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The Workman made this Universal World, not with his Hands, but his Word. As many therefore as understood the Proclamation, and were baptized or dowsed into the Mind, these were made partakers of Knowledge, and became perfect men, receiving the Mind.
Yeshúa says: Recognize what is in front of thy face, and what is hidden from thee shall be revealed to thee. For there is nothing concealed which shall not be manifest, {and nothing buried that shall not be raised*}. (=Mt 10:26; *re 'Gnosticismº'; in his scriptural Traditions the Apostle Matthias [Ac 1:21-26] relates Christ's logion: 'Wonder at what is in front of you'— quoted by Clement of Alexandria, Stromata II.9).. and see Sayings of Thomas These are the secret sayings of Jesus which Didymos Judas Thomasº inscribed..
Sayings of Thomas 24. "His Disciples say: Show us thy place, for it is compulsory for us to seek it. He says to them: "Whoever has ears, let him hear! Within a person of light there is light, and he illumines the entire world. When he does not shine, there is darkness". Mt 5:14-16, Jn 13:36)
"The beginning of wisdom is the most sincere desire for instruction, and concern for instruction is wisdom...For she is a reflection of eternal light, a spotless mirror of the working of God, and an image of His goodness." The Wisdom of Solomon
The Genesis account of Adam and Eve and the 'knowledge'
Our early historical records cannot hide from us the murders of such learned men as Plato and Socrates and the condemnation of Galileo because they taught something that contridicted church dogma. But from Adam, Enoch and Noah to Moses, education was the key to their building and metal working skills. The bible even tells us that Enoch was taken to Heaven (walked with God). What he was taught on his 'walk' was deleted from the bible by church decree. If you haven't read Enochs Books, you need to. see The Books Of Enoch These books will better explain what Enoch was taught and who took him to heaven. The beginnings of freemasonry are heavily connected to astronomy and mathmetics and the measurement of time.
From the Author of the interpretations of the Books of Enoch;
"The earliest known surviving fragments and quotations in various
languages show that this is the same book, and that the Ethiopians have preserved it well.
In the end I was convinced that the book is really Enoch's true account of otherwise forgotten
events that occurred in early times; events that we have no other surviving records of.
Enoch left us a book that describes people of an advanced culture; blond-haired people
that Enoch's people considered to be Angels of God, and it was written on the angels'
"I concluded that the book is probably what it appears to be; well preserved, ancient and genuine. Enoch was the great-grandfather of Noah, and father of Methuselah, and his book gives a unique view of the world before the flood; which recent research suggests may have occurred as long ago as 17,000 BC."
"Enoch had two main reasons for writing his book. The first was because the Watchers instructed him to do it, (see section 15 at 81.5 and 81.6). The second reason; was to save his family from the flood. Noah is only named in the section that Methuselah wrote, (see section 10 at 107.3), and of course in his own section (section 11, The Book of Noah). So, there may still have been 40 - 80 years left before the flood, at the time when Enoch wrote his book".
1.2 And Enoch began his story and said: - "There was a righteous man whose eyes were opened by the Lord, and he saw a Holy vision in the Heavens, which the Angels showed to me. And I heard everything from them, and I understood what I saw: but not for this generation, but for a distant generation that will come."
"There is a long gap between the time of the flood and the time when Moses gave praise to Enoch in Genesis. Genesis dates from around 1400 BC, and forms part of the Torah (the first five books of the bible)."
"It seems likely therefore, that copies of the Book of Enoch survived into Egyptian times, to at least 3500 BC, and was known to Moses around 2,000 years later. Moses presumably took a copy of the book with him when they all left Egypt, and he was no doubt pleased to see Enoch's prophecy fulfilled.
Another viewpoint
THE EXAMPLES OF prior mystical tradition influencing Judaism keep on coming: in 1768 the Scottish explorer James Bruce traveled up the Nile in an attempt to discover its source. His travel was difficult and maintained only by his ability to produce gold when necessary and to use his blunderbusses and pistols. Travel was a dangerous business, even without the diseases that often resulted from bad water and rotten food. After two years he reached Ethiopia, which was in the grip of a civil war. He survived and returned to Europe bearing some treasures, among which were three copies of an Ethiopian edition of an ancient Jewish text called “The Book of Enoch.”
This text had been accepted by the second and third-century church fathers such as Clement of Alexandria and Tèrtullian. But even then its inclusion on the official list of Jewish sacred texts was not certain; Tertullian mentioned that sonic rabbis would not accept it.” However, Christians at that time had few qualms. They coinsidered the text canonical since parts of it could be read as predicting the coming of Jesus and since it was mentioned in the New Tèstament in the Letter of Jude (14). But following the Council of Nicaea in AD. 325, the Book of Enoch became sidelined and was eventually banned by late-fourth- and early-fifth-century theologians such as Jerome and Augustine.
Although the Book of Enoch is presented as one composition, it is immediately apparent that it was not written by a single author. It is actually a mixture of pieces by a number of writers brought together under the name of Enoch. Yet despite its internal inconsistency, it is an extraordinary work.
It uses many of the motifs that are now familiar to us: Enoch has a visionary
dream (13:8); he asks for an explanation of the Tree of Life (25:L--3); he mentions
three eastern portals through which stars pass on the eastern horizon (36:3), in
accordance with the Babylonian and Assyrian astrolabes, which date from around
1100 B.C; and he also speaks of the actions of men as being weighed in the balance,
like the Egyptian concept of afterlife judgment (41:I). We are once again on familiar
ground: we have esoteric matters taught to a seeker by means of dream visions of
the Far-World-and in a Jewish context. As we have seen, these dream visions occur
as part of an initiation, and the dreamer goes to a quiet, dark place, such as a cave
or a temple crypt, and uses the techniques he or she has been taught to enter the
stillness from which the Far-World is accessible. So we would expect, somewhere
in the Book of Enoch, to find a reference to the experiential, the initiatory. We
are not disappointed.
