The Nephilim
The Ethiopian version, considered canonical in Ethiopia, clearly states that the "angels" were in fact the disobedient offspring of Seth (Deqiqa Set), while the "mortal females" were daughters of Cain.
These 'beings' that are called the bene ha-elohim ... are not spirits...they were the secondary "Gods" also called the Nephilim, sons of the Watchers. The singular form of nephilim is nephil, and it is of interest to note that although the term (or at least its vowel-free Semite root, NFL - 'cast down') was used in the early Hebrew editions of Genesis from the 6th century BC, it had been superseded by the term Watcher when the book of Daniel (4:13,17,23) was written 1000 years earlier in about 1654 BC. Similarly, the non-canoncial books of Enoch and Jubilees ( written in much the same era) both use the term Watchers instead of Nephilim.
Notwithstanding orthodox Jewish opinion, the Nephilim/Watchers had by that time become victim to both 'fallen angel' and the 'giant' classifications. Their creation was condemned by the ('authorities') - 'The Gods' in charge....Yes... 'the US' in Genesis are more than one god. Enoch describes the controlling gods in his secret books - he calls the gods the Watchers. Since they could have children, by women, we think it is safe to assume that they are men, and not angels (or any other non-human entity), since breeding is species specific by definition. Enoch also says they could appear like men when they wished, (see Enoch 17.1), but even so, he never seems to doubt their divinity.
When God condemned the Watchers
Right before the flood - Enochs Books 10.1; "And then the Most High, the Great and Holy One, spoke and sent Arsyalalyur to the son of Lamech, (Noah) and said to him: 10.2 "Say to him in my name; hide yourself! And reveal to him the end, which is coming, because the whole earth will be destroyed. A deluge is about to come on all the earth; and all that is in it will be destroyed." Then The Most High of the Watchers speeks out. We encounter Watchers named; Raphael, Arsyalalyur, Gabriel, and Michael who are not described as being angels. Then we have Azazel and Semyaza who are to be condemned and sent into an abyss of fire. They are described as angels in verse 10.7. This is why we call them fallen angels but they are still 'Watchers' (Enoch's term) and Nephilim (the bible term/offspring of the rebel Watchers) who corrupted men. Are the Watchers angels? We assume that angels are not capable of being 'earth bound'. We cannot conceive that thay can materalize as humans....but it seems they can.
In the Sumerian texts we find a King named Zi-u-sudra,
the son of Ubar-Tutu of Shuruppak. Professor Jacobsen explains that a king missing
from the Sumerian King List appears in other texts. This king was actually reigning
when the Flood struck. He is the prototype for the biblical Noah. the texts relate;
Man of Shuruppak, son of Ubar-Tutu,
Tear down (thy) house; build a ship.
Abondon (thy) possessions, and seek (thou) life.
Discard (Thy) goods, and keep thee alive.
Aboard the ship take the seed of living things.
Note: it says 'seed'.
The Giants that ruled the Earth
The average reign of each of the eight kings was 3015 Earth Years (that is 24,120 divided by 8), so if we presume from arguments sake, that the flood came halfway through Kink Zi-u-sudra's reign, then we can add say 1508 years to the 24,120 antediluviuan kingly period, achieving a total of 25,628 years.
If the flood took place in 4000 BC as Sir Charles Leonard Woolley ascertained from
archaeological digs, then the first Nephilim king ruled from 30,000 BC to 29,628 BC to
when the Neanderthal species and the Eljo race became extinct after the coming of
the hybrid Naphidem and Cro-Magon strains. It was from this period that the
Watchers (the Nephilim) became guardians of their new-found society.
Laurence Gardner Genesis of the Grail Kings
We feel the flood was more in the area of 11,000 BC. because a highly civilized culture emerged in Mesopotiamia that was cultivating crops and making iron tools as early as 8000 BC. Other connections to this date, such as the sinking of Atlantis and the building of the Great Pyramid in 10,390 BC. make this a more plausible date. The Egyptian legends connect Ra with 're-establishing' a culture that was to 'begin again' or start over without the interference or corruption of the Nephilim. More on Forbidden 1.
The Manual of Creed and Conduct of the Sect of the New Covenant from the Qumran community by the Dead Sea, possibly as early as the latter part of the second century B.C. suggests that the sect considered itself involved in an imminent war between the two angelic forces....Two Gods!
"The Most High" - Enoch was given the first 'priesthood' by a god who
loved him and taught him every secret science known to him. This
God's name was Enki (the serpent God HASHEM). In the Sumerian texts Enoch's name
is Ediru and a city was named after him in Sumeria/Babylonia.
see the map..
Babylonian (Map)
As we have noted, there is a very distinct connection between the biblical
texts and the Sumerian texts; the Mesopotiamians, the Asyrians and the Sumers. This is
were the three come together and finally tell a complete story that we all can understand.
Two main gods? Yes! - But one of them apparently had cohorts - "US"!
This leads us to the real reason knowledge and education is taken for granted by modern humanity and clearly debunked by the church.
This is exactly why these words, which mean the same thing are ignored..... Watchers, Elohim, Nephilim, Giants....But they have an Earthbound name too... The Annunaki. The children born of the Annunaki became rulers of the Middle East 10,000 years ago. Sumer, (see the Map link above) and the land between two rivers was an area in the Middle East and it's capitol city was Nippar. Eden was a place controlled by an 'Elohim god' who didn't like humans and didn't want them to be educated. He wanted them to be 'slaves' and nothing more.
What we do know for sure is that historical and archaeological evidence can no longer be called 'Myth' by the church. But according to church doctrine, and their deliberate missinterpretion of the Hebrew scriptures, apparently the God in the King James bible forbid us to be educated -- When he told Adam and Eve, "Thou shalt not eat from the Tree of Knowledge".
The forbidden fruit was 'knowledge'. HASHEM/Enki granted us knowledge - the ability to think and learn.
