Hiram Abiff - Introduction 6

Hiram Abiff - Introduction 6

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Tracing the knowledge back in time...

As a mirror of the heavens sacred geometry was liberally applied across the Egyptian landscape for millennia as a way to bestow universal order on Earth, as reflected in their Hermetic maxim 'As Above, So Below'.

Scholery interpretation of the texts: THE INTENTION FOR ENKI´S ORGANISATION OF THE WORLD

The composition known as Enki and the World Order has been referred to as one of the most complex of Sumerian narratives with mythical content. Enki, the Sumerian God of the Sweet Fertilising Waters of the Deep, of Crafts, Magick and Wisdom is the son of Anu, the Skyfather, and Nammu, the Primeval Waters, and one of the most important Mesopotamian gods, later known by the Babylonians and Assyrians as Ea. Unfortunately, in-depth analyses of Enki and the World Order are scarce, so the impetus for the present essay, which we hope will contribute for a better understanding of some features of this great myth. The first translation of the myth was accomplished by Kramer in Sumerian Mythology (first edition in 1961 and revised editions1972 and 1988); C. A. Benito in 1969 translated Enki and the World Order together with Enki and Ninmah for his thesis at the University of Pennsylvania, USA.

Herman L.J. Vantiphout (1997) attempted to analyse this composition in full, and it is the intention of the present article to expand on Vantiphout´s analysis, covering aspects which we believe deserve a closer investigation in the light of our understanding of Mesopotamian myth, religion and recent sources, especially involving the question of goddesses and their civilising role in Mesopotamia (as shown by Professor Tikva Frymer-Kensky), the function of intelligence for the effective exercise of power (according to Professor Jean Bottéro), and Enki´s response to Inanna´s demand for more power for HerSelf in the myth. The present article invites further discussion of such themes for an improved understanding of Mesopotamian worldview and the designs of civilisation in the Ancient Near East.

Basically, the composition is a Sumerian text preserved on Old Babylonian tablets, and many of its traits take us back to the end of the 3rd Millennium, because not only Enki´s temple in Eridu is in full activity, and let´s not forget that Eridu, or Enki´s city, is a very old settlement, where "kingship descended to Earth from the Heavens", but also shows that trade was becoming intense with the countries of the Persian Gulf, with Ur as the capital and the most important trading centre. Moreover, the region of Martu is shown an ally and not an enemy, as shown in the annals of the Third Dynasty of Ur. Meluhha, a city located at the Indian Peninsula (West coast) is mentioned as well, showing that the strength of Sumer was great and that she had allies in all civilised quarters of the known world. Historically therefore, the composition may have been inscribed at the time of the Third Dynasty of Ur, a time of triumph for ancient Mesopotamia in all levels of human endeavour (refer to Lorsque les dieux faisaient l´homme by Professor Jean Bottéro and Samuel Noah Kramer, 1993, Ed. Gallimard, Paris) .

However, we would like to point out that the composition may have been known in oral form from earlier times, because this fact perhaps would shed a light upon the last and more obscure part of the poem, or Inanna´s complaint to Enki, who, after having organised the world, gave functions to gods and goddesses, but did not assign the young goddess a specific role in his world order. At the time the first written documents begin to yield some coherent sense (c. 3,200 Before Common Era, according to Kuhrt (1995), Mesopotamia had been inhabited for well 2,000 years, i.e. from circa 5,000 Before Common Era. The rich mythology and worldview of the region must have been part of an oral tradition which may have well started with the sages of Eridu, thus predating 3,200 Before Common Era by 2,000 years, when power seems to shift towards Uruk also in South Mesopotamia but North to Eridu. Although it is impossible to reconstruct such assumption on the basis of actual historical records, we can justify this hypothesis based on the following data:

find the name Enlil (a) Eridu, Enki´s city in the marshes of South Mesopotamia, is one of oldest settlements known in Mesopotamia according to archaeological records. If we look at another ancient myth, The Genesis of Eridu, we will see that it was there that the gods descended from heaven to bestow kingship to the leaders of the land, i.e. the foundation of the justified Mesopotamian state before the Flood seems to have come from Eridu, as well as the sages or apkallu who thought the arts of civilisation to the people. The apkallu were also known as the priests of Enki, the most famous of them being Adapa(Adam). Thus, although the centre of religious power later moves from Eridu to Nippur, the city of Enlil, the Air Lord and leading deity of Sumer, remaining there to witness the rise of Babylon and Assyria. Eridu is reported in myth The Genesis of Eridu as the cradle of civilised and religious life in Sumer.

From 6,000 Before Common Era, the marshes of the South provided abundant reeds for housing, furniture, fruits which ripened at Spring and crops at autumn. It is therefore only natural that civilised life started in the South around 6,000-5,000 Before Common Era. Kuhrt (1995) noted that at Eridu a sequence of sanctuaries underlies the large, later sacred precinct of 2,100-2000 BCE, providing a record of continuity of temple building in the same spot from the high times of Eridu, also known as Ubaid I (because of a series of early sites demonstrating the same use of pottery and cultural development, among them Eridu), right through into the historical period, which is going to be addressed next, and

(b) The first records of writing are found further North of Eridu, in Uruk, attesting that around 3,500 Before Common Era there was a power shift from Eridu to Uruk. This is a cultural phase known as the Uruk Period, starting with the Early Uruk in 3,500 and going up to Uruk IV or Late Uruk, which is normally called Early Dynastic Period, and shown to have started around 2,900 Before Common Era, where the first city complexes as we know them started to be built. The Uruk phase is determined by the creation of writing, the use of wheel, increased metal production and the development of stone-working for vessels. Uruk is the city of the goddess Inanna and of the Skyfather Anu. At the same time there appear immense ceremonial complexes at the sanctuary sites of Eanna, dedicated to Anu and Inanna in Uruk.

It seems therefore logical to suppose that the myth Enki and the World Order has its origins in the earliest times of the Ubaid I or Eridu Phase, where the power was centered upon Eridu as part of an oral tradition. Writing is only created around 3,500 Before Common Era, in the Uruk Period, which succeeds the Eridu Era. Thus, Enki and the World Order was probably re-worked and inscribed as we know it now at the time of the Third Dynasty of Ur, as demonstrated by Professor Jean Bottéro (1992).

