Hiram, Index 1

Hiram Abiff, the True King of Egypt, 1554BC Index 1

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Akhenaten wearing a Masonic Apron To seperate truth from fiction, we must study the ancients words, history and art. One of the most important images is Akhenaten seen here wearing an apron in a triangular shape....and see this.. http://www.lulu.com/items/volume_1/130000/130085/4/preview/WORLD OF FREEMASONRY.pdf

"Egyptian hieroglyphics depict their extraterrestrial 'gods' wearing aprons. The priests of ancient Egypt wore similar aprons as a sign of their allegiance to the 'gods' and as a badge of their authority."
- William Bramley, The Gods of Eden

Egyptian "priests were not permitted to wear wool, since wool came from animals, and animals obviously were unclean. They wore only fine linen, stored in special rooms of the temples and cared for by other priests whose function it was to assure their cleanliness."
- Bob Brier, Ancient Egyptian Magic

 god wearing only an apron,
 calathus on head, six wings, bird tail. In its hands, Egyptian sa amulets.
Inscrip.: asasam adouram.Bevel: Seven scarab beetles, a star, a cynocephalus, a crocodile,
 and several obscure figures. On the right - Note especially the international character of this gem -- the images are mostly Egyptian, the letters Greek, the god's dress is Roman, the angelic names (Michael, etc.) are Jewish, and some of the voces magicae (e.g. "semeseilam," which probably means "Eternal Sun") are of a Semitic, non-Jewish, origin. Note also the fine execution of every detail -- this gem took much time to produce, and must have cost accordingly.

"The earliest ceremonial aprons appear to have been simple and unadorned. As time went on, mystical symbols and other decorations were added. Perhaps the most significant change to the apron occurred during the reign of the powerful Canaanite priest-king, Melchizedek, who had achieved a very high status in the Bible. Melchizedek presided over an elite branch...the Melchizedek Priesthood. Beginning around the year 2200 BC, the Melchizedek Priesthood began to make its ceremonial aprons out of white lambskin. White lambskin was eventually adopted by the Freemasons who have used it for their aprons ever since." - William Bramley, The Gods of Eden

We could assume that God made Adam and Eve an apron when they were endowed with 'knowledge'.
He made clothing for them himself! ..see Genesis 3:21

Where did Religions begin?

Most people don't know that Egyptian beliefs actually inspired what became Judiasm and Christianity. Jewish history and the principles and ethics of Judaism have influenced other religions, such as Islam and the Bahá'í Faith. While Judaism has seldom, if ever, been monolithic (one God) in practice, it has always been fiercely monotheistic in theology - although the Tanakh records significant periods of apostasy among many Israelites from Judaism's beliefs. Apostasy is the formal abandonment or renunciation of one's religion, especially if the motive is deemed unworthy. In a technical sense, as used sometimes by sociologists without the pejorative connotations of the word, the term refers to renunciation and criticism of, or opposition to one's former religion.

TaNaKh. The elements of the Tanakh are incorporated in various forms in Christian Bibles, in which, with some variations, it is called the "Old Testament." According to the Talmud, much of the contents of the Tanakh were compiled by the "Men of the Great Assembly" by 450 BC, and have since remained unchanged. Modern scholars are less certain, but believe that the process of canonization of the Tanakh became finalized between 200 BC and 200 AD.
and see The 13 Principles of Faith.

There were also what was called the "lost Books" that may have details that the Christian cannon does not. Among these is the book of Jasher which reveals little known facts that were apparently changed or deleted by Christian theologists. These are the Non-canonical books referenced in the Bible...such as 'The Book of the Wars of the Lord', Referenced at Numbers 21:14 and a line from the Book of Enoch is quoted in the Epistle of Jude (Jude 1:14–15). The book is now completely lost but the Sumerian Texts translated by Zecharia Sitchin reveal much of what was contained in it. This book is titled The Wars of Gods and Men.

It has been suggested by the theologian Joseph Barber Lightfoot that the book was one and the same as the mysterious biblical Book of Jasher. The Book of the Wars of the Lord is cited in the mediaeval Book of Jasher Chapter 90:48 as being a collaborative record written by Moses, Joshua, and the children of Israel. The book of Jasher claims to be written by Jasher, son of Caleb, one of Moses' lieutenants, who later judged Israel at Shiloh. Jasher covers Biblical history from the creation down to Jasher's own day and was represented as being the Lost Book of Jasher mentioned in the Bible.

The fact is that, although the historical aspects of the Old Testament are treated and taught from a Hebrew standpoint with an originally Mesopotamian base, there was a significant Egyptian impact on the culture which has been strategically ignored. This comes to light specifically from the time of the Sinai incident (when Moses smashes the first set of Tablets) and proves to be the very reason why the all important book of Jasher was excluded from the canon.

The Israelite exiles from Egypt knew that Jehovah was not the same as Aten (their traditional Adon or Lord), and so they presumed he must be the equivalent of the great State God of Egypt - even if not one and the same. It was decided, therefore, to add the name of that State-god to all prayers thereafter, and the name of that god was Amen. To this day, the name of Amen is still recited at the end of prayers. Even the well-known Christian Lord's Prayer (as given in the Gospel of Matthew) was transposed from an Egyptian original which began: 'Amen, Amen, who art in heaven ...'

Egyptian Gods As for the famous Ten Commandments, said to have been conveyed to Moses by God upon the mountain, these too are of Egyptian origin, deriving directly from Spell Number 125 in the Egyptian Book of the Dead. (exerpts)

They were not new codes of conduct invented for the Israelites, but were simply newly stated versions of the ritual confessions of the pharaohs. For example, the confession 'I have not killed' was transposed to the decree Thou shalt not kill; 'I have not stolen' became Thou shalt not steal; 'I have not told lies' became Thou shalt not bear false witness - and so on.

Not only were the Ten Commandments drawn from Egyptian ritual, but so too were the Psalms (which are attributed to King David) reworked from Egyptian hymns. Even the Old Testament book of Proverbs - the so-called wise words of Solomon - was translated almost verbatim into Hebrew from the writings of an Egyptian sage called Amenemope. These are now held at the British Museum, and verse after verse of the book of Proverbs can be attributed to this Egyptian original. It has now been discovered that even the writings of Amenemope were extracted from a far older work called The Wisdom of Ptah-hotep, which comes from more than 2000 years before the time of Solomon.

In addition to the Book of the Dead and the ancient Wisdom of Ptah-hotep, various other Egyptian texts were used in compiling the Old Testament. These include the Pyramid Texts and the Coffin Texts, from which references to the Egyptian gods were simply transposed to relate to the Hebrew god Jehovah.

In Alcuinus' purported translation of the book the Law was given to Moses on Mount Sinai not by God but by Moses' father-in-law Jethro, who also taught him the history of the Jews and the history of 'the beginning' when God created man.

The familiar Exodus account explains that Jehovah issued instructions to Moses concerning masters and servants, covetousness, neighbourly behaviour, crime, marriage, morality, and many other issues including the all-important rule of the Sabbath - along with the Ten Commandments. But, in Jasher (which pre-dates the Exodus writings), these laws and ordinances are not conveyed to Moses by Jehovah. In fact, Jehovah is not mentioned at all. The new laws, says the book of Jasher, were communicated to Moses and the Israelites by Jethro, High Priest of Midian and Lord of the Mountain. In effect, Jethro (whose daughter, Zipporah, Moses married) was the overall governor of the Sinai Temple.

In Canaan, the title Lord (or Lofty One) of the Mountain, was defined as El Shaddai, and this is particularly significant for, as previously mentioned, this was precisely the name related to Moses when he asked the Lord to reveal his identity. The Lord said 'I am that I am (YHWH); I am he that Abraham called El Shaddai'. YHWH became eventually transposed to the name Jehovah but, as related in Jasher (and as confirmed in Exodus when correctly read), this Lord was not a deiform god at all; he was Jethro the El Shaddai, the great vulcan and Master Craftsman of the Hathor Temple.

Another very important aspect of the book of Jasher is that it explains that it was not Moses who was the spiritual leader of the tribes who left Egypt for Sinai; their spiritual leader and chief counsellor was Miriam, the half-sister of Moses who receives only passing mentions in the book of Exodus. Indeed, as detailed in Jasher, Miriam's position posed such a problem for Moses in his attempt to create an environment of male dominance that he imprisoned her - as a result of which the Israelites rose up against Moses to secure her release.

There is no doubt that, for all the scribal manipulation of old texts, Miriam (Meryamon of Egypt) emerges outside the canonical Bible as a key character of the era but, just like Mary Magdalene in New Testament times, she has been ignored and forgotten by Church establishments founded as male-dominated institutions. Of Miriam, the book of Aaron (credited to Hur, the grandfather of Bezaleel) relates:

Miriam from hence became the admired of the Hebrews; every tongue sang of her praise. She taught Israel; she tutored the children of Jacob and the people called her, by way of eminence, the Teacher. She studied the good of the nation, and Aaron and the people harkened unto her. To her the people bowed; to her the afflicted came.

