"He has sent me to proclaim
freedom...to release...¨(Luke 4:18), "where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom (2 Cor 3:17)
"SACRAMENTS FREE FROM CONDITIONS". Freely you have received. Freely give
(Matt 10:8), "I am the bread that came down from heaven" (John 6.41)
INTERRELIGIOUS GNOSTIC FREEDOM for "knowledge of the secrets of the
kingdom of Heaven" (Matt 13:11, 16:19),"We speak of God's secret wisdom"(1 Cor 2:7)
The Trinitarian doctrine of god the father, god the son, and god
the holy spirit is biblically unfounded, but it existed as the pagan worship of
Nimrod and Semiramis
who were the first King and Queen of Babylonian. While Semiramis is clearly a legendary figure, she is
sometimes considered a dim reflection of the historical queen Shammuramat, the Babylonian wife of
Shamshi-Adad V. Semiramis named her son Damu (from the Sumerian "dam," or blood), which in
the later Babylonian language became Dammuzi, in Hebrew Tammuz, and in Greek Adonis.
see Worship of Semiramis
The worship of "The Queen of Heaven" spread throughout the world as the Babylonian Mystery
religion and eventually assumed the title of Trinitarian Christianity when the Virgin Mary assumed
the title, "Mother of God', with a divine child sitting on her lap. Semiramis was initially included in
the pagan Babylonian trinity as the holy spirit or seed of the divine son in his mother's womb.
This worship of mother and child were given different
names in the various languages of the world. Ancient Germans worshipped the virgin Hertha with
child in arms. Scandinavians called her Disa pictured with child. The Egyptian mother and child
were worshiped as Isis with the infant Osiris or Horus seated on his mother's lap. In India, the
mother and child were called Devaki and Krishna, and also Isi and Iswara as they are worshiped
to this day. In Asia, they were known as Cybele and Deoius; in pagan Rome, as Fortuna and
Jupiter-puer, or Jupiter, the boy; in Greece, as Ceres, the great mother with babe at her breast,
or as Irene, the goddess of peace, with the boy Plutus in her arms.
The image of mother with child in her arms was so firmly entrenched in the pagan mind
that by the time Christianity appeared on the scene in 30 A.D., these statues and paintings were
merely renamed and worshiped as the virgin Mary with her god-incarnate son Jesus. Thus,
the pagan mother and child entered Christianity as the Roman Catholic worship of Mary with
the infant Jesus. In fact, in Tibet, China, and Japan, Jesuit missionaries were astonished to
find the counterpart of the Madonna and child as devoutly worshiped as they were in Rome.
Shing Moo, the holy mother in China was portrayed with a child in her arms and a glory around
her, exactly as if she had been fashioned by Roman Catholic artisans. from
Born on December 25,
Semiramis "claimed that her son was supernaturally conceived [no human father] and that he
was the promised seed, the 'savior'" - promised by God in Genesis 3:15. "However, not only was the
child worshipped, but the woman, the MOTHER, was also worshipped as much (or more) than the
Nimrod was deified as the god of the sun and father of creation. Semiramis became the goddess
of the moon, fertility, etc. "Isis was often represented standing on the crescent moon,
with twelve stars surrounding her head. In almost every Roman Catholic church on the continent
of Europe may be seen pictures and statues of Mary, the "Queen of Heaven," standing on the
crescent moon, her head surrounded with twelve stars."
"In the old fables of the Mystery cults, their 'savior' Tammuz, was
worshipped with various rites at the Spring season. According to the legends, after he was slain
[killed by a wild boar], he went into the underworld. But through the weeping of his mother... he
mystically revived in the springing forth of the vegetation - in Spring! Each year a spring festival
dramatically represented this supposed 'resurrection' from the underworld. Some called the
Mother Goddess "ISHTAR" (originally pronounced "Easter"). In other lands, she was called Eostre,
Astarte, Ostera, and Eastre.
The kingly line from Adam decended through Sumeria, the promenent king around 8500 BC
was Akalem (Lamech) , his tomb was discovered by Sir Charles Leonard Woolley.
Amoung the sixteen royal graves of the pre Egyptian dynastic kings (lugals) of Ur.
This notable king was Akalam-dug, and the magnificent golden helmet of his son.
Mes-kalam-dug is an outstanding example of the goldsmiths art. The great Vulcan and mastercraftsman of the era was
Tubal-Cain (Mes-kalam-dug), ( whos knowledge formed the bedrock of Freemasonry)
was the son of Lamech (Akalam-dug).
Tubal-Cains wife was Nin-banda, the daughter of A-BAR-GI)(ABARAZ), lord of UR whose grave Woolley also found,
The wife of A-BAR-GI was queen SHUB-AD of UR.
She was a matriarchal dynast of the dragon descent from from Lilith Queen. QUEEN
SHUB-AD (also known as NIN PU-ABI) is better known to us from Genesis as NAAMAH
the charmer, The daughter of Lamech and Zillah. So it can be seen that the succession from Adam ruled their
various kingdoms from UR in southern Mesopotamia and this same line descended through the
Egyptian pharoahs, the same kingly line and the same race which was white. from Egypt search forum.
"With the appearance of Christianity, Babylonian paganism threatened
the early Christian
church of Pergamum
as related in the Revelation given by Jesus to His Apostle John, who referred to Pergamum as the
seat of Satan's throne". The Heroon in the Acropolis of Pergamum was the imperial cult or the
shrine in which kings of Pergamum, especially Attalus I and Eumenes II, were worshipped.