The first part consists of a hymnal address to Enki, extolling his beneficience for the earth in general and for the civilized earth, clearly identified as Sumer. Enki is described and the "lord, who walks nobly on heaven and earth, self-reliant", beloved by Anu the Skyfather, prized by Enlil, Lord Air, the leading god of the younger generation of Mesopotamian deities and Enki´s older brother. Enki´s home, set up in Eridu, is a noble house described as the mast of heaven and earth, a place of stability and beauty, His is the power of fertility that comes from the sweet underground waters, and it was Him who taught how food should be properly served at the table of the gods and the people, a clear allusion to the apkallu, the sages of Enki and Eridu who taught humanity the arts of civilisation, including mathematics, referred to in the myth as computing the numbers of the stars. More importantly, it is clearly stated that Enki deserves the great trust of Enlil to bring joy to the rulers of the land, i.e. Enki receives full approval of Enlil to organise the world for the common good of rulers, explained in the myth.

And that Enki has also
... given the people a place to live.
...you have looked after them,
you have made sure they follow their shepherd...
... you kept the people safe in their homes

This shows without doubt that Enki´s actions are also put into practice for the common good of the land and humanity as a whole.

Enki then proceeds to praise his actions, tells us that Enlil, the leading deity of Sumer, has gathered all the ME's, the measures of Earthly and Heavenly power, and placed them in Enki´s hands, and that once in possession of the Heavenly and Earthly powers, Enki passed them on from his home in Eridu to humanity, mostly as arts and crafts. The actual words of the myth are the following:

My great brother, ruler of all the lands,
gathered all the me together,
placed the me in my hands.
From the Ekur, house of Enlil,
I passed on the arts and crafts to my Abzu, Eridu.

However, although Enki is told by Enlil that he should organize the world for the greatest good of the rulers and inhabitants of the land, Vantiphout (1997) points out quite clearly that Enki does not merely do what he is told, but acts in full control of his abilities, for a) He was given the Sacred Measures of Heavenly and Earthly Powers to do so, and b) Enlil´s request was a general one, meaning that Enki had space to act independently and delegate powers, as far as He worked for the good of rulers and inhabitants of Sumer. In other words, Enki´s main role in the organisation of the world is firmly based on the application of intelligence for the optimal use of resources available, which are then entrusted to the gods and goddesses of the land in Part Two.

Enki´s is therefore the organising intelligence that sets the pattern so that the deities of the land can work for the land´s good as a harmonious whole. Thus, Enki is given power (or force) by Enlil, Lord Air and the leader of the younger generation of Mesopotamian gods, to set up the pattern whereby the gods and goddesses, the cities and neighbouring regions of Sumer will work in harmony for the delight of kings and princes and the common good of the land.

These lines show a great mystery which underlines the success of Sumerian civilisation. Enki is shown as the great ally of Enlil, i.e. Enki´s intelligence and optimal use of force to achieve the best results is acknowledged by Enlil, the leading deity of Sumer. I have already explored the close bond between the two brothers as the Spirit of Sumer elsewhere in Gateways (Enlil and Enki, Soul Brothers and Spirit of Sumer in Enduring Partnerships). Why so?

Fundamentally, the bond between Enki and Enlil is profound because Enlil stands for the Outer Manifestation of Power, the impetus to establish a common vision based on the leadership, whereas Enki is the Inner Manifestation of Power, the One who Knows, gives Meaning and Finds Solutions to all impossibilites based on sheer practical or mystical insight.

While we know that Enlil rules over the land and that from Nippur He legitimizes secular power for all Mesopotamia, we also know that Enki personifies the Living Spiritual Force of Civilisation who stands by Enlil and the whole of Sumer, a Bright and Alert Torch always ready to to help when there is a need. This way one brother sustains the other, and to the question "Who comes first?" the answer is "Both, although seniority is always given to Enlil".

This is the reason why allmighty Enlil gives all the Sacred Measures to Enki and always has to concede surrender to Enki´s insights and deeds, even when these deeds go frontally against Enlil´s first intentions. However, there is no sense of Enlil being the loser, humiliated or degraded by Enki. The impression we get is of balance, commonsense and hope.

I have come to experience the deep bond between Enlil and Enki as the manifestations of secular power and inner power in the land. Both are intrinsically linked to each other. They represent a vision of harmony that kept the legacy of Sumer intact in Mesopotamia, as put so well in the myth Enki and the World Order. Therefore, to the outer power of Enlil to command, initiate, affect or stop actions, as well as to safeguard them, corresponds in equal measure Enki´s understanding of the mechanics of Form and use of Intelligence in Proportion, whereby such acts, influences and outcomes should take better effects, be assessed and improved upon.

In terms of form, clearly, the first part of the myth shows a liturgical character, and may well have been recited in rites and chanted in ceremonies of the cult of Enki. The last lines of the first part stress the fact that Enki is praised by all the gods of Sumer as one of the Great Gods of the land:

"In their control of cities, goddesses and gods play equivalent roles. The god of the city could be either male or female. In most cases, this deity also had a spouse who was less important to the well being of the city than the deity itself. It was not always the male partner who was the major god. Either configuration was possible: the goddess could be the major deity, with her male spouse less significant than she; the male god could be chief deity, with a wife secondary to him."

Professor Frymer-Kensky goes further to affirm that in most conceptual realms, the Sex division in the Sumerian divine world was not incidental. The Sex of a god was crucial to that god´s role and function in the thought system, and that many of the goddesses of Sumer represented the arts of civilisation. Nisaba is the goddess of grain the scribe of the gods, Uttu, the weaver goddess, the one who bestowed the people the art of clothmaking, an essential aspect of civilised life for the Sumerians, who saw the use of skins as garments as a sign of uncivilised behaviour.

On the other hand, Enki specifically entrusts the twin rivers to the god Enbilulu, the marshes to an unknown god, the sea to Nanshe (goddess), the rains to Ishkur (a god), agricultural construction to the god Enkimdu, the growing of plants to the goddess Ashnan, clay works to the goddess Kulla, architecture to the goddess Mushdama, animal life on the plains to the god Shakan, herding to the god Dumuzi, demarcation and judgement to the god Utu/Shamash, and weaving to the goddess Uttu.

We turn therefore to Professor Bottéro (1992) who says that Enki´s strengths are in terms of organisation, control and the promotion of life, and, to that goal, of intelligence and technical and practical success in the supreme interests of the divine and human society. There is, nevertheless, an extra factor mentioned by Dion Fortune and Gareth Knight (1998), who defined the precise application of force as "strength in proportion", i.e. from a lion, it is going to be required the strength of a lion, from an ant, it is going to be asked the strength of an ant, no more no less. So this is the true nature of Enki´s power: strength in proportion, planning, strategy and harmonisation of powers. For all these reasons Enki in this myth is chosen to be the Patron of all the gods and goddesses of Sumer because of his dynamism, insight and his leadership qualities exercised by empowerment.

