Hiram Abiff, the True King of Egypt,1554 BC Forward 3

Hiram Abiff, the True King of Egypt, 1554 BC Forward 3

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The one thing that we all have in common is that we all worship the same God -
or at least we thought we did.

When we began this site in 1999, we had no idea where it would take us. We eventually ended up studing Ancient Egyptian Religion and their Gods. Then by chance we found that Ham, Nimrod, Cush, and Miziram lived in Egypt. The Bible refers to Egypt as "the land of Ham" in (Psalms 78:51; 105:23,27; 106:22; 1Ch 4:40). The Hebrew word for Egypt was Mizraim (probably literally meaning the two lands).

stella of Nebra which carries the God Horus. Cush seems to be the one that was called the 'Scorpion King'. Recent proof comes from the city they moved to in Egypt called Herakonpolis. The 'Scorpion' designation may come from the astrological sign of Scorpio. Men studied the stars and their movements extensively and predictions were made based on the position of a planet, it's relationship to other planets and the time of the year.

Then we found that Shem and Japheth invaded Lower (Northern) Egypt between 8980 BC and 8023 BC. This is tied to the curse of Canaan, by Noah. It is also connected to what Manetho calls the 1st Pyramid War. "In the year 8363?" following the disappearance of Osiris, the young Horus became the avenger of his father and launched a war against Seth. It was, as we have seen, also the first war in which the gods involved men in their struggles.

Temple at Edfu "Thus began the tale inscribed on the temple walls in the ancient Egyptian city of Edfu. It is the tale we believe, of what could only be called the First Pyramid War - a war that had its roots in the never-ending struggle for control over Earth and in the shenanigans of the Great Anunnaki, especially Enki/Ptah and his son Ra/Marduk.

"Egyptian theological texts from Memphis likewise held that "there came into being" eight gods from the heart, tongue, teeth, lips and other parts of the body of Ptah."

"Supported by other Enki-gods reigning in Africa, the avenger Horus began the hostilities in Upper Egypt. Aided by the Winged Disk that Thoth had fashioned for him, Horus persistently advanced northward, toward the pyramids."

At a piece conference,"The first item of the agenda was thus the cessation of hostilities - peace on Earth - and Enlil readily agreed, on condition that the territorial disputes be brought to an end and the lands rightfully belonging to the Enlilites and the people of the line of Shem be vacated by the Enkites and the people of Ham. Enki agreed to cede forever these territories."

"....If, as it appears, these tales had a basis in fact, then the rivalries that such confused parentages brought about could only be aggravated by the sexual shenanigans attributed to Ra as well. The most significant among these was the assertion that Osiris was truly the son of Amon-Ra and not of Geb, conceived when Ra had come by stealth unto his own granddaughter. This as we have earlier related, lay at the core of the Osiris-Seth conflict."

Jubilees 22:14. "And thus the sons of Noah divided unto their sons in the presence of Noah their father, and he bound them all by an oath, imprecating a curse on every one that sought to seize the portion which had not fallen (to him) by his lot. 15. And they all said, "So be it; so be it,"

The 'Curse' of Canaan: In The Book of Jubilees, it becomes apparent that Canaan occupied Shem's territory. Canaan went to Lebanon and occupied the land all the way to the river of Egypt. It was in the outcome of the First Pyramid War that there lies an understanding of biblical tales.

From the Book of Jasher: "And Ham his father, and Cush and Mizraim his brothers, said unto him: (Canaan) "Thou hast settled in a land which is not thine, and which did not fall to us by lot; do not do so; for if thou dost do so, thou and thy sons will be fallen in the land and be accursed through sedition: for by sedition ye have settled, and by sedition will thy children fall, and thou shall be rooted out forever."

"Dwell not in the dwelling of Shem for to Shem and his sons did it come by their lot." "Cursed art thou and cursed shalt thou be beyond the sons of Noah, by the curse which we bound ourselves by an oath in the presence of the Holy Judge and in the presence of Noah our father"...300 years later Seth trespassed into Canaan and that launched a war called 'The Second Pyramid War.' 8120 B.C.E.—The End of the Second Pyramid War (according to Sumerian texts). Rule over Egypt given to Thoth (Sumerian Ningishzida, son of Enki/Ptah), followed by Maat and ten other divine rulers.

"Why had Seth, to whom Upper Egypt had been alloted by Geb, coveted Lower Egypt, which was granted to Osiris? Egyptologists have offered explanations in terms of geography, the land’s fertility, etc. But as we have shown, there was one more factor - one that, from the god’s point of view, was more important than how many crops a region could grow: The Great Pyramid and its companions at Giza.

After fierce battles Horus became victorious, with Seth hiding in one battle, and being seriously wounded in another.

"So the Council of the Gods gave the whole of Egypt "as heritage... to Horus."

"And what had become of Seth, one of the eight gods descended from Ptah?"

"Seth was banished from Egypt and took abode in Asiatic lands to the east (Saudi Arabia), including a place that enabled him "to speak out from the sky."

Isis, Osiris, Horus, Thoth It was Thoth, according to Manetho, who replaced Horus on the throne of Egypt; it happened circa 8670 B.C. - just at the time when the Second Pyramid War had ended. Enki announced his decision and made lord of Giza and Lower Egypt, a young son of his, whom he named with the exalted title NIN.GISH.ZI.DA (Thoth) ("Lord of the Artifact of Life"). So traditional dates are replaced by dates revealed by Monetho.

This information is not in the bible, but it is in books left out of the bible and writings by historians like the Egyptian priest Manetho. This particular story is also in the book of Noah within the book of Jasher and books on the Sumerian texts by Zacharia Sitchin.. The reasons for the wars and the outcome actually form a hidden history of our biblical heroes.

Throughout Egypts history there seem to be opposing forces, one good and one bad. Path, Enki, Marduk, Thoth, Enoch, Ham, Cush, Nimrod, Lemech, and Noah are the good guys. Enlil, Sin, Nanner, Seth, Shem, and Japheth are the bad guys. Genesis 10:10, "Nimrod; The beginning of his kingdom was Babylon, Erech, Akad, and Kalneh in the land of Shinar (Summer/Mesopotamia).

Here's a verse from the Torah that is very strange, Genesis 10: 21 "UleShem yulad gam-hu avi kol-bnei-Ever achi Yefet hagadol." "Sons were also born to Shem, father of the Children of the Other Side." He was the brother of Yafet,(Japheth) the elder.

We know this is the opposite of what the bible verses seem to say but unfortunately it is true. Abraham goes to Egypt in 2030 BC. Abraham being a great- great- great grandson of Shem, is given the promise of the land of Canaan (the 430 years begins; Gal. 3:16,17) 1980 BC.

from the Torah: Genesis 12:1; HASHEM said to Avram, "Go from your land, from your birthplace, and from your father's house, [and go] to the land that I will show you.

"And he resolved to go to Egypt, to Oswiris the son of Anom king of Egypt, to show the king his wisdom; for perhaps he might find grace in his sight, to raise him up and give him maintenance; and Rikayon did so. 14:14; And the king answered and said to Rikayon, Thy name shall no more be called Rikayon but Pharaoh shall be thy name, since thou didst exact a tax from the dead; and he called his name Pharaoh." see The book of Jasher --- Rikayon

Jasher 14:1; In those days there was in the land of Shinar a wise man who had understanding in all wisdom, and of a beautiful appearance, but he was poor and indigent; his name was Rikayon and he was hard set to support himself. This may be the Egyptian Seth.

"Abraham goes to Egypt and sees Rikayon and Oswiris – Jasher 14,15". (which of cource indicates two rulers) The question is ...is Rikayon Seth, Osiris' evil brother?

Two key figures in the origin of Christmas are Nimrod, a great grandson of Noah, and his mother and wife, Semiramis, also known as Ishtar and Isis. Nimrod, known in Egypt as Osiris, was the founder of the first world empire at Babel, later known as Babylon (Genesis 10:8-12; 11:1-9). From ancient sources such as the "Epic of Gilgamesh" and records unearthed by archeologists from long-ruined Mesopotamian and Egyptian cities, we can reconstruct subsequent events.

After Nimrod's death (c. 2167 BC), Semiramis promoted the belief that he was a god. She claimed that she saw a full-grown evergreen tree spring out of the roots of a dead tree stump, symbolizing the springing forth of new life for Nimrod. On the anniversary of his birth, she said, Nimrod would visit the evergreen tree and leave gifts under it. His birthday fell on the winter solstice at the end of December.

A few years later, Semiramis bore a son, Horus or Gilgamesh. She declared that she had been visited by the spirit of Nimrod, who left her pregnant with the boy. Horus, she maintained, was Nimrod reincarnated. With a father, mother, and son deified, a trinity was formed.

