Egyptian Legend, Sumerian Kings and Genesis
An epoch is a measurement of time. It was a beginning that had an end when everything on the earth was destroyed, except that Adamic seed of perfection that God alone created. The Great Pyramid contains secrets of the lost civilization of Atlantis, but it may be many years before this is proven. When it is discovered, we will be at our end, because we will again know what God knows..
It is believed that we, the current inhabitants and temporary
travelers of earth, are in the forth and final epoch of this experience on earth.
We say 'forth' because we believe there have already been three destructions
by water. The Bible tells us that the final destruction will be by fire.
The first destruction was in 65,000BC when the giant animals and most
of the Atlantians were destroyed.
This destruction is recorded by a space boulder hitting the Yucatan.
Another one is recorded in 48,000BC, another 26,000BC. We found
another one in 11,400BC with the eruption of Vesuvius as glaciers
melted on a huge scale. Water equaling 2,000,000 cubic miles resettled
in the oceans, creating a shift in the earth's crust and disturbing magma
and tectonic plates.
Then we have the last of the melt down that caused Noah's flood in 7600BC.
The years of seperation between these destructions are getting closer
and closer together. Some of these destructions may not have been 'total'
as our theory on Atlantis explains. But this
indicates another complete cycle of precession is due in 2004 - 2012.
Will the 'seed' of man be saved one more time? The saved one's again will be the
'Sons of LIGHT' who use this information for the good of mankind.
There are as many theories as to who will be the 'chosen ones' as there are cultures and pious religious groups who shun material goods and choose a life of service to God. One of these groups are the priests of Axum in Ethopia. Here it is said, The Ark of the Covenant is kept. Hidden and protected by one High Priest.
But we found this in Enoch's Books; "There are three divisions that will work to unite the nations for the coming of the Melchizedek Brotherhood and to make ready the final preparation for the descent of the 144,000 ascended Masters who will redeem the meek and righteous of the earth for the new life stations of universal intelligence in the higher Kingdoms of the Father. In the presence of Metatron, the Unity of Days, and YHWH, the Ancient of Days, I was told how the scroll of Enoch was to be divided into three portions which deal with the three major divisions of universes - Father universes, Son universes, and Shekinah universes".
"All three divisions are served by the Brotherhoods of Light under the direction of the Brotherhood of Michael, the Brotherhood of Enoch, and the Brotherhood of Melchizedek, which direct the seventy Brotherhoods of the Great White Brotherhood. The seventy Brotherhoods serve as a field of intelligence in the repairing of the universes so that they can evolve into the infinite wisdom and glory of the Eternal Mind of YHWH".
"Special Jewish lodges were created, such as the
'Melchizedek' lodges named in honor of the Old Testament
priest-king...Those who belonged to the Melchizedek lodges were
said to be members of the 'Order of Melchizedek'."
- William Bramley, The Gods of Eden
"The purpose of this teaching is to open people's minds to new ideas, inviting you to share in the experience of the education of the soul. As your soul is advanced, you become a part of the joyous participation and share in the 'inner peace' of the great unification of the 'First Supper' now taking place between the Brotherhood of Man and the greater universal intelligence - the Brotherhoods of Light. In the education of the soul, it is necessary to receive the Wisdom derived from the higher worlds which unites your bodies of Light and provides the foundation for your creative experience. This Wisdom reveals how we can share in both a higher world of Light and this physical world of 'reality'".
"This teaching is to make you aware of the Divine Light worlds within and without, allowing you to co-participate with the many worlds of intelligence that are part of your collective birthright. You are to see how life's blueprint has already existed in worlds prior to material creation, and to understand how a timeless blueprint was coded into this body of temporal consciousness so that your body can put on other garments of God's creative work through multiple bodies of Divine Love".
Their understanding of the cosmic order was from direct observation of nature. Therefore their creation myths concern themselves with gods of nature; the earth, the sky, the sun, the moon, the stars, and of course, the Nile river. God, therefore is all of Nature. He is the Earth, the Stars, the Universe and a part of Man. from... Creation Mythology see Atum , the Creator.
The Egyptian connection to Genesis
The stories of the Kings of Sumer date back to before Noah's flood, to at least 11,000 BC, but is it actually older than that?
The first connection -The oldest story
about God in existence,
The secret books of Enoch - Chapter
"And these are the names of the holy angels who watch.
one of the holy
angels, who is over the world and over Tartarus. Raphael, one
of the holy angels, who is over the spirits of men. Raguel, one
of the holy angels who takes vengeance on the world of the
luminaries. Michael, one of the holy angels, to wit, he that is
set over the best part of mankind and over chaos. Saraqael, one
of the holy angels, who is set over the spirits, who sin in the
spirit. Gabriel, one of the holy angels, who is over Paradise
and the serpents and the Cherubim. Remiel, one of the holy angels
, whom God set over those who rise".
Enoch says the fallen Angels had these names; Azazel, Shemhazai, Araros, Kawkabel, Ezekeel, Arakiel, Samsaweel and Seriel.
According to traditional bible sources, Adam had sons; Cain, Abel and Seth.
Cain's son was Enoch according to the KJB.
But the list of the Kings are,
according to Enoch ; Adam, Seth, Enosh, Kenan, Mahalalel, Jared,
Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech and Noah. You also notice the linage of Cain is actually not included here.
Jared is Enoch's Father not Cain.
Everyone has noticed the length of time these men lived. It is because of ancient ritual, magic, knowledge and earth conditions, that they lived so long. But there is also a secret reason, only known to the 'Son's of God' and the followers of this ancient wisdom. We discussed this on 'forbidden'.
