We have already discussed the possibility that Jesus didn't die on the cross. Islam also believes this. So these events took place after the cruixfiction. If you've found our hidden page you know what really happened.
Assuming you've read the previous page; Jesus’ three-year period of monastic separation expired in September AD 36, following which physical relations with his wife were permitted once more in the December at the Time of Restitution.
One very clear property of the language used in the New Testament is that words, names and titles which have a cryptic meaning used with that same meaning throughout. Not only do they have the same meaning every time they are used, but they are used every time that same meaning is required. Undoubtedly the most through studies to date in this field of research have been conducted by Dr Barbara Thiering, a member of the University of Sidney Board of Studies in Divinity 1973-1991. Her research is on information contained in the Dead Sea Scrolls commentaries that define the scribal codes of the Essene community. These commentaries hold the secrets of the Peshiarim (the routes to vital clues) and were produced in the pre-Gospel era by the learned scribes of Qumran.
In some cases, individual derivations of coded names or titles might be complex or obscure, but more often they are straightforward, though rarely obvious. Frequently, cryptic information in the Gospels heralded by the statement that it is intended ‘for those with ears to here' - the phrase being an inevitable precursor to a passage with a hidden meaning for those who know the code. The governing rules of code are fixed and the symbolism remains constant, as in the case of Jesus himself.
By way of the inherent biblical Pesher (singular of pesharim and meaning ‘explanation’ or ‘solution’), Jesus is defined as the 'Word'. This is established from the very outset in the Gospel of John:
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God ... And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory (John 1:1, 14).
There are no variables in the Gospel texts. Whenever the phrase 'of God’ is used, it means that Jesus either was present or is the subject of the narrative, as in Luke 5:1 when the Word of God stood by lake. The phrase was also used in The Acts to identify Jesus’ whereabouts after the Ascension. So when we read that ‘the apostles which were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the 'word of God'(Acts 8:14), we may immediately understand that Jesus was in Samaria.
It follows, therefore, that when we read ‘the word increased’ (Acts 6:7) we should comprehend that ‘Jesus increased’ symbolized by the related pesher in the parable of the Sower and Seed (Mark 4:8): ‘And other seed fell on good ground, and did fruit that sprang up and increased’. As John the Baptist had said Jesus, when pulling out of the dynastic contest, ‘He must increase, I must decrease. In short, the Acts reference means that Jesus yielded fruit and increased - that is to say, he had a son. Perhaps not surprisingly, this first son was also named Jesus (Yeshua).
From Jesus and Mary's marriage, The rules of dynastic wedlock were a complicated matter. A lengthy period of courtship was followed by a first marriage in September. After this a physical relationship was allowed in December. The second marriage was solemized in March following conception, at which time the bride would be three months pregnant. If the first child was a girl, no contact was allowed for 3 years. If it was a son, the no contact rule lasted for 6 years. This might explain the paragraph below. Mary became a 'widow' during this seperation, which was missinteruperted by the church. see The Sacred Marriage in Gnosticism
Their first child was born after the crucifixion in 30 AD. As required by the Messianic rules, the second birth took place in 37 AD the year after Jesus returned to his marriage at the Time of Restitution Following the birth of a son, however, Jesus was now destined for 7 more years of monastic celibacy. Lawrence Gardiner The Magdalene Legacy
Jesus then entered a fully celibate state for three years as required. During this time in keeping with the rules Mary was to have no physical contact with Jesus. During the three years of celibacy Mary was referred to as a widow, a very different meaning to what widow means in current society.
The three year period of monastic separation expired in A.D. 36. Physical relations between Jesus and Mary were once again permitted.
As required by messianic rules the next birth took place in A.D. 37. Jesus and Mary had their second child and 1st son. They named him Jesus. The 'word' of God grew and multiplied (acts 12:24).
In AD 44 they had their third and final child. A son they named Joseph.
Gardner reports that Tamar married St, Paul in 53 AD. and they had moved to Athens. The marriage of Jesus Justus is recounted as the Marriage of the Lamb in Revelation 19:7-9. As well as John referring to Jesus as the Word of God (John 1:1, 14), John the Baptist had called him the Lamb of God (John 1:29). These styles - Word and Lamb - became synonymous with Jesus’ heirs in John’s Apocalpse.
