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Little was known about the Gnostics or Essenes until the Dead Sea Scrolls were found
in 1947 and the Nag Hammidi collection surfaced in 1945. More and more information is now
surfacing that indicates our known history about Jesus, his life and his real mission may be
totaly incorrect and perhaps even outright lies. We attempt here to expose some of them.
Having been founded to prepare a 'channel' for the Messiah, the Essenes
tribe descended from the Nasoreans and they claim that John was
the originator of their sect. The sect was made up of direct
decendents of Zodakian Priests called the 'Sons of Zodak'.
The genealogy was carried from the Royal line of
David, Moses and Aaron to the families in the Essene community.
This nucleus formed the Essene-style community known
as Qumran. Qumran is also called' the wilderness' in the
King James bible because it was 'seperate'
and away from any other Jewish community.
Mary, Joseph, John's Mother Elizabeth and her husband
Zacharias, also lived in this 'closed community'.
New members were only taken in if they requested admittance and agree
to follow the teachings and beliefs of the group.
They had a mystical "high church" located in a temple on Mount
The Essenes planned for the arrivial of 'The One to Come', by taking
in and training a class of twelve girls, seeking
the one to be the Mother of the Christ. Zacharias was slain when
he foretold the the birth of Jesus as he stood
at the alter in the orthodox church. The term Essene meant
"Jesus of Nazareth was an Essene. Joachim and Anna, the
parents of the virgin Mary, were both from renowned Essene was a long-standing tradition among the Essenes
that the Messiah would be born into an Essene family."
"Two hundred years before the birth of
Yahowshua, the head priest of the Essenes, known as the "Teacher
of Righteousness", had a vision: An angel (prophet) told him that a great
Avatar, the Christ Messiah, would come to Earth through the
Essenes. But for this to occur, according to the angel
the Essenes must follow certain practices in order to create a
physical body capable of withstanding the powerful vibrations of
the Christ Spirit, as well as a group energy powerful enough to
open an energy vortex" or "doorway" into this space-time
" Rev Michael Robinson,
in the Winter issue of "The Essene Path", provides related information.
"Essene prophets who were attuned to the will of the Almighty, by virtue
of their Holy meditations and their lifestyle of Righteousness,
prepared for generations for the arrival of the Messiah of
Peace. Genealogies were consulted and candidates were chosen
and raised to a holy life. Pure diet, free of the taint
of death and blood as well as training in the Essene mysteries,
brought forth children of a Holy nature, from which new candidates were chosen."
The girls were taught that life was more than merely
agreeing to bodily passions and that they dedicate their minds and bodies to a higher purpose.
There was rigorous physical and mental training of the parents
and the girls of the selected twelve. Each girl had to be perfect
in body and mind and each one represented a tribe of Israel.
They were trained in exercises relating to purity, love, patience, and endurance.
The special diet they ate was handed down from
Egypt with special foods that balanced the body's forces.
..from the writings of Edgar Cayce"....the Essenes ...
"dedicated their lives, their minds, their bodies to a purpose,
to a seeking for that which had been to them a promise of old....
Hence, there was the continued preparation and
dedication of those who might be the channels through which this chosen
vessel might enter through choice -- into this material realm.
Thus in Carmel -- where there were the chief priests and leaders
of this faith -- there were the maidens
chosen who were dedicated to this purpose....Among them was Mary,
the beloved, the chosen one."
Still the general Messianic promises made to the house of
David cannot be frustrated: "The Lord Himself shall give you a
sign. Behold a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and his
name shall be called Emmanuel. He shall eat butter and honey,
that he may know to refuse the evil and to choose the good. For
before the child know to refuse the evil,
and to choose the good, the land which thou abhorrest shall be
forsaken of the face of her two kings."
The Ruins of Qumran
The site of Qumran ruins (Khirbet Qumran) had been occupied at
various times in antiquity. At a low level were found the
remains of walls and pottery from Iron Age II (8-7th centuries
BCE). A deep circular cistern also belongs to this period
(centuries later it was incorporated in an elaborate system of
aqueducts and reservoirs). Probably this was the site known as
the Biblical "Ir ha-Melah" - City of Salt.
In approximately 130 BCE new occupants cleared the circular
cistern, added two rectangular cisterns, constructed a few
rooms, and installed two pottery kilns. 30 years later two- and
three-storey buildings were added, and an elaborated
water-collecting system was constructed (incorporated the
earlier ones) consisting of cisterns connected by channels and
supplied by aqueduct from a dam. There is a vast evidence that
the manuscripts discovered in the Qumran caves belonged to the
library of the occupants of the site in this period - a small
hermit community referred as the Dead Sea Sect.
During the Jewish War the place was apparently stormed by
Romans and ruined, and then occupied by a Roman garrison for
20 years. Bar-Kokhba fighters occupied the ruins in 132-135 CE.
see Qumran
The link between the scrolls and the Essenes has been
ascertained through a comparison of the sectarian writings with
descriptions of the Essenes found in the first-century writings
of Philo, Josephus and Pliny the Elder. Although discrepancies
exist between the accounts, the similarities are striking and
have convinced most researchers that the Dead Sea sect and the
Essenes are one and the same.
The group that lived in the Qumran Community had withdrawn
from the main stream of Isreal and it's temple and 'went into
the wilderness'. Here Jesus lived for three years when he was
around the age of 30. The community to which the Dead Sea Scrolls
apparently belonged occupied Qumran around 130 BCE to 70 CE,
and possibly lived also in other places in the region. The name
"Dead Sea Sect" was given to it because the main knowledge of
the sect derives from these manuscripts.
The Damascus Document, Geniza manuscript
A1. 4-10 says the teacher of the righteous, began his
oppositional career by preaching against the Jerusalem establishment
whom he accused of deceit, graft, exploitation of the poor and
failure to understand the true meanings of the prophetic writings.
[ And they still don't ]
Since we know that John preached against the Jerusalem
church also, he was also called the 'Teacher of the Righteous',
or were there two teachers? Perhaps James.
John was the High Priest, therefore he was higher in authority than Jesus.
It seems that only the High Priest was called by this title
of 'Jesus' or Joshua. Our page on John the Baptist reveals this usage.
The "High Priest" was in charge over all and the Master did the teaching and initiating.
James 'the Just', Jesus' brother, was a member of this
community, and became the leader of the Messianiac church called,
'Nasorean'. It has been established that after John's death,
James was the Priestly Messiah and
Jesus was the Kingly Messiah. James was the 'right hand pillar'
and Jesus was the 'left hand pillar' and he sat on 'the left
hand of God'. James was much more reserved and quietly lead the
church where as Jesus made alot more noise and at one point
announced himself as both the priestly and the kingly pillars of
the church.