Based on the above, we can say that Enki´s intention for the organisation of the world consists firstly of setting up the bonds between Sumer, its cities and neighbouring regions so that they all work together for the common good, Ur especially because of its importance as the main port, together with its trading partners.

Secondly, there is a strong administrative element in Enki´s organised world, because several areas and/or activities are entrusted to the responsibilities of gods and goddesses. In this fashion, production and results can be regulated with the ultimate goal of creating the conditions in which wealth can be brought to the Land as a whole.

Thirdly, it can be said that Enki´s achievement is not so much in the material goods themselves produced, for these goods were already in existence by the gods and goddesses. What is unique though is the way Enki establishes the pattern whereupon all gods work together in harmony, with Enki in charge of overseeing results.

The most significant point seems to be that Enki proceeds truly by efficient management, not hard labour. He entrusts the most important branches of infrastructure to those best equipped to deal with them in a practical way and on a daily basis, he also cuts out overlaps and appoints only one general manager best placed to oversee everything, and thus to guard all demarcations and disallow infringements, in the figure of the sun God Utu, the all-seeing eye of Justice.

Summing up, rarely in world mythology there is a myth of creation from the standpoint on an ensemble. Normally, the pattern is the world being created by one or two mighty deities either out of nothing or chaos. The highlights of Enki and the World Order are creation from concerted efforts, joint work, empowerment and partnership, as well as the other cities and neighbouring lands for the success of Enki´s programme. Furthermore, it is expressly said that Enki acts at the behest of the great gods. There is no hint of a feeling of inferiority on Enki´s part: his self-praise is already enough to refute this idea.

The final aspect embedded in the myth is Enki´s love and care for humankind. Enki and the World Order is a living legacy of the conditions for the good life on earth, which is taken to be identifical to the idealized Sumerian way of public life. These conditions consist of a well-ordered organization, of the fixation and demarcation of responsibilities for the common good, and are still today an example to be followed to the letter. Life is no more no less than the fruit of the efforts we put to make it be. Some choose denial and negativity. I choose consciously and live by the truth of making everything I do a song of love to existence, an exercise in fruition and joy, creativity and inspiration in all levels and spheres. This is the way of Sumer, the ways of Enki first, and then Inanna´s. Thus, the final words of this essay are the final words of the myth itself: from GateWays to Babylon

"Father Enki, praise!"

This web site reveals many 'hidden secrets'. They are connected to historical facts, scientific evidence, places and people who are mentioned in the bible. The information was supressed by the church long ago and still is to this day. The books of Enoch contain language that indicate God punished the 'fallen angels' for revealing hidden knowledge to men. The church took this to mean it should always be hidden so that men wouldn't be punished further. However Enoch was taught all the skills and secrets. Why was he allowed to know the secrets of the gods and other men were not? If we think of what kind of death and destruction would be caused by a nuclear bomb, we know the answer. Every one knows that spent rods from a nuclear reactor can be used to make a bomb, but the knowledge could be used for the good of man also. . Using the knowledge to kill men would be considered evil because it is not for the good of man. So the secrets had to be surpressed. Only men dedicated to using the skills for the good of man were allowed to know them.

In the Masonic 3rd degree ritual Hiram is murdered for not revealing the secrets of his craft. The ritual is also symbolic. After he is killed, the Master is 'raised' by the secret way of his fellow Masters. This 'raising' in no way has anything to do with 'resurrection' and it doesn't represent Jesus in any way, shape or form.

It should be very apparent by now that this web site is not like any other Masonic web site on the net. We present Esoteric knowledge. Esoteric knowledge is that which is specialised or advanced in nature, available only to a narrow circle of "enlightened", "initiated", or highly educated people. The term esoteric first appeared in English in the 1701 History of Philosophy by Thomas Stanley, in his description of the "Auditors of Pythagoras." The Pythagoreans were divided into "exoteric," which were under review, and "esoteric," which had performed well enough to be admitted into the "inner" circle. The Essenes studied Pythagoras. The Essenes have everything to do with Jesus.

A variety of past traditions could be classified as forms of "esotericism" due to their similar "inner" focus as well as their "selective" and "secretive" nature.

The Mysterious Divine
"The designation Gnosticism, derived from the Greek gnostikos (one who has gnosis, or "secret knowledge"), is a term of modern scholarship. Evidence for the Gnostic phenomenon, found in the Church Fathers who opposed Gnostic teachings (Irenaeus, c. 185; Hippolytus, c. 230; Epiphanius, c. 375) and in the Gnostic writings themselves, reveals a diversity in theology, ethics, and ritual that defies strict classification. Yet Gnostic sects appear to have shared an emphasis on the redemptive power of esoteric knowledge, acquired not by learning or empirical observation but by divine revelation."
- Encyclopaedia Britannica - from our friend "Fire Plug", Gnosis

To the Gnostics "salvation was to be saved from uncertainty, and to return to our origin 'the One' or as it was called earlier 'The Good', and the way this was accomplished was through the revelation of secret knowledge. Thus the deeds of the savior figure, whoever he is, are quite unimportant; what is of absolute importance, however, are his teachings."
- Maged S. Mikhail, "The Gnostics, A Survey of Gnostic Beliefs and Gnostic-Christian Ties"

"One in the divine substance with those he seeks, Jesus saves them simply by revealing to them the truth of who they are, i.e., divine beings who belong to another world. This knowledge, pure and simple, saves these spiritual persons right now. As soon as they realize who they are, they are immediately free from the 'garments' of their material bodies, which they can trample underfoot. Even now they can find the treasure of true knowledge that means eternal life; even now they can enter into the 'place' or 'rest' of the Father. Fully integrated with the divine source from which they came, there is no salvation to be awaited in the future; the Gospel of Thomas thus represents 'realized eschatology' in its most radical form."
- John P. Meier, A Marginal Jew - Rethinking the Historical Jesus, Vol. 1.

In Masonry, the 'operiative' craft no longer exists because the ancient skills are taught to thousands in grade schools, high schools, universities and trade schools. The ancient skills were geometry, music, astrology, reading - writing - grammar, rhetoric, logic, ect. see The Cooke Manuscript. The ritual now has become 'speculative'. It teaches how a man can also be shaped and moulded by the tools of his craft to become a better man or a Master.