The Jesus Papers - Michael Baigent
When the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in 1945, a copy of Enoch's Books was found with that text. This is an important book and it tells us of the hidden secrets of the ancients." History of the Book of Enoch This collection also includes Book of Methuselah, and the Book of Noah and the all important Law of the Stars. We see that Enoch visited what he called a Crystal Palace, and this palace seems to be an actual site at Newgrange Ireland. It is also called The Book of Heavenly Luminaries, which is included in the Dead Sea Scrolls.
The Connections >
In the bible (Gen. 6:4), the descendants of the Watchers are described as giants or Nephilim, they may have been bigger than the local people, because Enoch describes them as giants, (7:2), Andrew Collins' investigations suggest that a race of unusually large people did once exist. (See his book 'From the Ashes of Angels') The main theme is that of destruction; God is going to clear away the sinners, so that good people can have peace. This is the Flood of Noah which was still some way off when Enoch wrote the book, although there are details of a 'second end' later in the book (see the 10 weeks).
Enoch's books: 5.8 "When wisdom is given to the chosen
they will all live, and will not again do wrong, either
through forgetfulness, or through pride. But those who possess wisdom
will be humble."
5.9 "They will not again do wrong, and they will not be
judged in all the days of their life, and they will not die of wrath or anger.
But they will complete the number of the days of their life.
And their life will grow in peace, and the years of their joy will
increase in gladness and eternal peace; all the days of their life."
Further; the Ark of Noah was found in Turkey in 1960.
(complete detail and links on Passage page 6) Upon examination,
there were found what appeared to be 'iron' bolts and washers in the wood.
If the manufacture of metal brackets, spikes and bolts was necessary to
build the Ark, how can this skill or the plans that included arches be evil?
Check out ancient knowledge on..
Lost Civilizations
The Rosetta stone is dated to March 196 BC, in the 9th year of Ptolemy V.
The background to the setting up of the stela was the confirmation of the
control of the Ptolemaic kings over Egypt...
and see Sacred Places and teachings
of particular interest to Masons..Sacred Geometry
The Tree of Knowledge
Again; Genesis 2:16 God says "but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die".
The discription of tree of knowledge seems to mean the knowledge therein is everything there is to know... what God knows. To clairfy this, one needs to realize Adam and Eve first of all, could talk and communicate. They understood language and could comprehend what the words God spoke meant. With out a mind to think and learn, this is not possible.
The original Eden meant Wisdom, and a place of bliss like Nirvana. This makes reference to the fact that man has power to evolve his own divine nature, since he holds within himself the Eden in which grows the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, and man is the Knower thereof. "The Garden of Eden on the Euphrates became the garden of the "Astrologers and the Magi." This work does not consider how the Magi became interested in the birth of Jesus, but the prophecies of Daniel (appointed master of astrologers by Nebuchadnezzar) is a likely source. Daniel predicted the year the "Anointed One" (Messiah) would appear. Daniel's source is recorded as "the angel" Gabriel. The actual date was 17 March, 7 BC. (Passover started that night) This is updated from the date this site uses which was March 31, 3 BC.
"China, 2000 B. C., had such a primitive garden in Central Asia, inhabited by the 'Dragons
of Wisdom'," the Wise Ones. The Japanese also had their Garden of Eden "on the Plateau
of Pamir between the highest peaks of the Himalayan ranges," a culminating point of Central
Asia, where four rivers flowed from a common source called "The Lake of the Dragons."1
The Light descended at these places in the past.
1 Blavatsky, H. P.-See The Secret Doctrine, Vol. ii, pp. 203, 204. Page 63
A symbol of sacred knowledge in antiquity was a Tree, ever guarded by a serpent, the serpent or dragon of wisdom. The serpent of Hercules was said to guard the golden apple that hung from the Pole, the Tree of Life, in the midst of the garden of the Hesperides. The serpent that guarded the golden fruit in the garden of the Hesperides and the serpent of the Garden of Eden, which enfolded with its coils that mysterious tree, are the same.
Likewise Mount Meru with its beautiful tree, the abode of the Gods was guarded by the serpent guarding the North Pole, whose secret still defies the greatest explorers and scientists of the day. We have also the myth of Juno giving to Jupiter on her marriage with him a Tree with Golden Fruit. Is it not the same tree, the Tree of Knowledge enfolded in the coils of the serpent, which was given to Eve in the Garden of Eden, and from which she offered the apple to Adam? What has changed this Serpent of Wisdom into the devil of the Christians? The creative power in man is a gift of divine wisdom and not the result of sin. It is far better to place the so-called curse of the Garden of Eden where it belongs. The Secret Doctrine, Page 65.
There is also the beautiful Asvattha, Tree of Life, of the Bhagavad-Gita, whose roots are generated in Heaven, representing the Supreme Being, and whose luxuriant branches spread out over the terrestrial world. Those who can reach above its branches need never reincarnate and return to experience the suffering of the world. But when this tree reached the Garden of Genesis it became changed beyond imagination, its pristine purity was soiled, and it has ever since been the herald of perverted truth and called a Curse. The Secret Doctrine, Page 66.
'Tree of Life'; Enoch 8.4.
If you read this, this section ends with some of the 'Watchers' asking their
Headman what should they do about the runaways ( fallen angels ),
which tells us, not all the 'Watchers' were bad.
Alternatively, it could be seen as God being informed that no souls
wish to incarnate on the Earth because conditions are becoming
so bad and this would be in the time of Noah when the bad Watchers
are devouring flesh and creating monsters.
'INCARNATE' - becoming a living flesh.... We - all of us
have been here before. The Roman's also threw this out of the
bible and any other know religious practices. They condemned spirituality
which seperated the soul from the body and made the soul a seperate enity.
The truth is; the soul never died, hence this allowed unbarred admission to the tree of life.