The Length of life of the Kings of God; Adam - 930, Seth - 912, Enosh - 905, Kenan - 910, Mahalalel - 830, Jared - 800, Enoch - 365, Methuselah - 969, Lamech - 777, Noah - 950.
From Enoch's Books; 3.
And it came to pass, when the sons of men had increased, that in those
days there were born to them fair and beautiful daughters.
6.2 And the Angels, the sons of Heaven, saw them and desired
them. And they said to one another: "Come, let us choose for
ourselves wives, from the children of men, and let us beget, for
ourselves, children."
6.3 And Semyaza, who was their leader, said to them:
"I fear that you may not wish this deed to be done and that I
alone will pay for this great sin."
6.4 And they all answered him, and said:
"Let us all swear an oath, and bind one-another with curses, so
not to alter this plan, but to carry out this plan effectively."
6.5 Then they all swore together and all bound one
another with curses to it.
6.6 And they were, in all, two hundred and they
came down on Ardis, which is the summit of Mount Hermon.
And they called the mountain Hermon because on it they swore
and bound one another with curses.
The Watchers; "And while these abominations defiled the earth,
the pious Enoch lived in a secret place. None among men knew his abode,
or what had become of him, for he was sojourning with the angel 'watchers'
and holy ones.
Once he heard the call addressed to him, "Enoch, thou scribe of
justice, go unto the watchers of the heavens,
who have left the high heavens, the eternal place of holiness,
defiling themselves with women , doing as men do, taking wives unto them, and
casting themselves into the arms of destruction upon earth".
"Go and proclaim unto them that they shall find neither peace nor pardon".
For every time they take joy in their offspring, they shall see
the violent death of their sons, and sigh over the ruin of their
children. They will pray and supplicate ever more, but never shall
they attain to mercy or peace".
The Giants they eventually created, who were the
combination of Earth women and the so-called fallen angles, began to
have a series of bad dreams and visions. Mahway, the Giant son of the
Angel Barakel, tells one of these dreams to other giants, how he sees
a tablet holding a list of names, immersed in water. When it emerges, only
three names remain. The dream represents the coming destruction by the
Flood of all the people.
Indications are that this is the first destruction of Atlantis. According
to Cayce, the 'Son's of Light' were allowed to leave and traveled to Egypt,
Sumner, India, ect. Legend suggests that Ra and Thoth or (Enoch)
remained to begin again...and they did.
AND GOD said to Enoch, "And apply thy mind, Enoch, and know him who is speaking to thee, and take thou the books which thou thyself hast written. And I give thee Samuil and Raguil, who led thee up, and the books, and go down to earth, and tell thy sons all that I have told thee, and all that thou hast seen, from the lower heaven up to my throne, and all the troops. For I created all forces, and there is none that resisteth me or that does not subject himself to me. For all subject themselves to my monarchy, and labour for my sole rule. Give them the books of the handwriting, and they will read them and will know me for the creator of all things, and will understand how there is no other God but me. And let them distribute the books of thy handwriting children to children, generation to generation, nations to nations. And I will give thee, Enoch, my intercessor, the archistratege Michael, for the handwritings of thy fathers Adam, Seth, Enos, Cainan, Mahaleleel, and Jared thy father.
In the Lost Books of the Bible and the Forgotten Book of Eden, Abel is killed by Cain. God places a curse on Cain for this act. Adam and Eve have a third son, Seth. Adam has told Seth to keep his children and their children away from the children of Cain. The children of Seth are called 'the children of God'.
The KJB says the sons of Cain became followers of the dark angel also known then as Baal. They went down the mountain, away from 'the children of God' and lived in the towns and green valleys of Atlantis. Some took boats and traveled to the land of Summer, Tibet, Egypt, Greece and other close-by regions. This land is also referred to as Mesopotamia,' the Land between two rivers'. In the years that followed, the children of God also went down the mountain and mixed with the children of Cain. They were tempted by the beauty of the people and the possessions of material value they all had.
"And when Cain had traveled over many countries, he, with his wife, built a city, named Nod, which is a place so called, and there he settled his abode; where also he had children. However, he did not accept of his punishment in order to amendment, but to increase his wickedness; for he only aimed to procure every thing that was for his own bodily pleasure, though it obliged him to be injurious to his neighbors. He augmented his household substance with much wealth, by rapine and violence; he excited his acquaintance to procure pleasures and spoils by robbery, and became a great leader of men into wicked courses"."He also introduced a change in that way of simplicity
wherein men lived before; and was the author of measures and
weights. And whereas they lived innocently and generously while
they knew nothing of such arts, he changed the world into
cunning craftiness. He first of all set boundaries about lands:
he built a city, and fortified it with walls, and
he compelled his family to come together to it; and
called that city Enoch, after the name of his eldest son".
According to Enoch, he is not Cain's son.
The Second Connection - Just like Enoch, The Egyptians believed that there had been intermediaries between gods and men who they called 'the Urshu', which then translates to "Watchers". Another term for these gods was Neteru, who lived on earth with humankind and exercised their sovereignty from Heliopolis, a city in Lebanon.
The oldest stone structure in the world
The origin of the name Baalbek is not precisely known and there is some difference of opinion among scholars. The Phoenician term Baal (as the Hebrew term Adon) simply means ‘lord’ or ‘god’ and was the title given to the Semitic sky-deity worshipped throughout the archaic Middle East. The word Baalbek may mean 'God of the Bekaa valley' (the local area) or ‘God of the Town’, depending on different interpretations of the word. Ancient legends assert that Baalbek was the birthplace of Baal. Some scholars have suggested that Baal (the Assyrian Hadad) was only one of a triad of Phoenician deities that were once venerated at this site - the others being his son Aliyan, who presided over well-springs and fecundity, and his daughter Anat (Assyrian Atargatis).
