[ disclaimer; This page in no way reflects in whole or in part the beliefs or practices of the Masonic community or the 'brothers' together or apart. What is written here is based on Theological research. Spam E-Mail is filtered out]
"The veiled threats of cowards echo eternally in the valley of their weakness...While the brave climb to glorious peaks fashioned only by their actions.."
Speak not of death to me friend...Lest ye taste the poison of your own putrid language.
"Judgment is interpreted in terms of creation theology as the salvation of creation from death through the works, in the world, of the logos that has become flesh"
Is the Bible the Word Of God? by Emmett F. Fields. Year: 1995. (38 pages). Succinct and well written. The God of the Old Testament commands murder, rape, slavery, incest, and all that is repulsive to our nature. He is cruel, jealous, violent, vindictive, and vengeful. The Catholic Church promotes fear and even reaches beyond the grave with fear of a hell eternal and never ending.
On a regular basis, Christians symbolically eat the body of Jesus in what is euphemistically called the "Eucharist" where they also symbolically drink the blood of Christ. These gruesome symbolic acts are signs of cannibalism and vampirism. These horrible acts are falsely presented at least four times in the extant Bible to give the church and its followers apparent authority and authenticity to practise the repulsive rites. See: Matthew 26:26-28; Mark 14:22-24; Luke 22:19-20; 1 Corinthians 11:24-29.
What kind of a "god" would thirst for blood? What kind of a "god" would want gruesome murders re-lived over and over in the human psyche.
The Age of Reason, by Thomas Paine. Year: 1795. Thomas Paine was a political philosopher whose writings had great influence during the American Revolution (1775-1783) and the French Revolution (1789-1799). He boldly states his anti-Christian pro-Science Deist view, dissecting the Bible exposing how it falls apart under scrutiny. Should be required reading for all high school students, but the schools won't touch it because it's about religion.
Schools think "Separation of Church and State" means they shouldn't talk about religion, leaving that topic to the Churches. This is unfortunate as students are not taught about our founding father's strong Anti-Christian Pro-Science Deist beliefs, allowing fundamentalist churches to make the absurd claim that our fathers were Christians who wanted the United States to be a Christian nation, when actually the opposite is true. The Declaration of Independence mentions in the first sentence, "the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God." The "Laws of Nature" is what we today call Science, and "Nature's God" is a reference to the God of Deism, not the God of Christianity. The first amendment to the Constitution ensures that our government will not be a Christian Government. To the extent that we today are free to pursue Science we are fulfilling our founding father's American Dream. To the extent that religion interferes with our pursuit of Science our founding father's American Dream is thwarted.
On the Christian front, controversy over the matter of the Trinity had in 318C.E. once again just blown up between two church men from Alexandria, Arius, the deacon, and Alexander, his bishop. Now Emperor Constantine stepped into the fray. The emperor sent these men many letters encouraging them to put aside their "trivial" disputes regarding the nature of God and the "number" of Gods, etc. To one who had become accustomed to being surrounded by countless gods, and goddesses, and demi-gods, and man-gods, and incarnations of gods, and resurrections of gods, and so forth, the issue of whether a given sect worshipped one god or three gods or "three gods in one" was all very trivial and inconsequential.
In 325 Constantine summoned the Council of Nicea, effectively the first Ecumenical Council (unless the Council of Jerusalem is so classified), to deal mostly with the heresy of Arianism. Arius posed the question, "Is Jesus unbegotten?" In other words, he taught that God the Father and the Son did not exist together eternally. Further, Arius taught that the pre-incarnate Jesus was a divine being created by (and possibly inferior to) the Father at some point, before which the Son did not exist. In English-language works, it is sometimes said that Arians believe that Jesus is or was a "creature"; in this context, the word is being used in its original sense of "created being." A 'vote' was taken. "If the Trinity was not revealed by God Almighty or Jesus then why does Christianity believe in it?" The answer lies in the council of Nicea of 325 CE. also see the Muslim Library
Another view: The Father, working through the Son, created the Holy Spirit, who was subservient to the Son as the Son was to the Father. The Father was seen as "the only true God." 1 Corinthians 8:5-6 was cited as proof text:
"Indeed, even though there may be so-called gods in heaven or on earth — as in fact there are many gods and many lords — yet for us there is one God (Gk. theos), the Father, from whom are all things and for whom we exist, and one Lord (kyrios), Jesus Christ, through whom are all things and through whom we exist."
This Ecumenical council declared that Jesus Christ was a distinct being of God in existence or reality (hypostasis), which the Latin fathers translated as persona. Jesus was God in essence, being and or nature (ousia), which the Latin fathers translated as substantia.
Of the fruits of this council, Jesus was made "Very God." Shortly thereafter, his mother Mary was given the title of "Ever Virgin." It would not be long until these concepts were later combined in 431AD to give her the title "Theotokos" (God-bearing). This is how she became known to us as "Mother of God."
"The New Catholic Encyclopedia," Volume XIV, p. 295
They admit it!!! Jesus, John, Matthew, Luke, Mark, all of the apostles, and even Paul,
were completely unaware of any "Trinity." !!
The persecution of the Jews was just now getting into full swing and with it a severe disdain and intolerance for all Christians who did not convert to the new creeds. The books of Arius and his sympathizers were ordered to be burnt, and a reign of terror proclaimed for all those who did not conform with the new, "official" Christian beliefs. The following is one of the public declarations in this regard:
"Understand now by this present statute, Novatians, Valentinians, Marcionites, Paulinians, you who are called Cataphrygians ... with what a tissue of lies and vanities, with what destructive and venomous errors, your doctrines are inextricably woven! We give you warning... Let none of you presume, from this time forward, to meet in congregations. To prevent this, we command that you be deprived of all the houses in which you have been accustomed to meet .. . and that these should be handed over immediately to the catholic [i.e. official] church."
Constantine exiled those who refused to accept the Nicean creed—Arius himself, the deacon Euzoios, and the Libyan bishops Theonas of Marmarica and Secundus of Ptolemais —and also the bishops who signed the creed but refused to join in condemnation of Arius, Eusebius of Nicomedia and Theognis of Nicaea. The Emperor also ordered all copies of the Thalia, the book in which Arius had expressed his teachings, to be burned. see Arianism
Constantine also enforced the prohibition of the First Council of Nicaea against celebrating Easter on the day before the Jewish Passover (14 Nisan) (see Quartodecimanism and Easter controversy). Conversion of Christians to Judaism was outlawed. Congregations for religious services were restricted, but Jews were allowed to enter Jerusalem on Tisha B'Av, the anniversary of the destruction of the Temple. see Constantine
The World Council of Churches proposed a reform of the method of determining the date of Easter at a summit in Aleppo, Syria, in 1997: Easter would be defined as the first Sunday following the first astronomical full moon following the astronomical vernal equinox, as determined from the meridian of Jerusalem. The reform would have been implemented starting in 2001, since in that year the Eastern and Western dates of Easter would coincide. This reform has not yet been implemented.
Constantine's most famous building projects include the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and Old Saint Peter's Basilica. When he built Constantinopolis, the new city was protected by the alleged True Cross, the Rod of Moses and other holy relics, though a cameo now at the Hermitage Museum also represented Constantine crowned by the tyche of the new city. The figures of old gods were either replaced or assimilated into a framework of Christian symbolism.
Forgery in Christianity; A documented Record of the Foundations of the Christian Religion. by Joseph Wheless. Year: 1930. Examines the disgraceful history of the Catholic Church. For hundreds of years the Catholic Church forged religious documents for political purposes. The religious document would be claimed authentic, written by one of the apostles or sometimes by Jesus himself. The document would invariably imply that the Catholic Church had been given supreme God ordained authority to rule the world. Hundreds of years later, after the Church had firmly established itself as the God ordained supreme infallible authority and a very powerful political ruler, the forged documents were exposed as frauds, but by then it didn't matter; the Catholic Church had firmly established itself as the supreme authority, and no longer needed the framework of forged documents to keep it standing. Read the entire book online at Forgery in Christianity
Another, of many "Black Eyes" of the church; It happened in 1517 that a Dominican monk named Johann Tetzel, a braggart, caused a great stir. Maximilian once sentenced him to drowning in the River Inn - presumably because of his great virtue - but Duke Frederick rescued him in Innsbruck from the punishment of being drowned. Duke Frederick reminded him of this incident when he began to denounce us Wittenbergers. Actually, he admitted it quite openly. This same Tetzel now began to peddle indulgences. With might and main he sold grace for money as dearly or a cheaply as he could. At the time I was preacher here in the cloister and was filled as a new doctor with an ardent love for the scriptures.
