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The Great Pyramids of Gaza
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[disclaimer; This page and the other pages in this site in no way reflects in whole or in part the beliefs or practices of the Masonic community or the 'brothers' together or apart. What is written here is based on esoteric research. Abusive comments are reported to the server.]
"The veiled threats of cowards echo eternally in the valley of their weakness...While the brave climb to glorious peaks fashioned only by their actions.."
Speak not of death to me friend...Lest ye taste the poison of your own putrid language.
"Judgment is interpreted in terms of creation theology as the salvation of creation from death through the works, in the world, of the logos that has become flesh"
SUPREME among the wonders of antiquity, unrivaled by the achievements of later
architects and builders, the Great Pyramid of Gizeh bears mute witness to an unknown
civilization which, having completed its predestined span, passed into oblivion. Eloquent in
its silence, inspiring in its majesty, divine in its simplicity, the Great Pyramid is indeed a
sermon in stone. Its magnitude overwhelms the puny sensibilities of man. Among the
shifting sands of time it stands as a fitting emblem of eternity itself. Who were the
illumined mathematicians who planned its parts and dimensions, the master craftsmen
who supervised its construction, the skilled artisans who trued its blocks of stone?
Manley P. Hall Secrets of the Ages
Each culture has its myths about the creation of the human race. Most speak of creational Gods who performed feats far beyond that of mortal man. Many are legends passed down through oral tradition, and embellished along the way.
This Page is about some of the Gods and the secret religion of ancient Egypt, because God chose the fertile land by the Nile as his earthly home over 10,500 years ago. Here, in ancient Egypt, the 'Initiates' became the first members of the 'Ancient Brotherhood of Man'. The 'Brotherhood' connects heavily with ancient Egyption religion and other pages of this site will show you why.
The Great Pyramid was never meant to be a burial chamber for any pharoah but current Egyptian Authorities who are Muslim will not concede that the Egyptian culture is far older that any other culture on Earth except one. The Babyloian culture is where it all started...over 10,000 years ago.
Our theory revolves around Isis, Thoth, Osiris and Ra. These mythical Gods shared a common bond with the other Gods of every culture on earth. They all had a father who was a god, or their son was the god. In investigating these 'other cultures' we find Isis is the same mother figure worshiped in Greece, Rome, India, Japan, China, Israel and even the United States. She has a different name in each culture but she is considered the 'mother' of mankind in all of them. see Hiram Forward
In Egypt, Isis is known as the "queen of heaven" as she was the greatest and most worshiped of all the divinities. During Egyptian bondage, the Israelites repeatedly departed from the one true invisible God and worshiped this so-called pagan mother. When the Israelites fell into apostasy under King Solomon, they worshiped this mother goddess as Ashtaroth, a name by which the pagan Babylonian goddess was known to the Israelites.
Some people claim these are all pagan and evil. We can prove to you they are not and our research also proves these all came from the same source... a race known as the Anunnaki. They are also known as The Shemsu Hor and are recognized as the dominant sacerdotal caste in pre-dynastic Egypt (until approximately 3000 B.C.), being mentioned in the Turin papyrus and the list of the kings of Abydos..
The Turin Papyrus gives us the first details of a pre-dynastic race of people called the "Gods".
The gods of old had corresponding names with the planets that they already knew about. This List is of Sumerian origin, with recognizible names such as Sin, Ishtar, Marduk, and Maat which was another name for Isis or TI.AMAT or AN.SHAR( "Foremost of the Heavens" - Saturn, the Mother). Also notice that Marduk is associated with the Falcon, Horus's symbol in Egypt. Marduk/Nibiru is also the name of the 10th planet just recently confirmed. This discovery confirmed by NASA is discussed on Forbidden Knowledge.
The Sun was APSU meaning "One who exists from the Beginning" or Origin as it is named here. Mercury was called MUM.MU ("One who was Born") The table calls this god the 'Son of the Son' who could have been Ninurta, son of Enlil. The Father of Enki was Anu, who came to Earth under the sign of Taurus or the Bull. His planet was Uranus. (Jupiter - "Foremost of the Firm Lands") was assigned to a god named Kisher. ISHTAR represented Venus - she is the daughter of Enlil. Neptune - not listed here, was E.A (He whose house is Water) - or Enki, first born son of Anu. Pluto was given the name Gaga but later renamed US.MI- "He who shows the way", because it was the outermost planet. The astroid belt was formed from the remains of TI.AMAT, which was the name of a planet that the moons of Nibiru hit and partially destroyed. The remainder of Tiamat became our Earth.
A second born son of Anu called Enlil, was given dominion over the Earth.
We discuss this more thoroughly on the 3rd page of our 'Forbidden' series beginning with
Forbidden knowledge forward 2
The race known as the Shemsu Hor or Anunnaki
It's interesting to note that Emery writes: "Towards the end of the IV millennium B.C. the people known as the Disciples of Horus appear as a highly dominant aristocracy that governed entire Egypt. The theory of the existence of this race is supported by the discovery in the pre-dynastic tombs, in the northern part of Higher Egypt, of the anatomical remains of individuals with bigger skulls and builds than the native population, with so much difference to exclude any hypothetical common racial strain.
Heliopolis is the Greek name of the city, but several other names were used in different texts: Egyptian theology called it Per-Re ("City of Re", which is the name that was model for the Greek name which can be translated with "City of the Sun"), and in the Bible it is called 'On'. The temple of Heliopolis was for centuries during the New Kingdom (1570-1085 BCE) among the most important cult centres of Egypt. The temple was second in size only to the Amon temple in Thebes. At its most , the temple employed 13,000 priests and slaves. Heliopolis was also the main centre in Egypt for writing of religious literature.
