The Ten Commandments
1. Thou shalt have no other gods before me;
2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image;
3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain;
4. Remember the Sabbath Day;
5. Honor thy father and thy mother;
6. Thou shalt not kill;
7. Thou shalt not commit adultery;
8. Thou shalt not steal;
9. Thou shalt not bear false witness;
10. Thou shalt not covet.
The words Moses showed to the people were the words of ' God '. The Madanite people had only one god. It is also most likely the 'law' was written in ancient pictorial Hebrew since this was the only form of writing known to Moses other than hieroglyphics. This is not to say that God didn't tell Moses what to write, or that God didn't write the words, but we have already established that Moses already knew 'Gods law' possessed the Wisdom and was a 'Son of Light'..
Here, it should be pointed out again, that the common man in Egypt could not read or write and 'words', any form of hieroglyphics, were 'magic' words. The scribes made 'stone talk', therefore the words were 'the words of the God's. Hieroglyphics could not be translated until the discovery of the Rosetta stone, over 680 years (1799) after the Templars were officially formed in 1118.... This is mentioned because the meaning of Maat was carried forward and used in the Grand Lodge of England years before the word was deciphered. Another quite interesting connection was that Queen Hatshepsut, who ruled after Ahmose in 1473 - 1458 BC, was known as 'Overseer of the Works' and the first Prophet of Path was the 'Master Craftsman' or 'Master Artificier'.
The Ten Commandments originated in the Egyptian 'Book of the Dead',
along with a few others. Even though Moses spoke to God at the Burning
Bush, God would not tell Moses his Name. "The Word". God would
only say, " I am that I am "....However,
"In the Book of Enoch the Arcane Wisdom, it is said that by
Talmudic tradition, God whispered the words to Moses on Mount Sinai.
But in The book of Jasher
we found a different way Moses got the word.
Chapter 77
38. And afterward Moses went into the garden of Reuel which
was behind the house, and he there prayed to the Lord his God,
who had done mighty wonders for him.
39. And it was that whilst he prayed he looked opposite to him, and behold a sapphire stick was placed in the ground, which was planted in the midst of the garden.
40. And he approached the stick and he looked, and behold the name of the Lord God of hosts was engraved thereon, written and developed upon the stick.
41. And he read it and stretched forth his hand and he plucked it like a forest tree from the thicket, and the stick was in his hand.
42. And this is the stick with which all the works of our God were performed, after he had created heaven and earth, and all the host of them, seas, rivers and all their fishes.
43. And when God had driven Adam from the garden of Eden, he took the stick in his hand and went and tilled the ground from which he was taken.
44. And the stick came down to Noah and was given to Shem and his descendants, until it came into the hand of Abraham the Hebrew.
45. And when Abraham had given all he had to his son Isaac, he also gave to him this stick.
46. And when Jacob had fled to Padan-aram, he took it into his hand, and when he returned to his father he had not left it behind him.
47. Also when he went down to Egypt he took it into his hand and gave it to Joseph, one portion above his brethren, for Jacob had taken it by force from his brother Esau.
48. And after the death of Joseph, the nobles of Egypt came into the house of Joseph, and the stick came into the hand of Reuel the Midianite, and when he went out of Egypt, he took it in his hand and planted it in his garden.
49. And all the mighty men of the Kinites tried to pluck it when they endeavored to get Zipporah his daughter, but they were unsuccessful.
50. So that stick remained planted in the garden of Reuel, until he came who had a right to it and took it.
51. And when Reuel saw the stick in the hand of Moses, he wondered at it, and he gave him his daughter Zipporah for a wife.
According to this tradition, the secrets in the book
were then departed to the seventy elders who thereafter
transmitted them from oral memory to their successors".
David Conway, Ritual Magic.
Sounds like the Sword and the Stone story.
Moses marries Zipporah, one of the Midianite priest's daughters, and becomes the shepherd for his father-in-law's flock. On one occasion, when he has gone with his flock into the wilderness, an angel of the Lord appears to him in the guise of a bush that is burning but is not consumed.
The symbolism of the miracle is powerful. In a world in which nature itself is worshiped, God shows that He rules over it. Moses was a shepherd until he was 80 years of age. When Moses married the Madianite King's daughter, the KJB says he was introduced to the god of their people. We don't think so!
The bible portrays this god as a god of storms and war. They claimed Moses needed the violence that this god threatened to have control over the people of Israel, who were still worshiping Egyptian gods since these were the only gods they knew. This god of violence and war is the false god that the jews called Yahweh. The true God spoke to Moses but as we have said the people didn't understand the teachings and apparently weren't fit to have God's laws taught to them.
The Egyptian secrets that Moses had been taught were then embelished by God. The bible says the Pharoah would not let the people go, so Moses used his powerful magic and wisdom to more or less have a contest with the High Priests of the Temple of Amen Ra. Since the Priests of the Temple also knew the magic, Moses was given the Power of God to win this conflict of wits. We all know the outcome. However we disagree with this account. Ancient Egyptian manuscripts say the Jews were forced to leave under command of Ahmose's army which we first believe was commanded by Moses himself.
"The Bible describes Moses' exile from Egypt, after killing the Egyptian overseer, and his flight into Sinai where he was sheltered by the Midianite priest, Jethro. There in the safety of Jethro's tent the young Moses married the desert chief's eldest daughter and settled down to the life of a shepherd. The Midianites were a semi-nomadic tribe descended from Abraham just like the Israelites. But they had not been enslaved by the Egyptians and therefore had not been deprived of their cultural identity. Centuries of oppression in the land of the pharaohs had led to all knowledge of the ancestral heritage of Israel being lost.
The purpose of writing the book of Genesis ('origins') was precisely to re-educate the Israelite slaves as to their ancestral background. It seems extremely likely that Moses himself learned of the stories of his cultural heritage from Jethro who, as high-priest of his clan, must have been conversant in the oral traditions of Abraham and his origins in Sumer. In the New Chronology of the ancient Near East being developed by myself ( link below ) and other European scholars, Moses lived at a time when the great epic literature of the Sumerians was first being widely disseminated in Akkadian (the language of the Old Babylonian Period). Could Moses have acquired such documents from Jethro? And did he read there of the Flood and the building of the Tower of Babel?"
"What Moses did not know was that a far more ancient city
existed in Sumer which was also called -
the original place of that name. Indeed, Sumerian tradition
claimed it to be the first city in the world.
