Legal Issues
If any page in this site has been Linked to undesireably, to promote hate or is associated with any anti-masonic work of any kind, or in some way discredits the web page author or web page, the page that is linked to will be moved or canceled permanately.
We are able to identify these addresses and URL's with Extreme Tracker as seen above. We report any offending link to the server immediately.
Suppose someone were to set up a link to our web site, saying "click here to reach a web site calling them "chronic liars" or "jerks" or, "Morons", devil worshipers, ect. Assuming that our site is not compiled by a bunch of chronic liars, devil worshipers ect., then the link libels our site. A court would not hesitate to order the party setting up the link to delete it and possibly award damages.
In some cases, if we discover a link as described above, the harrassers URL or IP
address will be displayed on the page he/she has intruded upon. Those especially from
Forum links will be posted as an undisireable link and the full address of that intruder will
be made public.
NOTE: In some cases, anyone who links to a copyrighted site for
the above reasons without permission may loose the server or forum membership he/she
is linked through. All undesirable links and the person who is harrassing us are reported
immediately to the server they originate from. We include any and all offending remarks
and the screen name and web address of the offender. A 'thread' can be identified as an address.
The terms of Service on Google read thus: You agree that you are responsible for your own conduct and communications while using the Service and for any consequences thereof. You agree to use the Service only to send and receive messages and material that are legal, proper and related to the particular Group. By way of example, and not as a limitation, you agree that when using the Service, you will not: defame, abuse, harass, stalk, threaten or otherwise violate the legal rights (such as rights of privacy and publicity) of others; post any inappropriate, defamatory, infringing, obscene, or unlawful Content;
We take this very seriously. As a general rule, most Masonic sites are not afraid to say who they are and where they originate from.
We regret to be forced to this standard, but there are some sites we do not wish to be associated with, due to their display of undesireable content or their refusal to identify themselves in an approiate manner..
LINKS: PLEASE Only Masonic Lodge home pages, Grand Lodge Home pages, or those sites that are strictly or directly Masonic in nature, may link without permission to this site. No personal page links are welcome unless they are directly related to a Masonic Lodge information or affiliate Masonic body home page. We reserve the right to change the URL of any page unless the undesirable links are removed.
Those sites which display the Hiram Discovered, "Darkness
to Light" award are also obviously excepted and approved.
Web Rings and their Home pages to which this site belongs,
are the only other exception to this rule.
More Legal Stuff:
The Hiram Abiff Darkness to Light Award is owned solely by the
Hiram Discovered WWW Site. No site may display The Hiram Abiff
Darkness to Light Award with out prior authorization of The
Hiram Discovered WWW Site.
The award will always remain the property of The Hiram
Discovered WWW Site.
A site that displays the award agrees to remove the award symbol
if so requested by the Web master of The Hiram Discovered WWW
Site. © C.I.Case. Copyright 2001 - 2008.
Absolutely NO LINKS that are anti-Masonic in nature, contains content that is inapproiate for children, promotes vampires, devil worship, hate, discrimination or harrassment of any kind, ect., are permitted to be connected to this site. Any such link will be reported to your ISP for displays of hate and harrassment, or any Copyright Violations which are illegal on any server. Some other rules may apply which are clearly stated in the 'terms of service agreements' of most servers.
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