Now we all have 'knowledge' except in one area... Organized religion! - Because we have been brainwashed by our religious leaders NOT to believe anything other than what they say is correct. Why is that? What are they afraid we might learn?
In this day and age most of us know right from wrong and we can learn anything we set our mind to. We make our own choices and set the cource for our own future. The laws of the land, namely The 10 Commandments were given to us not by God to Moses but by God to Enoch as evidenced in the 'Books' of Enoch. Adam also had these laws taught to his wife - Eve. She is called Sophia in the Nag Hammidi Scrolls. Sophia means 'wisdom'. The question is - Which god gave these laws to Adam and Enoch?
These laws were also written in the Egyptian Book of the Dead by a God named Thoth - over 10,000 years ago. The wording is almost verbatem as it is written today with few exceptions. This is a link to the exerpt page which includes all of the forbidden deeds from the Egyption Book of the Dead. Most of them can also be found in the book of Deuteronomy.
As sighted above with reference to the Gods, Thoth had another name. In the Sumerian texts he is known as Ningishzidda. In Greece he was known as Hermes. In the Hebrew language he is Enoch. With that explaination Thoth becomes a real person not an imaginary God. It also reveals something else...The Egyptians were not evil as portrayed by the Hebrews. Our page on 'exerpts from the Book of the Dead' reveals Gods laws and the connections between Egyptian beliefs and early Christinaity are just a few of the hidden secrets we have found. When the Hebrews rejected the Egyptian gods they rejected HASHEM/Enki. They chose to worship a god that they feared and he controlled them....Yehwah/Enlil!
Taken from lost the stone tablets of Enki; The birth heroines delivered, by caesarian, seven male hybrids, seven little clones of Adamu. Ningishzidda (Thoth) next created a female zygote to clone. He planted this zygote in Ninki, Enki's spouse. The hybrid Ninki bore and Ninmah delivered by caesarian, was Ti-Amat [Mother of Life] (Eve), a light skined sandy-blonde.
When he compared genes of breeding Nibirans and the genes of Adamu and Ti-Amat, Ningishziddha found the loci on the Nibiran genotype that allowed reproduction. Nibiran females had a recessive XY chromomsomal allele in their genotype whereas Ti-Amat had only XX. Ningishzidda then anesthetized Enki, Ninmah and Ti-Amat. From the rib of Ninmah the life essence he extracted; into the rib of Ti-Amat the life essence he inserted. He proudly declared, 'To their Tree of Life two branches have been added, with procreating powers their life essences are now entwined.'
Enki, Ninmah and Ningishziddha kept their alteration of Ti-Amat secret. Ti-Amat(Eve) and Adamu wandered in Enki's orchard in the Edin, the mouth of the Persian Gulf, while Ti-Amat's pregnancy progressed. She made leaf-aprons for herself and Adamu.
Matthew 13:35, "I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world."
We will continue this discussion on the Passage pages, but first let's see if we can learn where bible scholars come up with their ideas. These beliefs we have been forced to except by church leaders who claim they know exactly what scripture means. Lets keep in mind that we have achieved scientific and medical advances that no one would have dreamed possible even 200 years ago. If we are this advanced in every day life why don't we 'advance' religion to it's proper level in todays society?
Most scholars agree the gospels in the New Testament were written by several different people including Paul but not exclusively by Paul. Here is an example of how the christian gospels developed their stories.
A wealthy christian philoposher-teacher named Marcion who was active in Rome produced what we now call a 'cannon' of scripture. A Cannon being a collection of books he argued, that constituted the sacred texts of the faith. Marcion was completely absourbed by the life and teachings of paul, whom HE considered to be the 'one' true apostle from the early days of the church. In some of his letters, such as Romans and Galatians, Paul had taught that a right standing before God came only by faith in Christ, not by doing any of the works prescribed by the Jewish law.
Marcion took this differentiation between the law of the Jews and faith in Christ to what he saw as its logical conclusion, that there was an absolute distinction between the law on the one hand and the gospel on the other. So distinct were the law and the gospel, in fact, that both could not possibly have come from the same god. Marcion concluded that the God of Jesus (and Paul) was not, therefore, the God of the Old Testament. There were, in fact, two different Gods: the God of the Jews, who created the world, called Israel to be his people, and gave them his harsh law; and the God of Jesus, who sent Christ into the world to save people from the wrathful vengence of the Jewish creator God.
Marcion believed this understanding of Jesus was taught by Paul himself, and so, naturally, his canon included the ten letters of Paul available to him (all those in the New Testament apart from the pastoral Epistles of 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus); and since Paul sometimes referred to his "Gospel,” Marcion included a Gospel in his canon, a form of what is now the Gospel of Luke. And that was all. Marcion’s canon consisted of eleven books: there was no Old Testament, only one Gospel, and ten Epistles. But not only that: Marcion had come to believe that false believers, who did not have his understanding of the faith, had transmitted these eleven books by copying them, and by adding bits and pieces here and there in order to accomodate their own beliefs, including the "false” notion that the God of the Old Testament was also the God of Jesus.
And so Marcion corrected the eleven books of his canon by editing out references to the Old Testament God, or to the creation as the work of the true God, or to the Law as something that should he followed. As we will see, Marcion’s attempt to make his sacred texts conform more closely to his teaching by actually changing them was not unprecedented. Both before and after him, copyists of the early Christian literature occasionally changed their texts to make them say what they were already thought to mean.
We now see Marcion was correct. The two god theory is gone but apparently
it was taught by Jesus and Paul. The Nag Hammidi Scrolls and the newly published
Gospel of Judas are all that's left of this teaching. Paul's origional letters are also
gone. Does this mean the origional teachings were destroyed?
You bet it does!
The Marcionites were the mirror opposite of the Ebionites, and made a point of removing all vestiges of Judaism from their belief system. The only hitch was that it was necessary to abandon monotheism and embrace at least two Gods. This is clearly the stuff of Enki and Enlil -- particularly when one realizes the distinction between the two Gods.