The Letter of Indulgence 31st of October 1517: Sold to perishioners, this money went for parties and the self indulgences of the Vatican. So Archbishop Albert was clearly following the lead of the pontiff in offering forgiveness for a price. Archbishop Albert promoted the sale of indulgences for the rebuilding of St. Peter's in Rome. Half the collected funds went to Rome for the building of St. Peter's and half went into Albert's pocket. Johann Tetzel, a Dominican monk employed by Albert, sold these indulgences in Germany, prompting Martin Luther to write his disputation in 95 thesis which he posted to the door of Wittenberg Castle Church. Source: Martin Luther, Wider Hans Worst, 1541. (WA 51, 538.)
"Furthermore, it is not necessary to show remorse or sorrow or do penance for sins when purchasing indulgences or a letter of indulgence. He even sold indulgences for future sins. Such abominable things he did abundantly. He was merely interested in money."
"At the time I did not yet know who was to get the money. Then there appeared a booklet with the illustrious coat of arms of the Bishop of Magdeburg. In it the commissioners of indulgences were ordered to preach some of the propositions. Thus it came to light that Bishop Albert had employed Tetzel, because he was such a braggart."
Indulgences were awarded by the Catholic Church as a remission of sin, earned either by prayer or, especially in the later Middle Ages, through a donation of money.
A Jesuit historian, speaking of the Dominican monks whom Tetzel had taken with him, says: "Some of these preachers failed not, as usual, to go behond the matter they were treating of, and so far to exaggerate the worth of indulgences, that they gave the people cause to believe that they were assured of their salvation, and of deliverance of souls from purgatory, so soon as they had given their money."
Incest, if not detected, was to cost five groats; and six, if it was known. For particular sins, Tetzel and a particular tax. For polygamy it was six ducats; for sacrilege and perjury, nine ducats; for murder, eight ducats; for witchcraft, two ducats. "O disgrace of Rome!" This led to the Reformation
A letter of indulgence took the form of ready-made receipts leaving an empty space for the name of the purchaser, who was meant to take it to a father confessor as proof of having obtained the right to the forgiveness of sins.
"We do herewith proclaim that our most holy Lord Leo X, by divine providence present Pontiff, has given and bestowed to all Christian believers of either sex who lend their helpful hand for the reconstruction of the cathedral church of St. Peter, the Prince of the Apostles, in Rome, complete indulgence as well as other graces and freedoms, which the Christian believer may obtain according to the apostolic letter dealing with this matter". . . .
"Here follow the four principal graces granted in the apostolic bull. These can be obtained separately. Utmost industriousness should be exercised in order to commend each grace most emphatically to the faithful". . . .
"The first grace is the complete remission of all sins. Nothing can be greater than this grace, since man, living in sin and deprived of divine grace, obtains complete forgiveness by these means and enjoys anew the grace of God. Moreover, through such forgiveness of sins the punishment which one is obliged to undergo in purgatory on account of the offence of the Divine Majesty is all remitted and the pain of purgatory is altogether done away with. And even though nothing satisfactory and worthy could be given in exchange for such a grace - since it is a gift of God and a grace beyond price - yet we decree the following rules in order that Christian believers may obtain it all the more easily": see the page. and this link Indulgences
Did Paul write the New Testament?
As demonstrated in the Barnes’ Notes Commentary for James 2:26: "...all history has shown, the statements of Paul on the subject of justification are liable to great abuse. All the forms of Antinomianism have grown out of such abuse, and are only perverted statements of his doctrine. It has been said, that if Christ has freed us from the necessity of obeying the law in order to justification; if he has fulfilled it in our stead, and borne its penalty, then the law is no longer binding on those who are justified, and they are at liberty to live as they please. It has been further said, that if we are saved by faith alone, a man is safe the moment he believes, and good works are therefore not necessary."
" It is possible that such views as these began to prevail as early as the time of James, and, if so, it was proper that there should be an authoritative apostolic statement to correct them, and to check these growing abuses. If, therefore, James had, as it has been supposed he had, any reference to the sentiments of Paul, it was not to correct his sentiments, or to controvert them but it was to correct the abuses which began already to flow from his doctrines, and to show that the alleged inferences did not properly follow from the opinions which he held; or, in other words, to show that the Christian religion required men to lead holy lives, and that the faith by which it was acknowledged that the sinner must be justified, was a faith which was productive of good works".
Was the New Testament Composed by Therapeuts?
In 1829 Rev. Taylor adeptly made the case that the entire Gospel story was already in existence long before the beginning of the Common Era and was probably composed by the monks at Alexandria called "Therapeuts" in Greek and "Essenes" in Egyptian, both names meaning "healers." This theory has stemmed in part from the statement of early church father Eusebius, who, in a rare moment of seeming honesty, "admitted . . . that the canonical Christian gospels and epistles were the ancient writings of the Essenes or Therapeutae reproduced in the name of Jesus." Taylor also opines that "the travelling Egyptian Therapeuts brought the whole story from India to their monasteries in Egypt, where, some time after the commencement of the Roman monarchy, it was transmuted in Christianity."
In addition, Wheless evidences that one can find much of the fable of "Jesus Christ" in the Book of Enoch, which predated the supposed advent of the Jewish master by hundreds of years. According to Massey, it was the "pagan" Gnostics - who included members of the Essene/Therapeut and Nazarene brotherhoods, among others - who actually carried to Rome the esoteric (gnostic) texts containing the Mythos, upon which the numerous gospels, including the canonical four, were based. Wheless says, "Obviously, the Gospels and other New Testament booklets, written in Greek and quoting 300 times the Greek Septuagint, and several Greek Pagan authors, as Aratus, and Cleanthes, were written, not by illiterate Jewish peasants, but by Greek-speaking ex-Pagan Fathers and priests far from the Holy Land of the Jews." Mead averred, "We thus conclude that the autographs of our four Gospels were most probably written in Egypt, in the reign of Hadrian."
The Roman philosophy
The prevailing religion of Imperial Rome was Polytheistic (observing many gods) and had emanated largely from the worship of natural deities such as those of the woods and waters. As Rome grew to statehood, the gods of her Etruscan and Sabine neighbours had been incorporated. These included Jupiter (the sky god) and Mars (the god of war). Grecian cults were also embraced and, from 204 BC, the orgies of Cybele ( the Asiatic earth goddess) were evident, soon emulated by the hedonistic rituals of Dionysus/Bacchus (the god of wine). As the Roman Empire spread eastward, so the esoteric cult of veneration of Mithras (god of light, truth and justice). Eventually, the Syrian solar religion of Sol Invictus (the unconquered and unconquerable Sun) became the all-encompassing belief. Its vision of the sun as the ultimate giver of life enabled all other cults to be subsumed within it, with the Emperor as the Earthly incarnation of the godhead.
By the middle of the 2nd century, the original Nazarenes
(the followers of Jesus and James's teachings) were unpopular
not only with the Roman authorities, but were being severely
harrassed by the Pauline Christians - particularly by Irenaeus,
Bishop of Lyon (born AD 120). He condemned them as heretics for
claiming that Jesus was a man not of divine origin as ruled by
the new Faith. In fact, he even declared that Jesus had himself
been practising the the wrong religion and that he was
personally mistaken in his beliefs! Irenaeus wrote of the
Nazarenes, whom he called ebionites (poor) that
they, like Jesus himself, as well as the Essenes and
Zadokites of two centuries before, expound upon the prophetic
books of the Old Testament. They reject the Pauline epistles,
and they reject the apostle paul, calling hin an apostate of the
Law (one againt the law).
Bloodline of the
Holy Grail
As Literalism grew in power it adopted more of the trappings of the Pagan Literalism it replaced. Its ritual processions were identical to those of the Pagan cults. Although Jesus had specifically said, " Call no man Father", Christian Literalists adopted the Mithraic practice of calling priests 'father'. In imitation of the Mithraic bishops, Christian bishops wore a 'mithra' or 'mitre' and carried a shepherd's staff. Eventually the Bishop of Rome took up the title Pontifex Maximus, the ancient name for the Pagan high priest, a title still held by the Pope today.
In 63 B.C., Julius Caesar, who had been elected Pontifex Maximus, became emperor of Rome and vested the office of Roman emperor with the priestly powers and functions of the Babylonian Pontiff. Henceforth, the title Pontifex Maximus was used by the Roman Caesars as illustrated on a Roman coin depicting the image of Augustus Caesar (27 B.C.-14 A.D.) with his title "Pont. Max.," which is an abbreviation of Pontifex Maximus. Thus, the Roman emperors, like the preceding Babylonian emperors, now served as priests of Babylonian paganism, and bore the title Pontifex Maximus.
