"Shanks is the editor of the Biblical Archaeology Review (which first broke the story), and Witherington is a seminary professor and author of a score of books on the Bible. Their collaboration is a well-argued and truly fascinating study of the ossuary and its importance. The opening chapters tell of the box's discovery and authentication, while the later chapters discuss its potential relevance and describe what is at stake if the ossuary is genuine. Particularly interesting is the book's discussion of what the ossuary does for Jewish-Christian relations: James, the bishop of Jerusalem, was known for encouraging Christians to retain aspects of their Jewish heritage instead of jettisoning that heritage as Paul had".
We have already shown that James is the Son of Cleophas, Joseph's brother and the Nag Hammidi scrolls shows James clearly as a 'step brother'. What are the odds this is a hoax? If you haven't seen our proof go to the Disciples and keep reading below..With today's modern technology, this would be an easy 'fake'.
The Gospels call James the "brother" of Jesus, and other
New Testament books say he later led the Jerusalem church.
Protestants traditionally read the New Testament as meaning
Mary gave birth to Jesus as a virgin and then had James, three
other sons and at least two daughters with Joseph. The Eastern
Orthodox and Roman Catholics teach Mary's "perpetual virginity,"
which means she and Joseph never had marital relations.
The Orthodox think Joseph had James by his
first wife, and after she died he married Mary -- whose only
child was the virgin-born Jesus. Thus, James was Jesus'
step brother. Catholics commonly hold that James was merely
Jesus' close relative, perhaps the son of Joseph's brother
Cleopas or a cousin on Mary's side.
Put two and two together! None of this is true.
Experts commentary on this Bone box
Where are the missing years of Jesus' Life?
Since no one knew anything about Christ's birth, it wasn't celebrated in the early church. Superimposing Christmas on existing festivals on December 25th only became official in the fourth century.
But it was not just the date they stole, it was the whole Christmas story which had been around for centuries in earlier religions. Mithras, the Persian sun god worshipped in the late empire, came from heaven and was born as a man to redeem humanity from its sins. He was also born of a virgin on December 25 and it was shepherds who first learnt of his birth. (He too had a last supper with his disciples and ascended into heaven.) The Egyptian god Horus, whose worshippers filled Rome at the same time, was another saviour of mankind, born to a virgin. Temples were filled with cribs with the infant Horus watched over by his virgin mother Isis; 10,700 years before Christ, Isis had an annunciation when a spirit descended and she conceived when an "ankh" - symbol of life - was put to her lips. see Christ's Mission
"Every one knows that the Evangeliums were written neither by Jesus nor his apostles, but long after their time by some unknown persons, who, judging well that they would hardly be believed when telling of things they had not seen themselves, headed their narratives with the names of the apostles or of disciples contemporaneous with the latter."
Much debate has ensued from various writers as to the 'brothers' of Jesus'. The following paragraphs might explain some of the disputes and add a 'humanness' to the life of Jesus.
These stories are backed up by 'other sources' on other pages including the age of Joseph and the 'other brothers and sisters' of Jesus who the Catholics say may all be the children of Joseph from his first marriage. But we don't think this is correct..One Jewish story claims Mary was a whore and was pregnant by a Roman guard and had to get married to save face. But they never believed in Jesus anyway.
The first century Jewish historian Josephus recorded that
“the brother of Jesus the so-called Christ, James by name,” was
stoned to death as a Jewish heretic in A.D. 62. If his bones were
placed in an ossuary the inscription would have occurred the
following year, around A.D. 63.
Until now, the oldest surviving artifact that mentions
Jesus is a fragment of chapter 18 in John’s Gospel from a
manuscript dated around A.D. 125. It was discovered in Egypt
in 1920.
From the Catholic encyclopedia; "It will not be without interest to recall here, unreliable though they are, the lengthy stories concerning St. Joseph's marriage contained in the apocryphal writings. When forty years of age, Joseph married a woman called Melcha or Escha by some, Salome by others; they lived forty-nine years together and had six children, two daughters and four sons, the youngest of whom was James (the Less, "the Lord's brother"). A year after his wife's death, as the priests announced through Judea that they wished to find in the tribe of Judah a respectable man to espouse Mary, then twelve to fourteen years of age, Joseph, who was at the time ninety years old, went up to Jerusalem among the candidates; a miracle manifested the choice God had made of Joseph, and two years later the Annunciation took place"... St Joseph
But we disagree with this account because we found other
information about Cleophas and that to is from the Catholic
encyclopedia as follows;
The name James"
in the New Testament is borne by several:
(1) James, the son of Zebedee, Apostle, brother of John,
Apostle; also called "James the Greater." (2) James, the
son of Alpheus ( Cleopas ), Apostle: Matt.10: 3; Mark 3:18; Luke, 6:
15; Acts 1: 13. (3) James, the brother of the Lord: Matt.,
13: 55; Mark 6: 3; Gal.1: 19. Without a shadow of doubt,
he must be identified with the James of Gal. 2: 2, 9; Acts,
12: 17; 15: 13 sqq.; 21:18; I Cor.15: 7.
