Discrepencies in the KJ Story
Now we need to rediscover what - or more precisely, who are
the real line of descendents from Cain. How can there be the same
exact names (except for Irad, Mehujael, Kenan and Jared) of all
the descendents at least up to Lamech? Since
the bible verses indicate that God doesn't much care for Cain,
we assume his sons are cursed or unimportant. But God protects
Cain with a mark so that no one will kill him in Genesis 4:15.
The 'ONE' God here is Enki who's sons are both Cain and Able. But Abel is taught animal
husbantry by Thoth, Enki's First son and Cain is taught farming by Enlil's first son.
Why doesn't Enki except Cain's sacrifices as he does Abel's?
Another story that the traditional bible doesn't mention is the fact that Cain and Abel each had a twin sister...in the Lost Books of the Bible and the Forgotten Book of Eden, Cain's sister's name was Luluwa and Able's sister's name was Aklemia. If this were not so, how did the world become populated? How could there be a 'seed' to save?
Another Version: The Temple Legend
In his lecture cycle "The Temple Legend - Freemasonry & Related Occult Movements" given in Berlin between 23rd May 1904 and the 2nd January 1906 (GA 93), Rudolf Steiner gives a synopsis of the myth in Lecture 5, entitled "The Mystery Known to Rosicrucians."
Below is a synopsis of the legend as given by Steiner in the lecture, followed by a more detailed version provided by the publishers (Rudolf Steiner Press, London, 1985).
There was a time when one of the Elohim created a human being whom he called Eve. That Elohim united himself with Eve and she gave birth to Cain. After this, another Elohim, named Yahveh, created Adam. Adam also united himself with Eve and from this union came Abel.
Thus we see that Cain is a direct descendant of the gods, but Abel is a descendant of Adam and Eve who are human. Now the myth proceeds:
The sacrifices which Abel made to Yahveh were pleasing to him, but the sacrifices brought by Cain did not please him because the birth of Cain was not ordained by him. The result was that Cain committed fratricide. He killed Abel and for this he was excluded from communion with Yahveh. He went away into distant lands and founded his own race there.
Adam again united himself with Eve and from this union came Seth, also mentioned in the Bible, who took over the role of Abel. Thus we have two generations of mankind; the race of Cain, who was a descentant of Eve and one of the Elohim, and the other race which had human parentage and was brought into existence at the commad of Yahveh.
(We disagree with this) Among the descentants of Cain are all those who have been creators of art and science, as, for instance, Methuselah, the inventor of the Tau script, and Tubal-Cain, who taught the use and working of metal ores and iron. In this line of descent, stemming from the Elohim, were all those who trained themselves in the arts and sciences.
(We disagree with this) Hiram also descended from the race of Cain, and he was the inheritor of all that had been learned by the others of his line in technology and art. He was the most significant architect we can imagine.
(All of the descendents came from Seth) Out of Seth's line came Solomon, who excelled in everything which came from Yahveh. He was endowed with the wisdom of the world and all the attributes of calm, clear, objective wisdom. This wisdom can be expressed in words which go straight to the human heart and can uplift a person, but is unable to produce anything tangible of a technical nature, in art or science. It is a wisdom which is a directly inspired gift of God and not attained from below through human passions welling up from the human will - that would be the wisdom pertaining to the sons of Cain, a legacy of the other Elohim, not Yahveh. They are the hardworking industriuous ones who seek to accomplish everything through their own efforts.
This establishes our main point; There were two Gods. Yahveh being the 'material god' who actually was the protector of Cain.
Solomon now decides to build a temple and calls upon Hiram, the descendant of Cain, to be his master builder . It was at the time when Balkis, the Queen of Sheba, was visiting Jerusalem because she had heard of the wisdom of Solomon. And she was certainly impressed and charmed by the exalted and clear wisdom and beauty of the King when she first arrived, and when he made love to her she consented to be his bride. Now she heard about the temple which wa s being built and she desired to make the acquaintance of the master builder, Hiram. When she first met him she was captivated merely by his glance. As a result, a certain mood of jealousy arose between Hiram and Solomon and the latter wished to do something or other against Hiram, but he was dependent upon him for the completion of the temple.
Now came the following: The temple was almost complete. Only one thing was still lacking, which was to have been Hiram's masterpiece; that was the Molten Sea, which was to represent the ocean cast in bronze and was to have adorned the temple. All the necessary mixtures of ores had been prepared by Hiram in a most wonderful manner, ready to be cast. Now, however, three apprentices got to work, whom Hiram had found so lacking in skill that he had been unable to promote them to become masters. They had therefore sworn to be revenged on him and desired to prevent the casting of the Molten Sea. A friend of Hiram, who got to know about these plans, confided them to Solomon, so that he should prevent their realization. But Solomon, through jealousy, did nothing to stop them, because he wished to destroy Hiram. The result was that Hiram had to look on while the whole casting disintegrated due to the addition of a wrong ingredient in the mixture by the three apprentices. He tried to quench the bursting flames by pouring water over them, but this only made matters worse. Just as he was on the point of despairing about the work ever being completed, Tubal-Cain, his ancestor, appeared to him and told him that he should not hesitate to cast himself into the fire, as he was invulnerable to the flames. Hiram did as he was advised and came to the center of the earth. He was led by Tubal-Cain to Cain, who there resided in a condition of pristine divinity. Hiram was thus initiated into the Mystery of Fire and into the secret of bronze casting, receiving from Tubal-Cain a hammer and a Golden Triangle which he was able to carry with him as a pendant round his neck. Then he returned and was able to complete the casting of the Molten Sea and to put everything in order again.
Hereupon the Queen of Sheba consented to become Hiram's bride. He, however, was set upon by the three apprentices and murdered. But before he died, Hiram managed to throw the Golden Triangle into a well. As no one knew where he had disappeared, a search was made. Even Solomon was afraid and was anxious to find out what had happened. It was thought that the ancient Master Word could be betrayed by the apprentices, and therefore another one was devised. The first word to be spoken when Hiram was discovered should be the new Master Word. At last Hiram was found and was able to utter a few last words. He said: "Tubal-Cain had promised me that I shall have a son who will be the father of many descendants who will people the earth and bring my work - the building of the Temple - to completion. Then he pointed to the place where the Golden Triangle was to be found. This was t hen collected and brought to the Molten Sea and both were preserved together in the Holy of Holies. They are only to be discovered by those who can understand the meaning of the legend of the Temple of Solomon and its Master Builder Hiram.
What follows is a somewhat expanded version of the Temple Legend, with more detail:
Ancestry of Hiram Abiff
Solomon, having determined on the erection of the Temple, collected artificers, divided them into companies, and put them under the command of Adoniram or Hiram Abiff, the architect sent to him by his friend and ally Hiram, King of Tyre. According to mythical tradition, the ancestry of the builders of the mystical temple was as follows: One of the Elohim, or primitive genii, married Eve and had a son called Cain; whilst Jehovah or Adonai, another of the Elohim, created Adam and united him with Eve to bring forth the family of Abel, to whom were subjected the sons of Cain, as a punishment for the transgression of Eve. Cain, though industriously cultivating the soil, yet derived little produce from it, whilst Abel leisurely tended his flocks. Adonai rejected the gifts and sacrifices of Cain, and stirred up strife between the sons of the Elohim, generated out of fire, and the sons formed out of the earth only.