In the Seleucid (323-64 BC) and Roman (64 BC-312 AD) periods, the town became known as Heliopolis, the ‘City of the Sun.' The sky/sun god Jupiter became the central deity of the shrine during this time. Arguably the most important deity of the Romans and taking over the role of Zeus in the Greek pantheon, Jupiter was probably chosen to replace the much earlier worship of the Phonecian god Baal who had many characteristics in common with the Greek Zeus. Whatever the nature of the pre-Roman worship at Baalbek, its veneration of Baal created a hybrid form of the god Jupiter, generally referred to as Jupiter Heliopolitan. The Romans also assimilated the worship of the goddess Astarte with that of Aphrodite or Venus, and the god Adonis was identified with Bacchus.
The origin and development of Baalbek may be considered from two quite different paradigms of prehistory, one the conventional approach that views civilization as having only begun in middle Neolithic times and the alternative approach which suggests that developed cultures existed in what is archaeologically known as the Paleolithic period.
According to theories stated by the mainstream archaeological community, the history of Baalbek reaches back approximately 5000 years. Excavations beneath the Great Court of the Temple of Jupiter have uncovered traces of settlements dating to the Middle Bronze Age (1900-1600 BC) built on top of an older level of human habitation dating to the Early Bronze Age (2900-2300 BC).
The name Heliopolis, by which Baalbek was known during Greco-Roman times, derives from Greek association with the site beginning in 331 BC. Meaning ‘City of the Sun’, the name was also used by the Ptolemies of Egypt between 323 and 198 BC, in order to express the importance this holy site held for the Egyptians.
A sacred site with this same name already existed in Egypt and the new Ptolomaic rulers may have found it provident to link the ancient sky-god of Baalbek with the Egyptian god Re and the Greek Helios in order to establish closer religious and cultural ties between their newly established Ptolomaic dynasty in Egypt and the eastern Mediterranean world. In the historical writings of Ambrosius Theodosius Macrobius, a Latin grammarian who lived during the 5th century AD, the god of the holy place was called Zeus Heliopolitanus (a Greek god) and the temple was mentioned as a place of oracular divination, similar to such sites as Delphi and Dodona in Greece and the temple of Amun at Siwa in Egypt.
The golden age of Roman building at Baalbek/Heliopolis began in 15BC when Julius Caesar settled a legion there and began construction of the great Temple of Jupiter. During the next three centuries, as emperors succeeded one another in the imperial capital of Rome, Heliopolis would be filled with the most massive religious buildings ever constructed in the far reaching Roman Empire. These monuments functioned as places of worship until Christianity was declared the official religion of the Roman Empire in 313 AD, following which the Byzantine Christian emperors and their rapacious soldiers desecrated thousands of pagan sanctuaries. At the end of the 4th century, Emperor Theodosius destroyed many significant buildings and statues, and constructed a basilica with stones from the Temple of Jupiter. This signaled the end of Roman Heliopolis. The city of the sun declined and lapsed into relative oblivion.
In the 1700’s, European explorers began to visit the ruins and in 1898 the German emperor, William II organized the first restoration of the ancient temples. Following the lead established by the Germans, extensive archaeological excavations were carried out by the French government and later the Lebanese Department of Antiquities. While a great deal of much needed restoration work was performed by these archaeologists, the analysis of the ancient origins and use of the site was limited by the prevailing academic view of prehistory which does not recognize the possibility of sophisticated civilizations in early Neolithic or pre-Neolithic times. Particular structures at the Baalbek ruins can, however, only be explained by recourse to such extremely ancient cultures.
The ruins of Baalbek, situated on a large hill (1150 meters) with an expansive view over the adjoining plains, are bordered on two sides by the town of Baalbek and on the other sides by agricultural land belonging to local farmers. Within the sprawling complex are a profusion of temples and platforms filled with a stunning collection of fallen columns and sculptures. The primary structures at the ruins are the Great Court; the Temple of Baal/Jupiter situated upon the massive pre-Roman stone blocks known as the Trilithon; the so-called Temple of Bacchus; and the circular temple believed to be associated with the goddess Venus.
These magnificent columns, 20 meters tall and of enormous weight, are known to have been quarried in Aswan, Egypt but how they were actually transported by land and sea to Baalbek remains an engineering mystery. Today, only six columns remain standing, the rest having been destroyed by earthquakes or taken to other sites (for example, Justinian appropriated eight of them for the basilica of Hagia Sophia in Constantinople).
The Temple of Baal/Jupiter was begun during the reign of Emperor Augustus in the late first century BC and completed soon after 60 AD. The single largest religious edifice ever erected by the Romans, the immense sanctuary of Jupiter Heliopolitanus was lined by 104 massive granite columns, imported from Aswan in Egypt, and held a temple surrounded by 50 additional columns, almost 19m (62ft) high. The Temple is believed to have been consecrated to a triad of deities: Hadad (Baal/Jupiter), the god of Heaven; Atargates (Astarte/Hera), the wife of Hadad; and Mercury, their son.
The great mystery of the ruins of Baalbek, and indeed one of the greatest mysteries of the ancient world, concerns the massive foundation stones beneath the Roman Temple of Jupiter. The courtyard of the Jupiter temple is situated upon a platform, called the Grand Terrace, which consists of a huge outer wall and a filling of massive stones. The lower courses of the outer wall are formed of huge, finely crafted and precisely positioned blocks. They range in size from thirty to thirty three feet in length, fourteen feet in height and ten feet in depth, and weigh approximately 450 tons each. Nine of these blocks are visible on the north side of the temple, nine on the south, and six on the west (others may exist but archaeological excavations have thus far not dug beneath all the sections of the Grand Terrace). Above the six blocks on the western side are three even larger stones, called the Trilithon, whose weight exceeds 1000 tons each. These great stones vary in size between sixty-three and sixty-five feet in length, with a height of fourteen feet six inches and a depth of twelve feet.