This older was also known as Eridu - the city where,
according to the Sumerian King List, kingship
was first 'lowered from heaven' and where the great
god Enki ('Lord of the Earth') had his temple.
Archaeology has revealed that the temple of Eridu was
the first sacred shrine to be built in Sumer and that,
over the centuries, it grew into a substantial structure.
It is my belief that the original story of the Tower of Babel
describes the building of the last great phase
of the temple of Enki at Eridu. This was begun in the
Uruk Period - the archaeological era which I have argued
immediately followed the Flood. One of the most powerful
rulers of Uruk at this time was Enmerkar, a mighty
king of the heroic age and second only to Gilgamesh in
the epic literature. The Sumerian King List makes
Enmerkar the second king of Uruk ( Ur ) after the Flood
which would place his reign at the time when the building
of Enki's temple at Eridu reached its apogee". This from
Tower of Babel
What the bible tells us very clearly is that Moses tried to stop the false god worship over and over and the people wouldn't listen. Hebrew sources say Moses followed Yahweh and that just isn't true. But it does say the people followed the false god. We think the punishment was of cource, that all the people were allowed to die so that the next generation would know the true God. They never did as scripture points out over and over. Again and again Josuha destroys temples built to worship Baal.
It all started with this...
Genesis 49:7 "O my soul, come not thou into their secret; into their assembly, mine honour, be not thou united; for in their anger they slew a man, and in their self will they digged down a wall".
As the incarnate 'Seth', Joseph was in charge of getting the 'secrets' away from Seqenenre and returning them to the rightfull heirs, the Olai. With this duty before him, wheather Seqenenre was considered evil or not, ( which we don't think he was ) Joseph had to do this. This of course, set in motion the the spiritual birth of the 'Child', who centuries later would incarnate in living flesh as greatest of the 'Shepherd Kings'. In order to do this, there had to be 'no trace' of the secret ritual left in Egypt. Joseph, Levi, Simeon and the young priest, together accomplished this. Seqenenre, a good man, was sacrificed to bring the 'Word' out of Egypt.
After this is a 'done deal', the Set worshipers are put to death by Moses' attack on the Hyksos. The army he lead ran them off or killed many while the descendents of Abraham were allowed to leave Egypt. But as history tells us, Moses was put in charge of the Hebrew nation and Aaron became the first High Priest of the Jews.
Some historians proclaim Setti I and Ramsess of being in charge of the Egyptian empire when Moses returns. This would be three hundred years after the Hyksos are driven out which is said to be 1555 - 1550BC. It also doesn't align with Moses' life, the army he lead or his mention in the degree work, which we feel puts him in Egypt when Seqenenre is alive.
The 17th Degree of the A.A.S.R.F. says, " the writings of the Apostles were only an incomplete fraction of the full philosophical and religious teachings and mysteries to be handed down." The rest were hidden and forgotten as time passed.
Because of the knowledge Moses possessed;
Then Moses went upon the Mountain to 'receive the Laws of God'. He had to establish a new state, a new God of the people. Every king had to be given the 'royal charter' so that he could begin the process of bringing law and order to the people. It is thought that the 'Ten Commandments' were the only way Moses could bring order to the people, who were ignorant and worshipping idols. If you have been to 'Shepherd Kings' page, you remember the Caretakers would not share any of the sacred knowledge, including God's Laws with the people. So God had seen to it that Moses possessed extraordinary power, knowledge and wisdom at this time to accomplish what must have seemed the impossible.
Moses was the man chosen by God to guide the remanifestation
of the Essenes. Both the ancient scholar Philo, and a modern
scholar, Rabbi Harvey Falk (in his Another Look at the Jewishness
of Jesus), informs us that Moses trained thousands of disciples
as Essenes. The Essenes themselves describe that event in one of
their most important texts:
The Essene Book of Moses.
In that text, God, at Mount Sinai, gave Moses the Essene
Communions on a stone tablet. It was hoped that all the Jewish
people would follow the way of life described on that tablet.
But when Moses descended Mount Sinai and met with the people, it
was clear that the majority were not ready to follow the
esoteric Essene teachings engraved on that tablet.
( This is when he smashes the first set of tablets )
Heavy of heart, Moses again climbed Mount Sinai and asked God for an exoteric, easier set of
teachings for the masses who were not ready to receive the
esoteric Essene teachings. ("esoteric" means "inner circle";
"exoteric" means "outer circle".) God responded by giving the
famous Ten Commandments on a second stone tablet; those
commandments would be for the masses. Moses was to keep the
esoteric Essene Communions for "the Children of Light," for only they could understand them.
We read:
"And the Lord called unto Moses out of the mountain, saying,
'Come unto me, for I would give thee the Law for thy people,
which shall be a covenant for the Children of Light'....
And God spake all these words, saying, 'I am the Law, thy God,
which hath brought thee out from the depths of the bondage of
darkness.... I am the invisible law, without beginning and
without end.... If thou forsake me, thou shalt be visited by
disasters for generation upon generation. If thou keepest my
commandments, thou shalt enter the Infinite Garden where stands
the Tree of Life in the midst of the Eternal Sea.'"
At that point, God then gave Moses the Essene Communions on the
first tablet. Besides the Communions, that tablet included a
synopsis of the main Essene teachings, including vegetarianism:
"Thou shalt not take the life of any living thing." Our text
then continues:
"And the people knew not what became of Moses, and they gathered
themselves... and made a molten calf. And they worshipped unto
the idol, and offered to it burnt offerings. And they ate and
drank and danced before the golden calf... and they abandoned
themselves to corruption and evil before the Lord."
from..The White Brotherhood - Origins and History
downloadable text.
The name, Imhotep, in ancient Egyptian is translated to mean "the voice (or mouth) of Im"; God told Moses to tell the pharaoh that "I AM" had sent him because "I AM" was the name by which the Egyptians had known Moses' God. Could "Im" have been "I AM"? In other information Enoch is also called Imhotep. In that instance "I AM" ment "Initiator".
"And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say
unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you."
- Exodus 3:14
"'I AM, has sent you.' Who is 'I AM?' In the scrolls found at the
Nag Hammadi Library in Egypt in 1945, there is an
entire chapter given by a Goddess. This Goddess uses the
words 'I AM' when talking to the people.
...She identifies herself as 'I AM,' and the Goddess Thunder."