Proof of this is in the Gospel where there are indications that Elijah
will return, as spoken by Jesus and he did in John the Baptist.
Reincarnation is real. Have any of you had a 'near death'
experience? If not, we will share this with you shortly.
In any case, most of us have been here before. Indications are that those of who are
enlightened in this time period will not have to return again. And according to
the predictions of Revelations, we will not have time before the present epoch ends.
An epoch is linked to the procession of the Earth..
A complete precession cycle covers a period of approximately 25,765 years, the so called great Platonic year, during which time the equinox regresses over a full 360°. Precessional movement also is the determining factor in the length of an Astrological Age.
With this in mind, on the next page we get into 'eternal life' and why it is possible and real.
To further this investigation, we encourage the study of Sylvia Brown's take on life and death. Sylvia is truly on a mission for God. Simply put, she is determined to show the world that the soul survives death. In addition she wants to emphasize that God, both Father and Mother God, are infinitely loving Beings, not full of wrath and hate as represented by many of today's religions. Sylvia feels that all people can reach God by knowledge and reason, rather than relying upon faith alone. Sylvia Brown Gnostic philosophy.
Adam and Eve had every right to have knowledge! In fact only humans have this right!, and that is what the true God intended. OK then, what about the serpent. We now know it isn't evil! We'll tell you more about the so-called God who forbid Adam and Eve to eat of the tree of knowledge in a minute.
First we must point out - The actual interpertation of
the serpent is that he is 'wise'! From 'wise' comes wisdom, from
wisdom comes truth! The snake is also the most 'naked' of all the animals.
It's nakedness represents the fact that it hides nothing, that it shows it's
true nature, that it does not lie. The Latin word aroum meaning naked,
was mistranslated as shrewd or subtle in the third chapter, first verse of
Genesis. So in effect this is the "Light Bearer", a giver of knowledge.....
A teller of truth. A giver of the "Mind". The snake therefore is not Satan
or Lucifier but the Latin interpertation of the word 'Venus', a bringer of
"Light" or knowledge, ie, an "instructor".
Go back to the top of the page and read the sayings of Thomas (24)
again. "One must have Light".
We find that a brass serpent called Nehushtan was kept by the
Israelites after the first temple was built. It was placed in the courtyard
of the temple and the people believing it could heal the sick, sacrificed
animals to it.
"Yahweh sent fiery serpents among the people and they bit the people, so that many people of Israel died. And the people came to Moses, and said, 'We have sinned, for we have spoken against Yahweh and against you; pray to Yahweh, that he may take away the serpents from us.' So Moses prayed for the people. And Yahweh said to Moses, 'Make a fiery serpent, and set it on a pole; and every one who is bitten, when he sees it, shall live.' So Moses made a bronze serpent, and set it on a pole; and if a serpent bit any man, he could look and the bronze serpent and live." - Numbers 21:5-9. Was this a medifore to this serpent being a 'healer' of sorts?
Then the next time you see this on some church fundamentalist web page that the light bearer is evil, You can quote Jesus' words and the mistranslated Latin text..
Who is 'You' described above? Who are the Alien likenesses? and take note that "He loathed them?" This means we have a different version of the story in Genesis. It is the true version.
The words, 'alien likenesses' are very important in this story
and there are several more references to this that you won't
find in the KJB. However these beings are called The Nephilim
in Genesis 6:4 and in Numbers 13 they are called Watchers.
We have now identified them as the Anunnaki, visitors from the 10th
planet Nibru.
If you haven't heard about Nibru we suggest you read
Our Forbidden Knowledge page.
Those of you who are Masons probably already know of Enoch's intervention on the Watchers behalf. This is related in The Books Of Enoch - (5) This is the first story to be edited out of the KJB. Our question is Why?
So now you know that there are Watchers who did not 'fall', but Genesis doesn't explain this very well. These Watchers were were to help. They were here to educate man and show him how to plant crops, 'measure' the land and use the stars as a calender, as to when to do things. The 'pillers of secret knowledge' mentioned in the time of Solomon are all the combined knowledge imparted to mankind by the Watchers or through Enoch. The star and moon placement knowledge is still used today by farmers and has evolved into the 'Farmers Almanac'.
Now reread the verse in Genesis 3:10.... Just because it says Adam hid because he was naked doesn't mean he was ashamed of his body. Think about where you learned this.
This entire episode or story in Genesis of 'Eyes being opened', is 'metaphorical'. It is the realization of consciousness and of mind. One feels sensation, emotion, volition and has thought...preceiving, apprehending, sharing anothers knowledge.
Take into account that the true God wanted us to be like him in every possible way..including the proper use of our minds...The ability to do good things for all humans...which translates to LOVE.
So the god himself makes cloths for them in Genesis 3:21 and proclaims, "The man has now become one of US"... US? We expounded on this on Forbidden Forward 2.
The tablet also tells us Adapa (man) is one of the seven sages created by Ea ( the Sumerian Enki ) as an exemplary man with superhuman wisdom. This matches the Eunma Elish tablet which says Enki and his wife created seven sets of twins. Adapta serves the god as a priest in Eridu. The Mesopotamian view was that eternal life was just for the gods. So the KJ bible story says the god puts flaming swords to block the path to the tree of life. Eridu was the first city built in the 'Land of Shin'ar' or Sumer as it is now known.
In the bible we see that Cain's son Enoch has a city built and named after him by his father. Enoch's name in the sumerian texts is Eridu or Enmeduranki and Eridu is indeed the first city in Sippar. Enoch is not Cain's son - he is a son of Jared. He was the first priest appointed to serve by Enki. Archeological evidence shows the earliest occupation of Eridu is 7000 B.C.
Other evidence strongly suggests the writers of the Old Testament made significant changes to the Sumerian story of Adapa (man) who was tricked out of immortality by the gods telling him the bread and waters of life were those of death, in a way which introduces key themes of conflict between the genders.