(4) James, is not the son of Joseph,
(or Joses): Mark 15: 40 (where he is called ò mikros "the little",
not the "less", as in the D.V., nor the "lesser");
Matt. 17: 56; probably the son of Cleophas
or Cleophas: John, 19: 25, where "Maria Cleophae"
is generally translated
"Mary the wife of Cleophas",
as married women are commonly distinguished by
the addition of their husband's name.
(5) James, the brother of Jude: Jude, i,
Most Catholic
commentators identify Jude with the "Judas Jacobi", the
"brother of James" (Luke 6: 16; Acts 1: 13), called thus
because his brother James was better known than himself in
the primitive Church.
Joseph died and Mary married Cleophas, Joseph's brother. The step-brothers and sisters are all born of Mary and their father Cleophas.
The evidence supports a catholic concoction to keep Jesus seperate thus divine and not related to his 'blood brothers'? It is also sheer fabrication to keep the holy Mother Mary holy and a virgin forever.
James must have been the oldest of the couple's children .. see below the Nag paragraph. Joseph died making Cleophas responsible for Mary, Jesus and Thomas.
James the less or otherwise known as James the 'Lords Brother'. NOTE: the Nag Hammidi writings state that James is in fact a 'step brother of Jesus, 'nourished by 'the same milk'..
from the Nag Hammidi; "Once when
I was sitting deliberating, he opened the door. That one whom you hated and persecuted
came in to me. He said to me, "Hail, my brother; my brother, hail."
As I raised my face to stare at him, (my) mother said to me, "Do not be frightened,
my son, because he said 'My brother' to you (sg.). For you (pl.)
were nourished with this same milk. Because of this he
calls me "My mother". For he is not a stranger to us. He is your step-brother [...]."
(Name edited out)
The (Second) Apocalypse of James
or we should say the second James ( James the Less ) as compaired
to James A (Alpheus/Cleopas ) who is the writer of the first Apocalypse.
Thomas, the 'Twin'; The extravagance of the legend may be judged from the fact that in more than one place (cap. 31, p. 148) it represents Thomas (Judas Thomas, as he is called here and elsewhere in Syriac tradition) as the twin brother of Jesus.
The Thomas in Syriac is equivalant to 'Didymos' in Greek, and means twin. Rendel Harris who
exaggerates very much the cult of the Dioscuri, wishes to regard this as a transformation of a
pagan worship of Edessa but the point is at best problematical. The story itself runs briefly
as follows: At the division of the Apostles, India fell to the lot of Thomas, but he declared his inability to go,
whereupon his 'Master' Jesus appeared in a supernatural way to Abban, the envoy of Gundafor, an
Indian king, and sold Thomas to him to be his slave and serve Gundafor as a carpenter. Then
Abban and Thomas sailed away until they came to Andrapolis, where they landed and attended
the marriage feast of the ruler's daughter. Strange occurences followed and Christ
under the appearence of Thomas exhorted the bride to remain a Virgin.
from.. St Thomas
below there are stories susposedly written by Thomas describing the young Jesus and James. If he
were not a direct family member, these stories would not exist. However they claim the divinity of
Jesus at a very early age and therefore are not credible to that description
nor do we believe he repudiated consummation of the marriage..
Christians take the belief that Jesus was son of God to mean he was divine, not human. They claim proof is his Virgin Birth, which some claim is a myth found from end to end of the Hellenistic world. There are flaws in the following narrative, Yet they have stood as truth far too long....
The Gospel of the Holy Twelve
Lection 2 10. The Immaculate Conception Of Iesus The Christ.
And as Joseph thought upon these words he was troubled, and
the angel of the Lord said unto him, Fear not, Joseph, thou Son
of David, for thou hast found favour with God,
and behold thou shalt beget a child, and thou shalt call his name Jesu-Maria for
he shall save his people from their sins.
Notice it says Joseph shall "BEGET" him. also an 'angel' is their word for 'priest' or prophet.