- Way #10: The Messiah Projects: Jesus, Son of Mary
The Original 10
Commendments can be found here -
from the Papyrus of Nu, Brit. Mus. No. 10477, sheet 22 Pages 44 , 45 , 46 .
Pages 47 & 48, also have obvious, definate,
Masonic overtones, which are ritualistic in nature and involve the
participant in answering questions.
The 'Steward', Nu is addressed ., the one that enters has made a
'petition'. 'He professes he has committed no sin',
and he must give several 'pass words'.
,the ritual follows in a particular memorized order
...see the paragraph, - Address to the Gods of The Tuat and ...
Making of the Representation of What Shall Happen in This Hall of MAATI.
Only the
from the Above Passages..
The most important law was the meaning of 'MA AT' is Justice, which was a 'good' so vital, there could be no order without it. Order, God's law and justice was the core of the teachings of the 'Sons of Light'. It was part of the natural order of things. 'Maat' meant level, ordered, and symmetrical like the foundation plan of a temple. It went on to mean righteousness, and truth and a moral code intertwined with religion.
The Hyksos fortified
city of Alvaris was built over a Middle Kingdom town they had
captured. They built a Canaanite-style temple and had
Palestinian-style burials there, including burials of horses.
They also brought with them such elements of Palestinian culture
as their superior weapons and their type of pottery, although
they were to a certain extent Egyptianized.
In the upper portion of the map, Alvaris was the area now
known as Memphis and is just at a point called El Gaza which is
near Cairo. Thebes is in the lower portion of the Map,
which is now Luxor on the Nile River.
Nag Hammad is a town just above the city of Thebes ( Luxor ).
The Luxor area was called Upper Egypt because the Nile flows
northward. The Nag Hammand area is where the writings of the
disciples of Christ were found in 1945. Is this concidence or
History has recorded that the proto-Jews still living in Egypt were
Asiatic and Semites, including the Habiru people. Since these
people had been involved closely with the Hyksos rulers,
they were extremly unpopular with the new Nation of Egypt
under Kamose, the new king-pharaoh, and were enslaved suddenly
around 1550 BC.
Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas,
'The Hiram Key: - Pharaohs, Freemasons and the Discovery of
the Secret Scrolls of Jesus', 1997
There is evidence that slaves worked in the turquoise and copper mines just a short distance from the mountain of Yehweh, Mount Sinai. Exodus 1: 8 .."a new king came to the throne of Egypt who felt no obligation to the descendents of Joseph" Exodus 1:11 "so the Egyptians made slaves of them and put brutal taskmasters over them"...The city of Ramses { Memphis } was still called Avaris at this time. ( This story was written over 1000 years after it happened .)
Moses could not have lived with the Devil King, Apophis, ( Apepi II ), who controlled lower Egypt. The evil Hyksos king would not have cared about the laws of God and he may have ordered the killing of 'the first born of Israel' to stop Moses or anyone else who might cause trouble.
Recently published Archaeological evidence proves this happened at Avaris along with other proof Joseph lived there..see Abraham, page 2
Pharaoh even gave orders for all their male babies to be slain at birth, to stem the numbers (1:15-16). In the light of this grim episode, an intriguing aspect of Sir Flinders Petrie's discoveries was the unusual number of infant burials beneath the floors of the houses of Illahûn. Rosalie David thus describes Petrie's find:
Larger wooden boxes, probably used to store clothing and other possessions, were discovered underneath the floors of many houses at Kahun. They contained babies, sometimes buried two to three to a box, and aged only a few months at death .... Internment of bodies at domestic sites was not an Egyptian custom, although such practices occurred in other areas of the ancient Near East.
David Rohl , moreover, has noted multiple graves in the Delta region, at Tell el-Daba during the same approximate period, had an excessively large proportion of babies:
... it was discovered that there was a higher percentage of infant burials ... than is normally found at archaeological sites of the ancient world. Sixty-five per cent of all the burials were those of children under the age of eighteen months. Based on modern statistical evidence obtained from pre-modern societies we would expect the infant mortality rate to be around twenty to thirty per cent. Could this be explained by the slaughter of the Israelite infant males by the Egyptians?
Neither Kamose nor Seqenenre would have ordered anyone killed unless they had broken 'The Gods' law's, like Jubelum, Simeon and Levi. King Seqenenre would not have ordered the killing of babies. They were gentle, kind people who wished no harm on anyone. The new king, Kamose, would have however, rounded up the people and made them work.
Kamose and the Royal family would have been totally enraged at Seqenenre's murder and the loss of their precious secret. The Hebrews would have lost their freedom, their land and possessions. The bible says they had given up their land in exchange for food under Joseph and the Hyksos king so slavery had already been installed voluntarily by the Hebrews themselves.
King Seqenenre was called ' the Fearless ', a name bestowed by the people. The name possible given after the first attempt on his life. He was also called "the Brave". see Genesis 49: 23, Joseph has been shot at and persecuted and is severely injured. Once again, no explaination. This seems to confirm that Joseph, himself tried to get the "secrets". There are records that show the Hyksos and the Egyptians were at peace before 1550 BC. We explain more on The Widow's Son
God used Aaron's rod to do his will by inflicting the Ten Plagues on Egypt.
The Pharoah took away the straw the people needed to make bricks but still required their daily quota. God make Aarons rod become a snake and swallow up the snakes of the High Priests. Moses then places the tip of Aaron's rod into the Nile and the water turns blood red. Even the water in stone jars turned to blood. The fish died and the water stank. The Priests did the very same thing and hardened the heart of the Pharoah. Seven days passed.
Then the Lord said to Moses," Tell Aaron, Stretch out your hand with your staff over the streams and canals and ponds, and make frogs come up on the land of Egypt." Then the plague of gnats which rose out of the dust of the ground. The plague of flies was next but the swarm was not over the land of Goshen, just in the houses of the Egyptian officials.
"The fifth plague was on the livestock of the Egyptians. All their animals died. The sixth plague was the plague of boils when the Lord says to Moses, " Take handfuls of soot from a furnace and have Moses toss it into the air in the presence of Pharoah. It will become fine dust over the whole land of Egypt, and festering boils will break out on men and animals throughout the land."
The seventh plague was the plague of hail, and the eight was Exodus 11: 4, So Moses said, "This is what the Lord says; "About midnight I will go throughout Egypt. Every firstborn son in Egypt will die, from the firstborn son of Pharoah to the firstborn son of the slave girl, who is at her hand mill, and all the firstborn of the cattle as well." This is the ALL important 'passover' that ended up being celebrated as Easter.