Another even larger stone lies in a limestone quarry a quarter of a mile from the Baalbek complex. Weighing an estimated 1200 tons, it is sixty-nine feet by sixteen feet by thirteen feet ten inches, making it the single largest piece of stonework ever crafted in the world. Called the Hajar el Gouble, the Stone of the South, or the Hajar el Hibla, the Stone of the Pregnant Woman, it lays at a raised angle with the lowest part of its base still attached to the quarry rock as though it were almost ready to be cut free and transported to its presumed location next to the other stones of the Trilithon.
Next there is the problem of how the mammoth blocks, once they were brought to the site, were lifted and precisely placed in position. It has been theorized that the stones were raised using a complex array of scaffolding, ramps and pulleys which was powered by large numbers of humans and animals working in unison. An historical example of this method has been suggested as the solution for the Baalbek enigma.
The massive stones of the Grand Terrace of Baalbek are simply beyond the engineering abilities of any recognized ancient or contemporary builders. There are several other matters about the Baalbek stones that further confound archaeologists and conventional theories of prehistoric civilization. There are no legends or folk tales from Roman times that link the Romans with the mammoth stones.
There are absolutely no records in any Roman or other literary sources concerning the construction methods or the dates and names of the benefactors, designers, architects, engineers and builders of the Grand Terrace. The megalithic stones of the Trilithon bear no structural or ornamental resemblance to any of the Roman-era constructions above them, such as the previously described Temples of Jupiter, Bacchus or Venus. The limestone rocks of the Trilithon show extensive evidence of wind and sand erosion that is absent from the Roman temples, indicating that the megalithic construction dates from a far earlier age. Finally, the great stones of Baalbek show stylistic similarities to other cyclopean stone walls at verifiably pre-Roman sites such as the Acropolis foundation in Athens, the foundations of Myceneae, Tiryns, Delphi and even megalithic constructions in the ‘new world’ such as Ollyantaytambo in Peru and Tiahuanaco in Bolivia. ..from Baalbek
According to Zacharia Sitchen, Baalbek and other ruins in Peru and Tiahuanaco were landing platforms for the great flying machines of the gods. There is much evidence of these in the Sumerian texts.
These Gods were described as 'followers of the Law of One' in Atlantan Legend. These deities were known and described by the Egyptians as Gods because they are said to have actually ruled on Earth. These deities had names and were also described by Enoch who wrote down the history of man and his accomplishments as well as his shameful deeds. The Book of the Dead in Egypt is said to have been written by Thoth and contains all of the Names of the Gods. We have established There IS a connection between Thoth and Enoch. If so, this would make Enoch the 'expert' on the creation stories, because it was taught to him by God, and the Angles; Uriel, Michael and Gabriel in Heaven.
From the Egyptian Book of the Dead
"'Deliver thou the scribe Nebseni, whose word is truth, from the Watchers, who carry murderous knives, who possess cruel fingers, and who would slay those who are in the following of Osiris.'
May these Watchers never gain the mastery over me, and may I never fall under their knives!'
"They had come to Egypt, the Egyptians wrote, from Ta-Ur,
the 'Far/Foreign Land,' whose name Ur meant 'oldest' but could
have also been the actual place name - a place will known from
Mesopotamian and biblical records: the ancient city of Ur in
southern Mesopotamia. And the straits of the Red Sea, which
connected Mesopotamia and Egypt, were called Ta-Neter, the
'Place of the Gods,' the passage by which they had come to Egypt.
That the earliest gods did come from the biblical lands of Shem
is additionally borne out by the puzzling fact that the names
of these olden gods were of 'Semitic' (Akkadian) derivation.
Thus Ptah, which had no meaning in Egyptian, meant 'he who
fashioned things by carving and opening up' in the Semitic
Zecharia Sitchin, The Wars of Gods and Men
So we see that 'Shem', a son of Noah has something to do with all of this. Taking this one step further, we also found Ham who was susposed to be another one of Noah's sons. In Genesis 9:24 he is Noah's youngest son, but Genesis 5:32, 6:10 says he is the middle son. Ham's son Canaan is denounced for the sin of Ham and called the 'servant' of 'The Lord God of Shem'. In the Anchor bible, Canaan was a son of Noah, not a grandson and Ham was not a family member at all.
From the Book Genesis of the Grail Kings - Laurence
"... Japhet was indeed Ham's brother, just as the Bible
explains. Hence, Gardner says he was also a son of Tubal-cain, not a son
of Noah as related in Genesis. Ham and Japhet were key
ancestors of the Scots Gaels and, as correctly determined by
the noted scholar Robert Graves, Note: Graves, R, The White
Goddess, p. 237., Japhet was known to the Greeks as Iapetus - a
traditional style within his Titanic strain. In practice, he
was Iapetus II, the great Anu having been Iapetus I... "
We consider the great Anu on.. Enuma Elish
You have probably already read the more complete story about Joseph on the Widow's Son series and his connection to the Egyptian Pharoahs.
We said the Egyptians and the Hyksos came from the same place and this allowed them to get along, but there was a difference in what the two cultures believed as far as religion was concerned.
The Sumerian connection to Genesis
The following is from Genesis of the Grail Kings,
Laurence Gardner, page 190-191.;
The bible explains that Lamech has two wives, one (Adah) of
whom bore him two sons and the other (Zillah) bore a son and a
daughter - Genesis 4:20-22. Adah's first son was Jubal, who
was said to be the father of such as 'dwell in tents', and
according to the Journal of Near Eastern Studies, this
designation is of express significance because the Mesopotamian
records tell us precisely who these tent-dwellers were. In 1942
the ancient King List of Khorsabad was published
, detailing the first successiors of seventeen kings in Assyria,
and these kings were referred to as 'those who dwell in tents'
outside the city if Assur.