In the Nag Hammidi texts we find this;
"And the tree of eternal life is as it appeared by God's will, to the north of
Paradise, so that it might make eternal the souls of the pure,
who shall come forth from the modelled forms of poverty at the
consummation of the age. Now the color of the tree of life is
like the sun. And its branches are beautiful. Its leaves are
like those of the cypress. Its fruit is like a bunch of grapes
when it is white. Its height goes as far as heaven.
And next to it (is) the tree of knowledge (gnosis), having the strength of
God. Its glory is like the moon when fully radiant. And its
branches are beautiful. Its leaves are like fig leaves. Its
fruit is like a good appetizing date. And this tree is to the
north of Paradise, so that it might arouse the souls from the
torpor of the demons, in order that they might approach the
tree of life and eat of its fruit, and so condemn the
authorities (gods/Watchers) and their angels."
The basic understanding of the tree symbol was that it depicts the divine world order maintained by the Assyrian king,” with the king himself placed in this order as the “Perfect Man.”~ A comparison of - the imagery and numerical symbolism of the Assyrian sacred tree and - that of the Tree of Life of the Kabbalah shows extraordinary correspondences. Parpola concludes that the Kabbalistic tree is certainly based upon the Assyrian original. The tree in Kabbalah symbolizes the manner in which the One Divinity is manifested in all the multiplicity of creation. The creative power is visualized as a divine flash of light that emerges from the unformed One and, streaking to the earth, brings all form into being. The tree is made up of ten Sefirot, which are symbols of the emanated divine principles. The tree has three pillars formed by the central trunk and the vertical alignment of Sefirot on either side: the two side pillars represent the opposites found in the terrestrial world, such as severity and mercy, discipline and tolerance, theory and practice, feminine and masculine: the central trunk provides a balanced path between them as expressed in its names ---the pillar of holiness, 'the Way of Knowledge'.
The tree also symbolizes a means by which humans can journey from the
terrestrial world back to that of the divine ---it provides the map and method of a
spiritual “Way.” In this respect. it serves as a similar image to that of jacob’s ladder.
The Jesus Papers - Michael Baigent
Genesis 3:6; fruit (from the tree of knowledge) - Apples are commonly regarded as the forbidden fruit of the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden. However, archaeological evidence indicates that the apple was unknown in the Middle East at the time the book of Genesis was written... but the 'apple' becomes a symbol meaning 'forbidden knowledge', but not until 8-900 years later. This means the Hebrews created this metaphor. 'Meta' means 'to change'.
Our point being, alot of changes were made from an earlier story and were used to create this one. This is strictly a Hebrew account and as we will point out, not all actually written by Moses and absolutely not all the words of God....alot of it misinterpreted and edited to fit a Hebrew point of view. Then your preacher or reverend puts his or her spin on it making it even further from the truth. What was found in the old cities of Nippur, Nineveh, Ur, Eridu, Ashur and Erech changes everything. Even the lands of Persia, Greece and Africa contained writings that tell another story. The stories are written leaving out the 'fear of God' and the control of men over women senario that seems to be of the utmost importance in the verses about Adam and Eve in Genesis.
Check this out...The Old
Testament was revised in 580 BC after the captivity of the Jews
in Babylon. This revision took place because the stories of
the Babyloians came close to the stories already etched in
the Jews mind. The stories revolved around a vengeful God
that seemed to continually punish the Jews. Much older stories
were editied out and discontinued. But something unusual remained
and as we have already read in the Genesis account we see in 1:26 and 3:22..
"The man has now become one of
'US', knowing good and evil. Who is US?
The Us, are beings Enoch calls 'the Watchers'. They are Earth bound
beings sent by the true God, to help man. Some of the Watchers revolt and refuse to
return to heaven. They become aware of the power and the physical presence
they seem to have on earth and they mate with the earth women (daughters of Cain) and
they become ememies of mankind. The 'children of the Gods' became rulers
of the Earth.
Knowing they have this 'power', and wanting
to 'control' life on earth, they continue with...Genesis 3:24 "He must not be
allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and
live forever."
"So the 'Lord God' banished him from the garden of Eden to work the
ground from which he had been taken. After he drove the man out,
he placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a
flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the
tree of life."
Where did the Gods - Nephilim come from?
The gods of old had corresponding names with the planets that they already knew about. This list is of Sumerian origin, with recognizible names such as Sin, Ishtar, Marduk, and Maat which was another name for Isis or TI.AMAT or AN.SHAR( "Foremost of the Heavens" - Saturn, the Mother). Also notice that Marduk is associated with the Falcon, Horus's symbol in Egypt. Marduk/Nibiru is also the name of the 10th planet just recently confirmed. If you didn't know this see Forbidden Knowledge
The Annunaki sky gods: Anu (sky), Enlil (earth), Shamash (sun), and Ea (water)
The Sun was APSU meaning "One who exists from the Beginning" or Origin as it is named here. This is the Mother goddess of creation in Sumer who molds Enkidu (man) from clay in the images of Anu and Ninurta . She is also called Mammetum in her role of decreeing destinies.
Mercury was called MUM.MU ("One who was Born") The table calls this god the 'Son of the Son' who could have been Ninurta, son of Enlil. The Father of Enki was Anu, who came to Earth under the sign of Taurus or the Bull. His planet was Uranus. (Jupiter - "Foremost of the Firm Lands") was assigned to a god named Kisher. ISHTAR represented Venus - she is the daughter of Enlil. Neptune - not listed here, was E.A (He whose house is Water) - or Enki, first born son of Anu. Pluto was given the name Gaga but later renamed US.MI- "He who shows the way". The astroid belt was TI.AMAT, which was the name of a planet that the moons of Nibiru hit and partially destroyed. The remainder of Tiamat became our Earth.
A second born son of Anu called Enlil, was given dominion over the Earth.
Take note of the comparison in this Masonic chart taken from the Degrees of the ASSRF.