The true relevance of Miriam, however, is that she was a recognized Dragon Queen of the matrilinear Grail bloodline. It was primarily from her that the dynastic line ensued to culminate in the Royal House of David, which owes its kingly origin to Miriam's pharaonic descent, rather than to any patriarchal heritage from Abraham, as we are generally led to believe. see Genesis 5

Another lost book, The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus The "Aquarian Gospel" makes the following claims, among others:
Jesus was distinct from Christ, or "The Christ." By making himself, through effort and prayer, a fit vessel, Jesus enabled The Christ to dwell within him.
Jesus came to earth to show the way back to God via his lifestyle and teachings. He is the example we must model our own lives after, if we seek salvation.
Reincarnation exists, and is the explanation for various seeming injustices. Reincarnation allows people to settle debts they have incurred in past lives.
Humanity has forgotten God and is currently working its way back to fully remembering God.

This suggests a personal 'spiritual experience', not connected with any church. It simply means we recognize were we came from.

Time is separated into ages. These ages last approximately 2,160 years. We are now nearing the start of the Aquarian Age. All souls will eventually mature and become perfect, like Jesus, thus ending the cycle of reincarnation. No soul is ever abandoned by God.

All of the ancient religions had multiple gods. Each one in charge of some Earthly or human experience. The Egyptian Book of the Dead identifies most of them. One god was even in charge of bringing the soul to Heaven after death. In the old Sumerian texts the God Enki specifically entrusts the twin rivers to the god Enbilulu, the marshes to an unknown god, the sea to Nanshe (goddess), the rains to Ishkur (a god), agricultural construction to the god Enkimdu, (a god) the growing of plants to the goddess Ashnan, clay works to the goddess Kulla, architecture to the goddess Mushdama, animal life on the plains to the god Shakan, herding to the god Dumuzi, demarcation and judgement to the god Utu/Shamash, and weaving to the goddess Uttu.

What we found from all these sources is what the soul encountered on the journey and it is remarkable indeed. The soul had to have the correct 'passwords' necessary to get to the next level and beyond. There are 8 or more levels of Heaven. These levels have been explained as the very Planets in our own solar system. Ask anyone who has had a 'Near Death Experience', what he or she witnessed and we find the soul travels to many places, including a 'library' where they can study medicine and find cures for diseases.. Many have even seen Jesus.

An ancient Initiate was taught this, but it took a full year to learn one degree. This is how each Masonic candidate progresses. Beginning as an Apprentice, then progressing to a Fellowcraft and finally a Master. A password is taught with each lesson. An apprentice may not enter a lodge open for Fellowcraft or Masters. The recitement of a memorized allegorical play is conducted as each candidate passes on to the next level.

The Egyptians had a memorized ritual play also, but it was never written down and had to be passed on by memory alone. No one knows to this day what was contained in the ritual.

The Egyptian Book of the Dead was written by Thoth, the architect, chief scribe and healer. He has further been involved in arbitration and the judging of the dead. He has also been likened to the Logos (soul) of Plato and the mind of God. His attributes are the same as the Greek Hermes and the Hebrew Enoch. The Egyptians credited him as the author of all works of science, religion, philosophy, and magic. The Greeks further declared him the inventor of astronomy, astrology, the science of numbers, mathematics, geometry, land surveying, medicine, botany, theology, civilized government, the alphabet, reading, writing, and oratory. They further claimed he was the true author of every work of every branch of knowledge, human and divine.

Thoth and Enoch - Gods also associated with Water Buckets... Water Bearers - Vessels

Thoth and Seshat, who is the Goddess of Libraries, all forms 
of Writing and the Measurement of Time.Thoth was thought to be scribe to the gods, who kept a great library of scrolls, over which one of his wives, Seshat (the goddess of writing) was thought to be mistress. He was associated by the Egyptians with speech, literature, arts, learning. He, too, was a measurer and recorder of time, as was Seshat.

Thoth was inserted in many tales as the wise counsel and persuader, and his association with learning, and measurement, lead him to be connected with Seshat, the earlier deification of wisdom, who became said to be his daughter, or variably his wife. Thoth's qualities also lead to him being identified by the Greeks with their closest matching god - Hermes, with whom Thoth was eventually combined, as Hermes Trismegistus, also leading to the Greeks naming Thoth's cult centre as Hermopolis, meaning city of Hermes.

Many ancient Egyptians believed that Seshat invented writing, while Thoth taught writing to mankind. She was known as 'Mistress of the House of Books', indicating that she also took care of Thoth's library of spells and scrolls.

Thoth created a grid program of experience - electromagnetic in nature to allow for the bipolar aspects of linear time and illusion. In so doing, we go to 4 [time] and 3 [3D physical reality]. Thoth constructed a pyramidal shaped vehicle which personifies the nature of reality.

He placed half above - "As is Above" in the nonphysical and half below "As is Below" thus creating the sands of time - the hourglass - the X Box - at the center of the planet where it all began and will all evolve at Zero Point - a time or place of balance. see.. Thoth - as Many Gods

Thoth was the 'god of the equilibrium' and considered depictions of him as the 'Master of the Balance' to indicate that he was associated with the precession of the equinoxes - a time when the day and the night were balanced. (Winter Soltice, Dec 21st)

Thoth played a crucial role in the design and orientation of many famous pyramids, temples and ziggurats. Thoth as Hermes who was Merlin and The Trickster.

It is written in several ancient texts that Thoth wrote a major work of scriptural importance that would one day be found.

Thoth allegedly wrote books in which he set forth fabulous knowledge of magic and incantation then concealed them in a tomb/womb (piller ?).

42 Books of Thoth

Thoth as Hermes in ancient Greece complied the Hermetic Text referred to him as Kore Kosmu. What he knew, he carved on stone [mataphor of physical plane] then hid most of the information. The sacred symbols of the cosmic elements he hid away using the secrets of Osiris, keeping and maintaining silence, that younger ages of the cosmic time clock might seek them out. Thoth was said to have succeeded in understanding the mysteries of the heavens and to have revealed them by inscribing them in sacred books which he then hid here on Earth, intending that they should be searched for by future generations but found by those of the bloodline.

Some of these sacred books are referred to as the 42 Books of Instructions or the 42 Books of Thoth which describe the instructions for achieving immortality plus 2 more books kept separately. The dating of the books is somewhere between the third century BC and the first century AD. Their influence has been tremendous on the development of Western occultism and magic. Neo-pagan witchcraft contains many rituals and much esoteric symbolism based upon Hermetic writings.

According to one legend Hermes Trismegistus, who was a grandson of Adam and a builder of the Egyptian pyramids, authored the books. But, more probably the books were written by several succeeding persons. According to legend, the books were initially written on papyrus.

A chronicler of pagan lore, Clement of Alexandria, stated thirty-six [36] of the Hermetic books contained the entire Egyptian philosophy:
four [4] books on astrology
ten [10] books called the Hieratic on law
ten [10] books on sacred rites and observances
two [2] on music
and the rest on writing, cosmography, geography, mathematics and measures and training of priests.
six [6] remaining books concerned medicine and the body discussing diseases, instruments, the eyes and women

Most of the Hermetic books - along with others - were lost during the burning of the royal libraries in Alexandria. The surviving books were secretly buried in the desert where they are presently located. A few initiates of the mystery schools, ancient secret cults, allegedly know their location. What remains of the surviving Hermetic lore has been passed down through generation and published in many languages.

Most important of all are three works.

The most important and oldest is The Divine Pymander.

It consists on 17 fragments all in one work. Within these fragments are many of the Hermetic concepts, including the divine wisdom and the secrets of the universe were revealed to Hermes and the way in which Hermes established his ministry to spread this wisdom throughout the world. The Divine Pymander apparently was revised during the first centuries AD but lost none of its meaning due to incorrect translations.

Poimmandres or The Vision is the second book of The Divine Pymander and perhaps the most famous. It relates Hermes' mystical vision, cosmogony, and the secret sciences of the Egyptians as to culture and the spiritual development of the soul.

Hermes Trismegistus The third work - Hermes Trismegistus is the wisdom of the Hermetica - Emerald Tablets.

Sumerian Gods

Reality depicted as a biogenetic experiment with extraterrestrial connotations.

Enki's youngest son, Ningizzida, was Lord of the Tree of Truth, in Mesopotamia. He played the role of Thoth in Egypt and Hermes the Magician - the Alchemist. The ancient Mystery School Teachings of Thoth were past down to his Initiates who became the priests. They hid the secret knowledge of creation, passing it down through the ages.


Mercury who was Hermes in Greek Mythology is the God of Communication. Mercury - also known asthe Messenger of the Gods. Mercury is a god of trade and profit, merchants and travelers, but originally of the trade in corn. In later times he was equated with the Greek Hermes. He had a temple in Rome near the Circus Maximus on the Aventine Hill which dates back to 495 BCE.


Chiquitet, Tehuti - Zep Tepi

Zep Tepi is Genesis. Zep means Time. Tepi means First. Together they are the First Time or the Golden Age [Alchemy] where the gods moved through the Void and created our reality.

This is the symbol for the god Aker. It signifies the
 horizon, the point where night turns to day, where day turns to night - Zero Point or Zep Tepi. It is depicted as two lions seated back to back, facing away from each other. They are also called Yesterday and Tomorrow, as one lion faces towards the east where the sun rises and begins the new day, the other lion faces west where the sun sets and descends into the Underworld. Aker also guards the gate to the Underworld and opens it for the King to pass through.see.. Zep Tepi

At Zep Tepi, the constellation Orion acknowledged as the most significant constellation to the ancient Egyptians, was at its lowest position in the southern sky. From Zep Tepi onward, precession of the equinoxes has been gradually carrying Orion/Osiris higher and higher in the sky. The Sphinx is positioned such that in 10,500 BC - time of Zep Tepi - give or take a few hundred years, a remarkable astronomical arrangement of the Sun, Orion, and the constellation of Leo occurred. Leo, Lion, Crown, King. Orion=Star Gate=SG=Sacred Geometry.