These divinities will successively be associated to the "fallen angels" or Nephelims, that are most explicitly cited in the "Testament of Amran" in the Qumran scrolls (Hera 6, page 52) in which is written: "One of them was of terrifying aspect, like a snake and his mantle was multicolored" and also "his face was that of a viper and he wore all his eyes". It concerns, in our opinion, not divinities in the strict sense, but individuals in sacerdotal or shaman expression, belonging to a highly developed and profoundly wise culture that had relationships with lesser-organized societies of the period.
The craniums of the Amarnian dynasty statues and the Malta craniums result as being practically identical, a not so fortuitous fact, also proved by the X-rays of Tuthankamon's skull, Akhenaton's son, which showed a dolichocephalous cranium. Substantially, the Maltese craniums are the relics, archeologically still not understood; of a sacerdotal race that, in Egypt and Malta, from archaic ages, survived till 2500 B.C. It's the group that created the religious and spiritual sub-strata that characterized the greatest civilizations of the Old World, from long ago (600 B.C. or even earlier). This group continued in the Middle East and somehow returned in Egypt around 1351 B.C. giving birth, through the heretic pharaoh Akhenaton, to a religious reform that aimed to restore the ancient order. And if the hypothesis that this pharaoh was linked someway to the figure of Moses is accepted, then the rest is history.
Because Egyptian culture is the most interesting yet 'hidden' culture due to it's religious practices, it becomes the focus of much misunderstanding. Yet Egypt holds the 'secrets of the ancients', an actual path to heaven, unknown and mostly ignored in most parts of the world. We have connected that 'path' with the teaching of Budda, Jesus, and Mohammed. Because the 'path' is only for the 'initiates' of the Brotherhood, it is secret and sacred to the members. But it can be found by those seeking 'Light' or knowledge. We have gathered that knowledge and share it here because it began with the Egyptians who wrote it on the walls of the pyramid of Unas. This is called 'The Pyramid Texts'. These texts have as yet not been decipered. The Great Pyramid holds more of these ancient secrets, yet undiscovered by present humans, or have they?
Our own research lead us to the fact that Abrahams wife was the sister and wife of a pharoah. Her name Sarai was changed to Sarah meaning "Princess". Genesis 17:15. Books left out of the bible prove it. She is Abraham's sister by their Father Terah. Not only that, her son Issac is probably the son of a pharoah. Egyptian blood runs through the veins of Abrahams people through Issac and the tribes that moved to Israel from Egypt. We show you how they are connected on.. The Widow's Son. This page opens with a summary of what Masonry is and the differences we have found in ancient and not so ancient religion.
The Hebrews and then the Romans adopted the same God called Jehovah. They didn't believe in reincarnation or that the soul lives on after death. Rome copied this belief but took it further by insisting that only they could talk to god and only if you were christian could you be 'saved' and go to heaven. They forbid what they called 'occult' teaching which involved learning about our planets rotation around the sun, other sciences such as chemical reactions which probably involved nuclear energy and many other 'healing' practices which are being rediscovered and used today. Science was forbidden.. ...But Plato, Socrates and many others ignored the church doctrine and continued their research. They discovered the hidden 'secrets' of the ancients. They were Masons. They were 'Masters'.
The Egyptians of today are Muslim and are not willing to admit the predynastic culture of Egypt consisted of the fair skined, blond headed people of the Shemsu Hor...who had a much different religious mind-set than the present culture and race of 'The black haired people'.
Same Gods - Different names
The Egyptian myth consists of Horus and Set as brothers. Set kills Osiris and cuts him up into 15 pieces. Isis finds the pieces, puts them back together and has Thoth use magical 'words of power' to bring Osiris back to life. The result is the birth of Horus. Horus is then called 'The Son of a Widow'. Horus grows up and has terrible 'sky' battles with Set until Horus cuts off Sets testicles. With Set rendered incapable of producing an heir, Horus wins Kingship and Set is banished.. Isis is Osiris' sister and his wife and she becomes 'The Widow' who bears a son, Horus.
The myth says; Nephthys gave birth to a son called Anpu, or Anubis, and that his father was, according to some, Set . This myth holds that Set and Nephthys are the evil twins who are married to each other and Horus and Isis are the good mother and 'Son' who becomes a god. This aligns with the Lost books of Adam and Eve that say Eve had three sets of twins and that Cain and his sister are the evil twins also married to each other. From another point of view; Set was the son of Ra. , but we don't think so.
As we said previously, the gods could turn themselves into animals, plants or trees. The animal which was at once the type and symbol of the god was the jackal, and this fact seems to prove that in primitive times Anubis was merely the jackal god, and that he was associated with the dead because the jackal was generally seen prowling about the tombs. His worship is very ancient, and there is no doubt that even the earliest times his cult was general in Egypt; it is probable that it is older than that of Osiris. In the text of Unas {line 70} he is associated with the Eye of Horus , and his duty as the guide of the dead in the Underworld on their way to Osiris was well defined, even at the remote period when this composition was written, from we read, Unas standeth with the Spirits, get thee onwards, Anubis, into "Amenti {the Underworld}, onwards, onwards to Osiris." In the lines that follow we see that Anubis is mentioned in connection with Horus, Set, Thoth, Sep, and Khent-an-maati. From another passage of the same text we find {line 207 ff} that the hand, arms, belly, and legs of the deceased are identified with Temu, but his face is said to be in the form of that of Anubis.
This 'Underworld' is where the dead went. The Egyptians preserved the body so that the dead could return to it. Anotherwords they believed in 'life after death'.
So what if it isn't myth? What if you've been told that just to keep you from finding out the real secret?