(Revelation 2:12-17) "Write this letter to the leader of the church in Pergamos:"This message is
from him who wields the sharp and double-bladed sword. (13)
I am fully aware that you live in the city where Satan's throne is, at the center of satanic worship;
and yet you have remained loyal to me and refused to deny me, even when Antipas, my faithful
witness, was martyred among you by Satan's devotees. This and the
gospel of Thomas,
does agree on the evil inspired by Rome. They had copied the Gods and Goddesses, given them new
names and continued their condemnation of Babylon.
This confirmed Christian
forgery at it's finest. Christians always try to blame Nimrod for their
misfortunes. Babylonian "paganism" was more truth than fiction.
More than this, the 10 Commandments originated from the
(Exerpts) Egyptian Book of the Dead
(1240 BC). As we know Moses was raised by an Egyptian princess. How likely is it that he studied
with the priests and was taught the commandments as a child?
So did Moses write the Torah in the Bible? The radical school of Jewish prophecy did not think so.
Christ as portrayed in the gospel of Mark did not think so, and Paul also did not think that Moses
was the author of the first five books of the Bible, and neither did many of the earliest churches
believe that Moses was the author of the Levitical laws found in the
Pentateuch. Rather they
called these Levite regulations human commandments, and even went so far as to call some of
the laws found in books like Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, 'the doctrines of demons'.
All theologians nullify the Bible, and the process of exegesis is one of upholding certain
verses while destroying the authority of others. All theologians destroy Bible verses, but some
are up front and direct in their attacks, while others attempt the slippery task of destroying
Bible verses by way of subterfuge.
One perfect example would be in this belief in 'infallibility of scripture' and in particular this belief
that 'Moses wrote the Torah,' any deviation from this belief is then held to clearly demonstrate
a turning away from the authority of 'God's word.' Moses 'brought the law of God' as scripture
states. After all, could 'scripture be any clearer on the matter'?
However it turns out that much is submerged, nullified and rejected in order to maintain this
obviously erroneous position. Keeping the Torah means nullifying prophets, Christ, and Paul.
There are also early traditions, which are also found in the Bible itself, rejecting authorship
of the law books by Moses.
In the book of the prophet Jeremiah we read that not only was Moses not the author
of the Torah, but that the sacrificial system was a form of rebellion against God, and that
the laws of God represented as coming from Moses were actually forged by the Levite priesthood.
Beginning supposedly with Moses, there are 10 or more writers not including
the New Testament. The oldest New Testament manuscripts we have dated from approximately A.D. 350.
A common 'apologetic' dodge is to insist that 'animal sacrifices' were not ordained when the people
came out of Egypt, but rather later. But the law books specifically state that the laws of sacrifice
were part of the Laws of Moses which Moses supposedly received while on Mount Sinai. It wasn't allowed.
(see Isaiah Chapter 1 verse 11) as opposed to Leviticus Chapter 7 verse 37.
" But behold, the lying pen of the scribes has made it into a lie. The wise men are put to shame".
Jeremiah Chapter 8 verse 7. This rejection of Mosaic authorship is echoed in the book of Isaiah.
Fact:The bible is a library of books which were written over a period of approximately 1500 years.
Some parts of the Bible were written to meet a particular need of the community, Jewish
or Christian. Not all Oral Traditions were written down. Amazingly we find hundreds of references to our
biblical patriarchs in the Sumerian texts.
The story of Moses' birth and his subsequent ride in a basket
down the river is also told of Sargon, Bacchas, Osiris and Romulas. The story of Cain and Abel is told with
the characters 'Summer and Winter', and the Gods Enlil and Enki breaking up a fight between the two
on Hiram Forward 1. They are 'trained' in their particular trades of agriculture and animal husbandry
by the "Watchers". And we find out where Cain and Abel's wives came from - even their names.
Noah could read and write and his sons were taught these skills. see
When were the scriptures written?
The truth is, the stories all came from a much older source and the Sumerian texts verify this.
Editing Stage - Over thousands of years - Material was chosen which best represented the
religious traditions of the people. The oral and written accounts could have differed slightly, so
editing was done to bring unity between the two. The contents of the Bible came from this last stage.
These three stages of development existed for the most part simultaneously, though the Oral Stage
came first and the Editing Stage came last.
Examples of editing
But this is only the tip of the Iceberg.
Review Nehemiah chapter 9 verse 16; This is followed by many racist remarks about 'the
natives of the land' and then a reference to 'treating them any way you like' is found. (These passages
in Ezra and Nehemiah are some of the ugliest scriptures in the Bible, extolling and celebrating the
most arrogant form of racism, extermination, genocide, plundering and robbery, and the Holy
War ideology of the Levites.) Would a true God who loved mankind say these things?
Since we know that history is written by men, as was the bible, what if the God Nimrod rebelled
against was Enki's half brother, the brutal, controlling God Enlil?
If we could get past the 'presumed evil' on both sides, and look at
the actual history, we might
have a change of heart. The people only knew the ancient gods whose leaders were Enlil and Enki
and the supreme God Anu. There were several other Gods all related to Enlil and Enki and they each
had their own territory and ruled over the people there. According to archeological evidence, the time
of this first renewed civilization after the flood was 10,000 B.C., when the Gods lived with men.
The History books tell us that Babylon was the foremost place on Earth for 'learning and knowledge'.
Civilization was begun in Babylon and spread to the 'fertile crescent', which included Egypt. Learning and
knowledge was dubbed evil by the church and that began what's commonly called the 'Dark Ages'.