Semiramis and Horus were worshipped as "Madonna and child." As the generations passed, they were worshipped under other names in different countries and languages. Many of these are recognizable: Fortuna and Jupiter in Rome; Aphrodite and Adonis in Greece; and Ashtoreth/Astarte and Molech/Baal in Canaan.

The Historical View: Hebrew dates:

Sacred calendars verify that Abraham's birth did indeed occur about 2051 BC. The Book of Jasher claims that something unusual in the skies occurred at the time of Abraham's birth. It states that on that night "one very large star came from the east and ran in the heavens, and he swallowed up the four stars from the four sides of the heavens" (Jasher 8:2).

Abraham left Ur about 2100 BC. Ishmael and Isaac are his sons. Searching for a likely date for Ishmael's birth leads to an excellent candidate which was a holy day on four sacred calendars. The day Thu 6 Sep 1966 BC was 1 Tishri (Trumpets, Hebrew), 1 Serpent (Sacred Round), 1 Birth (Venus) and 1 Resurrection (Mercury).

Those events were 1. the Covenant of Circumcision, 2. the visit of the angels, and 3. the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. So far, we postulate that Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed on Passover (15 Nisan) in Abraham's 99th year. That would have been Thu 2 Apr 1953 BC.

We get a strong confirmation by considering the day on which the angels came, Mon 30 Mar 1953 BC. That day was the Creation (or Conception, Venus) and the Birth of (Mercury), an ideally symbolic date to announce the birth of Isaac to Sarah. For that alignment to occur on the very day of the angels' visit as recorded in Jasher is compelling evidence that these three dates are correct and that Jasher was compiled from some very ancient authentic sources.

Isaac's sons Jacob and Esau were born on Wed 20 Mar 1892 BC pm. Jacob was fifteen when Shem died. The religion of the Hebrews was still stable until the time Joseph died which was one hundred forty-four years before Israel was 'delivered out of captivity' in Egypt. After the death of Joseph, the last of the patriarchs, the Hebrews (Israelites) sank into complete idolatry as the Hebrew faith began to be lost. Was their god different than the god of Judah?

EventGregorian (BC)Heb.Sacred
Peleg b.Mon 22 Sep 224110 Tis1 Flower1 Bir
Abraham b.Wed 5 Oct 205210 Tis1 Temple
Ishmael b.Thu 6 Sep 19661 Tis1 Serpent1 Bir1 Res
CircumcisionSat 28 Mar 195310 Nis
Angels visitMon 30 Mar 19531 Jaguar1 Cre1 Bir
Sodom/GomorrahThu 2 Apr 195315 Nis
Isaac b.Tue 16 Mar 195210 Nis1 Serpent1 Res1 Bir
Rebekah b.Tue 8 Nov 1923 pm*1 Kis1 Jaguar1 Bir1 Res
Jacob/Esau b.Wed 20 Mar 1892 pm*15 Nis1 Temple1 Bir
Eber d.Mon 4 Oct 18111 Tis1 Skull1 Bir
Table 1. Proposed dates, with holy days indicated. Non-holy days are indicated by dashes.
from Abraham

The Book of Jasher is the only place where we see all the sons and descendents of Japheth, Ham and Shem.

Abraham, Jacob, Joseph and of course Moses were in Egypt before and during these events. The final departure became known as the Exodus. Secrets abound around these events.

We support the theory presented by The Hiram Key, by Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas 1997, that Moses was the step-son of Seqenenre Tao II and that Ahmose his youngest son led the final battle to remove the Hebrews. He may be 'The King that didn't know Joseph' in the bible at Exodus 1:8.

We ask that you keep this verse in mind as you travel back 3200 years to the truth.....

Matthew 13:35, "I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world."

In order to explain the 'opposing' leaders and other problems we have with the biblical text, like the word 'pharoah', the Thera eruption and it's timing, we must go back in time and recount as best we can, the history of a forgotten time. However keep in mind that the historical and archaeological information doesn't always agree with the biblical tale, but it takes both aspects plus some common sense to fully explain the differences that make the archaeological and historical version more accurate than what the clerics tell us or the bible presents in scripture. In addition to this, in many cases there are words in the bible, right there in plain sight that are clues to the truth but they are not understood because we have been 'programmed' to ignore them....So you have to have an 'open mind' and read it very closely to get the true picture...

When people read the bible they see 'one' God. When the bible's Old Testament spoke of 'the pharaoh', most people assumed there was only one power in Egypt - One King. But both words are used many times with no distinction between the two. We discovered that for a brief period between 1805 BC and 1550 BC there were two ruling classes in power at the same time. One lived at Abydos/Thebes, one at Avaris/Memphis. The word 'pharoah' has been used ever since. And we have the 430 years that Abraham was in Egypt, give or take a few years. The clan of Abraham arrived in Egypt in 1980 BC., minus 1550 is exactly 430.

A whole dynasty of pharaohs were also known as shepherds! These were the pharaohs who, in the historical record, had 'invaded' northern Egypt during the 12th to 16th dynasties and these people were known as the Hyksos, a term which translates as 'Shepherd King'. Clearly we have a very obvious and very strong link here - in fact it is amazing that so little has been said about this coincidence. There is a great deal of synergy here, the Bible mentions a very special family line of Shepherds of which it says the kings will come out of you and likewise the historical record tells us that some of the pharaohs of northern Egypt were called 'Shepherd Kings'. It was a similarity that was just crying out to be investigated and the results of this scrutiny were quite astounding.

Where These Pharaohs Also the famous Biblical Patriarchs? The founder of this theory is Ahmed Osman. He was soon followed by Ralph Ellis. They have devised charts and altered time lines and chronologies to establish that Bible and Pharaonic king lists coincide. Ralph Ellis believes that Jesus represented the last recorded Pharaoh of this line (Jesus, Last of the Pharaohs) After the succession of Isaac, the emphasis in the Biblical narrative changes from one of covenant and promises to that of birthright and favor. With each new generation, favor is extended to a younger brother over the rights of one or more elder brothers. First Esau and Jacob, then followed by Joseph and his elder half-brothers, and finally Manasseh and Ephraim. Birth right and favor held paramount importance. It symbolized kingly succession. Had Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph been merely migratory herdsmen without an established kingdom, then a birthright would have been of little significance. Isaac was actually the son of the Pharaoh and the source of the original connection between Egypt and Israel.

After Pepi II died, the authority of the central government broke down and the unity of Upper and Lower Egypt crumbled. Manetho claims that the Seventh Dynasty was composed of seventy Kings who ruled for seventy days. There is no evidence to support this unlikely situation, and it is generally thought that the statistic was not exact but instead used to express the chaotic nature of the period. The Pharaohs of Dynasty Eight ruled from Memphis and claimed to be descended from Pepi II, but left little evidence of their impact. Dynasties Nine and Ten ruled from Herakliopolis (in middle Egypt) while Dynasty Eleven ruled from Thebes. The country was re-unified by Montuhotep I towards the end of the Eleventh Dynasty.

Heliopolis: Also known as the coptic city of 'On'. In ancient times it was the principal seat of sun-worship, thus its name, which means city of the sun in Greek. Thus in the book of Genesis 41:45 the father of Joseph's wife, Potipherah, (Egyptian Pedepre." he whom Ra has given") is described as a priest of On.

The ancient Egyptian name was Iunu, or iwnw, meaning pillar. Located in the northeastern region of the Nile Delta, Avaris was the base of the Hyksos kings of Egypt's Second Intermediate Period. The city was built atop the ruins of a Middle Kingdom town that had been captured by the Hyksos. The actual location was still in question until 2006...see below.

As the capital of Egypt for a period of time, grain was stored in Heliopolis for the winter months, when many people would descend on the town to be fed, leading to it gaining the title place of bread. The Book of the Dead goes further and describes how Heliopolis was the place of multiplying bread, recounting a myth in which Horus feeds the masses there with only 7 loaves.

The ancient city stood five miles (8 km) east of the Nile north of the apex of the Delta. Heliopolis originally refers to an area that covers the areas of Ain Shams, Al-Matariyyah and Tel Al-Hisn.

Heliopolis, or On in Coptic, was the capital of the 13th Lower Egyptian nome. By the time of the Old Kingdom, the city was a center of astronomy as reflected in the title of its high priest, wr-m3w, "Chief of Observers" or "Greatest of Seers. This title was held by Imhotep during the 3rd Dynasty reign of King Djoser Netjerikhet, and dates earlier to the 27th century BC. in the reign of Khasekhemwy in the 2nd Dynasty.

Some of our tables and the some of the information here is provided by Dr Kelly Ross Phd.

The main focus of this site and much information comes from The Hiram Key by Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas - 1999. Our other sources are to numberous to mention but most times links or acknowledgements are provided for the information we use.

