Forbidden knowledge 2

Forbidden knowledge 2

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The God of Knowledge?

 … and in His hand 
He took the Golden Compasses, prepared In God’s Eternal store, to circumscribe 
This Universe, and all created things »John Milton (1608-1674), « Paradise lost » Knowledge includes farming...Adam becomes a worker of the soil.. Cain was a worker of the soil but historically this involved irrigation and the growing of grain.
How did Adam and Cain know about growing grain, or the mechanics of irrigation? Egypt has a continuous 6000-year record with a unique and productive agriculture at its base.

According to the KJ Bible, Cain had the skills of farming and he built a city called Enoch (Eridu is the Sumerian name). This involved the manufacture of mud-bricks and 'measurement'. Measurement must be accomplished by the use of a rod or stick marked with groves or notches. It also involves straight lines, curves and angles and the force of gravity on an object. It also involves the use of hammers, saws, and a 'plumb rule'. Tubal-Cain became a blacksmith. The name means 'blacksmith of the Universe'. The blacksmith was a man of knowledge who masters the four elements of earth, water, fire, and air.

The blacksmith is also a practioner of the 'Royal Art' or the art of becoming a free man, able to choose his destiny and become increasingly self-sufficient.

Mason's are called Freemasons for one reason...they are free men judging for themselves what is right and what is wrong. As free men and women, no church has a right to judge us.

Stonecutters marks How we came to have these 'tools' is called 'education' or knowledge and how they are used is called 'craftmanship'. The skills to use these tools is also called masonry. This word was used in the Egyptian Book of the Dead over 5000 years ago. It described a man who could 'build' or manufacture something. These skills are learned from a 'master', one who is versed in the 'craftsmanship' of what ever object or product he is making. This includes cutting stone to perfect dimensions to fit within a .001 tolerance of each other. It does not necessarily only apply to carpentry.
Cain also had livestock. This is called 'animal husbandry'. Where did he learn these skills? We also see that nowhere in the bible were these skills were considered evil?
To the left is a sample of the 'stonecutters marks', signifing which mason did the work.

Then take a look at Genesis 5: 19,20,21. This tells us about Jubal, the first musician - the inventor of the harp and flute. This involved the working of metal including iron and bronze. Tubal opened the first foundry forging instruments of bronze and iron.... And nowhere is this considered evil. And don't forget that Noah built an Ark! He was given 'measurements' by God.

 stone in Italy dated to 300 years before Christ The fifth science was geometry, also known as Masonry. It is the art of measuring everything on Earth and in Heaven.

The theory about the properties of a shape can only be excepted when it has been verified using reason, and a square and compass. Thus, the square and the compass are tools for verifing the 'truth' of the matter. Mason's therefore listen to what is being said, not who is saying it. The geometrician-builder measures words with the yard-stick of meaning and not according to the social status or religious opinions of the speaker.

This stone was carved 300 years before Jesus was born.

The secrets of the ancients were passed on...

Our information tells us that Abraham taught geometry to the Egyptians. This is from a Masonic treasure called the Cooke manuscript found here.. Cook Manuscript This was in 1960 BC. Almost 2000 years before Christ but it mentions Christ! This is because Enoch wrote about a savior of mankind. But 'savior' in this context means something completely different than what the clergy teaches.

The Kings of Sumer

Nimrud The Cooke manuscript mentions that Ashur went fourth from the land of Shinar (Sumer) and built the City of Nineveh and it describes the tower of Babel and who built it..
Ashur, was the son of Shem the son of Noah. Ashur's brothers were Elam, Aram , Arpachshad and Lud. The Hebrew text of Gen. 10:11 is somewhat ambiguous as to whether it was Ashur himself (eg. as reads the KJV) or Nimrod who built the cities of Nineveh etc. in Assyria since the name Ashur can refer to either the person or the country.

Nimrud Every chronicle and history and many other writers and the Bible especially relate the building or the tower of Babel; and it is written in the Bible, Genesis, Chap.10 how that Ham, Noah's son, and then Cush, begat Nimrod, who grew a 'mighty man' upon the earth and waxed strong, like unto a giant. He was a great king and the beginning of his kingdom was the kingdom of Babylon proper, and Erech and Arend and Calnch and the land of Shinar. The Cooke manuscript relates; And this same Ham began the tower of Babel and taught his workmen the Craft of Masonry and he had with him many masons, more than 40,000, and he loved and cherished them well. And it is written in Polycronicon, and in the Master of History, and in other histories, and beyond this the Bible witnesses in the same 10th chapter, as it is written, that Ashur who was of near kindred to Nimrod went forth from the land of Shinar and built the City of Nineveh and Plateas (sic) and many more. For it is written "Do terra illa".

Nimrud has been identified as the site of the biblical city of Calah or Kalakh [kä'läkh]. It was probably refounded by Assyrian king Shalmaneser I in the 13th century BC and gained fame when king Ashurnasirpal II of Assyria (c. 880 BC) made it his capital. He built a large palace and temples on the site of an earlier city that had long fallen into ruins.

Nimrud is an ancient Assyrian city located south of Nineveh on the river Tigris. The ancient city covered an area of around 16 square miles. Ruins of the city are found in modern day Iraq some 30 km southeast of Mosul. The Arabs called the city Nimrud after Nimrod a legendary Assyrian hunting hero, the father of the Assyrian founder Ashur (Assur).

The point being; Nimrod was made a 'might man', a king - and cities were built in Babylonia before 7500 BC. by him and his 'Master Builders', ie. Masons.

Nimrods name in Egyptian was Narmar.

How did the Narmar palette become associated with Nimrod? Ham is the first name in the list of kings of Egypt (Anedjib). Nimrod being his grandson would have been a successor. see Narmer. When he was defeated in Babylon the family moved to Hierakonpolis. This evidence comes from the fact that Marduk was forced out of Babylon by Nanner and Enlil. Marduk then went to Egypt and one Sumerian text shows him being locked up in the Great Pyramid. Ham, Cush, Nimrod and their clan went with Marduk. The clan of Shem stayed in Babylon with Nanner and Enlil. Abraham is from the line of Shem. And Shem is aligned with Enlil.

Menes was an Egyptian pharaoh of the First dynasty. It should be noted that while there is extensive archaeological evidence of there being a pharaoh named Narmer, (the palette) the only unarguable evidence for Menes is an ostrica which contains his name under the Nebty symbols. There is a general suspicion that Menes either was a name of Narmer, his predecessor, or to his successor, Hor-Aha. If Narmer (Nimrod) was a king, the question would be - who is he defeating on the palette?

The bulls on the top of the palette represent the astrological age of Tauras which ran from 4380 BC to 2220 BC. We also see the Hawk of the God Horus who was Osiris' and Isis' only son.