New information emerges from the documentary
'Exodus decoded'.
Mount Santorini in Greece was an active volcano. It erupted violently in 1550 BC.
(Tsunamis - up to 30m high - only three major volcanic tsunamis: Santorini 1550 BC)
Ash fall - kills crops, collapses roofs, causes agricultural damage,
silicosis, fluorine, chlorine, & cobalt poisoning.
The Exodus producers believe the waters were turned red by chemicals released by underwater tremors. Something similar happened to lakes in Cameroon in 1986. If the waters were poisoned, amphibians would hop ashore, producing the biblical plague of frogs. When the frogs died, insects would breed on their rotting corpses leading to plagues of locusts, fleas and lice.
They, in turn, would spread disease to humans (the plague of boils) and animals (the plague of dying livestock). Crops would have been threatened, forcing the storage of grain, which might have then turned moldy. Contaminated food might account for the plague of deaths among first-born Egyptian males. The documentary also explains the conditions caused by the eruption that might also have caused the plagues of hailstorms and darkness.
Santorini sets on a techtonic plate boundry. When the volcano erupted a crack
in the ground occured that allowed iron oxide to escape into the water. This
caused the water to turn red. With the water poisoned, frogs came out, thousands
of frogs. The soot was volcanic ash.
Gases - CO2, CO, H2S can cause death - SO2, HF, HCl cause health problems and
local acid rain. Dense gases such as CO2 and CO can collect in low areas creating
"death gulches". Mofettes are fumeroles emitting CO-CO2 and are common in some
areas. This was the last plague that killed Ahmoses son who was 12 years old
at the time. Anyone who slept close to the ground was killed by the C02 gas.
The Sea of Reedes was emptied when a crack in the ground occured caused by
a major earthquake following the eruption. The earthquake then caused a 30 foot
tsunami which drowned the Egyptian army.
Another site used 1650 BC as the date of the eruption.
Discrepencies in the New Testament;
The book of Hebrews mentions Melchizedek nine times (KJV),
explaining that Christ’s own priesthood is superior to the law’s
of the Aaronic priesthood (Heb. 4:14-7:25). The context allows no
interpretation of a lost Melchizedek priesthood existing in the
early Christian church. ( Origin of the High Priesthood.) The High
priesthood in the Bible originated with Aaron at Mt. Sinai under
the law of Moses. The Hebrews didn't understand it so they
changed it.
The Lineage of Melchizedek; Jews kept precise genealogical records to validate eligibility for priesthood. In Hebr. 7:3, the superiority of Melchizedek’s priesthood was that he had no such genealogy: “Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually.” In God’s Word there is no end recorded to his priesthood, and so he is compared to Jesus, whose priesthood also endures forever. Contrast this with Alma 10: 14 which says Melchizedek reigned under his father; and with D&C 83: 2c-g which claims that Melchizedek is one in an unbroken chain of high priests from Adam to Moses. God never alters His own Word (see Numbers 23:19). but apparently the Jews did.
About Aaron, we found this; Genesis 14:18-20. This brief verse tells us two things about Melchizedek: he was king of Salem [later to be Jerusalem] and he was “priest of the most high God.” In the Bible, this combination of king and priest in one person is both rare and significant.
Psalm 110:4. “The LORD has sworn and will not change his mind: ‘You are a priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek.’ ” The entire Psalm is a prophecy of the millennial rule of Israel’s Messiah. Jesus applied it to Himself (Matt. 22: 43-45; Mark 12:36; Luke 20:42). The Psalm is also applied to Christ in Acts 2:34-35 and Hebrews 1:3; 5:6; 7:17,21; and 10:12,13. This scripture tells us that Melchizedek’s order [type or manner] of priesthood [both priest and king] foreshadows the priesthood of the coming Messiah. This was a new concept to Israel, whose law required priests only in Aaron’s lineage. (See the Closer Look tract, The Aaronic Priesthood.)
'I AM,' and the Goddess Thunder
"For I am the first and the last. I am the honored one and the scorned one. I am the whore and the holy one. I am the wife and the virgin. I am the mother and the daughter. I am the members of my mother. I am the barren one and many are her sons. I am she whose wedding is great, and I have not taken a husband. I am the midwife and she who does not bear. I am the solace of my labor pains. I am the bride and the bridegroom, and it is my husband who begot me. I am the mother of my father and the sister of my husband and he is my offspring. I am the slave of him who prepared me. I am the ruler of my offspring. But he is the one who begot me before the time on a birthday. And he is my offspring in due time and my power is from him. I am the staff of his power in his youth, and he is the rod of my old age. And whatever he wills happens to me. I am the silence that is incomprehensible and the idea whose remembrance is frequent. I am the voice whose sound is manifold and the word whose appearance is multiple. I am the utterance of my name." - The Thunder, Perfect Mind (excerpt) |
Wise men of old gave the soul a feminine name. Indeed she is
female in her nature as well. She even has her womb.
As long as she was alone with the father, she was virgin and in form androgynous.
But when she fell down into a body and came to this life,
then she fell into the hands of many robbers. And the wanton
creatures passed her from one to another and
[raped] her. Some made use of her by force, while
others did so by seducing her with a gift.
In short, they defiled her, and she [lost] her virginity.
...The Exegesis on the Soul
The in-utterable name of God
To Embrace Hebrew Roots, the Tetragrammaton and it's significance is not only in Jewish beliefs but also Kabbalism and Freemasonry. Because Hebrew had no vowels, God's Name was written as YHVH, and was called the Tetragrammaton in Greek. The Kabbalists taught that this name was too sacred to be spoken, thereby depriving the Jews of the name of the LORD. Many believe that the Tetragrammaton is actually composed of 42 letters.
"...The Tetragrammaton or Schem Hamphorasch refers to what Kabbalists and many Orthodox Jews call the Ineffable Name. The four-lettered name of God, in Hebrew is, "yod, he, vau, he", or in English capitals YHVH, although some occult sources say it's IHVH. Others also state that the YHVH is "yood, hey, vood, hey."
According to various writings, the true ancient pronunciation is now unknown since it has been believed that the Name was too sacred to be written or pronounced by the profane. In reading the sacred writings, the term 'Adonai' was substituted for that reason. That teaching is also why Hebrew Roots and Messianic adherents write God as "G-d. "
In her Theosophical Glossary, Madame Blavatsky provided the esoteric meaning of IHVH, according to the Sephirot of the Kabbalah and part of the "Secret Doctrine".