Abraham, Jacob and Joseph are connected to the Hyksos city of Avaris/Heliopolis in the 14th to 15th Hyksos dynasty. Abraham was in Egypt in 2030 - 1980 BC. By 1805 BC. a Hyksos Dynasty was established at Avaris/Heliopolis or as the bible calls it,"On". This dynasty ran parallel to the Egytian (Thebian) 16th and 17th dynasty. Before that in the 2nd Dynasty Rikayon ursurps the throne of Osiris and takes over - he worships the evil God Seth.

This presents the possibility of two opposing forces, and the distinction of "The Two Lands". The Thebian King of Egypt in the 17th dynasty Kamose, seems to have gathered an army and proceded to remove the invading Hyksos pharoahs and their people. He was killed in one of these battles. (1549 BC)
See Dr. Ross, The 2nd Intermediate Period scroll down.

The Second Intermediate period Orthodox Chronology (O.C.) 1782 B.C - 1570 B.C Dynasties Thirteen to Seventeen.

Although the Second Intermediate period is generally considered to start at the beginning of the Thirteenth Dynasty, it is now thought that central authority was maintained until the later part of the dynasty. However, by the end of the dynasty, the obscure Fourteenth Dynasty had established an alternative power centre in the eastern delta. Around this time, the semitic Hyksos (Hikau-khoswet, or desert princes - sometimes inaccurately called the "shepherd kings") invaded the eastern desert delta and established a base at Avaris. They formed the Fifteenth Dynasty in Lower (northern) Egypt, while the native Egyptian Sixteenth Dynasty operated from Thebes. The Hyksos were eventually expelled and Egypt reunited by the last king of the Seventeenth Dynasty (Kamose) and his son Amose (the first King of the Eighteenth Dynasty).

We are also concerned with the timing of the Exodus which is now in dispute. Thought to be in the Ramses period, or the 18th dynasty, it is now believed to have been in 1550 BC., the 17th dynasty. This coinsides with the Thera Volcanic eruption which probably caused the 10 plagues.

Both the Exodus and Thera interpretations (which can be combined with each other, and sometimes are) assume that a poem on the Ahmose stella records the historical event, which is disputed by many Egyptologists. But the evidence speeks for its self. Ahmose was the pharoah of the Exodus.

Dr. Kelly insists that the bible refers to the city of Ramses and (thought to have been built by Hebrew slaves) is the key to the time line of the Exodus. However we agree with Knight and Lomas - The city was called Avaris when the events took place but were not written about until after the city was renamed in the 18th dynasty probably by Ramses himself. The Ahmose Stele provides the real evidence and Dr. Kelly doesn't even mention this.

A discovery in 2007 by Head Egyptologist Dr. Zahi Hawass near the Great pyramid of a complete village where the workers lived also disputes any 'slavery' involved in building the Pyramid. Hawass however refuses to give the world the carbon date of the objects found in graves at the site called 'the pyramid builders’ cemetery' on the Giza plateau. This reinforces what many scholers have said for years, that the pyramid is 10,000 years old.

Fragments of the Ahmose stele were found in the 3rd Pylon of the temple of Karnak at Thebes between 1947 and 1951 by the French Mission. A restoration of the stele and translation of the text was published by Claude Vandersleyen (1967). In the following year (1968), Vandersleyen added two more fragments, one from the top of the inscription and a small piece from line 10 of the restored text, which had been recovered by Egyptian archaeologists in the final cleaning of the foundations.

The major evidence from this is the Tambora eruption on Sumbawa in Indonesia in 1815, which results in almost continual rains from England to the Baltic in the summer of 1816 (Bullard, 1984 ,512; Lamb 1972). Widespread violent storms and dark skies for periods of days are also documented for volcanic eruptions observed in modern times. We have the stele Here !.... And this one The Santorini Volcano and Ahmose's stele.

An exerpt reads; "The gods (made?) the sky come with a tempest of (rain?); it caused darkness in the Western region; the sky was unleashed, without ///// ///// more than the roar of the crowd; ///// was powerful ////// on the mountains more than the turbulence of the 10th cataract which is at Elephantine." Almost the same description is in Exodus 10:23-25. Another story comes from the Ipuwer Papyrus.

Some have interpreted the document as an Egyptian account of the Plagues of Egypt and the Exodus in the Old Testament of the Bible, and it is often cited as proof for the Biblical account by various religious organisations. The references in Ipuwer to rivers of blood, and to slaves revolting, isn't enough to convince the skeptics. Some say the papyrus may be recording schematic 'world turned upside down' laments rather than reports of specific historical events.

Moreover, the association of Ipuwer with the Exodus is generally rejected by Egyptologists, those who interpret the Exodus as a historical event generally place it later, in the reign of Ramesses II. This in spite of the fact that there is absolutely no evidence from archaeology or from any documents that Ramses II had to deal with the Ten Plagues or anything like them, or that he chased after runaway slaves. Some have alternatively interpreted the poem's references to disturbances in nature as relating to the Thera eruption, which according to dendrochronology and radiocarbon dating occurred ca. 1650-1600 BCE.

As Vandersleyen has pointed out, this elaborate account of a storm and its damages is unique among Egyptian records (1967, 156-157). It is possible that such an unusually violent storm resulted from the Santorini eruption. Such storms can result from volcanic eruptions when temperatures are lowered due to emissions of dust into the atmosphere. The major evidence for this is the Tambora eruption on Sumbawa in Indonesia in 1815, which results in almost continual rains from England to the Baltic in the summer of 1816 (Bullard, 1984,512; Lamb 1972). Widespread violent storms and dark skies for periods of days are also documented for volcanic eruptions observed in modern times.

According to Vandersleyen, the 'Tempest Stele' cannot be precisely dated within Ahmose's reign, but it must have been erected before year 22, when a character of the King's name was written differently (1968, 132). This would place the event either between 1550 and 1528 BC or between 1539 and 1517 BC, according to Kitchen's recent evaluation of the chronology (1987, 52).

The New Kingdom Orthodox Chronology (O.C.) 1570 B.C - 1070 B.C Dynasties Eighteen to Twenty

The New Kingdom was arguably the height of Egyptian civilisation. Dynasty Eighteen ruled from Thebes and included notable Pharaohs such as Hatshepsut (the most famous female ruler), Tuthmosis III (often called the Napoleon of Egypt) and Akhenaten, the "heretic" Pharaoh who introduced a form of monotheistic religion based on the Aten (the sun disc). Following the disruption caused by the Atenist heresy a new Dynasty was founded by a soldier and vizier Ramesses I. His successors Seti I and Ramesses II (Ramesses the Great) left their mark on the ancient world both in terms of their military campaigns and their building works. The kings of the Twentieth Dynasty took the name Ramesses to connect them with their illustrious predecessors, but they did not live up to the name. This was partly due to a mass displacement of people around the Mediterranean (caused by the Trojan War and the fall of the Mycenaean culture) and a series of poor harvests causing widespread famine. A confederation of races known as the "Sea Peoples" destroyed Egypts historical enemy, the Hittites, and threatened Egypt borders. By the end of the dynasty, Egypt was torn by civil war and the treasury was empty.

NEWS: An archaeologist has excavated the field where Avaris was said to be located in 2006. He found a ring with the cartouche of pharaoh, "Yacobaam" - Jacob on it.

While digging at Avaris, Professor Manfred Bietak of the University of Vienna found several impressions on clay documents from a seal ring bearing the name Yacov. What the seal-ring was made of is not known. In many cases, seal-rings were crafter from a precious metal like gold, perhaps containing a semiprecious stone such as turquoise. Usually the seal was in the shape of a scarab, with the seal on the flat side, facing down, and the seal was usually attached to a ring.

Jacob is a Semite name that has been found on seal impressions elsewhere in Egypt and Canaan. What is significant about the seals found at Avaris is that around the name is a royal cartouche. A cartouche is an image of a circle of reeds, arranged in a circle or oval, encircling the name of the seal. In Egyptian writing, it is a sign of stability or (for a ruler) a sign of protection. The presence of a cartouche signifies that the owner of the seal-ring was a royal or high-ranking figure.

(cf. p. 28. Fig. 25.
 Manfred Bietak. Avaris, The Capital of the Hyksos, Recent Excavations at Tell el-Daba.
 London. British Museum Press. 1996 Yacov is the name of the biblical Joseph’s father. The Book of Genesis states that Joseph, son of Yacov, was a ruler. The seal proves that someone connected to the name Yacov was a ruler at the exact time of our chronology for the biblical Exodus. The discovery of seals bearing the name Yakov in Egypt is perhaps the most compelling evidence of the biblical Joseph’s presence and position in Egypt.