The Pauline Gospel - Truth or Fiction?
Normally, a person does not contradict himself, unless he is lying, or he got his facts wrong, or if his memory is poor. If a biblical book is the product of one person’s mind and if that person described real events, and if his memory served him right, one would not expect to find contradictions and inconsistencies in it. But when a manuscript copyist, who has a different frame of mind than the original author, adds or removes something, he is up to create a discrepancy. Often this is the case with biblical discrepancies.
We added this commentary to show the Gnostic origin of the disciples and Jesus.
("APOCRYPHAL" means -
Greek, apo•kryp•hos. from the Greek kryp•to, the secret or hidden.
Protestant Religion: those religious writings deemed by Protestants
as non-canonical, and called concealed or hidden because their
origin was often unknown, or their authority and authorship was
spurious or doubtful. Because of their obscure and dubious origin,
they are ordinarily rejected as inspired, authentic or authoritative.
Roman Catholic: The additional 15 books in Roman catholic Bibles
which they call deuterocanonical, but which were rejected as
canonical by the early Church, and by Protestants. Non-Religious
In some circles Apocryphal has come to mean any books or writings
which are (or have been), rarely seen, hidden, obscure, mysterious,
or secretive.) The Nag Hammidi Scrolls are included in this meaning.
However who is to say these aren't the true teachings of Jesus.
We conclude they are because the Gnostics/Essenes kept these to
This is from the Catholic encyclopedia.
The oldest form of the Pseudo-Correspondence of Jesus and
Abgar, King of Edessa, is found in Eusebius (Historia Ecclesiastica,
I, xiii), who vouches that he himself translated it from the
Syriac documents in the archives of Edessa, the metropolis of
Eastern Syria. The two letters are accompanied by an introduction
which probably is an excerpt from the same source. According to
this, Abgar V, Toparch or King of Edessa, suffering from an
incurable disease, and having heard the fame of Christ's miracles
sends a courier to Jerusalem, bearing a letter to Jesus, in
which he declared Him to be a god, or the son of a god, and
invites Him to Edessa, justifying the request partly by his
desire to be cured, partly by his wish to offer to Jesus an
asylum against the malignant Jews.
Our Lord replied as follows:
"Blessed are you because you have believed in Me without seeing Me.
For it is written that those who have seen Me, will not believe Me;
and that those who have not seen Me will believe and love Me. But
as to your prayer that I come to you, it is necessary that I fulfil
here all that for which I have been sent, and that after I have
fulfilled it, that I be taken up to Him who has sent Me. But after
my taking up I shall send you one of My disciples, who will heal
your pains, and keep life for you and yours."
Accordingly, after the Ascension, "Judas Thomas" an Apostle, despatches to Edessa Thaddeus, one of the seventy Disciples, who cures the King of his disease, and preaches Christ to the assembled people. This, adds Eusebius, happened in the year 340, i.e. of the Seleucid era; corresponding to A.D. 28-29. The pleasing story is repeated with variations in later sources. The "Teaching of Addai", a Syrian apocryphon (q.v. infra), reproduces the correspondence with additions.
The motive which first prompted the fabrication of spurious Acts of the Apostles was, in general, to give Apostolic support to heretical systems, especially those of the many sects which are comprised under the term Gnosticism. The darkness in which the New Testament leaves the missionary careers, and the ends of the greater number of the Apostles, and the meagre details handed down by ecclesiastical tradition, left an inviting field for the exercise of inventive imaginations, and offered an apt means for the insidious propagation of heresy. The Jewish-Christian Church, which early developed un-Catholic tendencies in the form of Ebionitism, seems first to have produced apocryphal histories of the Apostles, though of these we have very few remains outside the material in the voluminous Pseudo-Clement. The Gnostic Acts of Peter, Andrew, John, Thomas, and perhaps Matthew, date from the early portion of the third century or perhaps a little earlier. see Gnostic apocryphal and our page about the Gnostic religion.
Nothing certain is known about Jesus's birth, childhood and early manhood. Indeed, few doctrines of the Christian faith are so slight in their foundations as that of the Virgin Birth of Jesus. The Virgin Birth is unknown to Paul. The earliest Christian writings are Paul's Epistles, and no mention is made of the Virgin Birth in them. Paul could not be more explicit in recording that Jesus was "of the seed of David according to the flesh" (Rom 1:3) as if he were refuting the suggestion. He insists that Jesus was "born of a woman under the law" (Gal 4:4) but he does not know or apparently care who she was, and he knows of no miracle in the conception. For Paul, Jesus was the Son of God through the "Spirit of Holiness" which did not require a supernatural conception.