The picture of the palette links to Egyptial history - see STATE UNIFICATION-5100 BP. You will see the words, "HYDRAULIC Hypothesis,“ which are connected to Enki's engineering feats in Egypt. also see - PREDYNASTIC CHIEFDOMS - Hierakonpolis (1500-2000 persons)- 5500 BP.
King Narmar wearing crown of Upper Egypt takes a man in sacrifice, in the Wash of Lower Egypt. On reverse side the King wears the crown of lower Egypt and observes fallen enemies of Horus, symbol of life and child of Isis and Osiris

Predynastic chiefdons - UPPER Egypt - SOUTH THEBES - Shrines and images of Horus- Falcon headed god, a symbol of life. The gods; Re, Nut, Osiris, Isis, Seth, Horus.
LOWER EGYPT (North) Merimda, Buto, Maadi Shrines and images of Seth- Aardvark headed god of deserts and storms. 5100 BC.

Egyptrian Religion
Polytheism- belief in many gods
Gods and goddess often shared a relationship with animals because animals shared a knowledge of nature that only the god(dess) could know.
Rites of Legitimization- reinforce the divine authority of the ruler
Terms Father, King, God were metaphors for each other and power
Egyptians- linear descendants of the Gods who had successively ruled Egypt in earlier times
King was Ma’at which meant rightness "right order- personification of the law- no written laws needed. Egyptians believe six important aspects to human being: physical body, shadow, name, spirit, personality and immortality.

The Hamite line is the clue to the predynastic line of Egyptian Kings. A collection of Aeramic writings called The Targum tells us that Nimrod was the father of an Egyptian pharoah, but does not give his name. A seperate Ethiopic text refers to another pharoah who was contempoary with Nimrod, phonetically calling him Yanuf. This pharoah is easily identifiable. His name is correctly written as Anedjib, and he was a king of the first dynasty of Egypt, reigning about 3000 B.C., at precisely the time of Nimrod.

Not long after the reign of Anedjib ( about 2890 BC ) a new dynasty emerged in Egypt, and with this family the heritage of Nimrod was cemented very firmly in place. We are left in no doubt of this, because it was king Raneb, the second pharoah of the second dynasty, who first introduced the the veneration of the Ram of Mendes into Egypt. This is especially relevant because in both the Grail and Dragon traditions, the Ram of Mendes has always been directly associated with Nimrod's grandfather Ham. Mendes was a city just north-west of Avaris.
Genesis of the Grail Kings, page 194

The Ram of Mendes represents the constallation of Aries which was present between 2220 BC and 60 BC and as detailed on Introduction 2

The Byzantine chronicler Constantinus Manasses (d. 1187) wrote that the Egyptian state lasted 1663 years. If correct, then counting backward from the time that Cambyses, king of Persia, conquered Egypt in 526 BC, gives us the year of 2188 BC for the founding of Egypt, about 60 years after the birth of Peleg. About this time Mizraim, the son of Ham, led his colony into Egypt. Hence the Hebrew word for Egypt is Mizraim (or sometimes ‘the land of Ham’ e.g. Psalm 105:23,27;) " Israel also came into Egypt; and Jacob sojourned in the land of Ham. Mizraim means Egypt.

And since the Cushites settled in Egypt, Arabia and Ethiopia, it seems most likely that they traveled NOT down along the Euphrates but instead along the Mediterranean coast through Canaan which is the most direct route to these places. Also, Canaan was inhabited by the Canaanites, also descendants of Ham so it makes more sense that those of the same family would tend to migrate together, even if they didn't speak the same language. And since Nimrod was a "leader", it makes sense that the Cushites would have tended to follow him at least for a while; then, along the way, finding land they liked in Canaan, they settled while the others kept traveling south. Since the Cushites ended up in Egypt, Arabia and Ethiopia, it seems likely that he ended up in that region as well- after all, the cities listed as being his are said to be "the BEGINNING of his kingdom- so where is the rest?

The ancient civilization that exhibited the strongest evidences of Nimrod, his wife, and his son, Tammuz, is Egypt where he was worshiped as Osiris (the martyred god) and Horus (the reincarnation of Osiris). from Babel

Sennacherib's As is now known, indeed there were cities before 2500 B.C. These were the cities and urban centers of Sumer, the “Sumer” in the title “king of Sumer and Akkad.” It was, as a century of archaeological discoveries and scholarly research has established, the land where Civilization began nearly ten thousand years ago; where suddenly and inexplicably, as though out of nowhere, there appeared a written language and literature; kings and priests; schools and temples; doctors and astronomers; highrise buildings, canals, docks, and ships; an intensive agriculture; an advanced metallurgy; a textile industry; trade and commerce; laws and concepts of justice and morality; cosmological theories; and tales and records of history and prehistory.

Nineveh along the Tigris River continued to be a major city in ancient Assyria. Today adjacent to modern Mosul, the ruins of ancient Nineveh are centered on two mounds, the acropolis at Kuyunjik and Nebi Yunis (Arabic "Prophet Jonah").

In all these writings, be it long epic tales or two line proverbs, in inscriptions mundane or divine, the same facts emerge as an unshakable tenet of the Sumerians and the peoples that followed them: in bygone days, the DIN.GIR’ ‘The Righteous Ones of the Rocketships,” the beings the Greeks began to call “gods’ ‘had come to Earth from their own planet.
They chose southern Mesopotamia to be their home away from home. They called the land KI.EN.GIR-”Land of the Lord of the Rockets” (the Akkadian name, Shumer, meant “Land of the Guardians”); and they established there the first settlements on Earth.

The statement that the first to establish settlements on Earth were astronauts from another planet was not lightly made by the Sumerians. In text after text, whenever the starting point was recalled, it was always this: 432,000 years before the Deluge, the DIN.GIR (“Righteous Ones of the Rocketships”) came down to Earth from their own planet.

As king of Lower Egypt, Narmer parades holding a mace or a sceptre and the royal flagellum. He is followed by a man bearing sandals and a basket or pot, who according to Wadell's interpretation of the hieroglyphs is a "Runner forth". He is preceded by Tjet, possibly his vizier, high priest, or, as has also been suggested, the queen, and four standard bearers who are carrying two falcon standards, a dog, wolf or jackal standard and what has been interpreted as a royal placenta.

In other Egyptian texts we did find Ham to be a King in Egypt. So his grandson Narmer (Nimrod) went with him when he was forced to leave the Babyloian lands. They followed Markuk, son of Enki, otherwise known as Ra in Egyptian legend.

Marduk, son of EA. (ENKI)

Marduk From the Sumerian text; "A son from Enlil's seed Ninmah bore, Ninurta....Anu angered; as punishment he Ninmah ever to be a spouse forbade! Ea his bride-to-be by Anu's decree abandoned; a princess named Damkina [Alalu's daughter] he instead espoused; a son, an heir to them was born, Marduk." Alalu was a rival god to Anu. Defeated in battle he was exiled to Earth. see pages 83-84 Wars of Gods and Men [Sitchin, 2002, op. cit.]

Marduk [mär'dook] (Sumerian) spelling in Akkadian - AMAR.UTU "solar calf"; (Biblical Merodach) was the name of a late generation god from ancient Mesopotamia and patron deity of the city of Babylon who, when Babylon permanently became the political center of the Euphrates valley in the time of Hammurabi (18th century BC) started to slowly rise to the position of the head of the Babylonian pantheon, a position he fully acquired by the second half of the second millennium BC.