It has now been brought for the most part under cultivation, but the ancient city walls of crude brick are to be seen in the fields on all sides, and the position of the great temple is marked by an obelisk still standing (the earliest known, being one of a pair set up by Senusret I, the second king of the Twelfth Dynasty) and a few granite blocks bearing the name of Ramesses II.

Ptolemy II had Manethon, the chief priest of Heliopolis, collect his history of the ancient kings of Egypt from its archives. According to Macrobius (Saturn. i. 23), Baalbek, or the Syrian Heliopolis, was a priest-colony from its Egyptian namesake. In Roman times obelisks were taken from its temples to adorn the northern cities of the Delta, and even across the Mediterranean to Rome, including the famed Cleopatra's Needle that now resides on the Thames embankment, London (this obelisk was part of a pair, the other being located in Central Park.) see Heliopolis

Palermo stone Abydos: However the Palermo Stone shows us that during the reign of Osiris, the thone was usurped by a pharoah called Set(h)- his brother. The works of Manetho indicate that he used the information contained on this stone as a source for his documentation of the history of Ancient Egypt.

The Royal Annals is the correct name for the fragmentary ancient Egyptian stela comprised of black basalt that was engraved toward the end of the fifth dynasty during the twenty-fifth century B.C. It lists the ruling pharaohs of ancient Egypt, once Lower Egypt (near the Nile River Delta) in the north and Upper Egypt (extending from the middle of contemporary Egypt to the southern border with Nubia) were united. Both regions had rulers for many years without documentation, since there is archaeological evidence of prehistorical human occupation of these areas that reaches back as far as eight thousand years, but this engraved stone is the earliest formal documentation found to date. Its records begin with several thousands of years of rulers—presumed by many as mythical— predating the rise of the deity, Horus, who according to the stela then conferred the role of pharaoh to the first human listed, Menes.

We see the name 'Osiris' on the King list and we found it in the Book of Jasher, a book not included in the cannon. Another name we found there is Abraham.

Jasher 8:1; And it was in the night that Abram was born, that all the servants of Terah, and all the wise men of Nimrod, and his conjurors came and ate and drank in the house of Terah, and they rejoiced with him on that night.

Jasher 8:2; And when all the wise men and conjurors went out from the house of Terah, they lifted up their eyes toward heaven that night to look at the stars, and they saw, and behold one very large star came from the east and ran in the heavens, and he swallowed up the four stars from the four sides of the heavens.

Jasher 8:3; And all the wise men of the king and his conjurors were astonished at the sight, and the sages understood this matter, and they knew its import.

Jasher 8:4; And they said to each other, This only betokens the child that has been born to Terah this night, who will grow up and be fruitful, and multiply, and possess all the earth, he and his children for ever, and he and his seed will slay great kings, and inherit their lands.

Jasher 9:6."And Abram was in Noah's house thirty-nine years, and Abram knew the Lord from three years old, and he went in the ways of the Lord until the day of his death, as Noah and his son Shem had taught him; and all the sons of the earth in those days greatly transgressed against the Lord, and they rebelled against him and they served other gods, and they forgot the Lord who had created them in the earth; and the inhabitants of the earth made unto themselves, at that time, every man his god; gods of wood and stone which could neither speak, hear, nor deliver, and the sons of men served them and they became their gods."

Jasher 12:52; (After a dream) And a wise servant of the king (Nimrod), whose name was Anuki, answered the king, saying, This is nothing else but the evil of Abram and his seed which will spring up against my Lord and king in the latter days.

Jasher 12:57; Now therefore my king, surely thou knowest that it is now fifty-two years since thy sages saw this at the birth of Abram, and if my king will suffer Abram to live in the earth it will be to the injury of my lord and king, for all the days that Abram liveth neither thou nor thy kingdom will be established, for this was known formerly at his birth; and why will not my king slay him, that his evil may be kept from thee in latter days?

Jasher 12:68; Now therefore hearken to my voice, and let us arise and go to the land of Canaan, out of the reach of injury from Nimrod; and serve thou the Lord who created thee in the earth and it will be well with thee; and cast away all the vain things which thou pursuest.

Jasher 12:70; And Terah hearkened to the voice of his son Abram, and Terah did all that Abram said, for this was from the Lord, that the king should not cause Abram's death.

Jasher 13:9; At that time, at the end of three years of Abram's dwelling in the land of Canaan, in that year Noah died, which was the fifty-eighth year of the life of Abram; and all the days that Noah lived were nine hundred and fifty years and he died.

Macehead of the Scorpion King We copied these verses in Jasher to make a point. Abraham serves 'the creator god' as does Shem his son. This god is a 'material' god, a god of this World. Nimrod rebeled against this god.

Later, Nimrod's name (Narmer) turns up in Hierakonpolis along with the name "Scorpion", who we think is Cush.

In the ancient Upper Egyptian town of Nekhen, The Falcon, also called Hierakonpolis, where archaeological finds have been made that are significant to the earliest days of the unification of Egypt, a fragmented and incomplete macehead attributed to King Scorpion was found by J.E. Quibell in 1897-98. Maceheads were early considered to be symbolic of Kingly power, and throughout Egypt’s history, were shown in relief carvings as the weapon of the king as he smote his enemies who were the enemies of Egypt.

The multi-petalled rosette or star at this time was used to identify Egyptian kings and in fact, in neighboring Sumer, signified divinity itself. It is shown in front of his face, along with a clearly drawn scorpion sign, thereby giving his name as indicated earlier to be Srqt, or Scorpion. In another convention of Egyptian art, this kingly, perhaps quasi-divine, figure is drawn towering over his companions and attendants.

Saqqara We know for a fact that other 'humans' lived at Abydos and Saqqara and we have their tombs to prove it. Osiris is buried at Gaza. See Osiris Found "I have found a shaft, going 29 meters [95 feet, approximately] vertically down into the ground, exactly halfway between the Chefren Pyramid and the Sphinx. At the bottom, which was filled with water, we have found a burial chamber with four pillars. In the middle is a large granite sarcophagus which I expect to be the grave of Osiris, the god,"

Researchers say Osiris is derived from allusions contained in the Pyramid Texts (ca. 2400 BC), later New Kingdom source documents such as the Shabaka Stone and the Contending of Horus and Seth, and much later, in narrative style from the writings of Greek authors including Plutarch and Diodorus Siculus. also see The Turin Papyrus

The leader of the Hyksos was dedicated to the God Set(h), the evil brother of Osiris, who was once thought to be mythical. Osiris, known as the God of the Dead must have had a different name while he was alive. So that means that Horus, Isis and Ra were human or semi-human at some point in time. The 'allusions' apparently are not.

Eventually the powers that lived at Hierakonpolis moved to Thebes. The Hyksos group fortified a city down the river from Hierakonpolis called Avaris. Only the people, the royal blood of Egypt lived at Thebes/Abydos. Their leader was called 'King' and he was susposed to be the embodiment of the God he served....This was Horus, The Hawk.

This is where Ham and his sons become Egyptian, because after they left Ur or URUK. They moved to Hierakonpolis or Nekhen (3200–3100 BC). At its height from about 3400 BC Nekhen had at least 5,000 and possibly as many as 10,000 inhabitants. This also alters the timeline in which the area was repopulated after the flood back to at least 5867 BC. The reason for this decrepency is the modern Egyptians who are Muslem will not acknowledge anything prior to Menes' rule which they claim was around 3100 BC. However the predynastic period goes back to at least 6000 BC. This led to more, until now, 'secret knowledge'.

"Leaving the all important line of Shem to the last, the Table of Nations begins with the descendants of Japhet ("The Fair One") and calls attention to:
"....While the later generations had thus spread to coastal areas and islands, the unnoticed fact was that all the first seven nations/sons corresponded to the highlands of Asia Minor, The Black Sea and the Caspian Sea areas - highlands that were habitable soon after the Deluge, unlike the lower coastal areas and islands that could become habitable only much later.

"The descendants of Ham ("He Who is Hot").... correspond to the African nations of Egypt, Sudan, Ethopia, Somalia and Lybia. On Hiram Index 2 we go into more detail about Ham, Shem and Japheth and the 'curse' of Canaan.

"And Shem, the father of all who descended of Eber, also had offspring; he was the elder brother of Japhet." The first nation-sons of Shem were "Elam and Ashur, Arpakhshad and Lud and Aram," nation-states that encompassed the highlands arching from the Persian Gulf in the south to the Mediterranean Sea in the northwest and bordering the great Land-Between-the-Rivers, which was as yet not habitable. Zechria Sitchin

We and other experts are in agreement that the current government of Egypt know more than they're telling. They are hiding the real history of our forefathers from everyone. Evidence of what they know and will not tell is within this web site. All of History will have to be changed to include the real Kings, patriarchs and sons of Egypt, but the question is, "When"? We may also see 'The Hall of Records' found. Some of us believe Hawass has already found it but won't admit it.