When we read Enoch's "Keys", (Hiram Introduction 3) we find the same references to Orion and we find the attributes of Thoth as described here as well.

Along with the list of mythological gods we find encoded in the grid stories of the creation of the human experiment, we also find the Zep Tepi. As with all legends, this is assumed to be metaphoric in content, a connection between the Atlantean grid program and the ancient Egypt grid.

Within the void called Time and Space there are those who move from reality to reality creating the programs in which souls experience. They move through the place known as Zero Point , where matter and antimatter merge to create new realities. It is the place where positive and negative collide to destroy matter and recreate new.

It is a place of awakening and a place of forgetfulness. It is the beginning and the end of all and everything. It is the home of the creational forces, those who bend and shape realities through sound, light and color. The term Zep, Zipper, closing and opening, rips in time, movement through space time, DNA as a polymer or encoded DNA.

The ancient Egyptians who named them the Zep Tepi; They were the Pantheon of Egyptian Gods, Ptah, Ra, Su, Seb, Set, Osiris, [associated with Orion - god of resurrection and rebirth], Horus, Ma-at, and Thoth who came to this realm, based on the precession of the equinoxes, approximately 12,500 year ago - give or take a few hundred years.

Their sacred message was recorded in the Emerald Tablet of Thoth the Atlantean who, as the God, Tehuti, was the ruler of Atlantis for an unknown period of time, coming and going through the story of its existence.

Viracocha Viracocha, as the feathered serpent god, is one of the great mysteries of ancient American cultures. He was called,
Kukulkan by the Mayas
Quetzalcoatl by the Aztecs
Viracocha by the Incas
Gucumatz in central America
Votan in Palenque
Zamna in Izamal

Pre-Inca religions centered in Tiahuanaco City which is where we first learn of a cult of a sky and thunder god named Viracocha. Gods with thunder bolts link with Zeus the main god of ancient Greece.

"The Proto-Guanche Historical Origins of the Egyptian God Thoth"

The Guanches are the mysterious natives of the Canary Islands. They were just about exterminated by the Spaniards when these invaded the archipelago at the turn of the 15th century. Tall, blond and blue-eyed, the Guanches have long intrigued the anthropologists, for blond natives are rarity. According to the reliable Encyclopaedia Britannica, the Guanches "are thought to have been of Cro-Magnon origin... and had a brown complexion, blue or gray eyes, and blondish hair"

Indeed, the Guanches are deemed to be related to the Berbers of neighboring Morroco, who are, likewise, tall, blond and blue-eyed when unmixed with the Arab majority. Other specialists, however, believe that the Guanches are related to the Celts of Western Europe, the early realm of these races. No matter what, the Guanches represent a unique opportunity of studying the early peoples of this region so intimately connected with Atlantis and the Garden of the Hesperides.

The Cimmerians (Sumerians) are deemed to be the ancestors of the Celts and the Scythians, two other races of blond, blue-eyed, gigantic Ethiopians. They are identified with the Cymry or Cimbri, a Germanic tribe which invaded Rome and almost defeated the empire at about 100 BC. The Cimmerians were deemed to have come from the Palus Maeotis, a legendary region often connected with the sinking of Atlantis (palus = "marshes", in Latin).

One of the triads of the Celtic Mabinogion tells how:"Hu Gadarn originally came with the tribe of the Cymry to the Britannic Isles. Hu Gadarn is the Celtic equivalent of Noah and of Aeneas, leading his people away from their destroyed Paradise, into the Promised Land. They came from the Country of Summer, which is called Defrobani... They crossed the Misty Ocean (Tawch) and arrived in the Britannic Isles and Armorica, where they settled."

The mysterious Guanches provide the key to the riddles that surround the origin of Mankind, and are the "missing link" connecting the Mediterranean and other neighboring civilizations to the Far Orient and the Indies, the true site of the Garden of the Hesperides. This garden, also known as that of Eden, is the place where Mankind and Civilization indeed developed, according to the holy traditions of many nations, and not only that of the Bible.

While the Guanche were known to have worshipped the god of the sun, and of higher thought, Men-cey, (note that the first Egyptian pharaohs called themselves Men-es) or the revelation of god through the sun, it is unknown what the other gods, if any, of their pantheons were. Yet throughout the ancient Egyptian writings of the God-Kings before the Pharaohs, are references to men of other lands who became gods of wisdom before migrating to lower Egypt. One of them was Thoth, traditionally designated by historians and Egyptologists as the Egyptian God of Writing and Wisdom. Leonard states:

Thoth was born in a distant country to the west which was across a body of water. Its main city was by the sea (Plato's metropolis). The land possessed volcanoes and, like Atlantis, had a low mountain or large hill in the center. This land is sometimes referred to as the Isle of Flame. (Book of the Dead, Hymn of Rameses IV and Pyramid Texts)

A catastrophe occurred which darkened the sun and disturbed the gods, but Thoth led them across the sea to an eastern country [Egypt]. Thoth is depicted as the "controller of the Flood," (Leyden Papyrus) and the Theban Recension includes the Island of Flame in the Flood story. (Papyrus of Ani, Chap. CLXXV)

In Chapter LXXXV of the Book of the Dead, Thoth rules the "Western Domain," and by the end of the New Kingdom he is called "Lord of the West". (Seth, 1912) Thoth is depicted standing in sht htp [the "field of peace" known to the Greeks as the Elysian Fields], holding his writing quill and palette. The question is pertinent: Was Thoth an Atlantean god-king?
[R. Cedric Leonard, http://www.atlantisquest.com/Hiero.html]

The sacred island of the Guanches, the Gran Canaria, is a great mountain, white peaked, with very little arable land surrounding it as it juts forth from the Atlantic, similar to the description of the Isle of Flame, indicating an interesting similarity in the volcanic homeland of Thoth. It may not be possible to prove that Thoth was an Atlantean God-King, but there are indications that the isles of the West were the Canary Islands, and that proto-Guanches of a more advanced state did explore outside of their archipelago with their astronomical, navigational and cultural knowledge and achievements of the late neolithic era."

"In ancient Egypt, the engineers, draftsmen, and masons who worked on the big architectural projects were accorded a special status. They were organized into elite guilds..." "Evidence of the existence of these special guilds was uncovered by archaeologist Flinders Petrie (and see Flinders ) during his expeditions to the Libyan desert in 1888 and 1889. In the ruins of a city built around 300 BC, Dr. Petrie's expedition uncovered a number of papyrus records. One set described a guild that held secret meetings around the year 2000 BC. The guild met to discuss working hours, wages, and rules for daily labor. It convened in a chapel and provided relief to widows, orphans, and workers in distress. The organizational duties described in the papyri are very similar to those of 'Warden' and 'Master' in a modern branch of...Freemasonry.
- William Bramley, The Gods of Eden

"I am the great God in the divine boat...I am a simple priest in the underworld anointing in Abydos, elevating to higher degrees of initiation...I am Grand Master of the craftsmen who set up the sacred arch for a support."
- Thoth to Osiris, The Egyptian Book of the Dead

"According to a very old Masonic tradition, the Egyptian god Thoth "had played a major part in preserving knowledge of the mason craft and transmitting it to mankind after the flood...."
- David Stevenson, The Origins of Freemasonry

"...The author of a well researched academic study [The Origins of Freemasonry]... went so far as to say that, in their early days, the Masons had regarded Thoth as their patron." According to the Akashic records of Thoth, "Beneath the Etchmiadzin Monastery (in Armenia) were sequested texts of information written by the second and third generations of Noah; and beneth St Jacobs monastery were texts actually transported by Noah." So there was more than just a word. There were secrets given to Noah, passed on to him by Lemech, Methuselah, and Enoch.

The Wisdom of Thoth from the Emerald Tablets

The Wadjet or Ujat, meaning "Whole One" is also the eye of Ra/Horus and is considered to be the '3rd eye'. That which sees beyond the 'material ' universe. The eye also became a symbol of life and resurrection and was believed to have healing and protective power, and it was used as a protective amulet. It was also used as a notation of measurement, particularly for measuring the ingredients in medicines and pigments. The symbol was divided into six parts, representing the shattering of Horus eye into six pieces. Each piece was associated with one of the six senses and a specific fraction.

It is interesting to note that if the pieces are added together the total is 63/64 not 1. Some suggest that the remaining 1/64 represents the magic used by Thoth to restore the eye, while others consider that the missing piece represented the fact that perfection was not possible. However, it is equally likely that they appreciated the simplicity of the system which allowed them to deal with common fractions quickly, after all they already had a symbol for the number "1" and they had other numerical notations available when they needed to use smaller fractions.

According to later traditions, the right eye represented the sun and so is called the "Eye of Ra" while the left represented the moon and was known as the "eye of Horus" (although it was also associated with Thoth). However, in many cases it is not clear whether it is the left or right eye which is referred to. Others myths suggest that it is Horus right eye which was torn out and that the myth refers to a solar eclipse in which the sun is momentarily blotted from the sky.