But..There's more to Masonry than geometry, music, astrology, reading - writing - grammar, rhetoric and logic.

One of the theories that became a reason for the church to prosecute people for heresy was The Heliocentric System.
Aristarchus speculated about the motion of the Earth around a stationary Sun, it was not until the 16th century that Copernicus presented a fully predictive mathematical model of a heliocentric system, which was later elaborated by Kepler and defended by Galileo, becoming the center of a major dispute.

Christianity has often been held responsible for promoting the flat Earth theory. Yet, it was only a handful of so-called intellectual scholars throughout the centuries, claiming to represent the Church, who held to a flat Earth. Most of these were ignored by the Church, yet somehow their writings made it into early history books as being the 'official Christian viewpoint'. “A Europe-wide phenomenon of scholarly amnesia… afflicted the continent from AD 300 to at least 1300. During those centuries Christian faith and dogma suppressed the useful image of the world that had been so slowly, so painfully, and so scrupulously drawn by ancient geographers.” After many years of believing that the Earth was flat, the church concluded that the Sun revolved around the Earth and that gave us sunrise and sunset.

Contrary to what most people think, the Earth was known to be spherical in ancient times. The ancient Greeks, Egyptians, Babyloians and Persians calculated its circumference with surprising accuracy.

The earliest of these flat-Earth promoters was the African Lactantius (AD 245-325), a professional rhetorician who converted to Christianity mid-life. He rejected all the Greek philosophers, and in doing so also rejected a spherical Earth. His views were considered heresy by the Church Fathers and his work was ignored until the Renaissance, at which time some humanists revived his writings as a model of good Latin, and of course, his flat Earth view also was revived. see Flat Earth

According to theosophists, the earliest traces of a counter-intuitive idea that it is the Earth that is actually moving and the Sun that is at the centre of the solar system (hence the concept of heliocentrism) is found in several Vedic Sanskrit texts written in ancient India. Yajnavalkya (c. 9th–8th century BC) recognized that the Earth is spherical and believed that the Sun was "the centre of the spheres" as described in the Vedas at the time. In his astronomical text Shatapatha Brahmana, he states:
"The sun is stationed for all time, in the middle of the day. [...] Of the sun, which is always in one and the same place, there is neither setting nor rising.

However the church took this view from; Psalm 93:1, Psalm 96:10, and I Chronicles 16:30 state that "the world is firmly established, it cannot be moved." Psalm 104:5 says, "[the Lord] set the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved." Ecclesiastes 1:5 states that "the sun rises and the sun sets, and hurries back to where it rises."

Galileo defended heliocentrism, and claimed it was not contrary to those Scripture passages. He took Augustine's position on Scripture: not to take every passage literally, particularly when the scripture in question is a book of poetry and songs, not a book of instructions or history. The writers of the Scripture wrote from the perspective of the terrestrial world, and from that vantage point the sun does rise and set. In fact, it is the earth's rotation which gives the impression of the sun in motion across the sky.

Pope Urban VIII, who had approved the idea of Galileo's publishing a work on the two theories of the world, became hostile to Galileo. Over time, the Catholic Church became the primary opposition to the Heliocentric view. But as the controversy progressed and the Church took a harder line toward Copernican ideas after 1616, the Jesuits moved toward Tycho's teachings; after 1633, the use of this system was almost mandatory. For advancing heliocentric theory Galileo was put under house arrest for the last several years of his life.

John Calvin preached a sermon in which he denounced those who "pervert the course of nature" by saying that "the sun does not move and that it is the earth that revolves and that it turns". "Who will venture to place the authority of Copernicus above that of the Holy Spirit?"

"Contrary to legend, Galileo and the Copernican system were well regarded by church officials. Galileo was the victim of his own arrogance, the envy of his colleagues, and the politics of Pope Urban VIII. He was not accused of criticizing the Bible, but disobeying a papal decree." Galileo's heresy trial in 1633 involved making fine distinctions between "teaching" and "holding and defending as true".

Did Copernicus invent this? The Antikythera Mechanism is the name given to an astronomical calculating device, measuring about 32 by 16 by 10 cm, which was discovered in 1900 in a sunken ship just off the coast of Antikythera, an island between Crete and the Greek mainland. Several kinds of evidence point incontrovertibly to around 80 B.C. for the date of the shipwreck. The device, made of bronze gears fitted in a wooden case, was crushed in the wreck, and parts of the faces were lost, "the rest then being coated with a hard calcareous deposit at the same time as the metal corroded away to a thin core coated with hard metallic salts preserving much of the former shape of the bronze" during the almost 2000 years it lay submerged. The quotation is from Derek de Solla Price's monograph Gears from the Greeks ... in the 1974 Transactions of the American Philosophical Society (Volume 64, part 7).
see The Antikythera Mechanism

After Christianity became the state religion of Rome, dissident Christian groups became persecuted as traitors to the state. Pagan groups came to be suppressed as well. The terms "Gnosticism" and "Gnosis" have been challenged as coherent categories, but refer to a family of ancient Jewish, Christian, and pagan religious movements which often did claim to possess secret teachings relating to the spirit world, as opposed to the ordinary world which they tended to denigrate. Another important movement from the ancient world was Hermeticism, sometimes called Hermetism to distinguish it from post-Renaissance appropriations of it. Separately, ancient Babylon provided the basis for Western astrology.

What was learned and practiced in ancient Babylon according to the gnostics, was indeed the esoteric knowledge that brought us to our current state of advanced technology and civilization. There were secrets that were known to very few that were passed down to us by our ancient brothers Adam, Seth and Enoch. These brothers are biblical as well as historical characters and their secret knowledge is the basis for this web site. The church repressed this knowledge and called it witchcraft and hereasy. What we discovered challanges that position because it puts science firmly back into religion.

Jesus said 'If those who lead you say to you "See, the Kingdom is in the sky," then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you "It is in the sea," then the fish will precede you. Rather, the Kingdom is inside of you and it is outside of you. When you come to know yourselves then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living Father. But if you will not know yourselves you will dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty.'"
Sayings of Thomas 3

According to Exodus 20:25, God says to Moses, 'If you make an altar of stone for Me, you shall not build it of cut stones, for if you wield your tool on it, you will profane it.