It is a fact that
John the Baptist
taught Jesus, James and possibly the order of the twelve disciples, the laws of the
'Brotherhood'. Since John was a member of the Mandaeans of
southern Iraq this tradition was passed down from Elijah in
800 BC. The Mandaeans are still around and they claim John to be
the real Messiah. They are a small group situated on the
northern border of Iraq and south-west Iran. The name Mandaean
literally means Gnostic. The priests are called Nasoreans.
Many were killed by Saddam Hussein in the months after the
Gulf War. They call themselves 'St John Christians'
and they have a sacred book called 'the Ginza see
Order of
Nazorean Essenes
There were two ancient branches of the Essenes - the
northern Nazoreans (at Carmel and Bethany Beyond Jordan),
and the southern Ossaeans (around the Dead Sea). These were
different Essene Sects and neither one was "Jewish" and neither
one wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls. The description of the Essenes
found in historical writings by Philo, Josephus, and Hyppolytus
concentrate on the Ossaean rather than the Nazorean Sect.
However the Nazoreans are mentioned by Josephus when he writes.
"Moreover, there is another order of Essenes, who agree with
the rest as to their way of living, and customs, and laws, but
differ from them in the point of marriage, as thinking that by
not marrying they cut off the principal part of human life,
which is the prospect of succession; nay, rather, that if all
men should be of the same opinion, the whole race of mankind
would fail. "Wars of the Jews Book II Chapter 8, 13.
Thus we learn that the Ossaean customs (except for
attitudes toward woman and marriage) spoken of in Philo,
Josephus, and Hyppolytus also apply to the Nazoreans.
Epiphanius also tells us that these two sects are
"closely connected" and that both rejected the Jewish Bible.
A full restoration of primitive Christianity necessitates
an understanding of both and a rejection of the false
assumption that Jesus was raised as, and was a reformer of,
the Jewish religion. Jesus was not Jewish nor did He accept the
Bible as true! Jesus was a vegetarian of the Gnostic Nazorean
sect and the New Testament is not an authentic or accurate
portrayal of his life or teachings!
The Nazorean branch of the ancient Essenoi Order originated
in Wadi Essiah (Essene Canyon) on Mount Karmel in northern
Israel and at Wadi Kharrar (Betharbara) in southern Jordan. In
the ninth century BC. Liliukh (known as Elijah in the Jewish
Bible) and Lalaitha (known as Lilith in the Jewish writings)
began the Order at these two locations near pure springs of
water. Eventually a Nazorean Monastery developed in both
locales. It was in these Essene Nazorean Monasteries that
Yeshu (known as Jesus to modern Christians) was conceived,
probably born, and raised to adulthood. Miryai later converted
into this Nazorean sect from Judaism. The New Testament is a
corrupted and fabricated document only loosely based on more
authentic Essene texts. Understanding the Essene Nazorean sect
is crucial to rediscovering the original Jesus! (The Order
of Nazorean Essenes concentrates on this ancient expression of
truth during her Pashaltide Season.)
The Essenes, are described as 'The Pious Ones',
and were a mysterious and solemn group who accounted for one of three leading Jewish sects
which flourished in the second century BCE. There were about four thousand in number and
they lived along the west side of the Dead Sea. The group arose around 150 BC and disappeared
towards the end of the first century. They worshiped one God and held great reverence for Moses,
angles and the sun. They lived and functioned as a community which emphasized working for
the good of the entire group.
The Essenes celebrated meals as a community and practiced some untraditional customs. These
included their refusal to trade, the rejection of marriage,
and silence during meals. Membership was contingent upon a three
year period of trial and training which focused on the
concepts of obedience and secrecy. Many scholars believe that the
Essenes are the writers of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Douglas, J.D. NIV Compact Dictionary of the Bible 1989by Laura
Reynolds Department of Theology, University of Notre Dame
Part of the Dead Sea Scrolls are still missing; This is first evidenced by
a team of Catholic scholars originally led by Dominican friar Roland de Vaux, taking control of the
Dead Sea Scrolls after their discovery
in 1947. Prior to 1967, the Scrolls were housed in the Rockefeller Museum (formerly known as
the Palestine Archaeological Museum) in Jerusalem. After the Six Day War, the Scrolls were moved
to the Shrine of the Book, at the Israel Museum under the strict control of Catholic authorities.
In recent years, Robert Eisenman
and (his web site) (California State University) has
advanced the theory that some scrolls actually describe the early Christian community.
Eisenman also attempted to relate the career of James the Just and the Apostle Paul / Saul of
Tarsus to some of these documents."“Drawing on the Dead Sea Scrolls
and on long overlooked early Christian texts, Eisenman reveals in this groundbreaking major exploration
the Christianity of Paul as a distortion of what James preached.”
The Qumran-Essene theory holds that the scrolls were written by the Essenes, or perhaps
by another Jewish sectarian group, residing at Khirbet Qumran. They composed the scrolls
and ultimately hid them in the nearby caves during the Jewish Revolt sometime between 66
and 68 CE. The site of Qumran was destroyed and the scrolls were never recovered by those
that placed them there. A number of arguments are used to support this theory.
A few scholars have argued that the Dead Sea Scrolls reflect similarities with the
early Christian movement. The main point of departure from the Qumran-Essene theory
is hesitation to link the Dead sea Scrolls specifically with the Essenes. This is a ploy by the
church to seperate the Essenes from Jesus' family and make any connection with Him to
the Essenes null and void. However one priest (Father Skehan) has carted away one scroll
to Paris and will not let anyone see it.
This is what they say to any outside attempts to see the scrolls; "All inquiry and
investigation, regardless of what might turn up or reveal MUST be subordinated and accommodated
to the existing corpus of official Catholic teaching. In other words, it must be edited or adjusted
or distorted until it conforms to the requisite criteria. If it can't be subordinated or
accommodated to existing doctrine MUST of necessity, be supressed."
The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception, Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh
Father Skehan, who was in charge of the scrolls said this; "Utimately,
the biblical scholar's work should be guided and determined by Church doctrine and be subject
to the sovern right of Holy Mother Church to witness definitavely what is in fact concordant
with the teaching she has received from Christ."
The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception
Another words, You are never going to see what they are hiding because it will destroy the
doctrine, the Church and them.
According to a document written by Cardinal Ratzinger, who was in control of the
scroll research; "Catholic theologins have no right to dissent from the
established teachings of the church". The Pope endorsed this.
"Indeed, dissent is itself ( promoted or demoted ) to the status
of an actual 'sin'."
"If a theologian begins to question Church doctrine, he is thus,
by skilful psychological manipulation, made to feel morally tainted for doing so. Any propensity
to question is effectively turned back on the questioner and transformed into guilt - something
which the Church has always trafficked most profitably."