"Then I heard the voice": "Hear thou and understand". "The flame is the source of all things, containing all things in potentiality. The Order that sent forth Light is the WORD and from the WORD comes LIFE and the existence of all." And again spoke the voice saying; "The LIFE in thee is the WORD. Find thou the LIFE within thee, and have the powers to use of the WORD.".. These are the Words of God, speaking to Thoth, who is to teach the 'Sons of Light' how to find, preserve and use the WORD... Thus began the secrets and the 'Mysteries' taught only to 'initiates' of the 'Brotherhood'.

"Know ye, the SOUL must be cleansed of its darkness, ere ye may enter the portals of Light. Thus, I establish amoung ye the Mysteries so that the Secrets may always be found. Aye though men may fall into darkness, always the Light will shine as a guide. Hidden in darkness, veiled in Symbols, always the WAY to the portal will be found. Man in the future will deny the Mysteries but always the WAY the seeker will find".

You will find the link to the rest of the words of Thoth, the Master Teacher, the 'Logos', only if you seek it.

The old kingdom and it's rulers

The city of Akkad was probably situated on the west bank of the Euphrates, between Sippar and Kish (in present-day Iraq, about 50 km (31 mi) southwest of the center of Baghdad). Despite an extensive search, the precise site has never been found. It reached the height of its power between the 24th and 22nd centuries BC. But it may be much older than that.

Akkad is mentioned once in the Tanakh—Book of Genesis 10:10: "And the beginning of his (Nimrod's) kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar."

Here is one legend related of a rival king named Sargon who also served the God Enlil. In neo-Assyrian times it says that,
"My mother was a changeling (?), my father I knew not. The brothers of my father loved the hills. My city is Azurpiranu (the wilderness herb fields), which is situated on the banks of the Euphrates. My changeling mother conceived me, in secret she bore me. She set me in a basket of rushes, with bitumen she sealed my lid. She cast me into the river which rose not over me. The river bore me up and carried me to Akki, the drawer of water. Akki, the drawer of water, took me as his son and reared me. Akki the drawer of water, appointed me as his gardener. While I was gardener Ishtar granted me her love, and for four and (fifty?) ... years I exercised kingship."

How closely this parallels the stories of Romulus, Bacchus, Osiris, and that of Sargon who, preceding Moses by two thousand years, laid the foundations of civilization for the first Semitic empire. Inscribed on fragments of Babylonian tile:
Sargona, the king of Akkad am I.
My mother was a princess, my father I did not know.
My mother, the princess, conceived me, in difficulty she brought me forth.
She placed me in an ark of rushes, with bitumen my exit she sealed up.
She launched me in the river, which did not drown me.
The river carried me, to Akki the water-carrier it brought me. . . .

As a rule the real family corresponds with the humble one, the noble family with the fictitious one. In the case of Moses something seemed to be different. And here the new point of view may perhaps bring some illumination. It is that the first family, the one from which the babe is exposed to danger, is in all comparable cases the fictitious one; the second family, however, by which the hero is adopted and in which he grows up, is his real one. The Jewish people in Egypt were certainly not without some kind of religion, and if Moses, who gave them a new religion, was an Egyptian, then the surmise cannot be rejected that this other new religion was the Egyptian one. see The Moses myth

Moses and the water wave glyph, Greek origin Water is one of our oldest symbols. The water-wave glyph is found in every land, representing the Great Deep, Chaos, Wisdom, and also Universal Mother: Mary, mother of Jesus, Maya, mother of Buddha, etc. see Moses and Those 'Horns'

Exodus 2 gives no name for Moses' mother or father and as you can see, this is a 'copied' or borrowed account of Sargon. With that, what we discovered does not agree with theological dogmatists who say Nimrod committed a great sin by rebeling against God. That tale leaves out the real truth. He did rebel against a God but the story has a different god in mind than the one the scriptures portray as YHWH. Josephus recorded what really happened in his Antiquities of the Jews.
We have the real story on Forbidden Knowledge forward 1

This gets even more confusing when we see several names for God; like Jehovah, El Shaddi, Yehwah, El, Elohim, Lord, YHWH, ect. Why all these names for the 'one' God?

The story of Nimrod does infact suggest another God, a God that was mean and cruel and wanted men to be nothing more than slaves to 'The Gods'.....more than one! If you have read Genesis 1:26 or 3:22 lately you saw the word "US" or 'WE' or 'OUR'. In particular in the story about the tower of Babel, we see it again in Genesis 11-7; "Let US go down and confuse their language"..."Who is "US"?

After this revelation we uncovered many discrepencies and less than accurate stories by biblical writers whose only goal seemed to be keeping you from finding out what really happened as far as the Hebrews are concerned....Like the REAL story of Nimrod. Chances are the story has been changed at least ten times since it's conception. We are convinced that since the Sumerian texts have been around for more than 100 years (1876), theologians and the clergy have had plenty of time to make corrections but it seems they refuse to do so. Even more disturbing is the fact that they will not acknowledge these texts even exist. What does that tell you?

What does this have to do with the Christian condemnation of Nimrod who is a Masonic hero, an architech, a builder of ancient cities? If you read any of the Atrahasis Epic, You read about a god named Enlil who was making the Igigi work. Everyone including his own subordinates (Igigi-gods) were under his 'slavery'. People label these stories as myth...they are not!

Jesus said: Matthew 13:35, "I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world."

Up until the book,(The Hiram Key) no one would have ever considered that Joseph, a biblical hero might be on the wrong side of a story. But when it was discovered that Set(h), the evil brother of Osiris was the God at Avaris where Joseph lived - questions arose that we still can't answer. And to even imagine that the Hebrew Holy book that became our bible hides a secret - was shocking to say the least. But it's all there. Archaeological evidence backs our discovery up 100% plus a journey through several other noncannonized books and the sources provided below.

(The Hyksos) Their god is said to have been Seth..."
- Siegfried Morenz, Egyptian Religion

However, many scholars believe that Set didn't become a villain in Egyptian mythology until he was adopted as the patron god of the Hyksos, the foreign occupiers of Lower Egypt who were expelled at the end of the Seventeenth Dynasty.

So that means that Osiris was King over Egypt at the time the Hyksos took control of the lower (Northern) region of Egypt. As we recall from the myth, Set killed Osiris and took over his throne.

"[The Hyksos king] Apophis took to him Sutekh [Seth] for lord and served not any god that was in the whole land save only Sutekh [Seth]." He started a war with Seqenenre Tao II whose God was Horus.
- Sallier Papyrus , I, I, 2-3

After the Hyksos were driven from power, many remaining in Egypt were enslaved. "This would place Joseph's rise to power under the Hyksos and make Ahmosis the Pharaoh who 'know not Joseph'."
- David Daiches, Moses - Man in the Wilderness

We know that the Hyksos worshipped the god Seth, the evil brother of Osiris. The term "children of Seth" signifies worshippers of Seth, or Hyksos. Therefore the references to the Amalekites and to the children of Seth by Balaam reveal the identity of these two designations telling us that the Hyksos were the Amalekites. [See D. Woolley in KMT Magazine, Vol. 10, No. 4, Winter 1999-2000, p. 6]

Name of a nomadic nation south of Palestine. That the Amalekites were not Arabs, but of a stock related to the Edomites (consequently also to the Hebrews), can be concluded from the genealogy in Gen. 36. 12 and in I Chron. i. 36. Amalek is a son of Esau's first-born son Eliphaz and of the concubine Timna, the daughter of Seir, the Horite, and sister of Lotan (Gen. xxxvi. 12; compare Timnah as name of an Edomite chief or clan, verse 40). On the other hand, Gen. 14. 7 speaks of Amalekites, in southern Palestine, in the time of Abraham.

If the two sons of Abraham are an allegory depicting the reality of the flesh vs the reality of the spirit, then we must pose the question as to which part of the allegory is historically true?

Apop/Apepi 1The name of the first and last king was Agog."Their (Israel's) king will be greater than Agog ..." Numbers 24:7; " ... but Saul and the army spared Agog and the best of the sheep and cattle ..." 1.Samuel 15:8. They ruled as Pharaohs. Scarabs of Hyksos kings; Sallier Papyrus I;
Manetho in Josephus; Breasted, `A History of Ancient Egypt', p.218. The name of the first and last king was Apop (Apophis).

Of the King James Version;
Be reminded that these verses are also written by Hebrew authors who would never alude to the fact that Simeon and Levi, being the son's of Jabob had done anything this sinful and outrageous.
The Living Bible, Genesis 49: 5-6-7 carries this account of Jacob; "Simeon and Levi are two of a kind. They are men of violence and injustice. O my soul, stay away from them. May I never be a party to their wicked plans. Cursed be their anger, for it is fierce and cruel".

We are not sure if the following biblical account has anything to do with the Seqenenre murder. However the Masonic 22nd and 23rd degrees have a murder victim, represented by one skull, and three people to prosecute represented by three skulls.. The 12 tribes in the Sinai are mentioned. The clincher is that Moses is in attendence ..and... They are in Egypt at the time of a funeral and Aaron is also there to conduct the ceremony. This sounds like the funeral is for Seqenenre Tao even though it pertains to Hiram Abiff.

Simeon and Levi have done an evil deed and Jacob disowns them.

Genesis 34: Simeon and Levi go to Shechem and murder every man in the city. This is after The boys make a deal with the men to have every man circumcised so that the king's son can marry Dinah, a daughter of Jacob who is said to have been dragged away and raped by the king's son Hamor.

Now we begin an account from books left out of the bible. You will see references to these books through out this site. Please click on the links provided to see more.