We are still recovering from this cultural setback. We have been told by the Christian clergy not to read
what they call 'pagan' or heretical texts. But that's any text that doesn't agree with their dogmatic theology.
The form 'Babylon' is the Greek variant of Akkadian Babilu (bab-ilû), meaning "Gateway of the god(s)",
translating Sumerian Ka.(dingir.ra). Over the years, the power and population of Babylon waned. From
around the 20th century BCE, it was occupied by Amorites, nomadic tribes from the west who were
Semitic speakers like the Akkadians, but did not practice agriculture like them, preferring to herd sheep.
This is where the term 'Shepherd Kings' originated.
Every chronicle, history, especially the Bible and many other
writers relate to the building or the tower of Babel; and it is written in
the Bible, Genesis, Chap.10 how that Ham, Noah's son, and then Cush, begat
who grew a 'mighty man' upon the earth and waxed strong, like unto a giant. He was a
great king and the beginning of his kingdom was the kingdom of
Babylon proper, and Erech and Arend and Calnch and the land
of Shinar (Sumer).
What happened to Nimrod? There is no mention of him or his kin after the Tower of Babel was torn down.
Yet for that one paragraph in Psalms, we know Ham and his clan were given the land of Egypt.
At this stage we go back 6000 years to
'the next source', Egypt.
Secrets of the Pyramid of Gaza
Various Arab legends state that the Pyramid was built by (Enoch) Hermes
before the Flood to preserve knowledge of the secret sciences. If Enoch built this great structure here, there
had to be a reason.
The secrets are connected to Science
The original pyramid entrance was located on the north face, about 49 feet above the
base and 24 feet east of the central axis of the north face. see
Pyramid Stats.
The Pyramids mirror the Orion Constellation. The pyramid positions on the ground are a reflection of
the positions of the stars in the constellation Orion circa 10,400 B.C. We find a connection between
Enoch and Orion.. Explained in Graham Hancock's Book The Message of the Sphinx. Co-author
Robert Bauval researched this theory.
also see Hiram Intro page 3 -
Enochs 'Keys of Knowledge'.
As regards the Great Pyramids at Gaza, the first things that must be abandoned are that
the assumptions that we have inherited from previous generations are factual. The linchpin of
all existing theories regarding the Great Pyramids at Gaza is that they were built by Pharaohs as
tombs. If they were built as tombs for Pharaohs, they are the only ones completely devoid of
interior decoration of any kind. That a proud Pharaoh would expend the resources to construct
such an edifice without leaving any inscription, statuary, frescos, artifacts, or other
documentation of their lifetime behind in their eternal monument is ludicrous.
Common sense... see This! The Open Cheops Challenge
(His comment) Idiocy is being defined by those who continue, at this late date, to identify these
great structures as tombs for Pharaohs.
There was even a 'secret door'
to get inside the pyramid. The door swivels and is attuned to a tone or sound which opens it.
Not many people know about this secret door but someone has been inside and revealed
marvelous things.
On our "Initiate" page we find similarities that make Osiris the murder victim
in the original Masonic ritual. "In the middle of the chamber in the Great Pyramid was a sarcophagus, the
coffin of Osiris, bearing traces of blood. He (the candidate) was told that Osiris had recently been
assassinated and was questioned as to whether or not he had any part in the murder."
New insights which demonstrate that Sneferu aligned his two giant pyramids at Dahshur to
the two giant pyramids at Giza - thus totally undermining the orthodox chronology, which imagines
that the Gaza pyramids did not exist at that time.
The Bible is replete with warnings to avoid stargazers, mediums, magicians, wizards,
witches, sorcerers, seers, fortunetellers and the like. This was especially true during the
reign of King Josiah of Israel. However, the Bible also shows that the religious leaders
understood the esoteric (occult/secret) power of sounds, letters, words, names, symbols, astrology,
numbers etc. One example of comprehension of the power of sounds and names is when
Abram's name was changed to Abraham by the Hebrew God according to Genesis 17:5.
In fact, many religious leaders knowingly use occult powers whilst they keep the flock
ignorant and fearful of the secret knowledge. Solomon is legendary for his supposed wisdom,
however his work with the occult/secret knowledge is more hidden.
It is reported that when the pyramid was first broken into that the swivel door, weighing
some 20 tons, was so well balanced that it could be opened by pushing out from the inside with
only minimal force, but when closed, was so perfect a fit that it could scarcely be detected and
there was not enough crack or crevice around the edges to gain a grasp from the outside.
In his book, The Sign and the Seal,
Graham Hancock revealed that a 'tone' would open the door to the pyramid. This
Site also reveals the secret rooms.
Symbolism: Inside the octagon we see George Washington, a Freemason, presiding
over the Capital Cornerstone laying ceremony. The wooden tripod in this ceremony, the
Freemasons call a Lewis. Researcher Ralph Ellis believes that this device is descended from a similar
one that would open and shut the Great Pyramid of Gaza. This cuboid stone, used in the corner
laying ceremony and suspended by a Lewis, is thus a representation of the plug of a door of a pyramid.
The idea of the cornerstone implies that Christ is a part of the foundation, but its most important,
visible part, the part which binds the walls.
Lets take this one step at a time, beginning with ACOUSTIC LEVITY as an actual PHYSICAL
PHENOMENON rather than a metaphor for spiritual enlightenment. The Lewis used in
freemasonry is a visible material force, which lifts the White Cube up off the ground. Symbolically
this is interpreted as exerting its Dominance over the (C)ube, an identical phenomenon to that
which happens in music theory where the Dominant G major chord creates tension surrounding the Tonic of the Key of C.