Mark and the last gospel, John's, have no narratives of Jesus' s birth and upbringing. The gospel of Mark is the next writing chronologically after the epistles. We have no proof it existed within forty years of the death of Christ yet it is ignorant of the tremendous miracle of the Virgin Birth. Both Mark and John begin the history with Jesus heralded and baptized by John the Baptist at the age of thirty. The original 'Mark' was a description of the active career and death of a Jewish leader, appointed by John in his early manhood.
The implication of the omission of the birth stories from the final gospel might be that its author did not accept them. Since they were also omitted from the first gospel, either Mark did not know about them or he also did not accept them. These observations alone seem sufficient to treat them with distrust. from..The Virgin Birth
Although both paintings have John the Baptist, Jesus, Mary and Anna, John and Mary are the main focus. Leonardo may have gotten this idea from a book by Amadeus of Portugal called Apocalpsis Nova, which portrays Mary as the incarnation of Sophia or wisdom which is also contained in the Nag Hammidi scrolls. Vasari called Leonardo a heretic, and says he did not adhere to any kind of religion, believing that it is perhaps better to be a philosopher than a christian. This was contridicted in a second book by Vasari nineteen years later then proclaiming that Leonardo desired to occupy himself with the truths of the Catholic faith and the holy Christian religion. We think it is safe to assume that the first version was the true one.
from the..Madonna. While living in Milan, Leonardo was commissioned to paint a scene for the Confraternity of the Immaculate Conception, in the church of San Francesco Grande. The painting produced was one of the most intricate and intriguing religious scenes to date, and it evidently caused great commotion between the artist and its commissioners. Placing the Virgin Mary and the Christ child in a rocky cave was quite unconventional and controversial, and despite the painting's striking beauty, it seems that Leonardo may have been ordered to paint a new scene. The first version currently rests in the Louvre in Paris, while the later painting is housed in the National Gallery of Art in London. Most art historians agree that the first painting is a Leonardo original, but the second work was likely completed by Leonardo and several other artists.
Regardless of the intense debates that are associated with the images, the paintings themselves remain stunning in a myriad of ways. The composition of the Madonnas is exquisite – the Virgin Mary, the Angel Uriel, Christ, and John the Baptist all form a triangle, each person somehow connected to the next. The Virgin Mary has her left hand extended carefully over the head of Christ, while Uriel is gently propping him up. At the same time, she is delicately pointing to John. It is strange that Leonardo decided to paint the scene in such a seemingly dark and sinister rocky outcropping, though he had spent time in Florence, where the rocky setting of the altarpiece of the Adoration of the Child by Filippo Lippi was located.
The plant life within the paintings is also notable. It has been thought by many that the plants within the dark cavern symbolize the fertility and life that Mary represents. The white flowers in the later painting have also been ascribed to Mary’s purity. Leonardo’s delicate use of color and sfumato are beautiful examples of his advanced understanding of distance and depth. The use of sfumato and the understated colors in the first Madonna painting create a misty and enchanted background.
The Nativity of Mary
The virgin birth from Joseph's point of view would have been closest to fact, but we see that no one else ever writes about it. Why wasn't this 'copied' like everything else? Why doesn't Paul know anything about this?... concerning the Nativity of Mary.
We feel that Josephus therefore is an authority on the life of Jesus and James, but his 'history' was changed by Christian writers. We believe he is a family member, but he works for Rome and became an historian. His page has more..see Josephus
This narative has flaws. We have no idea who wrote it but in Chapter 8 there is something missing.
Nativity of Mary, CHAP. 1.--The blessed and glorious
ever-virgin Mary, sprung from the royal stock and family
of David, born in the city of
Nazareth, was brought up at Jerusalem in the temple of the Lord.
Her father was named Joachim, and her mother Anna. Her father's house
was from Galilee and the city of Nazareth, but her mother's
family from Bethlehem. Their life was guileless and right before the Lord,
and irreproachable and pious before men. For they divided all
their substance into three parts. One part they spent upon the
temple and the temple servants; another they distributed to
strangers and the poor; the third they reserved, for themselves
and the necessities of their family. Thus, dear to God, kind to
men, for about twenty years they lived in their own house, a
chaste married life, without having any children. Nevertheless
they vowed that, should the Lord happen to give them offspring,
they would deliver it to the service of the Lord; on which
account also they used to visit the temple of the Lord at
each of the feasts during the year.