Jesus Justus (born AD 33) was aged 36 in AD 73, when his bride was said to have been ‘arrayed in fine linen, clean and white’ at the marriage supper. ‘And he saith unto me ... "I am thy fellow servant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus .. . And his name is called The Word of God’ (Revelation 19:10-13).
His son, Jesus III, was born in AD 77, to become the Alpha and Omega (Revelation 21:16). This was a Sadducee distinction of the House of Herod, which was transferred to the House of David in AD 102 when the Herodian establishment terminated. Jesus Ill was married in AD 113 (again aged 36 in accordance with dynastic custom) pronouncing, ‘I am the root and the offspring of David, the bright and morning star’ (Revelation 22:16). Laurence Gardner - The Magdalene Legacy
The Female gnosis of Sophia was deemed to
be the Holy Spirit, thus represented on Earth by the Magdalene,
who fled into exile bearing the child of Jesus. John in
Revelation 12:1-17, describes Mary and her son, and tells of
her prosecution, her flight into exile and of the continued
Roman hounding of the 'remnant of her seed' ( her descendents).
Bloodline of the Holy Grail - Laurence Gardner
In order to change the history of Jesus and Mary the Roman catholic church chose to discredit Mary Magdalen. To accomplish this they made use of ambiguous comments in the new testament. Comments that described Mary as a sinner, or harlet, the truth of which is that it actually meant she was celibate undergoing assessment in betrothal. Since Mary was Gnostic, the church would have done anything to destroy her credibility and not place her along side Jesus as a Priest or as his wife. On Jesus Secret, link below, you saw a painting of the Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci. Leonardo depicted the disciples correctly and included Mary.
The Divine Mother and her Consort/Savior Son is a strong theme in World Goddess Myth, making Virgin Mary/Mary Magdalen a likely composite. The title of Virgin was often bestowed upon sexually active Goddesses. Sacred Temple Prostitutes were often called Virgins . In addition to children of The Sacred Marriage, a ritual union of a temple priestess and a king willing to die for his people, were often called "virgin born" or "divine children," just as Christ was. As noted on the Virgin page, it is possible that Mother Mary was dedicated to a Goddess temple when she was a child. Perhaps Mother Mary was a temple priestess, thus making Jesus (or Yeshua) a divine child. There is even stronger evidence that Mary Magdalen was a temple priestess, so perhaps this is the true connection between Mother Mary and Mary Magdalen.
Next, Mary is known as a prostitute, just as the Goddess priestesses were titled "Sacred Prostitutes," although a more recent and accurate translation titles them "Sacred Women" or "hierodulae". Such prostitutes were considered evil by Jewish leaders of the time. That Jesus/Yeshua would associate with such a woman would indeed invoke the scorn of his disciples, as is recorded in the New Testament.
Many scholars have documented the fact that Jesus was supported by political zealots who wished to overthrow the Romans and put a Son of David on the throne in Jerusalem. (Numerous Biblical passages also suggest this.) In fact, it is much more likely that Jesus was crucified, not for blasphemy (which was no offense to the Romans), but for sedition. Crucification was the common punishment for insurrectionists, hence the title over his cross, "Jesus Christ, King of the Jews".
If indeed a strong faction of zealots wished to see Yeshua on the
throne, he certainly would have been married to a suitable bride.
Starbird suggests that the Wedding of Cana, where Jesus turned the water
into wine, was actually the symbolic story of his own marriage to Mary of
Bethany. "Cana" is the root for "zealot," and the water into wine may
represent the new covenant for the people of Jerusalem.
Bloodline of the Holy Grail - Lawerence Gardiner
Mary Magdalen died in A.D. 63, aged 60 years old. She died in southern France. This is where some of the Templers and the remaining Essenes went to excape the Romans. The Essenes, the Gnostics and the Templars took with them a Great Secret, a secret that they keep amoung themselves and to this day is known by very few.
More about Mary and her role as a High Priest and a disciple of Jesus.
The Lady of Jesus
The Cathars of the Middle East also are said to have known this secret and they contested the the power and authority of the priests. The power the church claimed to have to forgive sins was nothing more than more control, so the Cathars also went 'underground' because they opposed the secular power of the church. The church offered the reward of two years penance and protection to anyone who killed a Cathar. The Cathars were said to be 'initiates' of knowledge and guardians of the Holi Grail just as the Templars.