The "Main Deposit" of articles belonging to Scorpion (Cush) and Narmer (Nimrod), including the Narmer Palette, was found at Nekhem. This site remained a traditional seat of kingship and corresponds to the Biblical city of Shechem. Shechem therefore was an Egyptian territory inhabited by Canaanites or sons of Canaan. Close ups of the palatte Palette side 1 - Palette side 2

Many people ask who the Scorpion King was. This explains it. Cush - the scorpion was the symbol of the zodiac. Scorpio.

Further on the palette, it would also appear that the 'smiting pose' was considered by the Egyptians to be visible as a constellation in their sky. The constellation of Orion presents itself as the most convincing candidate, although previous studies will have to be considered before accepting this identification. If correct, this would suggest that some of Horus' characteristics were due to the use of Orion as a seasonal marker. This becomes even more apparent when we shift our gaze to other parts of the Near East, where the 'God with the Upraised Arm' can be found in abundance.

His context remains the same: either as the adversary of chaos, or as the bringer of rain and fertility. The common depiction and mythological treatment of this god across a range of cultures and time-periods suggests that it must be have been based upon an important and archetypal image. It is impossible to say for certain whether this image was Orion; nonetheless, this identification provides a comprehensive explanation for certain characteristics of the 'God with the Upraised Arm'... more on Passage page 3.


From Wars of Gods and Men; It was only with the discovery of the records concerning Sargon of Agade that modern scholars were able to convince themselves that a great kingdom, the Kingdom of Akkad, had indeed arisen in Mesopotamia half a millennium before Assyria and Babylonia were to flourish.

It was with the greatest amazement that scholars read in the Sumerian records that Sargon “defeated Uruk (Ur) and tore down its wall. . . . Sargon, king of Agade, was victorious over the inhabitants of Ur, . . . He defeated E-Nimmar (Nimrod) and tore down its wall and defeated its territozy from Lagash as far as the sea. His weapons he washed in the sea. In the battle with the inhabitants of Umma he was victorious. The scholars were incredulous: Could there have been urban centers, walled cities, even before Sargon of Agade, even before 2500 B.C.?

Sargon and Marduk were bitter rivals....Sargon defeated the Sumerian king of Nippur where the Sumerian god Enlil was believed to dwell. He claimed that his victories were given to him by Enlil. And he became known as Sargon the Great.

SARGON OF AKKAD was an ancient Mesopotamian ruler who reigned approximately 2334-2279 BC, and was one of the earliest of the world's great empire builders, conquering all of southern Mesopotamia as well as parts of Syria, Anatolia, and Elam (western Iran). He established the region's first Semitic dynasty and was considered the founder of the Mesopotamian military tradition.

Sargon Sargon is known almost entirely from the legends and tales that followed his reputation through 2,000 years of cuneiform Mesopotamian history, and not from documents that were written during his lifetime. The lack of contemporary record is explained by the fact that the capital city of Agade, which he built, has never been located and excavated. It was destroyed at the end of the dynasty that Sargon founded and was never again inhabited, at least under the name of Agade.

According to a folktale, Sargon was a self-made man of humble origins; a gardener, His mother, having found him as a baby floating in a basket on the river, brought him up in his own calling. His father is unknown; his own name during his childhood is also unknown; his mother is said to have been a priestess in a town on the middle Euphrates. Rising, therefore, without the help of influential relations, he attained the post of cupbearer to the ruler of the city of Kish, in the north of the ancient land of Sumer. The event that brought him to supremacy was the defeat of Lugalzaggisi of Uruk (biblical Erech, in central Sumer). Lugalzaggisi had already united the city-states of Sumer by defeating each in turn and claimed to rule the lands not only of the Sumerian city-states but also those as far west as the Mediterranean. Thus, Sargon became king over all of southern Mesopotamia, the first great ruler for whom, rather than Sumerian, the Semitic tongue known as Akkadian was natural from birth, although some earlier kings with Semitic names are recorded in the Sumerian king list.

During Sargon's rule Akkadian became adapted to the script that previously had been used in the Sumerian language, and the new spirit of calligraphy that is visible upon the clay tablets of this dynasty is also clearly seen on contemporary cylinder seals, with their beautifully arranged and executed scenes of mythology and festive life. Even if this new artistic feeling is not necessarily to be attributed directly to the personal influence of Sargon, it shows that, in his new capital, military and economic values were not alone important.

After only a hundred years, Sargon's empire became a memory, but Sargon remained as a legend. It was said that Sargon's mother had abandoned him in a cradle of reeds, that she had placed the cradle on one of Mesopotamia's great rivers and that Sargon had been found and adopted by Sumerians - a story similar to one which would emerge centuries later about a man called Moses.

After the fall of Sargon's empire, war erupted between the Sumerians and Gutians, and the Sumerians exterminated or evicted the Gutieans. Sumerian civilization revived, including rule in the city of Ur by a king called Ur-Nammu, who, around the year 2050, created the first known code of laws. Ur-Nammu created retribution and punishment in the form of fines, superseding the justice of an eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth. He was described as having removed the "grabbers" of the citizen's oxen, sheep and donkeys, as having established laws that guarded an orphan or widow from anyone who might wish to exploit them, and as having guarded the poor from the rich. This is a Masonic philosophy to this day. from Sargon and the Vanishing Sumerians

Abraham was from Ur where his father was a priest. He was a highly educated man...and he was rich! As we have seen, he lived in a city that was wealthy..he took his money, his talent and education and left, but not immediately..As the above story plays out, we seem to have a rival god who tells Abraham to leave. We know why he left and it wasn't because the people were doing anything evil. Amraphel, king of Shin'ar was the Sumerian name for Hammurabi. Hammurabi ruled from 2067 to 2025 BC. Abraham was a contempory of this ruler.

from The Wars of Gods and men Zacharia Sitchen - The discovery was announced in a lecture by Theophilus Pinches to the Victoria Institute, London, in 1897. Having examined several tablets belonging to the Spartoli Collection in the British Museum, he found that they described a war of wide-ranging magnitude, in which a king of Elam, named Kudur-laghamar, led an alliance of rulers that included one called Eri~ku and another named Tud-ghula—names that easily could have been transformed into Hebrew as Khedor-la’omer, Ariokh, and Tidhal. Accompanying his published lecture with a painstaking transcript of the cuneiform writing and a translation thereof, Pinches could confidently claim that the biblical tale had indeed been supported by an independent Mesopotamian source.

With justified excitement the Assyriologists of that time agreed with Pinches’s reading of the cuneiform names. The tablets indeed spoke of “Kudur-Laghamar, king of the land of Elam’ ‘—uncan­nily/similar to the biblical “Khedorla’omer, king of Elam”; all scholars agreed that it was a perfect Elamite myal name, the prefix Kudur (“Servant”) having been a component in the names of several Elamite kings, and Laghamar being the Elamite epithet-name for a certain deity. It was agreed that the second name, spelled Eri­e-a-ku in the Babylonian cuneiform script, stood for the original Sumerian ERI.AKU, meaning “Servant of the god Aku,” Aku being a variant of the name of Nannar/Sin. It is known from a number of inscriptions that Elamite rulers of Larsa bore the name “Ser­vant of Sin,” and there was therefore little difficulty in agreeing that the biblical Ellasar, the royal city of the king Ariokh, was in fact Larsa. There was also unanimous agreement among the scholars for accepting that the Babylonian text’s Tud-ghula was the equivalent of the biblical “Tidhal, king of Go’im”; and they agreed that by Go’im the Book of Genesis referred to the “nation hordes” whom the cuneiform tablets listed as allies of Khedorla’omer.