The whole concept of the Name of God being unknown or inutterable, which is contrary to Scripture, is promoted by Hebrew Roots and many Messianic proponents through their use of the terms G-d and YHVH which many say as Yahweh.
The truth is, that the name they bring forward as "ineffable", is not in the least so. It is the "unpronounceable", or rather the name not to be pronounced, if any thing; and this for symbological reasons.
Esoteric tradition ascribes peculiar power to this name and says that to pronounce it is to possess a key to all wisdom, and to exercise miraculous control over all the powers of nature. According to the Gospel of St. John, Jesus Himself shared the Hebrew belief in the great importance of the Tetragrammaton. In His prayer at the Last Supper, just before His crucifixion, His final words were: "And I have declared unto them thy name, and will declare it: that the love wherewith thou hast loved me may be in them, and I in them."
Long before the beginning of the Christian Era this name had assumed such sacredness in the minds of the Jews that they never pronounced it when they ( came upon it in the reading of the Scriptures. Instead they uttered the name "Adonai," or else passed over the Tetragrammaton in silence. Once a year the high priest pronounced the Tetragrammaton in the Holy of Holies while the trumpets sounded loudly lest profane ears might hear. When the temple was destroyed and the sacrifice no longer made, the pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton was lost.
What it really designates is the Eternal Reality, without
making any effort to define what it really designates. The
immensity of that ONE defies all human endeavors to define it.
No human intellect can comprehend it. No creed ever devised by human intellect can tell us what God is.
Man can only come nearer to that Reality in feeling and in understanding.
The root YHWH is radical of HWH, he-vau-he, meaning "being" or "life" or "woman"
which were interchangeable concepts in the ancient Middle East. These identical letters in Latin are E-V-E: Eve.
So the central or inner meaning of the Tetragrammaton is Eve, the Mother of All Living..
From the Sword of Moses text introduction; The Jewish idea of a mystical Name of God rests thus upon the interpretation of the Tetragrammaton, or the word JHVH, that stands for God in the Hebrew text, which from very ancient times the priests first and then the whole people refrained from pronouncing in the way it was written. A substitute was found for it, so as to avoid a possible profanation of the sacred Name. But it is an object of millenary speculation what that substitute really was. As already remarked, it is represented by a changing number of elements, letters or words.
The original miraculous, powerful Name, however, was the Tetragrammaton known as the "Shem ha-meforash." This word has presented great difficulties to the following generations. It can be translated either as meaning explicit, the "explicit" Name of God, whilst the others are merely substitutes, or separate, the name which is used exclusively for the designation of the Divinity.
These two are the best known and most widely
accepted interpretations of the "Shem ha-meforash." In the
light, however, of our study it will appear that another
translation will henceforth be found to be the only true one,
at any rate for ancient times. Later on the true meaning of
this expression was lost, and one or the other of the
first-mentioned philological translations was adopted. So we
find in the Testament of Solomon, e.g., "the angel called
Aphoph, which is interpreted as Rafael." [This expression
proves that it is based upon a Hebrew original, and that
the word "perush" was taken to mean " interpretation."]
Considering that this name was believed to be the only
True Name of God, the all-powerful name which was never
pronounced, "Shem ha-meforash" can only mean the Ineffable,
as we find it also in the "Pistis Sophia," and all throughout
the ancient tradition. It is an euphemism; instead of saying:
it is the "Ineffable" unutterable name, they used the word
which meant: it is the "explicit" name, just as they said for
a "blind" man -- he is "full of light"; other examples can be
easily adduced. In this way an ancient mystery and a
stumbling-block for the translator of such texts disappears.
see Sword of Moses Intro
"That this Name is to be revealed only to a man who stands in the middle of his life, who is pious and modest, who never gives way to anger and to drink, who is not obstinate. Whoever knows that Name and preserves it in purity is beloved in heaven and beloved upon earth; is well considered by man and inherits both worlds."
How did the Egyptians find the 'word' in the first place? The 'word'
and the knowledge was given to them by God ( RA ) through Enoch,
thousands of years before the great flood. Some secret things
had also been passed to them from the time of Adam.
The Egyptians became the 'caretakers' of the secrets through
Enoch. The "word" was with them "in the beginning".
"Enoch built an arch over his 'apartments' in Canaan. Over the roof of the tallest one, which was a temple, he placed a cube of Agate with a triangular plate of gold. On the piece of gold was engraved the name of God. Enoch at this time knew of the coming 'Flood', so he placed two columns on a high hill. One engraved with the description of the subterranean vaults, ( under the Great Pyramid ) and a brass one covered with the 'rudiments of the arts and sciences'. The brass column was found by Noah but the granite one washed away , thus concealing the Name until God whispered it to Moses, who again engraved it in gold and placed it in the Ark of the Covenant."
In the Tablets of Thoth, descriptions are given to vaults, a 'crystal' in the upper recesses of the Pyramid and chambers under the ground. This question arises, Where is Canaan?. We know that God gave the land of Canaan to Abraham. see Genesis 35: 6 - 7 , "There he built an alter, and he called the place El Bethel in the Land of Canaan". Bethel, means "House of God". Is Canaan the land of Egypt? Could the 'apartments' Enoch spoke of, be the chambers in the Great Pyramid? You will see the striking resemblance when you visit the Pyramid Page
Time lines
Seqenenre's Tao II's reign was around 1558 BC - 1554 BC, ( about 4 years ) in the seventeenth dynasty of Thebes. The fifteen dynasty of the Hyksos at their capitol of Avaris, is within the same time frame of the seventeenth of Thebes.
A reference to the pharaoh Seqenenre of the seventeenth dynasty: "my father being a soldier of the King of Upper and Lower Egypt Seqenen-Re". This comes from an inscription in the tomb of a ship's captain called Ah-mose. This translation comes from J B Pritchard's Ancient Near Eastern Texts: Ahmose I begins the eighteenth dynasty and is credited with driving the Hyksos kings out between 1554 BC and 1549 BC, after Kamose was killed in battle. Kamose only ruled for three years.
'Ahmose' was also the name of the wife of the 18th Dynasty king Tuthmosis I who ruled from 1528 - 1510 BC. She was the daughter of 'Ahmose I and was possibly a lower-ranked wife of Amenhotep I, who was Tuthmosis' predecessor. 'Ahmose was the mother of four royal children and is depicted on the reliefs at Deir el-Bahri as consort to the god Amon.
