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No copyright infringement is intended here.
Only a desire to re-educate the reader who has no concept
of Ancient history or from what source the bible stories
were taken. Credit for parts of this page goes to
Laurence Gardner, and his book Genesis of the Grail Kings.
We however disagree with some parts of his theory.
If you have not read his book please go to..
Passage - forward
before you continue here otherwise you probably will not understand what this page has to offer.
The Book Genesis of the Grail Kings by Gardner, contends that the Grail Line
Kings descended from Cain.
We disagree with Gardner, that Cain is the son of Adam or
that he has anything to do with the Grail Line Kings.
Gardner uses only one line in Genesis to relate this genetic tie.
The line is Genesis 4:17. But if you look at Genesis 5:
beginning with Seth, there is a completely seperate family line
which does include Enoch, whose father is Jared, ect.
We also back up this claim with these words from
the Nag Hammidi texts; "The first name is Yaltabaoth, the second is Saklas,
and the third is Samael. And he is impious in his
arrogance which is in him. For he said,
'I am God and there is no other
God beside me,' for he is ignorant of his strength, the place
from which he had come".
The 'Samael' in the Nag
Hammidi Library text is Enlil, not as Gardner claims - Enki.
see Second Treatise of the Great Seth
- The Nag Hammidi Collection. Also Gardner contridicts his
own theory by admitting that 'Baali' is Cain's son not Enki's,
but the name 'Cain' doesn't appear in any of the Sumerian texts. We found a likely
match for him in these very texts. Like the other Sumerian names, this one is spelled KA.IN.
The City he was exiled to is DUN or NUD which is much like Nod.
That is explained on
Forbidden page2.
(automatic scroll down)
Also Jerusalem and the Sinai are connected to Enlil because he was ruler over that area. Enki and
his sons Ra/Marduk and Thoth are the Gods over Africa/Egypt.
Sub-title - The little hints to the Elohims
(Enoch's 'Watchers')
in the KJB - here become BIG evidence.
We also recommend The secret books of Enoch
, story four and five about the 'Watchers', which Gardner also uses as references in his
book, but he leaves out any references used in the Nag Hammidi texts. Our contention is, if
you ignore part of the facts contained in this text, your story doesn't hold water.
Gardner says Ham is known as Thoth, an offspring of Enlil, and not a son of Noah.
Ham is the second recorded Egyptian king and his name is Anedjib in the Egyptian language.
We cover this on
Hiram Introduction 2
He says Tubal-cain is a descendent of Cain via the Lamech on
Cain's side which is described in Genesis.
We do not agree
with this because as we said Thoth is a son of Enki. In Sumerian his is name is Ningishzidda. There
is proof in Enki's Lost Books
Enlil rapes a nurse...a son, SIN is born...Sin is Cain!
Ham is Noah's Son, or a grand son of Enki. Tubal-Cain is in the bloodline of Ham via Lamech .
His descendent is Nimrod, called 'Nammer' as an ancient Egyptian tablet refers. see
Forbidden 2 (Nimrod)
The Byzantine chronicler Constantinus Manasses (d. 1187) wrote that the
Egyptian state lasted 1663 years. If correct, then counting backward from the time that
Cambyses, king of Persia, conquered Egypt in 526 BC, gives us the year of 2188 BC
for the founding of Egypt, about 60 years after the birth of Peleg. About this time Mizraim,
the son of Ham, led his colony into Egypt. Hence the Hebrew word for Egypt is Mizraim
(or sometimes ‘the land of Ham’ e.g. Psalm 105:23,27;) However we disagree with the date.
That puts Ham as related in some way to Thoth/Enki and it places him as being
one of the first 'god-men' in Egypt. Thoth's heritage is backed up by Zacharia Sitchen
in The Wars of Gods and Men taken from the Sumerian texts.
Thoth's name in the texts is Ningishzidda. see page 266-267.