Here, then, was the missing proof—not only of the veracity of the the Bible and of the existence of Abraham, but also of an international event in which he had been involved! We explain further why he left on 'Abraham's' pages and on our 'God's Wife' page.

It also seems that Abraham is far more than merely a man who “traced his ancestry to the giants.” Remember, it was said that “Abraham excelled all in nobility and wisdom.” In ancient times “nobility” didn’t refer to a man’s demeanor - it meant of noble birth. And as we will ultimately reveal, the figure known as Abraham was of very noble birth indeed....but he worshiped a false god. That's because Enlil was the only god he knew at the time. However some evidence suggests when he meets the king of Salem (Jerusalem) he changes his views. It is at this time that legend says Abraham becomes 'initiated' and brought into the order of the Melchizedek priesthood - Genesis 14:17. However much debate surrounds this alliance. Genesis 14:17 includes the King of Sodom as being an ally of Abraham's. So why does Jehovah destroy Sodom?

Verse 15:7 has Jehovah saying to Abraham, "I am Jehovah who brought you out of the city of Ur of the Chaldeans, to give you this land forever". We have established that Enlil has control of land in the area known as El bethel where Abrahan built an alter to him. Was Abraham's god Enlil?

It seems he was. Manetho, an Egyptian historian refered to "the king who expelled the pastorial people from Egypt" in a section devoted to the Pharaohs of the eighteenth dynasty. Egyptologists now accept as historical fact the expulsion of the Hyksos (the Asiatic "Shepherd Kings") in 1541 B.C. by the founder to the 18th dynasty, the Pharoah Ahmose (or Amosis) in Greek. The new dynasty, which established the New Kingdom in Egypt, might well have been the new dynasty of Pharoahs "who 'Knew Not Joseph" of which the Bible speeks (Exodus 1:8). Our Widows Son series follows the sons of Abraham into Egypt and accounts for their false God worship which has carried forward into modern times.

The Book The Hiram Key By Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas provides details about the Pharaoh who 'Did Not know Joseph' and we find that Moses was a real Egyptian who actually lead troops against the Hebrews to expell them. More is found about Moses on a seperate page. We find that he was trying to teach the Hebrews about the true God but they wouldn't listen. Joshua continued this teaching with no success. However what he knew was passed on to King David and Solomon.

Our 'fallen Hero' in that series is Seqenenre Tao, a King that was killed in 1554 BC by none other than the sons of Jacob (according to The Hiram Key). Tao was the last King of the true Egyptian dynasties who knew all the secrets passed down to his ancestors by Enki. With his death, 'the secrets' or 'word' was lost.

Getting back to Abraham; Votive inscriptions found at Nippur (as those by the archaeological expeditions of the university of Pennsylvania confirm that the kings of Ur cherished the title "Pious Shepherd of Nippur" and preformed these priestly functions: and the governor of Nippur (PA.TE.SI.NI.IB.RU) was also the Formost UR.ENLIL (Enlil's Foremost Servant). Some of the names borne by those royal-priestly VIPs resembled Abraham's Sumerian name (AB.RAM), also beginning with the component AB ("Father" or "Progenitor"): such, for example was the name AB.BA.MU of a governor of Nippur during Shulgi's reign.

Chaldean references were used by several ancient authors to denote the priests and other persons educated in the classical Babylonian literature, especially in traditions of astronomy and astrology and Numerology. Abraham was versed in these skills.

Politics: The Chaldeans made their influence felt in Babylonian politics, and several 9th and 8th century BC Babylonian kings were of Chaldean origins. During the period of Assyrian domination of Babylonia, the Chaldeans formed some of the strongest resistance to Assyrian rule. King Marduk-apla-iddina II, who resisted the Assyrians in the times of Sargon II and the early years of Sennacherib, and King Mushezib-Marduk, who was king just before Sennacherib's sack of Babylon in 689 BC, were both Chaldeans. When Babylonia finally reestablished its independence, it was under a probably Chaldean dynasty, that of Nabopolassar.

Fall of the Empire: After the conquest of Babylonia by the Persians, the Chaldeans disappeared as a separate people.

Today, there are still thousands among the Assyrians who are Christians but not Roman Catholics. Those who are Catholics belong to what is commonly known as the "Chaldean" Church. see Chaldea

The true God we identify as Enki didn't have anything to do with the destruction of Sodom and Gomorah. Enlil blew them up in a nuclear explosion because they had 'knowledge' (wisdom and insight). In the book of 2 Kings 21:3, ex-King Manasseh of Judah had erected alters to Jehovah's son Baal. It mattered not that Manasseh's grandson, King Josiah, had destroyed these alters with the people's blessing (2-Kings 23:12); Jehovah decided to take his revenge in any event saying, 'I will wipe Jerusalem as a man wipeth a dish...and deliver them into the land of their enemies...They had provoked me to anger since the day their fathers came forth out of Egypt.' (2-Kings 21:14-15). It was then explained that 'At the commandment of the Lord came upon Judah, to remove them out of his sight for the sins of Manasseh, according to all that he had done' (2-Kings 24:3). Jehovah destroyed them because he was jealous! He warned Abraham to leave.. This was during a 'War of the Gods'. We show you the proof on the Forbidden 4 page.

This means that education, learning and scientific knowledge was around and passed on from father to son, since the beginning of time. Even Cain was educated, otherwise he could not have built a city.

'Cain', who was he really?

The Book of Generations is a partially lost text that the modern documentary hypothesis claims was used by the redactor of the torah to connect up parts of the priestly source and the JE source. The text thus, in the hypothesis, forms part of the torah

Jahwist (J) text (Genesis 4:17 - 18), the family tree descending from Cain has the following properties (amongst others)
Cain and Enoch are father and son
Enoch and Irad are father and son
Irad and Mehujael are father and son
Methusael is Irad's grandson
Lamech is Methusael's son

Whereas in the book of generations the descendants of Seth (Genesis 5:3-26) have the following properties
Enos and Cainan are father and son
Jared and Enoch are father and son
Mehalaleel and Jared are father and son
Methuselah is Jared's grandson
Lamech is Methuselah's son

But there is NO Cain in the Sumerian texts! So who is he? The Book of Jubilees says Cain married his sister Awan but this was copied from an earlier text. If we try and explain the second bloodline created by The Lord/Enlil which included Cain, Enoch, Irad, Mehulael, Methusael and Lamech - it just stops there. However the Sumerian texts include the sons of Enlil as; Ninutra, Shem, Adad, and Sin. His daughters were Inanna and Ishtar.

