.The Nazarene-Christians claimed that they possessed the original New Testament of Yahowshua, written in Aramaic, and it differed from the Catholic New Testament.

In regard to Schonfield's reference to the Nazarenes as "an ancient Israelitish type of religion defying Judean efforts to obliterate it", it is important to note that the term "Judean" refers to southern Israel and especially the orthodox Jewish temple at Jerusalem. Like Schonfield, H.P. Blavatsky demonstrates that the northern Nazarene-Essene religion was much more ancient and authentic than the orthodox Judaism that held power in Yahowshua' day, pre-dating even the authentic versions of the several books of Moses (Moses was attempting to reestablish the Essene Nazarene religion after the captivity) and certainly pre-dating the falsified versions; this she says in her book,'Isis Unveiled'

"The Narireate [her spelling] sect existed long before the laws of Moses, and originated among the people of Galilee, where was built Nazara, the present Nazareth. It is in Narara that the ancient Nazoria or Nazireates held their "Mysteries of Life"....

In reference to Ephphanius charge in number two above that the Nazarenes believed the books of Moses had been falsified by modern scholarship again concurs: Schonfield writes:

"The old Nazareans ("Nazarenes), like the Samaritans, were opposed to the Judean traditions, holding that the southerners had falsified the Law of Moses."

Believe it or not, the rather exalted status given to Yahowshua by Nazarene Christology' - that he was "created similar to, but higher than, the archangels", did no go far enough for catholic bishop Epiphanius. Because the Nazarenes believed Yahowshua was "created" by God, they were considered in violation of the Catholic dogma that Yahowshua, being part of the uncreated Godhead, had never been "created". And we all know what the punishment for that type of heresy is death! Which was exactly the eventual fate of the Nazarene remnant that still existed in Epiphanius' time:


The Life and Aims of Jesus

The exact same story, told in a different "light"

The entire mythological nature of the Egyptians was dedicated to the 'Gods'. In Revelation 4:4 there are 24 'Elders' who sit together in heaven with God. These 24 elders, ( Egyptians had 42 ) some believe were actually on earth [ as in Genesis 6: 4-7,] and tried to show man the 'WAY', which they did, however they were interfeared with by the 'Sons of Darkness', who corrupted man. and see below ref. "the 24 invisible ones and all their places and their aeons".

If you carefully study each God of the Egyptians, you will see they all had a specific purpose and were continually fighting evil, but the Gods who represented good always prevailed in the end destroying the false teachers. It wasn't corruption like the bible describes, nor did it have anything to do with sex, it was education that the evil doers hated.
A Link to the Mythological Gods of Egypt. Creation Mythology

This 'good and evil' and fighting between the two forces of Light and Darkness goes back to 'The Story of Atlantis', where the Evil one is Baal, and then is continued with the fight between Set and Horus , Seqenenre and Apophis, Jesus and Satan. The 'LAW OF ONE' of Atlantis and the Fallen Angels, are the connection and the beginning of the End. The Genesis account is made clear in The Enuma Elish

The Apocryphon of John. Compair this story with that of the Egyptians, the story of Isis and Osiris. Set is the evil one who battles with the good son Horus. They are exactly alike. Even some of the names of the fallen angles, who were called Gods, are also similiar.

The Truth uncovered

The Tomb of Jesus shows the doorway being guarded by two Sentries The Wands crossed between the Square (the Doorway) joined by the Cable Tow - The Mystic Tie, bound between the Circle of Knowledge shows Jesus kneeling taking his obligation.
Taken from a Mosaic Window - The Garrison Church, The Rocks, Sydney, Australia

To become a Freemason, you must be a seeker - a seeker of Knowledge. To become a Freemason you must knock at the Door to discover the mysteries of the Temple of Light. Jesus shows you the way to knock at the door to receive the light he is carrying in his hand.

Once again, ' raising the dead ' means cleansing and pureification of the soul, not literality dead, but pureification can only happen in heaven, which begins in your heart, your soul, your connection to God. It cannot be done by a priest or in a church. When Jesus 'raised' Lazerus, this was an initiation into the secret teachings. Lazerus was never really DEAD as the NT states. After Lazarus was 'raised', Jesus spent the night with him privately teaching him more of the secret work. Mary Magdalene, Martha her sister, and Lazarus were all initiated, 'raised' and brought into the brotherhood.

This is from the secret Gospel of Mark;
Theodore has asked questions about particular passages of the special Carpocratian Gospel of Mark, and by way of reply Clement transcribes two sections which he claims have been distorted by the heretics. The first fragment of the Secret Gospel of Mark, meant to be inserted between Mark 10.34 and 35, reads:
They came to Bethany. There was one woman there whose brother had died. She came and prostrated herself before Jesus and spoke to him. "Son of David, pity me!" But the disciples rebuked her. Jesus was angry and went with her into the garden where the tomb was. Immediately a great cry was heard from the tomb. And going up to it, Jesus rolled the stone away from the door of the tomb, and immediately went in where the young man was. Stretching out his hand, he lifted him up, taking hold his hand. And the youth, looking intently at him, loved him and started begging him to let him remain with him. And going out of the tomb, they went into the house of the youth, for he was rich. And after six days Jesus gave him an order and, at evening, the young man came to him wearing nothing but a linen cloth. And he stayed with him for the night, because Jesus taught him the mystery of the Kingdom of God. And then when he left he went back to the other side of the Jordan. This becomes the story known as 'the raising of Lazarus'.

In the Gospel of John we find this; John 11;3, "Lord, behold he whom thou lovest is sick." When Jesus heard this he said. " This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified thereby." He then delayed his return to Bethany for two more days.
John 11:11, "Our friend Lazarus sleepeth; but I go, that I may awake him out of sleep." Four verses later Jesus admits the whole affair is carefully stage managed and arranged in advance: "And I am glad for your sakes that I was not there, to the intent ye may believe; nevertheless, let us go unto him" (11:15). Then said Thomas, which is called Didymus , unto his fellow disciples, Let us also go, that we may die with him". (11:16) If Lazarus is literally dead, surely the disciples have no intention of joining him in a collective suicide! Holy Blood, Holy Grail

Then the 'sick' statement is contridicted when Jesus says Lazarus is 'dead'. This means Lazarus is spirtually dead. The death and rebirth took three days so why should he be in a hurry to return. All he needed to do was 'raise him'. But the 'raising' could only be done by a priest..Jesus wasn't a priest. In any case Lazarus had to spend three days in the tomb. The statement of the disciples that they wanted to 'die with him', can only refer to their want to do the same. This could have been the highest level of initiation and the rest of the disciples were not prepared to undergo this rite. And since we believe and Holy Blood Holy Grail confirms, Lazarus was Jesus' brother-in-law and was a family member priviledged and taught before the others.