The Nag Hammidi Scrolls collection was discovered in Egypt in 1947. Placed there by unknown travelers in 30 to 40 AD., they contain the writings of the apostles of Christ. If studied in depth these scrolls prove there was a false god worshipped by the Hebrews. The texts clearly describe a god known as Yaltabaoth or Samuel. He is also known as the Demiurge. The Demiurge is identified with the Old Testament Yahweh and Jehovah, when he screams ‘Thou shalt have no other Gods before me", he is voicing the arrogance of a spoilt child. We have exerpts from the scrolls on Passage page 1. These scrolls connect all four legends perfectly. Yaltabaoth is credited with the creation of man, therefore he calls himself God. Man is created as a 'slave' to the gods, all 200 of them...but man eats from the 'Tree of Knowledge' and becomes an equal to the gods. This is described in Genesis 4:21, when 'man has become one of "US"'.
The Egyptians, on the other hand, knew the true god and he is called Ra and Osiris (Anu and Enki). These gods have been dubbed 'heathen' by the later Hebrews and Christians who were/are afraid of their god who they called Jehovah. This god causes war, strife, incest and murder. It's time you knew who and what he really is. He was actually the leader of the band of fallen angels also known as Elohms or Nephilim...'US'
So what if we said some of the Bible stories aren't necessarily truth and there are actual historical artifacts to back up the Old testament about a race of giants, that prove these stories came from Babylonia, would you be interested? We found that the ancient Sumerians, known also as 'the black haired people', were the first humans to become kings after the race of Shemsu Hor left Egypt. We found out why they left. see... Shepherd Kings
The descendents of the 'Star Race of Atlantis' were the Anunnaki.
The Anunnaki have a different story to tell than any other story you have heard. The Enuma Elish tablets describe two kings, one cruel and demanding, the other kind and generous and a friend to man. The friend to man was Enki, who helped Noah and warned him of the coming disaster and helped him build the Ark. The other king was Enlil, who hated men and wanted control of all mankind and demanded they be slaves. He started the 'fear' and 'obey' form of religion carried forward to Israel by the Hebrews. We begin this story on Passage Forward
The mother figure Isis/Eve/Sophia is God's only pure creation, not flawed or soiled by human hands. She makes it possible for men to become gods in early Egyptian legends. Sophia teaches man (Adam) about God and all his secrets. Isis tricks Ra into telling her the secrets. Eve teaches Adam by giving him an apple from the 'Tree of Knowledge'. Nin-Khursag gives man knowledge. This connects all four legends. This is explained fully on..Passage forward and Passage page 1 of this site. We use the Nag Hammidi Library and the ancient Enuma Elish (Sumerian) tablets to explain the connections further.
Adam and Eve were only one pair of humans. The Enuma Elish clay tablets say there were seven sets of twins created by the mother figure known as Nin-Khursag. She and Enki made them by mixing DNA in a petri dish and then implanted them in the wombs of ape-like women. However Adam (or Adapta - man) was implanted in her own womb so he would be the perfected being they needed to be a human leader.
The Nag Hammidi scrolls, in a more 'spiritual' description, describes a false god called Yaldabaoth, also called 'the prime parent' and he creates three Adam's. Sophia gives 'breath' or life to the third one. A good son is also born to Sophia and Sabolith, (Anu and Taimat) and Eve (Nin-Khursag) becomes a 'savior' to mankind through the genetic code. Adam's blood is considered 'the Holy Grail' or ROYAL BLOOD.
A Sumerian tablet shows Enmeduranki, a prince in Sippar, was well loved by Anu, Enlil and Ea (Enki). Shamash, a priest in the Bright Temple, appointed him then took him to the assembly of the gods. They showed him how to observe oil on water and many other secrets of Anu, Enlil and Ea. Then they gave him the Divine Tablet, the kibdu secret of Heaven and Earth. They taught him how to make calculations with numbers." [This is a reference to Sacred or Creational Geometry]. This prince is Enoch.
Egyptian legends began with Ra, who is aquated with Enki, accompanied by Thoth, also known as Hermes and Enoch, enters Egypt by sea from the ruins of Atlantis. Ra has been appointed by 'The Law of One'(Anu) to be the first High Priest of the New Brotherhood according to Manley P. Hall, Masonic writer.. Ra (Marduk) is given credit for creating the heavens and earth and all creatures. According to Egyptian legend, Ra had only to think and a creature would take form. Ra is also said to have created man from his eye, and Ra became the first king on earth. The idea that the god Ra was the first king is the seed for the belief that a Pharaoh was both King and god. This very same idea spread to other religions thousands of years later.
The black-haired people that lived by the Nile were created to be 'slaves to the Gods'.
The fallen angles mated with human women and created the half human
Giants who lived in the fertile-crescent area, and of whom Greek legends are
told. (Genesis 1:6.) This is taken lightly by todays historians but there
seems to be proof it is true. The 'caretakers of the knowledge' were called
'the Umosejhe'
, by the Egyptians, and they were children and grand children of
the Nephilim. A stone tablet found in Mycenae identifies the people as evil.
This tablet is a part of an investigation conducted by a Canadian researcher.
The documentary is called,
Exodus Decoded.
"In view of the appellation they (The Hyksos) earned as the mystery
kings of Egypt, it may be safely inferred that they were not wanting in the divine wisdom..
. These rulers called themselves Pharaohs, and occupied the throne at Zan (the Zoan of
the Bible), which is situated near the mouth of the Nile. The earlier true Egyptian
dynasties had their seat at Thebes in Upper Egypt.