We think Jesus and Mary were divorced because of a difference in religious beliefs and they never got back together. The children were seperated and grew up apart from each other. The Rex Deus group was formed to make sure they were protected. We have found several references that Jesus is buried in France, others say in India, others yet say in Greece. But these references say he was 80 years old. The Templar legends say his bones are under the destroyed Jerusalem Temple. No One is really sure.
Mary Magadalen's remains were preserved at the abbey of St Maximus. Charles 11 of Sicily, count of province, disintered Marys skull and upper arm bone in 1279. He then ordered to have them set in gold and silver in which they still remain today. Mary's cave of solitude is to be found nearby at La Sainte Baume.
The man we think is actually Jesus' uncle, Joseph of Arimathea;
also had another very special mission, the protection of the 'Grail Child'
, the daughter of Jesus and Mary. Some records say he was asked
to do this at the 'last supper'. They had to escape the Romans
and Herod.
After Jesus' birth, Mary, Joseph and the 'grail' child went to
Egypt to a community called the Therapeutate, as mentioned
earlier. This is the place where Jesus himself was educated
until age 7. The 'Nazarene' of Egypt. This afforded them safety,
silence and protection.
The Rex Deus sagas recount how the childern of Jesus and Mary
were parted in an attempt to protect the bloodline.
Jesus went another direction with Judas Thomas Didymus, his twin
brother. They sought the protection of King Abgar of Edessa, in India,
who was a supporter of Jesus.
Mary Magdalen was with child at the time they left Israel
and gave birth to their daughter in France.
More on the meaning of the cards.. The Tarot Deck and the Knights Templar.
Of course the red dragon with seven heads was Imperial Rome with it's seven kings. These Kings were Romulas, Numa Pompilius, Tullius Hostilius, Ancus Marcius, Lucius Tarquinius Priscus, Severius Tullius and Tarquinius Superbus.
Joseph of Arimathea - Jesus's Uncle;
It would appear that "Joseph" made his cash in the jasmine oil
business, was a rich man, a member of the Sanhedrin.
The Sanhedrin; supreme national tribunal of the Jews,
established at the time of the Maccabees. It consisted of 71
members and was presided over by the Nasi (Hebrew, "prince"),
at whose side stood Ab-Beth-Din (Hebrew, "father of the
tribunal"). Two similar bodies may have existed: a secular
Sanhedrin dominated by the Sadducees of which the high priest
was the Nasi and a religious one governed as a democracy of
scholars according to Pharisaic ideology.
It is possible that the latter body was a descendant of the
Great Sanhedrin. The limits of the Sanhedrin's jurisdiction,
and much else concerning the ruling body, are not known, but
apparently at one time the supreme decision
over life and death was in its hands... from encarta on-line.
There is a story of Joseph of Arimathea and the young Jesus who went to Glastonbury in the west of England. The legend contends that it is Jesus, the young son of Jesus that walked upon England's pastures green. To hide this son, the groups that protected him practiced what ever the prevailing religion of the country was. After the Jerusalem Temple fell, these families had the responsibility and the sacred duty of passing on the knowledge of the hiding places of the treasures of the Temple in Jerusalem. This group became known as members of the Desposyni or the descendents of the 'Master'. Desposyni, as listed in Vatican records, was only those persons in the bloodline with Jesus through his mother. That means James, Jose, Simeon, Jude and Thomas were all Mary's sons. The protectors of this group were called "Rex Deus".
Is it conceivable that two thousand years ago Jesus and members of His family came to ancient Caledonia, now Scotland. This extraordinary possibility is examined in detail by Scottish based author Barry Dunford, after having extensively researched this fascinating and intriguing scenario. His book reveals that there has been a monumental historical cover up surrounding the real Jesus story and the true purpose behind His spiritual mission.
Andrew the Meek, the brother of blessed Peter, whom He appointed to be our leader and patron Saint for ever." This document which was based on ancient Scottish records, clearly reveals that St. Andrew was specifically charged with a mission to carry the message of Christ to Scotland by Jesus Himself. This presupposes that Jesus personally knew of the existence of ancient Caledonia and considered it of sufficient importance to send a leading Apostle there.