The other members of the Council, of which there must be ten in all, are styled Aralim ( Lion of God, or hero ), and ear no robe. Of these, there must be a Herald Expert Tiler.
NAME | PLANET | BANNER | BRACELETS | STATION | Gabriel | Jupiter | Crimson & Silver | Eagle | Tin | N.E. | Michael | Saturn | Black & silver | Lion | Lead | S. E. | Auriel | Mars | Flame & Gold | Bull | Steel | S. W. | Raphael | Mercury | Green & Gold | Man | Glass & quicksilver | N. W. | Zarakhiel | Sun | purple & Gold | Gold | E. | Tsaphiel | Moon | White & Gold | Silver | W. | Hamaliel | Venus | blue & Silver | Copper | S. |
The bloody trail of man’s war against his fellow men in behalf of the gods now takes us back to Mesopotamia-the Land Between the Rivers (Euphrates and Tigris)-the biblical Land of Shin’ar. There, as is related in Genesis 11, the first-ever cities arose, with buildings made with bricks and towers that scraped the skies. It was there that recorded history began; it was there that prehistory began with the settlements of the 'Olden Gods'.
It is a tale of long ago, which we will soon unfold. But right now let us return to a thousand years before the dramatic times of Ramses II in Egypt. Then, in faraway Mesopotamia, kingship was taken over by an ambitious young man. He was called SharruKin-”Righteous Ruler”; our textbooks call him Sargon the First. He built a new capital city, calling it Agade, and established the kingdom of Akkad. The Akkadian language, written in a wedge-like (cuneiform) script, was the mother tongue of all the Semitic languages, of which Hebrew and Arabic are still in use.
Reigning for the better part of the twenty-fourth century ac., Sargon attributed his long reign (fifty-four years) to the special status granted him by the Great Gods, who made him “Overseer of Ishtar, Anointed Priest of ANU, Great Righteous Shepherd of ENLIL.” It was Enlil, Sargon wrote, “who did not let anybody oppose Sargon” and who gave Sargon “the region from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea” (from the Mediterranean to the Persian Gulf). It was therefore to “the gate of the House of Enlil” that Sargon brought the captive kings, ropes tied to the dog collars around their necks.
This connects Shem with Set(h), a god of storms and war.
The Hittites had a complex culture ranging across what is now Turkey. Their Great Goddess Hebat represented the sun-mother as ruler of heavenly enlightenment. Her dying and reborn consort, Teshub, parallels the Egyptian Isis/Osiris/Horus legend. Her headdress suggests the fountain of life and cup of immortality. The peaceful lion shows she is interconnected with the animal world. Her nursing baby is the numinous ever-coming child of Light. Hebat also parallels the Hebrew Goddess Ashtoreth who was frequently shown flanked by lionesses or standing on top of a lion. Threshing floors were dedicated to Hebat, possibly even the one David purchased on Mount Moriah where King Solomon built his Temple.
In time-after 9,000 years, according to Manetho - Ra, a son of Ptah, became the ruler over Egypt. His name, too, had no meaning in Egyptian, but because Ra was associated with a bright celestial body, scholars assume that Ra meant “bright.” We do know with greater certainty that one of his nicknames, Tem, had the Semitic connotation “the Complete, the Pure One.”
The purely mythological approach to the Egyptian tales of the gods - that of primitive people watching Nature and seeing ‘gods” in its phenomena-has led scholars to assume that Geb represented the Earth deified, and Nut the Heavens; and that by calling Geb and Nut Father and Mother of the gods who thereafter reigned over Egypt, the Egyptians believed that the gods were born of the union of Earth and Heaven. But if the legends and verses in the Pyramid Texts and The Book of the Dead are to be taken more literally, it appears that Geb and Nut were so named on account of activities related to the periodic appearance of the Bennu bird, from which the Greeks obtained the legend of the Phoenix: an eagle whose feathers were red and gold, which died and reappeared at intervals lasting several millennia. It was for that bird-whose name was the same as that of the contraption in which Ra landed on Earth-that Geb engaged in great earth - works and Nut “stretched out the firmament of the sky.” These feats, it appears, were carried out by the gods in the “Land of the Lions”; it was there that Geb “hath opened up the earth” for the great spherical object that came from the “stretched-out skies” and appeared on the horizon.
In the aftermath of the described feats, Geb and Nut turned over the direct rule of Egypt to their four children: Asar (“The All-Seeing”), whom the Greeks called Osiris, and his sister- wife Ast, better known as Isis; and Seth and his wife Nephtys (Nebt-Hat, “Lady of the House”), the sister of Isis. It was with these gods, who were truly gods of Egypt, that the Egyptian tales most concerned themselves; but in depicting them Seth was never shown without his animal disguise: his face was never seen, and the meaning of his name still defies Egyptologists, even if it is identical to the name given in the Bible to Adam and Eve’s third son.
It was the Heliopolitan priests who first recorded the traditions of the gods of Egypt and who related that the first “company” of the gods headed by Ra consisted of nine “Guardians” - Ra and four divine couples who followed him. The first divine couple to rule when Ra tired of staying in Egypt were his own children, the male Shu (“Dryness”) and the female Tefnut (“Moisture’) their main task, according to Egyptian tales, was to help Ra control the skies over the Earth. Shu and Tefnut set the example for mortal Pharaohs in later times: the king selected his own half-sister as his royal spouse. They were followed on the divine throne as both legends and Manetho informs us by their children, again a brother-sister couple: Geb (“Who Piles Up the Earth”) and Nut (“The Stretched-out Firmament”).