Cardinal Ratzinger also said this; "The freedom of the act
of faith cannot justify a right to dissent. This freedom does
not indicate freedom with regard to the truth, but signifies the
free determination of the person in CONFORMITY with his moral obligations to accept the truth."
Another words, one is perfectly free to accept the teachings of
the Church, but not to question or reject them. "Freedom cannot
be manifested or expressed except through submission." This is a curious
definition of freedom.
Link to the Dead Sea Scrolls
and other important manuscripts, by Donald D. Binder
Keep in mind that not all of the scrolls have been released to the public.
Baigent and Lincoln and Robert Buval do Not display an anti-christian, anti-masonic attitude
for those who seem to think this. It is the Christians or any bible-thumping fundamentalist who will not
except archaeological findings or historical proof that contradicts their beliefs.
Just a few years ago the Gospel of Judas was put into public view.
It is available for download on the National Geographic web site. What is in this scroll is completely
different than what the traditional biblical story relates.
We invite you to read the introduction from the Nag Hammadi Library which explains
further the developing opposition to the Christian orthodoxy in 100 A.D. An excerpt says, In the
first century of the Christian era this term, 'Gnostic', began to be used to denote a prominent,
even if somewhat heterodox, segment of the diverse new Christian community. Among these
early followers of Christ, it appears that an elite group delineated themselves from the greater
household of the Church by claiming not simply a belief in Christ and his message, but a
"special witness" or revelatory experience of the divine.
see.. Intro
and see The Nazarene Way
The ancient historian Epiphanius wrote:
"The Nasaraeans - they were jews by nationality - originally
from Gileaditis (where the early followers of Yeshu-Maria fled
after the martyrdom of James the Lord's brother), Bashanitis and
the Transjordon . . .They acknowledged Moses and believed that
he had received laws - not this law, however, but some other.
( See Moses )
And so, they were jews who kept all the Jewish observances, but
they would not offer sacrifice or eat meat. They considered it
unlawful to eat meat or make sacrifices with it. They claim
that these Books are fictions, and that none of these customs
were instituted by the fathers. This was the difference between
the Nazorean and the others. . . (Panarion 1:18)
There were anciently two branches of Essenes -
the Ossaeans and the Nazarean.
The southern Ossaeans were known as the B'nai-Zadok, or
"Children of Zadok." The northern Nazareans
were known as the B'nai-Amen, or "Children of God."
The ancient Christian historian Epiphanius, in his
Panarion, speaks in more detail of the Jewish sects, saying that
there are seven in all: Sadducees, Scribes, Pharisees,
Hemerobaptists, Ossaeans, Nazorean and Herodians."(Panarion 1:19)
Epiphanius links the Hemerobaptists with the Scribes and
Pharisees and the Ossaeans (Essenes) with the Nazorean. From
this information we may deduce that the two Essene branches,
spoken of by Josephus, were the Ossaeans and Nazorean. The
Ossaeans encouraging celibacy and the Nazoreans encouraging
marriage. The Nazorean are the northern branch of Essenes based
on Mount Carmel (with a smaller Temple in the Essene Quarter of
Jerusalem). As mentioned earlier, it was to this northern
Essene group that the promises were made:
"He (Messiah) shall be called a Nasorean."(Matthew 2:23)
Epiphanius goes on to say:
After this (Nasaraean) sect in turn comes another closely
connected with them, called the Ossaeanes. These are jews like
the former . . . originally came from Nabataea, Ituraea
(Damascus, where the Teacher of Righteousness took those spoken
of in the Damascus Covenant), Moabitis and Arielis, the lands
beyond the basin of what sacred scripture called the Salt Sea. . .
Though it is different from the other six of these seven sects,
it causes schism only by forbidding the books of Moses like the
Nazorean.(Panarion 1:19)
The Ossaeans seem to have produced at least one prophetic
figure accepted by both the Ossaeans and the Nazorean. This was
Elxai who may have given his name to the ancient Elkasite sect.
Epiphanius is our source on this Ossaean prophet named Elxai,
who is said to have insisted on matrimony and introduced into
their oaths and worship the substances of salt, water, earth,
bread, heaven, aether and wind; with 7 witnesses: sky, water,
holy spirits, angels of prayer, the olive, salt and earth.
"(Similar substances play a strong role in the Essene Gospel
of Peace and in the Rba Ginza, the book of rituals used by the
modern Nasaraean / Mandeaen sect of southern Iran who claim to
be direct descendants of John the Baptist and the Nasoreans.)
"The man called Elxai joined them later, in the reign of
the emperor Trajan, after the Savior's incarnation . . . He
wrote a book by prophecy. . . By designating Salt, Water, Earth,
Bread, Heaven, Aether, and Wind as objects for them to swear by
in worship. But again he designates seven other witnesses. . .
Sky, Water, Holy Spirits, Angels of Prayer, the Olive, Salt and
the Earth. He has no use for celibacy, detests continence and
insists on matrimony. . . he confesses Christ by name . . He
bans burnt offerings and sacrifices, as something foreign to God
and never offered to Him on the authority of the fathers and Law.
. . he rejects the Jewish custom of eating meat and the rest,
and the altar. . . " from
Essene Nazarean Church of Mount Carmel
Jesus' Birth and Education
The gospel of Matthew says: "After Jesus was born in
Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from
the east came to Jerusalem and asked, 'Where is the one who has
been born king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and
have come to worship him'" (Matthew 2:1-2).
There is dispute over the date for Herod's death, but 4BC is
favoured. So Jesus is born some time before 4BC in Bethlehem in
Judea (rather than Bethlehem in Zebulun). Magi (Magoi) are
referred to in Daniel (1:20, 2:2, 4:7, 5:7) and loosely cover
astrologers, magicians and interpreters of dreams. It is
possible they have journeyed from Babylon. In tradition they are
named Melkon, Balthasar and Gasper. Their burial place was France
and then they were moved to Cologne Germany. They are still known
as the Three Kings. There is a shrine there with the skulls of
the kings - one old, one middle aged and one young.
Jesus was not born in a town called
Bethlehem. This was a cave at Qumran called the Bethlehem cave, in Judea.
The outer appearance and practices of the Parfaits were simple. They worshipped in forests
and on mountain tops, utilizing the strong tellurgic currents of the region. Their initiations were
held in a series of limestone caves, chiefly near the Pic de St. Barthalemy. Renouncing
worldly riches, they wore plain dark blue gowns, ate vegetarian foods, and kept strict vows
of chastity in keeping with their belief that it was sacrilegious to procreate. They held to
the tenet that Christ was cosmic, (and so could not be crucified), that suicide was sacred,
and that the role of woman was equal to that of man with the only stipulation being that
a woman could not preach. Marriage, baptism, and communion were not recognized
as valid rituals.