This might clarify the matter: Pal (meaning “son”) was indeed a common suffix in Mesopotamian royal names, standing for the deity considered the favorite Divine Son. Since in Ur the god deemed to have been the Favored Son was Naram/Sin, we suggest that Amar-Sin and Amar-pal were, in Ur, one and the same name. Who were the “other gods” that were winning the allegiance of Canaanite cities? They were Marduk, scheming from nearby exile, and his son, Nabu, who was roaming eastern Canaan, gaining supremacy and adherents. (Naram/Sin was a grandson of Sargon who inturn was a 'Great Righteous Shepherd' of Enlil. Marduk was Enki's son - exiled when Enlil took over the rule of Earth.)

We also find among traditional Assyrian eponyms of royal names the combination Ashur-bel-Ka’ini (“Ashur, lord of the Ka’­mites”); and the Assyrian scribes paralleled this with the Sumerian ASHUR-EN.DUNI (“Ashur is lord of Duni”), implying that the Ka’ini (“The people of Kain”) and the Duni (“The people of Dun”) were one and the same; and thus reaffirming the biblical Cain and Land of Nud or Dun.

As copied by A. R. Millard and translated by W. G. Lambert (Kadmos, vol. VI), it speaks of the beginnings of a group of people who were ploughmen, which corresponds to the biblical “tiller of the land.” They are called Amakandu-’ ‘People Who In Sorrow Roam”; it parallels the condemnation of Cain: “Banned be thou from the soil which hath received thy brother’s blood . . . a rest­less nomad shalt thou be upon the earth.” And, most remarkably, the Mesopotamian chief of these exiled people was called Ka ‘in!

The name of this place is intriguing. Because the order of syllables could be reversed in Sumerian without changing the meaning, the name could also be spelled NU.DUN, paralleling the biblical name Nud as the place of Cain’s exile. The Sumerian name meant “the excavated resting place’ ‘-very much similar to the biblical interpretation of the name as meaning “Foundation.”

After the death (or murder) of Ka’in, “he was laid to rest in the city of Dunnu, which he loved.” As in the biblical tale, the Meso­potamian text records the history of four following generations; brothers married their sisters and murdered their parents, taking over the rulership in Dunnu as well as settling in new places, the last of which was named Shupat (“Judgment”). Wars of Gods and Men p 112

When Lamech murders a man in Genesis 4:23, he murdered someone he knew well. Verse 24 mentions that "Cain is avenged seven times". Sitchin believes that Lamech killed Cain. A new curse must have been put on Lemech which would last seventy seven times. No other descendents are recorded for Cain or Lemech.

Ante-diluvian kings, legendary, or earlier than ca. the 26th century BC. Their rules are measured in sars - periods of 3600 years - the next unit up after 60 in sumerian counting (3600 = 60x60), and in ners - units of 600.

"After the kingship descended from heaven, the kingship was in Eridug. In Eridug, Alulim became king; he ruled for 28800 years."
Alulim of Eridug; 8 sars (28800 years)
Alalgar of Eridug: 10 sars (36000 years)
En-Men-Lu-Ana of Bad-Tibira;12 sars (43200 years)
En-Men-Gal-Ana of Bad-Tibira: 8 sars (28800 years)
Dumuzi of Bad-Tibira, the shepherd: 10 sars (36000 years)
En-Sipad-Zid-Ana of Larag; 8 sars (28800 years)
En-Men-Dur-Ana of Zimbir; 5 sars and 5 ners (21000 years)
Ubara-Tutu of Shuruppag ; 5 sars and 1 ner (18600 years)

from The List

The Sumerians considered Nibiru to be a twelfth member of our Solar System - a system made up of the Sun in the center, the Moon, all the nine planets we know of today, and one more large planet whose orbit lasts a Sar, 3,600 Earth-years. This orbit, they wrote, takes the planet to a “station” in the distant heavens, then brings it back to Earth’s vicinity, crossing between Mars and Jupiter. It was in that position-as depicted in a 4,500-year-old Sumerian drawing that the planet obtained its name NIBIRU (“Crossing”) and its symbol, the Cross.

The leader of the astronauts who had come to Earth from Nibiru, we know from numerous ancient texts, was called E. A (“Whose House Is Water”); after he had landed and established Eridu, the first Earth Station, he assumed the title EN.KI (“Lord of Earth”). A text that was discovered in the ruins of Sumer records his landing on Earth as a first-person report:

"When I approached Earth there was much flooding. When I approached its green meadows, heaps and mounds were piled up at my command. I built my house in a pure place. .My house-its shade stretches over the Snake Marsh."

Enki - He is the lord of the Apsu the watery abyss. His name is possibly an epithet bestowed on him for the creation of the first man, [Adamu or Adapa. His symbols included a goat and a fish which later combined into a single beast, the Capricorn which became one of the signs of the zodiac.

The text then proceeds to describe Ea’s efforts to build extraor­dinaty waterworks in the marshlands at the head of the Persian Gulf: He surveyed the marshlands, cut canals for drainage and water control, built dykes, dug ditches, and built structures of bricks molded from the local clays. He joined the Tigris and Euphrates rivers by canals; and at the edge of the marshlands he built his Water House, with a wharf and other facilities.

It all had a reason. On his planet gold was needed. Not for jewelry or another frivolous use, for at no time during the millennia that followed were these visitors to Earth ever shown wearing golden jewelry. Gold was, no doubt, required for the space programs of the Nibiruans, as is evident from the Hindu texts’ references to the celestial chariots being covered with gold; indeed, gold is vital to many aspects of the space instruments and vehicles of our own times.

But that alone could not have been the reason for the intensity of the Nibimans’ search for gold on Earth and their immense efforts to obtain it here and transfer it in large quantities to their own planet. The metal, with its unique properties, was needed back home for a vital need, affecting the very survival of life on that planet; as best as we can make out, this vital need could have been for suspending the gold particles in Nibiru’s warming atmosphere and thus shield it from critical dissipation.

A son of Nibiru’s ruler, Ea was well chosen for the mission. He was a brilliant scientist and engineer whose nickname was NU.DIM.MUD, “He Who Fashions Things.” The plan, as his epithet name E.A. indicated, was to extract the gold from the waters of the quiet Persian Gulf and the adjoining shallow marsh­lands that extended from the gulf into Mesopotamia. Sumerian depictions showed Ea as lord of the flowing waters, sitting in a laboratory and surrounded by interconnected flasks (Fig. above).

But the unfolding tale suggests that all was not going well with this scheme. The gold production was far below expectations, and to speed it up, more astronauts the rank and file were called Anunnaki (“Those Who From Heaven to Earth Came") landed on Earth. They came in groups of fifty, and one of the texts reveals that one of these groups was led by Enki’s firstborn son MAR.DUK. The text records Marduk’s urgent message to his father describing a near calamity on the flight to Earth, as the space ship passed by one of the Solar System’s large planets (probably Jupiter) and almost collided with one of that planet’s satellites. Describing the “attack” on the spacecraft, the excited Marduk told his father.
It has been created like a weapon
It has charged forward like death
The Anunnaki who are 50 it has smitten
The flying, birdlike Surpreme Orbiter
it has smitten on the breast.

A Sumerian engraving on a cylinder seal (below) may well have illustrated the scene of Lord Earth anxiously greeting his son, dressed as an astronaut, as the spaceship leaves Mars (the six-pointed star) and nears Earth (the seventh planet when counting from the outside in, symbolized by the seven dots and depicted together with the Moon). Back on the home planet, where Enki’s father AN (Anu in Akka dialog) was the ruler, the progress of the landing parties was followed with anxiety and expectation. These must have turned to impatience at the slow progress, and then to disappointment. Evidently the scheme to extract gold from seawaters by laboratorylike processes did not work as expected.