"With the appearance of Christianity, Babylonian paganism
threatened the early Christian church of Pergamum as
related in the Revelation given by Jesus to His Apostle John, who
referred to Pergamum as the seat of Satan’s throne
which is Nimrod’s throne".
This confirmed christian forgery at it's
finest. Christians always try to blame Nimrod for their
misfortunes. Babylonian "paganism" was more truth than fiction
and it held the beliefs of
Noah and his sons
and his grandson Nimrod. So you see, the
Hag Hammidi
writings and the
gospel of Thomas,
do agree on the evil inspired by Rome.
more, see
The trinitarian dogma of three gods in one god is a biblically
unfounded Babylonian concept based on the concocted
deification of Jesus as the incarnate-god son. In fact,
the Trinitarian Christian clergy maintains that the trinity can
only be comprehended when one accepts Jesus as an incarnate god:
Once a person comes to believe in the divinity [god-ship] of [Jesus the]
Christ, belief in God's existence as Father,
Son, and Holy Spirit [i.e. the trinity] is usually not a problem.
If Jesus was a god as maintained by the pagan Trinitarian Christians, then Moses and Adam must also be gods because the Bible records that Jesus was a Prophet just like Moses, and God even proclaimed Moses to be a God, but not Jesus the Christ. Thus Contradiction abounds.
According to the Bible, Jesus, like all God's prophets, taught of one God, and claimed to be the Son of God, but never "A" god: "The Jews took up stones again to stone him [Jesus]". Jesus answered them, "I have shown you many good works from the Father; for which of these do you stone me?" The Jews answered him, "We stone you for no good work but for blasphemy; because you, being a man, make yourself God." Jesus answered them, "Is it not written in your law, 'I said, you are gods'? If he called them gods to whom the word of God came (and scripture cannot be broken), do you say of him whom the Father consecrated and sent into the world, 'You are blaspheming,' because I said, 'I am the Son of God'?
The trinitarian doctrine of god the father, god the son, and god the holy spirit is biblically unfounded, but it existed as the pagan worship of Nimrod and Semiramis who were the first King and Queen of Babylonian. see Worship of Semiramis This worship spread throughout the world as the Babylonian Mystery religion and eventually assumed the title of Trinitarian Christianity.
By pandering to a Roman audience, deifing Jesus, and casting the Jews as scapegoats, the spread of what subsequently became Christian orthodoxy was assured of success. The position of this orthodoxy began to consolidate itself definitively in the second century, principally through Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons around A.D. 130. Probably more than any other early Church Father, Irenaeus contrived to impart to Christian theology a stable and coherent form. He accomplished this primarily by means of a voluminous work, ( Five Books against Heresies). In his exhaustive opus, Irenaeus catalogued all deviations from the coalescing orthodoxy and vehemently condemned them. Deploring diversity, he maintained there could be only one valid Church, outside which there could be no salvation. Whoever challanged this assertion, Irenaeus declared to be a heretic - to be expelled and, if possible, destroyed.
As a result of this, he devoted his energies to supressing Gnosticism. To this end it was necessary to discourage individual speculation and to encourage unquestioning faith in fixed dogma. A theological system was required, a structure of codified tenets that allowed of no interpretation by the individual. In opposition to personal experience and Gnosis, Irenaeus insisted on a single "catholic" ( that is, universal ) Church resting on apostolic foundation and succession. And to implement the creation of such a church, Irenaeus recognized the need for a definitive canon - a fixed list of authoritative writings. Accordingly he compiled such a canon, sifting through the available work, including some, excluding others. Irenaeus is the first writer whose New Testament canon conforms essentially to that of the present day. Holy Blood - Holy Grail
Prophecy; Descendants of the first pagan Babylonian priests became the pagan Trinitarian Christian priests and continued the trinitarian worship to maintain political control over the nations of the world. For centuries, this superstitious nonsense of the pagan trinitarian clergy deprived people of the guiding knowledge of God's prophets and perpetuated all the evil in the world. The greed of the pagan clergies for material possessions, however, eventually escalates into a nuclear war which consumes the evil clergy and their followers in a world encompassing fire leaving only the true believers (i.e., believers of truth) to enter the Kingdom of God on earth.
For centuries Christians have pondered the identities of the elusive Antichrists and Babylonian Whores. The corrupt clergy pointed fingers of suspicion at every tyrant appearing on the scene to falsely accuse them of being the Antichrists and Babylonian Whores in order to divert attention away from themselves. This writing documents that the Antichrists and Babylonian Whores are none other than the Trinitarian Christians.
Furthermore, they claim that God was apparently both father and mother to the son-of-god Adam, which would give Adam a greater claim to deification more than Jesus, because, according to Trinitarian Christianity, Jesus only had God as His father and Mary as His mother. Therefore, if one applies the reasoning that the Trinitarian Christians use in defence of their trinitarian dogma, then one soon realizes that there are not only the three gods of the trinity, but now Moses and Adam must also be considered as gods. "Ye gods, three gods, and now Adam and Moses too!" In contrast to the dogma of the Trinitarian Christians, that all of God's prophets teach of ONLY ONE TRUE God.
The Hearasy of the Roman Emperor Constantine and the Formation of a False Religion.
From the Book, Jesus and the Lost Goddess
When discribing religious orders, we refer to the titles; Pagan, Jew,
Christian, Muslim, Gnostic, and ect. We would like to suggest
that this way of thinking conceals a much more significant
classification, which categorizes individuals according to
spiritual understanding rather than religious tradition.
Religious movements have embraced two opposing poles, which we call 'Gnosticism' and 'Literalism', with particular individuals inhabiting the whole spectrum between the two extremes. While Literalists from different religions clearly hold conflicting beliefs, Gnostics from all traditions use different conceptual vocabularies to articulate a common understanding, sometimes called the 'perennial philososy'. It is not that all Gnosnics agree. Different schools argue vehemently with other, but these differences are minor compaired to their shared essential perspective.
The goal of Gnostics spirituality is 'Gnosis' or knowledge of truth. We have chosen to use Gnostics, meaning 'Knowers', because in the various languages used by different religions, individuals who have realized 'Gnosis' or achieved 'Enlightment', are often referred to as 'Knowers'; Gnostikoi (Pagan/Christian) Artis (Muslim), Gnanis (Hindu), Buddhas (Buddhist). Gnostics interpret the stories and teachings of their spiritual tradition as signposts pointing beyond words altogether to the spiritual mystical experience of ineffable Mystery. Literalists, on the other hand, believe their scriptures are actually the words of God. They take their teaching, stories and initiation myths to be factual history.
Gnostics are concerned with the inner essence of their tradition. Gnostics see themselves on spirtual journey of personal transformation. Gnostics are free spirits who question the presuppositions of their own culture. They follow their hearts, not the herd. They are consumed by their private quest for enlightenment, not by the goal of recruiting more adherents to a religion. Gnostics see a 'oneness' in all things. They therefore have no reluctance adopting the wisdom of other religious traditions if it adds something to their own. Gnostics within their own tradition, question the bigotry of the Literalists, who always define themselves as opposing any cult or tradition that doesn't agree with theirs. This culminitates in the brutal oppression of Gnostics by intolerant Literialists. It is never the other way around because Gnostics are tolerant of everybody as long as they are left alone.
When pressed or threatened, Gnostics will defend themselves but would rather die than except being told what they must believe. When Masada was taken in 72A.D., everyone committed suicide rather than have to call the Roman Emperor "God". more on Gnostic christianity
The historical record includes Christian, Jewish and Pagan Gnostics, who all got along. Moses, Socrates, Timaeus, Plato, Philo, Pythagoras, Plotinus, Solomon, the disciples and Jesus were all Gnostics. At one point Solomon called himself 'Christ' but he meant he was 'a' Christ, having 'Gnosis' or 'knowlegde of self' as being created by God and being an embodyment of the Christ, which the Nag Hammidi writings, Origen, Valentinus, and the Cathars, firmly support.
A God Incarnate ?
"Whereas Providence...has...adorned our lives
with the highest good: Augustus...and has in her beneficence
granted us and those who will come after us [a Savior] who has
made war to cease and who shall put everything in p[eaceful]
order...with the result that the birthday of our God signaled
the beginning of Good News for the world because of him...
therefore...the Greeks in Asia Decreed that the New Year begin
for all the cities on September 23...and the first month shall...
be observed as the Month of Caesar, beginning with 23 September,
the birthday of Caesar."