Jubal's brother was Tubal, said to be the 'ancestor of all who handle the lyre and pipe', while his half-brother Tubal-cain (son of Zillah) is described as 'an instructor of every artificer in brass and iron'. As pointed out in the Hebrew Anchor bible, the use of the word iron is of course, an anachronism (since this was some while before the Iron Age) and should be more correctly read 'metal'. Indeed, Tubal-cain was the greatest metallurgist of the age and has long been revered as a great patriarch of the Master Crafstman.
The Anchor bible dates Genesis to the third millennium BC and further states the Hebrew name Methusael (father of Lamech) is a variant (almost an anagram) of the Sumerian name Akalem. So, was there a prominent Sumerian king of the Cannite succession called Akalem, who ruled from 3500BC? There certainly was; his tomb was discovered by Sir Charles Woolley amoung with sixteen royal graves of the predynastic kings lugals of Ur.
Woolley opened more than 2,000 tombs at Ur, as well as conducted extensive excavations of a ziggurat and other large-scale buildings. Systematic exploration of the so-called Royal Cemetery, dating mainly to the Early Dynastic IIIA period (ca. 2600-2500 B.C.), began during the 1926-1927 season. Of the 660 tombs dug here by Woolley, 16 were of such wealth and complexity that he considered them to be the final resting places of the city's royalty. Renowned for his technical skill in excavation as well as his stamina, Woolley carried out all the painstaking digging of the tombs with only the help of his wife Katherine and one other assistant.
The Genesis 'Creators'
This primitive drawing confirms the wicked creations of the
'fallen angles' and is another version of the 'creation' works
known as
'Enuma Elish'.
The picture here represents according to Zecharia Sitchin, the
making of the first human, Adapu, Adam, homo
sapien sapien. This cylinder seal is of Sumerian origin.
It shows a Goddess, holding up and showing an infant.
The other two Gods on the seal stand around beakers and jars
used for mixing DNA of the gods with the already existing
humanoid DNA on earth, creating Adapu. The slave worker for the
..exerpt from the enuma elish ; Tiamat approved it, she
said,'I approve this advice: we will make monsters, and monsters
and gods against hods will march into battle together...see
Enuma elish
also see the ENUMA ELISH
Myths From Mesopotamia
This is one of the oldest written creation myths in
existence. Often compared to the biblical tale of Genesis,
the earliest tablets date from around 5000 B.C., although
scholars feel that it was an ancient oral tradition before then.
This oral tradition took years to teach to children and they
learned even more as they grew in age.
It probably was enhanced over time but remained true to the
ancient secret wisdom it taught to the 'chosen people' of God.
The 'Enuma Elish' tells us that the fallen angles conducted
thousands of experiments with DNA. They made creatures that
were half donkey, half horse. Sheep combined with goat DNA and
they combined cows and other beasts of the field. They even
used the human women to create monsters and other
hideous creatures. The fragments of the Dead Sea Scrolls which
contain the Secret Books of Enoch reveal these experiments.
These fragments include; 1Q23, Frag 1+6, 4Q531 Frag.2.
,4Q532 Col.2 Frag 1-6 and many others. The fragments describe
the fallen angles as 'lacking true knowledge'.
Our Eunma Elish page has more about these 'gods' on earth
Genesis of the Grail Kings; From beneath the windswept sands of ancient Mesopotamia comes the documented legacy of the "creation chamber" of the heavenly Anunnaki. Here is the story of the clinical cloning of Adam and Eve, which predates Bible scripture by more than 2000 years...Laurence Gardner
We combined several pages to create a new page on the Enuma Elish With clay tablets to prove it, this story is the background work for the Hebrew version of Genesis.
Recently found Ancient scrolls describe the creatures they made.
"I’m Dr. Alistair Pemberton of the Royal Museum of Antiquities in Cairo.”
He has called Dr. Camille Kendrick
Dr. Pemberton begins; ..."our museum is conducting an archeological dig
near the site of the Great Sphinx at Giza. A few days ago,
one of our archeologists uncovered a hidden chamber that
contained dozens of scrolls dating back to almost 3000 years
B.C. We need you to help decipher the writing on those scrolls.”
They walked down a long, narrow tunnel that led to a large open room hidden beneath the earth. “This chamber is almost directly under the Sphinx,” Alistair explained. “That,” he said, pointing to a pile of stone and rubble that blockaded an archway, “we believe was a passageway into the Sphinx itself.”
Camille walked over to a stone table on which many ancient scrolls were piled. She slowly unrolled one, being careful not to damage the ancient papyrus.
“Do you recognize the language, Dr. Kendrick?” Alistair
asked hopefully. The deciphered code revealed a list of names;
“As you can see, I’ve categorized the names: gods, demons,
etc.”...“Yes, Beelzebub, Asmodeus, Baal—the devil—you have heard of
him; haven’t you?”...“And here are the gods—Isis, Anubis—both
popular Egyptian deities. Besides the demons and gods, there
are the other mythological creatures such as the Griffin,
Capricorn and Nereid.
”Camille woke up still pondering the
significance of the Sphinx—that mysterious figure with the body
of a lion and the head of a woman. “Why would a doctor keep a
list of demons, gods and creatures of myth?”
Arachne was half woman/half spider; Basilisk was half rooster/half snake; Bast was an Egyptian goddess with the head of a cat; centaurs were half man/half horse; Gin Seng was half man/half plant; gorgons were women with snakes growing out of their heads; Manticore had the body of a lion and the head of a man; while Minotaur the body of a man and the head of a bull; Pan was half man/half goat; Nereid was half woman/half fish.