Proof; Lection 6 16. AND after a time he
went into Assyria and India and into
Persia and into the land of the Chaldeans. And he visited their
temples and conversed with their priests, and their wise men
for many years, doing many wonderful works, healing the sick as
he passed through their countries..
The Childhood And Youth Of Iesus the Christ.
This story revolves around the coming to the British Isles of Joseph of Arimathea and Lazarus on a secret Essene mission after the crucifixion of the historical figure known as Jesus of Nazareth. With them was a small band of relatives including several women initiates. This small group may have come to Scotland, to a place now known as Fortingall where is to be found a very ancient yew tree, which is believed to be the oldest tree in Europe. Aerial photographs of the village of Fortingall suggest that a monastic settlement may subsequently have been established here, possibly for the dissemination of an ancient mystery tradition centred around the Christ teaching.
This from Knights Templar SMOTJ
"Over the porch lintel is a bizarre inscription, 'THIS PLACE IS
TERRIBLE'. A statue of the demon Asmodeus 'guards' near the door. The plaques
depicting the Stations of the Cross contain bizarre
inconsistencies. One shows a child swathed in Scottish plaid.
Another has Pontius Pilate wearing a veil. Sts.
Joseph and Mary are each depicted holding a Christ child, as if
to allude to the old legend that Christ had a twin. Other
statues are of rather esoteric saints in unusual postures: St.
Roch displays his wounded thigh (like the Grail King
Anfortas), St. Anthony the Hermit holds a closed book, St.
Germaine releases a bevy of roses from her apron, and the
Magdalen is shown holding a vase.
Steve Mizrach ; The Mysteries of Rennes-le-Château
and the Prieure du Sion
Saunière died in 1917, leaving the 'secret' of where he got his fabulous wealth to his housekeeper, Marie Dernaud, who promised to reveal it on her deathbed - but sadly she had a stroke which left her paralyzed and unable to speak before her death in 1953. Speculation was rife on the source of the parish priest's money. Was it the lost treasure of the Templars or the Cathars in the area? Might it have been buried Visigothic gold? Was he being paid by the Hapsburgs or some other government for his services? Did he know the lost goldmaking secrets of alchemy? Or was he blackmailing the Church with some terrible secret? The evidence that points to the last possibility is that Saunière's confession before his death was so shocking that the priest who heard it denied him absolution and last rites. ..more on Knights Templar
Johannine Church; This could have formed the basis of a Johannine Grail 'Hidden' Church which incorporated the mystery teaching of St. John the Evangelist. The Cathari wore a copy of John the Babtist's gospel concealed under their garments on a cord tied around their waists as they journeyed to their secret meeting places.
Apparently, as a result of a fusion between this Essenic group and elements of a pre-existing Druid magi, this Johannine Church developed through a monastic line which became known in Celtic Britain as the Culdees, a term originating from the gaelic 'culdich' which translates both as 'servants of the Lord' and 'certain strangers'.
In her book, Celt, Druid and Culdee, the author, Isabel Hill Elder, states: "John Colgan, the celebrated hagiologist and topographer, translates Culdich 'Quidam Advanae' - certain strangers - particularly strangers from a distance; this would seem an unaccountable interpretation of the name for these early Christians were it not for the statement of Freculphus [Bishop of Lisieux, France, during the ninth century] that certain friends and disciples of our Lord, in the persecution that followed His Ascension, found refuge in Britain in A.D. 37."
The author traces the extraordinary genealogical tapestry of the Christic Grail descent from the family of the antedeluvian patriarch Noah through to the immediate Jesus family circle. The Celto-Hebraic origins of the family of Christ are shown to be directly associated with Scotland, formerly ancient Caledonia, thus giving rise to its appellation as the Holy Land.
This also gives the proof for the basis of the orgins of the Knights Templar, who's first members, in particular Godfroi de Bouillon, was a direct descendent of Jesus ( 17 generations removed ). see the Knights Templar link.
"Godfroi was, by legend, a member of the Grail Family, and by
lineage a Merovingian and apparently, rightful King of Jerusalem
by his descent from David. It is clear that he was aware of this.
When he left for the first crusade, he sold all of his property.
He intended to stay in Jerusalem. Godfroi was close to de Payen
and the count of Champagne, and Baudoin [his brother] was
integral to the founding of the Templars."