As we have repeatedly stressed, the initiations involved a symbolic death and rebirth, which were called by those names; sequestration in a tomb, which became a womb for the acolyte's rebirth; a rite, that is now called babtism, a symbolic immersion in water; and a cup of wine, which was identified with the blood of the profit or magician presiding over the ceremony. By drinking from such a cup the disciple consumed a symbolic union with his teacher, the former becoming mystically "one" with the latter. Jesus uses the same terms at the Last Supper.

The Valentinus doctrine states, " What liberates is the knowledge of whom we were, what we became, where we were, where into we have been thrown, whereto we speed, wherefrom we are redeemed; what birth is, and what rebirth is". This knowledge was withheld from individuals because ignorance was the essence of this material world. This world did not know the God of Salvation and thus needed revelation. It's bearer was the messanger from the world of 'light', the Savior, who awakened the sleeping world and imparted to it the saving knowledge. This knowledge becomes the soul's way out of the material world.

For if, by having part in Him, we are raised up and enlightened, herded also it may be and ruled over, then it is clear that we become in a divine manner reasonable, when He drives away from us what in us is irrational and dead, since He is the Logos (reason). Consider, however, whether all men have in some way part in Him in His character as Logos. On this point the Apostle teaches us that He is to be sought not outside the seeker, and that those find Him in themselves are those who set their heart on doing so; "Origen (A.D. 185-254) The Commentary on the Gospel of John Book I

"These things I have received from the generosity of my Lord, Jesus Christ. I have taught you and your brethren, my sons, considering them, while I have not omitted any of the things suitable for strengthening you. But if there is one thing written which is obscure in my exposition of the Word, I shall interpret it for you (pl.) when you (pl.) ask. But now, do not be jealous of anyone who is in your number when he is able to help"..... More on The gospel of the Gnostics and the true teachings of Jesus and the Nazareneson's The True Teachings and Jesus.

Jesus also became known as the teacher of the 'Sons of Light' and the association became known as, 'The Way'. Note ; Jesus' birthday was actually April 17th, 7BC, but it was changed to September 15th in line with Messianic requirement.... It was changed again by Roman Emperor Constantine the Great, to December 25th in AD. 314. So Jesus' birthday is probably on the spring soltice....more about the lies of Paul, Constantine's demand for total control over the people, and how Christianity came to be.
Lies, Lies and more Lies.

Readings on Jesus and the afterlife Here you will find a down-loadable ( 25 pages) reading on Jesus by Mr. Edgar Cayce, who says, in reading # 14. " This should be the ideal of each member of such a group; that the personality of the Christ-Consciousness may be the individuality of each group; also each individual in the group. And there is the analyzing of the Christ-life, Christ Consciousness, one realizes and finds that the Christ-Child was born into the earth as man; one born in due season, in due time, in man's spiritual evolution, that man might have a pattern of the personality and the individuality of God Himself."

The Star of Jesus has returned. The Pole Star or also known as Sirius appeared in 1997. It reached the bottom of the Shaft in the Queen's Chamber in The Great Pyramid in 2004. Jesus is most likely walking amoung us NOW.
The Secret of The Great Pyramid of Gaza

The Lady of Christ

Mary Magdalene has been positively identified as a disciple. She was included in the painting of 'The Last Supper' by, Leonardo da Vinci. She was also called 'a Priest' by James, the Lords' brother. See the paragraph on the The Real Jesus from the Dead Sea Scrolls, that says, "there were three priests and twelve laymen." The Priests were James, Mary and John the Baptist. When John was killed, Jesus becomes the third priest. After the 'Completion' of Christ's mission, James becomes the High Priest and the true leader of the Church. When he too is killed, Mary becomes the Last High Priest of the 'brotherhood' and escapes to Egypt and then France.

Leonardo da Vinci - The Last Supper, Mary is to the left of Christ. They sit together as if they are joined at the hip and this position forms a V which represents the "Holy Grail" or the female. You should also notice the exact match of their clothing, he wears blue over red, she wears red over blue, the symbol of Ying and Yang.

Note: In Holy Blood-Holy Grail Leonardo da Vinci was a member of the Priory of Sion and was on the list of it's Grand Masters. This group is said to be the forerunners and ancestors of the Knights Templar. He is said to have been a Master, or sometimes called Nautonnier, a French word meaning navigator. Da Vinci would have had direct contact with documents or spoke to persons having direct knowledge of this fact. He had an obsession with John the Babtist shown in his many paintings. He portrayed the symbol of John as a forefinger pointing to heaven.

In a study of Leonardo's work seen in The Magdalene Legacy, (called 'John Restored' by Laurence Gardner) we find that Leonardo knew the difference between a man and a woman. His depiction of Mary (as we and many others see it) is 'right on'. This is NOT a man sitting to the left of Christ.

The Essenes, who practiced from 600BC ( ie. Elijah/John ) to 30AD have been rediscovered in the writing of the Dead Sea Scrolls. They had three degrees, Aspirant, Associate and Companion. You will notice in several writings, especially those of Thomas, that the deciples specifically call Mary Magadalene 'the Companion' of Jesus. "Companion means Wife". Thomas's writings also concur that Mary was higher in authority than Peter or the rest.

The first mention of Mary in the new Testament is actually the story of how she was 'raised' from death as (Janus) Jairus' daughter in AD 17. According to Jacapo (1229-1298) Jairus is actually Syro the Jairus. He was chief priest (subordinate to the Jerusalem High Priest). Jarius priestly descent was from the time of David. The priestly line originated in the Old Testament sons of Jair in the time of Moses. That was not the Davidic house of Judah, but the priestly Hasmonaean House of the Maccabees who reigned from 166 BC to 63 BC under general Pompeii.

The expression, 'Slipshod and Hoodwinked', has a value of 1456. This again refers us back to double-headed Janus, because it supplies us with the value of the two months, 'December & January' (134 + 1322 = 1456) see Slipshop and Hoodwinked

The validity of these numerical references to Janus in the symbolism of Entered Apprentice degree has recently been confirmed for me when I discovered a Masonic essay on the two-faced god by Trevor Stewart. In the conclusion to the article he writes:

Remember also that according to Cicero at least, the name Janus has the same root as the verb ‘to initiate’, and what is it that Freemasons’ Lodges do except they initiate? In other words, they are concerned with ‘beginnings’. This discovery illustrates just how effective gematria cryptanalysis can be.