Marcion was a shipping magnate in the Black Sea who traveled to Rome in about A.D. 139 to impress himself upon the Roman Christian Church with a massive donation. He then proceeded to write two books of theology -- which having been read by the church leaders resulted in his being excommunicated and his donation returned! What in the world had so horrified the venerable fathers to make them return the gold?
Marcion had come to the conclusion that the world and its injustices had been created by a bad God, a harsh Jewish deity (likely known as Enlil), who had imposed a death sentence on humanity when it could not meet his law's impossibly high standards. Thus it was not Adam and Eve's original sin that had corrupted God's good creation, but a flaw in the bad God's creation. Subsequently, in a gesture by the Good God (aka Enki), a son was sent to sacrifice himself in order to free humanity from Enlil's bad vibes. The new choice, therefore, was to skip the sin gig and triumph over death, OR remain in the Jewish God's (Enlil's) angry clutches and eventually go to hell.
Marcion had found the key to understanding the imposition of the law, guilt, judgment, and eternal punishment in the first act, and the resolution into love, grace, salvation, and release in the second act (aka the gospels). This is the separation of the “God of Wrath” and the “God of Love” -- as opposed to a God with a serious split personality. Marcion had thus recognized the Enki and Enlil saga for what it was, and attributed to Enki the unexpected arrival of Jesus to reframe the world's philosophical venue.
In this respect, the Marcionite Creed has the distinct advantage over other concepts in that it appears to be based on the reality of history, herstory, and whatever actually happened in the past to get us to the place we now find ourselves. The possibly minor flaw in requiring at least two Gods is only a slight diversion, in that even Genesis talks of more than one God. Monotheism, after all, is a myth -- except for the first 20 some odd verses of Genesis where God creates the universe, and thereafter the Lord God comes down to take credit for the work and lord it over all the newly created humans.
The punishment of Enlil - the God in Genesis.
The Lord threw Adam and Eve out of the garden and he told them they had to work!. But Enlil only wanted slaves anyway. He did not want them to have knowledge.
Work?..this is just the way
life is. We must work, but this work is intended to benefit all of
mankind. Adam and Cain farmed! Cain built a city!
If we did not work, who would feed us? Would we all live in caves?
Enki taught Adam the use of metals. He taught Noah the art of Building.
He taught Enoch the seven sciences.
The God of Knowledge is the true God. He is in the bible but until now we did not recognise him. We identify him on here and on 'Passage forward' as the God of Knowledge.
For some gnostics and early Christian sects, the serpent of Genesis was viewed not as the villiain of the book, but as the hero. It was he, after all, who brought divine wisdom to man. The god in Genesis had told Adam not to eat the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge, for if he did he “would surely die.” But Adam and Eve did eat the fruit, and they didn’t die. In other words, God was wrong and the serpent was right. The serpent told the truth, and God had lied. Certain Gnostics and Christians thought that this was surely the intended subtext of Genesis. Evidence that they may have been correct can be seen in what amounts to an Aramaic pun. In this now-dead language, used at the time of Christ, the words for “serpent” and “to instruct” are nearly identical. The serpent had instructed Eve to eat of the Tree of Life, and in following his advice, she gained wisdom. Viewed in this light, how could the serpent not be seen as the hero of Genesis?
“Christ came as a manifestation of the light-bearing serpent... The serpent brought humanity knowledge (gnosis) of good and evil (Genesis 3:1-7), and can further aid man in getting the fruit of eternal life, thus making man like God, or like Christ.”
In some schools of esoteric Christianity, it is thought that the cross of Christ is synonymous with the Tree of Life. There is even a very old Latin motto which, when translated, states: “The wood of the Cross is the Tree of Knowledge.” If the cross of Christ is symbolically equal to the Tree of Life, it follows that Christ would likewise be emblematic of the serpent who dwelt in that Tree. This may explain an otherwise inexplicable but nonetheless common alchemical motif: the crucified snake. Though in the context of Christian iconography, this repreated identification of Christ with the serpent appears to make little or no sense, if one looks to religious ideas prominent well before the advent of Judaism, the symbolism is a perfect fit.
So why does the church interperate this
so-called disobidence of Eve as a sin and the giving of a new life punishment?
The entire 'lesson' of the story is based on 'disobidence' and therefore 'control'.
There is no love or forgivness here what-so-ever! Is this how a loving and
forgiving god reacts to human curiousity?....With anger and punishment?
Why does the scripture blame the woman? Why is the truth delibertly
This same dualism is the foundation of a false view of Biblical teachings, which goes like this; God's creation was originally perfect, but humans, by disobeying him, brought imperfection into the world. Therefore, Humans are evil and sinful, and must suffer in this world because of their sinfulness. God gives humans the opportunity to accept forgiveness for their sin, and all who do will be rewarded with eternal bliss in heaven, but while they are on earth, they must suffer for his sake. All humans who choose not to accept this forgiveness must go to hell and be tormented for eternity. This erronous teaching is the result of the doctrine of Origional Sin.
Christian theologians developed the doctrine of original sin based on the story of their transgression; in contrast, the Quran teaches that Adam's sin was his alone and did not make all people sinners.
Therefore; Original Sin is duality instead of balance, it is being fragmented instead of whole. It is the fear of running out of time and fear that we will be judged and found lacking. Original sin is far more properly defined as collective sin which we have been born into. Also, Originally, sin was defined as 'missing the mark' or 'falling short of' and did not neccessarily imply guilt, let alone a state of permanent guilt. see Spirit bride
As for the punishment; Eve is susposedly punished because she did not 'obey' this god. This is meant to set an example that women should obey men...and it isn't god's's a law of men. Some Southern Baptist churches still teach this false doctrine. They openly shame the men for not being in control of their household or their wives. These men are clearly uncomfortable and don't agree with this doctrine but they stay anyway because of the threat of 'going to hell' the church imposes on them. This has to stop. This is the very reason why today women are abused and beaten or killed by husbands, X husbands, boyfriends and former boyfriends.