Now most people can only get inside the Pyramid through a 'blasted out opening', which doesn't lead
to the secret chamber inside. On some of the walls and ceilings of the four kings chambers crude
hieroglyphs were found, daubed in red paint, which are thought to have been added by the work-crews.
The inscriptions included two cartouches (royal names enclosed in an oval) -- 'Khufu' and 'Khnum-Khufu' --
and Egyptologists saw this as confirmation of the tradition that the Pyramid was built for the
pharaoh Khufu. The above date and information refutes this theory. An 'Inventory Stella'
made by Khufu and hidden from public view in the Cairo Museum also refutes the story.
You will see this on Hiram Intro Continued.
The authenticity of these masons' markings has also been challenged by Zecharia Sitchin, who
argues that they were forged by Howard Vyse and his assistants in the hope of gaining fame and fortune.
He claims that the hieroglyphs are ungrammatical and misspelled (with the sign for 'ra', the
supreme god of Egypt, being written instead of 'kh'), that the cursive script in which they
were written dates from a later era, and that they were copied (complete with mistakes)
from standard contemporary works on hieroglyphics. This argument has been repeated by
several other writers. However if one holds to this theory it disallows admittance or research on
any Egyptian site as it disagrees with standard Egyptian archaeology. Head archaeologist Hawass
and American Egyptologist Michael Lehner claim the pyramid was built by Khufu. No other view
is expectable.
In the Bodleian Library at Oxford there is a manuscript in which
the Coptic author Mas-Udi who asserts that the Egyptian King Surid had the Great Pyramid built.
Oddly enough, this Surid ruled in Egypt before the flood. And this King Surid
ordered his priests to write down the sum total of their wisdom and conceal the writings inside
the pyramid. So, according to the Coptic tradition, the pyramid was built before the Flood.
Herodotus confirms such a supposition in Book II of his History. The priests of Thebes had
shown him 341 colossal statues, each of which stood for a high-priestly generation over a period of
11,340 years. Now we know that every high priest had his statue made during his own lifetime;
and Herodotus also tells us that during his stay in Thebes one priest after another showed him
his statue as proof that the son had always followed the father. The priests assured
Herodorus that their statements were very accurate because they had written everything down
for many generations, and they explained that every one of these 341 statues represented a
generation. Before these 341 generations the gods had lived among men, and since then no
god had visited them again in human form. Is King Surid actually Enoch?
The historical period of Egypt is usually estimated at about 5,500 years. Then why did the
priests lie so shamelessly to the traveler Herodotus about their 11,340 years? And why by did they
so expressly emphasize that no gods had dwelt among them for 341 generations. These precise details
would have been completely pointless if "gods" had not really lived among men in the remote past!
We know next to nothing about the how, why, and when of the building of the pyramid.
An artificial mountain, some 490 feet high and weighing 6,500,000 tons, stands there as evidence it
an incredible achievement, and this monument is supposed to be nothing more than the burial
place of an extravagant king! Anyone who can believe that explanation is welcome to explain it...
The truth is - Real people lived at the time of the Pyramids, i.e. 10,400 BC. and they
were far advanced in knowledge. One was Enoch - also called Thoth. (according to Sumerian texts)
The Sumerian texts explain; "Rule over Egypt given to Thoth (Sumerian Ningishzida, son of Enki/Ptah),
followed by Maat and ten other divine rulers."
Now we know why there
is only a sarcophagus in the Kings Chamber of the Great Pyramid. The Chamber was never
meant to be a place of burial. According to one account, in 820 AD, Arab workmen, under the
direction of Calif Al Mamun of Baghdad, tunnelled into the Great Pyramid (the entrance being
concealed by a hinged stone), hacked their way around the granite plugs blocking access to
the ascending passage (and which appear to have been built in from the start), and finally
reached the 'King's' Chamber; it was completely bare except for a 'sarcophagus', which was
lidless, uninscribed, and empty.
Ancient Initiates
"On being offered a golden crown the true aspirant refused it as a sign of his distain
for material power and wealth. In order to attain the Crown of Truth, he had to throw down
the Golden Crown and trample it underfoot. At this, a priest cried "Outrage, vengeance!" and seizing
an axe, struck him on the head. The 'dead' candidate was then wrapped in mummy bandages,
laid in an open coffin and borne into the sanctuary of the Sprit. Later, in the
Hall of Judgment, he was condemned to wander in the underground galleries."
"Here he was divested of his mortuary garments and received instruction on death
and resurrection. He was then given the sign of the degree, a form of embrace, and
the password. The knowledge associated with this degree was artistic, concerning drawing
and painting. He was also taught the hierogrammatical alphabet, the history and geography
of Egypt, the fundamentals of astronomy and the art of rhetoric."
"The candidates who acquired a satisfactory knowledge of the lesser
mysteries, and practiced the rites of the third degree satisfactorily for a minimum of eighteen months,
could then be selected for admission to the first of the greater, spiritual mysteries. This was
the fourth degree, which was regarded as the Alpha and the Omega of the pathway to Truth
and the Will of God. This opening up of the higher self, or transmutation, was celebrated with
great solemnity and ritual at the dual centers of Hermopolis and Akhenaton."