J.J. Collins, "Sangraal, The Mystery of the Holy Grail"
In the 11th Century there is recorded a princess named Margaret who is the daughter of the deposed true saxton heirs to the throne of England. She sought refuge in Hungary. She then traveled to Scotland to marry King Malcom Canmore. The King chose her because of her 'bloodline'. Two Templers guarded her on this journey, One Scottish and the other Hungarian. The Scottish knight was given a guift of land, for the safe arrival of the Kings new wife. Who is the Scottish Knight?
Our findings that are NOT in the KJB
Jesus and the Muslim connection
is highly regarded in Islamic tradition as born of the Virgin
Mary and as a prophet restating divine religion. His miracles
and institution of the Eucharist are attested
in the Qur'an. Muslims do not believe that Jesus died on the
cross. Unable to accept that crucifixion could serve the
purposes of God, Islamic tradition holds that someone else died
in his place, while Jesus was taken by God to
return at the end of time to judge all people.
As we reprinted exerpts from the Nag Hammidi at
The Second Treatise of the Great Seth
, this story becomes truth. It is also reflected in the
Gnostic teachings. He says this, " - it is slavery that
we shall die with Christ". It was my going to the revealed height
which the world did not accept, my third baptism in a revealed
"After we ( Seth/Christ and the holy 12 ) went forth from our home (heaven), and came down to this world, and came into being in the world in bodies, we were hated and persecuted, not only by those who are ignorant, but also by those who think that they are advancing the name of Christ, since they were unknowingly empty, not knowing who they are, like dumb animals. They persecuted those who have been liberated by me, since they hate them - those who, should they shut their mouth, would weep with a profitless groaning because they did not fully know me. lnstead, they served two masters, even a multitude."
"For it was ludicrous. It is I who bear witness that it was
ludicrous, since the archons do not know that
it is an ineffable union of undefiled truth, as exists among the
sons of light, of
which they ( the dead men ) made an imitation, having proclaimed a doctrine of a
dead man ( Paul ) and lies so as to resemble the freedom and purity of
the perfect assembly, (and)
And he says this,"I did not succumb to them as they had
planned. But I was not afflicted at all. Those who were there
punished me. And I did not die in reality but in appearance,
lest I be put to shame by them because these are my kinsfolk.
I removed the shame from me and I did not become fainthearted
in the face of what happened to me at their hands. I was about
to succumb to fear, and I (suffered) according to their sight
and thought, in order that they may never find any word to speak
about them. For my death, which they think happened, (happened)
to them in their error and blindness, since they nailed their
man unto their death. For their Ennoias did not see me, for
they were deaf and blind. But in doing these things, they
condemn themselves. Yes, they saw me; they punished me. It was
another, their father (Master), who drank the gall and the vinegar; it
was not I. They struck me with the reed; it was another, Simon,
who bore the cross on his shoulder. I was another upon Whom
they placed the crown of thorns. But I was rejoicing in the
height over all the wealth of the archons and the offspring of
their error, of their empty glory. And I was laughing at their
( The gall and vinegar saved his
life ) see the link below, "the Resurrection".
As for Jesus' death on the Cross, it is perfectly plain this was spiritual death, not physical death, as determined by the three-day rule that everybody in the first century reading this would have understood. In civil and legal terms, Jesus was already dead when he was placed on the Cross. He was denounced, scourged, prepared for death by decree. Today, we call this "excommunication".
For three days Jesus would have been nominally sick, ( just as we described Lazerus ) with absolute death coming on the fourth day. On that day he would be entombed, buried alive; but during the first three days he could be 'raised' or 'resurrected'. In fact, he predicted that he would. Raisings and resurrections (apart from the fact that Jesus once flouted the rule, and that it was called a miracle) could only be performed by the High Priest or by the Father of the Community.
The High Priest at that time was Joseph Caiaphas, the very man who condemned Jesus; therefore the raising had to be performed by the patriarchal Father. There are Gospel accounts of Jesus talking to the Father from the Cross, culminating in "Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit", and at that time we know from the listings that the appointed Father was the Magian apostle Simon Zelotes. We have been taught that Jesus' physical death was proved by the blood and water that flowed when he was pierced by the spear, but this has been very badly translated. The original word does not translate to "pierced"; it translates to "pricked" or to "scratched". This in turn was mistranslated into the Latin verb "to open", and into the English word "pierced".