Gardner then says, the Table of Destiny was based on the
Wisdom of Lamech, an Anunnaki testament and is the same as
the 'pillers' of wisdom and became known as the Emerald
Tablet. We agree with this and we showed it to you on
Forward 3...And Josephus relates this all to Lamech who is from the line of
If the main contention is that Enlil doesn't want men to
have knowledge then why would his line of descendents (from Cain)
write it down and give it to men? As the other brother Enki
believes that sharing the wisdom is the key to escaping the
fear and obedience demanded by Enlil, we take a different approach
as to who the bad guy and his descendents are. We also have told
you that God doesn't speek to men directly. He sent an angel to Noah and (we believe)
Moses and Jesus.
Apparently Enlil spoke directly to Abraham because Enlil controlled Abraham
and his people. Enlil speeks directly to 'his people' throughout the bible.
(They came from the city of Ur, Babylon - the Sinai)
Enki was in charge of Egypt and Africa and was instramental in providing Noah a way to
escape the vengence and wrath of Enlil and the flood. Moses and Jesus and those before
him therefore were influenced and taught by Enki/Ptah. This included Solomon and Akhenaken.
In another reference we find that the Egyptians believed in eternal life and taught
this to all. Enlil's followers were not taught this because he did not
want eternal life to be given to men. He is the god who places a 'piller of fire'
in front of the Tree of Eternal Life in Genesis.
In Graham Hancock's book Underworld We find a study of
the Sumerian texts known as the Epic of Gilgamesh. These
tablets reveal that five antediluvian cities were destroyed in the flood.
There is reference to the foundation of Sumer's cities by an unnamed ruler or god.
The lines read;
After the lofty crown and the throne of kingship had been lowered from
Heaven, He perfected the rites and exalted divine laws...Founded the five cities...
in pure places, called their names, appointed them as cult centres. The first of
these cities, Eridu, The second Badtibira, the third Larak, The fourth Sipper,
The fifth Shurrupak..
It goes on to say, 'a flood will sweep over the cult
centres...' Without preamble, a man called Zisudra is then mentioned - the
Sumerian archetype of the biblical Noah. The text describes him as a 'pious,
god fearing king' and allows us to understand that one of the gods - unnamed- has
taken pity on him. The god Enki tells Zisudra;
'Take my word, give ear to my instructions; a flood will sweep over
the cult centres to destroy the seed of mankind, Is the decision,
the word of the assembly of gods.'... which are the 'Elohms' or Watchers.
When the ship comes to rest, Noah finds himself in the presence of the
high gods of the Sumerian pantheon, Anu and Enlil, who have repented of
their earlier decision to wipe mankind entirely from the face of the
earth and are now so grateful to Zisudra (Noah) for building his Ark and
surviving the flood that they decide to make him immortal.
The lines read; 'Life like a god they gave him, Breath eternal
like a god they brought down for him, ...Zisudra the king. The
preserver of the name of vegetation and of the seed of mankind.'
In fragment 4a of the few scattered remnants of the once widely renowned
History of the Babylonian priest Berossos ( who wrote in the
third century B.C. but whose work is thought by scholars to convey
authentic Sumerian traditions,) Sippar is remembered as the place where the
knowledge of the antediluvian race was hidden away before the flood
and preserved for use by the survivers of mankind. The Noah figure
in this story is named Xisouthros. A god visits him in a dream, warns
him that humanity is about to be destroyed in a terrible deluge, and
orders him to build a huge boat of the usual dimentions in the usual way.
The god tells Xisouthros that he is to gather up a collection of precious
tablets inscribed with sacred wisdom and bury them in a safe place deep
underground in 'Sippar, the city of the Sun'. These tablets contained
all the knowledge that humans had been given by the gods' and Xisouthros
was to preserve them so that those men and women who survived the flood
would be able to 'relearn all that the gods had previously taught them'.
When Xisouthros makes landfall, he offers a sacrifice to the gods then he is immediately
transported to immortal life and vanishes. Those left on the ship are told to sail
back towards Babylon and seek out the city of Sipper, which will
have survived the flood. They are to dig up the tablets that were
buried there and turn them over to mankind.
The tablets reads; 'And those who arrived in Bablyon dug up the
tablets in the city of Sipper and brought them out. They built and erected
temples to the gods and renewed Babylon.'