The initiated adept, who had successfully passed through all the trials, was attached,
not nailed, but simply tied on a couch in the form of a tau . . . [and] plunged into a deep sleep
. . . He was allowed to remain in this state for three days and three nights, during which time
his Spiritual Ego was said to confabulate with the 'gods,' descend into Hades, Amenti, or
Patala (according to the country), and do works of charity to the invisible beings, whether
souls of men or Elemental Spirits; his body remaining all the time in a temple crypt or
subterranean cave. In Egypt it was placed in the Sarcophagus in the King's Chamber of
the Pyramid of Cheops, and carried during the night of the approaching third day to the
entrance of a gallery, where at a certain hour the beams of the rising Sun struck full on
the face of the entranced candidate, who awoke to be initiated by Osiris, and Thoth
the God of Wisdom.
"I am the great God in the divine boat...I am a simple priest in the underworld anointing in
Abydos, elevating to higher degrees of initiation...I am Grand Master of the craftsmen who set up
the sacred arch for a support."
- Thoth to Osiris, The Egyptian Book of the Dead
All this led to the now revised initiation of a new Mason. With this we see there is
certainly more to learn and it sounds like Egypt is where it began.
Two Gods?: Common sense vs. contradiction:
We disagree with this time line from a biblical source (the line of Noah's life
span of 950 is much shorter than Shem's 600 - and the flood wasn't in 2300 BC) but the emphasis
is that Shem was around until Jacob's (Israel's) era. Remember, legend has it that Shem killed Nimrod
just like Seth killed Osiris....or is this the same exact story with the names changed?
According to profane history Shem killed Nimrod, cut him up, and sent
pieces of his body all over the inhabited world. This violent act had the effect of terrorizing
Semiramis, Nimrod's widow, to the extent that she turned the Babel system into a mystery,
a secret system known only to the inner circle.
But it does something else very remarkable, It aligns Nimrod with Osiris.
The religions claim that the Tower of Jupiter was dedicated to a false God. With the evidence to
back it up, we contend the God was Enki, the God that gave Adam 'garments' and the God that
rescued Noah from the flood. The 'False' God is the god that gets angry, is jealous, and punishes the people over
and over and says and does things contradictory to the 10 Commandments. As we read above, the
false god encouraged racism, genocide, incest, robbery and Holy Wars.
The truth is that Shem killed Nimrod because he worshipped a 'different god'. But we also find
that Shem, Jacob and Joseph are not the 'good guys' so expressed by the Hebrews and the bible,
keeping in mind that this is Hebrew history and their opinions and practices we are dealing with
which are originally from the Torah and Moses. Moses knew who the true god was but eventually
The 'material god' fooled him. This is difficult to explain unless we recognize that there
were two opposing forces at work. The two gods of Babylon, namely Enki and Enlil..
It has also been presumed that Nimrod had tried to place himself in front of the people instead of the
ETERNAL (God) Gen. 10:8-9..... Hiram Index 4 reveals the excluded true story (Again from Josephus).
All our years of research has led us to believe that the god or angel that Moses spoke to on the
mountain was the same god as the Hebrews worshipped. As our story unfolds we will show you
the archaeological references that make this belief plausible. Somewhere along the line Moses lost contact
with the True God and started listening to the false god who wanted him to kill Canaanites, Hittites
and anyone else who got in the way. When Moses tapped the rock without using the god's name, the
god got angry and wouldn't let Moses go to the Promised Land. We see this god's name in the biblical text
as El Shaddai, Nahash or El Elyon. In the Torah we see it as Hashem and Elohim. The other names we see are
Elokim, Enlil, Jehovah, and Yehwah, which are the names of the one god in Genesis. There is another,
however he is called the 'unnamed' or 'hidden' God in most references. The God (El Shaddai) in Exodus
6 announces that he is the same god of Isaac, Jacob and Abraham.
Check this out; God makes man twice in Genesis; see 1:26 and 2:7. 1:26 says, "Let US make man
in OUR own image." 1:27 indicates "male and female" were created as equals. 2:21
Indicates woman came from man (his rib) so he could rule over her.
2:7, Indicates One God who breathed into his nostrils 'the breath of life'.
Have you ever noticed this? If we look at
Genesis, Yahweh or Jehovah always seems to have cohorts or subordinates who are referred to as;
"US" or "OUR". See Genesis 1:26, 3:22 ("The Man has become ONE of US!") and 11:7 ("Let US"
go down and confuse their language".) This is not a typo! It is significant and very important if
we are to understand the various religions and which god or gods the people followed.
In the Torah
we find this at Genesis 6:1 "The sons of the rulers", 6:4 There were giants on the earth in those
days, and also later, when the sons of the rulers came to the daughters of man and they
bore children to them. These were the mightiest ones who ever existed. [They were] men of renown.
As noted above; there were 2 or more gods and each country had their own names for the 'gods.'
A few even had their own "Virgin Mother and Child". We must consider the possibility that each
country's Gods were the same Gods, with different names according to the language spoken.
From the Hebrew book of Jasher 35:2; "Yahuwah Fills The Hearts Of The King's Advisors With Fear
And Yahweh heard the prayers of Yitzchaq (Abraham) and Yaaqov (Jacob), and he filled the hearts
of all of those kings' advisers with great fear and terror that they unanimously exclaimed, 3. Are you
silly this day, or is there no understanding in you, that you will fight with the Hebrews, and
why will you take a delight in your own destruction this day? 4. Behold 2 of them came to the
city of Shechem without fear or terror, and they killed all the inhabitants of the city, that no
man stood up against them, and how will you be able to fight with them all?