In the Sumerian tale Enki contrived to give the new creature one more genetic twist: granting to the hybrid beings-incapable of procreating, as all hybrids are - the ability to have offspring, the sexual “Knowing” for having children. The event is echoed in the biblical tale of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, and the original Sumerian text of the tale has been found along with a number of Sumerian depictions of the event. They show different aspects of the tale: the Tree of Life; the offering of the forbidden fruit; the angry encounter that ensued between the “Lord God” and the “Serpent.” Yet another shows Eve girdled in a garment around her loins while Adam is still naked, (on the previous page) another detail related in the Bible.
From Enki's Lost Books:
Enlil noticed the hybrids wore aprons. He demanded Enki explain. Enki
confessed. Enlil raged: "The last bit of our life essence to these creatures you
have given, to be like us in procreation knowing, perchance our [millions of years]
life cycles on them to bestow."
"My lord Enlil," Ningishziddha was saying, "knowing for procreation they were given,
the branch of Long Living, to their essence tree was not."
"Then let them be where they are needed," Enlil with anger said. "To the Abzu [Africa]
away from the Edin, let them be expelled." more...
Thoth Creates slaves
Procreation was a 'gift' from the God who gave them life....and that means this is not the origional sin!
Little is known about the word Elohim, and what we think is
known is not widely agreed upon. However, here is what is certain: the word Elohim occurs
in Genesis as the name of the Creator(s), and it is a plural word. It is the plural of the
word Eloah, which is the feminine form of the name El. When you try to find out why this
feminine plural noun is used as the name of the Creator(s), information gets sketchy ...
but we know who she really is.
We will tell you about her on our page about the
5000 year old Enuma Elish Tablets.
Genesis 3:5 The verse says, "You will be like God". But being 'like the god' makes Adam and Eve equals. It also makes them intelligent... to comprehend, able to understand. This is the real reason this god throws them out of the garden.
Consciousness; Aware of themselves as being alive. A state of being characterized by sensation, emotion, volition, and thought. The upper level of mental life which the person is aware as contrasted with unconsious processes, like an animal. Knowledge makes Adam and Eve equals, so the god himself provides clothing for them as stated in Genesis 3:21.
Their nakedness has nothing to do with shame. Read it again - Genesis 2:25. They realize they are not like the animals which do not wear cloths. The clergy ignores this basic instinct and basic knowledge we have of ourselves. Consciousness!
Being equal to 'god' caused the god to
loose control over them. They are able to distinguish right from wrong,
to think for themselves and determine their own destiny...and that in effect is
exactly what the verse says, "The man has now become like one of
US, knowing
good from evil". Genesis 1:26.
So now do you know who 'US' is?
When this god lost 'control' over Adam and Eve,
he became angry!... Angry?
Think about this. A loving and forgiving
God does not get angry! The pain and suffering punishment is not consistant
nor is it a logical responce of a loving and forgiving God! This goes back to what Marcion
said about the TWO gods.
This means all of us then, have eaten from the tree of knowledge! We are able to read and write and all the things an educated, self aware person can do. We are able to decide for ourselves what is right and wrong - good or bad. We do have a "Choice". This is freedom and it is our right as humans. It was our gift from the real loving, forgiving God. In this life we choose how we live and we choose how we treat other people. This choice ultimately determines our fate.
"The concept and term devil are derived from the Zoroastrian concept of daevas and the Greek word daibolos ('slanderer' or 'accuser'), which is a translation of the Jewish concept of Satan. As a singular demonic force or personification of evil, the devil's chief activity was to tempt man to act in such a way that he would not achieve his supraterrestrial destiny." This is accomplished by the god blocking access to the 'Tree of Life" in Genesis 3:24 as punishment.
"The development of the conception of Satan as the personal power of evil, who had his counterpart in the archangel Michael, the angelic champion of Israel, God's people, and so of God's purpose of creation, was probably developed after c. 500 B.C. under the influence of Persian Zoroastrian belief in the two conflicting spirits of good and evil, respectively Ahuramazda and Angramainyu, and their angelic hierarchies.
However we have seperated "Israel" and the archangel from each other because Israel was following a false god, one not connected to Michael or the true God. Therefore god's people must be Enlil/Baal/Jehovah/Yahweh worshipers. The Roman Church perpetuted this. Did they know the difference? - - Why was Jesus born amoung these people? - - Because he was there to teach them about the unknown God. These teachings are recorded in the Nag Hammidi scrolls. When the church tries to tell you to ignore these teachings, they are once again denighing access to the true God.
Adam says, in the The Apocalypse of Adam
"No foul deed will dwell in their hearts, but only the
knowledge of the true God."
The accounts of 'No foul deed' are recorded in our shortened version of the
Egyptian Book of the Dead.
There is nothing in these laws that say that women must obey men....This originated
in Rome with men like St Jerome. Before that men and women were equal and we will prove
that Mary Magdelene was Jesus' most trusted and favored disciple...and that Peter
hated and was jealous of her. That should tell you why Peter hid, appeared to side with the
Romans and denighed Jesus in the end. But in the Nag Hammidi scrolls Peter was with Jesus
at least 11 years after the crucifixion.
In the Nag Hammidi Adam also says, "And we resembled the great angels, for we were higher than the God who had created us and the powers with him, whom we did not know. Since that time we learned about dead things, like men. Then we recognized the God who had created us. For we were not strangers to his powers. And we served him in fear and slavery. And after these events we became darkened in our hearts."
Note; it says they were higher than the god who created them.. To be 'subservent', is one of the false god's Laws.. This turned into a church doctrine and that's all it is. A law made by men! There is other solid undisputable proof of this in the Nag Hammidi texts. There's proof this god uses a trick on Adam to make women 'think' they must 'obey' men. You'll find this proof on Passage, page 1 when we go over the Nag Hammidi scrolls, word for word.