But the gold was still badly needed; and the Anunnki faced a tough decision: to abandon the project which was out of the question or to try to obtain the gold in a new way: mining. For gold, the Anunnaki knew by then, was naturally available in abundance in the AB.ZU (“The Primeval Source”) on the continent of Africa. (In the Semitic languages that had evolved from the Sumerian, Za-ab-Abzu in reverse has remained the word for gold to this very day).

There was, however, one major problem. The African gold had to be extracted from the depths of the earth through mining; and the far reaching decision to change from the sophisticated water treatment process to a backbreaking toil below the surface of the earth was not lightly taken. Clearly the new enterprise required more Anunnaki, a mining colony in “the place of the shining lodes," expanded facilities in Mesopotamia, and a fleet of ore vessels (MA.GUR UR.NU AB.ZU- Ships for Ores of the Abzu”) to connect the two. Could Enki handle it all by himself?

Anu felt that he could not; and eight Nibiru years after Enki’s landing (28,800 Earth-years) he came to Earth to see things for himself. He came down accompanied by the Heir Apparent Enlil ('Lord of the Command') a son who, Anu must have felt, could take charge of Earth mission and organize the gold deliveries to Nibiru.

The choice of Enlil for the mission might have been an agonizing one as well; for it only sharpened the rivalry and jealousy between the two brothers. For Enki was the first born son of Anu by Id, one of his six concubines, and could have expected to follow Anu on Nibiru's throne.

But then as in the biblical tale of Isaac's sons, Jacob and Esau - Anu’s half-sister wife Antum bore him a son, Enlil. And by the Nibiruian rules of succession-so faithfully adopted by the biblical patriarch - Enlil became the legal heir instead of Enki. And now this rival, this robber of Enki's birthright came to earth to take over the command!

One cannot stress enough the importance of lineage and genealogy in the wars of the Gods; the struggles for succession and supremacy, on Nibiru as on Earth later on.

Subsequently Enki was sent to oversee the gold mining in Africa - while Enlil was put in charge of the entire area of Mesopotamia - including part of Egypt...the upper part close to the Mediterranean sea.

"To Ea the seas and the oceans as his domain were granted, lands beyond the bar of the waters by him to be governed, in the Abzu [southeastern Africa] to be the master, with ingenuity the gold to procure." [Sitchin, Z., Lost Book of Enki, pages 92 -93]. Enlil’s first act was to award Enki his initial settlement, Eridu, on the Persian Gulf, in perpetuity.

We have already covered the 'slaves' Enki created... but later on Enki was ordered by Anu, at Enlil's insistance to create more workers to be slaves to him and his co-horts. Enki and Enki's half-sister Ninhursag, Chief Medical Officer, used their own DNA to create the perfect Adapta...'man'. Ninhursag carried this creation in her own womb. Adam was given 'knowledge' by a so-called serpent named Enki. He was given the ability to procreate but he was treated with distane by Enlil because Enki had given Adam and Eve access to the "Tree of Knowledge". Enki gave man something else - his soul. Enlil was not equipped to do this - he did not have 'the knowledge'. Thus he became jealous of Enki's creation and Adam and Eve's status as being 'equal to the gods'. "They became one of US".

Enoch was born in the line of Adam's sons; Seth, Enosh, Kenan, Mahalalel, Jared, - not Cain, as Cain was a product of a rape by Enlil of a nurse. Enlil was exiled for this until he married her. Their heirs remained in exile and killed their parents to gain control. So the blood line of Adam prevailed.

Adapa (man) was an ancient Sumerian king, and appears as the nation's first ruler on the Sumerian king list though different versions call him Oanes and Alulim (Sumerian). His name means "man" in Akkadian and this is related to both Adam and Eve. Later, in a continuation from another fragment, the Adama is described not only as the High Priest, but also as being of the Royal seed. And so it is apparent that the great importance of biblical Adam, was not that he was the first man, but the first human of the Royal Seed — the first priest— king of the Enki bloodline. Therefore Adapa was the son of the god Enki (Ea), and was king of the ancient city of Eridug. (Eridu). On top of his regional duties he served as a priest and an exorcist.

The Sumerian king list is an ancient text in the Sumerian language listing kings of Sumer from Sumerian and foreign dynasties. The later Babylonian king list and Assyrian king list were similar. There are also slight similarities between the antediluvian portion of the list and the two sets of Genealogies of Adam in the Torah. However we find that in Genesis 1:27 we see the words; Like God did God make man. Man and maid did he make them. (equally at the same time) Then we see the use of the word 'Lord' in Genesis 2:7 when he forms a man. This suggests two sets of humans, one divine - one not. Genesis 6:1-2 describes the line of Cain which included the 'daughters' of men. This apparently was the 'second' line we see in Genesis 5:17-19 in which Enlil tried to 'copy' Adam's/Enki's descendents. These 'daughters of Cain' apparently mated with the 'rebel Watchers'/Son's of god - more than one.

And upon his death, he (Adam) took his place among the apkallu, the seven great sages. According to myth, he was a mortal from a godly lineage, like many liminal Greek heroes, who stood on the threshold between the two worlds. When he broke the wings of the South Wind that had overturned his fishing boat, Adapa was called to account before Anu . Ea, his patron god, warned him not to partake of food or drink while he was in heaven, and thus cheated Adapa of the Immortality that would have been his.
Although some see his story as an influence on the story of the biblical Adam, the opposite view is held by those who hold to the historicity of the Hebrew Bible Retrieved from "Adapta".

The Nag Hammidi scrolls have Enlil (called Yaldaboath) and his cohorts, trying to convince Adam that Eve came from his rib which is strongly disputed. Here we find why Eve was thought to come from Adams rib; We should now consider the mysterious little ‘clay models’ to which the translated records all refer. How was it that the Genesis compilers presumed the Adama to be made from earth, often described as clay? The answer lies in the translatory mis­understanding of a single small word - a word encountered by the captive Jewish scribes in Babylon.. The Babylonian word for potter’s clay was tit, but in the more ancient Sumerian language ti-it meant ‘that which is life’.

In Hebrew the word 'tit' meant ‘mud’. When the blood (semen) of Enki was united by Nin-khursag with the ti-it, it was being united not with clay, but with ‘that which is life’ - female ovum. From such beginnings, Nin-khursag cultured the ‘little models’ which she implanted into the wombs of surrogate mothers, and the precise nature of these little models is manifest in Nin-khursag’s description. Lady of the Embryo. In Adapa’s case, Nin-khursag had been the surrogate mother, and so the resultant 'Model of Man', the Adama, was born from the womb of Lady Earth herself. His partner Khâwa (the biblical Eve) was created in precisely the same manner.