From the book of Jasher 35:1; 35:1 And all the kings of the Amorites came and took their stand in the field to consult with their counsellors what was to be done with the sons of Jacob, for they were still afraid of them, saying, Behold, two of them slew the whole of the city of Shechem.

"Yahuwah Fills The Hearts Of The King's Advisors With Fear
And Yahuwah heard the prayers of Yitzchaq (Isaac) and Yaaqov (Jacob), and he filled the hearts of all of those kings' advisers with great fear and terror that they unanimously exclaimed, 3. "Are you silly this day, or is there no understanding in you, that you will fight with the Hebrews, and why will you take a delight in your own destruction this day?"

Going back in time, before the flood we find the names of the ancient Sumerians in texts that were written nearly 10,000 years ago. We found that the names of the preHebrew patriarchs such as Noah and Enoch were different in the Sumerian and Egyptian language. The Sumerian people weren't known as Hebrews until they tried to overthrow part of Egypt in the early 1200's BC. Before that The Egyptians were in control of many Canaanite cities including Jerusalem and a war lord named Labaya seems to have been based out of Shachmu (Shechem). This, based on the verses is where the tomb of Joseph (Josh. 24:32) and near Jacob’s Well was located (John 4:5-6) (Wright, 1967: 355).

The verses that follow will lead us into many unknown facts about the Hebrews that, have been confirmed on Index1. The verse as follows; Joshua 25:2 "This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: Long ago your forefathers, including Terah the father of Abraham and Nahor lived beyond the River (Euphrates), and worshiped OTHER GODS. 'Other Gods' - more than one!
But I took your father Abraham from the land beyond the river and led him throughout Cannan and gave him many descendents. I gave him Issac, and to Isaac I gave Jacob and Esau. I assigned the hill country of Seir to Esau, but Jacob and his sons went to Egypt."

Note: During Rebekah's pregnancy, "the children struggled together within her" (Genesis 25:22). According to Rashi, whenever Rebekah passed a house of Torah study of Shem and Eber, Jacob would struggle to get out; whenever she passed a temple of idolatry, Esau would struggle to get out. Fearful of the excessive movement, Rebekah questioned God about the tumult and learned that she was to give birth to two children who were twins, who would become the respective founders of two very different nations. They would always be in competition, the elder would serve the younger, meaning one's success is attained at the expense of the other. She did not tell her husband Isaac about this prophecy, but kept it in mind.

Despite the dreadful deception on the part of Jacob and his mother to gain Isaac's patriarchal blessing, Jacob's vocation as Isaac's legitimate heir in the continued founding of the Jewish people is reaffirmed. In essence, the Bible tells us that a bright, calculating person who, at times, is less than honest, is preferable as a founder over a bluff, impulsive one who cannot make discriminating choices. Jacob continues to display characteristics which are later to become part of the non-Jewish stereotype of Jews (although they are only prominent, not typical -- witness the very different characters of Abraham and Isaac), while Esau continues to display characteristics which are later to become part of the Jewish stereotype of non-Jews ("goyim")

Jacob moves out of one dangerous situation toward another, both with members of his family -- Laban and Esau -- and, on the way, decisively confronts God (Chapter 32). Through that very mysterious confrontation, crafty, self-centered Jacob becomes one who strives or wrestles with God (yisrael), thereby establishing his destiny and that of his heirs forever. Jacob as 'the deceiver' and 'deal' maker -
see Jacob-Esau

Shechem is a Hebrew toponym. For Shechem, the antagonist in the Biblical story of the rape of Dinah has the same name as the city. Shechem was the name of two individuals mentioned in the Bible: "For Shechem, a son of Manasseh" (A son of Manasseh according to Numbers 26:31, Joshua 17:2, and 1 Chronicles 7:19) "A prince of Shechem who defiled Dinah according to Genesis 34". There were 70 souls to migrate to Egypt with Jacob and they ended up in Shechem..There is more to this story and we cover it on Widows Son 2. It seems that Jacob and his sons killed all the men in Shechem by a deceitful trick. The photo is a link to the story of Shechem.

For places named Jacobs Well, see Jacobs Well. Known as ("Shoulder") it was an Israelite city in the tribe of Manasseh, situated at Tell Balatah 32° 12 '11' 'N,' 35° 18 '40' E, 2 km east of present-day Nablus) was the first capital of the Kingdom of Israel.

The word Hebrew (Hapiru) is a derogatory term meaning 'outlaws'. Hapiru: Nomadic or semi-nomadic people associated with robbery. see The Amarna Letters. The letter was written by Labaya(u), who was probably a governor of the area.

Jacob and his sons exerted influence over a wide region in Samaria, and threatened many powerful Canaanite towns, including Jerusalem, Gezer, (called 'Gazru'), and Megiddo. Lib'ayu) was a Canaanite warlord who lived contemporaneously with Pharaoh Akhenaten (14th century BCE) So far as we can tell there is no mention of the pharoah's name so we dispute this reference to Akhenaten..Other scholars identify the pharaoh as Amenhotep III but there is no clear proof of this either. We think it was Amenhotep I who ruled from 1526 to 1506 BC. This article also seems plausable.. Gezer in the Tell el-Amarna Letters but it is from 1967. More excuvations have been conducted since so better information is available. Labaya is mentioned in several of the Amarna Letters (abbreviated, "EA", for 'el Amarna'), which is practically all we know about him.

A line in the the letter reads: "I did not know that my son was associated to the Hapiru, (outlaws) and I certainly would have put him into the hands of Addaya." They were also called 'Hyksos'.

Some scholars have identified Labaya with the biblical figure of Abimelech ben Gideon-(the identical name of Abi-Milku of the Amarna letters), (Judges ) see.. Tenuous Egyptian history, and instead identify Labaya with Saul and Mutbaal with Saul's son Ishbaal or Ish-bosheth. These scholars further identify Dadua, Ayab and Yishaya, three figures mentioned by Mutbaal in a later Amarna Letter, as King David, his general Joab and his father, Jesse/Yishai-(EA 256, title: "Oaths and denials").

This observence is what lead to the connection that Egyptian names can be associated with the Hebrews (Hyksos).

Beware of decrepencies: One passage in Genesis 33 has Jacob legally purchasing the location Shechem for the capital of the northern kingdom of Israel. Genesis 34 has Jacob's sons killing all of the men of Shechem (Shekem) by a deceitful trick and taking the land. Genesis 34:30 has Jacob saying to Simeon and Levi,"You have brought trouble on me by making me a stench to the Canaanites and Perizzites, the people living in this land. We are few in number, and if they join forces against me and attack me, I and my household will be destroyed." Shortly thereafter they move to Bethel. More on widow's son 2.

'The Elohim (gods) Strengthen 2 Men To Destroy The Whole Town Of Shechem'
Jasher 35:16; "Who does not know that it was their Elohim who inspired them with strength to do to the town of Shechem the evil which you heard of? 17. Could it then be with their own strength that 2 men could destroy such a large city as Shechem had it not been for their Elohim in whom they trusted? He said and did to them all this to kill the inhabitants of the city in their city."

Here is where we see the word Elohim. - it is a plural word, it means gods - more than one. In other cases, Elohim acts as an ordinary plural of the word Eloah, and refers to the polytheistic notion of multiple gods (for example, Exodus 20:3, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me.").

35:4. Behold 2 of them came to the city of Shechem without fear or terror, and they killed all the inhabitants of the city, that no man stood up against them, and how will you be able to fight with them all? 35:5. "Surely you know that THEIR Elohim (GODS) are extremely fond of them, and has done mighty things for them, such as have not been done from days of old, and among all the gods of nations, there is none can do like to his mighty deeds."

35:6; Surely he delivered their father Abraham, the Hebrew, from the hand of Nimrod, and from the hand of all his people who had many times sought to slay him.

35:7; He delivered him also from the fire in which king Nimrod had cast him, and his God delivered him from it.

This sounds really strange, but there is a reason Nimrod was after him. This was before they left Ur.

In Judges 9:28-29, we see the Gaal, son of Ebed asking the citizens of Shechem who they should serve, Hamor, Shechem's father or Abimelech son of Jerub-Baal. This means Hamor and Shechem are still alive at this point. The 'Baal' reference here is revealing which God was served. Judges 10:6 and 10:10 confirm this. Baal was the god of the Canaanites.

Stephen’s speech as recorded by Luke in Acts 7:2-53 provides a review of the history of Israel from the time of Abraham. Verse 16 and its reference to Shechem has proved particularly difficult to explain. The problem arises because it apparently contradicts the text of Genesis by stating that Abraham, rather than Jacob bought the plot of land at Shechem from the sons of Hamor (Gen. 33:18-19; cf. 23:3-20).

Commentators have suggested a number of explanations for this: a) Abraham was the original purchaser of the field and Jacob merely renewed the transaction as he did with the well Abraham’s servants had dug (Gen. 21:27-30; 26:28-31) (Archer, 1982: 379-380). This solution relies on an argument from silence as Genesis makes no mention of any land purchase at Shechem by Abraham. More importantly there is no reference to a tomb on the plot that Jacob bought. b) Jacob bought the site in Abraham’s name, so in effect Abraham bought the land (Stott, 1990: 134). c)...or did he?