What set the Cathari apart from other gnostic sects was the ritual of the
The Consolamentum. This ceremony consisted of the Parfait laying his hands upon the
head of the literally dying or upon the head of the believer who aspired to enter the community
of the Parfaits. A transmission of immense vivifying energy was said to take place, inspiring
to those who witnessed it. The ritual of the The Consolamentum may have strongly
contributed to the rapid spread of Catharism. This energy transmission allowed the spirit to
continue its ascent towards the Light in safety, to evolve, or if the recipient was on the
threshold of death, to make the leap into the cosmos. To not fear death was a crowning
achievement. This courage served the adepts well when they were ruthlessly hunted
down. At Montségur, at Minerve, in the dungeons of Carcasonne, it is told that the
Parfaits went willingly to their fate, helping others at the same time achieve release
without fear or pain.
The sacred caves of the Sabarthez cluster around the small resort town of Ussat-Les-Bains
and are known as 'doors to Catharism'. To reach Bethlehem, the most important of the Cave
Churches of Ornolac, one must climb the steep Path of Initiation. The Cave of Bethlehem
may well have been the spritual center of the Cathar world. For it was here that the 'Pure'
candidate underwent an initiation ceremony that culminated in The Consolamentum
see The Legend of the Cathars
The apocryphal Gospels, which postdate the Jewish Gospels by a century, have enriched the telling
of the Nativity by introducing the notion of the marvellous: miracles abound and celestial
apparitions and new characters appear. The Proto Evangelium of James is one of the apocryphal
Gospels and in it a cave is mentioned:
And he [Joseph] saddled his ass and sat her [Mary] on it... And they came half the way...
And he found a cave there and he brought Mary into it...
From earliest Christianity, the cave of Bethlehem was a place of
pilgrimage and the focus of a cult.
Origen reports that in the 3rd century, pilgrims were shown not only
the cave but also the crèche, in other words, the manger which had
served as Christ's cradle. From the 6th century, chapels with a statue
of the Virgin holding the Infant Jesus, meant to reproduce the
cave, were built in several Roman churches.
We also found that there were no such places as 'Inns' in Bethlehem
in the 7th century B.C. It could have been the bottom portion of a house
where animals were borded however.
For Matthew the importance of this story lies in its fulfillment
of scripture - Messiah is "a star" that will "rise out of Israel",
Num.23:7. Although the Old Testament denounces astrology,
Matthew relates the story, emphasizing that the Magi come to
"worship", ie. do obeisance, do homage which they could not have done
with out the aid of astrology.
A well-known biblical scholar claims for the first time
that Jesus was born in BC 7. He gives the exact hours of the
triple conjunction. It also gives a pretty good graphical
explanation of the conjunctions. Here is the reference:
Simo Parpola, "The Magi and the Star," Bible Review,
December 2001, p. 16-23, and p. 52 & 54. This has been updated
now however.
According to Parpola, the triple conjunction occurred in 7
BCE in the constellation of Pisces.
First, Parpola goes through other observations that have
been conjectured to be linked to Jesus' birth by other scholars
and scientists throughout history, including a conjunction of
Venus and Jupiter in 2 BC, supernova explosion observed by
the Chinese in 5 BC, and Halley's comet in 12 BC. He rules them
out and proposes 7 BC as the most likely year of Jesus' birth.
Second, there is an ancient Babylonian clay tablet
(a picture of a copy tablet in the British museum is not shown)
dated to 8 BC, which describes the celestial events for then
upcoming 13 months. The tablet shows that Jupiter and Saturn
would remain together in the constellation of Pisces for eleven
months and come in close conjunction three times. Since the
Babylonian lunar year begins at the vernal equinox (March/April),
the tablet's description refers to the period, March/April 7 BC
- March/April 6 BC. According to Parpola, this tablet says
"Month 10, the first of which (December 23) will follow the 29th
of the previous month. Jupiter and Saturn in Pisces, Venus in
Scorpio, Mars in Aquarius...." April 17th to be exact.
This is strongly supported by the discovery of an astronomical tablet at Sipper,
on the banks of the Euphrates, which contains a reference to the Triple Conjunction.
6 BC, Apr 17, Jupiter was in a rare alignment with the constellation Aries and marked
an important date for ancient astrologers. Jesus was believed to have been born
in this year. (SFC, 4/13/01, p.C1) 2BC Jun 17, Jupiter and Venus drew close together
and appeared to fuse as a single star. This was later thought to be the Biblical star of Bethlehem..
..but is not.(SSFC, 12/23/01, Par p.9
Time Lines
Some Jews adopted Enochian tradition in Babylon
during the Exile and brought it back to Canaan when Cyrus gave
them leave to return. The Enochian Jews were detested
by the priesthood in Jerusalem, and they were forced to 'flee'
into the desert before 300 BCE.
Naturally, they supported the Maccabees during the uprising of
BCE. The Enochians at Qumran, 'updated' the text to include Judah the Hammer
in the big story.
This is what they took with them..."At that hour,
that Son of Man was given a name, in the
presence of the Lord of the Spirits, the Before-Time, even before
the creation of the sun and the moon, before the creation of the
stars, he was given a name in the presence of the Lord of the
Spirits." - 1 Enoch 48:4
The Messiah "first appears as preexistent in the apocryphal First
Book of Enoch, which was originally written in Hebrew or Aramaic
about 150 BC. From that period on, the concept of the Messiah
who was created in the six days of Creation, or even prior to
them or who was born at variously stated subsequent dates and
was then hidden to await his time, became a standard feature of
Jewish Messianic eschatology.
- Raphael Patai, The Messiah Texts
"From the beginning the Son of Man was hidden, And the Most High
has preserved him In the presence of His might, And revealed him
to the elect." - 1 Enoch 62:7
In fact, there are other very good reasons to disbelieve the December 25th
date. The contextual reason is the description of shepherds watching their
flocks by night on the hills. The hills around Bethlehem suffer from
moderately cold and wet winters and in some years heavy snow may fall. It is
unlikely that the biblical shepherds would have kept their flocks in the
open at this time of year - more probably they would have been under cover
as pointed out by Keller or, at very least, taken to low-level winter
pastures. Similarly, there would be no real need for all-night vigils at
most times of year. When the shepherds would have maintained all-night
vigils would be in spring, at lambing time, to aid ewes in distress. This
implies March, April and possibly early May. Humphreys goes even further
and suggests that the biblical description of Jesus as "the holy lamb of
God" suggests that the Nativity may have occurred in the day that the
Passover lambs were selected (sunset of April 14th to sunset of 15th, 7 BC).