Albert Pike gives a Hebrew derivation of the Cable Tow: ChBL ThV - and translates it as 'His pledge' (bond). It is interesting that this gives it a gematria equivalence (through 446) to a word meaning a noose - MVQSh. One cannot hide from the fact that it is also a symbol of death - MVT - although it is clearly a symbolic, rather than a bodily, death that is prefigured: the profane candidate dies and the new Mason is born.

Being raised is( symbolically from eternal darkness )(Mark 5:37-42; Luke 8:51), but Matthew's version differs in one significant point that cannot be reconciled with the other two without resorting to typically ridiculous fundamentalist "explanations." (Matthew 9:18-19, 23-26)"My daughter has just died.". see Jarius *(s)he has crossed over from death to life.... related either to elevation of status within the 'Way' or, as to be released from spiritual death by excommunication. However, since women were not excommunicated, Mary's event was plainly an initiatory raising. This form of initiatory raising from figurative 'death' (darkness) into the degree of community 'life' (light) was part of an ongoing instructional process called the Way, and was preformed for girls at the age of twelve. First raisings for boys at fourteen. Gardner The Mary Magdalene Legacy p 12.
Given Mary was therefore nine years younger than Jesus, making her twenty-five when she entered her marital contract in AD 30. (Actually born in 7 BC, He was 36)

In her introduction in The Complete Gospels , Karen King states that the theology of the Gospel of Mary is as follows: . . . the Gospel of Mary communicates a vision that the world is passing away, not toward a new creation or a new world order, but toward the dissolution of an illusory chaos of suffering, death, and illegitimate domination. The Savior has come so that each soul might discover its own true spiritual nature, its "root " in the Good, and return to the place of eternal rest beyond the constraints of time, matter, and false morality. The Gospel of Mary exalts Mary Magdalene over the male disciples of Jesus. The Gospel of Mary provides important information about the role of women in the early church. from.. Gospel of Mary

Mary Magdalene, Mary of Bethany (sister of Martha and Lazarus), and the unnamed penitent woman who annointed Jesus's feet (Luke 7:36-48) are sometimes supposed to be the same woman. Peter, James, and her father were the only witnesses of the raising of Jairus's daughter who we think is Mary Magdalene. From this, plus the statement that Jesus had cast seven demons out of her (Luke 8:2), has risen the tradition that she had been a prostitute before she met Jesus. Mary was not a prostitute. It was Pope Gregory in 591 that sealed her fate. He proclaimed that Mary of Bethany and Mary Magdalene to be the same person as detailed in John 11:2. But in the cource of this, he also tackeled the subject if the seven devils, coming to the conclusion that they represented the seven Capital sins. Mary was therefore guilty of pride, envy, glutony, lust, anger, greed and sloth - all seven! It is a wonder that she recovered and that Gregory did not accuse her of the Mortal sins as well!

She was referred to as a 'harlot', because she was Gnostic. The Tarot Card of 'The High Priestess' is Mary Magdalene. She was the 'first priest' of the new 'Christian Church'.

The seven devils

In the Gospel of Luke, Mary is described as a woman 'out of which went seven devils'. The Gnostic Gospel says Mary Magdalene was the one favored with visions and insight that far surpassed Peter's. She was the 'woman who knew the All', which means Jesus had taught her more than the rest of the deciples, because of her ability to understand what he said.

The idea of virginity had such a relation to the number Seven, that it was also named Pallas; and the Pythagoreans, initiated in her rites, compare the virgin Minerva to that number, seeing she was not born, but sprung from the head of Jupiter. God rested on the Seventh day, wherefore it is named Sabbath, a word signifying rest. The Seventh petition of the Lord's Prayer is, deliver us from evil; because the number Seven denotes rest, and all evil being removed from man, he rests in good; and farther, the seventh day or sabbath represents death, or the rest of the soul from worldly labours. In Seven days after Noah entered the ark the flood began: in the Apocalypse Seven trumpets are mentioned: Job speaks of the visitation of six tribulations, which six succeeding days brought on him, but on the Seventh no harm could touch the just: God blessed only the Seventh day, wherefore the number Seven is attributed to the Holy Ghost, without whom there is no blessing. This St. John proves, when in the Apocalypse he calls the Seven horns and the Seven eyes the Seven spirits of God. see THE LAW OF SEVEN

Prior to marriage, Mary's (Priestesses) are under the authority of the Chief Scribe who, in Mary Magdalene's time was Judas Sicariote. The Chief Scribe was also the Demon Priest No.7, and the seven demon priests were established as a formal opposition group to those priests who were the seven lights of Menorah. It was their duty to supervise the community's female celebates. Upon her marriage, Mary Magdalene was naturally released from this arrangement. Hence, 'the seven demons went out of her' and she was permitted sexual activity on the regulated basis discussed on the 'Marriage of Jesus' page.

She had spiritual authority over Peter, given to her directly by Jesus. Mary was much more important than just the High Priestess. With out her, Jesus as King would be as nothing. This was pointed out on the 'Passage' page 1, as the two high ( King and Priestess )offices had to be joined in marriage for the King to have complete power. This was also Jewish Law that was handed down from Moses. Because of the assumption that Mary Magdalene had been a spectacular sinner, and also perhaps because she is described as weeping at the tomb of Jesus on the Resurrection morning, she is often portrayed in art as weeping, or with eyes red from having wept.

Mary's sirname was Magdala, a castle, and was born of right noble lineage and parents, which were decended of the lineage of kings and the lineage of Aaron. Her father was named Cyrus (Syros), and her mother was Eucharis. She with her brother Lazarus, and her sister Martha, possessed the castle of Magdalo, which is two miles from Nazareth, and Bethany. She was 'high priestess' of the Temple of Ishtar at Magdala, and as such was the 'keeper of the doves'. She was not a Benjamite, the tribe which was ostracized because they were said to be of the line of Cain. She was in the line of Aaron, the priestly descendent.

Mary Magdalene was so called either from Magdala near Tiberias, on the west shore of Galilee, or possibly from a Talmudic expression meaning "curling women's hair," which the Talmud explains as of an adulteress. (because her hair cannot be seen down except by her husband). The woman is symbolic when she stands over Hiram Abiff in mourning.