Archaeological evidence shows the earliest occupation of Eridu is
7000 B.C. and Sipper apparently is not buried by the flood waters. Evidence
is strong that the Persian gulf region was not under water at this time, and
several cities are now under it's waters. The city of Ur was also flooded
but the water receeded. This left a silt and mud deposit that Woolley
found and dated to 5500 B.C. see
The name of Seth’s son and the next pre-Diluvial patriarch in which the Bible was
interested was Enosh; it has come to mean in Hebrew “Human, Mortal,” and it is clear that
the Old Testament considered him the progenitor of the human lineage at the core of the
ancient chronicles. It states in respect to him, that “It was then that the name of Yahweh
began to be called,” that worship and priesthood began.
There are a number of Sumerian texts that shed more light on this intriguing aspect. The
available portions of the Adapa text state that he was “perfected” and treated as a son
by Enki in Enki’s city Eridu. It is likely then, as William Hallo (Antediluvian Cities) had
suggested, that the great-grandson of Enosh was named Yared to mean “He of Endu.” Here,
then, is the answer: While the Bible loses interest in the banished descendants of Adam, it
focuses its attention on the patriarchs from Adam’s line who had stayed in Eden-southern
Mesopotamia-and were the first to be called to priesthood.
In the fourth generation after Enosh the firstborn son was named Enoch; Scholars
believe that here the name’s meaning stemmed from a variant of the Hebrew root,
connoting “to train, to educate.” Of him the Old Testament briefly states that he
“had walked with the Deity” and did not die on Earth, “for the Deity had taken him.”
The sole verse in Genesis 5:24 is substantially enlarged upon in the extra-biblical
Books of Enoch. They detail his first visit with the Angels of God to be
instructed in various sciences and ethics. Then, after returning to Earth to pass the
knowledge and the requisites of priesthood to his sons, he was taken aloft once more,
to permanently join the Nephilim (the biblical term meaning “Those Who Had
Dropped Down”) in their celestial abode.
The Sumerian King List records the priestly reign of Enmeduranki in Sippar,
then the location of the Spaceport under the command of Utu/Shamash. His name,
“Priestly lord of the Dur-an-ki,” indicates that he had been trained in Nippur. A
little-known tablet, reported by W. G. Lambert (“Enmeduranki and Related
Material”), reads as follows:
Enmeduranki [was] a prince in Sippar, Beloved of Anu, Enlil and Ea.(Enki)
Shamash in the Bright Temple appointed him.
Shamash and Adad [took him] to the assembly [of the gods].
They showed him how to observe oil on water, a secret of Anu, Enlil and Ea.
They gave him the Divine Tablet, the kibdu secret of Heaven and Earth
They taught him how to make calculations with numbers.
When the instruction of Enmeduranki in the secret knowledge of the gods
was accomplished, he was returned to Sumer. The “men of Nippur, Sippar and
Babylon were called into his presence.” He informed them of his experiences and
of the establishment of priesthood. It shall be passed, the gods commanded, from
father to son: “The learned savant, who guards the secrets of the gods, will bind
his favored son with an oath before Shamash and Adad . .
and will instruct him in the secrets of the gods.”
The tablet concludes with a postscript: “Thus was the line of preists created-
those who are allowed to approach Shamash and Adad. Zacharia Sitchen - The Wars of Gods and Men
Further evidence shows Enoch's connection with the God's of
Eridu (another name for Enoch ). See
Passage page 5 automatic scroll down
On Passage page 6,
in exerpts from the Nag Hammidi scrolls, we find that Ham and Japheth are protected by the
good God..Enki. "Then the seed of Ham and Japheth will form twelve
kingdoms, and their seed also will enter into the kingdom of
another people." Then as we read it, Ham and Japheth are
susposed to be the good sons of Noah. However we found Japheth sides
with Seth and they are aligned with Enlil. Ham's son Canaan is then cursed by Noah.
