"Daylight Lodge #760
F&AM Freemasonry Around the World Award"

"The Lodge of Renewal's" "Masonic Excellence Award"
Award Issued on 1/27/05
Award issued January 26th, 2005

" King Edward Lodge 2005 Web Excellence Award"
Award issued to Hiram Discovered
Award Issued on 1/26/2005
Awarded issued on Jan. 28th, 2005
Award issued on Jan. 28th, 2005

”WML Award 2005”
Making Good Men Better
Oak Forest Lodge #1398
awarded Feb 10th, 2005
Waller Masonic Lodge #808
awarded Feb 10th, 2005
Hempsted Masonic Lodge # 749
awarded Feb 10th, 2005
Small Town Texas Masons
awarded Feb 10th, 2005
Congratulations on a great Web-Site Awarded on February 16th, 2005

Helena Masons
Web Award 2005 issued Feb 19th, 2005

Valley of Toledo Award issued by Pete Baker Feb 20th, 2005
Lodge St. Andrew No: 518 Working Tools Masonic Web Award
Award Issued on 03/08/2005
award issued 04/22/05 by Bro Drew Baltuskonis