When Gen. 35:4 describes Jacob burying the ‘foreign gods’ and ear-rings under the Shechem terebinth, Oesterley & Robinson see this as further evidence of the worship of trees. By burying the ‘gods’ under the oak they were placed under the power of the tree sanctuary of Jacob’s God and thus rendered harmless (Oesterley & Robinson,1935: 23). They also find evidence of animism in Gen. 35:8, where they link the name ‘Oak of weeping’, with the Canaanite practice of weeping for Tammuz (cf. Ezek.8:14) (Oesterley & Robinson,1935: 23-24).

Norman K. Gottwald: Gottwald held that Israel emerged from within the population of Canaan and not by invasion from outside of it. Shechem was viewed as a neutral Canaanite city which worshipped Ba’al-berith and not Yahweh. (Gottwald, 1979: 563-564). Ba’al-berith was worshipped at a sacred site inside the city and Yahweh at a tree outside the city (Gen. 12:6; 33:18b-20; 35:4; Deut. 11:30; Josh. 24:26; Judges 9:6, 37). This would explain the continued existence of a temple to Ba’al-berith in Shechem (Judges 9:4) which does not require the reintroduction of a Canaanite cult (Gottwald, 1979: 564). Joshua’s speech (Josh 24) is therefore seen as institution of Yahwism and not as a renewal of a pre-existing covenant. The Shechemites were among those who declined the adoption of the new faith (Gottwald, 1979: 567).

3.4.1 David’s Laments. Shechem is mentioned by David in two national laments attributed to him (Psalm 60:6-8=108:7-9). The verses cited remind the audience that it is the Lord who has measured and given the land; the people are only his tenants - he is the"Owner" He is also sovereign over the nations.

Another point made here is that Shechem is in Egyptian Territory, but it is overran by Israelites. So it makes sence that The Egyptian King says to his advisors in Exodus 1:9-10, "the Israelites have become much to numberous for us, Come, we must deal with them shrewdly with them or they will become even more numberous and, if war breaks out, will join our enemies, fight against us and leave the country."

The Death of Abimelech In Judges; 9:50 Abimelech went to 'Thebez' and (tried to) besiege it and capture it. But there was a strong tower in the center of the city, and all the men and women with all the leaders of the city fled there and shut themselves in; and they went up on the roof of the tower.

"And Abimelech came unto the tower, and fought against it, and went hard unto the door of the tower to burn it with fire. And a certain woman cast a piece of a millstone upon Abimelech's head, and all to brake his skull. Then he called hastily unto the young man his armourbearer, and said unto him, Draw thy sword, and slay me, that men say not of me, A women slew him. And his young man thrust him through, and he died. When the people of Israel saw that Abimelech was dead, they all went home. Thus God repaid the wickedness of Abimelech, which he had done to his father in killing his seventy brothers."

"God returned all the wickedness of the men of Shechem on their heads, and the curse of Jotham the son of Jerubbaal came upon them."

In the Late Canaanite period (16th-12th centuries B.C), the city became the seat of Egyptian rule. The Israelite tribes did not succeed in conquering Canaanite Beth She'an. After the battle waged at Mt. Gilboa, the Philistine lords of Beth She'an displayed the bodies of Saul and his sons on the city walls. The city was later taken by King David along with Megiddo and Ta'anach, becoming the administrative center of the region during King Solomon's reign. The site was destroyed in 732 B.C., with the conquest of the northern part of the country by the Assyrian king, Tiglat-Pilesser III. During the Hellenistic period, the city known as Nysa-Scythopolis was founded on this spot. Local lore has it that Dionysos, the god of wine, buried his nurse Nysa here, and subsequently settled the region with Scythians from among his followers.

At the end of the 2nd century B.C. the city fell to the Hasmoneans.

Scythopolis, now called Beth Shean Thebez; According to Eusebius, was thirteen miles from Shechem, towards Scythopolis. The map link proves this wrong. However Shechem is mentioned in the Armada letters. (or "Amarna tablets") are an archive of correspondence on clay tablets, mostly diplomatic, between the Egyptian administration and its representatives in Canaan and Amurru during the New Kingdom. The letters were found in Upper Egypt at Amarna, the modern name for the Egyptian capital founded by pharaoh Akhenaten (1350s – 1330s BC) during the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt. Here's another ancient Israeli map

They are important for establishing both the history and chronology of the period. Letters from the Babylonian king Kadashman-'Enlil'; I anchor the timeframe of Akhenaten's reign to the mid-14th century BC. Here was also found the first mention of a Near Eastern group known as the Habiru, whose possible connection with the Hebrews remains debated.

The earliest written record comes from an inscription on the Stele of Khu-Sebek who was a noble in the court of Sesotris III (c. 1880-1840 BC). It reads: "his majesty reached a foreign country of which the name was skmm [Shechem]. Then skmm fell, together with the wretched Retunu (Hibru) [an Egyptian name for the inhabitants of Syro-Palestine]." An Egyptian execration text (a clay tablet on which curses are inscribed and then ceremonially broken) dating from the mid nineteenth century refers to one Ibish-hadad of Shechem, indicating that Shechem was an important centre of resistance against Egyptian rule (Toombs, 1992: 1179).

Back at Avaris which had not been overtaken yet, we find a 'king' ordering Shiphrah and Puah to kill all the newborn Hebrew boys. Exodus 1:15. But Exodus 1:19 and 22 uses the word "pharoah". This confirms a seperation between the Hebrews and the Israelites, but Israel is called evil by God in Judges 9:6. How do we explain this? The sons of Jacob (Israel); Simeon and Levi entered the city and killed them all.

Was the evil attack at Shechem what prompted Thutmose, (see Josephus) Seqenenre's wife to assemble an army led by none other than Moses himself to subdue the unwanted Hebrew inhabitants and take back control of the country? Joseph is prosecuted in the KJB, and is 'shot at' Genesis 49:23 .. 'Testament of Levi', Verse 8 reveals "And thus they did to all strangers, taking away by force their wives, and they banished them".

So who is the King, "who didn't know about Joseph" in Exodus 1:8? Who attacked Joseph in Genesis 49:23? You will find out on the next page.

In disagreement with the statement of Alan Gardiner on the priests at On, and according to the opinion of Dr. Courville that 'the last 50 years of the 5th Dynasty overlap with the 12th Dynasty, who say, "We ought to recognize that there were priests at Heliopolis/On during that time. On that basis then it could very well be that the ancient city of `On' was a place of activities during 12th Dynasty times. Therefore, the biblical assertian that the father-in-law of Joseph was a `priest of On' should exclude the possibility that Joseph lived during Hyksos times (since they only worshipped Seth)". .....But it doesn't.

Biblical scholers try hard to place Joseph in the court of the Thebian king and even suggest that he was buried in The Valley of Kings, but they obviously are wrong. Joseph was buried at Avaris in an Egyptian style coffin.
The inscription below the picture reads, "The restored cult statue of Joseph that once stood near his palace and tomb at Avaris in Northeast Egypt".

At this point we must understand that those people we call today the Hyksos were not called that by the Egyptians themselves. In the records of Ahmose we simply read:
"One besieged the city of Avaris, I showed valor on foot before his majesty..." "Now after his majesty had slain the Asiatics..." [Breasted, `Records', Vol. II, Sec. 8, 14]

A part of their population was allowed to depart. Josephus said the `Shepherd-kings' were the Israelites, and he was right in placing their history into the time of Thurmosis, a name not far removed Thutmosis. "...But Josephus says this is a woman. see Josephus' Antiquities of the Jews... upon his dispair of taking the place by that siege, they came to a composition with them, that they should leave Egypt ..." Josephus, `Against Apion', Bk. I, Sec. 14. But the battle was not yet over and won by the besiegers afterwards.

At the time the book came out many Masons had a problem with this theory because biblical scholers placed the Exodus in the 13th century and no one could imagine that Joseph would be aligned with the Hyksos pharoahs.. However recent archaeological evidence as seen here, has been broadcast in a three hour event called "Exodus Decoded." This evidence has since been reviewed by several other scholers and they all agree, the Exodus took place in the 17th dynasty of Egypt, 15th century, when Seqenenre Tao's son Ahmose ruled.

Proving Jacob or Joseph had something to do with the murder of Seqenenre was a bit more challanging but here's where it starts in the KJ bible at least.
In Genesis 49: 6., Simeon and Levi, Joseph's brothers are cursed by Jacob for their cruelty and the fact that they killed a man... omiting his name. Jacob tells the other brothers to stay away from them and he wants no part of their " wicked plans"..."Let me not enter their council, let me not join their assembly..,"
This is never explained and that seemed a little odd to us.

'Testament of Levi', Verse 7: 'The Egyptians then prosecuted Abraham our Father when he was a stranger, and they vexed his flocks; and Eblaen, who was born in his house, they most shamefully handeled'. Joseph, was also prosecuted in the KJB, Genesis 49:23 Somebody murdered Seqenenre but after that the Hebrews were ran out of the country or became slaves.
Remember the book of Jasher above, 35:2-5.

Exodus 1:8 reveals; "Then a new King, who did not know about Joseph came to power in Egypt." Ahmose began the 18th dynasty of Egypt and is the King at the time of the Exodus. Moses is placed into the story much later in Exodus 2, but when he grows up he is actually the captain of an army that attacks the Hittites. This is recorded in Josephus' Antiquities of the Jews. Moses' stepmother is the daughter of Seqenenre. Her name was Thurmosis. Moses was most likely the commander and chief of an army under Queen Ahhotep, Ahmoses' mother and Tao's wife.