The Hyksos are the Hebrews
Evidence clearly indicates that they were Semitic people with a nomadic life style. Human remains at Tell el-Dab'a parallels the foreign traits of the Hyksos, as well as similar remains that have been found in southern Palestinian sites such as Tell el-Ajjul, in the Syrian site of Ebla, and in Byblos of modern Labanon
The Hyksos were basically Semitic and Indo-European people, the majority of the tribes were originally Hittite and Hurrian.
"In the History of Antiquity', the ancient Egyptian historian Manetho states that Egypt was indebted to the Hyksos for much of the wisdom and artistry she bequeathed to later civilizations. For five centuries they remained in the land."
From the Records of Thoth we find the lost works of Anumerrikus, a historian of a branch of the original 'Grail Family', known as the 'Mazur'. In this text written at the time of the Shepherd King's return to Egypt, we read:
"Hanukatumera, the Solar Lord of the People, did bring us into the land of the
Ancestors, where the Caretakers dwelt. He brought us forth unto this land, for
it was time to birth the Spirit of the Child in the Great Temple. So we returned
to the ancestral home, that we should resurrect the wisdom of our forefathers
and reclaim from the Caretakers, that which is our Royal House."...but the
caretakers wouldn't leave or turn over their secrets, so the 'Sons of Light'
through Moses, left Egypt and established their temple in another land. A
ruling party, not connected with Moses established a new religion apart from the
'Laws of Moses'. Only a few of these descendents of the Grail Family remained.
Is Hanukatumera Abraham?
Through akashic investigation the following: Egypt was originally intended to be the place where the 'Anointed One', the Christ would incarnate in Word (flesh). Because the people rejected the Shepherd Kings who were the Grail Bearers, the Priests of Melchizedek (who were the Grail Priests of the Mazur through the Olai) were forced to establish a 'New Kingdom', actually a secondary Holy Land, in what would become Jerusalem. From this base, they continued the sacred rites of the Dove - the secret symbol of the Christ, having been practiced by the Mazur since the days of Atlantis.
As we know, the Jews don't believe there was ever a Christ. This means the religious view of the Hebrews is completely different than what Moses tried to teach them. But then we must remember that what he taught was only shared with 'initiates', those sons and daughters who would never reveal the real secrets to evil men. Moses knew about the prophesy of a messiah from the scrolls of Enoch. These scrolls were kept with the Ark of the Covenant along with the Ten Commandments.
In the Biblical view, the listed children of Japheth, Shem and Ham correspond to various historic nations and peoples. In the typical interpretation, these sons of Noah correspond to three races: Europeans, Semites, and caucasian Africans. Others read it as a guide only to local ethnic groups.
Modern critical scholarship rejects this traditional view of historicity, and holds instead that the genealogy is merely a traditional one, aimed at explaining the relations between the ethnic groups of the ancient Near East, perhaps re-edited at the time of the text's final composition in the 7th century BC. Our research laid out on Hiram Intro 1 disputes any black African race coming from Ham or his sons.
"The Seraphim (Nephilim) (mentioned in the Nag Hammidi texts and the KJB) entered into a holy sacrament with Earth's kind, through which they communed at the deepest levels of heart resonance with the human race. Therefore their breeding was done in sacred act through spiritual intercourse, which was a far more Light-engendered process in that age than it is currently on the surface of the Earth. In the greater sense of its meaning, they engaged in an Immaculate Conception with the earthen ones, and in that gesture of compassion for their plight, created a grail nesting in the heart of the human race that is still present in the blueprint of human design, albeit seldom evident in the manifest human condition at this time." This from The Descendants of Noah
to Thoth, who was the keeper of records in Egypt, there was a
branch of Nephilim he also calls the 'Mazur', who were the 'Olai'.
The Olai were direct decendents [ through Mazur ] of the star
races who had come to Egypt during the ages of
Lemuria and Atlantis. When these Star Regents left that land,
they left the rulership in the hands of 'Caretakers' (black haired people),
who were the 'Children of the Nephilim'. The Nephilim are described as 'other
world beings' who were from the 'fallen heaven'.
Having created these 'children' whom Thoth calls the 'Nomads', the bible says God destroys them in a flood. But in a violent eruption of Vesuvias in 10,490 BC, the last of Atlantis sinks. God's 'Sons of Light' are saved and they come to Egypt to start over. There was more than 1 flood and Noah's flood is not the earliest.
10,390 BC is when the priests built the Great Pyramid. They used anti-gravity to place the huge blocks in place. In the top of the Pyramid was placed a 'beacon', a crystal used as a 'homing divice' for the 'rocket ships' of the Akkadian Gods to land. Thoth, in one of his secret texts describes the pyramid and the crystal he placed there.
"Builded I the Great Pyramid, patterned after the pyramid of earth force, burning eternally so that it, too, might remain through the ages. In it, I builded my knowledge of "Magic-Science" so that It might be here when again I return from Amenti, Aye, while I sleep in the Halls of Amenti, my Soul roaming free will incarnate, dwell among men in this form or another".
"Raised I high over the entrance, a doorway, a gateway leading down Amenti. Few there would be with courage to dare it, few pass the portal to dark Amenti. Raised over the passage, I, a mighty pyramid, using the power that overcomes Earth force (gravity). Deep and yet deeper place I a force-house or chamber; from it carved I a circular passage reaching almost to the great summit. There in the apex, set I the crystal, sending the ray into the "Time-Space," drawing the force from out of the ether, concentrating upon the gateway to Amenti".
God (Anu) choses Ra (Enki) to restore the rule of the priests also called 'initiates' and 'Masters'. Thoth was the son of Enki. His Sumerian name was Ningishzidda. He was considered the 'guardian of the secrets of the pyramid'. In Zacharia Sitchin's The Wars of Gods and Men, we find this information.