5. Surely you know that THEIR Elohim (GOD) is extremely fond of them, and has done mighty
things for them, such as have not been done from days of old, and among all the gods of
nations, there is none can do like to his mighty deeds.
God calls for a flood to destroy mankind vs. God saves Noah and his family.
Exodus 20:13 "Thou shalt not kill." Leviticus 24:17 "And he that killeth any man shall surely
be put to death." vs. Exodus 32:27 "Thus sayeth the Lord God of Israel, Put every man his sword by
his side, . . . and slay every man his brother, . . . companion, . . . neighbor."
I Samuel 6:19 " . . . and the people lamented because the Lord had smitten many of the people
with a great slaughter."
Exodus 20:16 "Thou shalt not bear false witness."
Proverbs 12:22 "Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord." vs. I Kings 22:23 "The Lord hath put a
lying spirit in the mouth of all these thy prophets, and the Lord hath spoken evil concerning thee."
II Thessalonians 2:11 "And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie."
These last 2 verses are key to understanding that there might be two gods - One would help
mankind and one would not - even to the point of total destruction or making them believe a lie.
Again food for thought; Exodus 20:15 "Thou shalt not steal."
Leviticus 19:13 "Thou shalt not defraud thy neighbor, neither rob him." vs. Exodus 3:22 "And ye shall
spoil the Egyptians." Exodus 12:35-36 "And they spoiled [plundered, NRSV] the Egyptians." I was taught
as a child that when you take something without asking for it, that is stealing.

Next we move on to the ancient symbol for wisdom. It was the serpent.
With that in mind we see a different story develop. We see the symbol for healing emerge from the
snake curled around the cross. The caduceus is sometimes used as a symbol for medicine or physicians
(instead of the rod of Asclepius) even though the symbol has no connection with Hippocrates. The Caduceus
was the magic rod of Hermes or sapphire rod of Elohim, the messenger of the gods, "deity of wealth, god
of trade and travelers, of commerce, manual skill, oratory and eloquence, of thieves, and of the wind
and patron of the athletes". The Caduceus was adopted as the U.S. Army's Medical Departments
official insignia in 1902.
We will see more than one reference to the rod of Moses, the rod of Aaron and the sapphire rod
of Elohim and magic. Meanwhile Moses was instructed to build a 'brazen serpent' in John. "And as Moses
lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: That whosoever
believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life."-John 3:14. Make thee a fiery serpent, and set
it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it,
shall live" (Numbers 21:8).
Repeated: The Bible refers to Egypt as "the land of Ham" in (Psalms 78:51;
105:23,27; 106:22; 1Ch 4:40). The Hebrew word for Egypt was Mizraim (probably literally meaning
the two lands), and was the name of one of Ham's sons. This 'assignment' of 'lands' started a war,
when Shem and his sons and Japheth and his sons invaded Egypt or 'the Lands of Ham'. "Then Israel
(Jacob) came to Egypt." "Jacob lived as a foreigner in the land of Ham."
Why does God give Abraham lands that already belong to Ham and his sons? Did he forget
that he gave Egypt to Ham? Again, there are two opposing forces at work here and this
event centers on Canaan's curse. Shem is given Canaan's land, then Abraham brings his family
directly into Egypt and another story deleted from the bible is exposed.
The Hyksos.
Nimrod was also in Egypt after the entire families of Ham and his sons left Babylonia.
This will all tie to Set(h) and Osiris. You will see this map many more times as we explain
what the bible doesn't.
This is where Ham and his sons become Egyptian, because after
they left Ur or URUK. They moved to Hierakonpolis
or Nekhen (3200-3100 BC). At its height from about 3400 BC Nekhen had at least 5,000 and possibly as
many as 10,000 inhabitants. This might indicate that not everyone was killed in the great flood.
This also alters the timeline in which the area was repopulated
after the flood back to at least 5867 BC. The reason for this discrepancy is the modern Egyptians
who are Muslim will not acknowledge anything prior to Menes' rule which they claim was around 3100 BC.
However the predynastic period goes back to at least 6000 BC. This led to more, until now,
'secret knowledge'.
The figure known in the Bible as Nimrod, who opposed the God
of the Old Testament, the "Creator God", was known to the Sumerians as Enmerkar. But the
God of the Old Testament was actually Enki's brutal brother Enlil. His Sumerian name was Baal
or El, (Elohim) further known as Jehovah, Samael
and Yahweh. However Elohim
referred to several gods (plural), and the "Creator God" in particular. In anthroposophy, archangels
may be good or evil; in particular, some of their rank are collaborators of Ahriman, whose purpose
(anthroposophist believe) is to alienate humanity from the spiritual world and promote materialism
and heartless technical control.
Enlil did not like humans and to him all they were was slaves. The term "Creator" is what
the Essenes referred to as the 'False God'. In the mean time we have been taught to 'FEAR" him.
A piece from the Nag Hammidi scrolls...
The Apocalypse of Adam,
is Adam explaining to his son Seth, the difference
between the 'Lord of Spirits' and 'God Almighty'. The third and fourth paragraph shows
'life' being breathed into Seth from "the God who created us". But there is another
'power' he does not recognize. This other 'power' is actually the true God.
It says that the god who created them created sons from himself and Eve.
These sons are Cain and Abel. Obviously Enlil has taken credit for the creation of
Adam and Eve. The Sumerian texts confirm this. Enlil is the same as
Yaldabaoth and Sakla, because other verses, especially in the
Books of Noah,
describe a god named Sakla who they must fear and obey...
"but it will serve in humility and fear of its knowledge." ..."But serve
him in fear and slavery all the days of your life."