There was no city of Nazereth at this time.
Mary is not of the house of David. She is of the house of Aaron
the High priest or Moses.
Chapter 4: She, full of the favour of the Lord even from her birth, shall remain three years in her father's house until she be weaned. Thereafter, being delivered to the service of the Lord, she shall not depart from the temple until she reach the years of discretion. There, in fine, serving God day and night in fastings and prayers, she shall abstain from every unclean thing; she shall never know man, but alone, without example, immaculate, uncorrupted, without intercourse with man, she, a virgin, shall bring forth a son.
Chapter 6 :Therefore, a sacrifice having been offered according to the custom of the law, and their vow being perfected, they left the virgin within the enclosures of the temple, there to be educated with the other virgins, and themselves returned home.
Chapter 7 : Then the high priest publicly announced that the virgins who were publicly settled in the temple, and had reached this time of life, should return home and get married, according to the custom of the nation and the ripeness of their years. The others readily obeyed this command; but Mary alone, the virgin of the Lord, answered that she could not do this, saying both that her parents had devoted her to the service of the Lord, and that, moreover, she herself had made to the Lord a vow of virginity, which she would never violate by any intercourse with man. (We don't believe this either.)
We know Mary was not 'violated', but we also know the 'seed' of a human being, from a human man was 'planted' in her womb. A God is not human, but Jesus was human. Consider how this is accomplished with todays medical advances. They don't lie, but the truth isn't here either.
More Narrative from;
Joseph.. on a certain day when he was alone, an angel of the Lord stood by him in a great light.
And when he was disturbed at his appearance, the angel who had
appeared to him restrained his fear, saying: Fear not, Joachim,
nor be disturbed by my appearance; for I am the angel of the Lord,
sent by Him to thee to tell thee that thy prayers have been heard,
and that thy charitable deeds have gone up into
His presence. For He hath seen thy shame, and hath heard the
reproach of unfruitfulness which has been unjustly brought against thee.
For God is the avenger of sin, not of nature: and, therefore, when He
shuts up the womb of any one, He does so that
He may miraculously open it again; so that that which is born may be
acknowledged to be not of lust, but of the gift of God.
CHAP. 8.--Now there was among the rest Joseph, of the house
and family of David, a man of great age: and when all brought
there rods, according to the order, he alone withheld his. Wherefore, when nothing in conformity
with the divine voice appeared, the high priest thought it
necessary to consult God a second time; and He answered, that of
those who had been designated, he alone to whom the virgin ought
to be espoused had not brought his rod. Joseph, therefore, was
found out. For when he had brought his rod, and the dove came
from heaven; and settled upon the top of it, it clearly appeared
to all that he was the man to whom the virgin should be espoused.
Therefore, the usual ceremonies of betrothal having been gone
through, he went back to the city of Bethlehem to put his house
in order, and to procure things necessary for the marriage. But
Mary, the virgin of the Lord, with seven other virgins of her
own age, and who had been weaned at the same time, .........??
( this was blank on the origional web page. Now there is
only a comma but this is not the origional as it was previously
copied in 2000) it continues;...whom she had received from the
priest, returned to the house of her parents in Galilee.
see the navitity of Mary
( Check this out, something is omitted here.) What did the
priest give her? How about a "seed"...Should this have
read; conceived, and she took forth with her the
seed of a child of David, whom she had received from the priest.
Key word 'Whom', a person - seed of David.
As usual the christian copists delibertly ignore the fact that this doesn't make any sence. AGAIN: Notice it says Joseph shall "BEGET" him. The angel Gabriel - also an 'angel' is their word for 'priest' or prophet. Joseph was a priest.
..this the angel says: Think not, Mary, that thou shalt conceive in the manner of mankind: for without any intercourse with man, thou, a virgin, wilt conceive; thou, a virgin, wilt bring forth; thou, a virgin, wilt nurse: for the Holy Spirit shall come upon thee, and the power of the Most High shall overshadow thee, without any of the heats of lust; and therefore that which shall be born of thee shall alone be holy, because it alone, being conceived and born without sin, shall be called the Son of God. Then Mary stretched forth her hands, and raised her eyes to heaven, and said: Behold the hand-maiden of the Lord, for I am not worthy of the name of lady; let it be to me according to thy word.
The gospels show that Jesus himself did not claim to have a
miraculous birth. He did not once allude to it, though as the principal evidence of his divinity,
as Christians claim, he would have done so.