"Nowadays the visitor to the Great Pyramid finds its passages and chambers bare and empty, its complex inner construction apparently purposeless, its neaches and noocks meaningless.
"It has been so ever since the first men had entered the pyramid. But it was not so when Ninurta entered it - circa 8670 B.C. according to our calculations. "Unto the radiant place," yielded by its defenders, Ninurta had entered, the Sumerian text relates. And what he had done after he had entered changed the Great Pyramid not only from within and without but also the course of human affairs.
Ninurta found inside the pyramid, all the features given along these pages, and of course many more are given in the actual books of Mr. Sitchin.
"....Escorted by the Chief Mineralmaster, Ninurta inspected the array of "stones" and instruments. As he stopped by each one of them, he determined its destiny - to be smashed up and destroyed, to be taken away for display, or to be installed as instruments elsewhere. We know of these "destinies" and of the order in which Ninurta had stopped by the stones, from the text inscribed on tablets 10-13 of the epic poem Lugal-e. It is by following and correctly interpreting this text that the mystery of the purpose and functions of many features of the pyramid’s inner structure can be finally understood.
"Going up the Ascending Passage, Ninurta reached its junction with the imposing Grand Gallery and a Horizontal Passage. Ninurta followed the Horizontal Passage first, reaching a large chamber with a corbelled roof. Called "vulva" in the Ninharsag poem, this chamber’s axis lay exactly on the east-west center line of the pyramid. Its emission ("an outpouring which is like a lion whom no one dares attack") came from a stone fitted into a niche that was hollowed out in the east wall. It was the SHAM ("Destiny") Stone. Emitting a red radiance which Ninurta "saw in the darkness," it was the pulsating heart of the pyramid. But it was anathema to Ninurta, for during the battle, when he was aloft, this stone’s "strong power" was used " to grab to kill me, with a tracking which kills to seize me." He ordered it "pulled out. .. be taken apart... and to obliteration be destroyed."
Among other features, Ninurta encountered:"....Whereas in the narrow passages only " a deem green light glowed," the Gallery glittered in multicolored lights - "its vault is like a rainbow, the darkness ends there." The many-hued glows were emitted by twenty-seven pairs of diverse crystal stones that were evenly spaced along the whole length of each side of the Gallery.... each crystal stone emitted a different radiance, giving the place its rainbow effect....
In 10,390 BC, before the great flood of Noah, it was Enoch, great grandson
of Adam, who lived here. We also discovered that Enoch is not the son of Cain
as the KJ bible relates. His father is Jared in other verses of the KJB.
Enoch's name was also "Imenhotep" in Egyptian legend, but he is called Ediru
in the Sumerian texts, and the first city in the Persian Gulf was named
after him. When he left Summer and went to Egypt his name appears in
the Egyptian language. According to Manetho, Thoth replaced Horus on the throne
of Egypt; it happened 8670 BC - just at the time when the Second Pyramid War had ended.
New evidence links the history of Noah and the flood, which is now believed to be around 10,000 BC to a great comet that struck the earth. Scientists now believe it hit the Indian Ocean and caused a gigantic tsunami. Scientists have found a crater deep in the Indian Ocean near Madagascar. see What caused the Great Flood and Hiram Forward 2 "On close inspection, the chevron deposits contain deep ocean microfossils that are fused with a medley of metals typically formed by cosmic impacts. And all of them point in the same direction — toward the middle of the Indian Ocean where a newly discovered crater, 18 miles in diameter, lies 12,500 feet below the surface."
The Sumerian texts explain that after the Ice Age of that era, it was determined that the Ice sheet that covered Anartica was going to slip into the ocean, so Enki sent a messanger to Noah warning him of the impending disaster (a gigantic tsunami) and telling him to abandon his house and build a boat. This is explained on our Hiram Index 6 page. Which comes from Enoch's secret Books. And our Forbidden page 4, which comes from the Sumerian texts.
Noah being the great grandson of Enoch, is told by God (Enki), that everything will be destroyed by the resulting flood. The world was covered by Noah's flood but many believe the Great Pyramid and it's secrets were here long before the flood and that it's specific purpose was to protect the secrets and wisdom of the 'Sons of Light'.
This Primitive, or Antediluvian form of Masonry, was organised into lodges and was governed by only five Grand Masters: Adam, Seth, Enoch, Lamech and Noah. The five grand masters are still referenced in the legend of Hiram Abiff. At that time Masonry used only a few symbols and ceremonies, it was a system of morals or pure religion whose object was to preserve the promise of a Messiah and unite the world. But it also involved the skills of 'building'. Geometrical formulas that have been found in the Great Pyramid were secret in 10,490 BC. and only known to the 'Masters'.
Some say the 'High Priest' and Master, Enoch, (Thoth) was in charge of the building of the Great Pyramid. Some say it was 36,000 BC when the Emerald Tablets of Thoth were written. Enoch was given these tablets to protect. These are also connected to the building of the pyramid and the secrets that lie in wait for the 'Children of Light' to find..
We know that Noah's son Nimrod was very close to this region in the mountains of Ararat, in Turkey. He became King Nimrod and he built The Tower of Babel in Iraq. Masonic legend says he found a piller and with the instructions he found on it began the history and the Craft of Masonry. This legend has it that the instructions were written by Enoch and left for man to find after several destructions of the earth and it's populations. The earth's surface has been destroyed at least 3 times according to archaeological findings. We feel the fourth destruction is soon to be upon us and only 144,000 will be saved.