On The Secret of the Pyramid page, there are links that put the date of the Exodus at 1456BC. We believe this to be the date Josuha arrived in Israel. Queen Ahmose's rule ( 1549-1546? ) when the Hyksos were finally driven out.
Joseph was buried at Avaris, in Hyksos territory at the age of 100. This could have been in 1527 BC - 1517 BC.
The Turin Cannon places the dates of Apopis's rule at 1585 - 1542 BC and Seqenenre's rule at 1545 - 1540 BC and that makes every thing else go forward 14 years. This date makes the people leave Egypt in 1482 BC, instead of 1496. This date doesn't allow for the 40 years in the desert and Moses' being gone for 40 years after he leads the army if he is born in 1576 BC. This date makes it 14 years short before the arrival in Jerusalem in 1456 BC. This doesn't match up with Seqenenre's or Kamoses' death and the expulsion. Nor does it match the inscriptions for Ahmose and her victory which had to be before 1546 BC. It also leaves loose ends in dates of other events. The Turin Cannon
The saddest event in Moses' life might well be God's prohibiting him from entering the land of Israel. The reason for this ban is explicitly connected to an episode in Numbers in which the Hebrews angrily demand that Moses supply them with water. God commands Moses to assemble the community, "and before their very eyes order the [nearby] rock to yield its water." Fed up with the Hebrews' constant whining and complaining, he says to them instead: "Listen, you rebels, shall we get water for you out of this rock?" He then strikes the rock twice with his rod, and water gushes out (Numbers 20:2-13).
It is this episode of disobedience, striking the rock instead of speaking to it, that is generally offered as the explanation for why God punishes Moses and forbids him to enter Israel. The punishment, however, seems so disproportionate to the offense, that the real reason for God's prohibition must go deeper. Most probably, as Dr. Jacob Milgrom, professor of Bible at the University of California, Berkeley, has suggested (elaborating on earlier comments of Rabbi Hananael, Nachmanides, and the Bekhor Shor) that Moses' sin was declaring, "Shall we get water for you out of this rock?" implying that it was he and his brother, Aaron, and not God, who were the authors of the miracle. Rabbi Irwin Kula has suggested that Moses' sin was something else altogether.
Numbers 14:5 records that when ten of the twelve spies returned from Canaan and gloomily predicted that the Hebrews would never be able to conquer the land, the Israelites railed against Moses . In response, he seems to have had a mini-breakdown: "Then Moses and Aaron fell on their faces before all the assembled congregation of the Israelites." The two independent spies, Joshua and Caleb, both of whom rejected the majority report, took over "and exhorted the whole Israelite community" ( Numbers 14:7). Later, in Deuteronomy, when Moses delivers his final summing-up to the Israelites, he refers back to this episode: "When the Lord heard your loud complaint, He was angry. He vowed: "Not one of these men, this evil generation, shall see the good land that I swore to give to your fathers, none except Caleb.... Because of you, the Lord was incensed with me too, and He said: You shall not enter it either. Joshua ... who attends you, he shall enter it" (1:34-38).
Despite these two sad episodes, Moses impressed his monotheistic vision upon the Jews with such force that in the succeeding three millennia, Jews have never confused the messenger with the Author of the message. As Princeton philosopher Walter Kaufmann has written: "in Greece, the heroes of the past were held to have been sired by a god or to have been born of a goddess ... [and] in Egypt, the Pharaoh was considered divine." But despite the extraordinary veneration accorded Moses - "there has not arisen a prophet since like Moses" is the Bible's verdict (Deuteronomy 34:10) - no Jewish thinker ever thought he was anything other than a man. See And No One Knows His Burial Place to This Day..from.. Moses
Bits and pieces ; Important clues
The Book of Genesis calls the ruler Joseph had dealings with, "pharoah". Look at Exodus 1:8, The word used is KING. [ Proof #8.] When the word 'Pharoah' is used again, it is when 'pharoah' orders the killing of the new born boys. When some bible-thumpers write their rebuttals about this, they refuse to acknowledge there were two rulers in power at the same time. There is overwhelming proof there were two rulers. If we also look at the evidence that Joseph was NOT included in the formation of the twelve tribes, we see proof he was scorned by his own people. Joseph is the reason they became inslaved. We talk more about Joseph on The Shepherd Kings of Egypt and The planned 'wait' for the 'One' called Christ.
Repeated from the 'Widow's Son, page 2' ; There is a clear indication that the attempt on Seqenenre's life happened twice due to a injury that is shown on the mummy's skull, which was healing before he was murdered. The mummy also showed signs of having an arm that was paralysed, a result of the first attack. Seqenenre's wife, Queen Ahmose was rewarded for her efforts because an inscription was found giving her the 'Award of the Three Golden Flies'. This was the highest honor given for military valor, indicating she must have been envolved in the expulsion of the Hyksos. Having a woman on the battle field is unlikely, and Seqenenre was weakened from the injury and had a paralysed arm, so this may prove the final war had not began. The King was alive before this but was unable to do battle. Florensic evidence also indicated the wounds were not battlefield related.
The chariot is introduced to Egypt in the sixteenth dynasty, 1660 - 1550BC when the Hykosos kings ruled lower Egypt in a divided country. Lost Civilizations, Time Life Books
We know the Hykos were in Egypt for four generations, arriving before Abraham in 1980 BC. They took over rule in Avaris, called Ramesseu later, from 1665 BC to 1546 BC, which is 119 years. The exodus may have begun in 1496BC, but arrived in Jerusalem - 1456BC. ( 40 years ) This makes Moses 136 years old when he turns the people over to Joshua. Using the time of the arrival in Jerusalem to the time of Solomon and Amenhotep below, there is 134 years, time for Joshua, Gideon, Abimelech, Samuel , Saul and Jesse's son, David to rule, give or take 10 years. There was a period with no king included. ( Abimelech, and Saul's rule was very short because they did not obey God.) Abimelech killed, Judges 9: 54 , Saul's rule, Samuel 13: 8.
Keep in mind, there are many varing opinions as to the correct
dating of some of the Dynasties, who was in rule and the overlaping
of rule. Also in question are the kings in rule
because names, times and confirming information is scarse.