Even Satan, the devil himself, was said to be shaped
like a man with a tail, horns and a cloven hoof in place of his
foot. The Book of Revelations described the Beast—the bringer of
the Apocalypse—as having the body of a leopard, the claws of a
bear and the fangs of a lion. Having failed in his duty to
eliminate these abominations from the world, the older man
undoubtedly issued a stern warning to his people: a warning
that spread from country to country as man colonized the world,
a warning that found its way into the Bible itself:
“…The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet
like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion.
The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne of great
authority ... The whole world was astonished and followed the
beast. Men worshipped the dragon because he had given authority
to the beast, and they also worshipped the beast ... If anyone
has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it
is man’s number. His number is 666.”
Dr. Camille Kendrick had counted the names of those mighty
man-beasts: there were six hundred and sixty-six. It was the
number of the beast, the number of hybrid creatures created by
man .. read it for yourself..
The Secret of the Sphinx
Recently 'cloned' human? Are we playing with 'Fire' again?
Stories from a much earlier time period..
The Disaster that may have destroyed Cain, or an earlier
civilization in 48,000BC..The myth stories about the Island
of Atlantis may not be just myths after all. The Men with long
white beards were here first. Were these men the Kings of
Atlantis? These men coincidentally looked like the early druids
who may have built Stonehenge. These men may have been called the
followers of 'The Law of One' who is God. They are also called
'the civilizers' by Graham Hancock in his book Fingerprints
of the Gods.
Atlantis, the Connection
The KJB Verse, referring to Genesis 6: 1-7 will become clear
More evidence of an advanced civilization..
30,000 B.C.-- First Illuminatus, Gruad, rules in Atlantis.
The Lost Lemuria. Pangean. Mesoamerican Paleo-Indian, highly
mobile hunting and gathering groups in pursuit of large game.
20,000 B.C.-- Mythical Lloigor inhabit continent of Mu. Elohim decide to destroy their bases, their laboratories and all that they had created on earth.
13,000 BC -- Indian country of Rama existed. Remains of their large cities still exist in the deserts of India and Pakistan (Mohenjodaro). Indian texts from this period tell of anti-gravity space ships (called Vimanas, or Astras), and a war with the Atlanteans on the moon. Curiously, Soviet scientists have discovered what they call "age-old instruments used in navigating cosmic vehicles" in caves in Turkestan and the Gobi Desert. The "devices" are hemispherical objects of glass or porcelain, ending in a cone with a drop of mercury inside. Some ancient Indian texts describe a war with Atlantis (who flew Vailixi machines) using flying machines and atomic bombs about 10,000 to 12,000 years ago.
When the Rishi City
of Mohenjodaro, Pakistan was excavated by archaeologists in the
last century, they found skeletons just lying in the streets,
some of them holding hands, as if some great doom had suddenly
overtaken them. These skeletons are among the most radioactive
ever found, on a par with those found at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Ancient cities whose brick and stone walls have literally been
vitrified, that is-- fused together like glass, can be found
in India, Ireland, Scotland, France, Turkey and other places.
There is no logical explanation for the vitrification of stone
forts and cities, except from an atomic blast. The Lop Nor
Desert in western China is known to be the center of a great
UFO mystery. From "Worlds Strange Phenomena" by Charles Berlitz.
Scientists drilling down in an excavation near Babylon, in Iraq,
found various strata containing evidence of different
civilizations. They eventually stopped when they hit a solid
wall of glass, like the sand had been fused together by a
nuclear blast. (Date estimate not given.)
This from
Dawn of Time to the Present
More... Earthbound science
Middle Paleolithic (90.000-35.000 years ago) which marks the appearance of a new human type: the Neanderthal men. The stone industry produced by them is named Mousterian. Man began to bury the dead, arranged the caves and the areas he lived in, utilizing space to his specific aims (flaking area, sleeping area, hearth area etc.) and scoured vast areas for the raw materials he needed to create his tools.
The Upper Paleolithic (35.000-9.000 years ago) represents an achieved balance between man and nature; the new human type who appeared after Neanderthal man’s disappearance is the oldest ancestor of modern man (homo sapiens fossilis). from..Paleolithic (1.500.000-9.000 b.C.)
Scientific Proof
The bones of several humans from the Paleolithic era, predating the end of the last Ice Age, have now yielded DNA sequences. These include some Neanderthals, one early modern Australian contemporaneous with Neanderthals, and some modern humans who date to the Paleolithic but who lived after Neanderthals had vanished.
The early modern Australian may date back 62,000 years before the present (B.P.), making him the oldest human to yield a DNA sequence. The most ancient Neanderthal to furnish a DNA sequence, from a site in Croatia, dates to over 42,000 B.P.
The first Neanderthal bone to yield a mtDNA sequence for analysis was a humerus, or upper arm bone, from the original Neanderthal type specimen found in the Feldhofer Cave in Germany's Neander Valley. This individual, as well as a second Neanderthal from the site whose mtDNA has also been studied but not yet described, both date to just under 40,000 B.P.
Researchers examined two different control-region sequences from the original Feldhofer Neanderthal and compared them with the same sequences in hundreds of living humans from around the world. They discovered large differences between the Neanderthal's mtDNA and our own (Krings, et al, 1997, 1999).
A bone from an earlier modern human, buried at the Paviland
Cave in Wales 26,000 years ago, just one or two thousand years
after Neanderthals had vanished, has also yielded a
control-region sequence matching those of present-day people.