Psalms 78:51; 105:23,27; 106:22; 1Ch 4:40 refers to Egypt
as "the land of Ham". And see 1 Chronicles 4:40: The Generations of Ham; "And they found fat pasture
and good, and the land was wide, and quiet, and peaceable; for they of Ham had dwelt there of old."
The Hebrew word for Egypt was Mizraim (probably literally meaning the two lands),
and was the name of one of Ham's sons. This 'assignment' of lands started a war, when Shem
and his sons and Japheth and his sons invaded Egypt or 'the Lands of Ham'.
This is the proof that they moved to Egypt with Enki and Marduk. Nimrod then is
the first King of Egypt, called Narmer and The Scorpion King. His son Menes is Scorpion II.
Also "covering Noah's nakedness" is a medifore for a secret
revealed to Ham, but not revealed to Shem... then look at the next verse from Adam's books...
"But serve him in fear and slavery all the days of your life. Let not your seed depart from the
face of God the Almighty. [...] I and your [...] son of Noah, "My seed will be pleasing before you
and before your power. Seal it by your strong hand, with fear and commandment, so that the
whole seed which came forth from me may not be inclined away from you and God the Almighty,
but it will serve in humility and fear of its knowledge."
Fear and slavery are the inheritance of
the Hebrews and fear and slavery is the demand of none other than Enlil or Jehovah/Yehweh.
"They will say to Sakla,(Enlil) "What is the power of these men
who stood in your presence, who were taken from the seed of Ham and Japheth, who will number
four hundred men? They have been received into another aeon from which they had come
forth, and they have overturned all the glory of your power and the dominion of your hand. For the
seed of Noah through his sons has done all your will, and (so have) all the powers in the aeons over
which your might rules, while both those men and the ones who are sojourners in their glory have
not done your will. But they have turned (aside) your whole throng."
..taken from
The Apocalypse of Adam
This verse hints at a rebellion against Enlil/Jehovah/Yehweh, possibly initiated by Nimrod, who 'hunts
the souls of men' in order to save them from the lies, slavery and cruelty of Enlil.
All these years Nimrod has been condemned for his knowledge...
But he is directly responsible for passing it on to future
generations so they would know the true, good God who wants
people to have knowledge. Enlil then destroys the tower of Babel
because it is a 'center for learning'. The language is not really
confused, but throngs of foreigners are brought in to wage
war on Nimrods culture and the 'knowledge' center. Then we ask,
where did these foreigners come from... they are 'the sons of Cain',
who we are told (if you read between the lines) with this very
verse (Genesis 11), they did escape the flood.
A second source indicating Mesopotamian chronicles for the biblical tale of Adam
and his son Cain are Assyrian texts. We find, for example, that an archaic Assyrian
King List states that in the earliest times, when their forefathers were tent-dwellers-a
term duplicated in the Bible regarding the line of Cain-the patriarch of their people
was named Adamu, the biblical Adam.
We also find among traditional Assyrian eponyms of royal names the
combination Ashur-bel-Ka’ini (“Ashur, lord of the Ka’mites”); and the Assyrian
scribes paralleled this with the Sumerian ASHUR-EN.DUNI (“Ashur is lord of Duni”),
implying that the Ka’ini (“The people of Kain”) and the Duni (“The people of Dun”)
were one and the same; and thus reaffirming the biblical Cain and Land of Nud or Dun.
Zacharia Sitchen - The Wars of Gods and Men
Gardner says on page 190 of his book that the name Enos means
'man' in Hebrew and was the name of Seth's son and this line of
descendents produce Noah ect., and that Noah was the product of
divine origin. Shem's sons produce Abraham whose descendents
are influenced by the culture of the Egyptians, which again
involved centers for learning.. The Assyrians/Hebrews still worshipped
Baal/Sin (son of Enlil) and never stopped. Moses, Joshua, Jesus, ect., actually knew the truth,
but it remained secret, only to be shared with the priesthood and it's sons..
This contridicts any influence or importance of Cain's descendents except that they kept
spreading the lies of Enlil. We feel Cain's real descendents are therefore unimportant, were never
kings and are as Jesus describes them, murders. They are in our opinion, the Son's of Enlil and are
the same as Yaldabaoth and his sons in the Nag Hammidi texts.