They were not primitive times. They were times when there were doctors, medical men; there were even forms of hospital. And we can see that, just like today, the test for reflex action was scratching, prodding or pricking the skin with a sharp instrument. I have in my possession a letter from a surgeon of the British Medical Council. It says: "Medically, the outflow of water is impossible to explain. Blood flowing from a stab wound is evidence of life, not death. It would take a large, gaping laceration for any drop of blood to flow from a dead body because there is no vascular action." So let's look further; let's look at what the Gospels actually said. Joseph of Arimathea took down Jesus' body from the Cross. In fact, the word that was translated to the English word "body" was the Greek word soma, meaning "live body". The alternative word denoting "dead body" or "corpse" would have been ptoma.
Jesus very apparently survived, and this is explicitly maintained in other books. Even the Koran says that Jesus survived the Crucifixion. During that Friday afternoon when Jesus was on the Cross, there was a three-hour-forward time change. Time was recorded then by sundials and by priests who marked the hours by a sequence of measured prayer sessions. In essence, there were daytime hours and there were night-time hours. Today we have a twenty-four-hour day. In John, Jesus said: "Are there not twelve hours in a day?" Yes, there were twelve hours in a day and there were twelve hours in the night, and daytime started at sunrise. From time to time the beginning of daytime changed; thus the beginning of night-time changed.
In March, the beginning of daytime would have been somewhere round about six o'clock in the morning, as we know it. We know that Joseph of Arimathea negotiated with Pontius Pilate to have Jesus removed from the Cross after a few hours of hanging. The Gospels don't actually agree on the sequence of events here: some use the time before the time change; some use the time after the time change. But three hours disappeared from the day, to be replaced with three night-time hours. Daylight hours were substituted by hours of darkness. The land fell into darkness for three hours, we are told in the Gospels.
Today we would simply, in a split second, add three night-time hours to the day. But these three hours were the crux of every single event that followed, because the Hebrew lunarists made their change during the daytime. The solarists, of which the Essenes and the Magi were factions, did not make their change until midnight-which actually means that according to the Gospel that relates to Hebrew time, Jesus was crucified at the third hour; but in the other, solar time he was crucified at the sixth hour.
On that evening the Hebrews began their Sabbath at the
old nine o'clock, but the Essenes and Magians still had three
hours to go before the Sabbath. It was those three hours that
enabled them to work with, on and for Jesus, during a period of
time in which nobody else was allowed to undertake any physical
work whatsoever. Jesus was not under this Jewish command. see
"The Real Resurrection".
What really happened to Jesus at the
And so we come to probably one of the most misunderstood events of the Bible, and from there we'll move on, beyond the Bible period through history, to tell what happened concerning the birth of Jesus and Mary's child in September AD 30. Given that this was the very month in which Mary Magdalene's child was due, is there perhaps some connection between Mary's confinement and the so-called Ascension? From the moment of a dynastic birth, the parents were physically separated-for seven years if the child was a boy, and for three years if the child was a girl. Their marriage would only be recommenced at the designated time of restitution. Meanwhile, the mother and child would enter the equivalent of a convent, and the father would enter "the Kingdom of Heaven". This Kingdom of Heaven was actually the Essene High Monastery at Mird, by the Dead Sea, and the ceremony of entry was conducted by the angelic priests under the supervision of the appointed Leader of the Pilgrims.
The Ascension; What the text actually says is: "And when he had spoken these things...he was taken up, and a cloud received him out of their sight." It then continues that "a man in white" said to the disciples: "Why stand ye gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus...shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go." Then, a little later in the Acts, it says that "heaven" must receive Jesus until "the time of restitution".
The Month of September AD 30 coincided with Simon Zelotes (Lazarus) being formally installed as the Father of the Essene Commumity, at which juncture Jesus was admitted to the priesthood - a ritual in which he 'figuratively' ascended into heaven.
Although recognized by many as the Davidic Messiah, Jesus had long enough sought entry into the inner sanctum of the senior Qumran priests - the high monastery at Mird, known as the Kingdom Heaven. With Simon in office, Jesus’ wish was granted. He was ordained and conveyed to Heaven by the Leader of the Pilgrims who was, by way of Old Testament imagery, designated as the 'Cloud'. A cloud had led the ancient Israelites into the Promised Land (Exodus 13:21-22) and the appearance of God to Moses on Mount Saini had been accompanied by a cloud (Exodus 19:16 ). Consequently, in respect of priestly communication with God, the term cloud (Exodus 16:16)was retained as a symbolic designation within the fraternity of Qumran.