The scrolls also speak of 'the illuminator of knowledge' who is also called
'God the Almighty'. He is also called 'the god of powers'..."Then the god
of the powers will be disturbed, saying, "What is the power of this man who
is higher than we?" ( Enlil possibly referring to Adam says)... "Then he
will arouse a great wrath against that man. And the glory will withdraw and
dwell in holy houses, which it has chosen for itself. And the powers will not
see it with their eyes, nor will they see the illuminator either. Then they will
punish the flesh of the man upon whom the holy spirit came."
"And when man (Cain and Abel - created by the six powers) gave thanks for life not to Yaldabaoth
but to the First Man (Adam), Yaldabaoth created a woman (Eve) to destroy him. Then Sophia or
Prunikos sent the serpent (as a benefactor) to persuade Adam and Eve to eat the Tree
of Knowledge and so break the commandment of Yaldabaoth, who banished them from
paradise to earth. After a long war between mankind aided by Prunikos against Yaldabaoth
(this is the inner story of the Old Testament), the Holy Spirit sends Christ to the earth
to enter (united with his sister Prunikos) the pure vessel, the virgin-born Jesus."
A creator deity is a deity in a creation myth responsible for the creation of the world
(or universe). In monotheism, the single God is necessarily also the creator deity, while polytheistic
traditions may or may not have creator deities. A number of monolatristic traditions separate
a secondary creator, from primary transcendent being, identified as a primary creator.
In Gnostic dualism, the demiurge is an imperfect spirit and possibly evil being, transcended
by divine Fullness (Pleroma). Unlike the Judeo-Christian God, Plato's demiurge is unable to create.
The term also appears in Gnosticism in which the material universe is seen as evil or at least
created by a lesser and or inferior creator deity. In Gnosticism,
the Demiurge is a being that
never should have come into existence, the result of Sophia emanating without her male
counterpart. This can be found in the Nag Hammidi scrolls,
Origin of the World.
"Now when he had come to have authority over matter,..." "Matter" of course is everything
upon the Earth including humans.
The word Elohim acts as an ordinary plural of the word Eloah, and refers to the polytheistic notion
of multiple gods (for example, Exodus 20:3, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me."). This
may reflect the use of the word "Elohim" found in the late Bronze Age texts of Canaanite Ugarit,
where Elohim ('lhm) denoted the entire Canaanite pantheon (the family of El, the patriarchal
creator god). The meaning is not clear from the text, but may refer to powerful beings (e.g.
Genesis 6:2, "... the sons of the Elohim (e-aleim) saw the daughters of men (e-adam, the adam/the man)
that they were fair; and they took them for wives.."Thou shalt not revile Elohim, or curse a ruler
of your people... ," where the parallelism suggests that Elohim may refer to human rulers. (see Sons of God).
In this time and place our story begins when Set(h), Isis and Osiris are still alive and considered
to be Gods in Egypt.
The wise Egyptian priest and historian Manetho explained the power of the evil god Set(h)
had increased with the arrival of the Hyksos; Asiatic invaders who took over the northern section
of Egypt around the time that Osiris was King (2890 BC?). The Hyksos city was Avaris later called
Ramses and Memphis.
The invaders were also called 'Shepherd Kings', because they always had large herds of sheep and goats.
The Hyksos worshipped Set(h) and the serpent Apophis. In this age old battle the king (the Horus)
(like Hiram) had had an eye struck out before he died. He pointed at the young priest that betrayed him
and shouted, "There is the manifestation of Set. He will help us defeat the evil one." (Apophis)
Elements of the true Egyptian monarchy continued an existence
in the Upper Egyptian city of Thebes. In time the Hyksos kings became absorbed into much
of Egyptian culture and religious practices, inevitably a politico-theological problem emerged. The invaders
started to want spiritual power as well as physical power. The Hyksos ruler King Khyan
(or Khayana) assumed the titles 'the Good God' and 'the Son of Re'. This claim outraged
the Egyptian people at every level.
How could a foreigner style himself Horus without the secret initiation process known
only to the real kings of Egypt and their inner sanctum? The Hyksos spoke Egyptian with an
amusing accent, wore beards (Egyptians shaved daily unless in mourning), they had a strange
dress sense and they transported themselves in wheeled machines they called chariots which
were pulled by horses instead of donkeys.
The city of Thebes ( now Luxor) continued its like
of Egyptian kings. They were cut off by the Hyksos (and
their puppet rulers of Kush/Cush) from the timbers of Syria; the limestone of Tura; the gold of Nubia;
the ebony and ivory of the Sudan; and the quarries at modern Aswan and Wadi Hammamat,
which forced them to improvise their building techniques. They managed to produce excellent
buildings. The hardships brought a resurgence of the spirit and determination that had first
made Egypt great. Their learning and culture began to develop again.
Around the thirty-fourth year of Apophis's rule, he instructed the king of Thebes to provide him
with the secrets of becoming 'Osiris' so that he could achieve the eternal life, which was his due
as "rightful" king of the Two Lands. The Theban King Sequenenre Tao II was not interested in
parting with his birthright to a bearded Asiatic named after the 'serpent of darkness." King
Apophis started to use his power against Seqenenre. A particularly significant example of this
conflict was an order sent by Apophis over the four hundred miles from Avaris to Thebes
complaining to Sequenenre about noise:
'Have the hippopotamus pool, which is in the east of the city, done away with. For
they do not let sleep come to me by day or by night.' More of the letter is on The
Widow's Son 2 page.