Eve did not come from Adam's rib! She is seperate! She is equal!... and she was created as the first human with 'knowledge'!
Since Eve took the first 'bite' (A medifore) of knowledge, She teaches Adam about the true God. Her mother's name is Sophia(Ninki) in the Nag Hammidi texts. Sophia is the earthly imbodyment of The Divine Shekinah - God's Wife!
Further Adam says, "Then the God, who created us, created a son from himself and Eve, your mother. I knew sweet desire for your mother. Then the vigor of our eternal knowledge was destroyed in us, and weakness pursued us. Therefore the days of our lives became few. For I knew that I had come under the authority of death... "Enlil"!
"Now then, my son Seth, I will reveal to you the things which those men whom I saw before me at first revealed to me after I have completed the times of this generation and the years of the generation has been accomplished."
We see from this that "The God who created them created a 'son' from
himself and Eve". This son is Seth. The Nag texts also say Eve is not Cain's mother
however. The bible clearly says, "With the help of the LORD, I brought forth a son"!
When you read the Nag texts, this means the 'Lord' raped her and this version
is verified in the Sumerian texts when Enlil rapes a nurse! The nurse isn't Eve, she is Ninmah/Sud.
They are then exiled.
Sud reigned with Enlil; she was given the title Ninti and bore Nannar/Sin, the
first Nibiran Royal born on Earth.(Sin is Cain/KA.IN)
In the Nag, a 'copy' of Eve is the rape victim. This 'copy' is often referred
to as Lillith and as the Jews thought, Adam's first wife. see
The Nag Hammidi scrolls also describe Seth as being the only son of Adam and Eve and the 'God who created us' as Adam says - is not the true God. It also describes this god as the 'authority of death' as he will not let them near 'the Tree of Eternal Life', also known as 'Immortality'.
As for the loss of immortality, ... "A flaming sword to block
the path to the Tree of Life" Genesis 3:24. As you might guess this didn't
really happen either, at least like this.... because the creator
God just throws Adam and Eve out of the garden....and tells them they have
to work. But again, he threw them out because they did not OBEY him!
Fear and Control!
This from The Gospel of Philip in the Nag Hammidi Scrolls; "The rulers (archons/Elohim) wanted to deceive man, since they saw that he had a kinship with those that are truly good. They took the name of those that are good and gave it to those that are not good, so that through the names they might deceive him and bind them to those that are not good. And afterward, what a favor they do for them! They make them be removed from those that are not good and place them among those that are good. These things they knew, for they wanted to take the free man and make him a slave to them forever".
"God is a man-eater. For this reason, men are sacrificed to him. Before men were sacrificed, animals were being sacrificed, since those to whom they were sacrificed were not gods."
"If one goes down into the water and comes up without having received anything, and says "I am a Christian," he has borrowed the name at interest. But if he receives the Holy Spirit, he has the name as a gift. He who has received a gift does not have to give it back, but of him who has borrowed it at interest, payment is demanded. This is the way it happens to one when he experiences a mystery."
We have a hidden page which explains what
immortality really is and how we all have access to it.
"Life after death"
- "Yet he were dead so shall he live"
The real truth
God's Laws
Most of us live by a moral code. Those of us who live by this code would never commit what Adam described as a 'foul deed'. These would include murder, rape, theft, disrespecting our parents, using God's name in vain, bearing false witness, coveting something, commiting adultry, worshiping a graven image and having another God take the place of the one who has taught us the truth. There is, in The Egyptian Book of the Dead, also the mention of a man not to have lain with other men and there are other forbidden deeds. These are the origional 10 commandments. They are over 10,000 years old.
Masons must live by this moral code and God's laws. One that doesn't would be kicked out of the organization.
Other than these moral laws, the kind of controlling obidence and FEAR of God
we see above as applied to the Hebrews is inheriently wrong. No one should have
to fear God. This contridictory
description of God as being a 'loving' and 'forgiving' God and that we should
fear him at the same time isn't logical at all. We have come to except that
fear is associated with control. God does not control you..unless you fear him?
How can you love somebody that you FEAR? How can they love you if all they
want to do is control you?
We now teach abused women to get out of 'fear'
and 'control' relationships and there are shelters to hide them and their
children from their abusers.
The 'Fear of God' was instilled in the Jews by Enlil.
It became a doctrine of the church to continue to control you!..and this is evident
in all the scrolls they don't want you to read!
This obidence and 'fear' of God began with the Babyloians and was passed to the Hebrews by Levite priests who also demanded 'blood' sacrifices be made to this god. This also involved the butcher of babies. This god they feared isn't the same god we know as a loving and forgiving God and he wouldn't approve of the spilling of blood or murder.
Certainly, human sacrifice was not unknown among the Israelites. We still have a few mentions of it in the Bible where the translators were not careful enough to, clean it up. For example take the story Jephthah’s daughter. I find no record that God said “stop.” Instead, it appears that the girl, Adah, was sacrificed.
We also read that they allowed their sons and daughters to pass through the fire to “Molech”. Rather than being a pagan god, Molech, is merely the word Melech with the vowels from the word “hosheth” i.e. shamefully, substituted. In plain words the sacrifies of the children were made to Yahweh himself, the king of the gods. Again, more than one!
The place where children were sacrificed was called a 'tophet' and a tophet has been found just outside the walls of Jerusalem in the valley of Hinnmon. Or we can say Ge Hinnmon, where comes our word for “hell” Gehenna.”
Micah says “shall I give my first born for my sins?’ In other words is the sacrifice of a son necessary? We find far too much evidence of human sacrifice in our Bible to ignore this as a possibility.