The idea that the character of Mary Magdalene is also derived from Miriam the mythical mother of Yeishu, is corroborated by the fact that the strange name 'Magdalene' clearly resembles the Aramaic term 'mgadla nshaya' meaning 'women's hairdresser'. Because the Christians did not know what the name 'Magdalene' meant, they later conjectured that it meant that she had come from a place called Magdala on the west of Lake Kinneret. The idea of the two Marys fitted in well with the pagan way of thinking. The image of Jesus being followed by the two Marys is strongly reminiscent of Dionysus being followed by Demeter and Persephone.-
Hayyim ben Yehoshua, The Myth of the Historical Jesus

Magdala was a fishing town on the sea of Galilee, just north of Tiberius. Noted also for its flax weaving and dying, Magdala was a weathy, bustling trade center in Gospel times. In the older Gospel of Mark, 8:10 the place name Dalmanutha is used in this context.

From a book by Margaret George; Mary is bright and thoughtful but subject to strange dreams. Intimations of her future begin when, at seven, she goes with her family to Jerusalem to celebrate the Feast of Weeks. She picks up a carved ivory figure from the ground where the family is camping and hides it among her possessions. On this same expedition, she also meets and is impressed by the young Jesus and his mother Mary, also attending the festival. Mary Magdalene grows up, still haunted by dreams, but as she nears marriageable age, she is increasingly troubled by voices, skin lesions, and odd movements in her room. Being wed to Joel doesn't help, and, frightened that the hidden idol is responsible, she confesses her fears to him. When none of the prescribed cures work, the young woman, despairing, heads to the desert, and there, listening to John the Baptist, meets Jesus. He exorcises the demons and the story goes on to tell how she joins Jesus (after being expelled by her family) and begins healing and preaching with the disciples. In relating the events leading to the Crucifixion, and the years afterward, George suggests that Mary loved Jesus not only as the Messiah but also as a man.

George, whose niche is historical and biographical novels, begins this one ploddingly with suspenseless reportage on Mary Magdalene's pleasant, middle-class childhood in a prosperous fishing village. Scattered references to the idol/demon that will eventually possess Mary are intended as fateful omens, but her slow road to madness gets much less play than her conventional and uninteresting life. The novel improves considerably when Mary finds herself possessed by one demon, and then, helplessly, by six more. Her valiant efforts to first hide her possession and then find a cure are masterfully described. When a prophet named Jesus finally casts out her demons, she celebrates, only to realize that she must make a heartrending choice between following the prophet or going back to her husband, baby and extended family. At this point, George's novel becomes a safe, though readable, retelling of the gospels. Her main deviation from orthodoxy is her insistence that there were 16 disciples 12 men and four women who were equal in Jesus' eyes. Additionally, George emphasizes Mary's prophetic visions and Jesus' celebration of them, and in doing so gives credence to gnostic accounts of mysticism among the disciples.

At spiritual gatherings of his disciples, Mary Magdalene constantly peppered Jesus with spiritual questions, as did another woman named Mary and a woman named Martha. Jesus encouraged them to speak. Jesus' positive viewpoint in regard to women was a natural outgrowth of his understanding of God as both Father and Mother; we read in The Essene New Testament:
Jesus said, "God is both male and female, not divided but the Two in One.... In God the masculine is not without the feminine, nor is the feminine without the masculine.... In God the masculine powers and feminine powers are perfectly united as One.

"Verily, God created mankind in the Divine image male and female, and all nature is in the image of God.... In the beginning, God willed and there came forth the First Beloved Son and the First Beloved Daughter, united as Love and Wisdom, created in the Image and Likeness of the Father-Mother, and of these proceed all the generations of the spirits of God, the Sons and Daughters of the eternal....

"Therefore shall the name of the Father and Mother be equally hallowed, for they are the great powers of God...."
While Jesus praises the feminine energy as being Divine and calls women "the daughters of God", Paul tells women to cover their heads as a sign of submission to men -- or to have their heads shaved bald as punishment -- and forbids them to speak at church! ..
from Essene Teachings versus the lie of Paul

We find this interesting: In the Gnostic Gospel of Mary when Mary Magdalene had information revealed to her by Jesus, Peter and Andrew wouldn't believe that she, as a woman, could receive this kind of information which "should" only be given to them (10-19). And the ten pages explaining the secrets she received were conveniently missing. The Gospel of Thomas is the only remaining proof, Mary was a disciple. One wonders, were these pages literally ripped from the ancient manuscripts? ( excerpt below )

Did Mary Madgalene write the fourth gospel? ..see "Mary Magdalene: Author of the Fourth Gospel?"

There is important scholarship which supports the belief that the Gospel of John was really written by Lazarus, Mary's brother, and that it acquired John's name because it was translated into Greek by a presbyter in Ephesus named John (who was once a disciple of the Apostle John - see Ireneaus). There are a number of instances in that Gospel which are written from the point of view of the Bethany family (John 11). Some information could have only come from Mary (John 20:11-17). She may have been "the disciple Jesus loved" (John 11:5; 13:23-26; 18:15-16; 20:2-10; 21:7; 21:20-23). A case has been made for Mary's authorship of the Gospel. Mary Magdalene: Author of the Fourth Gospel? Certainly, she would have had greater intimacy and knowledge about our Lord's teaching than her brother Lazarus.

If John's Gospel is Magdalene in content, if not authorship, then through it, Mary has become the origin of the "Johannine Community" and by extension, the Jamesian tradition of the Desposynic Church. In John, we find uniquely presented the doctrine of the pre-existence of Christ (John 1), regeneration (John 3), the person of the Holy Spirit (John 14), sacramental footwashing (John 13) and other esoteric doctrines of the Church. see MARY MAGDALENE: DEACONESS For these reasons, we assert that the ministry of female deacons is especially required and urgent. For our Lord and Savior was himself served by deaconesses, such as Mary Magdalene . . . along with still other women.
- Didascalia of the Apostles

Several trends within Gnosticism saw in God a union of two disparate natures, a union well imaged with sexual symbolism. Gnostics honored the feminine nature and, in reflection, Prof. Elaine Pagels has argued that Christian Gnostic women enjoyed a far greater degree of social and ecclesiastical equality than their orthodox sisters. Jesus himself, taught some Gnostics, had prefigured this mystic relationship: His most beloved disciple had been a woman, Mary Magdalene, his consort. his beloved, his wife.