Jesus' elevation to the priesthood is recorded in the New Testament by the
event generally known as the Ascension. Not only did Jesus speek himself in
parables, the Gospel writers did the same, applying allegories and parallels
that were meaningful to ‘those with ears to hear' - those who knew the scribal
codes. Thus, passages of the Gospel which seem to be straightforward narrative
(no matter how apparently supernatural their contexts) are also parables.
Jesus said to the disciples; (Mark 4:11-12) Unto you it is given to know of the
kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in
parables: That seeing theymay see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear,
and not understand.
Although it has become a commonly used description for Jesus’ priestly elevation, the term Ascension is not used in The Acts. It is simply stated: ‘And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up, and a cloud received him out of their sight’ (Acts 1:9).
As Jesus departed into the holy realm of Heaven, two angelic priests
announced that he would eventually return to the earthly state:
'Behold, two men stood by them, in white apparel, which also said, Ye men
of Galilee, Why stand ye gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus which is
taken up ... shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go' (Acts 1:10-11).
And so it was that six months after his Resurrection, Jesus left the everyday
world for three years, during which period (Mary Magdalene, the mother of his
child, would have no physical contact with him.)
Lawrence Gardiner
-The Magdalene Lagacy
According to Hebrews 3:1 and 5:6, Jesus was initiated at that time (September AD 30) into the priestly Order of Melchizedek. Bearing mind that this was six months after his resurrection, it is wholly apparent Jesus was still alive, and indeed remained so throughout the period of The Acts of the Apostles wherein his travels and meetings recorded.
In the Old Testament book of Exodus, the Israelite pilgrims were led into the Holy Land by a "cloud"-and in accordance with this continued Exodus imagery, the priestly Leader of the Pilgrims was designated with the title "Cloud". So, if we now read the Acts verses as they were intended to be understood, we see that Jesus was taken up by the Cloud (the Leader of the Pilgrims) to the Kingdom of Heaven (the High Monastery). And the man in white (an angelic priest) said that Jesus would return at the time of restitution (when his Earthly marriage was restored) Which would have been 7 years.
The historian Mullah Nadini (1413) also recounts a story of Yuz Asaf who was a contemporary to King Gopadatta, and confirms that he also used the name Issar, ie. Jesus. There is also much historical truth in the towns and villages of Northern India to prove that Jesus and his mother Mary spent time in the area. For instance, at the border of a small town called Mari, there is nearby a mountain called Pindi Point, upon which is an old tomb called Mai Mari da Asthan or "The final resting place of Mary". The tomb is said to be very old and local Muslims venerate it as the grave of Issa's (ie Christ's) Mother. The tomb itself is oriented East-West consistent with the Jewish tradition, despite the fact it is within a Muslim area. Assuming its antiquity, such a tomb could not be Hindu either since the Hindus contemporary to Christ cremated their dead and scattered their ashes as do Hindus today.
Following Christ's trail into Kashmir, 40km south of Srinagar, between the villages of Naugam and Nilmge is a meadow called Yuz-Marg (the meadow of Yuz Asaf, ie. Jesus). Then there is the sacred building called Aish Muqam, 60km south east of Srinagar and 12km from Bij Bihara. "Aish" says Kersten is derived from "Issa" and "Muqam" place of rest or repose. Within the Aish Muqam is a sacred relic called the 'Moses Rod' or the 'Jesus Rod', which local legend says, belonged to Moses himself. Christ is said to also have held it, perhaps to confirm his Mosaic heritage. Above the town of Srinagar is a temple known as "The Throne of Solomon", which dates back to at least 1000 BC, which King Gopadatta had restored at about the same time as Christ's advent.
The restoration was done by a Persian architect who personally left
four inscriptions on the side steps of the temple. The third and fourth
inscription read: "At this time Yuz Asaf announced his prophetic calling in
Year 50 and 4" and "He is Jesus -- Prophet of the Sons of Israel"!