Jeremiah stated that God did not tell those people to bring sacrifices and offerings when they came out of Egypt, but that rather these sacrificing and blood atonement laws were forged by the Levite priests of the Jerusalem temple. (See the full quotation by Thomas Paine). This doctrine of Christ as a Levite animal sacrifice did not orginate with the prophets of Israel or with the gospels, but rather with theologians of the church, like Augustine. This doctrine is not mentioned in the gospels. There is at least one tradition that all four gospels we presently possess agree upon and that is that Christ was crucified to preserve a system of religious dogmatism and his chief persecutors, those who relentlessly pursued him to his death, his prosecutors, his accusers, and his those who were determined to crucify Christ, were the highest religious authorities of his day. Augustine was no radical but rather was the reactionaries reactionary and a dogmatic to the core. His theology of the 'the Levite whole offerings sacrifice of Christ' to institute a system of dogma and sacraments into the church completely missed the obvious point in the gospels, the prophets, and the epistles. But, as the gospels themselves stated, God hid the truth about the crucifixion from the wise and the clever and revealed it all to those who were as simple as little children, and that excluded Augustine. Even the tiniest of infants was not safe from the cruel damnations of Augustine, who preferred church dogmas to human babies, and would rather have preserved the meaning of a church sacrifice than allow even one helpless infant to escape the fires of hell without being required to participate in dogmatic church rituals. see, Augustine, another catholic |
We conclude this discussion with some of the most dramatic, outrageous theories ever taught.
James Ussher (1581-1656), Archbishop of Armagh, Primate of All Ireland, and Vice-Chancellor of Trinity College in Dublin was highly regarded in his day as a churchman and as a scholar.
Of his many works, his treatise on chronology has proved the most durable. Based on an intricate correlation of Middle Eastern and Mediterranean histories and Holy writ, it was incorporated into an authorized version of the Bible printed in 1701, and thus came to be regarded with almost as much unquestioning reverence as the Bible itself.
Having established the first day of creation as Sunday 23 October 4004 BC, by the arguments set forth in the passage below,(see the link) Ussher then calculated the dates of other biblical events, concluding, for example, that Adam and Eve were driven from Paradise on Monday 10 November 4004 BC, and that the ark touched down on Mt Ararat on 5 May 1491 BC on a Wednesday'. see Ussher
Scientific investigations and archaeological discoveries
have proven all of this is incorrect!
So what we have here is all MAN-MADE Doctrine!
Sandeen writes, "this is precisely what Darby was prepared to do. Too traditional to admit that biblical authors might have contradicted each other, and too rationalist to admit that the prophetic maze defied penetration, Darby attempted a resolution of his exegetical dilemma by distinguishing between Scripture intended for the Church and Scripture intended for Israel. . . . Darby's difficulty was solved by assuming that the Gospels were addressed partly to Jews and partly to Christians."
Thus, the doctrine of the separation of Israel and the Church, the foundation of dispensationalism, was born out of Darby's attempt to justify his newly fabricated rapture theory with the Bible. Dispensationalists believed justification for carving up the Scriptures came from 2 Timothy 2:15 (KJV) "rightly dividing the word of truth." Subsequent dispensationalists divided the Scriptures in terms of categories of people: Jew, Gentile, and Christian. Chafer taught that the only Scriptures addressed specifically to Christians were the gospel of John, Acts, and the Epistles! Pettengill taught that the Great Commission was for the Jews only.
Scofield taught that the Lord's prayer was a Jewish prayer and ought not be recited by Christians. Along with much of the New Testament, the Old Testament was described as "not for today." Ryrie dismissed the validity of the Old Testament commands to non-Jews because "the law was never given to Gentiles and is expressly done away for the Christian." Christians were even mocked as legalists for believing in the Ten Commandments! As other critics have observed, this segmentation of the Bible makes dispensationalism a Christianized version of cultural relativism.
First, historic Christianity was discredited by the claim that all the prominent commentaries, all the church fathers, and even the Reformers were deluded by "man-made doctrines." Second, new revelation was claimed. Darby claimed to have received "new truth" or at other times "rediscovered truth" that had been lost since the apostles. Third, enthusiasm was whipped up on the pretense that Christ's coming was imminent. Frequent false predictions did not seem to deter this enthusiasm.
Only 365 years ago, the Italian scientist Galileo announced that the Earth was in motion around the sun (a discovery by the Polish astronomer, Copernicus) and for this the Church proclaimed him a heretic. As a result, Galileo was hauled before the Catholic Inquisition and kept under house arrest for ten years until he died.
Soon afterwards, Isaac Newton pursued the concept of orbital force, but he too was condemned and it was not until recently, in 1992, that the Church finally admitted that the Earth was in solar orbit. Indeed, it was not until the summer of 1996 that the notion of Hell was abolished by the General Synod of the Anglican Church, and it was this very notion which had caused such problems for Galileo, Newton and others. The Catholic Church, on the other hand, maintains the notion of Hell - and so, in the eyes of Rome, the Anglican Protestants have now become heretics in this regard.
More man-made doctrine intertwined into the New Testament
Pope Saint Gregory I or Gregory the Great (ca. 540 - March 12, 604) was pope of the Catholic Church from September 3, 590 until his death. He is also known as Gregory Dialogus (the Dialogist) in Eastern Orthodoxy because of the Dialogues he wrote. He was the first of the popes from a monastic background, and he formulated the program that the papacy would follow over the next two centuries: independence of the Emperor and an alliance with the Benedictine abbots and with the Merovingian kingdoms of the Franks.
If you have seen the recent documentories on 'The Da Vinci Code', you should be aware that the Merovingian dynasties of France have everything to do with Mary Magdalene and Jesus. It seems to us that if Gregory knew the truth about the Merovingians, he also knew about 'The Magdalene' and he used what ever means necessary to condemn her.