In the royal Hittie arthives, archaeologists have in fact discovered royal seals depicting the chief Hittite deity embracing the Hittite king, (above) exactly as described in the Egyptian record, even including the inscription surrounding the border of the seal. Against all odds, the original treaty itself, inscribed on two tablets in the Akkadian language, was also found in these archives. But the Hittitc texts called their chief deity Teshub, not “Seth of Hatti.” Since Teshub meant “Windy Storm,” and Seth (to judge by his Greek name Typhon) meant ‘Pierce Wind,” it appeared that the Egyptians and Hittites were matching their pantheons according to the epithet names of their gods. In line with that, Teshub’s spouse HEBAT was called “Lady of the Skies” to parallel the goddess by that title in the Egyptian version of the treaty; Ra (“The Bright One”) was paralleled by a Hittite “Lord of the Sky” whom the Akkadian version called SHAMASH (“The Bright One”), and so on.
The Egyptians and the Hittites, it became evident, were matching separate, but parallel, pantheons; and scholars began to wonder what other ancient treaties would reveal.
One that provided surprising information was the treaty made circa 1350 B.C. between the Hittite king Shuppilulima and Mattiwaza, king of the Hurrian kingdom of Mitanni, which was situated on the Euphrates river midway between the Land of the Hittites and the ancient lands of Sumer and Akkad.
Executed as usual in two copies, the treaty’s original was deposited in the shrine of the god Teshub in the Hurrian city Kahat-a place and a tablet lost in the sands of time. But the duplicate tablet, deposited in the Hittite holy city of Arinna “in front of the goddess of the Rising Disc,” was discovered by archaeologists some 3,300 years after it was written!.
As all treaties in those days, the one between the Hittite and Mitannian kings also ended with a call upon “the gods of the contracting parties to be present, to listen and to serve as witnesses,” so that adherence to the treaty shall bring divine bliss, and its violation the wrath of the gods. These “gods of the contracting parties” were then listed, beginning with Teshub and his consort Hebat as the supreme reigning gods of both kingdoms, the gods “who regulate kingship and queenship” in Hatti and Mitanni and in whose shrines the copies of the treaty were deposited. Then, a number of younger deities, both male and female, offspring of the two reigning gods, were listed by the provincial capitals where they acted as governing deities, representing their parents..
Here, then, was a listing of the very same gods in the very same hierarchical positions; unlike the Egyptian instance, when different pantheons were being matched. As other discovered texts proved, the Hittite pantheon was in fact borrowed from (or through) the Hurrians. But this particular treaty held a special surprise: toward the end of the tablet, among the divine witnesses, there were also listed Mitra-ash. Uruwana, Indar, and the Nashatiyanu gods-the very Mitra, Varuna, Indra, and the Nasatya gods of the Hindu pantheon!.
Which of the three-Hittite, Hindu, Hurrian-was then the common source? The answer was provided in the same Hittite - Mitannian treaty: none of them; for those so-called “Aryan” gods were listed in the treaty together with their parents and grandparents, the “Olden Gods”: the couples Anu and Antu, Enlil and his spouse Ninlil, Ea and his wife Damkina; as well as “the divine Sin, lord of the oath . . . Nergal of Kutha . . the warrior god Ninurta . . the warlike Ishtar.”
These are familiar names; they had been invoked in earlier days by Sargon of Akkad, who had claimed that he was “Overseer of Ishtar, anointed priest of Anu, great righteous shepherd of Enlil.”
The Egyptians held that their great gods had come to Egypt from Ur (meaning “the olden place”). According to Manetho, the reign of Ptah over the lands of the Nile began 17,900 years before Menes; i.e., cirea 21,000 B.C. Nine thousand years later Ptah handed over the Egyptian domain to his son Ra; but the latter’s reign was abruptly interrupted after a brief 1,000 years, i.e., circa 11,000 n.e.; it was then, by our reckoning, that the Deluge had occurred.
Other estimates concur that the great pyramid was built in 10,490 BC to preserve the records or secrets of the Gods. The flood date also coinsides with the sinking of Atlantis. This timeline could actually put the existance of Enoch back to 10,700 BC, because between 11,600 and 10,560 BC, Atlantis sinks for the last time (Plato/Cayce). If Enoch lived 365 years and the pyramid is built in 10,490 BC we can put it all together. We believe Enoch was 'Taken to Heaven' and taught the sciences by God, before the final sinking of Atlantis.
Then, the Egyptians believed, Ptah returned to Egypt to engage in great works of reclamation and to literally raise it from under the inundating waters. We find Sumerians texts that likewise attest that Enki went to the lands of Meluhha (Ethiopia/Nubia) and Magan (Egypt) to make them habitable for man and beast.
These Sumerian records, linking Enki with the African lands of the Nile, assume a double significance: they corroborate the Egyptian tales with Mesopotamian tales and link Sumerian gods- especially the Enki-gods-with the gods of Egypt; for Ptah, we believe, was none other than Enki.
After the lands were made habitable again, Enki divided the length of the African continent between his six sons. The southernmost domain was regranted to NER.GAL (“Great Watcher”) and his spouse Ereshkigal. To his north, in the mining regions, GIBIL (“The One of Fire”) was installed, having been taught by his father the secrets of metalworking. NIN.A.GAL (“Prince of Great Waters”) was, as his name implied, given the region of the great lakes and the headwaters of the Nile. Farther north, in the grazing plateau of the Sudan, the youngest son, DUMU.ZI (“Son Who Is Life”), whose nickname was “The Herder,” was given reign.
The identity of yet another son is in dispute among the scholars. But there is no doubt who the sixth son actually Enki’s firstborn and legal heir was: He was MAR.DUK (“Son of the Pure Mound”). Because one of his fifty epithets was ASAR, which sounds so much like the Egyptian As-Sar (“Osiris” in Greek), some scholars have speculated that Marduk and Osiris were one and the same. But these epithets (as “All-Powerful” or “Awesome”) were applied to diverse deities, and Asar meaning ‘All-Seeing” was also the epithet-name of the Assyrian god Ashur..