Hâm's descent through Cush (The Scorpion 1):
Nimrod. From him descends Hagar who has a relation with Abraham.
His descendant Senusret (2nd pharoah of the 12th dynasty) had a relation with Nefert- Nefert-iti.

Royal sons of Ham were; Cush, Mizraim, Put and Canaan. Sons of Cush were; Seba, Havilah, Sabtah, Raamah and Sebteca. It is very likely that the first born son of Cush was Scorpion II, or his Hebrew name Seba. Seba is alloted land in Ham's territory as we see on the map above. Cush's other 2 sons are most likely kings 3 and 4. The fifth King is Nimrod because Nimrod is the Egyptian Narmer, a name not found in the biblical text and Nimrod is mentioned last in the bible possibly because he was the youngest son of Cush. This just makes sence and we are waiting for scholers to discover it. If it's proven true, remember you read it here first!

Name / Comments / Dates
Dynasty 0
Scorpion I (Cush)Oldest tomb at Umm el-Qa'ab
had scorpion insignia
3200 BC?
Iry-Hor (Seba)Cush's 1st son 3150 BC?
Ka — c. (Havilah)Cush's 2nd son 3100 BC
King Scorpion II
Potentially pronounced Serqet;
possibly the same
person as Sebtah - Cush's 3rd son
3100 BC
Narmer (Nimrod) The king who combined
Upper and Lower Egypt. c.
3117 BC -
3055 BC

Some of Masonry's ritual components are derived from ancient Egyptian Religion where we actually find Moses raised as an Egyptian in the Egyptian Royal house of Seqenenre Tao II and his sons, Kamose and Amhose (The Hiram Key). Mose's stepmother was called Thutmose by Josephus in his Antiquities of the Jews.

The names of the patriarchs such as Ham and Nimrod emerge on Egyptian King lists and in books that were left out of the bible. The names are different but they are one and the same as the biblical patriarchs only written in heiroglyphs..The Bible relates that Joseph's name in Egyptian was Zaphenath-Paneah and he married an Egyptian woman named Asenath.. Genesis 41:45. Her father was a temple priest under the god Set(h).

The first 'Scorpion' King is most likely Cush or Kush, Ham's first son. Ham's Egyptian name here is Anedjib. He served as King later in the dynasty because...see Hiram Intro 2. Narmer is Nimrod, his son is Menes, also called Hor-'Ah or Horus.

This puts an entirely new twist on everything...Is Narmer Osiris? On Hiram Intro 2 we find evidence that Shem killed Ham and ursurped his throne. A mummy believed to be that of Shem; the body appeared to have been defleshed, the eyes torn out and orbits filled by paste balls, the penis and limbs cut off and bandaged separately. Also wooden model insignia (mace and crooks) were found in the chamber (Meydum p. 13 ff and plate XI).see... Neferka

The Archaic Period
I Dynastytomb
"Scorpion" (II?)c.3200
Hor-'Ah,a, Men, "Menes"3055-2997Abydos, Saqqara?
Djer, Zer2997-2966Abydos, Saqqara?
Djet, Uadji2966-2942Abydos, Saqqara?
Den, Udimu2942-2922Abydos, Saqqara?
Anedjib, Enezib, Adjib2922-2895Abydos, Saqqara?
Semerkhet 2895-2877Abydos
Qa'a, Ka'a2877-2850Abydos, Saqqara?

Although Manetho states the capital was at Thinis (Abydos area), the same as during the First Dynasty, at least the first three kings were buried at Saqqara, suggesting the center of power had moved to Memphis(Avaris).

Beyond this, little can be said about the events during this period; the annual records on the Palermo stone only survive for the end of the reign of Raneb and for parts of Nynetjer's. One important event possibly happened during the reign of Khasekhemwy - 2nd dynasty: many Egyptologists read his name ("the Two Powers are Crowned") as commemorating the union of Upper and Lower Egypts for the 2nd time. This is possibly at the end of another war.

When W.B. Emery excavated the I Dynasty necropolis at Saqqara, just outside the new capital at Memphis (Mn Nfr, "Enduring Beauty"), he thought he had found royal tombs of the period. Since I Dynasty royal tombs were also known from Abydos, the sacred city of Osiris, this posed a difficulty.

Saqqara Map Discovered in the Memphite necropolis, the 2nd dynasty kings appear of Lower Egyptian origin; yet they must have held the throne for a very short period, and in the case of Sneferka this could have been a queen's name. On the other hand the seal impressions of Hotepsekhemwy found on the entrance of Abydos Umm el-Qaab Q (Qa'a) and, possibly, the Sehetep-Nebty prince name (?) on some labels from the last years of Qaa's reign. Hotepsekhemwy's personal name was Hotep-Nebty.

Names and length of rule according to Manetho at Egyptian 2nd Dynasty

Is it possible that a pharoah named Rikayon emerges in the 2nd dynasty and changed the worship to the God Set(h)? His name is changed to Seth-Peribsen or Semsem. We think this is actually Shem.

Shem's older brother is Japheth. Shem's sons were Elam, Asshur, Arphaxad, Lud and Aram. Arphaxad was the father of Shelah and Shelah was the Father of Eber.

It is possible that Pharaoh Hotepsekhemwy reached office by marriage to a princess. Qaa Is listed as a 1st dynasty King 2877 – ? B.C. Horus Nebre means ("Horus, the lord of the sun")

II Dynasty Egypt
Hotepsekhemui2850-2812 BCHorusSaqqara
Raneb, Nebre2812-2772 BC HorusSaqqara
Neteren, Nynetjer,
2772-2725 BCHorus
"Sechemib2725-2705 BCHorus
Perabsen (Shem)
2705-2664 BC SethAbydos
Sendji?Weneg? &

The succession of the first three kings of the 2nd Dynasty is found on the back of the right shoulder of the statue of a priest named Hotepdief as follows: Hotepsekhemwi, Nebre and Ninetjer.

Hotepsekhemui and possibly Reneb were buried under the pyramid of Unas at Saqqara.

Large tombs of pharaohs at Abydos and Naqada, in addition to cemeteries at Saqqara and Helwan near Memphis, reveal structures built largely of wood and mud bricks, with some small use of stone for walls and floors. Stone was used in quantity for the manufacture of ornaments, vessels, and occasionally, for statues.

Emery concluded that the Abydos tombs, which often were smaller, were cenotaphs, created out of deference for the sacred and traditional location. The Saqqara tombs are flat and oblong, "mastaba" tombs, with a distinctive, palace-like and Sumerian looking façade -- which we also see in the serekh or the square frame, topped by the hawk of Horus, for the name of the king.

Avaris was close to Herakonpolis about 200 miles away. For a time the people lived in harmony and shared the use of technologies, like the chariot and the horse.

The rulers claimed themselves pharaohs with all the regalia and tradition attached to that title and the more than 400 hundred years they ruled northern Egypt was mainly a time of peace and prosperity.

The calendar is created

statue of Khasekhemwy As further proof of Khasekhemwy’s calendar reform, four intercalated months are found listed in the Turin Canon (Turin Papyrus) for the Pharaoh Sethenis. The chroniclers of the Pharaohs otherwise only list the full years of reign of a pharaoh, but never the months. This absolute exception from the rule involves the 4 x 30 day intercalation which was made between the reign of Pharaoh Sethenis (Seth-Peribsen) and Pharaoh Necherophis, also known as Zazai (= Chasechemui). see Calendar Reform

Horus and Seth They argue that Khasekhem changed his name to Khasekhemwy after he squashed a rebellion, thus reuniting Upper and Lower Egypt. His new Horus name means "The Two Powerful Ones appear". Afterwards, the rendering of his name on his serekh was surmounted by both the Horus falcon and Seth jackel, marking it as unique in Egyptian history.

The last and surest proof for the calendar-reform is the famed statue of Khasekhemwy himself. The intercalation of 120 days after the elapse of 479 years is engraved at the foot of Khasekhemwy’s statue.

The individual numbers from the right to the left are 4-7-9 = 479 years, plus 120 days intercalated (2x 60), the @-shaped hieroglyphs.The casualties that are portrayed at the side of the pedestal to Khasekhemwy’s statue symbolize the dead, expired years.

Information about this dynasty is derived from a few monuments and other objects bearing royal names, the most important being the Narmer Palette. No detailed records of the first two dynasties have survived, except for the terse lists on the Palermo stone. The hieroglyphs were fully developed by then, and their shapes would be used with little change for more than three thousand years.