Book of John the Baptist

" She ran away from the priests, fell in love with a man, and they took hold of each other's bands. Hold of each other's hands they took, went forth and settled at the mouth of Frash. We will slay them and make Miryai scorned in Jerusalem. A stake (Cross) will we set up for the man who has ruined Miryai and led her away. There shall be no day in the world when a stranger enters Jerusalem."

Edgar Cayce's comments about the role of women in the 'brotherhood'.

"Q. Please describe the membership of the women in the Essene Brotherhood, telling what priviledges and restrictions they had, how they joined the Order, and what their life and work was?

A. This was the beginning of the period where women were considered as equals with the men in their activities, in their abilities to formulate, to live, to be channels. They joined by dedication - usually by their parents. It was a free will thing all the way through, but they were restricted only in the matter of certain foods and certain associations in various periods - which referred to sex, as well as to food and drink. John the Baptist first taught that women who chose, might dedicate their lives to a specific service."

"Thus in Carmel - where there were the priests of this (Essene) faith - there were the (temple) maidens chosen who were dedicated to this purpose, this office, this service . . . That was the beginning, that was the foundation of what ye term The Church." (Cayce 5749-6)

The Black Virgin

"Plutarch compares Isis to knowledge, and Typhon to ignorance, obscuring the light of the sacred doctrine whose blaze lights the soul of the Initiate. No gift of the gods, he holds, is so precious as the knowledge of the Truth, and that of the Nature of the gods, so far as our limited capacities allow us to rise toward them."
- General Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma

"The great Egyptian goddess Isis, often depicted as a black woman, is inextricably linked with alchemy and is closely associated with the Black Madonnas of Europe." ( Black is associated with earth or dirt, not so much a black skined person. )
- Lynn Picknett & Clive Prince, Turin Shroud - In Whose Image? The Shocking Truth Unveiled

"The ankh [the looped cross of Egypt] which Isis carries as supreme initiatrix may account for some of the oddly-shaped scepters carried by the Black Virgins who, like Isis, often favor the color green. Their greeness and blackness points to the beginning of the opus whose secret, according to alchemists, is to be found in 'the sex of Isis'."
-Ean Begg, The Cult of the Black Virgin

"The Black Isis and her name is Notre Dame de Lumiére."
- Pierre Plantard de St Clair (former Grand Master of the Priory of Sion)

Long ago her name was Isis, Queen of the benevolent springs, Come to me all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give your the rest.. Others knew her as Magdalene with the celebrated vase full of healing balm. The initiated know her to be Notre Dame Des Cross.

Most of the several hundred statues in France known as Black Madonnas were accidentally darkened by smoke and fumes from votive candles. Others were originally constructed of a dark wood like ebony (and later pear) or deliberately darkened through periodic treatment with oil or wine. Syrian, Coptic, or Ethiopian images transported to France during the Crusades may have served as prototypes for the Black Madonnas.

Connections with the Templars

Black represented the color of earth - the source of fertility and life, or divine flesh, or sorrow. Many effigies of goddesses were black including Isis, Diana and Cybele. From early on in Christianity, the Bride of the Song symbolized the Church and the Virgin Mary. Churches of the Black Virgin often bore the name of Mary Magdalen. In 1247, Emperor Baldwin II (who helped establish the Templars in Jerusalem) exchanged pieces of the Shroud of Turin with the Abbey of Vézelay for the purported body of Mary Magdalen. A secret tradition states that the Magdalen was Jesus' wife and bore Jesus' offspring to Southern France. There she was revered as a medium of occult revelation.

The early Christain Father, Origen of Alexandria (185-254 AD) equated Mary Magdalene figuratively with the royal bride of the Old Testament Song of Solomon, otherwise known as the Canticle of Canticles She states, I am Black, I am comely, O Ye daughters of Jerusalem' (Song 1:5) This character association was widely upheld as late as the Middle Ages, and was referred to by the 12th century Bernard de Clairvaux in his Sermons on the Canticles. In his sermon 57, he alluded to Mary Magdalene as the 'Bride of Christ'.

(from our Knights Templar page) In 1090 we find a man called St. Bernard who decided to become a monk to the shock and surprise of his family. However within one year thirty-one other family members also join the Cistercian order. St Bernard gets a new abby built for him by none other than Hugh de Payen. Bernard is the nephew of Andre de Montbard, an original Knight. Then comes together, Henri St Clair, Hugh of Champagne, Bernard, Hughes de Payen and Geoffrey de St Omer. The full original title of new order was Pauperes commilitones Christi Templique Salomonis, the Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and the Temple of Solomon. Now we find another order of Monks called, Cistercian which was formed in 1098. From this group of monks appears Bernard of Clairvaux. This is probably the same group.

Amoung the group of survivors who were descendents of the King David and Priestly Aaron blood-lines, were the Families of; Counts of Champagne, Lords of Gisors, Lords of Payen, Counts of Fontaine, Counts of Anjou, de Bouilloin, St Clairs of Roslin, Brienne, Joinvill, Chaumont, St Clair de Gisor, St Clair de Neg and the Hapsburgs. This group also took the name Rex Deus. Godfrey de Bouillon was the originator of the group and is said to be a direct descendent of Jesus.

Apparently the group had decided to return to the site of the original temple exactly 1000 years to the date that the Gospel of John had predicted. This occured just before 1100AD. The Knights were organized into a religious order in 1128 by St Bernard of Clairvaux. In chapter 20 of the Book of Revelations, the author describes how those martyrs who died defending Jerusalem from the Beast ( the Romans ) would be with Christ for 1000 years after which time they would be resurrected. At the end of the first millennium, the reign of Christ and his beloved city would be attacked by heathen nations led by Gog and Magog. 1000 years and a few months later than 70AD the city was devastated by the Seljuk Turks.

THE NAG HAMMADI CODICES found near Qumran (like the Dead Sea scrolls), ancient centre of the Essenes, were a reflection of Platonism and Eastern dualism religion, Zoroastrianism. They have brought additional Gospels to the fore including that of Mary Magdalen - her true importance is said to have been excluded from the Bible by Peter (and the Roman Catholic Church) who denied Christ and detested women, especially educated ones, seeing them as the gateway to the Devil, even denying they had souls.

According to Gnostic tradition Mary Magdalen was associated with wisdom (Sophia) represented by the sun, moon and a halo of twelve stars, becoming Athena to the Greeks. The female gnosis of Sophia (mother of Zoe) (Life, thought to be EVE and Pandora), one of the AEONS, gnostic creators of all things, daughters of Barbello) was deemed to be the Holy Spirit, represented on Earth by Mary Magdalen.