In fact, we find more similarities between the Babylonian Marduk and the Egyptian god Ra: the former was the son of Enki, the latter of Ptah, the two, Enki-Ptah, being in our view one and the same; whereas Osiris was the great-grandson of Ra and thus of a much later generation than either Ra or Marduk. In fact, there is found in Sumerian texts scattered, but persistent, evidence supporting our belief that the god called Ra by the Egyptians and Marduk by the Mesopotamians was one and the same deity. Thus, a self-laudatory hymn to Marduk (tablet Ashur/4l25) declares that one of his epithets was “The god IM.KUR.GAR RA’. ‘Ra Who Beside the Mountainland Abides.”.
Notwithstanding the many connecting threads the ancient Greeks had found between their theogony and that of Egypt, it was much farther away in India that nineteenth century European scholars have found even more amazing parallels.
No sooner had Sanskrit, the language of ancient India, been mastered at the end of the eighteenth century than Europe began to be enchanted by translations of hitherto unknown writings. At first a field dominated by the British, the study of Sanskrit literature, philosophy and mythology was by the mid~nineteeth century a favorite of German scholars, poets, and intellectuals, for Sanskrit turned out to be a mother tongue of the Indo-European languages (to which German belonged), and its bearers to India were migrants from the shorts of the Caspian Sea-’ ‘Aiyans,” as the Germans believed their ancestors, too, to have been.
Central to this literature were the Vedas, sacred scriptures believed by Hindu tradition to be “not of human origin,” having been composed by the gods themselves in a previous age. They were brought to the Indian subcontinent by the Aryan migrants sometime in the second millennium B.C., as oral traditions. But as time went on, more and more of the original 100,000 verses were lost; so, circa 200 B.C., a sage wrote down the remaining verses, dividing them into four parts: the Rig-Veda (the “Veda of Verses”), which is made up of ten books; the Sama-Veda (the “Chanted Vedas”); the Yajur-Veda (mostly sacrificial prayers); and the Atharva-Veda (spells and incantations).
In time, the various components of the Vedas and the auxiliary literature that stemmed from them (the Mantras, Brahmanas, Aranyakas, Upanishads) were augmented by the non-Vedic Puranas (“Ancient Writings”). Together with the great epic tales of the Mahabharata and the Ramayana, they make up the sources of the Aryan and Hindu tales of Heaven and Earth, gods and heroes.
Because of the long oral interval, the length and profusion of texts finally written down over many centuries, the many names, generic terms, and epithets employed for the deities interchangeably-and the fact that many of these original names and terms were non-Aryan after all-consistency and precision are not hallmarks of this Sanskrit literature. Yet some facts and events emerge as basic tenets of the Aryan-Hindu legacy.
In the beginning, these sources relate, there were only the celestial bodies, “The Primeval Ones Who Flow.” There was an upheaval in the heavens, and “The Dragon” was split in two by the “Flowing One of Storms.” Calling the two parts by names of non-Aryan origin, the tales assert that Rehu, the upper part of the destroyed planet, unceasingly traverses the heavens in search of vengeance; the lower part, Ketu (“The Cut-off One”), has joined the “Primeval Ones” in their “flowing” (orbits). Many Ages then passed, and a dynasty of Gods of Heaven and Earth made its appearance. The heavenly Mar-Ishi, who headed them, had seven (or ten) children by his consort Prit-Hivi (“The Broad One”), who personified the Earth. One of them, Kas-Yapa (“He of the Throne”), made himself chief of the Devas (“The Shiny Ones”), seizing the title Dyaus-Pitar (“Sky Father’ ‘) the undoubted source of the Greek title-name Zeus (“Dyaus”) and its Roman parallel Jupiter (“Dyauspiter”).
Tvashtri (“Fashioner”), in his role as “All~Accomplishing,” the artisan of the gods, provided them with aerial cars and magical weapons. From a blazing celestial metal he fashioned a discus for Vishnu, a trident for Rudra, a “fire weapon” for Agni, a ‘bolt-hurling Thunderer” for Indra, and a “flying mace” for Surya. In ancient Hindu depictions, all these weapons appeared as hand-held missiles of diverse shapes . In addition, the gods acquired other weapons from Tvashtri’s assistants; Indra, for example, obtained an “aerial net” with which he could snare his foes during sky battles.
Though the Theogony described only one battle between Zeus and Typhon, the other Greek writings assert that that was the final battle, preceded by several others in which Zeus was the first one to be hurt. Initally Zeus fought with Typhon at close quarters, using the special sickle his mother had given him for the “evil deed,” for it was his purpose also to castrate Typhon. But Typhon enmeshed Zeus in his net, wrested his sickle away, and with it cut out the sinews of Zeus’ hands and feet. He then deposited the helpless Zeus, his sinews, and his weapons in a cave.
But the gods Aegipan and Hermes found the cave, resurrected Zeus by restoring his sinews, and returned his weapons to him. Zeus then escaped and flew back “in a Winged Chariot” to Olympus, where he acquired a new supply of bolts for his Thunderer. With these Zeus renewed the attack on Typhon, driving him to Mount Nyssa, where the Fates tricked Typhon into eating the food of mortal men; whereupon he was weakened instead of being strengthened. The renewed fighting began in the skies over Mount Haemus in Thrace, continued over Mount Etna in Sicily, and ended over Mount Casius on the Asiatic coast of the eastern Mediterranean. There Zeus, using his Thunderbolt, shot Typhon down from the skies.
The similarity between the battles, the weapons used, the locations, as well as the tales of castration, mutilation, and resurrection-all in the course of a struggle for succession-convinced Herodotus (and other Greek classical historians) that the Greeks had borrowed their theogony from the Egyptians.
Aegipan stood for the African Ram God of Egypt, and Hermes paralleled the god Thoth. Hesiod himself reported that when Zeus came unto the mortal beauty Alemena so that she might bear him the heroic Heracles, he slipped at night from Mount Olympus and went to the land of Typhaonion, resting there atop the Phikion (The Sphinx Mountain). “The deadly Sphinx that destroyed the Cadmeans” (“The Ancients”), which featured in the doings of Hera, the official spouse of Zeus, was also connected in these legends with Typhon and his domain. And Apollodorus reported that when Typhon was born and grew to an incredible size, the gods rushed to Egypt to take a look at the awesome monster.