Another strong reason to disbelieve the December 25th date is that this
probably is a christianisation of a long established pagan festival. The
feast of Saturnalia, that celebrated the passing of the shortest day, was a
long established tradition. Curiously, many of its elements correspond to
our modern Christmas traditions (e.g. the giving and receiving of presents,
decoration of houses with green branches, a surfeit of eating and drinking
and processions). As Saturnalia was a popular public holiday the early
Christian church preferred to adapt it and make it into a Christian
celebration than to make the highly unpopular move to abolish it. Saturnalia
was thus transformed into the second most important date in the new
Christian calendar that Dionisius Exiguus was charged with organising.
In other words, December 25th was just an expedient date and became
enshrined in the modern western calendar, but there is no special reason for
believing that it was the true date of the Nativity and many for believing
otherwise. There are much better reasons for accepting a date around April
7BC, even if we do not accept in full the reasoning of Humphreys. If this is
true, the millennium was actually some time in April 1996.
The Magi
There are various reasons for believing that the Magi were Persian. First,
the association that the cited text makes with the Zoroastrian sect of Magi.
In the Apocryphal Gospel of the Infancy, chapter 7:1 states that the
came to Jerusalem: "according to the prediction of Zoroaster"
But Hughes (1) points out that these earliest carvings show that Magi wore
Persian dress, wearing trousers rather than the traditional robes. There is
even a legend that such a carving saved the church of the Nativity at
Ravenna on the Adriatic coast of northern Italy from the ravaging Persian
hordes in 614 AD. When the invading army saw the Persian figure within the
church, recognising it as one of their own symbols, they spared the building
from pillage and torching.
A second interesting link is provided by Sinnott (5). He comments that, when
Marco Polo passed through the small Persian village of Saveh, the
inhabitants told him that the Magi had set out from there. This village is
now a small town situated 130-km southwest of Tehran, in modern Iran.
Sinnott also points out that this legend is not unique just to Saveh and
that other towns have similar ones, hence we should take such stories with
rather more than just a grain of salt, unless we can find independent
evidence to support them. However, it is curious to find such a generalised
belief in the region that the Magi had set out from there unless there is
some truth in the legends.
Four copies of astronomical tablets describing celestial
activities in 7 BC are known to have survived. This means that
Babylonian astronomers were thoroughly familiar with the
movements of the stars and planets, and hand carried tablets or
c-mailed (mailed by caravan) tablet copies to fellow astronomers.
In the Babylonian system Jupiter represented the star of
Marduk, the supreme Babylonian god. Saturn was the "Steady One."
The constellation Pisces was associated with Ea, the god of
wisdom, life and creation. The conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn
in Pisces predicts from Babylonian's viewpoint "the end of the
old world order and the birth of a new king chosen by God."
Parpola contends that Augustus' (BC 27 - AD 12 or 14) authority
was still questioned and there was power vacuum in the Middle
East, and the people, including the Jews, were looking for a
new King that would topple the Roman Empire.
The Three Kings were expert astrologers. Knowing this conjunction
would take place they set out months in advance to find the 'New King'.
However they had to wait until the 'birth' star actually appeared before
the final journey to Jerusalem.
Here are the dates of three conjunctions in 7 BC
according to Parpola.
First conjunction: May 27, 8am
Second conjunction: October 6, 10 pm
Third conjunction: December 1, 9pm.
However we feel the birth was on the vernal equinox date of April 17th, 7 BC.
This date was proposed on a recent T.V. Special which aired on N.B.C.
in October 2005. The visit of the Magi still could have occured as the first
Conjunction occured in May.
Also Note; The mention of the constallation Orion,(below) which we have repeatedly
stressed is the home of the Gods.
The triple conjunction is rare, occurring every 800-900 years.
Since 7BC, triple conjunctions were observed in 786 and 1583 and in 2000.
see the chart Triple Conjuction
At four o’clock in the evening, on December 25, Sirius rises above the
horizon in Jerusalem. This was the first such event in the Age of Pisces. The three
stars on the belt of Orion point down towards Sirius, the star of Bethlehem. Orion
is not a trivial constellation; it plays the part of the Son of Man in the Gospels.
The significance of Bethlehem is another play on words. In Hebrew, “Bethlehem”
means house of bread. As the picture of Virgo shows in the picture here, Virgo
is holding stalks of grain. It symbolizes Mary in the house of bread. The name
of “Mary” is etymologically related to water, the element of birth.
The clue to the timing of Jesus’ first birth has to do with his association with fish. In what
astrologers call a Great Year spanning 25,920 years; it is divided into twelve Ages according
to the constellations of the Zodiac, lasting 2160 years each. Because earth rotates with a
wobble called precession, it does not return to the exact point of departure from the
previous year. When the sun is at its highest position during the spring equinox, the
constellation in its background determines the Age it is in. (For more detail, see
Bible Astrology )
Technically, the Age of Jesus began when the sun entered Pisces on the spring equinox.
At the beginning of spring for the last two thousand years, the sun appears to be drifting across the
stars of Pisces with each passing year. Because this creeping process is so slow, it is not
easy to make an exact determination when an Age begins and ends. But the timing of
the beginning of the Age of Pisces fits nicely with the Bible’s depiction of Jesus being
born about 4-6 years before the beginning of the first century. Note: this site uses Dec 25th as the date
of birth..we feel this is incorrect but it remains 7 BC.
On May 27, 7 BCE, shining as a beacon in the Western sky, a conjunction
occurred among Jupiter (traditional king of the gods) and Saturn (ruling planet of Judah)
in the constellation of Pisces the Fish (the House of the Hebrews). For a few days the
two planets appear as if to be nearly touching. There was a second conjunction between
Jupiter and Saturn on October 6 and a third Jupiter-Saturn conjunction on December 1.
Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions occur about every twenty years. Triple Jupiter-Saturn
conjunctions occur about every 139 years. And triple Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions
occur in Pisces roughly once every 900 years. Jupiter is the fourth brightest planet
after the Sun, Moon and Venus.
and see our page on
Jesus the Nazirite
Our research has concluded that there was no city of
Nazereth in Isreal in Jesus' time. The word was concocted from
the term 'Nazirite'. This was a sect, a group of people that originally lived in Egypt.
Here they escaped the prosecution of Harod and sent the boys to
school. Jesus attended a school of a very old Nazarene sect called
Therapeutae, a far older esoteric healing sect who inhabited
part of the Nile Delta near Alexanderia.
The schools creed was "give me a child until the age of seven
and he shall be mine for life". This enunciated from the
Jesuits some 1500 years earlier.