So how did they do it? With an object known as a 'Shimar' ..Thus we have the ancient Shimar or Schamir, used by Solomon to cut the stones that made up the exterior walls of his Temple in 950 B.C. This object was kept in a lead basket covered with sheeps skin, otherwise it would break the container. Exodus 28: 30 relates; "And thou shalt put in the breastplate of the judgment the Urim and the Thummim and they shall be upon Aaron's heart, when he goeth before the Lord". The words U'rikm and Thum'mim meant Light and Perfection. Hence the schamir ( Lightening Stone ) and Schethiya ( stone of perfection ) of the Talmud are synonymous with the Urim and Thummim of Exodus. We will tell you what common precious stone was used for this process on our Ark of the Covenant page.

Archaeological digs have uncovered evidence that cities were built in the Middle East long before the flood. The KJ Bible says a city was built by Cain and named after Enoch. This city was in Mesopotiamia or Summer, (the biblical Shinar) called Ediru in the Sumerian tongue. We don't think Cain built this city because he was expelled from the land of Eden which would have included Ediru.

Sculptures of the Seven Liberal Arts appeared in the archivolt of the right bay of the Royal Portal, which represented the school at Chartres. Many French cathedral schools had specialties, and Chartres was most renowned for the study of logic.

To erect cathedrals of such perfect proportions, masons were certainly schooled in the sacred geometry of the age. Applying a hybrid of Pythagorean mathematics, Christian theology, and Platonic cosmology popular among the Catholic mystics and intelligentsia of the day, master masons erected cathedrals that were microcosms of the universe as it was conceived by the medieval mind. Entering through a cathedral’s western portal, Christians journey to-ward the rising sun, the resurrected Christ whose redemptive sacrifice is reenacted at the altar. Vaulted arches and thin walls punctuate the buildings’ otherworldly qualities. And at the center of the church, nave and transept are pierced vertically by dome and altar, forming the axis mundi that joins heaven to earth, the divine to the mundane.

Chartres South view Consequently the practice of maintaining concrete records of this knowledge for posterity was reenacted throughout Europe in fabulous structures such as Chartres cathedral, one of the most impressive hymns to sacred geometry, and whose dissection alone has filled entire books.

Westminster Abby Masons or an order of Knights did build huge cathedrels in France, England, Italy, and Germany. Beginning with the decendents of Tubal Cain, The Dionysiac Architects, as they were called, constituted an ancient society. Its principals and doctrines were much like the modern freemasons. They were an organized body of builders bound together by their secret knowledge of geometry - the knowledge or the use of it to build the tower of Babel. This knowledge also built Ziggurats in Sumeria, Pyramids in Peru, Mexico and Egypt and the great Temple of Jupiter in Rome.

The geometry and numerology that the master masons built into their Gothic constructions seem to have formed sacred texts that can be read by trained observers. By transcribing the length, breadth, and other dimensions of the cathedrals into their corresponding letters, modern numerologists have discovered hidden messages that relate to each building’s patron saint.’ On the other hand, written records provide little indication that the operative masons’ secrets were of a mystical or even a philosophic nature. Throughout the Middle Ages, hidden Masonic knowledge related largely to trade secrets kept for no more mystical a purpose than job security. They enabled the medieval craftsmen to monopolize large-scale construction projects in much the same way that Catholicism monopolized religion.

An operative lodge of masons, for example, was offered lifelong employment to maintain the church of St. Mary’s and other local edifices in Dundee, Scotland. Trade secrets are documented in thirteenth-century France, where Etienne Boileau, provost of merchants, decreed that “masons, mortar-makers, and plasterers may have as many assistants and valets as they please to help them in their work, provided they teach them nothing about their trade.” And in a manuscript dated to about 1430, the operative mason in Britain was advised to “keep secret the counsels of his fellows, whether given in the lodge, in the chamber, or any other place where masons be.” In 1486 German architect Wenzel Roriczer shocked contemporary Steinmetzen by publishing a volume that detailed how to calculate a pinnacle’s elevation from two-dimensional diagrams.

German master stonecutters had been expressly forbidden to reveal such knowledge: “No work-man, no master, no journeyman will tell anyone who is not of the craft and who has never been a mason how to take an elevation from a plan,” says one decree dated to 1459. Secret means of identification seem to have a Scottish origin. In 1707 masons of Mother Kilwinning Lodge were advised not to hire tradesmen professing to be masons who were unable to provide the “password.”

By 1600, the great age of cathedral construction was for masons little more than a pleasant memory of steady income. On the Continent the guilds died out, while in Britain they seem to have bolstered their numbers by accepting into their lodges other tradesmen and even local nobility as honorary members. (This system is echoed by modern universities which bestow honorary degrees on dignitaries.)

By the 1700s, nontechnical members apparently out-numbered the operatives and the absence of a trade made trade secrets anachronistic. The philosophic Secret was then born in the form of social morality clothed in working-class allegory. The practical mathematics of construction were transmuted into Geometry, a system of knowledge that was often seen as mirroring or even rivaling the Christian Godhead.

Speculative Freemasons also opened the operative tool-box and in it discovered an abundance of metaphorical wealth. The plumb symbolized rectitude, the level equality, the square morality, and the compass proper deportment. Upon spreading into France, Spain, and Italy, this speculative Freemasonry soon became a sort of counter-Church for freethinkers. In Britain it attracted members from the budding philosophy of Deism, and Freemasons who dabbled in secret Kabbalistic studies sometimes identified the mystical letter “G” with gnosis rather than geometry or God.

Contrary to popular belief, The Great Pyramid of Egypt was built in 10,390 BC. The architects used pi to calculate the measurements of the rooms and corridors and they used 'star' alignments to position the great structure within inches of true North. The key to this relationship is knowledge of the value of pi and designing the angle of the pyramid to be exactly 51 degrees, 51 minutes, and 14.3 seconds. The north-south axis is 31 degrees east of Greenwich which is the longest horizontal land meridian. The east-west meridian is 30 degrees north making that the longest parallel on the earth.

The Rind Papyrus is dated to 1850 B C. Thus mathmetical genius including the use of Pi was used in ancient Egyptian times. The Great Pyramid of Egypt was built with the use of Pi and it has a curvature at the base equaling the curvature of the Earth's surface. The curvature is so slight it wasn't recognised until pictures taken from an airplane in the 1940's revealed it. However Newton discovered this might be possible. More amazing mathmetical features are described on our 'Secrets of the Great Pyramid' series.

The Kings Chamber is 34ft, 4 inches x l7 feet, 2 inches; this equals 20 x 10 royal cubits. Height if the side walls are 11.18 royal cubits. The semi-diagonal of the floor is also 11.18 royal cubits and can be 'swung up' to confirm the height of the chamber. pi is defined as the square root of 5 + 1 divided by 2 i.e. 1,618. The height of the wall plus half the width of the floor equals 16.1803 royal cubits which are the essential digits of pi.