This hoofed, hairy and horny deity (Hughes 1986) represents the all pervasive spiritual power of nature and has a personality and role that is described in sections of the Orphic Hymns as Goat-legged, enthusiastic, lover of ecstasy, dancing among stars, weaving the harmony of the cosmos into playful song (as translated by Hughes, 1986).
Most scholars have held that Mount Casius, the site of the final battle between Zeus and Typhon, was located near the mouth of the Orontes river in today’s Syria. But as Otto Eissfeldt has shown in a major study (Baal Zaphon, Zeus Kasios und der Durchgang der Israelite” durches Meer), there was another mount called by that name in antiquity-a promontory on the Serbonic Sealet that juts out of the Sinai peninsula into the Mediterranean Sea. He suggested that that was the mount referred to in the legends.
We immediately then have a problem with this senario because of what we've been taught to believe. What we see here is many gods in many places, but their attributes are mostly the same across different cultures and continents. We have the Greek gods, beginning with Zeus who had nine daughters. Then we have Uranus, Aphrodite, Hestia, Demeter, Hera and Hedes, Atlas, Neptune and Poseidon. Most have been dismissed as 'myth', but there lies much truth in myth as one scholar has put it. Plato's Atlantis is proof of this.
Enki also had many daughters until Marduk was born. Could Zeus and Enki be the same?
We will try to stick to the more familiar story here. But as you now have seen, there was much war amoung these gods. And they had 'terrible weapons', some of the Sumerian tablets are very descriptive of their 'flying' or 'air borne' ability'. The tradition of war was carried on because now we have wars amoung men because everybody has a different god to support. Even Ezekiel and Elijah talked about 'alien spacecraft' in the scriptures, but we failed to recognize this.
We are taught that only One God created man. But even Jesus believed the 'Holy Spirit' to be a female and in the Gospel of Judas he says there is another God. But this god is not the god of Abraham. This is evidenced by Jacob (Israel) being called 'the deceiver' and even more evidence comes from the fact that Jacob lived at Avaris, the city of the Hyksos, where Set was worshiped..
Men like Moses wrote down all they could remember about the 'olden gods' but by the time we got to our traditional bible, things had changed considerably. Mistranslations abound and the following is only one example.
The Akkadian word for 'clay' was tit or TI.IT. The original spelling meant ('that which is life') In Hebrew 'tit' means 'mud' but its synonym is bos, which shares a root with bisa(marsh) and besa and ("egg"). The story of creation is replete with plays on words. There are double and triple meanings of Adam-adama-adamtu-dam. The epitlet for the Mother Goddess NIN.TI, meant both "lady of life" and "lady of the rib". NIN.TA gave Adam and Eve something that no other god apparently could, a soul, ie., life. But Eve did not come from Adam's rib. Text in the Nag Hammadi also confirms this.
So the problem is the story about Adam and Eve in the bible is not as old as these 'other stories'. The characters are most likely the same, just changed to reflect a subordinate influenced Hebrew point of view that placed women on the bottom of a subservent pile. They shortened the gods to 'One God' whom they were afraid of, not withstanding the fact that the rest of the gods had left. Then they compounded 'evil' by adding an evil enity to the mix who really doesn't belong there. This evil enity is described as once being 'a son' of God, which of cource he was, the son of Anu - Enlil.
So Who is the God in Genesis?
This alone puts a whole new spin on what really happened in the Garden of Eden. The city called Eridu is in what is now Quate. The 'Land Between Two Rivers' was Shin'ar/Sumner. Sargon was the first king/priest appointed by Enlil to rule over the land between the Mediterranean and the Persian Gulf. He was not the first one however, Enoch was appointed by Enki.
When one god broke the rules and did not consult Anu, or get permission for punishment of another god or man, he was considered 'evil'. Otherwise the god in charge was the sole judge and mediator of all problems that arose. This included the punishment of man. Enlil was in charge of 'the garden' which Enki had planted. Enki, Enlil's brother was originally in charge of the land of Shin'ar, but was sent to Southern Africa by Anu. Enki was not happy with this but he did as his father asked. After many years he left Africa to check on his beloved city and the humans he helped to create. Enki is the 'serpent' (God of wisdom) in Genesis.
So then again you could ask, why are we taught that Adam sinned because of Eve and her so-called temptation by the serpent? It wasn't a temptation because the serpent told the truth! So the truth is they did not sin! This invention of sin is just that, an invention of church fathers - St Augustine of Hippo to be exact.
Where did the introduction of the "Satan" some people say
is the serpent in Genesis come from?
It is the 'Nephilim/gods and their angels/sons and daughters',
and it is just that - many.
There is no body
called Satan in the Old Testament of the bible! There is only a serpent.
This is turned into the introduction of an evil character to compete
with this God leaving out the 'others' (US). This introduction was
created by St Jerome. That's right, a man. Not God.
In 383 AD, a philosophy called Manichaeism was practiced by
Priscillain of Avila. This dualistic, gnostic philosophy was founded
by a Persian prophet named Mani in the third century of the Christian
era. It was a form of christianity within which God and a character
named Satan were believed to be equals. St Augustine of Hippo had been a follower
of the cult in his early years and used the main Nephilim character, Enlil
as another form of a Satan. The problem is this character called a Nephilim
is the God created by men in Genesis. Why? - because it called it's self
God and it threatened man with destruction beginning with the Hebrews.
This God claimed to be the only God and demanded that men obey it.
They did because they were afraid of it. The Nephilim are mentioned in
Genesis 6:4 but they should have been recognized earlier for what they
really were -
Creators, teachers, haters and condemners of mankind. Confusing? Keep reading.
Continued on Passage forward 2
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