His paternal genealogy, as made out by Matthew and Luke,
completely confounds his Virgin Birth. They both trace his lineage
through Joseph, which they could only do if Joseph or
another man in the David bloodline was his father.
His own disciple, Philip, declared him to be the son of Joseph,
and several texts show that it was the original belief.
The mystical Book of the Revelation of John the Divine does not mention it, though it would be perfect for inclusion in such an allegorical piece. None of the Jewish patriarchs were born of virgins and, though older women beyond the menopause had their wombs 'opened' to conceive Isaac, Jacob and Samuel, no divine impregnation was suggested.
We discovered that the 'virgin birth' is a 'copy' of all the other
virgin births throughout history, most of them occuring before Jesus' time.
However this is not to say it didn't really happen.
A Holy child must be conceived by divine origin and brought
fourth in virgin birth. So taking that into account
we see that there were other 'Sons of God' who were infact
products of divine intervention and used by each culture to tell the
story of their 'holy mother and child'. You should still read
Christ's Mission
which carries all of these 'virgin birth stories' and more.
The 'cave' at Bethlehem said to be the birthplace of Jesus was, the Christian father Jerome tells us, actually a rock shrine to the god Tammuz (Adonis-Lord) whose symbol was a cross. The Christians took over a Pagan sacred site as they did many times over, and adopted the cave, a common symbol of Pagan religions. Apollo, Cybele, Demeter, Hercules, Hermes, Ion, Mithras and Poseidon were all adored in caves. Hermes and Dionysos were wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in mangers.
'Virgin' or virgo in Latin means 'young woman', thus the "virgin" Mary could have given birth. If she did, the truth was misunderstood in the gentile world of the Roman Empire, and indeed beyond, where it was de rigeur not only for gods but also great men to be born of virgins. As we see, however the cave was not in Bethlehem, but at Qumran.
But..By introducing the village of Bethlehem, Luke and Matthew connect Jesus as messiah with David the warrior king whose home town this was. There is nothing else in the gospels to associate Jesus with Bethlehem. In Luke 1:26, Nazareth is a city! But Nazareth was probably not even a village; it did not exist until Christianity became the official religion of the Empire in the fourth century AD when Helena, the mother of Constantine, on pilgrimage to the Holy Land, was horrified to find Nazareth did not exist. She named an obscure site in a suitable location Nazareth to fit the story. Or this was used because there was in fact a city by that name in Egypt. What we find here is everything connected with Egypt was susposed to ( according to the Jews ) be evil at that time in history. So by leaving this out, we lose the signifiance of the Nazarine ( Egypt ) teachings . " For, lo, thou shalt conceive and bear a son, and no razor shall come on his head, for the child shall be a Nazarite unto God from the womb". Judges 13:2-6, referring to the birth of Samson, who would have also been a student there..
The birth stories in the two gospels come from different sources and differ widely but both contradict their central thesis that Jesus's mother was a virgin by giving a genealogy to show that Joseph was descended from David, an irrelevancy if Joseph had not impregnated his wife. The original idea was obviously to trace Jesus's lineage through Joseph to David to fulfil messianic prophecy. Then the idea of making Jesus more divine through a virgin birth arose and was tacked on spoiling the object of the genealogy.
Fertilisation of the ovum by the sperm was only
discovered in the nineteenth century. ( NOT TRUE )..
Though Genesis 3:15 refers to the seed of the
woman, implying that the Hebrews knew about eggs carried
by women, they, like the Greeks, thought the whole human being
was present in miniature in the male sperm. The woman was simply
the soil for the seed to grow. They wrote of a woman who had no
children as a spent field, as infertile or barren. This idea was
carried into Christian Europe and held until the Middle ages.
Christians had no idea that women had their own seed. This is
why Mary nor any other woman could participate in a genealogy.
Matthew's inclusion of four women in his genealogies was for
other reasons and their presence would have highlighted them to
an educated Jew.
Actually this was
true, because they participated in the Egyptian mystery teachings,
which had this knowledge. Reference to Enoch ( Imhotep 10,500 B.C. ),
Aesculapius and Hippocrates 377 B.C.. father's of Medicine. Keep
in mind, the Egyptians did mummifications taking all of the
internal organs out. They would have found that women had eggs,
and men had sperm, long before anyone else knew this. And as we
read on the Atlantis page, and Passage page 3, the so-called fallen angles
did experiments with DNA creating 'monsters'.
We know from the Damascus Rule that the Essenes kept lists of
the Sons of Zadok, the elect of Israel, according to their generations.