- Decree on marble stelae dedicated to the Roman Empire and
Augustus, its first emperor Julilus Caesar, while pursing his
affair with Cleopatra, had been declared a god in Egypt. After
Caesar's death, Octavian ascended the throne as the Emperor
Augustus. He was worshipped as the "son of god" and the Roman
people celebrated his birthday as a holiday.
The Babylonian Empire ceased to exist, but the ancient pagan Babylonian Mystery religion thrived under the guise of Roman Catholicism and survived to this day as Trinitarian Christianity. The Babylonian Mystery religion is represented as a whore because the pagan Trinitarian Christian religions prostituted the teachings of Jesus the Christ in order to politically and economically control all nations of the world. Trinitarian Christianity officially adopted the pagan triune-god dogma with the Nicene Creed.
The Nicene Creed, however, was never taught by Jesus nor His apostles. It was not even conceived until 325 A.D. at the Council of Nicaea. The Holy Roman Emperor Constatine convened the Council of Nicaea for the sole purpose of politically unifying his empire under one religion, regardless of whether or not that religion was pagan. Roman Catholicism subsequently emerged as the mother of the daughter-harlot religions by giving birth to the numerous Protestant sects of Trinitarian Christianity.
"Which of the Gods now shall the people summon
To prop Rome's reeling sovereignty?... Whom shall Jupiter appoint
As instrument of our atonement?... thou, (Mercury),
winged boy of gentle Maia. Put on the mortal shape of a young Roman;
Descend, and well contented to be known
As Caesar's avenger, Stay gladly and long with Romulus' people,
Delay thy homeward, skybound journey."
- Horace, ode to Caesar Augustus as the God Mercury
"Descent as son of a god appointed
by the chief deity to become incarnate as a man, atonement,
restoration of a sovereignty, ascension to heaven - a gospel indeed, and so
like the pattern of the Christian Gospels."
- Randal Helms, Gospel Fictions (1988) p. 25
The religion evolved into this..
"There are three major foundations for understanding the
covenants and the Old Testament law. All three give the same
conclusion. They are;
The old covenant is obsolete, and the new covenant has been established."
Christians are not obligated to keep "the law of Moses."
When Paul discussed "the law," he was often concerned with the entire law of Moses, and he
wrote that Christians were not under the authority of that law. Our obligation to obey God is defined
by a different law, a spiritual law, which in some cases overlaps Old Testament laws but in
other cases supersedes them. Let's examine each of these points and show that they all support
the same conclusion. The New Testament is consistent. First, the matter of covenants. They
are discussed in detail in the book of Hebrews, especially chapter 8. There, the High
Priesthood of Jesus Christ is contrasted with the Levitical high priesthood. The ministry
Jesus received is far superior to the Levitical ministry, and his covenant is far superior to the
old covenant (verse 6)".
The only Heretic in this message is Paul and the writer of this NT nonsence.
When Moses received 'the word of God', the doctrine was
entirely Gnostic in the context of Masada and are of
dualist origin. Nothing written by any other human supersedes
this law.
What the message contained
were these rules; The supremacy of spirit over matter, the union
with God in death, and the condemnation of life as evil. These
attitudes derive, quite unequivocally, from a mystery tradition.
Judiasm never spoke of a 'soul' - still less of it's 'immortal'
or 'imperishable' nature.
The first set of Tablets Moses was given were the oral law or Secret doctrine which revealed the higher order of liberation and mercy that was encompassed in the Tree of Life. The Inner meaning of the tablets remained with the elders, and all the secrets were passed down orally. Moses' intention was to deliver the truths that set man free, but the people's actions resulted in Moses giving a surrogate law, that is, the Ten Commandments.
Moses was not the first to be given the secret doctrine. The secret doctrine was originally given to Abraham by The angel Raziel. It contained the source of all knowledge including the Hebrew letters. The holy mystery of wisdom was embodied within it, as the secret doctrine described the power resident in the devine names of God. Abraham was instructed to keep the knowledge concealed, but when he sinned, it was lost. The angel Raphael eventually gave it back to him. Abraham passed it on to his son Seth, who passed it on to other emmissaries, who spread it throughout the land. It became known as The Book of Enoch.
"New Testament uses the phrase "law of Moses." "This term will also help us understand the difference between the Old Testament era and the New". "The Jerusalem council (Acts 15) met to discuss this very question. "Some of the believers who belonged to the party of the Pharisees stood up and said, `The Gentiles must be circumcised and required to obey the law of Moses'." (verse 5).
"The council concluded that gentiles did not have to obey the law of Moses. The New American Bible, for example, says this: "The Jerusalem `Council' marks the official rejection of the rigid view that Gentile converts were obligated to observe the Mosaic law.... Paul's refusal to impose the Mosaic law on the Gentile Christians is supported by Peter on the grounds that within his own experience God bestowed the Holy Spirit upon Cornelius and his household without preconditions concerning the adoption of the Mosaic law."
This is completely and overwhelmingly refuted in the Nag Hammidi, 'writings of Thomas'. And then when you consider that the Jerusalem council sided with Rome, the lie connects with our findings.
More 'Copying', A Child Born of Woman
The image of mother with child in her arms was so firmly entrenched
in the pagan mind that by the time Christianity
appeared on the scene in 30 A.D., these statues and paintings
were merely renamed and worshiped as the virgin Mary with her
god-incarnate son Jesus. Thus, the pagan mother and child
entered Christianity as the Roman Catholic worship of Mary with
the infant Jesus. In fact, in Tibet, China, and Japan, Jesuit
missionaries were astonished to find the counterpart of the
Madonna and child as devoutly worshiped as they were in Rome.
Shing Moo, the holy mother in China was portrayed with a child
in her arms and a glory around her, exactly as if
she had been fashioned by Roman Catholic artisans.
"When Christ wished to come upon the
earth to men, the good Father summoned a mighty power
in heaven, which was called Michael, and entrusted Christ to the
care thereof. And the power (soul) came into the world and it
was called Mary, and the Christ was in her womb seven months."
(From Cyril of Jerusalem)...This description is
ecohed in the Nag Hammidi writings, in
the Second Treatise of the Great Seth.
The seven month pregnancy also indicates twins were
born, ie. Thomas the twin..
The Jews, however, believed that someone born of woman could not bear the glory of God. Hence they never believed in Jesus. They never believed he existed at all.
"Blessed be thou my God, who hast opened the heart of thy
servant to thy knowledge. Direct all his actions in
righteousness, And give to the son of thy servant woman
that which it hath pleased thee to
accord to thy Chosen, To serve thee among men eternally! ...
Who could bear thy glory? What is the son of man [human] among
thy wonderous works? How could a child born of woman bear
thy presence? For he is made of dust and his body shall be food
for worms. He is made but of molded clay and will return to dust.
What could this clay, shaped by the hand, reply?
What plan could it understand?"
- Community Rule 1QS 11.15-17, 20-22
Sun worship dominated Egypt. Egyptian priests practiced
"transubstantiation", claiming to be able to transfer the sun
god Osiris into a circular wafer. The letters IHS on
the sun-shaped wafers stood for Isis, Horus,
(later, Roman Catholics claimed they were the first
three letters of Jesus' name in Greek).
The Empire of Rome had many religions and cults which squabbled amoungst themselves constantly. The Christains seemed to be gaining the most power and momemteum so Constantine devised a plan to organize and have control over the group. Constantine was a worshiper of Sol Invictus and he continued this worship up until his death. What the Christian sect did was immaterial as long as he had complete control of the people. The Christians were gaining an unfavorable presence so he called every church leader from every part of the ancient world together in Turkey. He staged himself in the center of the group and declared himself the 'current' Christ who would be the founder of the New Church . He told the group that the 'Holy Ghost' was in attendence and he who was the 'sun god' was going to win God's war where Jesus had failed. Though he declared publicly that he and his soldiers were Christian, he still secretly worshipped Sol (Baal). Constantine then took over the Roman government and issued the Edict of Milan, a decree of tolerance for Christians, "baptized" his troops, and presided as the first Summus Pontifex (the official title of the Pope).
In June 325 AD the council of Nicea opened and continued for two months, with
Constantine attending. The bishops modified an existing creed to fit their purposes. The
creed, with some changes made at a later fourth century council, is still given today in many
churches. The Nicene Creed, as it came to be called, takes elaborate
care by repeating several redundancies to identify the Son with
the Father rather than with the creation.