While on the subject of misidentified words, we can also discover why it is that the Bible describes how Eve was formed by God from a rib taken out of Adam’s side (Genesis 2:21 -23). The name Eve is said in Genesis (3:20) to signify the ‘mother of all living’, and this is repeated in the 1st-century Antiquities of the Jews, wherein Josephus explains: ‘Now a woman is called in the Hebrew tongue issa (she-man); but the name of this woman was Eve, which signifies the mother of all living’.

In Hebrew, the name Eve was Hawah (Ava), but the verbal root which gave rise to the name was hayah (‘to live’).’ Hence, Eve was akin to the Sumerian Nin-ti, Lady of Life-and this, as we have seen, was yet another title of Nin-khursag. The Sumerian, word ti meant ‘to make live’, but another Sumerian word, 'ti ‘pronounced (tee), meant ‘rib’. When Nin_khursag's title Nin-ti was applied to her surrogate daughter and transposed to the name Eve, it was correctly interpreted by the Genesis compilers, its further association with Adam’s rib was wholly inaccurate had nothing whatever to do with the original accounts.

An intriguing reference to the biblical ‘rib’ was made by the Protestant dissenter Matthew Henry in the early 1700s. Whereas Genesis (3:16) states that God said to Eve that Adam ‘shall rule or thee’ (a sexist guideline adopted by the Catholic and glican Churches), the Church dissenters claimed that Eve was 'not' made out of Adam’s head so as to rule over him, nor out of his feet to he trampled upon by him, but out of his side to be equal with him’. In presuming the rib symbolism to be emblematic of male and female equality the dissenters were no more at odds with episcopal dogma than is generally protrayed by their reluctance towards the Book of Common Prayer.

In considering the word hayah (to live), it is of interest to note the similar Arabic word hayat denoted a female serpent, whilst hayat related to life. As detailed by the linguist Balaji Mundkur, the words were all akin in origin, and the definitions 'life’ and ‘serpent’ were mutually supportive. This is particuIar1y relevant since Eve (Khâwa/Hawah) was not only Lady of Life, but was also described as the Serpent Lady.
Laurence Gardner Genesis of the Grail Kings p104-105

The Nag Hammidi scrolls conclude that there were three Adam's, created by Enlil's authorities and Ninhursag - she is called Sophia in the scrolls. Sophia gave life to the third one. It is our opinion that Enlil tried to copy Enki's creation but failed because he could not give them a soul. The jest of the Sumerian texts reveals that he did not have the knowledge to do this. This then is the corroborating reason Enlil would not let Adam and Eve near the 'Tree of Eternal Life'...."and live forever" which was only for the 'gods'....but he forgot one little detail - Sophia, through Christ - gave them a soul! The soul does not die!

Enlil had control over the 'garden' that Enki had created. Enlil tried to convince Eve that she was commiting a sin by having knowledge and she and Adam would die...anotherwords - he was jealous. He did manage to convince Adam that HE created them and he intended to control them at any cost. The Nag Hammidi scrolls confirm that Adam knew he was dealing with a false god.
see the The Apocalypse of Adam This text reveals there are TWO gods! These words are from the text; ("The Three Men who stood before him - whose likeness I was unable to recognize.") Compair this with the god he served in fear and slavery! Enki as the serpent or God of wisdom - intervened. He is the God that made cloths for Adam and Eve.

Adam teaches Seth all that he had been taught, as the Nag Hammidi scrolls inform us. The knowledge was then passed from father to son.

Enki's Enoch was the first priest appointed to serve by Enki. "But Enki loved Enoch and he taught him everything he knew." Enki then sent him to 'Heaven' to learn more. Heaven at this point is the planet Nibiru.("Those who from Heaven came down to Earth")

There is a book called Jubiliees that also was not included in the KJB. The book of Jubilees has this verse;

"He was the first amoung men that are born on earth to learn writing and knowledge and wisdom and who wrote down the signs of heaven according to the number of their months in a book."

The Sumerian King List records the priestly reign of Enmeduranki in Sippar, then the location of the Spaceport under the command of Utu/Shamash. His name, “Priestly lord of the Dur-an-ki,” indicates that he had been trained in Nippur. A little-known tablet, reported by W. G. Lambert (“Enmeduranki and Related Material”), reads as follows:
"Enmeduranki [was] a prince in Sippar, Beloved of Anu, Enlil and Ea. Shamash in the Bright Temple appointed him. Shamash and Adad [took him] to the assembly [of the gods] They showed him how to observe oil on water, a secret of Anu, Enlil and Ea. They gave him the Divine Tablet, the kibdu secret of Heaven and Earth . . They taught him how to make calculations with numbers."

When the instruction of Enmeduranki in the secret knowledge of the gods was accomplished, he was returned to Sumer (Earth). The “On of Nippur, Sippar and Babylon were called into his presence.” He informed them of his experiences and of the establishment of priesthood. It shall be passed, the gods commanded, from father to son: “The learned savant, who guards the secrets of the gods, will bind his favored son with an oath before Shamash and Adad. and will instruct him in the secrets of the gods."
Wars of Gods and Men - Zecharia Sitchin

Thus began the 'brotherhood', wherein devine secrets were passed from Father to Son under an oath not to reveal the secrets to anyone else.

Enmeduranki was Enoch and the 'signs' are about astrology. The church forbid any teaching about astrology and they still consider it 'occult'. We can assure you it isn't. 'Occult' means 'Secret' not witchcraft - not evil. Only the church linked the word occult with witchcraft, dark secrets and magic. Look the word up in the dictionary. The so-called 'dark secrets' are the keys to the real truth we have uncovered. We have a full page about astrology and the Zadok Magi who were priests of this sacred science. They predicted a 'savior' would be born and they followed a rare triple star conjuction to the location of his birth. We cover their science and we provide a link to a free chart, later in the site.

Our Learned Biblical Heroes begin with Enoch, seventh from Adam, but not the son of Cain as many are taught. Proof; look at Genesis 5: 18,19,20 21, and 22.This is extremely important. We would like to point out that although we use Laurence Gardners Book Genesis of the Grail Kings, in our investigation, we do not agree with him that Cain was the Grail line King. We use Zacharia Sitchens books to identify Cain which you have already read about above. Cain, according to Stitchen is in the line of Enlil's sons. However Enki's lost books reveal that he is Cains Father. But Cain and his descendents killed each other until no one was left to rule. The 'Mark' of Cain was that he had no facial hair at all. The Nag Hammidi associates him as being the result of the rape of a 'copy' of Eve, (possibly a deity named Lilith) by Enlil and associates of Enlil and therefore he is not Eve's son at all. The Sumerian texts do indeed show that Enlil himself raped a nurse and was exiled.

Gardner insists that a King named Ga-{ }-ur whose name is partially missing from the Sumerian text, had a unsuccessful reign. The succession was then passed on to a Queen Nidaba, whom he says is Enlil's mother-in-law. Then follows a King Atabba of Kish whose name was derived from the word abuttu and meant pergenitor and somehow defined a Sumerian word sang-lugal which means Royal Blood. Therefore he writes, Cain was Eve's first therefore senior son and intitled to be the heir of the Royal Bloodline. Eve's only son was Seth.