Enoch was in Egypt even though he is described as a descendent of Adam. Hermes was in Greece. Somehow these men are connected and are possibly one and the same. We also associate them with Thoth and Imhotep because they all taught the same things. Specifically healing, devine wisdom ( advanced mathmetical skills ) and life after death. That then connects them with Moses and Jesus. Moses was educated by the Egyptian Priests. We found proof Jesus was also educated in Egypt. He was not poor, nor was he christian.
If the legends actually connect, and we think they do, Enoch came here from Atlantis after the 'Giants' called the 'Nephilim' were destroyed in the Vesuvius eruption explosion in 10,490 BC. We also found information that says, Cain was the son of Satan, who raped Lillith, who was Adam's first wife, a 'COPY' of Eve. This 'copy' of Eve is from the Nag Hammidi texts. These evil creatures and the monsters they made were destroyed in the violent explosion of Atlantis.
Thoth came to Egypt with Ra (Enki) to partake in the restoration of the priesthood of the 'Son's of God'. That Priesthood needed a Temple, a House of God. Something that would endure for all the time man spent on this earth.
This Holy Temple has been here for all the Initiates. All of God's true Sons have been here since it's time began. Enoch was here in 10,390 BC. God's chosen 'Sons' were here once again in 1596-1453? BC. They were Moses, Aaron and Joshua. Solomon was said to have been here too but he wasn't allowed inside the pyramid. Then again, when the Messiah arrived, with the final Baptism and Test of Jesus, Oct. 5, 29 A.D. and Oct. 14, 29 A.D. This Holy Temple and the land beyond the sun was literally God's Country, God's promise land, God's earthly home.
"Aye, know, though hidden in darkness, your Soul, a spark of the true flame, exists. Be ye ONE with the greatest of all Lights. Find at the SOURCE, the END of thy goal".
"Light is life, for without the great Light nothing can ever exist. Know ye, that in all formed matter, the heart of Light always exists. Aye, even though bound in the darkness, inherent Light always exists".. The words of Thoth
Contemporary science looks to the animal kingdom to search for our roots while the secrets of the High Priests return us to the stars!
The Remarkable Great Pyramid of Egypt
No alien built this, the seventh and only remaining great wonder of the world.
The Great pyramid is claimed by many to be 10,500 years old. Yet there are things about the design and layout of this 481 foot tall monument that don't add up, or do they?
The basic unit of measurement used is 1/10,000,000th of the Earth's radius (25.0265inches). The length of the base is exactly 365.242 of these units, which is exactly the number of days in a year.
There are many other precise measures within the design, that indicate strongly that the designer of the pyramid new details about the size and orbit of the Earth; to an accuracy that has only been achieved recently with satellite data.
The proposition in Peter's book is that the pyramid represents the Earth, and that the passages are a three dimensional diagram of our spiritual progress through time.
The time scale is provided by a star alignment, at the entrance end, to give a precise start date. The unit mentioned above, 25.0265 inches, appears to represent twenty-five years, providing a time scale. Therefore, the date represented at any point in the passage system can be determined, by measuring along the floor from the lines marked at the entrance.
This one-inch basic unit occurs all over the pyramid. It is a strange coincidence that the first people to ever measure the pyramid accurately were British Egyptologists, using an almost identical unit of measurement.
Rising passages represent progress, downward ones represent a decline. The present era coincides with the end of a long downward section, and the edge of a deep pit.
Peter was aware that there is an ancient system of giving meanings to numbers, one that is nearly the same in all cultures around the world, and by applying this numerology to features of the passages, he discovered he could obtain meaningful readings.
Now this may be starting to sound very speculative, and it is, but it is all there to be checked, and it gives a self-consistent and complex reading. What makes it interesting, is the way that important features seem to occur at the correct times and, as we shall see in later chapters, it has features in common with other prophesies about the End Days.
Here is the description of the path that leads to the pit. Peter interprets the entrance features to mean the following:
This is the path of the dead, the path of those reincarnating mortals who have lost their enlightenment and forsaken their spiritual nature.
There is a precisely scored line on each side of the passage just inside the entrance. These lines would have formed a special alignment with the pole star (Alpha Draconis at that time) at noon on 21st March 2141 BC.
From here, the passage goes downhill until 1453 BC, then it branches and an alternative upward path begins. Peter suggested this might represent Moses and the exodus from Egypt. Until recently, historians favoured a date of around 1200 BC for this, but my new Ryrie Study Bible says the favoured date is now 1450 BC! (This date is also wrong)
The main passage down levels off around 1521 AD and then enters a room with an uneven (and difficult to measure precisely) floor at around 1914. This room is the low point of the whole passage system, except for the deep pit in the middle of the floor. The pit begins around 2004 AD, plus or minus three years.
This pit is an irregular shape and so has no measurable details. However, the passages, viewed from lengthways on, look rather like a cartoon of a naked man, wearing a crown, who is crushing something under his heel. That something is the pit. see.. Pyramid Prophesy
The main events are included in the following table, which also contains details from the passage system as a whole.
We don't agree with the date the pyramid was built or the Exodus date.
Date |
Symbolism | Possible Meaning |
2623 BC |
Beginning of passage system |
Construction date? |
2141 BC |
Star alignment.
Dating lines on walls. |
Abraham born 2166 BC (source Ryrie) |
1453 BC | New upward path begins. | Exodus. |
797-765 BC | Formative favourable time. | 13th Jubilee in Israel. |
592-559 BC | Formative unfavourable time. |
Destruction of Solomon's Temple.