Located somewhere close to
Alexanderia, the early gnostics were called Carpocratians. This
was the site of one of the ancient 'mystery schools'. Other groups
included sects that faned out to France, India, and Germany.
At the age of 7 Jesus was most likely taught
by a tuitor at the Temple school in Jerusalem for the 'chosen
ones'. The family had returned from Egypt and this year was used as
Jesus' birth year.
However according to the passage of 'the teacher',
Jesus needed very little training. According to these passages,
he was considered a genius and a 'master' at a very early age.
Is this another false writing that was created
for the Gentiles? In actuality, Jesus, by the age of 14 was old
enough to travel outside his community and find education in
other countries. One place he went was India.
After being schooled in India, from the age of 14 until he was
29, he returned to Egypt to take the 'priesthood' training... more on his early years on
Jesus, page 3
Jesus went to Persia, India and Egypt to Study.
In India Jesus studied with the Buddhists in a monastery from
the age of 14 until he was 20. He then went to Nepal for 6 more
years before returning to Israel at age 29. Jesus was tri-lingual
and participated in both the Aramaic and Hebrew culture and
its literatures as well as the kind of Hellenistic Greek that
he needed to do his business and his ministry.
Since there is no historical record of John the Baptist
until his 30th year, we also think he went abroad to
take this training.
There is a manuscript that was shown to Russian
Historian, Nicolai Notovitch written by a Lama of the Hemis
Buddhist sect. Jesus' name was known as 'Issa'. He studied the
Veda with the Brahmins. The monastery is near Leh, the Capitol
of Ledakh in the Himalays of Kasmir. Jesus fled the monastery
after he criticized the
caste system.
Scholars today question the image of Jesus the humble
carpenter - and disagree about his social class. They were
astounded and said "Where did this man get this wisdom? Is not
this the carpenter's son?" The answer is that he was educated
by the finest, most brilliant minds in the world. It was then
part of his mission to put it all together in the service to
the Father.
Proof the
Essenes were Masons, architects and CARPENTERS - Craftsmen" a book called The origin of
the Craft....
and this link ,
The origin of the Craft
Delivered at the Lodge of Instruction held under the Warrant of
The Victoria Lodge, No. IV.,Dublin on Monday, the 2nd of February
, 1857 by Robert Longfield, Q.C.
This supposition receives additional
confirmation from there being then in Judea a very peculiar
society of Jews, with which the Dionysian artificers would
readily blend and associate. This body of Jews were called the
Essenes. Their tenets and distinctive ceremonies bore
considerable resemblance to those of Freemasons; and they,
too, had traditions and duties connected with the Temple.
Conflicting opinions have been entertained by sacred and
profane writers as to the origin of this singular sect - the
Essenes; but all concur in representing them as a very ancient
association, derived too, most probably, from some still more
ancient fraternity, which, at the earliest period of history,
existed in the land of Judea.
Exerpt from The Origin of the Craft;
was a celebrated philosopher who lived in the
sixth century before Christ. In the course of his extensive
travels through Ionia, Syria, and Egypt, he had been initiated
into all the famed mysteries of these kingdoms. It was a desire
likely to arise in the mind of such a benevolent and reflective
man, to form a perfect system of philosophy, by selecting from
the systems into which he had been initiated, whatever seemed
peculiarly excellent, and perhaps even improving on them. He
settled in Crotona, in Italy, and there, about 550 B.C., founded
a fraternity of disciples, called, after him, Pythagoreans.
Before any one was received into the number of his disciples,
a most rigid inquiry was made into his moral character. If the
result was favorable, he was then bound by a solemn engagement
to conceal from the uninitiated the mysteries and knowledge in
which he might be instructed. The doctrines of charity, of
universal benevolence, and of peculiar regard for the brethren
of the order, were inculcated on the new disciple. The members
were distinguished by wearing white garments as emblems of
purity and innocence, and they had also particular words and
signs by which they could recognise each other and correspond at
a distance.
They were advanced from one degree of knowledge to
another, and they were instructed in arts and sciences, united
with ethics and a system of theology; and this instruction was
communicated to the initiated by cyphers and symbols. They were
also strictly forbidden to commit their secrets to writing,
and relied on oral tradition only to preserve the knowledge
of their mysteries. This philosophy, remembered now only by the
familiar tenets of the transmigration of souls and avoidance of
beans, exercised at one time much influence on the nations
where it flourished, and was confessedly the means of greatly
exalting the mind and moral character of the initiated. The
noblest, wisest, and best of the nation were members, and,
though suffering much persecution, they were eminently
distinguished by the greatest fidelity in all their engagements,
and their strict performance of all moral duties.
Jesus and John both went to Egypt to study what is called the
'unison of forces'. In India Jesus also studied a science of
purification that produced physical and mental strength that
suggested a form of Yoga or Shamanaism.
They studied at Heliopolis ( Egypt ) for the purpose of attaining
"the priesthood". In this teaching he found "that which has been
the basis of all the teachings of those of the Temple", and studied the
effects "of the crucifying of self in relationship to ideals",
which produced the abilities enabling him to carry out his
mission. With these and other studies, Jesus became a 'shaman',
able to withstand terrible ordeals and not experience pain.
What he learned is still practiced today and was also in use by
the American Indian Tribes who were called witch doctors and
medicine men. Jesus and John took examinations and passed tests,
both in the closed community of Qumran and in Egypt. There is
another reason they were in Egypt. A very important reason.
"The Test"... The ultimate completion of Alchemy training, combined
with the 'Priesthood Mastership' training in Egypt. Our hidden
page called "Hirams Hidden Page" or 'The Initiate' reveals what happened.
They studied what is called "The Secret Doctrine" which,
then, involves planes of consciousness, degrees of knowledge,
stairways of reality, a series of superimpositions of pictures -
created with certain photographic techniques where different
forms and shapes assumed by the same object are simultaneously
represented. This seems far fetched, but their understanding of
physics, matter and atoms was beyond that that is taught today.
Josephus, writing between A.D. 75 and A.D.85, tells us that the Essenes were
Pythagorean in lifestyle.
"The sect of the Essenes maintain that Fate governs all things, and that nothing can befall
man contrary to its determination and will. These men live the same kind of life which
among the Greeks has been ordered by Pythagoras." see..
The Essenes studied Pythagoras
Jesus and the Essenes
The Master Jesus was a very simple man who walked in the
street in the middle of the people, who spoke directly with
them and who lived in the company of his few disciples. Of
course, there was a goodness, a purity, a royalty which emanated
from him; but he was nothing like the "inaccessible high Master"
which all of the churches have completely fabricated.