Hiram, Solomon, and the Queen of Sheba
By Hiram was erected a marvellous building, the Temple of Solomon. He raised the golden throne of Solomon, most beautifully wrought, and built many other glorious edifices. But, melancholy amidst all his greatness, he lived alone, understood and loved by few, hated by many, and among others by Solomon, envious of his genius and glory. Now the fame of the wisdom of Solomon spread to the remotest ends of the earth; and Balkis, the Queen of Sheba, came to Jerusalem, to greet the great king and behold the marvels of his reign. She found Solomon seated on a throne of gilt cedar wood, arrayed in cloth of gold, so that at first she seemed to behold a statue of gold with hands of ivory. Solomon received her with every kind of festive preparation, and led her to behold his palace and then the grand works of the temple; and the queen was lost in admiration. The king was captivated by her beauty, and in a short time offered her his hand, which the queen, pleased at having conquered his proud heart, accepted. But on again visiting the temple, she repeatedly desired to see the architect who had wrought such wondrous things. Solomon delayed as long as possible presenting Hiram Abiff to the queen, but at last he ws obliged to do so. The mysterious artificer was brought before her, and cast on the queen a look that penetrated her very heart. Having recovered her composure, she questioned and defended him against the ill will and rising jealousy of the king.
When she wished to see the countless host of workmen that wrought at the temple, Solomon protestd the impossibility of assembling them all at once; but Hiram, leaping on a stone to be better seen, with his right hand described in the air the symbolical Tau, and immediately the men hastened from all parts of the works into the presence of their master; at this the queen wonderd greatly, and secretly repnted of the promise she had given the king, for she felt herself in love with the mighty architect. Solomon set himself to destroy this affection, and to prepare his rival's humiliation and ruin. for this purpose, he employed three fellow-craftsmen, envious of Hiram, because he had refused to raise them to the degree of masters, on account of their want of knowledge and their idleness. They were Fanor, a Syrian and a mason; Amru, a Phoenician and a carpenter, and Metusael, a Hebrew and a miner. The black envy of these three projected that the casting of the brazen sea, which was to raise the glory of Hiram to its utmost height, should turn out a failure. A young workman, Benoni, discovered the plot and revealed it to Solomon, thinking that sufficient. The day for the casting arrived, and Balkis was present. The doors that restrained the molten metal were opened, and torrents of liquid poured into the vast mould wherein the brazen sea was to assume its form. But the burning mass ran over the edges of the mould, and flowed like lava over the adjacent places. The terrified crowd fled from the advancing stram of fire. Hiram, calm, like a god, endavored to arrest its advance with ponderous columns of water, but without success. The water and the fire mixed, and the struggle was terrible; the water rose in dense steam and fell down in the shape of fiery rain, spreading terror and death. The dishonored artificer needed the sympathy of a faithful heart; he sought Benoni, but in vain; the proud youth perished in endeavoring to prevent the horrible catastrophe hen he found that Solomon had done nothing to hinder it.
Hiram could not withdraw himself from the scene of his discomfiture. Oppressed with grief, he heeded not the danger, he remembered not that this ocean of fire might speedily engulf him; he thought of the Queen of Sheba, who came to admire and congratulate him on a great triumph, and who saw nothing but a terrible disaster. Suddenly he heard a strange voice coming from above, and crying, "Hiram, Hiram, Hiram!" He raised his eyes and beheld a gigantic human figure. The apparition continued: "Come, my son, be without fear, I have rendered thee incombustible; cast thyself into the flames. " Hirm threw himself into the furnac, and where others would have found death, he tasted ineffable delights; nor could he, drawn by an irresistible force, leave it, and asked him that drew him into the abyss: "Whither do you take me?" "Into the center of the earth, into the soul of the world, into the kingdom of the great Cain, where liberty reigns with him. There the tyrannous envy of Adonai ceases; there can we, despising his anger, taste the fruit of the tree of knowledge; there is the home of my fathers." "Who then am I, and who art thou?" "I am the father of thy fathers, I am the son of Lamech, I am Tubal-Cain."
Tubal-Cain introduced Hiram into the sanctuary of fire, where he expounded to him the weakness of Adonai and the base position of that god, the enemy of his own creature whom he condemned to the inexorable law of death, to avenge the benefits the genii of fire had bestowed on him. Hiram was led into the presence of the author of his race, Cain. The angel of light that begat Cain was reflected in the beauty of this son of love, whose noble and generous mind roused the envy of Adonai. Cain related to Hiram his experiences, sufferings, and misfortunes, brought upon him by the implacable Adonai. Presently he heard the voice of him who was the offspring of Tubal-Cain and his sister Naamah: "A son shall born unto thee whom thou shalt indeed not see, but whose numerous descendants shall perpetuate thy race, which, superior to that of Adam, shall acquire the empire of the world; for many centuries they shall consecrate their courage and genius to the service of the ever ungrateful race of Adam, but at last the best shall become the strongest, and restore on the earth the worship of fire. Thy sons, invincible in thy name, shall destroy the power of kings, the ministers of the Adonai's tyranny. Go, my son, the genii of fire are with thee!" Hiram was restored to the earth. Tubal-Cain before quitting him gave him the hammer with which he himself had wrought great things, and said to him: "Thanks to this hammer and the help of the genii of fire, thou shalt speedily accomplish the work left unfinished through man's stupidity and malignity." Hiram did not hesitate to test the wonderful efficacy of the precious instrument, and the dawn saw the great mass of bronze cast. The artist felt the most lively joy, the queen exulted. The people came running up, astounded at his secret power which in one night had repaired everything.
One day the queen, accompanied by her maids, went beyond Jerusalem, and there encountered Hiram, alone and thoughtful. The encounter was decisive, they mutually confessed their love. Had-Had, the bird who filled with the queen the office of messenger of the genii of fire, seeing Hiram in the air make the sign of the mystic T, flew around his head and settled on his wrist. At this Sarahil, the nurse of the queen, exclaimed: "The orcle is fulfilled. Had-Had recognizes the husband which the genii of fire destined for Balkis, whose love alone she dare accept!" They hesitated no longer, but mutually pledged their vows, and deliberated how Balkis could retract the promise given to the king. Hiram was to be the first to quit Jerusalem; the queen, impatient to rejoin him in Arabia, was to elude the vigilance of the king, which she accomplished by withdrawing from his finger, while he was overcome with wine, the ring wherewith she had plighted her troth to him. Solomon hinted to the fellow-craftsmen that the removal of his rival, who refused to give them the master's word, would be acceptable unto himself; so when the architect came into the temple he was assailed and slain by them. Before his death, however, he had time to throw the golden triangle which he wore round his neck, and on which was engraven the master's word, into a deep well. They wrapped up his body, carried it to a solitary hill and buried it, planting over the grave a sprig of acacia.
Hiram not having made his appearance for seven days, Solomon, against his inclination, but to satisfy the clamor of the people, was forced to have him searched for. The body as found by three masters, and they, suspecting that he had been slin by the three fellow-craftsmen for refusing them the master's word, determined nevertheless for greater security to change the word, and that the first word accidentally uttered on raising the body should henceforth be the word. In the act of raising it, the skin came off the body, so that one of the masters exclaimed "Macbenach!" (the flesh is off the bones!) and this word became the sacred word of the master's degree. The three fellow-craftsmen were traced, but rather than fall into the hands of their pursuers, they committed suicide ad their heads were brought to Solomon. The triangle not having been found on the body of Hiram it was sought for and at last discovered in the well into which the architect had cast it. The king caused it to be placed on a triangular altar erected in a secret vault, built under the most retired part of the temple. The triangle was further concealed by a cubical stone, on which had been inscribed the sacred law. The vault, the existence of which was only known to the twenty-seven elect, was then walled up.