But it is uncertain whether this sequence is genuinely ancient
or might instead have come from a living person who handled the
see Neanderthal DNA
8,000 B.C.-- More evidence exists the Sphinx was built at this time, before the Egyptians. The Mullions, a race with a larger skull capacity (2000cc vs our modern 1400cc) existed near Algeria at this time, but for a short time. Skeletons found showed they were mostly women and children, who worked with tools never before seen and with unknown domesticated animals.
This alone could put these creations back many thousands
of years as seen above and possibly before the first destruction.
This would connect with the huge creatures that existed up to
65,000 years ago that were destroyed suddenly by what scientists
now believe was a violent impact of a comet or meteor with the
Edgar Cayce says the Atlantians or "Anunnaki" blew
themselves up when they tried to destroy the dinasours. see
Atlantis, the Connection
In the span of human prehistory, the Cro-Magnon people who drew the profusion of animals on the bulging limestone walls of the Chauvet cave were fairly late arrivals. Human technology the making of tools from stone had already been in existence for nearly 2 million years. There are traces of symbolism and ritual in burial sites of Neanderthals, an earlier species, dating back to 100,000 B.P. (before the present). Not only did the placement of the bodies seem meaningful, but so did the surrounding pebbles and bones with fragmentary patterns scratched on them. These, says Clottes, "do indicate that the Neanderthals had some creative capacity."
Though the dates are vastly generalized, most prehistorians
seem to agree that art communication by visual images
came into existence somewhere around 40,000 B.P. That was
about the time when Cro-Magnon's, Homo sapiens,
reached Ice Age Europe, having migrated from the Middle East.
Some experts think the Cro-Magnon's brought a weapon that made
Neanderthals an evolutionary has-been: a more advanced brain,
equipped with a large frontal lobe "wired" for associative
thinking. For art, at its root, is association the power to make
one thing stand for and symbolize another, to create the
agreements by which some marks on a surface denote,
say, an animal, not just to the mark maker but to others.
Time Magazine Archives
The Cro-Magnon's were not the inarticulate Alley Oops of popular myth. They were nomadic hunter-gatherers with a fairly developed technology. They wore animal-skin clothing and moccasins tailored with bone needles, and made beautiful (and highly efficient) laurel-leaf-shaped flint blades. Living in small groups, they constructed tents from skins, and huts from branches and (in what is now Eastern Europe) mammoth bones.
Most striking was their yearning to make art in permanent places the walls of caves. This expansion from the body to the inert surface was in itself a startling act of lateral thinking, an outward projection of huge cultural consequence, and Homo sapiens did not produce it quickly. As much time elapsed between the first recognizable art and the cave paintings of Lascaux and Altamira, about 15 to 20 millenniums, as separates Lascaux (or Chauvet) from the first TV broadcasts. But now it was possible to see an objective image in shared space, one that was not the property of particular bodies and had a life of its own; and from this point the whole history of human visual communication unfolds.
We are apt to suppose that Cro-Magnon cave art was rare and exceptional. But wrongly; as New York University anthropologist Randall White points out, more than 200 late-Stone Age caves bearing wall paintings, engravings, bas-relief decorations and sculptures have been found in southwestern Europe alone. Since the discovery of Lascaux in 1940, French archaeologists have been finding an average of a cave a year and, says professor Denis Vialou of Paris' Institute of Human Paleontology, "there are certainly many, many more to be discovered, and while many might not prove as spectacular as Lascaux or Chauvet, I'd bet that some will be just as exciting."
No doubt many will never be found. The recently discovered painted cave at Cosquer in the south of France, for instance, can be reached only by scuba divers. Its entrance now lies below the surface of the Mediterranean; in the Upper Paleolithic period, from 70,000 B.P. to 10,000 B.P., so much of Europe's water was locked up in glaciers that the sea level was some 300 ft. lower than it is today.
Why the profuseness of Cro-Magnon art? Why did these people, of whom so little is known, need images so intensely? Why the preponderance of animals over human images? Archaeologists are not much closer to answering such questions than they were a half-century ago, when Lascaux was discovered.
Proof of these experiments has been found in a cave in Lascaux in
France. Prehistoric images speak of colorful vibrant paintings of horses,
of bison, of a panoply of animals and humans often seem to come alive and be
in motion. They are frequently superimposed one upon the other and sometimes are
incomplete. The images reveal monsters, part animal, part human.
The Cave at Lascaux
Virtual Tour. These drawings are from 17,000 to 40,000 years old. The research carried
out during the past decades has placed the iconography of Lascaux at the beginning of
the Magdalenian Age, that is, 17,000 years before today. However, certain indications,
both thematic and graphic, suggest that certain figures could belong to a more recent
period. This is borne out by dating with Carbon 14 (around 15,000 years old)
Brand new, recently discovered cave paintings in France are dated to 25,000BC.
more on this soon...
Cave paintings
Among the line carvings are animals with deformed heads, a bison with a horse’s head,
silhouettes of women and half a dozen representations of female erotica. The archaic
character of the engraved figures suggests that they should be around 25,000 to 30,000
years old. Radiocarbon dating is being undertaken and results will be announced in
a few weeks.--BERNADETTE ARNAUD ,July 4, 2001.
see a larger picture at
Deer from Lascaux cave They also
made figurines of fertility that we call them "aphrodites". The Aphrodite of Laussel,
one of the earliest reliefs, measures 44 cm in height and can be seen now at the museum
of Bordeaux in France. The Aphrodite of Willendorf, now in Vienna, has been dated
between 28,000 and 25,000 BC is made of limestone and measures about 11 cm in height.