The 8000 year old account below reveals how it all got started.
"From about 11,000 BC, at the turn of the Ice Age, another
very marked changed occurred in the Fertile Crescent, from North
Africa, across Syria and Canaan, into Mesopotamia. This brought
the Bible Lands into the Domestic Age - an age of cultivation
that was significantly far ahead of other parts of the world.
But then, in about 7000 BC,(date since revised) came the truly remarkable Age of
Civilization, which was specifically centered upon the southern Mesopotamia region of Sumer.
"Although other regions of the Fertile Crescent, as well
as parts of China, India, and places as far north as Transylvania,
were by then into an age of rural cultivation and domesticity,
the civilized realm of Sumer was very different by virtue of its
cities and municipal structure. An inscription from ancient Nippur
makes the point that the first of all known empires was that
founded by the High Priest of the city of Uruk - an empire
which stretched ' from the lower sea to the upper sea' (from
the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean). Note: Wells, H.G.,
The Outline of History, p. 164.
Here were the first ever priests, and the first ever
kings, in a post-Flood environment which (just like the events
prior to 35,000 BC) swept the people of the region once more into
hitherto unknown realms of advancement, thousands of years ahead
of any natural evolution. This was the true dawn of modern
socially structured society; this was the era of awareness
and enlightenment; this was the Age of Adam."
The Sumerian King List records all the rulers of Earth back over
400,000 years. This huge stretch of time coupled with reigns into the thousands
of years has caused most historians to reject its accuracy. However all the
early rulers were gods - immortals. The King List does record the reign
of Enmeduranki whose name meant 'ruler whose 'ME' connect Heaven and Earth.'
The ME's are the Divine Laws. Enmeduranki is Enoch. page 115,
The Wars of Gods and Men - Zacharia Sitchen
"...Sumerian writing is the oldest sophisticated form of writing in existence,
having first appeared in about 3400 BC, Note: Black, Jeremy, and Green, Anthony,
Gods, Demons and Symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia, British Museum Press, London,
1992, p.11. but it is neither crude nor primitive, and there is no region on
Earth which identifies any scribal concept that might have been its forerunner.
It appeared in a complete and composite form, as if from another world, in the
style known as cuneiform (wedge-shaped). This was a series of angular phonetic
symbols (cuneates), ostensibly abbreviated from the pictographs of the Sumerian
temple priests.
Woolley, Sir C. Leonard, The Sumerians, W.W. Norton,
London, 1965, p.20.
More proof..From Zecharia Sitchen's Earth Chronicles
Events Before the Deluge.
Years Ago:
450,000 B.C., on Nibiru, a distant member of our solar system, life faces slow
extinction as the planet's atmosphere erodes. Deposed by Anu, the ruler Alalu
escapes in a spaceship and finds refuge on Earth. He discovers that Earth has
gold that can be used to protect Nibiru's atmosphere.
445,000 Led by Enki, a son of Anu, the Anunnaki land on Earth, establish
Eridu -Earth Station I - for extracting gold from the waters of the Persian Gulf.
430,000 Earth's climate mellows. More Anunnaki arrive on Earth, among
them Enki's half-sister Ninhursag, Chief Medical Officer.
416,000 As gold production falters, Anu arrives on Earth with Enlil, the
heir apparent. It is decided to obtain the vital gold by mining it in southern Africa.
Drawing lots, Enlil wins command of Earth Mission; Enki is relegated to Africa.
On departing Earth, Anu is challenged by Alalu's grandson.
400,000 Seven functional settlements in southern Mesopotamia include a
Spaceport (Sippar), Mission Control Center (Nippur), a metallurgical center
(Shuruppak). The ores arrive by ships from Africa; the refined metal is sent aloft to
orbiters manned by Igigi (robotic life forms-little grey men), then transferred to spaceships
arriving periodically from Nibiru.
380,000 Gaining the support of the Igigi, Alalu's grandson attempts to seize mastery
over Earth. The Enlilites win the War of the Olden Gods.