Seth and Cain's sons
The Book of Jublies has this verse; And Adam knew Eve his wife and she bare yet nine sons. If we refer to Genesis 4:, we find that Eve says, "With the help of the Lord I have created a man." If we compair this to Genesis 5:3,4,5, we find that Seth is the very image of his father Adam, which verifies that he is the physical son of Adam...the only son.
Neither Abel nor Cain are the sons of Adam. Cain does not have any sons but it appears he has 9 brothers. Anotherwords each of these sons are the product of the rape of Eve or Lilith. This is verified in the Nag Hammadi Scrolls when 'yaldabaoth' creates 7 sons. Their names are Yao, Eloai, Astaphaios, Sambathas, Sabaoth, Adonaios, Elaios, Oraios, Astaphaios. You will find the effect of these names and the force of the male entities in the Archangelic (Book) of the Prophet Moses, and the names of the female entities in the first Book of Noraia. These are 'androgynous' which means both 'male and female'. So each son has a female counterpart refered to as their 'twin sister'.
More proof neither Cain nor Abel are Adam's sons ..see The Apocalypse of Adam link below. at Sakla, the great angel.
Another daughter, ’Azűrâ (= "well guarded") was born later. Cain married ’Âwân and Seth ’Azűrâ. There is great divergence as to these names in later writers . According to Pirie de R. Eliezer, Cain's wife was his twin-sister .
Jubilies 11. "And in the fifth week of the fifth jubilee Seth took ’Azűrâ his sister to be his wife, and in the fourth (year of the sixth week) she bare him Enos. He began to call on the name of the Lord on the earth." In Genesis 5: 1-32 are the list of Adams heirs, from Seth to Noah. There is no one named Enos.
Later Islamic traditions have Adam descending from paradise to Ceylon (Sarandib) and Eve descending to Jidda in Arabia; after a separation of 200 years, they met near Mount 'Arafat and began conceiving children. The first two sons, Qabil and Habil, each had a twin sister, and each son married his brother's sister. Qabil subsequently killed Habil. Later, Shith was born without a sister and became Adam's favourite and his spiritual heir (wasi). Eve eventually bore 20 sets of twins, and Adam had 40,000 offspring before he died.
Conclusion - Cain is not Adam's son. As we will see below in the gospel of the Egyptians, Cain is a demon. He is protected by the god that created him. He is banished to the land of Nod and becomes 'a restless wounderer on earth', but he is avenged seven times and Lemech is avenged seventy-seven times when someone tries to kill him in Genesis 4: 24. There is an undenighable contridiction here. Does 'wounderer' mean 'shepherd'?, and why is he avenged and protected?... Now you know.
Genesis 4:17 -24 gives the linage of Cain's sons. They are listed as Enoch,
Irad, Mehujael, Methushael and Lemech. Then we have Jubal and
Tubal-Cain. We see a contridiction here that Cain has no sons but
9 brothers in the Nag Hammidi scrolls.
Then look at Genesis 5:6 - 28. We have another list of
descendents from Seth, Adam's third son. Beginning with Enosh,
we then have Kenan, Mahalalel, Jared, ENOCH, Methuselah, Lamech,
and finally Noah. Noah's sons then are Japheth, Ham and Shem.
We find Tubal in the list of sons of Japeth.
The sons of Ham included Cush and one of his sons was Nimrod
called 'a mighty warrior on earth'. Then Genesis
abruptly shifts to the Tower of Babel with no mention of
who built it or even who was in charge. Where did we find
out that Nimrod was the builder of the Tower of Babel? Where
does it say that Nimrod was bad or followed a dark enity?
Old Sumerian records prove he did not do evil.
The interpertations of modern religion have been proven
incorrect and it seems to have started with the Babyloians. see
Babylon and Nimrod
Enoch says, in chapter LIV,1. "At that time, not understanding this let
these books which I have given you be for an inheritance of your peace.
2. Hand them to all
who want them and instruct them, that they may see the
Lord's great and marvellous works".
from The Book of Parables
- Enoch's Books
37.1 The second vision that he saw, the vision of wisdom, which Enoch, the son of
Jared, the son of Malalel, the son of Cainan, the son of Enosh,
the son of Seth, the son of Adam, saw.
37.2 "And this is the beginning of the words of wisdom, which I raised my voice to speak,
and say. To those who dwell on dry ground: - Hear, you men of old, and see, those who
come after; the words of the Holy One, which I will speak, in front of the Lord of Spirits."
37.3 "It would have been better to have said these things before, but from those who
come after, we will not withhold the beginning of wisdom."
37.4 "Until now, there has not been given, by the Lord of Spirits, such wisdom as I have
received. In accordance with my insight, in accordance with the wish of the Lord of Spirits:
by whom the lot of eternal life has been given to me.
37.5 "And the three parables were imparted to me and I raised my voice, and said to those
who dwell on the dry ground:"
Take note that the 'Holy One' and the 'Lord of Spirits' are two seperate entities.
The Apocalypse of Adam,
is Adam explaining to his son Seth, the difference
between the 'Lord of Spirits' and 'God Almighty'. The third and fourth paragraph shows
'life' being breathed into Seth from "the God who created us". But there is another
'power' he does not recognize. This other 'power' is actually the true God.
It says that the god who created them created a son from himself and Eve.
This son is Cain. Obviously Enlil has taken credit for the creation of
Adam and Eve. The Sumerian texts confirm this. Enlil is the same as
Yaldabaoth and Sakla, because other verses, especially in the
Books of Noah,
describe a god named Sakla who they must fear and obey...
"but it will serve in humility and fear of its knowledge." ..."But serve
him in fear and slavery all the days of your life."
Most of the texts refer to a god that they don't know or recognize. We feel this god is Enki. Sophia or the Sumerian Ninharsag, Enki's sister - and Anu's daugther, teaches Adam about Enki. And it is Seth, the first son of Adam and Eve who is first to be given his secret name.
This is an exerpt from The Gospel of the Egyptians "After five thousand years, the great light Eleleth spoke: "Let someone reign over the chaos and Hades." And there appeared a cloud whose name is hylic Sophia [...] She looked out on the parts of the chaos, her face being like [...] in her form [...] blood. And the great angel Gamaliel spoke to the great Gabriel, the minister of the great light Oroiael; he said, "Let an angel come forth, in order that he may reign over the chaos and Hades." Then the cloud, being agreeable, came forth in the two monads, each one of which had light. [...] the throne, which she had placed in the cloud above.
Then Sakla, the great angel, saw the great demon who is with him, Nebruel. And they became together a begetting spirit of the earth. They begot assisting angels. Sakla said to the great demon Nebruel, "Let the twelve aeons come into being in the [...] aeon, worlds [...]." [...] the great angel Sakla said by the will of the Autogenes, "There shall be the [...] of the number of seven [...]." And he said to the great angels, "Go and let each of you reign over his world." Each one of these twelve angels went forth. The first angel is Athoth. He is the one whom the great generations of men call [...]. The second is Harmas, who is the eye of the fire. The third is Galila. The fourth is Yobel. The fifth is Adonaios, who is called 'Sabaoth'. The sixth is Cain, whom the great generations of men call the sun. The seventh is Abel; the eighth Akiressina; the ninth Yubel. The tenth is Harmupiael. The eleventh is Archir-Adonin. The twelfth is Belias. These are the ones who preside over Hades and the chaos. [ ] indicates missing text.