Babylonian exile. |
384-352 BC | Formative favourable time. | |
2 BC | Birth of central Messianic figure. | Jesus. |
29 AD | Preparation of Messiah completed. | Baptism of Jesus? |
33 AD | Achievement of full enlightenment. Beginning of path of the enlightened. | Crucifixion. |
46-58 AD | Mission of lesser Messiah. | Missionary journeys of Paul. |
58-82 AD | Period of physical death and destruction. | Most of the followers of Jesus are killed. |
70 AD |
Central event of this time. | Destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem. |
152 AD | Separation begins between the path of the enlightened and the static path of rebirth. | Early Christian era. |
1223-8 AD | Beginning of return towards the true teachings. | Death of St Francis of Assisi. |
1440-1521 AD | Central events leading to the time of hell on earth. |
Invention of printing.
Discovery of America. |
1767-1848 | Idealism and turbulence. |
French revolution.
American Independence. |
1845 | Initial steps towards final days. | Industrial Revolution. |
1914 |
End of discarnate period for the Enlightened.
Beginning of time of hell and reincarnation for those on all paths. |
The modern era begins with WW1 followed by rapid population growth due to science in medicine and agriculture. |
1918± 3 | Material low point. | End of 1st World War. |
1921-32± 3 | Era of physical progress. | |
1932-39± 3 | Decline in civilisation. | Rise of Hitler and Fascism. |
1933-44 | Rise and fall of anti-messiah. | Hitler. |
1945± 3 | New spiritual influences | Dead Sea Scrolls found. Return to Israel. |
1951± 3 | Rapid progress. | Post-war recovery. |
1978-2004± 3 | Period of decline. | |
1985 | Powerful spiritual forces begin to influence the enlightened. |
1999 (21st Feb). 2000 |
Beginning of the Kingdom of the Spirit.
A new enlightened spiritual society. |
5 star Alignment May 2000 -
nothing visible yet |
2010-25± 3
Total collapse of civilisation.
End Days and their aftermath.
2014-32± 3
Spiritual low point.
among the ruins?
2025± 3
Beginning of recovery.
2034 (31st Oct)
Sign of the Messiah
in the sky?
2039 (21st Oct)
Birth of 2nd Messiah
2055± 3
Material Progress and Recovery
2075± 3
Beginning of era of great progress and achievements.
2076± 3
Beginning of era of great spiritual progress
Death of 2nd Messiah
3rd Messiah
4th Messiah
Last Messiah
Redeemed enter the path of final escape.
Beginning of the true Millennium. Era of final escape for the
The end of the time of escape.
his Antiquities of the Jews, the historian, Josephus relates that the children
of Seth possessed a knowledge of the celestial bodies and their
order in the heavens. According to his account, when Adam
prophesied that the world would be destroyed on
two occasions - once by fire and once by water -
they built two monuments in order to preserve their
accumulated wisdom for future mankind. One monument was brick,
the other stone. The stone one, Josephus reported, was
still standing in Egypt in his day (the first century after Christ).
It is commonly believed that he was referring to the Great Pyramid.
The Great pyramid is said to be positioned at the earth's center. It is also in the center of Egypt, but then any monument could be placed in the 'center' because the earth is round. But it is in the center of the earth's gravity field. Is there something here we don't see?
The pyramid covers 13.6 acres and is made with more than two million stones that weigh an average of two tons. Some weigh as much as thirty tons. The space between the stones is one fifieth of an inch. The north-south axis is 31 degrees east of Greenwich which is the longest horizontal land meridian. The east-west meridian is 30 degrees north making that the longest parallel on the earth.
This divides the earth into 4 separate, equal parts. It is in the center of gravity of the continents.
The temperature inside the pyramid is a constant 68 degrees.
The Cornerstone foundations of the pyramid have ball and socket construction capable of dealing with heat expansion and earthquakes. How did they know this technology?
Mark Lehner, an American Egyptologist and Zahi Hawass, the director of Archaeology at Gaza, have tried to dispel rumors of the pyramid being anything more than one of the greatest achievements of man. The building of this huge triangle is amazing to be sure, but there's more.
Inside the pyramid, Things unseen..
Astrological information and calculations are on Dr. John Charles Webb Jr's page and compiled by Tim Hinkler
It appears on the Great Seal of the United States, and is among the many
beautiful symbols of Freemasonry, where it represents the Great Architect
of the Universe.
It is also known as the Eye of God.
The Eye of Horus / Re / God refers to the ancient Mystery School Teachings of Creational Geometry encoded by Isis and Osiris and left behind with their priests in Egypt. These are the same souls who are the priests in Atlantis and other programs. They carry this genetically encoded information in their DNA - triggered now as we move back to 2012 (see below). There is addtional information kept hidden in the ancient mystery school teachings since the beginning of this reality/program. All hidden information will come forward at this time, as the Hall of Records - Golden Capstone was activated on December 12, 2001 - at 12:12 am and pm in the Kings Chamber of the Great Pyramid. The calibration for the time clock of our reality was reset and consciousness shifted.
The Kings Chamber is 34ft, 4inches x l7feet, 2inches ; this equals 20 x 10 royal cubits. Height if the side walls are 11.18 royal cubits. The semi-diagonal of the floor is also 11.18 royal cubits and can be 'swung up' to confirm the height of the chamber. phi is defined as the square root of 5 + 1 divided by 2 i.e. 1,618. The height of the wall plus half the width of the floor equals 16.1803 royal cubits which are the essential digits of pi.
Biblical reference or not, the technology is far advanced for even todays standards.
On this page
is shown the Babylonians use of pi and how the ancients
could 'square a circle'. The people of the time period ( 10,500 BC.) could do amazing
things and had amazing tools' to do them. If they could use and understand pi
then why not other things that to us would seem impossible
now. We know pi was used due to the calculations we find in
the build of the structure and it's location on earth.