Until the book came out no one except the historians and archaeologists recognized that there were two rulers in Egypt at the same time. The bible however uses both the words, King and pharoah. But they are not of the same meaning. One (the pharoah) in the North in Avaris/Memphis and the King at Thebes, 300 miles to the south. The bible has never seperated this King from the evil pharoah at Avaris, using both words as if they were referring to the same person. History and Archaeology has divided them into their seperate territories.... and their seperate, very different gods. The Index 4 page gives the names of the Hyksos/Hebrew Pharoahs who took over and formed the 2nd Hyksos/Egyptian dynasty.

This theory has now been proven and the cause for the plagues of the Exodus have been explained from a scientific view point..Since Moses practiced Egyptian Magic, this takes on a whole new meaning not explained by the Hebrew text. The Magic that Moses practiced was thousands of years old and came to him from former 'Masters' including Seqenenre Tao II. The traditions and rituals go all the way back to Osiris and Thoth and were taught to the sons of Kings and the Temple priests. Akhenaten explained that the 'right brain' teachings took 12 years to master. The teachings became part of the 'Mystery School' teachings of Egypt and India. Moses was the humble servent of God. What he was taught was not to be used for evil purposes.

Obviously this is very confusing when we read that Joseph, Jacob and Abraham were God's chosen people. Moses, raised as an Egyptian has a different God in mind even though he is described as being Hebrew. In the Book of Enoch the Arcane Wisdom, it is said that by Talmudic tradition, God whispered the words to Moses on Mount Sinai. Enoch was taught all of God's secrets and he passed them on to the 'Masters' including Noah. So in The book of Jasher we found a different way Moses got the word.

Both the ancient scholar Philo, and a modern scholar, Rabbi Harvey Falk (in his Another Look at the Jewishness of Jesus), informs us that Moses trained thousands of disciples as Essenes. The Essenes themselves describe that event in one of their most important texts:
The Essene Book of Moses., Essene Scriptures and The Essene Gospel of Peace and The Essene Gospel of Peace Book 2.
In that text, God, at Mount Sinai, gave Moses the Essene Communions on a stone tablet. It was hoped that all the Jewish people would follow the way of life described on that tablet. But when Moses descended Mount Sinai and met with the people, it was clear that the majority were not ready to follow the esoteric Essene teachings engraved on that tablet. ( This is when he smashes the first set of tablets )

And Moses heard the voice of the Lord, and sealed within him the covenant that was between the Lord and the Children of Light.

And the Lord spoke, saying, Only the Children of Light can keep the Commandments of the Law. Hear me, for I say thus: the tablets which thou didst break, these shall nevermore be written in the words of men. As thou didst return them to the earth and fire, so shall they live, invisible, in the hearts of those who are able to follow their Law. To thy people of little faith, who did sin against the Creator, even whilst thou stood on holy ground before thy God, -I will give another Law. It shall be a stem law, yea, it shall bind them, for they know not yet the Kingdom of Light.

And Moses hid the invisible Law within his breast, and kept it for a sign to the Children of Light. And God gave unto Moses the written law for the people, and he went down unto them, and spake unto them with a heavy heart.

It was, in fact, Pharaoh Tuthmosis III who had reorganized the ancient mystery schools of Thoth and founded the Royal School of the Master Craftsmen at Karnak. They were called the Great White Brotherhood because of their preoccupation with a mysterious white powder. A branch of this fraternity became especially concerned with medicines and healing, to become known as the Egyptian Therapeutate. Then, in much later times, the activities of the Therapeutate were extended into Palestine - especially into the Judah settlement of Qumrân, where they flourished as the Essenes. More about the 'white powder' on Ark of the Covenant 2.

God had warned the people that if they did not embrace the Essene teachings on the first tablet, they would "be visited by disasters for generation upon generation." That was not a threat; it was a simple statement of fact. The Essene teachings are about being in harmony with the physical and spiritual laws of life. To be out of harmony with the laws of life is a sure invitation to disaster. And so the warning of God indeed came to pass: the people of Israel suffered disaster upon disaster. They were involved in almost constant warfare. They came to be ruled by corrupt, violent kings. Their priesthood became progressively more corrupt. Their religion became centered on animal sacrifice. Their temple became a bloody butcher shop. And their corrupt priests united with their corrupt kings to alter their ancient scriptures and compose false pericopes. For example, the animal sacrifice cult that controlled the Jewish temple composed the 'bloody' "sacred verses" and inserted them into the Bible; you can read these verses today in the Old Testament book of Leviticus.

From the Essene Scriptures; A "false pericope" is a section of scripture considered by Jesus and his disciples to be "falsified, untrue, not from God." Jesus taught his disciples that some holy scriptures were from God -- or at least from holy men who were attuned to the will of God -- BUT SOME SECTIONS OF SCRIPTURE WERE INSERTED BY VARIOUS KINGS AND FALSE SCRIBES WHO WERE NOT AT ALL ATTUNED TO THE TRUE WILL OF GOD. ANY SCRIPTURE WHICH ADVOCATES VIOLENCE OR CRUELTY TOWARD ANY FORM OF LIFE IS "COUNTERFEIT," NOT FROM GOD.

In regard to the origin of the Essenes, neither Josephus nor Philo can give a specific date, but both make clear that the Essenian roots are incredibly ancient. Josephus declares that the Essenes have existed "from time immemorial" and "countless generations". Philo agrees, calling the Essenes "the most ancient of all the initiates" with a "teaching perpetuated through an immense space of ages." Josephus and Philo -- as well as several other ancient writers including Pliny the Elder -- are in consensus on two points in regard to the origin of the Essenes:
Their origin is lost in pre-history with certain ancient legends linking them with Enoch;
There was a major remanifestation of the Essenes by Moses at Mount Sinai. Moses was to keep the esoteric Essene Communions for "the Children of Light," for only they could understand them.

The Secret Knowledge of India

Check this out... Ancient Technology “Ancient Hindus could navigate the air, and not only navigate it, but fight battles in it like so many war-eagles combating for the domination of the clouds. To be so perfect in aeronautics, they must have known all the arts and sciences related to the science, including the strata and currents of the atmosphere, the relative temperature, humidity, density and specific gravity of the various gases.

Ancient Indian texts are crammed with references to gods who fought wars in the sky flying Vimanas equipped with deadly weapons. As well as being able to fly within the atmosphere, was were said to be able to travel undersea and into space. Descriptions in the Holy Vedas as well as later Indian literature detail Vimanas of many different shapes and sizes.

A Sapphire Stick: (Moses'/Aarons Rod)
Jasher 77:39; And it was that while he prayed he looked opposite to him, and behold a sapphire stick was placed in the ground, which was planted in the midst of the garden. 40. And he approached the stick and he looked, and behold the name of Yahuwah, the Elohim of hosts was engraved thereon, written and developed upon the stick. 41. And he read it and stretched forth his hand and he plucked it like a forest tree from the thicket, and the stick was in his hand.

The Stick Of Elohim
Jasher 77:42; And this is the stick with which all the works of our Elohim were performed, after he had created heaven and earth, and all the host of them, seas, rivers and all their fishes. 43. And when the Elohim had driven Adam from the garden of Eden, he took the stick in his hand and went and tilled the ground from which he was taken.

Reuel Planted The Stick, He Who Has The Right Can Pluck It.
Jasher 77:48; And after the death of Yosef (Joseph), the nobles of Mitzraim (Egypt) came into the house of Yosef, and the stick came into the hand of Reuel the Midianite, and when he went out of Mitzraim, he took it in his hand and planted it in his garden. 49. And all the mighty men of the Kinites tried to pluck it when they endeavored to get Zipporah his daughter, but they were unsuccessful. 50. So that stick remained planted in the garden of Reuel, until he came who had a right to it and took it. 51. And when Reuel saw the stick in the hand of Moses, he wondered at it, and he gave him his daughter Zipporah for a wife.

Moses Lifts The Stick Of The Elohim.
Jasher 79:20 And Moses and Aharon rose up early on the next day, and they went to the house of Pharaoh, and they took in their hands the stick of the Elohim. 21. And when they came to the king's gate, 2 young lions were confined there with iron instruments, and no person went out or came in from before them, unless those whom the king ordered to come, when the conjurors came and withdrew the lions by their incantations, and this brought them to the king. 22. And Moses hurried and lifted up the stick upon the lions, and he loosed them, and Moses and Aharon came into the king's house.

More Science - Dendera Lights - Egypt
In an underground cavern below the Hathor-temple in Dendera, Egypt there are several relief's depicting ancient devices, these controversial relief's are known as the Dendera lights. Two arms reach into its bulbous rounded end, these arms are supported by columns which are called Djed Pillars or Tet Columns, but very much resemble high voltage insulators. At the thin end of the Dendera lights runs something resembling a cable into the glass bulb. Extending the length of the glass bulb is a snake hanging horizontally in the air. The whole arrangement bears an striking resemblance to an electric lamp. The ostensibly lightweight or weighless tubes are connected by lotus-stem cables to a box upon which sits Heh, the God of infinite space, and their extrordinarly size is either symbolic of their great importance or indidicative of their actuality.
Image and text from Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark Laurence Gardner

  1. Priest
  2. Ionized fumes
  3. Electric discharge [snake]
  4. Lamp socket [Lotos]
  5. Cable [Lotos stem]
  6. Air god
  7. Insulator [Djed-Pillar]
  8. Light bringer [Lizard (CHENTECHTAI) with knifes]
  9. Symbol for "current"
  10. Inverse polarity
  11. Energy storage

The Djed Pillars or Tet Columns which resemble electrical insulators appear frequently in Egyptian Glyphs. Theoretically simplified, they represent stability. As theoretically utilized by the priesthood they stabilized the flow of current which the priests utilized in religious ceremonies.