This text says Sophia (she) put an angel in charge of 'order'. "That he may reign over the chaos and Hades." The Sumerian texts say Enki was in charge of this. Then we have Anu (the cloud) who was agreeable to this and allowed the 12 angles to assist. Enlil then took charge and created his own force of assistants to 'control' the Earth. We highlighted the name Sabaoth here because he defects to the 'good' or "Light" side in The Nag Hammidi scrolls.
The scrolls also speek of 'the illuminator of knowledge' who is also called 'God the Almighty'. He is also called 'the god of powers'..."Then the god of the powers will be disturbed, saying, "What is the power of this man who is higher than we?" ( Enlil possibly refering to Adam says)... "Then he will arouse a great wrath against that man. And the glory will withdraw and dwell in holy houses which it has chosen for itself. And the powers will not see it with their eyes, nor will they see the illuminator either. Then they will punish the flesh of the man upon whom the holy spirit came."
And when man (created by the six powers) gave thanks for life not to Yaldabaoth but to the First Man, Yaldabaoth created a woman (Eve) to destroy him. Then Sophia or Prunikos sent the serpent (as a benefactor) to persuade Adam and Eve to eat the Tree of Knowledge and so break the commandment of Yaldabaoth, who banished them from paradise to earth. After a long war between mankind aided by Prunikos against Yaldabaoth (this is the inner story of the Old Testament), the Holy Spirit sends Christ to the earth to enter (united with his sister Prunikos) the pure vessel, the virgin-born Jesus.
In some schools of esoteric Christianity, it is thought that the cross of Christ is synonymous with the Tree of Life. There is even a very old Latin motto which, when translated, states: “The wood of the Cross is the Tree of Knowledge.” If the cross of Christ is symbolically equal to the Tree of Life, it follows that Christ would likewise be emblematic of the serpent who dwelt in that Tree. This may explain an otherwise inexplicable but nonetheless common alchemical motif: the crucified snake. Though in the context of Christian iconography, this repreated identification of Christ with the serpent appears to make little or no sense, if one looks to religious ideas prominent well before the advent of Judaism, the symbolism is a perfect fit.
In many ancient cultures, such as Egypt, poisonous serpents were venerated. In Chaldea, they were symbols of God and of the Sun. This has caused some scholars to misconstrue the Chaldeans as being superstitious “snake worshippers”, but such is not the case. The serpent as a religious icon embodies a very high degree of sophisticated symbolism. Serpents are perhaps among the most earthbound of creatures, and yet were identified with the Sun. For the Chaldeans, this would have signified the union of Heaven and Earth, or spirit and matter. This is precisely the symbolism inherent in the notion of Christ: an intersection of attributes both heavenly and earthly, both human and divine. Because serpents shed their skin, they were associated with the idea of death and resurection, of rebirth and immortality. Once again, these are the same ideas central to the mythos of Christ.
A vestage of this so-called “serpent worship” can be found in an obscure Judaic sect called the Naasenes. The Naasean doctrine posited that God was a primordial hermaphrodite, as was Adam. The sect chose the serpent as a representation of God because it was thought that snakes possessed both sexes, and thus the power of self-generation. It was a creature like unto God. Is it possible that Christ, the serpent messiah, was a Naasene? Perhaps. It can be shown that the moniker “Jesus of Nazareth” is a misnomer, since the town of Nazareth did not exist at the time of Christ, which is why some protestant churches now refer to him as “Jesus the Nazarene” instead. The authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail have speculated that Jesus was a Nazorean, another obscure Jewish sect of whom Samson was a follower. But given the serpent imagery found in alternate traditions of the life of Christ, might not the “Naasene hypothesis” be every bit as likely? After all, it was prophecized that the messiah would take the form of a serpent as early as the time of The Book of Exodus.
That there is a conncetion between the Naasean tradition and that of Chaldea seems highly likely. Chaldea’s deified kings were associated symbolically with both the Sun and the serpent, and were viewed to be “sons of the Sun”, or sons of God. The solar/serpentine motif shows up in the names of many ancient gods and kings, including some central to our own investigation. The name “Marduk” can be translated as “Son of the Sun” of “Son of the Lord”, as “duk” means both “sun” and “lord”, but “mar” can also mean “serpent”, giving this title the alternate meaning “Serpent of the Sun”, or “Serpent of the Lord.” As you may recall, the name of the South American tutelary deity “Quetzlcoatl” is also said to mean “Serpent of the Sun. ” In ancient Egypt the word for “serpent” was “sir”, which allows us to translate “Osiris” as “Sun Serpent Lord.” And the name of the Chaldean tutelary deity “Oannes” can be translated into the nearly identical “Sun Lord Serpent.” Furthermore, you will recall that the South American god “Noach Yum Chac” (obviously connected with Noah) is supposed to have written a text titled Proof that I am a Serpent.
Though the serpent imagery is obviously mere symbolism, it nonetheless constitutes a symbol central to the identity of the Watchers and their offspring - one taken seriously by them, as it would later be by the Merovingians. Could it be a symbol of their heritage, derived from some illustrious (or perhaps sacred) forebear, a figure intimately connected to the idea of the solar serpent, perhaps one of the Chadeans’ deified kings? It is quite possible. If this were the case, it would explain the legend of the serpent fathering Cain. You will note that the serpent heritage which was such a matter of pride for the god-kings of other cultures was a cause for shame in the context of Judaism.
In the Judeo-Christian version of events, the Original Sin is miscegenation, not disobedience. Could it be that the woman presented in all monotheistic religions as the primordial matriarch was in fact seduced by a Chaldean king? The name “Samael” may hold some clues. It consists of “Sam”, which means “Sun”, and “ael”, which means “Son of God.” So Samael is a serpent who represents both the Sun and the Son of God, precisely the symbolism associated with Chaldean kings. Is this the reason that Nimrod, a man remembered by other cultures as a mighty king and a builder of great cities, was villianized and written out of the Old Testament almost entirely? Very possibly so.
It is assumed that Cain’s bloodline disappeared from Biblical events at the same time he vanished East of Eden, and that subsequent patriarchs derived their descent from Adam’s “third son”, Seth. However, a close examination of the genealogies connected to Cain and Seth reveals that such may not be the case. Except for a few extra names added to the list of Seth’s descendants, the two genealogies are nearly identical.
Cain’s descendants are: Enoch, Irad, Mahujael, Methusael, Lamech.
Seth’s descendants are: Enos, Cainan, Mhalaleel, Jared, Enoch, Mathuselah, Lamech
The correspondances should be obvious: “Jared” is “Irad”, “Mathuselah” is “Mahujael”, and so on. Both lists contain “Lamech”, and both contain “Enoch” (with an additional “Enos” to further confuse things.) It is as though the authors are retaining the true history, yet falsifying it just enough to throw off all but the most attentive reader. And indeed, the similarities have not passed unnoticed. Many Biblical scholars have commented on these odd genealogies, some suggesting that the one descending from Seth was an obvious fabrication, and that such a figure probably never existed.
Nimrod had to be written out of Jewish history for some reason, but this task must have been quite difficult, because he was a very famous figure in the ancient world, known for having erected great cities across the length and breadth of Sumer and Chaldea. He built Ninevah, Erech, Agade (Akkad), and Lagash. He was looked to as a founding father by nations and cultures that seemingly had no connection to Jewish history. He built Babylon, and Babylonians were generally viewed as the natural-born enemies of the Jewish nation. Curiously, he appears to be a figure both central to Jewish history, and perplexingly outside of it.