The fourth king, Sekhemib, abandons his name and Horus title and becomes a "Seth" king with a new name (Peribsen). The serekh is now topped by the dog or jackel of Seth rather than the hawk of Horus. This could reasonably be taken to indicate some kind of religious conflict or revolution. However as expressed above, it only lasted a short time, as Necherophis retook the thrown.The inference is irresistable that Kha'sekhem restored the country with a compromise and fusion between the two cults or factions, changing his name to reflect this. The restoration seems to have worked, but not the fusion, since the III Dynasty immediately begins with strong rule but not a hint of Seth again as a royal title. With such mysterious and tantalizing clues, our frustration at the limited evidence is considerable. 2nd dynasty by Kelly Ross PhD. More information is supplied by Manetho on Hiram Index 4.

Human sacrifice, later discontinued, evidently was practiced during this first dynasty. It is demonstrated clearly as existing during this dynasty by hundreds of retainers being buried in each pharaoh's tomb along with other animals sacrificed for the burial. The people and animals sacrificed, such as asses, were expected to assist the pharaoh in the afterlife.

The 12th Egyptian dynasty, founded by Amenemhet I, Mentuhotep IV's vizier, (1991 BCE), worked hard to restore royal prestige, seriously damaged by civil war and periodic famine. Its kings, living near Memphis, reduced the power of the provincial rulers and fostered the growth of a loyal central elite, using propagandistic literature to encourage recruitment of able civil servants and their unconditional allegiance, and transform the royal image from that of an insecure war leader to that of a confident, semidivine ruler.

The Hyksos seem to have adopted Egyptian manners, laws, and had trade relations with the Minoans and Babylonians. They were recognized by later Egyptians and listed as legitimate kings in the Hyksos dynasty that ran parallel to the Egyptian 13th and 14th dynasty.. Tombs from these half a dozen rulers have been found and their personal names were Egyptian. The tables are from.. Second Intermediate period Avaris dynasty 1805 BC. by Dr. Kelly Ross PhD.

Genesis 16:3 is quoted, stating that Sarah gave Hagar to Abraham "to be his wife". Hagar is Sarah's "Egyptian" maidservant. Hager is a descendent of Nimrod. Ishmael is Hagar's son. Remember that Sarah is Abraham's sister, her Father is Terah. Ishmael was the founder of Islam. "He will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against everyone and everyone's hand against him, and he will live in hostility toward all his brothers." They were sent away Genesis 21:8-14.

After Isaac was born, many years pass. Then there was a world wide drought. This forced the Canaanites to go to Egypt to find food. All of Abraham's sons went to Egypt and Jacob moved to Herakonpolis. From there the evidence suggests he went to Avaris/Memphis. Joseph was already there possibly between 1600-1596 and 1540 BC.

Jasher 20:7. And Joseph said, "First I must tell Pharaoh about Aseneth, because he is my father; and he will give me Aseneth as my wife himself."

Jasher 29:11. "And Joseph was king of Egypt for forty-eight years. 12. And after this Joseph gave the crown to Pharaoh's grandson; and Joseph was like a father to him in Egypt."

Issac was born in apx 1897 BC. Abraham's descendents were in Egypt in apx 1980 BC. (1980 - 1550) That's 430 years of Hyksos occupation. (Ex.12:40; Gal.3:14 ,17). Another connection is that this date aligns with our date of 1550 BC when Ahmose expells the Hebrews from Egypt.

XIV Dynasty,
of Xois or Avaris
Apophis I(?)?
The cartouche for Yacobaam -Jacob The Hyksos 14th dynasty was established in 1805 BC with a King named Yakbim. Hyksos names, however, appear to be Semitic (e.g. "Yakub" -- Jacob).

The first pharaoh listed is Yacobaam, a name not unrelated to that of the patriarch Jacob. (Nehesy, Aasehra, Nachor) The throne-name of the pharaoh Nehesy is Aasahra and this seems to equate very nicely with the Biblical Nahor; the grand-father of Abraham. Have we found another Biblical pharaoh? The Biblical Nachor and Josephus' pharaoh called Necho seem far too close for comfort. In the Koran, the same individual (the father of Abraham) is called Azar. So who was there before Jacob? Shem, (2890 BC) Japheth, Arpackhshad, Abraham?

It is possible that Shem and Japheth invaded the land of Canaan very early in Egypt's history. In fact we did find a story in the books of Jasher that confirm this. We go deeper into this story on Hiram Index 4.

This makes it more than likely that Shem is Rikayon. Shem lived 500 years Genesis 11:11. The bible is only concerned with the line of Shem since he was the oldest son of Noah. Shem's son Arphaxad lived 403 years. Arphaxad's son Shelah lived 403 years. Shelah's son Eber lived 430 years. Eber's son Peleg lived 209 years. Peleg's son Reu lived 207 years. Reu's son Serug lived 200 years. Serug's son Nahor lived 119 years. Nahor's son Terah lived 205 years. Terah's son Abram lived 175 years. Abram left Ur and moved to Canaan. 1980 BC.

Mam-aye-bra ~AbrahamSuddenly the Biblical Jacob, father of Joseph, becomes the historical Jacoba, a Hyksos Egyptian pharaoh. This is a revolution in theology, but it is only a small step in a long process of uncovering the truth. The Biblical family is about to be transformed in terms of its political and secular importance. We have found the first bunch of grapes on this ancient royal vine. from Abraham

Major Hyksos cities or camps were at Tell el-Yahudiyeh, Heliopolis, Tell el-Maskhuta and Tell ed-Dab'a (Avaris). Egyptian religion was respected; Egyptian was the language of government; and many Egyptians served in the administration.

In Genesis 14, Abraham is given the pseudonym of Shem-eber king of Zeboiim (Memphis). Shemeber is translated as "Illustrious." However, it is also a compound name comprised of Shem (Sabium) and Eber (Hammurabi). These two ancestors were not only kings, but also masters of the sciences, law and philosophy . Abraham was placed in their company, not only with respect to wisdom, but also in kingship. Zeboiim, that is Memphis, (Avaris) was the ancient seat of kingship and wisdom in Egypt.
(Ref: Living in Truth: Archaeology and the Patriarchs by Charles N. Pope)

Another site records this: Thus the sojourn began from ca, 1972- BC. This would count from Terah's move and Abraham's calls. There are two ways of determining this matter. 1: The first call occurred when he was 50 years of age in Ur of the Chaldees (Acts 7:1-4). The Second call occurred when he was in Haran at age 75 (Gen. 12:4). Thus the time frame from Saul and Samuel places the Exodus in 1542 BCE and the First call in 1972 BCE, which places his birth in 2022 BCE. Thus the first part of the sojourn was from Abraham to Joseph. His calls are as stated and the dating slips backwards in his age to a birth in 1996 BC. Either way the Exodus is held to be from 1542 BC given the Bible chronology above.

This is only 8 years off our estimated date of 1550 BC. The King's list from the middle kingdom at Avaris lists 1541- 1540 as being the final year of Khamudi/Apepi II(Aphôphis) rule. This would account for some of the years of imprisonment and enslavement of the Hyksos and Moses taking the Hebrews out of Egypt after the plagues. Kamose was killed in 1549, which means the battle to enslave and evict them had already started. Ahmose had finished it by 1542 -1540.

Last King of the 2nd dynasty - Khasekhemwy; He in fact is believed to have married a northern princess, but apparently only to cement the control he gained through battle. On a stone vase, we find recorded, "The year of fighting the northern enemy within the city of Nekhet." Nekhet, now known as el-Kab, lies on the eastern bank of the Nile across from the ancient capital, Nekhen, known to the Greeks as Hierakonpolis.

What becomes abundently clear here is that Abraham married his own sister. Sarah therefore was a princess in the royal court of Hyksos pharoahs. . Genesis 12:15. apx 1980 BC. (Abraham goes to Egypt and sees Rikayon and Oswiris – Jasher 14,15) This pharoah wants her for his wife and it seems he 'took her' as his wife. Genesis 12:19. "The lord inflicted serious diseases on Pharoah" - venereal?

XV Dynasty, Hyksos,
of Avaris
Shamuqenu (Saitês)1649-?
'Aper-'Anati (Bnôn)?
Sakir-Har (Pachnan)?-1621
Khayan (Staan)1621-1581
Apepi I (Archlês)1581-1541
Khamudi/Apepi II

Sarah is Abraham's sister. Her father is Abraham's father - Terah. Genesis 20:12. Another point here is made clear. Hager, Sarah's maidservent was a true Egyptian, therefore of Hamite blood. When Sarah finally has a son, he is called Isaac, again from royal blood. Isaac is the father of Jacob. Jacob bought Esau's birthright. This birthright means a royal inheritance like being in the line for kingdom. Only the oldest son was intitled to it. Esau was the first born. Genesis 25:25.