..from The Council of Nicea
The council resolved its self into the 'Nicene Creed'
which was meant to stop the bickering. However
the question arose as to whether Jesus was a god or
man or if he indeed was God himself. This
became very confusing to the point of the council taking
a vote on the question.
The 'Jesus as God' vote
carried. After the council of Nicea, Constantine made
it absolutely clear that the benefits and privileges
which he had granted to the Christian Church
'must benifit only adherents of the Catholic faith'.
Rex Deus
The finished creed was preserved in the writings of Athanasius, of the historian Socrates and of Basil of Caesarea and in the acts of the Council of Chalcedon of 451 (Davis 1987, 59)." When the creed was finished eighteen Bishops still opposed it. Constantine at this point intervened to threaten with exile anyone who would not sign for it. Two Libyan Bishops and Arius still refused to accept the creed. All three were exiled.
Roman Catholicism transferred Baal worship into an already
corrupted Christianity. The icon of the virgin mother and
child with halos (representing the sun), Mary as
the queen of heaven, confessionals,
wafer worship, transubstantiation, and priests as exclusive
mediators of God were all derived from the old satanic Babylonian
religion. Roman Catholicism became a mixture of witchcraft,
Judaism, paganism, and perverted Christianity. Witches thrived
and were ordained by the Vatican. Meanwhile, true Christians
spread the word that the Vatican was the Whore of
Babylon (of the Book of Revelation).
Rome was outraged, and staged the Holy Inquisition, torturing
and murdering "heretics" to eliminate both Christians and Jews,
and to fill the coffers of the church.
Later, in response to the Vatican's oppressive dogma, Martin
Luther, a former Augustinian monk, nailed his 95 theses
to the wall of a church in Germany, heralding Protestantism.
The Vatican is shaken as Protestantism spreads rapidly through
Europe. In order to stamp out the spiritual rebellion, Pope Paul
III ordered Ignatius de Loyola to found the Order of Jesuits,
which would act as the intelligentsia and secret militia of the
Vatican. Loyola had already founded the occult Illuminati,
which he then placed under the umbrella of the Vatican.
Side Note;
The Illuminati was created by super-evil Ignatius Loyola before
founding the Order of Jesuits, which would later become the
Vatican's CIA.
The original goal of the Illuminati (a "Satanic
organization") was "to control the minds of European leaders
through hypnosis, witchcraft, and mind control". Loyola
communed with demonic spirits for advice in setting up the
organization, who "illuminated his mind", hence the name.
Once Loyola became powerful in the Vatican hierarchy as the
Jesuit General, the occult Illuminati became "the most important
branch of the Jesuit order, eventually coming to control the
world economy, international banking, military forces, all
branches of witchcraft, and the religions of the
world, putting humanity on its knees to serve the Pope."
The dying-and-rising-god tradition was
carried forward as Osiris died on a Friday at the hands of the
wicked and was magically 'resurrected' after being in the underworld for three days.
Dionysus' mysteries were celebrated in ingesting the god
through a magical meal of bread and wine, symbolizing his body
and blood.
The resurrection is a 'copy' of the ancient dying and rising God Osiris.
When Osiris dyed, the sun turned black.
The Egyptian mystery school commonly declared their
initiates, 'born again', so they adopted that too.
In 1994 the Pope admitted this was true and went on to point out that these 'gods' were also heralded in by great signs and wonders, including the sighting of a bright star. The date of December 25th was chosen because it was already the mid-winter festival for the old pagans. This announcement caused something of a shock. To most Christians this came as a great revelation and that this announcement came as late as 1994 is barely credible.. But it is only the tip of the iceberg, for theologians have know for a very long time that the whole Christmas story is a myth.
When Constantine claimed the throne. He was
challenged by another Roman general, Maxentius. During a battle
with Maxentius' army, Constantine "became a Christian".
This campaign was the prime moment of opportunity to establish
his personal affiliation with christianity and he announced
he had seen the vision of a cross in the sky, accompanied by the
words, "In this sign conquer" He painted the ankh (cross) on his army's
shields, and was victorious. Constantine then summoned the ageing
Bishop Miltiades. The Emperor's purpose was not to join the
faith under the authority of the Bishop of Rome, but to take
over the faith in its entirety. Amoung the first instructions
was that the nails from the cross of Jesus be brought to him -
one of which he would have affixed to his crown. His related
pronouncement to the bewildered Miltiades was then destined to
change the structure of christianity for all time: 'In the
future, We as the apostle of Christ, will help choose the
Bishop of Rome'. Having declared himself an Apostle,
Constantine then proclaimed that the magnificent Lateran Palace
was to be the Bishops' future residence.
Bloodline of the holy Grail
Many of the existing "Christian" churches he legitimized had been earlier infiltrated by spies
under Nero, and had become corrupt. Over the years, these counterfeit churches, under
Constantine's guide, eventually evolved into Roman Catholicism.
Constantine ordered Eusebius, the Bishop of Caesarea, to have fifty Bibles assembled.
False Christians had assembled the corrupted word (NT) of God in Antioch, Syria.
Eusebius chose the correct Alexandrian texts from Egypt, which they contend had been
translated by the Gnostic scholar Origen.These were not allowed to be used.
The new Bibles were the foundation of the Roman Catholic church. The Vatican later
created the Latin Vulgate from the original fifty, and all other versions were outlawed.
Pit of Serpents
for more corruptions created by the False Church.
When Miltiades died in AD 314, he was the first Bishop of Rome in a long succession to die in natural circumstances. Quite suddenly Christianity had become respectable and was approved as an Imperial religion ( in fact, as The Imperial religion ) Constantine subsequently became Caesar of all the Roman Empire in AD 324, thereafter known as Constantine the Great.
When Christianity became the state religion, many people adopted it for political reasons. Others adopted it without truly understanding it. Under these circumstances ,what they called heresy found fertile ground. One of the most powerful heresies was Arianism which claimed that Jesus was not God (a heresy according to them, that has never completely died out). The Arians were powerful people, including nobles, generals, emperors. They commanded armies and senates. Their version of Corrupted Christianity was never in danger of being stamped out because they would kill anyone who opposed it..
" The primitive Church had to "reconcile the notions they had inherited from Judaism with those they had derived from philosophy. Jew and Greek had to meet in Christ. They had to find an answer that would agree with the revelation they had received from Christ as recorded in the scriptures (Ward 1955, 39)." This struggle for a reconciliation of thought reached its climax with the Arian controversy. The Church responded with the First Ecumenical Council of Nicaea that brought together Scriptural and philosophical thought to explain the Trinity. The Council did triumph over Arianism but only after fifty years of bitter battling. Imperial support and confusion in theological terminology were the principal reasons for such a long drawn out battle as we will see.
Contriversial descriptions of the 'Son'
Arius Versus the Alexandrian Bishop
Arius, an aged Libyan priest of Alexanderia, opposed the new dogma of the catholic church. Arius disagreed with the notion that Jesus and God were merged into one entity as Father and Son. The council had the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as One being. When Arius rose to speek at the council of Nicaea, Myra punched him in the face and that swiftly dealt with the opposition.
This was the resolve; A second and very important term used by the Council was homousios. At that time this word could have three possible meanings. "First, it could be generic; of one substance could be said of two individual men, both of whom share human nature while remaining individuals. Second, it could signify numerical identity, that is, that the Father and the Son are identical in concrete being. Finally, it could refer to material things, as two pots are of the same substance because both are made of the same clay (Davis 1987, 61)." The Council intended the first meaning to stress the equality of the Son with the Father. If the second meaning for the word was taken to be the Council's intention it would mean that the Father and Son were identical and indistinguishable - clearly a Sabellian heresy. The third meaning gave the word a materialistic tendency that would infer that the Father and Son are parts of the same stuff.
In the New Testament and in Church teaching Jesus of Nazareth appears as the Son of God. This name He took to Himself (Matthew 11:27; John 10:36), while the Fourth Gospel declares Him to be the Word (Logos), Who in the beginning was with God and was God, by Whom all things were made. A similar doctrine is laid down by st. paul, in his undoubtedly genuine Epistles to the Ephesians, Colossians, and Philippians. It is reiterated in the Letters of Ignatius, and accounts for Pliny's observation that Christians in their assemblies chanted a hymn to Christ as God. But the question how the Son was related to the Father (Himself acknowledged on all hands to be the one Supreme Deity), gave rise, between the years A.D. 60 and 200, to a number of Theosophic systems, called generally Gnosticism, and having for their authors Basilides, Valentinus, Tatian, and other Greek speculators. Though all of these visited Rome, they had no following in the West, which remained free from controversies of an abstract nature, and was faithful to the creed of its baptism. Intellectual centres were chiefly Alexandria and Antioch, Egyptian or Syrian, and speculation was carried on in Greek.