The red cloaked priestesses such as Mary Magdalen, of early Judaeo-Christianity, the HIERODULAI, became defamed as harlots, whores or scarlet women, by end of the 6th century. She is often portrayed in a red cloak over a green dress of fertility. Jesus called her Apostle of the Apostles. As a head sister Mary was entitled to wear black, like the priests of Isis, and there are many statues of BLACK MADONNAS with black hands and faces in France, in churches on pagan sites dedicated to Isis and Athena, and some cults are also associated with LILITH. Wisdom (Sophia) is black having existed in the darkness of Chaos before creation.

The BLACK VIRGIN or Earth Goddess, Erzulie (her avatar a water snake) is worshipped in Voodoo, a mixture of Roman Catholicism and West African tribal religions (their priestesses are called Mambo/Manbo. Ogu, a warrior, is St James the Great.) Black Virgins are found on every continent including the Indian AMARI DE and SARA-KALI, the Indian goddess worshipped by gypsies in France as the Black Virgin Mary. Mary the mother of Jesus, the token woman in the Roman and Orthodox church, was therefore only permitted to be portrayed wearing blue (heaven) and white (purity)! Earlier she wore a red dress - her mother St Anne wore a red dress (love) and green cloak (rebirth). Protestant religions ignored her completely.

Many of the learned women who led the groups that were formally described as heretical, promoted teaching based on the instruction from the ancient Judaeo-Christian Therapeutate (hence THERAPY) at Qumran, to which Jesus belonged. The Therapeutate formed the early basis for the Knights Templar, Hospitalers, St John, Rosicrutians, Red Cross… and were persecuted (with wise women, Jews, Cabalists and Sufis), dualist Cathars persecuted in the Albigensian Crusades, hermetics (from Hermes Trismegistus). Masons who originally included women, Rosicrutions and alchemists who practiced sacred sex similar to Tantrism)were branded as witches by the Catholic Inquisition and Puritan WITCHFINDERS, oddly united. Women known to take part in a religious service were denounced as whores and sorceresses by both extremes.
more..see The Goddesses

The Mary's (with her brother and sister Lazarus and Martha), fled into exile in France, after they had supported Jesus during the crucifixion and resurrection (the men were not present), arriving at Les Saintes Maries de la Mer, (Three Marys of the sea, Tres Matres) Mary Magdalene bearing the child of Jesus, his daughter Tamar. Said to have been the Gnostic wife of Jesus she later bore him a son, Jesus. To early Jews celibacy was an anathema and Magdalen is the only woman not descibed as 'mother of', or 'wife of', indicating a woman of substance, and entitled to annoint with precious oils. The catholic version; They were accompanied by their servant Sarah the Egyptian, the black goddess of gypsies. But Sarah is their daughter, described elsewhere as a 'dark child' who accompanied Mary to France.

An association between Mary and the sea grew up, as well as with the HOLY GRAIL which they brought with them - the chalice (and horseshoes) also represented to the cultists the uterus, the wine the menstrual Star Fire/Gold of the Gods/Vehicle of Light of alchemy and Kundalini (hence vampirism), and MATRILINEAL inheritance. Both the Jews and the Catholics considered women a threat to patrilineal inheritance, however, many churches dedicated to ‘Notre Dame’ were built in France in the Middle Ages (often on sites dedicated to pagan goddesses like Isis, Diana and Athena like St Sulpice in Paris). The Gothic arches with rose window at the apex depicted the much feared female sexuality. Matriarchs have always been influential in Jewish and Catholic families. (Matrilineal societies have existed in Assam, parts of Africa (a continent where female circumcision is practiced), North America, the South Pacific and Australia.) Some of the most distinguished Christian Mystics have been women, such as St Hildegard, St Catherine of Siena (patron saint of young girls) and St Theresa of Avila.

In addition to the connection to the sea there was a connection to water - la Dompna del Aquae, Mistress of the Waters. To the Gnostics and Celts, venerated females were associated with lakes, wells, fountains and springs. Mary Magdalen was buried at Aix (Acqs - water) en Provence, and royal descendants in Grail lore became known as Fisher Kings, the Merovingians. In Arthurian legend the Lady of the Lake is translated into Britain and the gallant knights of the Age of Chivalry idealised women with courtly love and troubadors . (The Lady of the Lake, Vivian/Nimue was originally the Welsh goddess Rhiannon/Rigantona.) The masculine symbol of a unicorn submitting to a maiden featured in paintings, and more recently similar themes of romantic legend have been sensually painted by the PRE-RAPHAELITES.

The Tower NOTE-Tarot Cards were originated by the Templers as a 'secret' way to communicate with each other in the twelvth century. These cards are not for 'fortune telling', they are representative of sacred mysteries and symbols of the 'brotherhood'. The Catholic Church had them outlawed when the Templers were declared heretics.
The Tower represents Mary Magdalen As the 'watch tower' or stronghold of the Daughter of Sion. The place name Magdal-eder literally means "Tower of the flock", in the sence of a high place used by a shepherd as a vantage point from which to watch over his sheep. In Hebrew. the epithet Magdala literally means 'tower' or "elevated, great, magnificent". This meaning has particular revelance if the Mary so named was in fact the wife of the Messiah. It would have been the Hebrew equivalent of calling her" Mary the great", while at the same time referring to the prophesied return of dominion to "the daughter of Jerusalem" ( Mic 4:8).

Tarot cards also held significant emblems.(*Pope Joan featured on Tarot cards, was an Englishwoman who ruled as Pope John VIII in the 6th c, and was unmasked when she gave birth.) Joseph of Arimathea, the founder of Christianity in Britain at Glastonbury, ( who is also known as the Uncle of Jesus ) and in Arthurian legend brought the Holy Grail to Britain.
The Tarot Secrets and the Templars

The Gospel of Philip from the Nag Hammidi Scrolls says, "As for the Wisdom who is called 'the barren', she is the mother of the angles. And the Companion of the Savior is Mary Magdalene. But Christ loved her more than all the deciples and used to kiss her often on the mouth. The rest of the disciples were offended by it and expressed disapproval. They said to him," why do you love her more than all of us?" The Savior answered , "Why do I not love you like her?"
The Gospel of Thomas , logan.114, Jesus said," I myself shall lead her in order to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males ( Simon Peter ), For every woman who will make herself male will enter the Kingdom of Heaven."