Hotepsekhemwy: He is not thought to be the son of Pharaoh Qa'a, but possibly his son-in-law. Regardless, he made offerings in memory of the man and was possibly responsible for Qa'a's funeral. While Manetho provides no reason for the dynastic change between Qa'a and Hotepsekhemwy, it may have been the result of a shift in the royal power center to (Avaris)Memphis. Some historians say that his brother (or son) started a military coup and threw him out of power.

Manetho also tells us that Raneb introduced the worship not only of the sacred goat of Mendes, but also of the sacred bull of Memphis at the old sun-worship center of Heliopolis, and the Apis bull at Memphis.The 'sacred goat' is not a goat. It is a Ram, the Aries astrological sign in that time period from 2220 BC until 60 BC.. The 'Taurus bull' was the sign from 4380 BC until 2220 BC.

Evidence exists that Hotepsekhemwy probably developed somewhat subtle and reasonable changes in both religion and the administration of Egypt.

Hebrew time line; 3664 BC. (traditional date) Noah Begets Ham, Archon of the 10th Age of Capricorn.
3563 BC. Noah's Flood, Ham Begets Mitzraim - 3200 BC., Mitzraim founds Egypt,
Mitzraim begets Anom (becomes the god Anom- Ra) - Jasher 7:11
Anom begets Oswiris (King of Egypt, becomes the god Osiris) - Jasher 14:2
At that time, at the end of three years of Abram's dwelling in the land of Canaan, in that year Noah died, which was the fifty-eighth year of the life of Abram; and all the days that Noah lived were nine hundred and fifty years and he died. Jasher 13:9

Since I Dynasty royal tombs were also known from Abydos, the sacred city of Osiris, this posed a difficulty. see Old Kingdom - Emery

Amon ReThis would mean that the god Set(h) was also the son of Anom, and brother of Osiris.

Io flees from Greece to Egypt and marries Oswiris (becomes the goddess Isis)

Rikayon usurps throne and becomes first Pharaoh (of the Hyksos) - Jasher 14

2030 BC. Abraham being a great- great- great grandson of Shem, is given the promise (the 430 years begins; Gal. 3:16,17) 1980 BC.

Abraham goes to Egypt and sees Rikayon and Oswiris – Jasher 14,15 (which may indicate two rulers)

Jasher 14:30 "And they made Rikayon Pharaoh prefect under Oswiris king of Egypt, and Rikayon Pharaoh governed over Egypt, daily administering justice to the whole city, but Oswiris the king would judge the people of the land one day in the year, when he went out to make his appearance.

Jasher 14:31 "And Rikayon Pharaoh cunningly usurped the government of Egypt, and he exacted a tax from all the inhabitants of Egypt, even the dead."

So who is Osiris in human form? Osiris (Greek language, also Usiris; the Egyptian language name is variously transliterated Asar, Aser, Ausar, Ausir, Wesir, or Ausare). 1st dynasty king Djer is also called Horus (Hor-'Ah). Petrie recognized Horus Djer, as the third king of the 1st Dynasty. Khasekhemwy may be the successor of Set(h) who appears as a jackel.

In earlier years, Horus had come to be known as the symbol of Upper (southern) Egypt; Set(h) was a god of Lower (northern) Egypt. Rikayon could well have been Shem: he came from a foreign land, (Saudi Arabia) as did Set(h), and also began his reign in Lower Egypt, where Set(h) originated. Egyptian legends tell of the rivalry between these two gods, Set(h) and Horus. It is during the reign of the fourth King of Dynasty 2, where we first see the name “Set(h)” (Seth-Peribsen, Perabsen.)

In Genesis 10:26 we see Canaan becoming the slave of Shem and that ties it up nicely. Genesis 10:27 "May Japheth live in the tents of Shem." Shem becomes the pharoah Rikayon. Rikayon is Osiris' evil brother Seth. Rikayon ursurps the throne after killing Osiris....Horus kills Seth then Seth becomes the god Set(h). Japheth and Shem bring their families and invade Egypt. Aka the curse of Canaan.

Ham's clan took Horus as their God, while the descendents of Shem and Japheth who's family were the Hyksos invaders, took their god to be evil brother of Osiris, Set(h). This Set(h) worship by Abrahams descendents goes all the way down to Joseph who was a pharoah for least 6 years under the Hyksos capitol at Avaris/Memphis. The set(h) worship is evidenced by a letter to Seqenenre in 1550 BC. from the Avaris pharoah Apophis. It begins;

"It so happened that the land of Kemet was in distress, for there was no Lord who was King of the (entire) region. There was King Seqenenre as ruler of the Southern City Thebes, but the distress was in the city of the Asiatics of King Apophis, Avaris. He had seized control over the entire country and its tributes, and likewise the North and all the good products of the Northern Land.

Now King Apophis had made Seth the Lord and no longer served any of the gods that were in the entire country, except for Seth. He (even) built him a temple as (mark of) good and eternal servitude, next to the palace of King Apophis and in the morning he would appear to give offerings ///.../// daily to Seth. The courtiers carried in /// exactly as was done in the temple of Re-Harakhte.

With the possible exception of Aten only during the Amarna Period, no single Egyptian god was considered to be really all powerful. Many lived with the threat of destruction, and even one of the greatest of Egyptian gods faced such threats every single night. Apophis (Egyptian Apep) was the great adversary of the sun god, Re. and was the very embodiment of the powers of dissolution, darkness and non-being. Hence, he was a sort of void or "black hole" forcing those he swallowed into that non-existence which the Egyptians feared so greatly.

The Second
XVII Dynasty,
of Thebes
Sobekemsaf I1576-1573
Intef VI1573-1571
Intef VII1571-1566
Intef VIII1566
Sobekemsaf II1566-1559
Siamun(? Tao/Taa I)
Tao/Taa II Seqenenre1558-1554

Being completely outside of the natural world, he was believed to require no nourishment other than to "breathe" his own shouts. He was a huge serpent who was thought to have existed at the beginning of time in the waters of primeval chaos prior to creation and his power was so great that it was thought that he would continue to exist in an endlessly malevolent cycle of attack, defeat and resurgent attack. He is thus known by many epithets, ranging from evil lizard, opponent and enemy to world encircler and serpent of rebirth. During the Roman period, he was interpreted as "he who was spat out" and linked to the saliva of the goddess Neith.

Apophis of course, was never worshipped. However, he was included in various cults as a god or demon to be protected against. Various magical texts and rituals were produced to combat his effects upon the world. In fact, the text that Egyptologists refer to as the "Book of Apophis" was a collection of these magical spells dating to the late New Kingdom, though the best preserved example, known as the Bremner-Rhind Papyrus (spells) now in the British Museum, was produced in the 4th century BC. and see cosmology (Life to Death)

These are spells for the "overthrowing of Apophis", which provide protection from the powers symbolized by this deity or from snakes which could be viewed as minor yet dangerous manifestations of the monster. In the Late Period, these spells were read in temples daily to protect the world from the threat of the sun god's arch enemy. An associated ritual involved cutting into pieces and burning with fire a wax model of the serpent. Other rituals involved drawing a picture of the serpent in green on a new piece of papyrus, which was then sealed in a box and spat upon for times before being set on a fire. see Apoplis

Now King Apophis wished to send an insulting letter to King Seqenenre, the prince of the Southern City. from The Letter click on history, new kingdom, Hyksos.

'Hotepsekhemui' was the only pharoah in the second dynasty to keep Horus as his God. When Raneb/Nebre pushed Hotepsekhemui out he took the evil Set(h) as his God. The Hamite tribes only stayed in Abydos until the end of the 2nd dynasty and then they moved to Saqqara.

The 2nd Dynasty ends with another interesting turn. Two names occur, "Kha'sekhem," "The Power Arises," and "Kha'sekhemui," "The Two Powers Arise." The serekh of Kha'sekhemui is uniquely topped by both Horus hawk and Seth dog. The inference is irresistable that Kha'sekhem restored the country with a compromise and fusion between the two cults or factions, changing his name to reflect this. The restoration seems to have worked, but not the fusion, since the III Dynasty immediately begins with strong rule but not a hint of Seth again as a royal title. With such mysterious and tantalizing clues, our frustration at the limited evidence is considerable.
Kelly Ross PhD.

Nefertiti Trying to avoid conflict with the Hyksos, by the 17th dynasty the Egyptian Royal family finally ended up at Thebes.

There is not much information about Moses (save the reed basket) before he suddenly appears in the Kings court summoned by the presiding King who would have been only 16 years old when his father was murdered. The Queen and co-regent urges the young King to let Moses lead the army against the Hittites, but there could have been another invading group that presented a more eminent danger to the Thebian kings. Ahmose left records of the invaders, who they were and how they were defeated and captured as slaves. The Egyptians called the invaders Hyksos, or Hibiru. This happened between 1550 and 1541 BC. This date is also the new recognized date of the Exodus due to new archaeological information. The dating is associated with the eruption of the Santerini volcano on the island of Thera.