There is perhaps more written in the Bible about King Nimrod of Babylon than there is written about Cain proper. The historical figure of Nimrod can, as we have shown, be conclusively identified with Cain, and like Cain, he is another character roundly demonized in the Old Testament. (He is also portrayed as having lived long after the time of Cain) In early Jewish and Christian texts he is depicted as a fierce tyrant, a giant who hunted humans, and a king who “waged war against God.” But in the kingdoms he left behind he was worshipped as a god centuries after his death, and later kings would claim to be Nimrod reincarnated.
The 'Glory ' that withdrew is Enki. The 'God of Powers' is Enlil or Yaldabaoth.
Corruption's have indeed occured in the KJB, due to the NON belief in a force that dwells on the earth and controls mankind. Other corruption's have occured and were created by religious writers that have led us away from the truth we are entitled to know.
The Jews believed that Lilith was Adam's first wife. She is the 'likeness' left by Sophia.
She was defiled and became evil, and a slave of the fallen angles.
As written in Hebrew lore; "So God took pity on Adam and created for him a mate of his body,
to be like him, pure and uncorrupted". This is the lie of Yaldabaoth, who is here
proclaiming himself to be God and the creator of Eve. Adam,
as we have learned, was not pure or uncorrupted,
until he was 'raised' by Sophia and given 'Light'.
This false god did not create Eve and she certainly did not come
from Adam's 'rib', according to the Nag Hammidi writings.
In the Near East (Mesopotamia), the lotus was the flower of Lilith,
the Sumero-Babylonian goddess that Jews claimed was Adam's
first wife. This means that the Jews knew about the creation, but who taught it to them?
The next question is, WHO changed it? and Why?
The "lil" means she glows pale white, the color of death
and plague, or the pale white of the moon. The unicorn is said
to be a very dangerous creature, not the sweet innocent pony
of children's cartoons. The unicorn is sacred to lilith, but
she is not really a virgin herself--except in the technical
sense that she has never really been in love with any man.
She has sex only for utilitarian purposes, not because she
has any natural affection for men.
According to Hebrew myth, Eve was not Adam's First Wife . That distinction, such as it was, belonged to one by the name of Lilith. Everybody agrees that Adam and Lilith did not get along, mainly because of sex. The tale goes that when Adam wanted to lie with her, Lilith took offense at the prone position he demanded.
Lilith doesn't appear in Genesis, and the only biblical reference to this mystery woman is a single line in Isaiah that mentions her as a female demon. The book of Isaiah also says men must provide for widows and orphans which has been part of Masonic law for centuries.
Take a close look at the verse ( King James Bible ) in Genesis 6: 1 - 7. After Noah and his sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth; Now a population explosion took place on earth. "It was at this time that beings from the spirit world looked upon the beautiful women of the earth and took any they desired to be their wives". "..their children became giants', of whom many legends are told".
This verse, is very important to understanding the origin of man as we will review from the Nag Hammidi Scrolls, and the ignorance that was inspired by the so-called fallen angles. But the Nag confirms that the fallen angles/Nephilim - corrupters of mankind, were on earth in the time of Adam, the time of Enoch ( Enoch's Books ), and again in the time of Noah.
Our copy of the Teen Study Bible, 1993 version says
in Genesis 6: 4; "The Nephilim were on the earth
in those days-and also afterwards-when the sons of God
went to the daughters of men and had children by them.
They were the heroes of old, men of renown." "Heroes"?
This once again confuses the issue of 'Who' is the true God and
it shows us that when translators take it upon
themselves to 'know' God's word, they create contridictions
that cannot be explained.
Our copy of The Living Bible says, that the beings from the spirit world are supernatural beings, but no longer godly in character. The 'daughters of men' and 'sons of god' refers to men and women of the line of Cain. We believe this first took place around 48,000 BC. or earlier. The Hebrew writers may not have known about an earlier human population. When Plato discovered this he was called 'crazy' but archaeological evidence has proven this. Then the bible says there was corruption of mankind again before Noah's flood. This is not what happened. Enlil/Yehwah wanted man destroyed because he was jealous of them. He was also angry that men were smarted than he was and had created centers of 'learning' which emphasized the difference between him and Enki. (from the Enuma Elish tablets) Enlil or his followers leading men astray is also emphasized in The Apocalypse of Adam from the Nag Hammidi scrolls.
Matthew 13:35, "I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world."
The distruction of the human race has taken place three times, so far.
"I will give him 120 years to mend his ways", is probably
432,000 years. (3600 x 120) This puts Gods like Thoth and Ra in rule in Egypt
around 11,400 BC after the final destruction of Atlantis. The distructions
by water are geologically recorded at intervals of 15,000, 11,000 and
8000 years ago but there could be others occuring much earlier. Glacial
ice melts, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions also occur
at these intervals in the geologic record.
The beings called "Watchers', also would explain the giant Greek gods like Hercules and Zuce. The normal human population who Seth calls 'the little ones' (men) in the Nag Hammidi, were corrupted by the ignorant 'bad' Watchers.
(pages 55-85)
This part of Enoch's book is introduced by a quote from the "Holy One,"
at 37.3; this is the headman of the Watchers, and what he says is almost
an apology. Enoch's parables are actually three essays,
which outline the future path of spiritual enlightenment, as explained to him by the Holy One.
The content of the second two parables is similar; the main theme is
a Messiah, who will bring guidance at the correct time. This eventually
brings about an age of enlightenment, where the souls of the righteous can live in peace.
We are in the 'age of enlightenment'.
As we said, Luluwa and Cain are offspring of the Evil forces. One writer says, that Lilith seduced Adam and gave birth to the evil twins. The clue comes in the rabbinical legends that make Lilith the sister/mate of Lucifer. If we can identify Lucifer, we might be able to discover more about Lilith.
Note: These are not mythical tales. Just because these characters are not mentioned in many other writings or the bible, does not mean they did not exist.
In the Sumerian texts Inanna/Ishtar is Lilith...a sister of Enlil.
From the Testament of Solomon; "And I adored the Lord God of Israel and bade another demon present himself. And there came before me a spirit in woman's form that had a head without any limbs, and her hair was dishevelled. And I said to her, 'Who art thou?' But she answered, 'Nay, who art thou? And why dost thou want to hear concerning me? But as thou wouldst learn, here I stand before thy face. Go then into thy royal storehouses and wash thy hands. Then sit down afresh before thy tribunal and ask me questions, and thou shalt learn, O king, who I am.'
"And I, Solomon, did as she enjoined me, and restrained myself because of the wisdom dwelling in me, in order that I might hear of her deeds and apprehend them and manifest them to men. And I sat down and said to the demon, 'Who are thou?' And she said, 'I am called among men Obizuth, and by night I sleep not, but go my rounds over all the world and visit women in childbirth. And divining the hour I take my stand, and if I am lucky I strangle the child. But if not, I retire to another place, for I cannot a single night retire unsuccessful. For I am a fierce spirit of myriad names and many shapes. And now hither, now thither, I roam. And to westering parts I go my rounds. But as it now is, though thou hast sealed me round with the ring of God, thou has done nothing. I am not standing before tee, and thou wilt not be able to command me. For I have no work other than the destruction of children and the making of their ears to be deaf, and the working of evil to their eyes, and the binding their mouths with a bond, and the ruin of their minds, and paining of their bodies". see.. Testament of Solomon. If you read our 'Soap Box' page you saw that Solomon could control demons.
"His sister Lilith has also left her name in the language". The root "Lil" may be added to by various feminine endings: "Lilah, Lilette, Lolita, Lola, Lilina, Lily, Delilah, etc."
Her brother Lucifer, the 'light-bringer' is supposedly a god of the sun, but his light is really considered an inner light, or "illumination." He is identical to Prometheus, ( Pistis) or "forethought" (actually, this name means to act "before one thinks"--that is, on instinct, or by "inspiration") in the Greek myths about the one who is punished for bringing fire (ie, psychic "illumination") to mankind.