The information herein, comes from the pages and links to -
The Second Intermediate Period of Egypt
The research on the pages is copyrighted by
Kelley L. Ross, P.H.D. 1999. The lists and dates of Aphophis
and Seqenenre were compiled by Peter A Clayton,
Sir Alan Gardiner and William J. Murname and
indicates the use of the Turin Canon...Also note that
the paragraph above uses 1375- 1358BC, and is a seperate source.
Seqenenre Tao II's name and rememberance is stricken from the records ...
Go to the next page in the series. The Real Masons..
The History of the 'Craft
The Builders, Hiram Abiff and the beautiful cathredals the
Templars built.
How the 23rd degree of the AASRF tells the story of
Seqenenre's murder in on
Missing Lessons
and more secrets about Solomon's Temple on..
Then Jerusalem was destroyed, the people were forced into exile.
Ezekiel is alone, with only God to show him the way back to Israel where
everything must be changed. And visit our newest page
The Amazing Akhenaten
The Royal Line of David
Slowly the Habiru became the Hebrew nation and Gideon became the heir to Moses. Then came Abimelech, son of Gideon. Abimelech became King and built a temple of which there has been discovered the bases for two pillers. The instructions on the meanings of the pillars could have only come from Moses, via Gideon to Abimelech. This would have included a 'resurrection ceremony' of the new King.
Following Abimelech was Samuel who was an important judge, prophet, priest and King maker. Samuel made Saul King following a war between the Philistines and the Israelites, in a private ceremony.
Samuel then directed Saul to destroy a harem of the defeated Amalekites. When Saul refused a new candidate was chosen from the tribe of Judah, David... David became King around 1010BC. He ruled the land from Hebron, but he soon captured Jerusalem and created a new capitol. David committed many ungodly acts and before his death, his son by Bathsheba became the new king.. . David assisted by Zadok, performed the ceremony, to make Solomon king, again in private.
With Solomon in place as King and the Pharaoh's daughter as Solomons wife, the country reached for heights never before attained.. Solomons goal was to build the temple for Yahweh that his father David had planned. The pillars, one south called Boaz, the other North, called Jachin were put in place and represented 'strength' and 'establishment' and when united by the lintel of God, the two provided 'stability'. This concept originated in Egypt.
Alchemy, the 'secret science' The Holy Grail and Sacred Geometry
Possibly also known as The Holy Grail -- in its Christian dimension the mystic receptacle used by Christ to perform the Eucharist at the Last Supper when he poured wine for the disciples to drink, saying, "this is my blood". Grail lore maintains it also caught Jesus' transformed blood and sweat after the crucifixion.
This isn't what the grail really was. Early Fisher Kings conduct a ceremony - copied from an Assyrian cylinder seal (c. 1400 B.C). This is a bloodline pre-dating Christ, extending deep into the ancient world right back to Adam.
Modern myth that protrays the grail as a cup, says 'It' was taken to England by Jesus' wealthy uncle Joseph of Arimathea who established a line of guardians, known as the Grail or Fisher Kings, to preserve, protect and nurture its secrets. Later the myth says the Grail disappeared, but was believed to be kept in a mysterious egg or oval-shaped Grail temple called the "Mount of Joy" and governed by a Queen. According to this legend, they who discover the Grail and its secrets are assured a panacea of benefits including total gnosis or knowledge, everlasting life and the ability to control the elements.
By 'bloodline' definition, the grail is the third son of Jesus. His name was James. They settled in Scotland and his descendent became King James of the Scots who ruled England for a time.
Another view; By strict definition the 'Grail' is a Philosopher's or
Alchemist's Stone that can turn one element into another. The
word 'grail' is phonetically similar to 'grael', old French for
stone. As all Grail knights learn, the Grail is also known as
the 'Stone of God' that fell from Heaven and is accompanied by
a mysterious body of spiritual teachings, the 'software' for
making it work. Mystics claim this teaching is written in an
ancient universal language of symbolism which requires spiritual
vision to perceive. It centers around alchemy, the arcane
semi-mythical secret of rearranging matter and transmuting
elements at the atomic level, particularly base metals into
But we found the gold was already present and there is
another product that can be made from gold and it became known
as "Manna", shewbread, or 'food of the gods'. This product has
been rediscovered and it's manufacturing process also leads to
an antigravitional by-product used by the high priests. Eating or
drinking this substance has been confirmed to change the DNA
structure and can prolong life. It can also kill cancer. The Ark
of the Covenant finally reveals it's most hidden sacred secrets.
When we mentioned Hermes, Thoth, Moses, Solomon, Ashmole, Robert Hooke, Issac Newton, and Robert Boyle we get to the core of alleged Templar secrets that are kept from initiates. Indeed they are still unknown to most people. But an American named David Hudson accidently found the secret in 1976 in his own back yard.
Bell labatories and General Electric told Hudson to 'get a patent'
in 1987 after exaustive confirming research. When the Department
of Defence asked for information concerning the "superconductivity",
of his find, saying it was of 'strategic importance to this country'
Hudson refused. Hassassed and hushed up by the higher-ups of the
government, Hudson had found the 'Philosopher's Stone', but
wouldn't sell it's secret to them so they called him crazy and
managed through government regulations to 'shut him down'.
the project off the ground had cost Hudson $8.7 million. A train
called MLX01 in Japan now travels 343 miles an hour without
touching any surface. This science is partly the result of
Hudson's amazing discovery. It all goes back to The Ark of
the Covenant and what Moses knew 3500 years ago. We tell you what
he found on the Ark page'.
In the fourth century A.D. alchemy evolved to its historical form. Its tradition reached Europe through Muslim alchemists in Spain in the twelfth century.
Mediaeval Alchemy contained Gnostic elements. In its popularized form it is considered the art of mutation of metals. Yet, it went deeper than that. It issued from the assumption that matter is alive and may grow. With the right rituals and conditions, matter could be influenced to transmute into higher forms.
Under the cover of semi-scientific experiments its practitioners followed a secret tradition. Thus, in its mystical sense alchemy was not a search for the philosopher's stone, it was the transmutation of gold into something that can transcend the time/space dimension we live in. This secret which the Egyptians and King Soloman used, as we said, has been rediscovered. Objects weighing over 10,000 lbs can be transformed to weigh less than nothing. Another secret brings to life the 'Stak Trek' idea of transportation of any object from one spot to another including an object as large as the Enterprise. Its deeper aspect was the search for purification of the soul, the mystical transmutation of the mind necessary for obtaining direct divine knowledge.