The Roman Church held steadfastly by tradition. Under these circumstances, when Gnostic schools had passed away with their "conjugations" of Divine powers, and "emanations" from the Supreme unknowable God (the "Deep" and the "Silence") all speculation was thrown into the form of an inquiry touching the "likeness" of the Son to His Father and "sameness" of His Essence. Catholics had always maintained that Christ was truly the Son, and truly God. This is the most nonsensical statement ever made. It defies human logic.
Arius' views began to spread among the people and the Alexandrian clergy. Alexander the Bishop called a meeting of his priests and deacons. The Bishop insisted on the unity of the Godhead. Arius continued to argue that since the Son was begotten of the Father then at some point He began to exist. Therefore there was a time when the Son did not exist. Arius refused to submit to the Bishop and continued to spread his teaching. Alexander called a synod of Bishops of Egypt and Libya. Of the hundred Bishops who attended eighty voted for the condemnation and exile of Arius.
With the decision of the synod Arius fled to Palestine. Some
of the Bishops there, especially Eusebius of Caesarea, supported
him. From here Arius continued his journey
to Nicomedia in Asia Minor. The Bishop of that city, Eusebius,
had studied under Lucian of Antioch. He became Arius' most
influential supporter. From this city Arius
enlisted the support of other Bishops, many of whom
had studied under Lucian. His supporters held their own synod
calling Arius' views orthodox and condemning Bishop Alexander
of Alexandria. Arius seemed to have good grounds for this
condemnation. The term homoousios was rejected by Alexander's
own predecessor Dionysius when arguing against the Sabellians
(who claimed the Father and Son were identical). All this
controversy was taking place just as the Church was emerging
from Roman oppression.
Arianism Versus the Council of Nicaea
Once again Votes change the cource of religious history.
In 376 A.D., Gratian became the first Roman emperor to
refuse the idolatrous title of Pontifex Maximus. He presented the
Babylonian Throne, or Satan-Nimrod’s Throne to the bishop of Rome.
By this time, the Roman bishops had advanced in political
power, and in 378 A.D., Bishop Damasus was elected Pontifex
Maximus, becoming the official pagan Babylonian priest seated on
Satan’s throne in Rome. As such, the bishop converted the pagan
Babylonian temples of Rome into Trinitarian Christian churches
and introduced the worship of Nimrod, Semiramis and the
god-incarnate son under the respective titles of "god the father,"
"god the son" and "god the holy spirit." All the pomp and
ceremony that existed in ancient Babylon was now practiced
as Roman Trinitarian Christianity.
The first Imperial Bishop was Silvester. He was crowned with great pomp and ceremony - a far cry from the shady back-room proceedings customary to previous christian ritual. Gone were the days of fear and persecution, but the high price for this freedom was veneration of the Emperor - precisely what the christian forebears had struggled so hard to avoid. The rank and file had no choice in the matter and the existing priests were quite simply instructed that their church was now formally attached to the Empire. It was now the Church of Rome.
An alliance was formed when Constantine's father married Britin's Christian Princess Elaine ( St. Helen ). Silvester and his colleagues in Rome may have considered the new alliance to be a politically sound manoeuvre, but the emissaries in the field viewed it for precisely what it was; a strategic buy-out by the enemy. They claimed the spiritual message of St. Peter had been subverted by the idolatry of a self-speeking power striving to prevent its Imperial demise. In real terms the very purpose of Christianity was nullified by the new regime. After nearly three centuries of strife and struggle, Jesus' own ideal had been forsaken althogether-handed over on a plate to be devoured by his adversaries.
The Romans had worshiped the Emporers in their capacity
as Gods descended from others like Neptune and Jupiter. At the
Council of Arles in AD 314, Constantine retained his own divine
status by introducing the omnipotent God of the christians as
his personal sponsor. He delt with the anomalies of doctrine
by replacing certain aspects of christian ritual with the
familiar pagan traditions of sun worship, together with other
teachings of Syrian and Persian origin. In short, the new
religion of the Roman church was constructed as a hybrid to
appease all influential factions. By this means, Constantine
looked towards a common and unified world religion.
(Catholic meaning Universal) with himself as head.
Bloodline of the Holy Grail
Nazis & World War II
Hitler's brown shirts rose to power, and the Vatican backed him, giving him the Masonic swastika as a national symbol. Hitler and many of his top aides, including Goebbels and Himmler, were Roman Catholic. Rome signed a concordat with Hitler in 1933, officially recognizing Nazi Germany. To complete the Fascist Catholic triumvirate, the Vatican put Franco in control of Spain, squashing Communist uprisings in the process. In Germany, Roman Catholic Germans infiltrated Protestant churches, spreading anti-Jewish sentiment, in order to insure that the Jews would blame Protestants, not Catholics, for the coming Holocaust. see New Age Nazi's
The Ecumenical movement (a Vatican II creation to recognize, and eventually subsume, all world religions) and the New Age movement are precursors of Satan's One World Religion, controlled by the Pope (another Antichrist) in preparation for the One World Government of the Beast, as prophesied in the Book of Revelation. This one world religion will prevail, but under the guidance of Christ. The Vatican and it's leaders and it's followers will be destroyed.
Prophecy: World War III begins when Russia invades Israel --a one day nuclear war that kills one fourth of the world's population. One third of the earth is destroyed. Russian troops fall at the mountains of Israel by God's intervention. The political leader of Europe, the Beast, takes credit for the destruction of Russia. The Beast is "charming, a military genius, a master politician, and the most evil dictator the world has ever seen". His charisma wins over the world's remaining population. "A trinity of evil is set up on the earth--the Devil, the Beast, and the False Prophet".
The Superchurch (the Whore of Babylon) supports the Beast and secures his world domination. The Beast stabilizes the world economy, and unites the world religions--the world loves and worships him. The Beast then makes an announcement that no man shall be able to buy or sell without receiving his mark, the notorious 666. "With the use of computers, the Beast will be able to control every person on the globe". A great statue of the Beast is constructed in the holiest of Jewish temples in Jerusalem. The False Prophet causes the statue to move and utter blasphemies. Anyone who refuses to worship the image is killed. The Jews flee to the ancient walled city of Petra, in Jordan. Around the world, many refuse to take the mark of the Beast and are murdered publically for their faith in God. The Superchurch is no longer of any use to the Beast, so he destroys the Vatican. J.Click
The Romans under the Vatican have tried hard to destroy the old
religions that threatened their claim to be devine rulers.
The patriarch of Constantinople at the end of the fourth century, St
. John Chrysostom, thought that the battle had been won by saying;
Every trace of the old philosophy and literature of the
ancient world has vanished from the face of the earth.
Fortunately they did not destroy all of it.
The orthodox catholic church was deeply and profoundly
influenced by the struggle against Gnosticism in the second and
third centuries. Formulations of many central traditions in
orthodox theology came as reflections and shadows of this
confrontation with the Gnosis. But by the end of the fourth
century the struggle with the classical Gnosticism represented
in the Nag Hammadi texts was essentially over; the evolving
orthodox ecclesia had added the force of political
correctness to dogmatic denunciation, and with this sword
so-called "heresy" was painfully cut from the Christian body.
Gnosticism, which had perhaps already passed its prime, was
eradicated, its remaining teachers murdered or driven into exile,
and its sacred books destroyed. All that remained for scholars
seeking to understand Gnosticism in later centuries
were the denunciations and fragments preserved in the patristic
Introduction to the Nag Hammidi
How the Nag Hammadi manuscripts eventually passed into scholarly hands, is a fascinating even if too lengthy story to here relate. But today, now fifty years since being unearthed and more than two decades after final translation and publication in English. "A last extant testament of what orthodox Christianity perceived to be its most dangerous and insidious challenge, the feared opponent that the Patristic heresiologists had reviled under many different names, but most commonly as Gnosticism. The discovery of these documents has radically revised our understanding of Gnosticism and the early Christian church.
Our fear is that the so-called schollars once again deleted parts they wanted to keep from the public. This is evidenced by many words that THEY say were not in the text or they were 'missing'. This is too convenient.
As Constantine spoke, the Scottish line of Cunedda, which , ruled
Scotland, Wales and the north of England, was being converted to
Celtic Christianity by St. Ninian. Celtic Christianity
was closer to Enochian Judiasm than it was to the rebranded Mithraism
that passed for Christianity in Rome.
Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas,
Urieal's Machine- 2000...