The pre-dawn on the vernal equinox in 10,500 BCE, with the sun 12 degrees below the horizon, HU, the Great Sphinx, would have gazed directly at his own celestial counterpart, the constellation of Leo which experienced it’s “helical rising” at this moment. There is a relationship, in a scale of 1:43,200 that exists between the dimensions of the Great Pyramid and the dimensions of the earth. If you take the monuments’s original height (481.3949 feet) and multiply it by 43,200 you get a quotient of 3,938.685 miles. This is an underestimate by just 11 miles of the true figure for the polar radius of the earth (3949 miles) worked out by the best modern methods. Likewise, if you take the monument’s perimeter at the base (3023.16 feet) and multiply by 43,200 then you get 24,734.94 miles, a result that is within 170 miles of the true equatorial circumference of the earth (24,902 miles) . . . . a minus-error of only three quarters of a single percent.

The pyramid has four walls that measure a total of 9,131 inches each for a total of 36,524 inches. Move the decimal point over and you get 365.24 = days in the year again. The average height of land above sea level is 5449 inches, ( Miami to the Himalayas ) exactly the height of the pyramid.

Found under the Sphinx Biblical reference or not, the technology is far advanced for even todays standards. However current Musslim Egyptologists will not admit the Pyramid or the Sphinx is predynastic or that within it's depths are secrets yet to be found.

Former President Anwar Sadat was assinated in 1981 by Islamic radicals because he was going to reveal what he knew about 'the Hall of Records" underneith the paw of the Sphinx. Sadat was a Mason. Thousands of suspected terrorists were rounded up and jailed, among them Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman, who was later convicted of conspiring to blow up New York City landmarks, and Ayman al-Zawahiri, one of Osama bin Laden's two top lieutenants.

Excavations of the Sphinx were conducted in 1999 by the mininster of antiquities Zahi Hawass but he denighed any finds and ordered the shaft they entered to be closed. We have a drawing by two explorers who went down into the huge underground cavern. The photo above was taken during the expedition. Why are the Egyptian authorities hiding this? see The secret Chamber and
Age of the Sphinx.

Knowledge passed on through the centuries

EuclidGreek Philosopher and Mathematician, Phythagoras (569 - 475 BC) taught Geometry. Pythagoras was instructed in the teachings of the early Ionian philosophers Thales, Anaximander, and Anaximenes. At the age of eighteen he had absorbed all the learning which these great teachers of Greece could give him and it was about this time also that he had a vision in which he was shown in geometric lines the "key to the universe, the science of numbers, the rhythm and harmony of sacred numbers, the ternary law which rules the constellations and the septenary law which controls all evolution.

With respect to religion he says; "The Christian Religion, exclusive and severe, has changed all our ideas in this respect: by admitting only one sole doctrine in one unique church, this religion has necessarily confused tolerance with indifference or coldness, and reserve with heresy or hypocrisy; but in the spirit of polytheism (more than one god) these same things take on another colour. A Christian philosopher could not, without perjuring himself and committing a frightful impiety, bend the knee in China before Kong-Tse, nor offer incense to Chang-Ty nor to Tien; he could neither".... see The sacred texts of Phythagoras

The gods of the people were in his eyes the same gods, and his cosmopolitan dogmas condemned no one to eternal damnation. From one end of the earth to the other he could cause incense to rise from the altar of the Divinity, under whatever name, under whatever form it might be worshipped, and render to it the public cult established by the law. And this is the reason. Polytheism was not in their opinion what it has become in ours, an impious and gross idolatry, a cult inspired by the infernal adversary to seduce men and to claim for itself the honours which are due only to the Divinity; it was a particularization of the Universal Being, a personification of its attributes and its faculties.

Abraham taught geometry to the Egyptians around 1980 BC. (2051- 1950 BC.) This means that Euclid was not Abraham's pupil. Euclid was born around 325 BC and died about 265 BC in Alexandria, Egypt.

An old Babylonian tablet (1900 - 1600 BC), shown on the left, contains the so-called Pythagorean Theorem, except that it predates Pythagoras by a millennium or more. According to Neugebauer and Sachs (1946), the tablet lists in the two middle columns the numbers that satisfy the so-called Pythagorean Theorem. Specifically, from the left, the first column indexes the contents of the table (1, 2, 3, …), the second and the third the hypotenuse c and the leg a of a right triangle all in sexagesimal numbers. The fourth column shows (c/b)2 where b is the basis of the triangle. For instance, the 11th row shows 75, 45, and 1.5625 = (75/60)2. A translation of another Babylonian tablet preserved in the British museum states (John Heise): 4 is the length and 5 the diagonal. What is the breadth? Its size is not known. 4 times 4 is 16. 5 times 5 is 25. You take 16 from 25 and there remains 9. What times what shall I take in order to get 9? 3 times 3 is 9. 3 is the breadth.

The Renaissance saw the last great works based on sacred geometry which had been kept alive via Plato, and philosophies that survived suppression by the emerging Catholic Church. With the implementation of the Inquisition, the rise in secularism and a general move toward a rational and analytical view of the world, connections to holistic and metaphysical practices were severed. By the time Newton and the scientific secularism of the 17th century prevailed rational logic had gained such a dominance that all esoteric knowledge was inevitably condemned as occult (literal meaning, 'that which is hidden').

Recent confirmation about Moses and the real historical secrets of the Exodus were first televised 2 years ago on the History Channel with 'Exodus Decoded', and the National Geographic Channel with the release of newly published Gospel of Judas. We also have a link to the online copy of the Book of Noah which indeed suggests two different Gods. One was kind and benevolent to humans and one was harsh and cruel and judged mankind with vengence.

With the release of the book and the movie, 'The Divinci Code', and the book Holy Blood Holy Grail by Lincoln, Baigent and Leigh, loudly rejected by the church, there is more truth emerging every day. Most people reject these findings until they study the facts revealed in the books. Another distinquished writer, Laurence Gardner has also published 4 books with many hidden secrets revealed.