It is believed that the Djed is a rendering of a human backbone. It represents stability and strength.

A Norwegian electrical engineer is credited as being the first to notice that the objects shown on the relief could conceivably work as a lamp, and an Austrian colleague constructed a working model. Radical Egyptologists, as well as pseudo-scientists believe that they represent electric lamps.

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A variety of subjects all relating to ancient Masonic secrets are covered on the 'intro pages' but are covered in depth on other pages within the site. The following is an overview of what's on the next/previous 5 listed pages.

Hiram - Forward

Hiram - Forward 1 The Two Pillars that Noah found. Focus of the 24th through the 28th degree. The 10,000 year old "10 Commandments. How the 'Watchers' married human women and corrupted mankind.The real Exodus. The eruption of the Santarini Volcano and it's connection to the 10 plagues of Egypt. The Egyptian Gods, Historical evidence proves there were two ruling Kings at the same time in Egypt. One was Seqenenre Tao II who may have been the last man to know the secret name of God. Many secrets of the ancients. What was Manna?

Hiram - Forward 2 The megatsunami that caused Noah's Flood, Archaeology places doubt on biblical history, How did man come to know science, writing, mathmetics, grammer, astrology, ect.? "Craft Masonry", how it began, Agriculture, Farming and animal husbantry taught to man by who? Biblical text 'copied from an earlier source, The 'One God' theory is of a late date, Astrology, predictions to our destruction? The 13th sign, the 10th planet, Humanity has forgotten where we came from, Where did Religion began?, Deities that have the same attributes as Jesus. Disclaimer.

Hiram - Forward 3 Ham, Cush, and Miziram lived in Egypt. Is Cush the Scorpion King?, Shem and Japheth invade Egypt in the predynastic era, Abraham, and Jacob are Hyksos and invaders of Egypt in the 12 to 16th dynasty. Dynasty Tables provided by professionals on Egyptology and Egyptian history. Why the Thera volcanic eruption is connected with the Exodus and the 10 plagues, The sacred city of 'On', Discovery of 'Jacob's' seal-ring at Avaris. Ancient 'King' list, Ham's clan become the Dynastic Kings of Egypt. They take on Egyptian names, How the use of the word 'pharoah' came about. The Set(h) and Horus Gods, Secret knowledge found in the book of Jasher, Canaan becomes the slave of Shem, Who is 'US'? Who are the elohim?, The first builders, The spread of science and philosophy,

Hiram Index 2 The sons of Noah, Proof Ham and his sons were caucasian. Canaan's curse. Ham's clan moves to Egypt around 3200 BC. Conections between Ham and the Egyptians. The legend of Tiamat..our Earth. The mountain of Moses and it's secrets and the Goddess he surported. The 18 books missing from the bible. Religious freedom - an Arab Lady speeks out.. What Enoch was taught. The rejection of Science and knowledge by the church.

Hiram Index 3 Religious oppression and the corrupt priesthood of Israel. The Secret Doctrine. The source of authority is spiritual. What the church claimed was heretical. The scientists. The "Mystery Schools" - ancient scientific papyrus - secret books. Who are the Nephilim? Solomon's tribute to Wisdom. Physics, angels, Magicians, and the supernatural.

Hiram Index 4 The conception of Noah, Church opposition to science, Historical and biblical evidence for 2 gods. Joseph, pharoah of Memphis/Avaris. How did Nimrod become a king of Egypt? The ziggurat (Tower of Babel) ruins of Eridu. The predynasties of Egypt, Sacred ancient texts left out of the bible give the names of Hebrew Kings in another language. Shem became a ursurper King, then Abraham. The legendary battle of Set and Horus becomes a real historical event called the 1st Pyramid War. Ham rules in the first dynasty of Egypt.

Hiram Index 5 The tribes of the Giants. Who brought the flood on mankind?. The old Babyloian Gods. The Egyptian Gods, What does astrology have to do with it?. The true cross. The diverse cultures and races of the World, Thoth becomes Quetzalcoatl and moved to the high Andes mountains. Giants in South America. Cain in South America?. Rocket Ships of the Ancients. The Toltech and Maya civilization

Hiram Index 6 The famous Narmer Palette and it's connection to Nimrod. How did Narmar become associated with Nimrod? Before the Flood, the Book of Noah, Here we see the punishing god, 'The Lord of Spirits'. We introduce one of the Gods in Sumerian myth, Where did Solomon get 'the secrets'? Enki, the lord of magic, Atlantian (Etruscan) Couple - 7th century BC, Rebuilt after the flood, are the Apsu and the Tower of Babel the same thing, Eridu (or Eridug, modern Tell Abu Shahrain, Iraq) was the earliest city in southern Mesopotamia, founded ca. 5400 BC. The Sky Gods, The immortals or 'Good Watchers', The Kings of Uruk and Ur, A collection of Aeramic writings called The Targum, What you don't know about Abraham. The oldest culture in the world, Noah is taken to the abode of the gods.

Hiram Introduction ... Religious symbols. Ancient History, which shows two ruling classes in Egypt. One was refered to as Hyksos. These people became the Hebrews. Documentation from 3 sources put the Israelites in a 'bad light'. Exerpts from the Nag Hammidi Scrolls, The Elohim, Who is "US" in Genesis?

Hiram Introduction 1 continued The Inventory Stella of Khufu proves the Great Pyramid was not built by him. The meaning of "Light". Science was regarded as an outcast, an enemy. There was no liberty, no education, no philosophy, no science; nothing but credulity, ignorance, and superstition. Christianity removed learning and education from civilization..This is how they did it! The Melchizedek priesthood. Armageddon! Gnosticism as taught by the disciples. Focus of the 23rd and 24th degree Scottish Rite. The White haired stranger. The invention of the 'Devil'. Archaeology and the Babylonian Captivity of the Jews.

Hiram Introduction 1... The mountain of Moses, where was it? A Temple discovered on top of the mountain! Josephs Egyptian burial, Jacob's signet ring discovered in Avaris, a debate between archaeologists, Evidence that Ahmose defeated the Hyksos, The Seth and Horus worshipers, Archaeological facts and the Bible including the tribes of Ham and his sons who were not black Africans. The truth about Cain and Abel. The cruelty of God. The Dark Side of Religion. Ancient building secrets. Astrological connections of the ancients.

Hiram Introduction 2 Civilization begins again after the Flood, The famous library of Ashurbanipal with 22,000 inscribed clay tablets,The cruelty of God, Religion breeds terrors of all sorts, The Dark side of Religion, The Temples of the Gods, Hammurabi's Code, Eridu, also called Eridug, was the first city in the world, The Children of the Rocketships, After the Great Flood, The two sons of Noah who turned to 'different gods', The Egyptian Gods of Ham's clan, The predynastic period of the falcon cult, the defleshed bones of Nebkara, Hotepsekhemwy/Raneb has been associated with Jacob, the sacred goat of Mendes, precession of the ages and Astronomical signs, The Age of Aquarius, Enki's lineage's domain, the temple complex of Baalbek

Hiram Introduction 3 The Keys of Enoch. Jesus' miracles; was Lazerus really raised form the dead? The 'Great White Brotherhood, Assended Masters, What is the church hiding? A compairson between Jesus and Dionysus, How women became whores in the churche's eye, Evidence that Jesus was in India, James, brother of Jesus - who was his father?

Hiram Introduction 4 More mysteries, "US", Elohim, Jehovah, Hashem, Egyptian Gods,The Mithans or Snake people, The Shemsu Hor, the maltaskulls, The Code of Hammurabi (Codex Hammurabi), The writings of Timaeus, reconstruction of the Etemenanki or the Tower of Babel, High Priesthood of Zadok, The spread of science and philosophy, Science in the Middle Ages, A God of Science, Religion and politics don't mix., Messianics, priest in charge of over-seeing magical rites,

Hiram Introduction 5 Brief story about the Knights Templar, the church and freedom to 'choose'. A link to the books left out of the Bible. The Cooke Manuscript. The Regius Manuscript. The 'Pillers' of secrets. Ham and the Tower of Babel. The secret of Lazarus' raising from the dead. The nuclear bombing of Sodom and Gomorrah in ancient times, where the Dead Sea tested positive for radioactive materials 2000 years after Abraham left.

Hiram Introduction 6 Enki's organisation of the World, Uruk(Ur) where civilization began, Enlil gives all the "Me's" to Enki, overview of Enlil and Enki's role, Enki's love and care for human kind, The Heliocentric System, the 'flat Earth' system of the church, Galileo defended heliocentrism, Antikythera Mechanism, The Mysterious Divine, The Gnostics, cathedrals built by the Templars using geometry and numerology, The philosophic Secret was then born in the form of social morality clothed in working-class allegory, The use of pi in the Great Pyramid, Former President Anwar Sadat killed because he was a mason, Greek Philosopher and Mathematician, Pythadoras taught geometry in 569 - 475 BC, Pythagorean Theorem, Beneath the Temple of Hathor a secret lays, the ancient Shimar or Schamir, The face of Serapis was used by the church as the image of Jesus.

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