These lists will have offered a source for the genealogies of
Matthew and Luke. These lists were discovered under the Jerusalem
Temple by the Templars in 1109-1118. The list is found
in Luke 3: 23 - 38. The first sentence says, "Jesus was known
as the son of Joseph". The final verse of (Lk 2:52) indicates
that Jesus was a Nazarite-he was in favour with God, a scribal
formula meaning he had been dedicated to God, which was why he
was being coached by sages, ie., India, Persia and Egypt.
We found new information now posted on
The Initiate page
about the secret 'Mystery schools'. The learning process was extensive.
In the KJB, the story of the Virgin Birth rests on the slender
foundations of an angel and a dream. Mary got it by an angel,
and Joseph by a dream, and thereby we have the whole of the
story of the divinity of Jesus. We have neither
Joseph's nor Mary's report of these things,
but only Matthew and Luke's. We do not know that either of
them ever saw or spoke with Joseph or Mary on the subject.
If Jesus were a miraculously born god, would his mother
have reproved him for misconduct when she found him in
the temple, as she, if no one else, must have known his nature?
The Jewish sect that accused Jesus of breaking God's laws,
insisted he was born of 'fornication' and therefore not
holy as his disciples and followers claimed. In the oldest Syriac
version of Matthew's gospel, the genealogy ends with the plain
statement, "And Joseph begat Jesus". This is the reason the
Jews did not believe Jesus was divine.
Again, see below, you will find another story..
..."I looked down again upon the world of
mankind, I found Mary, who is called my mother according to the
material body. I spoke to her in the type ( body ) of Gabriel ,
and when she turned to the height towards me."
This connects the narrative above from the Nag Hammidi with the Nativity of Mary story. Gabriel the Priest is inhabited by the soul of Seth, (Christ) and he plants the 'seed'.
This narrative indicates a human was to be born, but the
spirit this body was to contain comes from Heaven. Here the spirit
of Christ who has put himself in the 'appearence' of Gabriel,
speaks to Mary to tell her of the child's coming. We therefore
believe the gospel of Luke was written by 'Josephus' who understood
the allegory. Called 'actual' because these narratives mostly match the
Nag Hammidi writings. see
the Pistis Sophia
We also have found proof that Joseph was in the 'bloodline' of David, but this says he is not Jesus' father. The connecting theory to this, is the one above which indicates a priest named Gabriel, also in the royal bloodline of David, planted the seed of David in the womb of Mary. This was done without defiling the body of Mary, therefore an Immaculate Conception could have infact taken place.
Commentators tell us that in the text "in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God. . .to a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David" (Luke 1:26-27); the last clause "of the house of David" does not refer to Joseph, but to the virgin who is the principal person in the narrative; thus we have a direct inspired testimony to Mary's Davidic descent. ( this is a Cannonized version we feel is incorrect because we said that women were not allowed to participate in genealogy )The Davidic bloodline would have come from David and his father Jesse and this would have been a requirement if Jesus was to be king...and why the sixth month? The birth was early because twins were to be born.
The cannonized text says Mary was pregnant before she was married to Joseph. This may not be true. There would have been a 'second marriage', of the couple by Jewish law. The first marriage could have occured three months previously. And as we have already revealed, Mary was of the Bloodline of Aaron, or Moses, not David . These two bloodlines had to 'come together' to bring forth the 'New King'. One 'priestly' as in Aaron or Moses, the other 'kingly' as in David. Thus the DNA of the two bloodlines comes together in human form.
Another contridiction; On another page and in the Nag Hammidi, you will see the words of Peter, as he explains , "The Holy Spirit did not impregnate Mary", as the Holy Spirit is female and would not dare defile the body of the 'Virgin'.
And then there is this from the Nag Hammidi, "And when
I entered the world I came to the midst of the archons of the sphere, and I took the
likeness of Gabriel, the Angel of the aeons, and the archers of the aeons did not recognize me.
But they thought that I was the Angel Gabriel"....( speaking about Mary )
.." And in place of the soul, ( of Mary ) I cast into her the
power which I received from the great Sabaoth, the Good ,
who is in the place of the right.( Right hand of God )."
And thus , Christ ( the Logos ), puts the 'soul' of 'Eve', the
first woman of the creation of God into the body of Mary.
This is the spirit of the Great Mother of all Mankind, the Holy
Spirit who many believe was also known as Isis.
On the Pyramid page you will see this connection revealed again.
Jesus, The Mean Wittle Kid, as told by Judias Thomas, the
twin brother of Jesus.