The oldest written records in Wales were collected by monks of the church of Wales. These stories are called, The Triads of the Isle of Britain. These stories date back to 450BC, but the information in them has been largley ignored, because they stem from verbal traditions and were written down long after the events took place. They were written in Welch rather than Latin.
Triad # 35 says that Christianity came to South Wales in AD 58 when King Brad of Glamorgan brought the new faith to the land.
Three English bishops are known to have been present at the Council of Arles in 314. Others attended the Council of Sardica in 347 and that of Ariminum in 360, and a number of references to the church in Roman Britain are found in the writings of 4th-century Christian fathers.
The ritual and discipline of the early English church were largely introduced by the Celtic and Gallic missionaries and monks, but after the arrival of St. Augustine and his missionary companions from Rome, in 597, and the ensuing fusion of Celtic and Roman influences, the Celtic forms gradually gave way to the liturgy and practices of the Roman West. During the next four centuries, the church in Saxon England exhibited the same lines of growth and development that characterized the church everywhere in the early Middle Ages.
St Augustine of Hippo created the guilt inducing doctrine of Original Sin, also formulated justification for religious coercion and the most vigorous investigation of heresy. The first person executed for heresy in the West was Priscillian of Avila in 393. Rex Deus
After the Norman Conquest (1066), continental influence in England strengthened the connections between the English church and the papacy. In the 11th century the Norman Conquest of England (1066) united England more closely with the culture of Latin Europe. The English church was reformed according to Roman ideas: local synods were revived, celibacy of the clergy was required, and the canon law of western Europe was introduced in England.
The vigorous assertions of power successfully made by popes from Gregory VII to Innocent III between the late 11th and the early 13th centuries were felt in England, as elsewhere, and clerical influence and privilege were widely extended in secular affairs. Several times during the medieval period, English kings sought to limit the power of the church and the claims of its independent canon law, but without success until the reign of Henry VIII.
The acts of Parliament between 1529 and 1536 mark the
beginning of the Anglican church as a national church independent
of papal jurisdiction. Henry VIII, vexed at the refusal of Pope Clement
VII to annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragón, induced
Parliament to enact a series of statutes denying the pope
any power or jurisdiction over the Church of England. He thus reaffirmed
the ancient right of the Christian prince, or monarch,
to exercise supremacy over the affairs of the church
within his domain. He cited precedents
in the relations of church and state in the Eastern Roman Empire and
until the 9th century under Charlemagne. Although
his action was revolutionary, Henry VIII received the support
of the overwhelming majority of Englishmen, clerical and lay alike. Support
was given chiefly because no drastic change was made in the
Catholic faith and practices to which England was accustomed. After
Henry's death, the influences of religious reform were felt more
strongly in England ..from..
The Church of England - Encarta
After the accession of the first Stuart monarch, James I, as king of England, in 1603, this agitation for religious change became closely associated with the struggle of Parliament against Stuart absolutism. By 1645, the Parliament party was strong enough to outlaw the use of the prayer book; in 1649, Charles I, king of England, was executed, and the monarchy was temporarily overthrown.
In 1662, after the Restoration of Charles II, the use of the prayer book, revised to essentially its present form, was required by a third Act of Uniformity. One more attack was made on the establishment of the Anglican church when King James II attempted to reintroduce the practice of Roman Catholicism in England. James lost his throne to William III and Mary II in the ensuing revolution of 1688.
The doctrine of the Church of England is found primarily in the Book of Common Prayer, containing the ancient creeds of undivided Christendom, and secondarily in the Thirty-nine Articles, which are interpreted in accordance with the prayer book. Appeal is made to the first four General Councils of the Christian Church, as well as generally to Holy Scriptures as interpreted by "the Catholic Fathers and ancient and discipline. Also, unlike the Roman Catholic church, the Church of England allows women to become priests.
The Church of England has maintained the episcopal form of
government. It is divided into two provinces, Canterbury and York,
each headed by an archbishop, with Canterbury taking precedence
over York. Provinces are divided into dioceses, each headed by
a bishop and made up of several parishes..
So the authors in charge of revisions the New Testament of the King James Bible, was King James himself because of his connection with the Stuarts. He was from Scotland. The Stuarts of Oakney are the forefathers of the Sinclares ( St.Clair, a Templar Knight ). As kings were overthrown, religion changed from the Church controlled to King controlled. England stood fast on Hanoverian Christianity which was not under the 'Stuart' influences.. Essentially, the difficulties are noted as the Church 'controlled the State' of affairs of the government of England. Christianity is seen `as a tool for ideological domination ...of non-Europeans'. What often happens though not always is this ignores the prime reason in the eyes of contemporaries for religious writing or action promoting, a religious cause, namely the imperative to save souls. Often the approach is a quasi-Marxist one: the evolution from aristocratic to bourgeois hegemony, `an emergent bourgeois imperialist ideology'.
As we approach the third millennium, church leaders are working on plans for a new, ecumenical coronation service, one in keeping with Prince Charles's proclaimed desire to be defender of faith, rather than defender of THE faith. Unlike his mother, he will not be required to swear to "maintain in the United Kingdom the Protestant Reformed Religion established by law" or to "maintain and preserve inviolably the settlement of the Church of England, and the doctrine, worship, discipline and government thereof, as by law established in England".
Dissestablishment is now being discussed openly at Lambeth Palace and Buckingham Palace and in the Palace of Westminster. But not in Downing Street. For all his determination to "modernise" Britain in other areas, Tony Blair appears to shy away from the subject. It is time the Prime Minister grappled with it. For disestablishment is an historical inevitability. The Prime Minister must start planning for a Britain in which church and state are separate. Sooner or later that is going to have to be part of any new constitutional settlement.
But the inherent contradictions in establishment are becoming so obvious that they can no longer be ignored. At a time when the Nonconformists and Roman Catholics keep the Sabbath with greater rigour than do Anglicans, the special position of the Church of England is hard to defend.
There always were historical anomalies, but now they are beginning to nag. The Queen owes her title Defender of the Faith to Pope Leo X, who bestowed it on Henry VIII for his attacks on Protestantism - the very religion the Queen swore to uphold at her coronation. She owes her throne to Henry's later rejection of papal supremacy and his decision to nationalise Christianity. If it had not been for Henry VIII and the establishment of the Church of England - ratified by the Glorious Revolution of 1688 and the imposition of the Hanoverian monarchy in 1714 - Elizabeth, heir of the Hanoverians, would not be their Queen. The Church of England is her raison d'etre. The vast majority of her subjects neither know nor care about these things, though they retain their affection for the Queen.
The future of the monarchy will be called into question once more. James I, when urged to abolish the episcopate, said: "No bishop, no king." Is it now a question of: "No church, no queen"? Disestablishment need not be a threat to the integrity of the church, however. On the contrary. With the separation of church and state, unencumbered Christianity, whether Anglican, Nonconformist or Catholic, can flourish, but will other faiths so far unwelcomed, creep in also? We think they will and for the very reason we have stated over and over. Perhaps the people are tired of the 'control over their so-called salvation', by the church.
The King James Bible, New Testament, the Testimonium Flavianum - who wrote them?
Here is a link that will take you to A brief
History of the King James Bible.
This is further proof of the revisions and changes that
clearly took away the Enochian traditions.
Brief History Here unfortunately too, are 'Bishops' involved
in the translations and they are told to
'use the Analogy of the faith' ( rule 4 ). This
may or may not be a problem, but when it calls for
the 'judgement of a man' to decide what should be written, it
is most likely that they 'voted' once again to take out,
omit or change things as they saw fit.. You will also see that
'the Bishops Bible' was to be used as a guide ( rule 14 ).
The Kings and Queens of the time were, Henry, Edward and
Elizabeth , all of the Roman Catholic faith.
The work began in 1604 and was completed in 1611 and printed by
the Kings 'royal' printer. There were four more
revisions, in 1629 ,1638 ,1762 and 1769. The origional
Greek of the New testament ( written by Romans ) was also revised .
Christians of today claim the work is now correct and complete.
[ We doubt it ]...
As for the New Testament, its current
twenty-seven book form derives from the fourth century CE,
even though the constituent parts come from the first
century. Christians did not agree on the exact
extent of the New Testament for several centuries.
The problem of the Testimonium Flavianum, by Josephus
Proving content changed by Romans.
In the books of the prophets we find it announced beforehand that Jesus our Christ would appear,
be born through a virgin, grow up, heal every disease and sickness and raise the dead, and be
despised and unrecognized and crucified and die and be raised and ascend to the
heavens and be called the Son of God, and that some would be sent by him to every nation,
and that the Gentiles would believe.