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A variety of subjects all relating to ancient Masonic secrets are covered on the 'intro pages' but are covered in depth on other pages within the site. The following is an overview of what's on the next/previous 10 listed pages.

Hiram - Forward

Hiram - Forward 1 The Two Pillars that Noah found. Focus of the 24th through the 28th degree. The 10,000 year old "10 Commandments. How the 'Watchers' married human women and corrupted mankind.The real Exodus. The eruption of the Santarini Volcano and it's connection to the 10 plagues of Egypt. The Egyptian Gods, Historical evidence proves there were two ruling Kings at the same time in Egypt. One was Seqenenre Tao II who may have been the last man to know the secret name of God. Many secrets of the ancients. What was Manna?

Hiram - Forward 2 The megatsunami that caused Noah's Flood, Archaeology places doubt on biblical history, How did man come to know science, writing, mathmetics, grammer, astrology, ect.? "Craft Masonry", how it began, Agriculture, Farming and animal husbantry taught to man by who? Biblical text 'copied from an earlier source, The 'One God' theory is of a late date, Astrology, predictions to our destruction? The 13th sign, the 10th planet, The true cross. Humanity has forgotten where we came from, Where did Religion began?, Deities that have the same attributes as Jesus. Warning to links containing deflamatory statements. Disclaimer.

Hiram Index 1 The Egyptians wore masonic aprons, The 10 commandments came from the Egyptrian Book of the Dead, More 'lost gospels', The journey of Death leads to NDE, Thoth and Enoch, The Master Teacher Enoch, Another God found in the Book of Jasher, The bible borrowed text from Sumerian sources. Joseph did not live at Thebes, Moses story copied from the story of Sargon, review of the Hiram Key, more secret knowledge and science, Moses promoted the Essene teachings, The magical Sapphire rod of Elohim, The Djed Pillars-a possible light source.

Hiram Index 2 The sons of Noah, Proof Ham and his sons were caucasian. Canaan's curse. Ham's clan moves to Egypt around 3200 BC. Conections between Ham and the Egyptians. The legend of Tiamat..our Earth. The mountain of Moses and it's secrets and the Goddess he surported. The 18 books missing from the bible. Religious freedom - an Arab Lady speeks out.. What Enoch was taught. The rejection of Science and knowledge by the church.

Hiram Index 3 Deities that have the same attributes as Jesus. Religious oppression and the corrupt priesthood of Israel. The Secret Doctrine. The source of authority is spiritual. What the church claimed was heretical. The scientists. The "Mystery Schools" - ancient scientific papyrus - secret books. Who are the Nephilim? Solomon's tribute to Wisdom. Physics, angels, Magicians, and the supernatural.

Hiram Index 4 Who was Cain's wife? The conception of Noah, Church opposition to science, The Pope admits faults and frauds, Historical and biblical evidence for 2 gods. Joseph, pharoah of Memphis/Avaris. Noah and his sons. How did Nimrod become a king of Egypt? The ziggurat (Tower of Babel) ruins of Eridu. The predynasties of Egypt, Sacred ancient texts left out of the bible give the names of Hebrew Kings in another language. Shem became a ursurper King, then Abraham. The legendary battle of Set and Horus becomes a real historical event called the 1st Pyramid War. Ham rules in the first dynasty of Egypt.

Hiram Index 5 The tribes of the Giants. Who brought the flood on mankind?. The old Babyloian Gods. The diverse cultures and races of the World, Thoth becomes Quetzalcoatl and moved to the high Andes mountains. Giants in South America. Cain in South America?. Rocket Ships of the Ancients. The Toltech and Maya civilization

Hiram Index 6 The famous Narmer Palette and it's connection to Nimrod. How did Narmar become associated with Nimrod? Before the Flood, the Book of Noah, Here we see the punishing god, 'The Lord of Spirits'. We introduce one of the Gods in Sumerian myth, Where did Solomon get 'the secrets'? Enki, the lord of magic, Atlantian (Etruscan) Couple - 7th century BC, Rebuilt after the flood, are the Apsu and the Tower of Babel the same thing, Eridu (or Eridug, modern Tell Abu Shahrain, Iraq) was the earliest city in southern Mesopotamia, founded ca. 5400 BC. The Sky Gods, The immortals or 'Good Watchers', The Kings of Uruk and Ur, A collection of Aeramic writings called The Targum, What you don't know about Abraham. The oldest culture in the world, Noah is taken to the abode of the gods.

Hiram Introduction 1... Religious symbols. Ancient History, which shows two ruling classes in Egypt. One was refered to as Hyksos. These people became the Hebrews. Documentation from 3 sources put the Israelites in a 'bad light'. Exerpts from the Nag Hammidi Scrolls, The Elohim, Who is "US" in Genesis?

Hiram Introduction continued The Inventory Stella of Khufu proves the Great Pyramid was not built by him. The meaning of "Light". Science was regarded as an outcast, an enemy. There was no liberty, no education, no philosophy, no science; nothing but credulity, ignorance, and superstition. Christianity removed learning and education from civilization..This is how they did it! The Melchizedek priesthood. Armageddon! Gnosticism as taught by the disciples. Focus of the 23rd and 24th degree Scottish Rite. The White haired stranger. The invention of the 'Devil'. Archaeology and the Babylonian Captivity of the Jews.

Hiram Introduction 1... The mountain of Moses, where was it? A Temple discovered on top of the mountain! Josephs Egyptian burial, Jacob's signet ring discovered in Avaris, a debate between archaeologists, Evidence that Ahmose defeated the Hyksos, The Seth and Horus worshipers, Archaeological facts and the Bible including the tribes of Ham and his sons who were not black Africans. The truth about Cain and Abel. The cruelty of God. The Dark Side of Religion. Ancient building secrets. Astrological connections of the ancients.

Hiram Introduction 2 Civilization begins again after the Flood, The famous library of Ashurbanipal with 22,000 inscribed clay tablets,The cruelty of God, Religion breeds terrors of all sorts, The Dark side of Religion, The Temples of the Gods, Hammurabi's Code, Eridu, also called Eridug, was the first city in the world, The Children of the Rocketships, After the Great Flood, The two sons of Noah who turned to 'different gods', The Egyptian Gods of Ham's clan, The predynastic period of the falcon cult, the defleshed bones of Nebkara, Hotepsekhemwy/Raneb has been associated with Jacob, the sacred goat of Mendes, precession of the ages and Astronomical signs, The Age of Aquarius, Enki's lineage's domain, the temple complex of Baalbek

Hiram Introduction 3 The Keys of Enoch. Jesus' miracles; was Lazerus really raised form the dead? The 'Great White Brotherhood, Assended Masters, What is the church hiding? A compairson between Jesus and Dionysus, How women became whores in the churche's eye, Evidence that Jesus was in India, James, brother of Jesus - who was his father?

Hiram Introduction 4 More mysteries, "US", Elohim, Jehovah, Hashem, Egyptian Gods,The Mithans or Snake people, The Shemsu Hor, the maltaskulls, The Code of Hammurabi (Codex Hammurabi), The writings of Timaeus, reconstruction of the Etemenanki or the Tower of Babel, High Priesthood of Zadok, The spread of science and philosophy, Science in the Middle Ages, A God of Science, Religion and politics don't mix., Messianics, priest in charge of over-seeing magical rites,

Hiram Introduction 5 Brief story about the Knights Templar, the church and freedom to 'choose'. A link to the books left out of the Bible. The Cooke Manuscript. The Regius Manuscript. The 'Pillers' of secrets. Ham and the Tower of Babel. The secret of Lazarus' raising from the dead. The nuclear bombing of Sodom and Gomorrah in ancient times, where the Dead Sea tested positive for radioactive materials 2000 years after Abraham left.

Hiram Introduction 6 Enki's organisation of the World, Uruk(Ur) where civilization began, Enlil gives all the "Me's" to Enki, overview of Enlil and Enki's role, Enki's love and care for human kind, The Heliocentric System, the 'flat Earth' system of the church, Galileo defended heliocentrism, Antikythera Mechanism, The Mysterious Divine, The Gnostics, cathedrals built by the Templars using geometry and numerology, The philosophic Secret was then born in the form of social morality clothed in working-class allegory, The use of pi in the Great Pyramid, Former President Anwar Sadat killed because he was a mason, Greek Philosopher and Mathematician, Pythadoras taught geometry in 569 - 475 BC, Pythagorean Theorem, Beneath the Temple of Hathor a secret lays, the ancient Shimar or Schamir, The face of Serapis was used by the church as the image of Jesus.

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