Lascaux in France; "It was not long before radiocarbon dates showed that the Chauvet Cave contained the oldest, securely dated parietal art. Moreover, the sophistication of the images confirmed what some researchers had already suspected : the notion of a linear evolution of art from simple to complex forms is, quite simply, wrong. That notion derived from post-Darwinian perspectives that fore grounded the idea of evolution from simple to complex and that had been applied in almost every research area - zoological and botanical evolution, social evolution, the evolution of language, and so forth. Now, directly contradicting the Darwinian paradigm, the Chauvet Cave shows that 'sophisticated' art was being made at the beginning of the Upper Palaeolithic (32,000 B.P.), that is, during the Aurignacian period, the time when anatomically modern people first began to replace Neanderthals in Western Europe. Is is now clear that all techniques of image making were practiced in the Aurignacian. Today, much archaeological research focuses on this period". from David Lewis Williams Professor of anthropology in South Africa
ANTIQUITY, An international journal of expert archaeology, Grotte Chauvet England
Since the first visits to the Grotte Chauvet and the initial observations (Clottes 1995), a greater knowledge of the cave and of the data that have been collected allow us to supply some further, more precise details. They all point to great homogeneity. In this vast cave, one finds the same themes everywhere, with a majority of rhinoceroses, lions and mammoths. The direct dates obtained from three animals in the Grotte Chauvet - two. confronted rhinoceroses and a bison - caused a sensation because of their unexpected antiquity, since they are between 30,340 and 32,410 b.p. (Clottes et al. 1995).
They were immediately confirmed by a date from a non-calcited
torch-wipe superimposed on a film of calcite that covered some
lines drawn on the panel next to that of the confronted rhinos:
26,120 +/-400 b.p. (GifA-95127). In another chamber a fragment
of charcoal, that became detached after a torch-wipe identical
to the previous one, gave a similar date: 26,980+/-410 b.p.
(GifA-95129). Finally, some pieces of charcoal from the floor
in several parts of the cave have been dated to 29,000+/-400
(Ly-6878), 24,770+/-780 (Ly-118/Oxa) and 22,800+/-400 (Ly-6879)
b.p. respectively.
Thematic changes in Upper Paleolithic art
DNA, the ancient cabalistic "Tree Of Life" portrayed in the Biblical Torah, is now coming to be viewed as a live vibrating structure, rather than a fixed tape recording. Many modern scientists, regard DNA as a shimmering, waveform configuration, able to be modified by light, radiation, magnetic fields or sonic pulses. The legacy of Thoth/Enoch suggests this "language of Light", the harmonic science of the ancients, could actually affect DNA.
Recent Excavations - What Egypt is hidding ?
In 2001 The archeologists in Egypt discovered tombs of
the Great Pyramid builders within 50 yards of the pyramid. The
directors of the Egyptian Excavations, Dr.Zahi Hawass
and American Egyptologist, Michael Lerner,
will not confirm the date of the mummies remains. They went to
great trouble to make a T.V. documentary broadcast
on the Discovery channel in Feb, 2001, leaving out this important
detail. We taped the show and replayed it twice to be sure of
this fact.
Also, Dr.Hawass, four years ago, approved a American team
sponsored by The National Geographic to continue an exploration
and possible excavation of a secret chamber under the paws of
the Great Sphinx. This was to begin In February, 2000. We see
no evidence of this being continued on his web site.
Because many have asked, here is a link to Dr. Hawass's extensive research site at Gaza,
The Plateau
We, like so many others, have read articles from experts that place the Pyramid of Khufu
at a much earlier date in time than Egyptologists are willing to admit. There are too many
other objects found that make it much older than the year 17th of Khufu’s reign. But here is
their rebuttal..
The Secret Five Chambers
Also discovered in 2000, was the Tomb of Osiris, but little information has
surfaced from that incredible discovery, except from private sources. The link to
photographs and documentation of the tomb of Osiris is on the Pyramid page.
You will see here a page addressed to
Conspiracy Theories
What you don't see are any contradictions to what We have just exposed.
When you consider that a German scientist with a camera was allowed to
inspect the 'air shafts' in the Pyramid
and then suddenly removed from the project after it aired on T.V.,
( Link on Pyramid page ) you see proof of a conspiracy.
December 14, 2002; We found
the proof they are hiding..
copied from..ZEP TEPI
....evidence from around the world, indicates these people were the
hi-tech survivors of the previous civilisation. Like the nuclear
survival bunkers and secret research facilities of our own civilisation,
there were those who arose from the underground "cities
of the Gods", after the dust settled. They were the "prediluvian
patriarchs", like Enoch and Methuselah, the "giants and heroes
of old", mentioned in Genesis.
SIRA radar was deployed in Egypt as early as 1978, mapping an extraordinary subterranean complex beneath the Egyptian pyramids. Arrangements made with President Sadat of Egypt, resulted in three decades of top secret excavations to penetrate the system. At a recent meeting in Australia, one of the key scientists on the Giza project, Dr. Jim Hurtak, showed film footage of work in progress called, CHAMBERS OF THE DEEP, due to be released at the end of the century.
The film reveals the discovery of a vast megalithic metropolis, 15,000 years old, reaching several levels below the Giza plateau. While the rest of the Nu-Age speculates about a hidden chamber under the left paw of the Sphinx, the legendary "City Of The Gods", lays sprawled beneath. Complete with hydraulic underground waterways, the film shows massive chambers, the proportions of our largest cathedrals, with enormous statues , the size of the Valley of the Nile, carved in-situ. Researchers , risking their lives with lights and cameras, carefully negotiated rubber dinghies across subterranean rivers and kilometer-wide lakes, to penetrate sealed chambers beyond. Already, remarkable caches of records and artifacts have been found. Ancient Underground Tunnels by Paul White
This also means Edgar Cayce's prediction is true, The Hall of Records was opened between 1998-2001
Passage Page 5 The Light of Your SoulWhere did we get in information we refer to here and throughout this
site? Read for yourself.
Beginning with The Hiram Key.
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