In Constantinople, Gregory attracted attention in controversy with Patriarch Eutychius of Constantinople who had published a dissertation on the corporeality of the imminent general resurrection in which bodies would be incorporeal, to which Gregory contrasted the corporeality of the risen Christ. The heat of argument drew the emperor in as judge, Gregory using an interpreter, for he never learned the rudiments of Greek during his stay. Eutychius' treatise was condemned, and suffered the normal fate of non-orthodox texts, of being publicly burnt.
Gregory's pontificate saw the development of the concepts of penance
that became institutionalized in the later Church, that the purifying penance that
the soul was to undergo in Purgatory could be begun in this life, through good
works, obedience and Christian conduct, making the travails to come lighter and
shorter, for only saints were translated directly to heaven. It was an optimistic
outlook, which could make the Christian feel more secure about his future.
Anotherwords - brain washed!
Mary Magdalene's reputation as a wanton woman was sealed by 591 when Pope Gregory announced that the Magdalene, Mary of Bethany and the sinner were, in fact, the same woman. (It wasn't until 1969 that the Catholic Church restored them to three separate individuals.) But Magdalene was still portrayed as a whore or a sinner. We found just the opposite to be true. Nothing in the Bible says she was a prostitute. That word was in use way before Jesus' time and it meant the same thing as it does now except for one thing - prostitution was sacred - reserved for temple priestesses who were ordered to preform this service for strangers once a year. They were refered to as Scarlet women or in Greek hierodulai (sacred) women, a word later transformed (via medieval French into English) to 'harlot'. In the early Germanic tongue, they were known as hores (later Anglicised to whores)- a word which meant quite simply 'beloved ones'. As pointed out in Skeat's Etymological Dictionary, these words of high veneration were never interchangable with such words as 'prostitute' or 'adultress', and the now common association was a wholly contrived strategy of the Roman Church in its bid to denigrate the noble status of the sacred priestess.
Also in 591 Gregory announced that 'Satan has horns and 'hooves', and said Gregory, 'and power to control the weather.' Henceforth, horned animals (in particular stags and goats) were considered to be devilish, while the pictorial imagery of satan became even more exaggerated by the addition of a tail, bat's wings and a variety of bodily characteristics based upon the satyrs of Greek mythology. There is also no such character as the Anti-Christ, also created to strike terror into the hearts of man..for one reason only - the church.
Procreation was never meant to be 'sinful' because it was a gift from the Gods. The word 'harlot' which is the word used in the text, simply meant that Mary was not a jew and she did not practice the jewish religion but that also means she was not a 'sinner' which meant 'to miss the mark'.
Little else was written until the Renaissance, when Mary M. became the femme fatale of Christian art and morality plays. She made a neat contrast to the Virgin Mary, repentant whore to the Madonna. She's almost always had long red hair and revealing clothing, and carried an alabaster jar of precious oils.
This account may be less than accurate. Since the Romans had just executed Jesus, it is unlikely that she really did that since her own life may have been in danger. Nonetheless, she is remembered as a woman of great courage who participated fully in spreading the teachings of Jesus.
Western myths are even more dramatic. Magdalene's cult is based in southern France, where she supposedly fled for safety with Lazarus and his sister, Martha. Early French literature tells of her arrival on the shores of Provence. Her Feast Day, July 22, was a major celebration in France during the Middle Ages and is observed to this day. There is plentiful evidence that Mary is buried in France and we will discuss this on our 'Jesus series'.
On the History channel, a show intitled Digging for the truth, hosted by adventurer Josh Bernstein, President and CEO of the world's oldest and largest wilderness survival school goes to France to collect DNA from a Merovingian Queen called Aregund. She was the wife of Clotaire I , king of the Franks, and the mother of Chilperic I of Neustria . She was the sister of Ingund, one of Clotaire's other wives. She may have been born sometime between 500 and 510 and may have died sometime between 580 and 590 .
She was located in the crypts below Saint Denis Basilica in Paris . The test was conducted to see if it showed any Middle Eastern characteristics. It did not. It is not known why Bernstein chose to test the DNA of the wife of a Merovingian king as opposed to a direct discendent of the Merovingian line, which logically would have been the only way to test the hypothetical Middle-Eastern origin of the Merovingian bloodline.
Did Leonardo have secret knowledge? Was he really a member of the Priory of Sion?
Author and historian Elaine Pagels reveals her explaination of The truth at the heart of `The Da Vinci Code'
Quote: "What is compelling about Brown's work of fiction, and part of what may be worrying
Catholic and evangelical leaders, is not the book's many falsehoods. What has kept Brown
on the bestseller list for years and inspired a movie is, instead, what is true -- that some
views of Christian history were buried for centuries because leaders of the early Catholic
Church wanted to present one version of Jesus' life: theirs."
of ``The Gnostic Gospels'' and ``Beyond Belief: The Secret Gospel of Thomas,'' is
a professor of religion at Princeton. She wrote this article for Perspective.
What other 'ideas' were concocted by the saintly patrons of the church?
Even after the seeds of Christian life were planted in Augustine, 5th century, he continued as a member of the sect of the Manicheans; he went to their meetings and used his Manichean friends when they could help him in his career. Indeed, because some resemblances between Christianity and Mithraism were so close, Augustine declared the priests of Mithra worshipped the same deity that he did. After his journey to Rome from Africa, Augustine became obsessed with the problem of the origin of evil and the unspoken mystery of the unconscious mind.
We know it was Augustine who promoted the idea of ‘Original Sin’ as inherited and carried forward as a result of human sexuality; and it was through Augustine that a manichean type neo-platonism became firmly joined to Christianity. This doctrine blamed Eve for the fall of humanity. It condemned women to the subservency of men and created social problems that still plaque us. Attitudes about women, sexuality, marriage, motherhood, work and our relationship to the environment have all been deeply affected by Christian interpretations. Texts found hidden away for centuries disclose a different viewpoint ascribed to by Jesus where he praises women - especially mothers. The disciples declare Mary Magdalene to be the 'woman who knows the all' in the Nag Hammidi scrolls, so why isn't it safe to assume that perhaps something else is being hidden from us? Myths are myths for one reason...Because the truth is dangerous!