Here is the book that started all of it. The Jesus Scroll; First printed in 1972 by Australian author Donovan Joyce, the book details how Joyce claimed to have seen a scroll stolen from the Masada excavations. He wrote that it was one of fifteen scrolls discovered during the dig there. His book states that the stolen autobiographical scroll was signed Yeshua ben Ya’akob ben Gennesareth, who described himself as eighty years old and added that he was the last of the rightful kings of Israel. The name when translated into English became Jesus of Gennesareth, son of Jacob. Joyce identifies the author as Jesus of Nazareth. Joyce's book further claims that Jesus survived the crucifixion, was present during the Roman siege of Masada during the Jewish Revolt of 66-74 AD, and that he had married Mary Magdalene and fathered a child with her.

Joyce further claimed that an anonymous and corrupt archaeologist asked him to smuggle the 'Jesus Scroll' out of Israel that had been discovered during that dig. Joyce says in his book that the scroll was taken from him at Tel Aviv airport by Israeli Security personnel and that it then probably disappeared into the Vatican Archive. Joyce proposed controversial theories concerning the historicity of Jesus that caused outrage among many Christians; Joyce received numerous death threats.

Helena Blavatsky, a Russian noblewoman traveled the world and founded the Theosphical Society in 1877. The society explored the mysteries of ancient and modern science and theology and is dedicated to fellowship amoung all peoples. Her major work The Secret Doctrine is the principal sourcebook for students of Theosophy. It holds that all religions are attempts by humanity to approach the absolute, and that each religion therefore has a portion of the truth. This inturn follows Masonic philolosophy. The 'focus' of the degrees presented on our Hiram Introduction pages bare this out.

We, as educated individuals should be paying attention to the facts presented to us by scholars and not the word of a few church leaders who only study theology. The origin of the word theology comes from late middle English (originally applying only to Christianity) from French théologie, from Latin theologia, from Greek: Theologians use philosophical analysis and argument to understand, explain, test, critique, defend or promote any of a myriad of religious topics. Theology might be undertaken to help the theologian understand more truly his or her own religious tradition. However 'tradition' is not necessarily the truth nor does it represent the facts.

"Ancients say that there is a celestial body always joined with the human soul, which is immortal, luminous and starlike." Man; As his brain is more perfect than that of any other creature, its emanations must naturally produce the highest results of mental action; but reason avails only for the consideration of material things; it is incapable of helping its possessor to a knowledge of spirit. Every human is born with the rudiment of the inner sence called intuition, which may be developed into what the Scotch know as 'second sight." All the Great philosophers, who like Plotinus, Porphyry, and Lamblichus employed this faculty, taught the doctrine.

What both Moses and Jesus gave to the world was the fruit of their intuition or illumination. What their subsequent elders and teachers allowed the world to understand was dogmatic misrepresentations, too often blasphemy. Thanks to the blindly brutal persecutions of those great vandals of early Christian history, Constantine and Justinian, ancient wisdom slowly degenerated until it gradually sank into the deepest mire of monkish superstition and ignorance. Pythagorean "knowledge of things that are"; the profound erudition of the Gnostics; the world and time honored teachings of the great philosophers - all were rejected as doctrines of Antichrist and paganism and committed to the flames. The great sages fled to Persia and the reign of wisdom became closed.

One thing is certainly known, and that is that before the word philosopher was first pronounced by Pythagoras at the court of the king of Phliasians, the Secret Doctrine or wisdom was identical in every country. Therefore it is in the oldest texts - those least polluted by subsequent forgeries - that we have to look for the truth.

The name of Ramses was not known until the 19th dynasty, (1279-1239 BC) much to late for the Exodus. A catholic Bishop named Eusebius put the Exodus in the 19th dynasty and as it turns out he was wrong. Ancient Greek writers such as Herodotus attributed Ramses accomplishments to the semi-mythical Sesostris, and he is traditionally believed to have been the Pharaoh of the Exodus due to a tradition started by Eusebius of Caesarea. Serapis. (Sesostris) Serapis (in older scholarship Sarapis) who was a Hellenistic-Egyptian god in Antiquity. Under Ptolemy Soter, efforts were made to integrate Egyptian religion with that of their hellenic rulers. Ptolemy's policy was to find a deity that should win the reverence alike of both groups, despite the curses of the Egyptian priests against the gods of the previous foreign rulers (i.e Set who was lauded by the Hyksos). As you can see this deity looks alot like our interpretation of Jesus and this very image was used for him during the early formation of the church.

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A variety of subjects all relating to ancient Masonic secrets are covered on the 'intro pages' but are covered in depth on other pages within the site. The following is an overview of what's on the next/previous 11 listed pages.

Hiram - Forward

Hiram - Forward 1 The Two Pillars that Noah found. Focus of the 24th through the 28th degree. The 10,000 year old "10 Commandments. How the 'Watchers' married human women and corrupted mankind.The real Exodus. The eruption of the Santarini Volcano and it's connection to the 10 plagues of Egypt. The Egyptian Gods, Historical evidence proves there were two ruling Kings at the same time in Egypt. One was Seqenenre Tao II who may have been the last man to know the secret name of God. Many secrets of the ancients. What was Manna?

Hiram - Forward 2 The megatsunami that caused Noah's Flood, Archaeology places doubt on biblical history, How did man come to know science, writing, mathmetics, grammer, astrology, ect.? "Craft Masonry", how it began, Agriculture, Farming and animal husbantry taught to man by who? Biblical text 'copied from an earlier source, The 'One God' theory is of a late date, Astrology, predictions to our destruction? The 13th sign, the 10th planet, Humanity has forgotten where we came from, Where did Religion began?, Deities that have the same attributes as Jesus. Disclaimer.

Hiram - Forward 3 Ham, Cush, and Miziram lived in Egypt. Is Cush the Scorpion King?, Shem and Japheth invade Egypt in the predynastic era, Abraham, and Jacob are Hyksos and invaders of Egypt in the 12 to 16th dynasty. Dynasty Tables provided by professionals on Egyptology and Egyptian history. Why the Thera volcanic eruption is connected with the Exodus and the 10 plagues, The sacred city of 'On', Discovery of 'Jacob's' seal-ring at Avaris. Ancient 'King' list, Ham's clan become the Dynastic Kings of Egypt. They take on Egyptian names, How the use of the word 'pharoah' came about. The Set(h) and Horus Gods, Secret knowledge found in the book of Jasher, Canaan becomes the slave of Shem, Who is 'US'? Who are the elohim?, The first builders, The spread of science and philosophy,

Hiram Index 1 The Egyptians wore masonic aprons, The 10 commandments came from the Egyptrian Book of the Dead, More 'lost gospels', The journey of Death leads to NDE, Thoth and Enoch, The Master Teacher Enoch, Another God found in the Book of Jasher, The bible borrowed text from Sumerian sources. Joseph did not live at Thebes, Moses story copied from the story of Sargon, review of the Hiram Key, more secret knowledge and science, Moses promoted the Essene teachings, The magical Sapphire rod of Elohim, The Djed Pillars-a possible light source.