The Master Jesus was completely accessible, simple, yet
imposing, and that is what pleased the crowd. When he was in
town, people knew his habits and waited for him in the places
where he often gave a teaching through parables, stories and
discussions with those who asked him questions or who tried to
trip him up. Everybody could come and participate in his talks,
and anyone could speak. The Master gave a veiled teaching; he
did not reveal all of his thoughts. Those who were interested
by this first approach could follow him and become one of his
disciples. One could be such a disciple without abandoning one's
family or one's work.
Then the Master gave other teachings--deeper, more
practical, more direct. He explained the meaning of the parables.
One of the higher steps for the circle of disciples was
to repent and to receive John's baptism. It was the close
disciples of the Master, the 12 apostles, who were to baptize
the students who were entering a deeper level on the path.
Once a candidate had received the baptism, he entered an
inner circle of a more restricted and secret School. Inside
this circle, the Master transmitted a profound initiatic
teaching, as well as certain precise methods. He said that he
was working on the future of humanity through the intermediary
of his students who had been thus prepared. The students of
this secret School included women as well as men, although
men were in the majority because of that time period. The
discipline was strict, as in the Essene communities, but the
presence of the Master meant that joy, laughter, and love
circulated abundantly from soul to soul. The students had to
do a lot of exercises, and work on themselves, on their own
matter, according to the directives which were taught.
The Master said that, when a group of people gather
together freely around a divine idea and begin to work on
themselves in the direction of this idea, then, if there are
enough of them, they carry within themselves all of humanity
and they can make it evolve. From their work emanates a
communal spiritual strength, which is like a sun in the soul of
the earth and of humanity. This sun, in turn, works throughout
time to attract the divine idea and to bring it to life within
the reality of the earth.
The Master had given very precise directives for this work,
and during some very beautiful communal ceremonies--notably the
washing of the feet--he had made it understood that each one of
them was becoming one with him in the Christ, that each one of
them was becoming a part of the Christ on the earth, and that
the final incarnation of the Christ inside all humans depended
on the work of each one of them.
He had also transmitted songs, sounds, words, dances and
movements which had to be done in a particular state of mind and
with a great inner purity in order to produce certain effects
within oneself and within the soul of the earth.
He taught that, in this way, certain very pure spiritual
beings who live inside the soul of man and of the earth could be
awakened, nourished, and strengthened in the will of the Heavenly
The students had also to take the Nazarite vow not to eat
meat or drink fermented drinks anymore. The Master said that,
if a human being ate meat and drank alcohol, he could not
receive his word. This discipline was, at the same time, for
both the external side and the internal side of life. The
Master taught that physical vegetarianism had to be coupled
with psychic vegetarianism, an attitude of inner life filled
with a living morality, an active pacifism, a tenacious and
serene will, a clarity and openness of mind. Like the Essenes,
the Master attached great importance to cleanliness and purity.
The purity which the Master taught was a lot less rigid than
the one preached by the Essenes. It was alive, in movement,
The Master Jesus was very tolerant and very open.
These rules applied only in the inner circle of his School.
His teaching had several degrees, according to the state of
consciousness and the level of evolution of the being who was
in front of him. The Master loved all beings and wanted each one
to be able to receive and participate in God's word at his own
level. For some people, this word took on a tone of reprimand,
of severity, even of condemnation. For others, one of
consolation and hope. And finally, for the prepared students,
it opened up the doors to the sacred path of the initiation
of the soul into the eternal mysteries.
Master Jesus liked the atmosphere to be pure, and that
is why, before he came, the students prepared and purified
themselves in their thoughts, feelings, and desires through
rhythmical exercises, movements, and dances. They used certain
kinds of human-shaped waves which had the power to vivify,
purify and improve the quality of the atmosphere of a place.
Master Jesus himself was always careful about the place in
which he taught or practiced the works of his Father-Mother
with his disciples. Thus, when he was in Jerusalem, he went and
taught the crowd in the square of the Gentiles or in certain
places in the streets of the city. People knew where they could
find him. With his disciples, he liked to go outside of the city.
Thus, he often arranged to meet the members of the inner circle
in the garden of the 12 palm trees, which was located close to
Bethany. There was a spring there, and the Master had explained
at great length that this place was tied to the work which his
faithful disciples would have to accomplish in the world in the
centuries to come. He had revealed to all of them the purpose
of his mission, the future history of humanity, the different
incarnations of his disciples, and the role they would have
to play in this history to serve Christ. Once again, he had
alluded to the mysterious role of the Apostle John, and he had
placed him in parallel with John the Baptist, the prophet Eli
and the Essene Brotherhood-Sisterhood.
At the time when the Master Jesus was present among his
disciples, he had already named the Master St. John as the
leader of and the person responsible for this inner and secret
School. It is the Master St. John who was put in charge of
teaching in this School and of ensuring that the exercises were
done correctly.
The mystery Schools Jesus and John attended..
The Initiate
This is not the hidden page.
Thereafter, the Master St. John continued his task, even
after Jesus' departure. He remained faithful and opened inner
Schools in most European countries. These Schools continued to
exist in secret and have propagated themselves right up to our
own time, keeping Christ's teaching pure, exactly as the Essenes
had kept pure Moses' secret and authentic teaching. Today, parts
of this Teaching and of its techniques are being extended to
the outside world because a new time of harvesting and sowing
has arrived...exerpts from the book - The Essenes - From
Jesus to our Time - by Olivier Manitara, 2000
Jesus' the early years
From the readings of Edgar Cayce, and the past life regression of subject number 1010.
P. 37 It is even claimed by ancient and modern authority that Christ was an Essene...
therefore Christ would naturally associate Himself with an order that was so
congenial to His nature.
P. 67 From a well-authenticated tradition we learn concerning St.
John the Baptist that his father and mother died when he was quite young,
and that he was then adopted by the Essenes and finally became their Rabbin.
In that capacity he performed the duty of baptizing the initiates
and thus acquired the cognomen of John the Baptist.
see.. Edgar Cayce readings
This enity, born April 6, 1871, in Black River Falls, Wisconsin; and the earthly existence of this
entity as Sophie or Josie, a handmaid to Mary, Jesus and Joseph, throughout the childhood of the
Master. Considering the reference in her Life Reading that a history of this incarnation "would lay
the foundation for giving a great deal of historical data," you will give a biographical life of the
entity in that day and plane of earthly existence, from entrance - and how - into the earth's plane,
and the entity's departure; giving the development or retarding points in such an existence. You
will answer the questions that may be asked:
EC: Yes, we have the records here of that entity now known as or called [ 1010 ],
in the present; as Josie in the Palestine experience and activities; together with the information
which has been indicated through these channels.