In the Gospel of John, the risen Jesus gives her special teaching and commissions her as an apostle to the apostles to bring them the good news. She obeys and is thus the first to announce the resurrection and to play the role of an apostle, although the term is not specifically used of her. Later tradition, however, will herald her as "the apostle to the apostles." The strength of this literary tradition makes it possible to suggest that historically Mary was a prophetic visionary and leader within one sector of the early Christian movement after the death of Jesus.

Mary with the Alabaster Jar The newly discovered Egyptian writings ( Nag Hammidi ) elaborate this portrait of Mary as a favored disciple. Her role as "apostle to the apostles" is frequently explored, especially in considering her faith in contrast to that of the male disciples who refuse to believe her testimony. She is most often portrayed in texts that claim to record dialogues of Jesus with his disciples, both before and after the resurrection. In the Dialogue of the Savior, for example, Mary is named along with Judas (Thomas) and Matthew in the course of an extended dialogue with Jesus. During the discussion, Mary addresses several questions to the Savior as a representative of the disciples as a group. She thus appears as a prominent member of the disciple group and is the only woman named. Moreover, in response to a particularly insightful question, the Lord says of her, "´You make clear the abundance of the revealer!'" At another point, after Mary has spoken, the narrator states, "She uttered this as a woman who had understood completely". These affirmations make it clear that Mary is to be counted among the disciples who fully comprehended the Lord's teaching.

In another text, the Sophia of Jesus Christ , Mary also plays a clear role among those whom Jesus teaches. She is one of the seven women and twelve men gathered to hear the Savior after the resurrection, but before his ascension. Of these only five are named and speak, including Mary. At the end of his discourse, he tells them, "I have given you authority over all things as children of light," and they go forth in joy to preach the gospel. Here again Mary is included among those special disciples to whom Jesus entrusted his most elevated teaching, and she takes a role in the preaching of the gospel.

In the Gospel of Philip, Mary Magdalene is mentioned as one of three Marys "who always walked with the Lord" and as his companion. The work also says that Lord loved her more than all the disciples, and used to kiss her often. The importance of this portrayal is that yet again the work affirms the special relationship of Mary Magdalene to Jesus based on her spiritual perfection.

In the Pistis Sophia, Mary again is preeminent among the disciples, especially in the first three of the four books. She asks more questions than all the rest of the disciples together, and the Savior acknowledges that: "Your heart is directed to the Kingdom of Heaven more than all your brothers" . Indeed, Mary steps in when the other disciples are despairing in order to intercede for them to the Savior . Her complete spiritual comprehension is repeatedly stressed.

She is, however, most prominent in the early second century Gospel of Mary, which is ascribed pseudonymously to her. More than any other early Christian text, the Gospel of Mary presents an unflinchingly favorable portrait of Mary Magdalene as a woman leader among the disciples. The Lord himself says she is blessed for not wavering when he appears to her in a vision. When all the other disciples are weeping and frightened, she alone remains steadfast in her faith because she has grasped and appropriated the salvation offered in Jesus' teachings.

Mary models the ideal disciple: she steps into the role of the Savior at his departure, comforts, and instructs the other disciples. Peter asks her to tell any words of the Savior which she might know but that the other disciples have not heard. His request acknowledges that Mary was preeminent among women in Jesus' esteem, and the question itself suggests that Jesus gave her private instruction. Mary agrees and gives an account of "secret" teaching she received from the Lord in a vision. The vision is given in the form of a dialogue between the Lord and Mary; it is an extensive account that takes up seven out of the eighteen pages of the work. At the conclusion of the work, Levi confirms that indeed the Saviour loved her more than the rest of the disciples . While her teachings do not go unchallenged, in the end the Gospel of Mary affirms both the truth of her teachings and her authority to teach the male disciples. She is portrayed as a prophetic visionary and as a leader among the disciples. from.. Women in Ancient Christianity

The Gospel of Mary ; Peter said to Mary, "Sister, we know that the Saviour loved you more than the rest of women. Tell us the words of the Saviour which you remember - which you know (but) we do not, nor have we heard them." Mary answered and said, "What is hidden from you I will proclaim to you." And she began to speak to them these words: "I," she said, "I saw the Lord in a vision and I said to him, 'Lord, I saw you today in a vision.' He answered and said to me, 'Blessed are you that you did not waver at the sight of me. For where the mind is, there is the treasure.' I said to him, 'Lord, how does he who sees the vision see it through the soul or through the spirit?' The Saviour answered and said, 'He does not see through the soul nor through the spirit, but the mind which [is] between the two - that is [what] sees the vision...'

(the mid-section of the original text is missing) "[S] it. And desire that, 'I did not see you descending, but now I see you ascending. Why do you lie, since you belong to me?'
Does this sentence refer to him being her husband?... The soul answered and said, 'I saw you. You did not see me nor recognise me. I served you as a garment, and you did not know me.' When it had said this, it went away rejoicing greatly.

Let us suggest another question, namely, whether the life was the light of men only, and not of every being as well that is in blessedness. For if the life were the same thing as the light of men, and if the light of Christ were for men alone, then the life also would be only for men. But such a view is both foolish and impious, since the other Scriptures testify against this interpretation and declare that, when we are somewhat more advanced, we shall be equal to the angels. The question is to be solved on the principle that when a predicate is applied to certain persons, it is not to be at once taken to apply to them alone. Thus, when the light of men is spoken of, it is not the light of men only; had that been the meaning, a word would have been added to express it; the life, it would have read, was the light of men only.
from.. Origen; The commentary on the Gospel of John

The Roman Catholic Church rejected these views and teachings because they wanted women dominated by men.

The Gospel of Philip says this; There were three who always walked with the Lord: Mary, his mother, and her sister, and Magdalene, the one who was called his companion. His sister and his mother and his companion were each a Mary.

In the Pistis Sophia, Mary was afraid of Peter, and she says to Jesus, " Peter makes me hesitate; I am afraid of him, because he hates the female race." Jesus replies, that "whoever the Spirit inspires is divinely ordained to speak, whether man or woman".