This 'psychic' brings us another description of the 'baptism by fire'. Jesus is said to have been baptized by fire as was Moses on the mountain. When he came down 'his face shown'. We also will read how Jesus had the power to perceive psychically. In his time people weren't ready to except this phenomenon and some still aren't today. But some people today who have been struck by lightening and live, have this ability. Sylvia Brown, John Edward and Allison Dubois, the inspiration for the hit TV show Medium, also have this ability. visit Phychic, The Inca Prophecy.
Lilith was not only Cain's sister; she became his wife as well. As soon as Cain is exiled to the east of Eden and therefore toward Jordan and the Euphrates Valley of what is now Iraq, Genesis says "he knew his wife" and she brought forth a son. So Genesis indicates Cain had a wife his age (which must have been because it seems the time of his exile was also the first time he had sex with his wife and that she was also exiled with him). In the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrpha, her name is Luluwa, and she becomes his wife. [See "The Second Book of Adam & Eve," chapter I, verse 6.] It is also implied that the two had animosity toward each other ["The First Book of Adam & Eve," ch LXXIV, vs 6-8].
Another Sumerian text also known as The Table of Destiny
was guarded by Enlil and Enki. In the esoteric Jewish
tradition, it was also called the
Book of Raziel
- a collection of secrets cut into saphire and inherited, at length
by King Solomon. In the text he says; "I conjure thee, primitive
Eve, by the name of the one who created thee, and by the names of the three
angels which the Lord sent after thee, and who found thee in
the islands of the sea, to whom thou didst swear, that wherever
thou salt find their names neither thou nor thine host shall do
any harm, also not to those who carry those names with them. I
therefore conjure thee by their names and by their seals, which
are written down here, that thou do no harm, neither thou, nor
thy host, nor thy servants, to this woman or to the young babe
to which she has given birth; neither during day-time nor during
the night; neither in their food nor in their drink; neither in
their head nor in their heart; nor in their 208 members, nor in
their 305 veins. I conjure thee, thy hosts and thy servants,
with the power of these names and these seals."
(Gaster 153)
Solomon is known to have been able to conjure up demons and
have them do work for him because he knew their names.
Gaster notes here that under the epithet "primitive Eve" "Lilith" is understood, which is substantiated by the fact that the words "Adam and Eve, Out Lilith!" appear twice on the amulet (Patai 138). If Gaster's assertions as to the date of this amulet were correct, then the story of Lilith as a first wife of Adam would not have been originated in The Alphabet at all. Since his assertions have since been disproved, it seems almost certain that the first reference to Lilith as a first wife of Adam was indeed originated in The Alphabet account. see.. The Book of Raziel
The only Biblical text (Is 14:12) that mentions "Lucifer" is referring in the Hebrew to a human being named "h'ill" or"The ill" (meaning "the illumined One"). "Lucifer" is a latin translation of the meaning ofthe Hebrew name "h'ill" or "the illumined one." So there is no one named "Lucifer" at all; his name is "h'ill"--and that itself is not really a name, but a description of a man who has the odd characteristic of shining or glowing. Nowhere does the text identify this person as Satan or even an angel as such. Is it a text about a King of Babylon at the time of the end of this age? It expressly calls "Lucifer" or "h'ill" a "man" (Is 14:16): "Is this ["Lucifer"] the man who made the nations tremble?".
This writer says, "If Lilith's mate--h'ill/lucifer is expected to appear at
the end of this age, could she also make an appearance? Is
she just a woman? How could Lilith and h'ill be people in
ancient legend, yet show up in the latter days?"
If they understood reincarnation is real, there is
the answer, but the Hebrews didn't believe in reincarnation
and from then until now there was no proof it could happen.
We didn't include the writers web page because he identifies Isis with Lilith and he condemns Nimrod. We found there is no such connection because Isis stood for Truth, Justice the Natural Order of things and knowledge. We also know that Nimrod is the First Grand Master after the flood and besides building the Tower of Babel, he drafts the first constitution of Masonry. Christianity blames every evil know to the world on Nimrod. We can prove he didn't have anything to do with this evil, but one of his uncles may have. We identify that uncle as Shem. The story is on 'Passage page 6' and is part of the The Apocalypse of Adam in the Nag Hammidi texts.
The Zohar, which is perhaps the most important of the "founding" texts, for it contains references to Lilith in all of her various guises, including the three which have been illustrated in some of the earlier works of reference. The mentions of Lilith in the Zohar are even more important because, for the first time, Lilith is not simply mentioned incidentally, but, rather, she becomes a character in her own right, whose story is often told in elaborate detail. Some history of the Zohar is necessary before considering Lilith's appearances herein.
This writer also says, "The basic account about the devil is that he caused Adam and Eve to lose immortality (as he refused to let them eat from the Tree of Life). But there is no 'devil', there is only Enlil. If you read our Forbidden Forward page, (automatic scroll down) you discovered who the real 'controler' of mankind might be.
One writer says if he were the cause of death,
then the devil was responsible for all the "ills" that lead
to death. Among his Hebrew names are "Satan-il" and "Sam-il."
The root "sam-" means "poison"--that is, something that was
known to cause "illness" and death. Whether used as word by
itself, or as a prefix or suffix, "il/ill" became a common
identification of the "dev-il," the source of "ev-il" and the death to which it leads".
The Nag Hammidi confirms this as
we have read, however remember what Christ's mission was.
Because of Christ, death is only in the imagination of those who
believe it is final. The Bad/False God teaches this so he can
control those under his spell. Most humans will remain under the
influence of the Bad/False God until they realize the truth is
not found in today's man-made religion.
From Genesis of the Grail Kings, "The first anomaly in the traditional Genesis story, for the historical line to David and Jesus was not from Adam and Eve's son Seth at all." (Gardner's opinion) He contends that it was from Lilith's son Cain...but since Cain is listed as a demon, which would make him non-human, we seem to have conformation this isn't true at all. see Gardner's book page 129. Samael is also called Yaldabaoth and Sakla in the Nag Hammidi scrolls.
Two more important features then come to light when reading the Bible again with this knowledge in mind. We all tend to think of Cain as being the first son of Adam and Eve, but he was not. Even the Book of Genesis tells us that he was not, and it confirms how Eve told Adam that Cain's father was the Lord. Who was 'the Lord'? The Lord was Enki, and Enlil was Jehovah. Even outside the Bible, the writings of the Hebrew Talmud and Midrash make it quite plain that Cain was not the son of Adam.
So what else have we been wrongly taught about this particular aspect of pre-history? The Book of Genesis (in its English-translated form) tells us that Cain was 'a tiller of the ground'. But this is not what the original texts say at all. What they say is that Cain had 'dominion over the Earth' - which is a rather different matter when considering his kingly status... and it signifies what we said earlier, Lord over the earth - 'all matter', an earthly, 'material' ruler.
In fact, the Bible translators appear to have had a
constant problem with the word 'Earth', often translating it to
'ground', 'clay' or 'dust'. But the early texts actually
referred to 'The Earth'. Even in the case of Adam and Eve,
the translators got it wrong. The Bible says: 'Male and female
he created them, and he called their name Adam.' The older
writings use the more complete word 'Adama', which means 'of the
Earth'. But this did not mean they were made of dirt; it means
that they were 'of The Earth' - or, as the Anchor Hebrew Bible
explains in absolutely precise terms, they were 'Earthlings'.