The Nag carries this text; First she was pregnant with Abel, by the first ruler. And it was by the seven authorities and their angels that she bore the other offspring. This indicated a rape by the authorities or those most people identify as 'fallen angels'. see.. Origin of the World.
Therefore we respectively disagree and agree with the biblical text wherein Seth is the carrier of the Royal Bloodline. As the Sumerian text above related, Pal or Cain was the son of Sin who was a son of Enlil. Zacharia's works totally agree with this as well as the Nag Hammidi Scrolls and numberous other texts.

If you read further in the 'Origin' text, you see that the creature called Beast, invited Eve to eat from the Tree of Knowledge. It refers to the 'jealousy' of the one who called himself 'god', who does not want Adam and Eve to be smarter than him. The 'Beast' is the first androgynous being. The interpretation of "the beast" is "the instructor". For it was found to be the wisest of all beings. This 'Beast' is actually the Christ in a material form. Since Eve is the first virgin, Seth is the first human born that carried the Christ spirit .... actually many of them over the ages. Seth is Eve's first and only Son.

The most important words of this text are, "He said to her, (Eve) "Do not be afraid. In death you shall not die." This text reveals the 'spiritual' side or soul endowed side of the human form which was put in a 'body' form by the 'gods'. As we have seen, these words are almost the same as the Serpent spoke to Eve in Genesis. The Serpent God is Enki. - - Jesus said, "In Death shall he live"!

The Christ or 'Beast' or Enki made the soul immortal - it does not die since it was modeled after the Christ spirit. We do not know why it is called 'beast' unless this is a medifore for a creation more powerful than any other on Earth or it is a word for the first material body with a soul endowed enity - Christ. Edgar Cayce describes this enity as entering the material body of Adam. It then transfers it's self to Seth, ect.

From the Nag; "And at that time, the prime parent (Enlil/Yaldabaoth) then rendered an opinion concerning man to those who were with him. Then each of them cast his sperm into the midst of the navel of the earth. Since that day, the seven rulers have fashioned man with his body resembling their body, but his likeness resembling the man that had appeared to them.(Christ or Adam of Light) His modelling took place by parts, one at a time. And their leader fashioned the brain and the nervous system. Afterwards, he appeared as prior to him. He became a soul-endowed man. And he was called Adam, that is, "father", according to the name of the one that existed before him."

If we compair the Nag Hammidi texts with the Sumerian version, we see the gods in human form. The Egyptian texts tell us that the human and soul forms were indeed seperate and the 'gods' could indeed transform themselves into animals or plants....that is putting their soul in what ever 'material' form they wished. At one time humans could see and understand this, but the knowledge was 'lost'.

The Sumerian texts repeatedly mention the priest-scientist ENOCH, who is a prediluvian patriarch, one of the most famous and seminal characters of the previous time cycle. Father of Methuselah and great grandfather of Noah, Enoch is credited in the Bible as architect of the original Zion, the legendary "City of Yahweh", as well as inventor of the alphabet and calendar. Enoch is also history's first astronaut, who "is taken aloft by the Lord" and shown "the secrets of earth and heaven". He returns to earth with the "weights and measures" for all humankind.

The parallels between the Watchers and the Chaldeans become greater still when viewed in the light of a tradition cited by Eusebius, which said: “Abraham traced his ancestry to the giants. These dwelt in the land of Babylonia. Because of their impiety, they were destroyed by the gods.”

So there you have it. These two traditions (of the Watchers and of the Chaldeans) sound so identical because they are identical - one and the same. Were the Chaldeans the descendants of the Watchers, and executors of their tradition? Such an idea is certainly reinforced by the fact that the Hebrew word for “Watcher” is “Ir”, which sounds the same as “Ur.” And the Watchers were called “the watchers of the heavens”, a very appropriate title for a people (like the Chaldeans) so preoccupied by astronomy. Could it be that Ur was the primordial city-state of the Watchers? Very possibly. Ur is considered so ancient that to the modern mind it has become synonymous with antiquity itself. All of this would appear to suggest that Abraham’s status as a Chaldean from Ur may well be one of the most telling anomalies in the Old Testament.

The defination of the word that describes the city of Yahweh was "Mount of Signal" (Zion). It is known as Negev in the Sumerian texts and was actually as gateway to a spaceport and Abraham was defending it. In Samuel 30:17 David attacked an Amalekite camp, the only ones to escape were four hundred "Ish-Naar" - literally, "Nar-men or LU.NAR - who were riding camels. 2047 BC. Other translations include: Mount Zophim ("Mount of Observers")and Mount Moriah ("Mount of Directing") -
Wars of Gods and Men - Zacharia Sitchin page 300

Sitchin: Our identification of “Amarphal” of Genesis 14 as Amar-Sin, third king of Ur’s Third Dynasty, meshes perfectly the biblical and the Sumerian chronologies. The biblical tale of the War of the Kings places the event soon after Abraham’s return to the Negev from Egypt but before the tenth anniversary of his arrival in Ca­naan; i.e., between 2042 and 2039 B.C. The reign of Amar­Sin/Amar-Pal lasted from 2047 to 2039 B.C.; accordingly, the war had taken place in the latter part of his reign.

The year formulas for Amar-Sin’s reign pinpoint his seventh year-204l BC. was the year of the major military expedition to the western provinces. The biblical data (Genesis 14:4-5) asserts that this took place in the fourteenth year after the Elamites under Khedorla’omer had subjugated the Canaanitc kings; and the year 2041 was indeed fourteen years after Shulgi, having received Nannar’s oracles, had launched in 2055 B.C. the military expedi­tion led by Elamites into Canaan.

Our synchronization of biblical and Sumerian events and dates unfolds the following sequence and upholds every time factor re­ported in the Bible:
2123 B.c. • Abraham born in Nippur to his father Terah.
2113 B.C. • Ur-Nammu enthroned in Ur, given guardianship of Nippur. Terah and his family move to Ur.
2095 B.C. • Shulgi ascends throne after death of Ur-Nammu. Terah and his family leave Ur for Harran.
2055 B.C. • Shulgi receives Nannar’s oracles, sends Elamite troops to Canaan.
2048 B.C. • Shulgi’s death ordered by Anu and Enlil. Abraham, seventy-five years old, ordered to leave Harran for Canaan.
2047 B.C. • Amar-Sin (“Amarpal”) ascends the throne of Ur. Abraham leaves the Negev for Egypt.
2042 B.C. • Canaanite kings switch allegiance to “other gods.” Abraham returns from Egypt with elite corps.
2041 B.C. • Amar-Sin launches the War of the Kings.

Continued on Forbidden 3 with Enoch's words and some connections between the Essenes and the Templars.

For those of you looking for the other pages we mentioned we added part of the list on the next page. The Widow's Son pages uncovers the two ruling classes in Egypt in the time from Abraham to Akhenaten and Moses. When the bible speeks of 'pharoah', Which One do they mean?

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Forbidden K1 Forbidden 3
Forbidden 4 Forbidden 5
Forbidden 6 Forbidden Knowledge
Site Map Page The Enuma Elish
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Abraham Father of Many Nations Abraham, page 2
Death of the disciples Atlantis, The Creation of Adam
The Ark of the Covenant Atlantis, Page 2 - Plato's account
" The Secret of the Pyramid of Gaza" The False Church

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"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds" -- Albert Einstein