Subsequent history of St. Mary Magdalen. The Greek Church maintains that the saint retired to Ephesus with the Blessed Virgin and there died, that her relics were transferred to Constantinople in 886 and are there preserved. Gregory of Tours (De miraculis, I, xxx) supports the statement that she went to Ephesus. However, according to a French tradition (see SAINT LAZARUS OF BETHANY), Mary, Lazarus, and some companions came to Marseilles and converted the whole of Provence. Magdalen is said to have retired to a hill, La Sainte-Baume, near by, where she gave herself up to a life of penance for thirty years. When the time of her death arrived she was carried by angels to Aix and into the oratory of St. Maximinus, where she received the viaticum; her body was then laid in an oratory constructed by St. Maximinus at Villa Lata, afterwards called St. Maximin. History is silent about these relics till 745, when according to the chronicler Sigebert, they were removed to Vézelay through fear of the Saracens. No record is preserved of their return, but in 1279, when Charles II, King of Naples, erected a convent at La Sainte-Baume for the Dominicans, the shrine was found intact, with an inscription stating why they were hidden. In 1600 the relics were placed in a sarcophagus sent by Clement VIII, the head being placed in a separate vessel. In 1814 the church of La Sainte-Baume, wrecked during the Revolution, was restored, and in 1822 the grotto was consecrated afresh. The head of the saint now lies there, where it has lain so long, and where it has been the centre of so many pilgrimages.
HUGH POPE ..Transcribed by Paul T. Crowley In Memoriam, Sr. Mary Leah, O.P. and Sr. Mary Lilly, O.P. Catholic encylopedia

Miryai the Vine
In this fragment from the Mandaic Book of John we read further of the glory and enlightenment of Miryai, the female counterpart to Yeshua:

Ever heard of the Desposyni?
Father Malachi Martin made clear from Vatican records that only those in the bloodline of Jesus through his mother qualified as Desposyni He tells of a particular occasion in AD 318 when a Desposyni delegation journeyed to Rome. The men were given audience by Bishop Silvester at Constantine's newly commissioned Lateran Palace. Throught their chief spokesman, Joses, the delegates argued that the Church should rightfully be centered in Jerusalem, not Rome. They claimed that the Bishop of Jerusalem should be a true hereditary Desposyni, while the bishops of other major centers-such as Alexandria, Antoich and Ephesus - should be related. After all, they delared, Bishop Clement of Alexandria had written that Jesus' brother James (as the appointed Nazarene Bishop of Jerusalem) was 'the Lord of the Holy Church and the bishop of bishop's. In that respect, their Israelite Christian movement was of far higher authority that a contrived Roman offshoot centered upon St Peter, who was a mere apostle of the Lord and not a family member. Not surprisingly, their demands were made in vain.


False Doctrines of the Pauline School

Roman Christianity, in an attempt to de-emphasize the importance of woman, sought to characterize Miryai as a reformed prostitute full of devils. They sought to portray the female Messiah of the Nazoreans in a way that conformed with their own distorted image of the feminine. They also removed all vestiges of female Goddesses in their attempt to recast the Nazorean worldview into their own flawed system. Miryai became Mary the whore and Mariam (Virgin Mary) became the immaculate virgin. Although they sought to de-emphasize the roll of Miryai in the Gospel message, they failed to fully tarnish her image. In the imperfect and reworked New Testament she is still portrayed as the first witness to the resurrection. Nazoreans seek to return to the pristine image of the historical Miryai and Mariam and to a true understanding of just what the resurrection was.

The portrait of Mary Magdalene painted in the Romanized Gospels of the New Testament, and in Catholic legend and myth, is considered by us to be but a weak and adulterated version of the true Miryai who we worship jointly with Yeshu. A more accurate picture of the personality and activities of this female Avatar can be gained by a study of references to Her in surviving Nazorean texts preserved by the Mandaeans, in the Nag Hammadhi Library, and in the Pistis Sophia codex. A few exerpts from these texts are included in the links below. By deepening our understanding of this very important and pivotal Goddess in the involution and evolution of the universe, we broaden our appreciation for the feminine aspect of Creation, for our Heavenly Mother and all Goddesses above, and for the spiritual woman who have or who now bless us with their presence on earth. from..The Gnostic Mary Magdalene

Mysteries of Miryai: Miryai-Noohra (Mary Magdalene), the Goddess & the Tree of Life. Introduction to Mary Magdalene (Maria Masshiach) in ancient Nazorean Texts preserved by the Mandaeans

If you have come this far, perhaps you have seen there is a path to the 'Light'. You have read many things that discredit the words of so-called Christian ( Cannonized ) writers. Because this has not stopped you from continuing as it does many who come here, there is more to this story.
Visit the Shroud of Turin Page.

In ancient Manichaean writings the Savior of humanity, Yeshua (Jesus Christ), is called Yeshu-Ziwa meaning "Jesus the Splendour". His Heavenly female counterpart is the Maiden of Light or Virgin of Light - Miryai-Noohra. Yeshua-Ziwa and Miryai-Noohra incarnated on earth as Yeshua the Nazorean and Mary Magdalene. Nazoreans believe that the Jesus and Mary Magdalene of the Bible only dimly reflect the historical personalities behind those names and who were celestial beings who incarnated in that day. In Naziruthian doctrine there are two types of light, a male Ziwa Radiance and a female Noohra luminosity. The combination of these two forms of yin-yang light are needed for any balanced and beautiful creation. All heavenly Ziwa brilliance is balanced with equal Noohra luminosity.

We found this corrborated in the Nag Hammidi collection on, The Thought of Norea ...and that she (too) might generate herself, just as she also has inherited the living Logos, and that she might be joined to all of the Imperishable Ones, and speak with the mind of the Father.

"Now as to these two mysteries of Ziwa and Noohura, know that they are the ancient Primal Father and Mother."
- Alf Trisar Suialia

"Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord."
1 Corinthians, Chapter 11

or see.. The Shocker Something the Church doesn't want you to find out.

Rex Deus The Hiram Key The+Messianic+Legacy The Templar Revelation

Death of the Disciples The Death of James
The Essenes The real life of Jesus
The real life of Jesus continued The Marriage of Jesus and Mary
The real life of Jesus continued Masonic Rules in the Dead Sea Scrolls
The Knights Templar Forbidden Knowledge
Forbidden Knowledge 1 Adam and Eve and the Truth
Isis - Imenhotep The virgin Mothers - The Light of your soul
Archeological connections Archeological connections
The civilizers - Enoch Noah's Ark - Nimrod - Jubelum's mummy
The Shroud of Turin - More Lies Site Map Page
The False Church of Rome The Lies Of Paul, the False religion
The Gnostic teachings Christ's mission

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