Sumerian records state that around 6,000 years ago, Adam and
Eve (known then as 'Atabba' and 'Ava', and jointly as the
'Adama') were purpose-bred for kingship at the House of Shimti
by Enlil and his sister-wife Lilith or Ninlil. In Sumerian, the
word Shi-im-ti meant 'breath-wind-life'. But this Adam is the
'counterfeit' Adam Seth mentions in the Nag Hammidi texts.
Enlil's spouse was Ninlil. Since Assur was the Assyrian Enlil, she also was Enlil's wife, but in Assyria she was called Mullissu (which is ultimately derived from the Akkadianized form of Ninlil, Ninliltu). However, in Assyria she was known as the Assyrian Ishtar, which is why the Greeks (i.e., Herodotus) said that the Assyrians call Aphrodite Mylitta.
According to the Dragon tradition, the importance of Seth was that he was directly produced by Enki and Nin-khursag, from (Ava) and Adam, so his blood was three-quarters Anunnaki. His half-brothers Hevel and Satanael (better known as Abel and Cain) were less than half Anunnaki, being the offspring of Enki and his sister.
But Gardner says, Cain's Anunnaki blood was so advanced that it was said that his brother Abel's blood was 'Earthbound' by comparison. Cain, it was said in the scriptures, 'rose far above Abel', so that his brother's blood was swallowed into the ground. But this original description was thoroughly mistranslated for our modern Bible, and we are now told that 'Cain rose up against Abel and spilled his blood upon the ground'. This is not the same thing at all.
When Cain is said to have 'slain' Abel in the field (Genesis 4:6-7) the word indirectly translated to 'slew' was Yaqam, and the text should read that Cain (Q'ayin) was 'elevated' (raised or exaulted) above Abel. When the text reads that Cain rose up above Abel it is used in the wrong context. Abel (or more correctly hevel, was qualified as a puff of Vapor, an insignificant human. But this is from Enlil's viewpoint because Abel was his son by a 'copy' of Eve so he would be inferior as compaired to Cain.
From a Christian viewpoint, Jesus indicated that Cain was not merely "a" devil, but 'the devil', the evil one. Cain literally embodied Satan in some way and the way Jesus is indicating is biological. Satan or Yahweh was Cain's father, in other words. This is incorrect.
The Hebrew version then tries to attach Lillith to also being Isis, but we have pointed out the main body of Hebrews are very wrong because we think they chose Yahweh, the false god, as their god. Moses tried to change this because he knew who the good god was.
The Biblical tradition says the Nephilim or "Fallen Ones" were on the earth before Noah's Flood and afterwards, but they appear to be missing during the Flood. They were the elite "Mighty Ones" or "men of renown" who are called "giants" and who were the offspring of the fallen angels who raped women. A spirit who has sex with a woman was also known as an Incubus, the male counter-part of the Succubus, which was the role traditionally accorded Lilith. Thus, the Incubus would be Lucifer.
In order to further enhance the succession from Cain, he was married to his half-sister - a pure-bred Anunnaki ('Watcher') princess, Luluwa. Her father was Enlil and her mother was Lilith, a granddaughter of Anu. Although not giving the name of Cain's wife, the Bible does name their younger son as Enoch, while the Sumerian records cite his elder son and kingly successor, Atűn, who is perhaps better known as King Etana of Kish. But as we pointed out Enoch is not the son of Cain. Gardner does reference this but he wants Cain to be the Dragon King and be at the head of the kingly line. Gardner calls Seth, 'Cain's half-brother'....But we disagree with this. Seth is Eve's only son.
We think it is very plain in Genesis 6: 18. that Enoch is not Cain's son.
And as the Nag Hammidi states, Samael, who Gardner does
identify with Cain, who is the same as Yaltabaoth and Sakla, who we identified
with Enlil, is the ignorant, jealous brother. This is confirmed by The Gospel
of the Egyptians in the Nag Hammidi scrolls seen above.
The KJB verse says this, "Adam lay with his wife again, and
she gave birth to a son and named him Seth, saying, "God had
granted me another child in place of Abel, since Cain killed him.
However, the Nag Hammidi texts say Eve had her son Seth without
the help of a 'man'. This makes him God's son, or a divine creation.
This would coinside with Enki and Nin-khursag implanting a seed
in her womb. This 'seed' would have been genetically engineered
to be able to reproduce because Adam and Eve were hybrids and not
able to conceive on their own. The seed came from Nin-khursag, fertilized
by Enki's sperm, but done in a petree dish so the egg could be
manipulated, possibly adding ingredients from Adams own blood or DNA.
"Seth then had a son and he named him Enosh. At that time men
began to call on the NAME of the Lord." Genesis 4:25. Seth is the
first human to be given the secret name of the god of Light.
"Those who are worthy will receive it".
Etana (Enoch) was said to have 'walked with the gods', and to have been fed from the 'Plant of Birth' (or the 'Tree of Life', as it is called in Genesis). Henceforth, the kings of the line were designated as being the twigs of the Tree - and the ancient word for 'twig' was klone (clone). In later times this 'Plant' or 'Tree' was redefined as a 'Vine', and so the Gra-al, the Vine and the Messianic Bloodline became conjoined as one in the literature of subsequent ages. As we see this involves more genetic engineering.
The Jewish legend about Cain and his sister Luluwa or
Lilith implies that Cain is Lucifer, the shining one, the
light-bearer. Was Cain known to "shine" or "glow"?
Could he inherit some kind of angelic "illumination" from
his legendary father Samael? The Nag says Yes! It seems he may.
Genesis twice states, in the Hebrew of
chapter 4, that Cain "glowed greatly, and his countenance
fell" after God failed to react to his sacrifice offering
in the same dramatic way He had to Abel's.
The word caused some readers confusion. It can also be
rendered as "had horns" and Moses is often shown with horns
because of this. Some rabbis felt Cain had a horn growing
out of his forehead--like a unicorn...that is, like Lilith.
Other stories had Cain given two horns as the "mark" which the false
God put on his forehead to protect him. It is for the same
reason that Lucifer and his father Satan are depicted with
horns; as "shining ones," they could also be considered as
having horns due to the dual meaning of the Hebrew word.
But in Mose's case, the light was from the good God because
as you recall, the dark entity also has 'light' and is
the 'brother' of the good God.
We recall that the Anunnaki wore 'horned' helmets which could have signified their great knowledge.
Samael (Enlil) was given a name we are more familiar with: Satan, the "One who sits as Judge or Accuses." The idea is that, having been caught defiling Eve ( Lilith ), he began accusing all humans of sin to make his offense seem less serious by comparison. He became the prosecutor of the human race.
The old rabbinical tale involves the angel "Samael," who ruled the 5th heaven, that is, the house of Aries, which is ruled by Mars as a rising star. Mars is considered to be Hell (the 'Red' planet). Samael left Mars and came to the earth where he encountered Eve in the Garden. As an Incubus, he fathered Cain and Cain's twin sister, "Luluwa," by the 'copy' of Eve. The Hebrew ending "-uwa" means "of Eve" or simply "a woman." It is similar to "-ith" in Lilith. In Hebrew, "Lil-ith" and "Lil-uwa" have the same basic meaning.
This may be the source of the biblical rejection of astrology. But as we have discovered it does have an influence on earthly life, so we might as well understand it and use it to a better advantage.