Hiram Index 2 How the 'One God' belief emerged. The deception of Jacob. The 2 Gods of Genesis. Finding the truth. Why we focus on Egypt. Why we disagree with the Jews. Proof Ham and his sons were caucasian. The truth about Canaan's curse. Ham is given the "garments' of knowledge" Ham's clan moves to Egypt around 3200 BC. Conections between Ham and the Egyptians. The legend of Tiamat..our Earth. The mountain of Moses and it's secrets and the Goddess he surported. The 18 books missing from the bible. Religious freedom - an Arab Lady speeks out.. What Enoch was taught. The rejection of Science and knowledge by the church. Misconceptions about Masonry.

Hiram Index 3 Religious oppression and the corrupt priesthood of Israel. The Secret Doctrine. The source of authority is spiritual. What the church claimed was heretical. The scientists. The "Mystery Schools" - ancient scientific papyrus - secret books. Who are the Nephilim? Solomon's tribute to Wisdom. Physics, angels, Magicians, and the supernatural.

Hiram Index 4 Who was Cain's wife? Joseph, pharoah of Memphis/Avaris. The conception of Noah, Church opposition to science, The Pope admits faults and frauds, Historical and biblical evidence for 2 gods. Noah and his sons. How did Nimrod become a king of Egypt? The ziggurat (Tower of Babel) ruins of Eridu. The predynasties of Egypt, Sacred ancient texts left out of the bible give the names of Hebrew Kings in another language. Shem became a ursurper King, then Abraham. The legendary battle of Set and Horus becomes a real historical event called the 1st Pyramid War. Ham rules in the first dynasty of Egypt.

Hiram Index 5 The tribes of the Giants. Who brought the flood on mankind?. The old Babyloian Gods. The diverse cultures and races of the World, Thoth becomes Quetzalcoatl and moved to the high Andes mountains. Giants in South America. Cain in South America?. Rocket Ships of the Ancients. The Toltech and Maya civilization, How the verse in Genesis 10:26 makes sence: "Cannan shall be the slave of Shem." Why is the Hawk of Horus important?

Hiram Index 6 The famous Narmer Palette and it's connection to Nimrod. How did Narmar become associated with Nimrod? Before the Flood, the Book of Noah, Here we see the punishing god, 'The Lord of Spirits'. We introduce one of the Gods in Sumerian myth, Where did Solomon get 'the secrets'? Enki, the lord of magic, Atlantian (Etruscan) Couple - 7th century BC, Rebuilt after the flood, are the Apsu and the Tower of Babel the same thing, Eridu (or Eridug, modern Tell Abu Shahrain, Iraq) was the earliest city in southern Mesopotamia, founded ca. 5400 BC. The Sky Gods, The immortals or 'Good Watchers', The Kings of Uruk and Ur, A collection of Aeramic writings called The Targum, What you don't know about Abraham. The oldest culture in the world, Noah is taken to the abode of the gods.

Hiram Introduction ... Religious symbols,
Ancient History, which shows two ruling classes in Egypt. One was refered to as Hyksos. These people became the Hebrews. Documentation from 3 sources put the Israelites in a 'bad light'. Exerpts from the Nag Hammidi Scrolls, The Elohim, Who is "US" in Genesis?,

Hiram Introduction 1 continued The Inventory Stella of Khufu proves the Great Pyramid was not built by him. The meaning of "Light". Science was regarded as an outcast, an enemy.The "Dark Ages" There was no liberty, no education, no philosophy, no science; nothing but credulity, ignorance, and superstition. Christianity removed learning and education from civilization..This is how they did it! The Melchizedek priesthood. Armageddon! Gnosticism as taught by the disciples. Focus of the 23rd and 24th degree Scottish Rite. The White haired stranger. The invention of the 'Devil'. Archaeology and the Babylonian Captivity of the Jews.

Hiram Introduction 1... The mountain of Moses, where was it? A Temple discovered on top of the mountain! Josephs Egyptian burial, Jacob's signet ring discovered in Avaris, a debate between archaeologists, Evidence that Ahmose defeated the Hyksos, The Seth and Horus worshipers, Archaeological facts and the Bible including the tribes of Ham and his sons who were not black Africans. Ancient texts left out of the bible. The truth about Cain and Abel. The cruelty of God. The Dark Side of Religion. Ancient building secrets. Astrological connections of the ancients.

Hiram Introduction 2 Civilization begins again after the Flood, The famous library of Ashurbanipal with 22,000 inscribed clay tablets,The cruelty of God, Religion breeds terrors of all sorts, The Dark side of Religion, The Temples of the Gods, Hammurabi's Code, Eridu, also called Eridug, was the first city in the world, The Children of the Rocketships, After the Great Flood, The two sons of Noah who turned to 'different gods', The Egyptian Gods of Ham's clan, The predynastic period of the falcon cult, the defleshed bones of Nebkara, Hotepsekhemwy/Raneb has been associated with Jacob, the sacred goat of Mendes, precession of the ages and Astronomical signs, The Age of Aquarius, Enki's lineage's domain, the temple complex of Baalbek

Hiram Introduction 3 The Moses connection and...of interest to Masons -
Why was science important? The Keys of Enoch. We present the 'Focus' of the Scottish Rite Degrees which connect Moses with science and knowledge. The Missing text from the Gospel of Mark .. Was Lazerus really raised from a literal death?

Hiram Introduction 4 More mysteries, "US", Elohim, Jehovah, Hashem, Egyptian Gods,The Mithans or Snake people, The Shemsu Hor, the maltaskulls, The Code of Hammurabi (Codex Hammurabi), The writings of Timaeus, reconstruction of the Etemenanki or the Tower of Babel, High Priesthood of Zadok, The spread of science and philosophy, Science in the Middle Ages, A God of Science, Religion and politics don't mix., Messianics, priest in charge of over-seeing magical rites,

Hiram Introduction 5 Brief story about the Knights Templar, the church and freedom to 'choose'. A link to the books left out of the Bible. The Cooke Manuscript. The 'Pillers' of secrets. Ham and the Tower of Babel. The nuclear bombing of Sodom and Gomorrah in ancient times where the Dead Sea tested positive for radioactive materials 2000 years after Abraham left..

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