In the early centuries of the Christian era, spiritual trends were largely determined by the thoughts and deeds of the saints; and Augustine’s theological essays with all their pagan colorings, assumed an immediate dogmatic importance for all Christianity. It has been said that Augustine’s influence on Christianity is second only to St. Paul; and theologians, Roman Catholic and Protestants alike, look upon him as the founder of theology.
What is Theology ?
The term theologia is used in Classical Greek literature, with the meaning
"discourse on the gods or cosmology". Since the authority of Hellenistic city
states was partly based on religious observance, those who first sought to
ask difficult questions about the gods were often viewed as heretics, or
in the language of the day "atheists". Socrates is famous for having been
condemned to death for teaching youths atheism (though in fact he had not).
Plato, his pupil, wrote several discourses on the gods, though his doctrine
of forms and emanations would be more significant for later Theology.
In scholastic Latin sources, the term came to denote the rational study of
the doctrines of the Christian religion, or (more precisely) the academic
discipline which investigated the coherence and implications of the language
and claims of the Bible and of the theological tradition (the latter often
as represented in Peter Lombard's Sentences, a book of extracts from the
Church Fathers).
Anotherwords - A set of MAN MADE DOCTRINES!
The doctrine of the
Holy Spirit .
In mainstream Christianity, the Holy Spirit is one person of the Trinity,
co-equal with the Father (God) and the Son (Jesus) - Usually described as 'he'
or a male figure. Other Christians declare that God is both female and male. We
found that the Holy Spirit is female. (from the Nag Hammidi Scrolls) Gnostics
sometimes ascribe the name "Sophia" to the Holy Spirit. Goddesses were origionaly
a part of every religious culture, but their importance was slowly taken away by
a male dominated society. The sacred feminine was replaced by celibacy and
sexuality became inferior to it.
The Old testament is, of course, translated from the Hebrew texts and in
Hebrew the word for "Goddess" also means "abomination," often in reference
to Astarte. But wasn't Solomon susposed to have worshiped Astarte?
Islamic interpretations consider the Holy Spirit to be another name for the
archangel Gabriel. What we see is that each religion has it own interpretation
of the Holy Spirit - again theology as interpretated by each religious sect.
Rules made by Men!
As a result theology is often distinguished from many other established Academic disciplines that cover the same subject area. Those who contend it is different claim it is distinguished by its viewpoint (it is studied from within a faith, rather than from without) and its practical involvement (theology cannot be truly studied or understood without a practical faith). Many of the early Church Fathers described the theologian as a person who "truly prays.". Non-religious theologians often disagree with these viewpoints, arguing that the term theology covers the study of religion or peoples' beliefs about God, rather than God himself.
And last but not least is the name ‘Lucifer’; To give an example of just how mistaken The Middle Ages became in confusing the inspirational sources of their doctrine, and how it still effects the Christian Church today, take the fact that ‘Lucifer’ is not the name of the Devil. Lucifer is the name of a Bishop of Cagliari in Sardinia, labeled as a heretic by St. Jerome because he disagreed with the set doctrine of the church.
According to this - The devil is a dragon.. not anything else..not a serpent, not a Cerubim.. Rev 12:9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan.
But look at the first verse of the Bible which describes the existence of Earth
as a formless void. The word used to describe that void indicates a swirling, seething mass of chaos
and is "tehom" this word is connected with Tehomat which we usually see
translated as Tiamet the primordial dragon.
Masons have been accused of using this word refering to the Dragon..but
the word actually means 'wisdom'.
On the next page you will see this word again in it's correct context.
So..the whole story about a Lucifer being the devil is pure fiction...and the
Dragon depicted as 'evil' is also not true..
There are NO scriptural connectons between the bits and pieces that make up
that myth and what the Bible has to say about Satan.
Only in the New Testament does the Bible state that the Devil is a serpent and a dragon; and "a murderer from the beginning". (John 8:42) and this always has been. (Rev 12:3-..),(The Bible does speak of fallen angels which they say are not to be confused with the sons of God 'or gods' in Genesis 6:2) and goes on to say that the ministers of Satan pretend to righteous, which they contend is not surprising because the Devil does the same (masquerades as an angel of light 2 Cor 11:14). If there is no hint of a 'devil' in the Old Testament, where did this come from? You'll find out where on Forbidden Knowledge 4.
In untangeling this mess, we discovered that Pope Gregory, who we mentioned above as the instigatior of the Mary Magdalene as a sinner scam, is also responsible for the description of the devil. In 591 Gregory announced that 'Satan has horns and 'hooves', and said Gregory, 'and power to control the weather.' Henceforth, horned animals (in particular stags and goats) were considered to be devilish, while the pictorial imagery of satan became even more exaggerated by the addition of a tail, bat's wings and a variety of bodily characteristics based upon the satyrs of Greek mythology. There is also no such character as the Anti-Christ, also created to strike terror into the hearts of man..for one reason only - the church.
All teaching that opposed those of the church were designated antichrists or satanists....and it remains so today.
We have already established that the 'fallen angels' - Nephilim, are indeed the
sons of a god. What we have here is a concerted effort by the church to confuse the entire
issue until you are at a complete loss to explain any of it.
So where did the New Testament originate? Keeping in
mind that it was written between 70 and 90 AD after the fall of Jerusalem -
by a man who never knew Jesus or his brothers. Recent documented evidence presented
by the History channel called, 'Who wrote the New Testament' tells a different story.
This evidence tells us there are no original copies left of Paul's letters and they
were written by different authors at different times. Is this another secret the
church has been keeping? This man was a Roman citizen and never a true disciple, but
he apparently knew the true teachings which were rewritten by the clergy to suit
their own agenda. So there is much more to this than meets the eye.
Continued on Forbidden Knowledge
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"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds" -- Albert Einstein