The First Mystery is revealed
This is where the Book The Hiram Key comes in.
Written and researched by 2 Masons in the UK, it brings all the elements together that we
referenced above, which we used for our URL Title, Hiram Abiff, King of Egypt.. If you have
not read the book, here is a short summary:
The main character is Moses.
The book details how he was raised by an Egyptian princess, went to school in Egypt
and was taught many mysterious things not fully understood by the Hebrews he ended
up helping. It turns out that his stepbrother wasn't Ramses, but Ahmose and Kamose,
the sons of the King - Sequenenre Tao II, 17th dynasty.
The book lays out the details of how the Hebrew
hero Joseph, son of Jacob, became a visor to an Egyptian (Hyksos) pharaoh and subsequently
may have been behind the plans to get the secret ritual and then murder Sequenenre and
take over the city of Thebes. He sends Levi and Simon, the sons of Jacob to do the deed.
For a more detailed review see ..
Review Hiram Key.
You will see the words, "They also provide almost nothing in support of this idea".... However we
take great pride in providing the references and much, much more....
Around 1554 BC, at the height of the Second Intermediate Period
when Egypt was dominated by the Hyksos king Apophis, a native-born Egyptian king named Sequenenre Tao
ruled a token Egyptian monarchy
centered in Thebes. Joseph son of Jacob, had been sold as a slave in Egypt some years prior,
and eventually became Grand Vizier of Egypt, under Apophis, the Hyksos pharaoh, as the Bible does
not clarify. However the word 'King' and the word 'pharaoh' did in fact separate the rulers.
The Hyksos were a race of Asiatic people, just like Joseph, and would have more readily accepted
him than native Egyptians, as he was of their race. That fact might explain why the pharaoh's
wife 'fell' for Joseph upon his arrival.
After Joseph became visor, it would appear that one of the things Joseph had his errant
brothers do, apart from the silver goblet incident involving Benjamin recorded in the Bible, was to get two
of his brothers, probably Simeon and Levi, as we shall see later, to make contact with
an ambitious priest (whom we shall call Jubelo) at the temple of Amen-Ra in Thebes
who was willing to aid Apophis in obtaining the royal secrets from its custodians, probably
only the two highest ranking priests and Sequenenre Tao himself.
Levi indeed was given a 'priesthood', only to be taken away from him later and the tribe banished
forever, which again the bible doesn't explain. This 'priesthood' was given to him by the Hyksos ruler
Apophis. Because of their sinful deeds, the Levites were no longer allowed to be priests. Jacob
withdrew Simeon and Levi's inheritance of land. From that time forward, only Aaron and his sons
were allowed to undertake the priesthood duties. This again ties Moses and Aaron to the real
Egyptians and their True Gods, who at the time were Osiris and Horus..
The Book of Overthrowing Apophis was a secret book containing magical words and
instructions on how to make wax figures of the serpent Set(h) which could be trodden into a shapeless
mess, destroyed by fire or dismembered with knives. Sequenenre Tao had this book in his
possession and read prayers and incantations from it every day.
The trio, Simeon and Levi and the young priest probably wound up murdering the two
head Egyptian priests in the end, after they refused to divulge the secrets, and the last desperate
chance for success they had at that point was to attack the king himself. They took the King just
as he emerged from the temple of Amen-Ra where they told him to give up the secrets under
pain of death. Of course, King Sequenenre refused and blows were struck, and so he lay dead
on the ground.
They failed spectacularly... Not only were the royal secrets lost forever, but the
murder of the king would incite his sons Ahmose and Kamose (both literally "the
Widow's sons") to wage a war that would eventually drive the Hyksos out of Egypt
for good and inaugurate the New Kingdom. It was a harsh blow for Ahmose and
Kamose as well; neither of them could become a true king now that the secrets
were forever lost. No Egyptian ruler had ever dared call himself king ever after,
instead using the title Pharaoh, which means "Great House", implying that the
Pharaoh's council of ministers was what gave him the authority to rule.
Simeon and Levi somehow eventually escaped the wrath of the Thebans and
made their way back to the Hyksos capital of Avaris. Of them, Jacob had this to say
in Genesis 49:6:
O my soul, come not thou into their secret; unto their assembly, mine honour, be not thou
united: for in their anger they slew a man, and in their self will they digged down a wall.
This strange Biblical verse has no real convincing explanation to date,
except when viewed in the context of the above narration.
1980 BC - - - - Abraham enters Egypt for the first time (age 30).
1805 BC - - - - Separate dynasty developed by the Hyksos Rulers at Avaris
1590 - 1589 BC ?- - - - Moses born and given over to be raised by the Thebian Royal House
1600 - 1598 BC ? - - - - Joseph Vizier (aged 50)
1598 - 1550 BC? - - - - - Joseph King (Apophis?)
1554 BC - - - - Sequenenre Murdered
1554 - 1551 BC - - - - Moses put in charge of the Thebian Army after Kamose is killed in battle
1550 BC - - - - New date for the Exodus
Jasher 29:11. "And Joseph was king of Egypt for forty-eight years.
In the Book of Genesis, nowhere do the authors mention the Asiatic conquest of the
Egyptians that is known to have happened in the period somewhere between Abraham and Moses.
However Josephus recorded the Thebian Queen insisting that Moses be put in charge of the Egyptian
army. We found several books left out of the bible, which reveal more of the hidden history and Manetho
completes the connections with what really happened.
We begin this explanation on the next page
Hiram Forward 1
or Widows Son1