The common eye sees only the outside of things, and judges by that, but
the 'all seeing eye' pierces through, and reads the heart and the soul, finding there
capacities which the outside didn't indicate or promise, and which the
other kind couldn't detect.
~ Mark Twain ~
The square within a circle. Here are the
numbers; The height of the apex is 5,812.98 inches. Each side is 9,131 inches from corner
to corner. Divide the circumference by twice the height
( diameter of a circle is twice the radius) the result is
3.14159, which just happens to be pi. The pyramid is a square within a circle
as seen in the following links.
Square a Circle and
Cuneiform Tablets , Click here.
Today the compass and
square like this would be called "dividers". Without these instruments
it would have been impossible for the Remote Ancient
Egyptians to measure the rate of Precession accurately.
Furthermore without the Plumb Rule used in conjunction with
the Plumb Line they would have been unable to
measure the positions of stars and their corresponding
positions on the ground. The Constellation of Monoceros forms
the Square and Compasses, Canis Minor is a Plumb Rule...
Royal Arch and the Precession of the Equinoxes
The pre-dawn on the vernal equinox in 10,500 BCE, with the sun 12 degrees below the horizon, HU, the Great Sphinx, would have gazed directly at his own celestial counterpart, the constellation of Leo which experienced it’s “helical rising” at this moment. There is a relationship, in a scale of 1:43,200 that exists between the dimensions of the Great Pyramid and the dimensions of the earth. If you take the monuments’s original height (481.3949 feet) and multiply it by 43,200 you get a quotient of 3,938.685 miles. This is an underestimate by just 11 miles of the true figure for the polar radius of the earth (3949 miles) worked out by the best modern methods. Likewise, if you take the monument’s perimeter at the base (3023.16 feet) and multiply by 43,200 then you get 24,734.94 miles, a result that is within 170 miles of the true equatorial circumference of the earth (24,902 miles) . . . . a minus-error of only three quarters of a single percent.
The pyramid has four walls that measure a total of 9,131 inches each for a total of 36,524 inches. Move the decimal point over and you get 365.24 = days in the year again.The average height of land above sea level is 5449 inches, ( Miami to the Himalayas ) exactly the height of the pyramid.
There are 144,000 casing stones, all highly polished and flat to an accuracy of 1/100th of an inch, about 100 inches thick and weighing 15 tons each with nearly perfect right angles for all six sides. What does the book of Revelation say about l44,000? {Revelation 7, servants of God given seals during the apocalypse}
The pyramid's base forms an almost perfect square, aligned with true
North, with the northern side veering from the southern by
just an inch. The British archaeologist
Flanders Petrie, who did some of his early work at
the pyramids, was the first to measure them precisely. Scottish astronomer
Charles Pizzi Smyth believed that the Great Pyramid reflected divine measures
of time as well as well as distance from the earth to the sun when its height
in inches was multiplied by 10 to the 9th power - 10 to 9 being the proportion of
height to width of the pyramid. Smyth had argued that the perimeter of the
pyramid, reckoned in so-called inches, equaled 1,000
times 365.2, the number of days in a solar year. Petrie's measurements proved
The Pyramids and Temples of Gizeh
by Sir W.M.Flinders Petrie. 1883. Be prepared to stay awhile, this is a very large amount of
'Inches' were used to leave a record of the past. This was an ancient Hebrew method. Gematria is the science of finding meaning in the numerical value of words. In the Hebrew language each individual letter has a numberical value. Thus every word has the numerical value of the sum of the value of its letters.
Who discovered the "Measurements"
Among those intrigued by the incredible accuracy of the Pyramid's construction was the great scientist and mathematician Sir Isaac Newton. Attemping to prove his famous law of gravity, Newton needed to know the diameter of the Earth. However, in the 1600's no measurement was accurate enough, especially since Newton theorized that the Earth's spin would cause an equatorial bulge. Having heard legends claiming that knowledge of the Earth, the past, and the future were contained in the Pyramid, Newton set out to see if this was true.
After studying the detailed measurements made by the investigators before him, Newton recognized that many key measurements would be in round numbers if the standard unit of measure was just 0.001 (1/1,000) inch larger than the British inch-which just happens to be the Sacred Jewish Inch. (The Sacred Jewish Inch, 1/25 of a cubit, equals 1.00106 British inches.) This discovery allowed the secrets of the Pyramid to be unlocked. It revealed unmistakable calculations and relationships which proved it to be mathematical genius never before realized.
All four sides of the Pyramid are very slightly and evenly bowed in,
or concave. This effect, which cannot be detected
by looking at the Pyramid from the ground,
was discovered around 1940 by a pilot taking aerial photos to check
certain measurements. As measured by today's laser instruments, all of
these perfectly cut and intentionally bowed stone blocks
duplicate exactly the curvature of the earth. This is a significent
discovery as you will soon see.
The radius of this bow is equal to the radius of the Earth.
This radius of curvature is what Newton had long been
seeking. A drawing of the pyramid curvature
can be seen on the link below at Hinkler.
If one adds up the numberical value of all the Hebrew
characters in the Great Pyramid text the value is 5449.
Hebrew Numbering code
scroll down to the bottom of the page. This is the height
in inches of the Great Pyramid. They contend than the pyramid foretold the Exodus,
the crucifixion and Christ's birth. The Key to the scale is in the first
antichamber or Enoch's circle. This circle is equal to 365.25
degrees, said to he Enoch's age when he went to Heaven and the days in
a year. It is said that the word 'inch' was derived from Enoch's name.
I'll leave it up no you to decide.
.. Hinkler - symbolism
Burial Chamber
This page is continued at Page 2
Is Hawass hiding facts from the world?
In other research we found evidence that Enoch is not Cains son. visit Passage of the Secrets, page 4
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