This account may be fictionalized by early Christian
writers. It uses the description, below 'Gentiles'.
Something they would believe.
It was used to show the early divinity of the Christ.
According to the Cayce writings, Jesus did not know who he was until the final test in the
Pyramid of Gaza. This test involved the culmination
of all he had learned and studied. The test was the ultimate preformance of
the secrets of alchemy. No one else ever achieved the results that Jesus attained. This miracle is the
result of a complete understanding of Alchemy. The link to this amazing information is called
'The Resurrection'. The link can be found on the Shroud of Turin page.
I. I, Thomas the Israelite, tell you, and all the brethren that are Gentiles, ( They did
not speek to Gentiles ) the works of the childhood of our Lord
Jesus Christ and his mighty deeds, and all that he did when he was born in our land:
Note; Taught to the Gentiles ( Greeks ) Paul's followers.
II.Besides this, the son of Anna the scribe, was standing there with Joseph ( watching Jesus at play having made pools of water out of clay ) ,took a brough of a willow tree and scattered the waters which Jesus had gathered into lakes. But the boy Jesus seeing what he had done, became angry, and said to him, Thou fool, what harm did the lake do to thee, that thou shouldest scatter the water? Behold, now thou shalt wither as a tree, and thou shalt not bring forth either leaves or brances or fruit. And immediately he became withered all over.
V. 1 Joseph called the Jesus apart and admonished him, saying: Why do you such things, that these other people suffer and hate us and persecute us? Jesus replied: I know that these your words are not your own: nevertheless for your sake I will hold my peace: but they shall bear their punishment. Immediately the people who had accused Jesus were smitten with blindness. The people who saw it were afraid and perplexed, and said that every word that Jesus spoke whether it was good or bad, was a deed, and became a marvel. When he saw that Jesus had blinded the people, Joseph arose and took hold upon his ear and wrung it painfully. The young child was angry and said to him: It is enough for you to seek and not to find, and you have certainly done so unwisely: don't you know that I am yours? Leave me alone.
IV. 1 Another time Jesus went through the village, and a child
ran and dashed against his shoulder. Jesus was provoked and
said to him: you shall not finish your life.
Immediately he fell down and died. Certain people,
when they saw what was done, said: Why was this young child born;
every word of his is an accomplished work? the parents
of the boy who was dead came to Joseph, and blamed him,
saying: you that have such a child cannot dwell with us in the village:
or teach him to bless and not to curse: for he slays our children.
VII. This young child is not earthly born: this is one that can tame even fire: he is like one begotten before the making of the world. What womb nurtured him? I know not. Woe is me, O my friend, he confuses me completely, I cannot follow his understanding. I have deceived myself, wretched man that I am: I tried to get me a disciple and I am found to have a master. I think, O my friends, upon my shame, I am old but I have been overcome by a young child; and I am even ready to faint and to die because of the boy, for I am not able at this present hour to look him in the face.
VIII. 1.. as the Jews were counselling Zacchaeus, the young child laughed and said: Now let those bear fruit that were barren and let them see that were blind in heart. I am come from above that I may curse them, and call them to the things that are above, even as he commanded which has sent me for your sakes. When the young child ceased speaking, immediately all they were made whole which had come under his curse. no man after that dared provoke him, lest he should curse him and maim him.
XIV. 1.. But when Joseph saw the understanding of the child, and his age, that it was coming to completion, he thought again that he should not be ignorant of letters, so he took Jesus and delivered him to another teacher. That teacher said to Joseph: First will I teach him the Greek letters, and after that the Hebrew. For the teacher knew the skill of the child and was afraid of him. He wrote the alphabet. Jesus pondered it a long time and said nothing. Jesus finally said to him: If you indeed are a teacher and if you know letters well, tell me the power of the Alpha and then I will tell you the power of the Beta. The teacher was angry and smacked him upside the head. The young child was hurt and cursed him. He fainted and fell to the ground on his face. The child returned to the house of Joseph: and Joseph was grieved and commanded his mother, saying: Let him not forth without the door, for those who anger him all die.
Jesus' other Brother, XVI. 1- Joseph sent his son
James to bind firewood and carry it into his house and the young child Jesus
also followed him. As James was gathering of faggots, a viper bit the hand of James.
Just as he was about to die, Jesus came near and
breathed upon the bite, and straightway the pain ceased, and the serpent burst, and James
was well again.
Note: James is not Joseph's son. But James is the true stepbrother
of Jesus. ..see death of the disciples.
The next page in the series.. The Mary Magdelene connection
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