These are the children of the Nephilim. These are described in detail on the Shepherd Kings page, on the Atlantis page and in the book of Genesis; 6. These authorities, beings, are not human and are otherwise known as 'fallen angles'. Thoth called the children of the fallen angles 'Nomads'. Enoch calls the holy angles 'the Watchers' and he calls the children of the fallen angles 'giants'. Hence; Poseidon, Atlas, Herakles, Zeus, Aphrodite ect., all well known in Greek mythology. They are also called 'the Olympians' and .. The Immortals This list includes Hermes and Eros, Archer of Love, who appeared out of the blood of the virgin. He sets the soul on fire and created primal pleasure..
This description coincides with Genesis 1; "Zeus’ human wives were Alcmene, Antiope, Callisto, Aegina, Europa, Io, Laodamia, Niobe, Pluto, Taygete, Danae, Leda (mother of Helen and Clytemnestra), Electra (mother of Harmonia also said to be daughter of Aphrodite) and Semele, mother of Dionysus. Zeus often took animal form - with Leda a swan, with Europa a bull.
(Ceres)was the goddess of the earth, agriculture, fertility, and grain. She was the daughter of Cronus and Rhea. She was also Zeus' sister. Common farmers prayed to her to bring them a plentiful harvest. The Romans had a festival called the Cerealia that honored Ceres (Roman for Demeter).
In Greek Mythology the Olympians are descended from the primal, self created gods, beginning with Kaos ('Chaos'). The Olympians are ruled by Zeus. He is the strongest and without him, the other Olympians would still be held captive inside their devious father, Kronos. The Olympians were only a small part of the family of Immortals that ruled the earth and sky.
The oldest myths can be traced to three main sources:
Homer, Hesiod and The Homeric Hymns, circa 800 b.c.e.
That means that by the time they were written down,
these works had survived 400 years of additions,
subtractions and mutations to finally become the versions we now call ’authentic’
Greek creation myth
This story happens on the Island of Crete which we feel was
somehow connected to the island of Atlantis.
All the Connections; The grandiose poetry of the four Vedas; the Books of Hermes; the Chaldean Book of Numbers; the Nazarene Codex; the Kabala of the Tanaim; the Sepher Jezira; the Book of Wisdom, of Schlomah (Solomon); the secret treatise on Muhta and Badha attributed by the Buddhist kabalists to Kapila, the founder of the Sankhya system; the Brahmanas; the Stan-gyour,of the Thibetans; all these volumes have the same ground-work. Varying but in allegories they teach the same secret doctrine which, when once thoroughly eliminated, will prove to be the Ultima Thule of true philosophy, and disclose what is this LOST WORD.. from Isis unveiled Vol I.
Thus the story we have been told from the KJB is not quite the truth.
.. but we believe, like Seth, those who are born of the
spirit of the Eternal Mind of YHWH will remain in Yod-He-Vod-He, and will not be affected by any evil.
We all can return to Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh, I AM that I AM,
by way of knowing "me" (God's Divine Laws or Seth - the 'logos')
...and "knowing from whence we came". When we say "I AM" we are actually saying,
"God in me is." And when we follow the Name "I AM" with
positive statements, we are affirming God's will in our lives.
Decrees incorporate the Name of God as "I AM".
"The souls that were going
to enter the modeled forms of the authorities were manifested
to Sabaoth and his Christ. And regarding these, the holy voice
said, "Multiply and improve! Be lord over all creatures."
And it is they who were taken captive, according to their
destinies, by the prime parent (Yaldabaoth). And thus they were shut
into the prisons of the modeled forms (bodies) until the consummation of the
...from the Nag, 'Origin'.
"Thereupon, since the rulers were envious of Adam they wanted to diminish their (viz., Adam's and Eve's) life spans. They could not (, however,) because of fate, which had been fixed since the beginning. For to each had been allotted a life span of 1,000 years, according to the course of the luminous bodies. But although the rulers could not do this, each of the evildoers took away ten years. And all this life span (which remained) amounted to 930 years: and these are in pain and weakness and evil distraction. And so life has turned out to be, from that day until the consummation of the age"...from the Nag, 'Origin of the World'.
"Thus when Sophia Zoe saw that the rulers of the darkness had laid a curse upon her counterparts, she was indignant. And coming out of the first heaven with full power, she chased those rulers out of their heavens, and cast them down into the sinful world, so that there they should dwell, in the form of evil spirits (demons) upon the earth".
" Now all of this came to pass according
to the forethought of Pistis, in order
that man should appear after his (Enki's)
likeness, and should condemn them because
of their modeled form."
And "their modeled form became an
enclosure of the light" via Sophia or Christ
or when Sophia gave man a 'soul'.
Jesus seems to refer to this idea frequently. He speaks of "the (human) seed planted by God" and "the seed sown by the evil one." He says the two will grow up together until the last days when the wheat will be divided from the chaff, which would signify that the nutritious part of the wheat would be divided from the indigestible part in each grain.
Jesus acknowledged that the descendants of Abraham ( as He was himself through Mary ) could also be "sons of your father the devil...who was a murderer from the beginning." In the Hebrew usage, the phrase "from the beginning" was how Jews referred to the book of Genesis. So Jesus was saying that the "devil" fathered human offspring and "was a murderer in the book of Genesis."
The "murderer" in Genesis, of course, was Cain. Jesus indicated that Cain was not merely "a" devil, but THE devil, the evil one. Cain literally embodied a form of Satan in some way and the way Jesus is indicating is biological. The ignorant God Enlil was Cain's father, in other words.
John, in his first epistle, all but asserts this openly. He says, "In this, the children of God are manifest and the children of the devil...For this is the message which you have heard from the beginning [ie in genesis] that we should love one another, not as Cain, who was of that wicked one and slew his brother...[1 Jn 3:10-12]" The expression "of that wicked one" in Greek is the standard way of indicating sonship, that is, that Cain was the son of the Wicked One, which would here mean that Cain was the son of our modern day fictionalized Satan.
The 'Sister' is one who was created only by the will
(thought) of YHWH.. The complete story of the 'Sophia'
is in the Nag Hammidi library on line.
The Origin of the World and
The Sophia of Christ ...
"And his consort is the Great Sophia, who from the first
was destined in him for union by Self-begotten Father.
This also means
that the 'consort' reincarnates into a human again in the time of Jesus.
Link to the Index of
The Nag Hammidi Library
The mysteries in the pre-Christian era were elaborately devised ritual dramas contrived to intensify the spiritual transformation of the initiate. They were usually patterned after the mythic life, death, and resurrection of a particular deity to whom the mystery was dedicated. The candidate was usually made to symbolically undergo certain events in the life story of the hero. This is still evident in the initiation rituals of Freemasonry, particularly in the sublime degree of Master Mason, where the candidate undergoes the death and rising again of the Masonic hero Hiram Abiff. But it was begun in Egypt more than 10,000 years ago.
Myth is truer and more powerful than history, and the events in the life of Jesus are elevated to mythic significance by the symbolic relation of his drama to the drama of the transforming human spirit.
The celebration of the Eucharist is a daily reenactment of this same drama, fortified by the mystical communion one may partake of with the hero himself. The imitation of Christ is the deification, the transformation, of the human being, and the Mass continues to be the most efficacious means of that transformation, at least as far as the Christian tradition is concerned. Hiram Abiff represents all religions.
..from the Nag, Origin, page 6..."Then Justice created Paradise, being beautiful and being outside the orbit of the moon and the orbit of the sun in the Land of Wantonness, in the East in the midst of the stones. And desire is in the midst of the beautiful, appetizing trees. And the tree of eternal life is as it appeared by God's will, to the north of Paradise, so that it might make eternal the souls of the pure, who shall come forth from the modeled forms of poverty ( the human body ) at the consummation of the age".
Please go to.. Passage, page 2 God's Wife
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