They are a matrix of grid energy created from a central
source - which creates the reality in which we experience. If
you examine the history of humanity you will see come to realize
that everything is part of specific patterning. Stories of the
creation of humanity all follow the same patterns. We move in
cycles - the wheel of karma - the illusion of linear time - all
created by the same patterns of geometry. These patterns were
once understood and taught by the ancient mystery school
teachings - Initiations - then became lost in 'time' - to be
rediscovered as we evolve as a soul group into higher
consciousness awareness at this time.
Sacred Geometry
So, is the Holy Grail just a myth, an exquisite literary device? Or is it a bonafide artifact and mysterious spiritual teaching? Seekers, especially those with an appetite for exotica, have asked this question for millennia upon millennia all the while upholding the Grail as a symbol for personal search, for illumination, for healing. "In John 19:34, the Bible records how Jesus revealed the secrets of the Grail when his transformed blood and waters spurted from his side after he was pierced by Longinus the spearman with the Spear of Destiny."
The Grail, also known as the Stone of God, is represented as a Black Stone or Hidden Stone similar to the hidden stone of light which accompanied the Shroud of Turin on its early journey. Known as the keramion, this Stone is said to have borne the face of Christ identical to that on the Shroud of Turin. But is the face on the shroud really Jesus? We think Not! We discuss the scientific finds on our Shroud of Turin page.
Historical Christianity, and its icons, are the legacy of Egypt. This includes the Grail and its mysterious spiritual teaching. The great French Egyptologist Schwaller de Lubicz believed the Egyptians thought completely differently from us. The entire social philosophy of Egypt was geared toward effecting a mass transmutation of their civilization from a lower state to a higher state which may be labled as Grail Consciousness. This transmutational focus was so prominent that even Upper Egypt, itself, was known to the Greeks as the land of Khem (the root for 'chemistry'), the land of alchemy or transmutation, or Khemennu, 'Land of the Moon'.
The Casket, Head or Grail of Osiris had been passed around the ancient world, finally ending up in Palestine during King Solomon's reign, c. 1000 B.C. According to legend, Solomon's father, King David, extensively researched Egyptian history. He was particularly interested in the activities of Moses (c. 1500 B.C.) and his interactions with the Stone of God and the Ark of the Covenant. Intuitive brilliance, careful analysis (and a lot of help from the Queen of Saba, a spiritual descendent of Isis) led David to discover the Ark and the Grail's whereabouts from these legends. Once he acquired it, he brought it to Jerusalem.
If true, David's acquisition of the ancient Egyptian Grail Pillar is one of the best kept secrets of Judeo-Christianity. In addition, those 'in the know' would have secretly known of the existence of this device and the 'serpent-soul' which lives within it. That initiates have known of the existance of this pair is evidenced by an illumination from the famed eleventh century Winchester Bible now housed at the Oxford Library. It shows David triumphantly dancing before the Ark of the Covenant as it is being carried into Jerusalem with great pomp and ceremony. On the right side of the illumination is a stylized Pillar of Osiris. On the left is a 'worm' or 'serpent-soul' that lives in the Ark. The worm and pillar are a perfect match for hieroglyph of the Casket or Pillar of Osiris.
While David might have found the Grail, his wise son, Solomon was destined to be the one to get the glory for building a Temple for its safe-keeping -- Solomon's Temple. King Solomon is a semi-mythical king who was a sort of Bill Gates of his age: immensely wealthy, on the cutting edge of the high technology of his day, and a bit on the nerdy side, at least when compared to his hell-raising father. In fact his name 'Solomon' means 'the Peaceful one' or 'the Peacemaker', a uniter of Heaven and Earth. His Temple of Solomon, was therefore, a Temple of Peace, a docking station between realms.
Solomon installed the (S)tone within the Holy of Holies
of the Temple. This thirty by thirty foot room was shaped like
a perfect windowless cube. (These dimensions are the exact same
as the King's Chamber in the Great Pyramid.) Its floor, four
walls, and ceiling had been lined with the pure 'gold' of Op-Hir,
weighing an estimated 45,000 pounds, and riveted with golden
nails. Only the High Priest could enter this cube -- and then
only on one day of the year. In the Holy of Holies we find a
rock outcropping called the Sheti-yah or 'Foundation Stone'.
Orthodox Jews believe it was from this key (S)tone of God that
the whole wor(l)d was said to be woven. This Stone represents
a portion of the Grail Temple's 'hardware'. Let's take a moment
to aquaint ourselves with its accompanying 'software' and its
special language code, the Language of the Birds.
(For further illumination of this aspect of the Stone see this
article )..
Secrets you won't find in any bible...
Other moral and spiritual representations were revealed
by the geometric functions. One example is the 'point within the
circle'. One of the tools of the builder is the 90 degree square
and, in those primitive days, using the principle of 'point
within the circle' was the most accurate method of constructing
the square. The invention of this principle predates recorded
history and has existed in all of the ancient mysteries from
India to Egypt. The use of that diagram was one of the Master's
secrets. With it he was able to check the accuracy of the
Squares of the craftsman. The algebraic and geometric formulae
and the uses of the working tools were not completely understood
by each rank, only the Master possessed all of this knowledge.
The apprentices ran errands, made simple measurements, and
eventually learned to give the stones their rough dimensions
with the use of the common gavel.
The fellows then shaped the stone to its final smooth, square
shape by aid of the plumb, square and level.
Example of Geometrical drawing
In the Flower of Life material it speaks of a group
of 32 (4 x 8) beings that are what we would consider immortal.
There would be 16 males and 16 females
that are according to the story bonded into one
sort of married. This appears to relate
well to the 8 immortals and the numbers of Chess. They form a
circle alternating female/male and thus 360 / 32 = 11.25 degrees
for each or 22.5 degrees for each male/female pair. notice
that the sum of the digits of these numbers all sum to 9.
Since seven was the number of stages or levels by which creation was manifested these seven levels. They are described on our The Brief History Page. The ratio of the circumference of a circle to it's diameter , or pi was often employed in ancient times as 22/7, as the earliest and most approiate approximation to render this incommensurable ratio commensurable, even though more precise values, such as 864/275, were known.
Knowledge of the seven elements of man was available to early Christianity. It was known in Judiasm as well as in Egypt. The opportunity to incorporate this knowledge into the new faith was bartered for the indulgence of zeal and the acquisition of power.
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