Quantitative Content Analysis of Jesus TextsThis
in effect is exactly what the Romans wanted to have happen. This would then be the foundation
of the 'Control' the Church wanted over the people. They would then be able to threaten the
followers with ex-communication and have them killed for hearasy at a whim.
Louis Feldman, the pre-eminent Josephus scholar, has succinctly discussed the
problem of the Testimonium Flavianum (TF) in several works.
R. Eisler, in his influential The Messiah Jesus, suggests
Christian censors deleted large portions of the original text, and offers a
reconstruction by inserting new text into the passage..1963
Feldman writes: "The most probably view seems to be that our text
represents substantially what Josephus wrote, but that some
alterations have been made by a Christian interpolator."
(p. 49, Loeb edition)93 CE
The book Jewish Antiquities by Josephus is published in Rome.
It contains at least one reference to
"James, the brother of Jesus called the Christ."
Manuscripts surviving today also contain a
description of Jesus. But was this description present in the year 93?
c. 230-250
The Christian writer Origen cites Josephus' section on
the death of James "the brother of Jesus" in Book 20 of the
Antiquities; but states Josephus did not believe in in the
divinity of Jesus, and does not cite the TF passage in Book 18...
from.. More proof
from... Josephus' Account of Jesus
The Testimonium Flavianum
This account has been embroiled in controversy since the 17th century.
It could not have been written by a Jewish man, say the critics, because
it sounds too Christian: it even claims that Jesus was
the Messiah (ho christos, the Christ)!
The critics say: this paragraph is NOT AUTHENTIC. It
was inserted into Josephus' book by a later
Christian copyist, probably in the Third or Fourth Century.
We have come to believe that Josephus is a 'Matthias' or
a relative close to Jesus, possibly a younger step brother. We also believe that
Joseph knew things about Jesus that no one else knew.
In his effort to 'protect' what he knew, he would have been
carefull in what he wrote about him or it was deleted by
Christian censors. You can see in the following paragraph,
things have been modified greatly or they are absolutely false
according to what we actually do know. Jesus was not Christian.
"About this time there lived Jesus, a wise man, if indeed
one ought to call him a man. For he was one who performed
surprising deeds and was a teacher of such people as accept the
truth gladly. He won over many Jews and many of the Greeks. He
was the Messiah. And when, upon the accusation of the principal
men among us, Pilate had condemned him to a cross, those who
had first come to love him did not cease. He appeared to them
spending a third day restored to life, for the prophets
of God had foretold these things and a thousand other marvels
about him. And the tribe of the Christians, so called after
him, has still to this day not disappeared."
Jewish Antiquities, 18.3.3 §63
"there is no proof of the existence of the famous testimony
before the time when Christianity as a state religion was able
to suppress all writings hostile to its founder or its teachings,
a power officially conferred upon it by an
edict of Constantine and re-enacted by the Emperors Theodosius
and Valentinian after the brief Pagan revival under Julian."
The Controversy over the so-called ...
'Testimony to Jesus'...,
a party possessing the power to destroy obnoxious books will
ipso facto be in a position to enforce minor omissions
and alterations in works in which only individual
passages were felt to be objectionable.
It is equally clear that owners of valuable manuscripts, whether private individuals, book-vendors, or officials in libraries and synagogues, should have preferred the excision of a few lines or certain alterations to the alternative of seeing their treasures devoured by the flames. Add to this the loss involved in the destruction of a whole Josephus in manuscript, and the laws imposing capital punishment on the concealed possession of writings hostile to Christianity , and the natural consequence will be obvious to every one. As a matter of fact, not a single Greek, Latin, Slavonic, or other Josephus text has come down to us which has not passed through the hands of Christian scribes and Christian owners. The numerous glosses and marginal notes, abounding in every single manuscript , fully bear out this statement.
The genuineness of the 'precious jewel' has been admitted only in circles wholly dominated by the Church. The beautiful 'testimony' has somehow never made an impression on the Jews, although they, too, certainly knew it well. When mediaeval Christian scholars taunted them with the argument that the Jewish historian Josephus, whose works they possessed and held in high honour, had freely admitted that Jesus was the Messiah, they stubbornly replied (as we may gather from certain pages of Giraldus Cambrensis [11]) that this testimony was not found in their own Hebrew manuscript of the author. The Christians would then retort that the Jews had erased the passage from their manuscripts, and such manuscripts showing manifest erasures were indeed not wanting, and were repeatedly pointed out to the Jews to show that it was they who were in error.
The absence of the term such as 'tumult' Eisler more strongly attributes to its deletion by a Christian censor. The speculation is that originally the Testimonium did describe a 'tumult', and it was hostile to Jesus; therefore it was censored. Eisler proposes a reconstruction of the Testimonium that follows not unnaturally from the hypothesis that some text was deleted by Christian censors.
There were many such deletions made in Jewish works,
Eisler notes. Given that something was erased, it must be that the deleted text was hostile to
Christianity (else no one would have bothered to censor it). Therefore, Josephus' original
description of Jesus must have been antagonistic. Eisler then
proposes a certain small amount of hostile text that could have been deleted from the
original to leave the existing version.
Eisler's proposal for the original form of the
Testimonium is as follows. (The dots […] are Eisler's and indicate what Eisler he believes
are irrecoverable deletions.)
(For a discussion of these fragments, see New Testament Apocrypha, ed. W. Schneemelcher, vol. 1, p. 153f and 158f.) Finally, the Elchasaites are a very interesting group. Their later traditions said they were formed around the year 100. They too seem to have been a schismatic Jewish sect close to the Essenes. According to Hippolytus, they also believed in a Son of God who was an angelic being (a giant one), and that he had granted to the founder Elchasai visions and knowledge. (The Holy Spirit was also a giant female angel.) In the writings of the Nag Hammidi library, When Christ speeks of humans, he calls them the 'little ones'. The Giants then are the Angles, which we saw on the. .. Atlantis Page
(This brief anology was found on an obscure web page with no other
information except for the names of the family members involved in the writings. )
"The writers of the New Testament were 'The Roman Piso family'.
It is said they invented 'Jesus' as a part of their war
against the Jews. They then had family
members to write into 'history' that the Romans did not like the
Christians, so that Rome or Romans would never be
suspected of having done this. The fact is, that Christianity is
an entirely Roman friendly religion. Arius Calpurnius
Piso wrote as Josephus, played 'Jesus' in
the first three Gospels, ect. His sons and his decendents then did the rest of the
work on the making of Christianity and the destruction of the
Jews to the Diaspora.. His cohort was Pliny the Younger,
who wrote some of the books of the New Testament." Did Saul/Paul play Jesus also?
There seems to be enough proof that this may be true.
Gnostic, Essene and Templar legend seems
to point in a direction that says Jesus did not die on the cross.
Add this with the tomb that is in India and the one in France,
and you understand the length the church went to have total control.
Three people helped Jesus fake his death and escape. One was a Roman guard. The others were
Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus. We cover this at length on
'the Resurrection' page.
Now we can certainly say that what Jesus taught was probably not 'invented' in some instances, and no one disputes his claim to be the "Son of God", as the incarnation of the 'Logos', However this is not what he meant. A 'Son of God' was someone who taught the Laws of Moses to the people. So it also may be true that the Romans did invent, twist and rewrite the scripture in places that suited their purpose, because this does tie in with the rule and demand of control by Constantine and Paul's lies that led to the hunt for the disciples and the stoning of James. As you have seen above The truth has been 'hidden' delibertly...
The Dead Sea Scrolls confirm there was a teacher of the
Righteous, the Nag Hammidi collection confirms true
gospel writings omited, ect. Essene legend confirms some and the grave
in India confirms the rest. The Spirit of Christ ( the Logos ) left Jesus's
body after he suffered pain and torture on the cross and he again was a mortal man.
The spirit entered him at the first Baptism by John, when the dove decended.
The legend says, He was born of a perfect body,
of a virgin to be pure enough to except the spirit
of the Father and the Holy spirit of the Mother.
'Father' is a term he
himself used after he reappeared to the disciples.
( "Am I not a Father?" )The spirit had reintered someone's
body again to Teach them further.
"And five hundred and fifty days
since he had risen from the dead, we said to him, "Have
you departed and removed yourself from us?"
But Christ said, "No, but I shall go to the place from whence I came.
If you wish to come with me, come!
This phrase emphasized; "I shall go to the place from whence I came". What did Osiris say?, What did Thoth say?
So Mote it Be.
Continued on.. False Church 2
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