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Along with other skeptics, we will show you why the 'codes' are false, up to a point.
The God we are dealing with thinks he is the only God. He does not acknowledge another. We
have covered all the ancient texts that prove there is a Higher Power.
We have called him Enki and Ptah and we associated Marduk, Thoth, Enoch, Noah, and Moses
with the God of Turth and Knowledge. We have given the examples of how he chose to save Noah
and his family from destruction.. We have shown how he sent us Jesus, Buddah, and Krishna,
sons of piece and love.
This False God is given to think he is in charge of all the decisions that effect mankind.
Sometimes he does the right thing and sometimes he doesn't. He proclaims himself the
'Judge' of right and wrong or Good and Evil.
Therefore it seems logical that this God doesn't like Jesus, Enki, Marduk,Thoth, Osiris,
Moses, Solomon or anyone else that doesn't OBEY and comply with his demands. We have gone over
the refusal of the Egyptians, in particular Ham, Cush and Nimrod to do things His way. We have
shown how Israel worshipped him and thought him to be the true God. He is called Yehwah, Jehovah
ect. He hovers over mankind like an Eagle searching for prey.
We searched the codes and found one thing is clear. Anything to do with the Templars or
freemasons is considered evil. He even condemns America. We do not know what the time frame
is in any of these codes unless it is stated.
Judgement of America -
York in blood - they were consumed - Terror from G- Bush will be informed - Their judgement is fufilled -
Elul - New - 2000 - 2001 - for Babel
You will bury - America, He condemned.
more words in this code; judgment, 2012-2013(Sept 2012 - Sept 2013), hit, shoot, sling, holocaust,
black race, internment, detention, arrest, doom, death.
From 2010. Holocaust of America,
a desolation!
For you, God will destroy the United States.
Where? - From USA westward. (Yellowstone volcano)
Priory of Sion
Freemasonry is evil;
from the evidence. - Daughter of Belial.
Freemasonry, they trampled,
they brought down.
Freemasonry -
They burnt their children in the fire as sacrifices to Adrammelech.
This is very disturbing...
from the back, B. Obama
Shooting of Obama
Extend! From Yah a light;
Barack Obama is the death!
Suspicion of an Obama
assassination is in him, as in them, what a pity for your wickedness; this is the cult! But those that
seek my soul, to destroy it shall go into the nethermost parts of the earth.
A few of the more interesting ones.
This enemy Bin Laden is dead
in a sacred chamber, Shechem (Nablus). And he shall be a wild ass of a man: His hand shall be againt
every man; and every mans hand against him; and he shall dwell in the face of his brethren.
The main events are included in the following table, which also contains details from
the passage system as a whole.
We don't agree with the date the pyramid was built.
Symbolism |
Possible Meaning |
2623 BC
of passage system
2141 BC |
Star alignment.
lines on walls.
Abraham born 2166 BC (source Ryrie) |
1453 BC |
New upward path begins. |
Exodus. |
797-765 BC |
Formative favourable time. |
13th Jubilee in Israel. |
592-559 BC |
Formative unfavourable time. |
Destruction of Solomon's Temple.
384-352 BC |
Formative favourable time. |
2 BC |
Birth of central Messianic figure. |
Jesus. |
29 AD |
Preparation of Messiah completed. |
Baptism of Jesus? |
33 AD |
Achievement of full enlightenment. Beginning of path of the enlightened. |
Crucifixion. |
46-58 AD |
Mission of lesser Messiah. |
Missionary journeys of Paul. |
58-82 AD |
Period of physical death and destruction. |
Most of
the followers of Jesus are killed. |