Herein lies a powerful confirmation of Kersten's theory. Kersten
suggests that Christ may have travelled to the South of India also,
finally returning to Kashmir to die at the age of approximately 80 years.
Christ's tomb, says Kersten, lies in Srinagar's old town in a
building called Rozabal. "Rozabal" is an abbreviation of Rauza Bal,
meaning "tomb of a prophet". At the entrance there is an
inscription explaining that Yuz Asaf is buried along with another Moslem saint.
Both have gravestones which are oriented in North-South
direction, according to Moslem tradition.
However, through a small opening the true burial chamber can be
seen, in which there is the Sarcophagus of
Yuz Asaf in East-West (Jewish) orientation!
from..The Synopsis
of "Jesus Lived In India" by Kersten Holger
As we described above, there is a tomb in Srinagar in India, with the name Yuz Asaf inscribed upon it. One inscription on the tomb reads, "He is Jesus, prophet of the sons of Isreal", referring to Yuz Asaf. The tomb is called, "the tomb of Hazrat Issa Sahib", meaning the tomb of the Lord Jesus.
There is also another tomb on the border of Kashmir,
in a town called Mari. This grave has been honored for ages and
is called' "the Mai Mari da Asthan, the
"Final Resting Place of Mother Mary". The Islamic population
revers the tomb as that of the mother of Jesus.
Jesus lived in India, Kersten Hulger, Element 1994
The Moslem Koran therefore teaches that Jesus did not die on the cross.
He lived in India for the rest of his earthly days.
Thomas the 'twin' and his son Jesus were with him.
They seem to have proof of the Mother Mary's residence in INDIA because also in scripture we find.. Then the blessed Thomas told them how he was singing mass in India-he still had on his sacerdotal robes. He, knowing the word of God, had been brought to the grave and saw the most holy body of the blessed ( Mother ) Mary going up into heaven, and prayed her to give him a blessing. She heard his prayer, and threw him her girdle which she had about her. And the apostles seeing the belt which they had put about her, glorifying God, all asked pardon of the blessed Thomas, on account of the benediction which the blessed Mary had given him, and because he had seen the most holy body going up into heaven.
"Jesus In India" is an English version of Masih Hindustan Mein, an Urdu treatise written by the Holy Founder of the Ahmadiyya movement in Islam, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1835-1908). The main thesis expounded in the treatise is Jesus' escape from an ignominious death on the cross and his subsequent journey to India in search of the lost tribes of Israel, whom he had to gather into his fold as mentioned in the New Testament. from.. Jesus lived in India
FACT; Jesus attended the Temple School for boys in Jerusalem when he was 7 years old. Before that the family was in Egypt. Jesus attended a school of a very old Nazarene sect called Therapeutae, a far older esoteric healing sect who inhabited part of the Nile Delta near Alexanria. The schools creed was "give me a child until the age of seven and he shall be mine for life". This enunciated from the Jesuits some 1500 years earlier.
Lost Years of Jesus Christ Ancient scrolls reveal that Jesus spent seventeen years in the Orient. From age thirteen to age twenty-nine, he was both student and teacher. The story of his pilgrimmage from Jerusalem to Benares was recorded by Brahmanistic historians. Today they still know him and love him as St. Issa. Their buddha.Legends also trace the origins of a British Church of Christ, at least in part, to the presence of Joseph of Arimathea,(Gardner calls him James, the younger brother of Jesus) the uncle of Jesus Himself, in ancient Britain and at Glastonbury in particular. The Father of Eurgen (matriarch of the Fisher Kings ) was the most important king in the history of christianity in Britain. Fourth in descent from James, he was called Lucius, and it was he who built the first tower on Glastonbury Tor in the 2nd century.
Food for thought...The Christ and The Cross are exactly the same. How can a Cross die?
All religions believed in a future life, to be attained by purification and trials; in a state or successive states of reward and punishment; and in a Mediator or Redeemer, by whom the Evil Principle was to be overcome and the Supreme Deity reconciled to His creatures. The belief was general that He was to be born of a virgin and suffer a painful death. The Hindus called him Krishna; the Chinese, Kioun-tse; the Persians, Sosiosch; the Chaldeans, Dhouvanai; the Egyptians, Horus; Plato, Love; the Scandinavians, Balder; the Christians, Jesus.
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