In giving the biographical life of the entity Josie, much of those activities might be indicated
that brought about those later relationships with Mary, the mother of Jesus.
As has been outlined from here, there were those special groups of individuals who
had made some preparations for the expected activities that were to come about during that
particular period; especially those of the Essenes who had chosen the twelve maidens to
indicate their fitness. This choice was to be made by those selections indicated by the spirit,
and Josie was the daughter of Shem and Mephibosheth that was among these.
This entity, Josie, was close to Mary when the selection was indicated by the shadow
or the angel on the stair, at that period of consecration in the temple. This was not the temple
in Jerusalem, but the temple where those who were consecrated worshiped, or a school - as
it might be termed - for those who might be channels.
This was a part of that group of Essenes who, headed by Judy, made those interpretations of
those activities from the Egyptian experience, - as the Temple Beautiful, and the service in the
Temple of Sacrifice. Hence it was in this consecrated place where this selection took place.
Then, when there was the fulfilling of those periods when Mary was espoused to
Joseph and was to give birth to the Savior, the Messiah, the Prince of Peace, the Way, the
Truth, the Light, - soon after this birth there was the issuing of the orders first by Judy that
there should be someone selected to be with the parents during their period of sojourn in
Egypt. This was owing to the conditions which arose from the visit of the Wise Men and
their not returning to Herod to report, when the decrees were issued that there should be
the destruction of the children of that age from six months to two years, especially in that
region from Bethany to Nazareth.
Thus this entity, Josie, was selected or chosen by those of the Brotherhood, - sometimes
called White Brotherhood in the present, - as the handmaid or companion of Mary, Jesus
and Joseph, in their flight into Egypt.
This began on an evening, and the journey - through portions of Palestine, from
Nazareth to the borders of Egypt - was made only during the night.
Do understand that there was only Joseph, Mary, Josie and the Child. For there were
other groups that preceded and followed; that there might be the physical protection to
that as had been considered by these groups of peoples as the fulfilling of
the Promised One.
In the journeys to Egypt, little of great significance might be indicated, but the care
and attention to the Child and the Mother was greatly in the hands of this entity,
Josie, through that journey.
The period of sojourn in Egypt was in and about, or close to, what was then Alexandria.
Josie and Mary were not idle during that period of sojourn, but those records - that had been
a part of those activities preserved in portions of the libraries there - were a part of the work
that had been designated for this entity. And the interest in same was reported to the
Brotherhood in the Judean country.
The sojourn there was a period of some four years, - four years, six months, three days.
When there were those beginnings of the journey back to the Promised Land, there were
naturally - from some of the records that had been read by the entity Josie, as well as
the parents - the desires to know whether there were those unusual powers indicated
in this Child now, - that was in every manner a normal, developed body, ready for
those activities of children of that particular period.
But do not interpret same in the light of childhood in thine own land in the
present, - more in the light of the oriental. For, remember, Egypt as well as
parts of Galilee were the customs and activities of those to whom the care
of this physical entity was entrusted through that early sojourn in the earth.
The return was made to Capernum, - not Nazareth, - not only for political reasons
owing to the death of Herod but the division that had been made with the kingdom
after the death of Herod; and that there might be the ministry or teaching that was
to be a part of the Brotherhood, - supervised in that period by Judy, as among
the leaders of the Essenes in that particular period.
Hence much of the early education, the early activities, were those prompted
or directed by that leader in that particular experience, but were administered by - or in
the closer associations by - Josie. Though from the idea of the Brotherhood the activities
of the entity were no longer necessitated, the entity Josie preferred to remain - and
did remain until those periods when there was the sending or the administering of
the teachings to the young Master, first in Persia and later in India, and then in
Egypt again - where there were the completions.
But the entity, Josie, following the return, was active in all the educational
activities as well as in the care of the body and the attending to those things pertaining
to the household duties with every developing child. And Josie was among those
who went with Mary and Joseph when they went to the city, or to Jerusalem, at
the time of the age of twelve. It was thought by Joseph and Mary that it was in the
care of Josie that He had stayed, when He was missed, in those periods when there
was the returning to find Him in the temple.
Josie was with Mary throughout those activities. And is it any wonder that when there
were those preparations of the body for burial that Josie was the one who brought
the spices, the ointments that were to consecrate the preparations of this body for
whom it had cared through those early periods of its experience in the earth?
Through that period Josie never married, and was known among the Holy
Women throughout the period; coming and persuading the Mother, Mary, when
there was the arrest, to come to Jerusalem.
The entity passed on through those periods of riots following the beheading of James,
the brother of John.
Ready for questions.
(Q) What association with the entity who is now [ 294 ] did I have in the Palestine experience?
(A) The teacher of the Master knew only of Lucius through those activities in Laodicea, - for
he came at the time of Pentecost, see?
(Q) What was the nature of the records studied by Josie in Egypt?
(A) Those same records from which the men of the East said and gave, "By those
records we have seen his star." These pertained, then, to what you would call today
astrological forecasts, as well as those records which had been compiled and
gathered by all of those of that period pertaining to the coming of the Messiah.
These had been part of the records from those in Carmel, in the early experiences,
as of those given by Elijah, - who was the forerunner, who was the cousin, who was the
Baptist. All of these had been a part of the records - pertaining not only to the nature of
work of the parents but as to their places of sojourn, and the very characteristics that
would indicate these individuals; the nature and the character that would be a part of the
experiences to those coming in contact with the young Child; as to how the garments
worn by the Child would heal children. For the body being perfect radiated that which
was health, life itself. Just as today, individuals may radiate, by their spiritual selves,
health, life, that vibration which is destruction to disease in any form in bodies. These
were the characters and natures of things studied by Josie.
For, is it not quoted oft, "All of these things she kept and pondered them in
her heart"?
With what? With the records that Josie as well as herself had seen.
These records were destroyed, of course, in a much later period.
(Q) Can any more details by given as to the training of the Child?
(A) Only those that covered that period from six years to about sixteen, which were in
keeping with the tenets of the Brotherhood; as well as that training in the law, - which
was the Jewish or Mosaic law in that period. This was read, this was interpreted in
accordance with those activities defined and outlined for the parents and the companions
of the developing body. Remember and keep in mind, He was normal, He developed
normally. Those about Him saw those characteristics that may be anyone's who wholly
puts the trust in God! And to every parent might it not be said, daily, dedicate thy life
that thy offspring may be called of God into service - to the glory of God and to the honor
of thy name!
We are through. BACKGROUND See 1010-12 on 4/13/38 with subsequent correspondence.
REPORTS 8/02/65 Extracts by Albert E. Turner from HISTORY OF FREEMASONRY
ILLUSTRATED, by Moses Redding:
Continued Jesus, part 2

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