300,000 The Anunnaki toiling in the gold mines mutiny. Enki and Ninhursag create
Primitive Workers through genetic manipulation of Ape woman; they take over the
manual chores of the Anunnaki. Enlil raids the mines, brings the Primitive Workers
to the Edin in Mesopotamia. Given the ability to procreate, Homo Sapiens
begin to multiply.
200,000 Life on Earth regresses during a new glacial period.
100,000 Climate warms again. The Anunnaki (the biblical "Watchers"), to Enlil's
growing annoyance marry the daughters of Man.
75,000 The "accursation of Earth" - a new Ice Age-begins. Regressive types of Man
roam the Earth (Neanderthals). Cro-Magnon man survives.
49,000 Enki and Ninhursag elevate humans of Anunnaki parentage to rule in Shuruppak.
Enlil, enraged, plots Mankind's demise.
13,000 Realizing that the passage of Nibiru in Earth's proximity will trigger an
immense tidal wave, Enlil makes the Anunnaki swear to keep the impending
calamity a secret from Mankind .
This is when Enki tells Noah about the coming disaster and instructs
him to build a 'boat'.
The encyclopedic work of Zecharia Sitchin, including Genesis Revisited
and especially in his series entitled The Earth Chronicles, also focuses on this
cooperation between humankind and extraterrestrial life that once existed. Dr.
Sitchin claims to be one of only about 200 people in the world who can fully
read and translate the ancient Sumerian cuneiform tablets. By simply accepting
that the information and historical accounts may well be true, documented facts,
without falling back on the standard belief that they are simply myths, Sitchin
has made some very surprising discoveries. His work is so solid that no skeptics
have ever made any serious attempts to disassemble it. Therefore, Sitchin is
simply ignored, as his scholarship is so complex, integrated and far-reaching
that no one has been willing to try to mount a full attack.
Once again, in Sitchin's books we see written evidence of super-advanced
flying technology (as well as more mundane forms such as rockets,) extraterrestrial
humanoids, lasers and weaponry, as well as a veritable cornucopia of advanced
knowledge, including rigorously accurate and detailed descriptions of our Solar
System. Within these ancient texts are diagrams and properties of all the planets
that we have currently discovered as well as a large "twelfth planet" named Nibiru.
The existence of that very planet is just now being formally (and quietly) acknowledged
by the mainstream scientific community as of October 1999. The modern case for
a distant planet that recent NASA scientists have presented comes from the
mysterious, visible perturbations in the orbits of distant comets originating from
the far recesses of our solar system, which suggest that there must be a potentially
Jupiter-sized planet beyond the orbit of Pluto whose gravity is affecting them.
Nevertheless, there is no real evidence that this planet is going to pass by the
Earth in May 2012 as many still believe at the time of this updated edition in
October 2002.
Based on the intensely technical descriptions that come to us from the
Sumerian cuneiform tablets, some of which we will explore in mathematical
detail in future chapters, we must wonder if they were at least partially derived
from verbally-preserved Atlantean records. This could explain the basis behind
the epic "Saga of Gilgamesh," which details the story of a small group of people
led by a man named Gilgamesh who survived an ancient flood - i.e. the demise
of Atlantis. In The Earth Chronicles, Sitchin makes a solid case for the Biblical
story of Noah and the Ark being a condensed and simplified version of this tale,
where the character Gilgamesh was a god and many other important
details were omitted.
The existence of Atlantean flood-survivors
such as Gilgamesh also helps
to reveal the identity of the illustrious "men from the sea" such as the Sumerian / Babylonian
sea-king Oannes who were described in many ancient cultures worldwide as coming
and civilizing various peoples so quickly. The most prevalent idea behind the Oannes
story is that he was simply the first of these Atlantean survivors who appeared before
the public and dressed up in, believe it or not, fish suits to add a mythical, magical
presence to their identity for the then-uncivilized, superstitious masses. Were the air
and sea-worthy vimana still in partial existence at this time, Oannes could have
simply parked their craft under the sea, venturing out of it by day and back to it at
night. Here we cite a quote from Alexander Polyhistor in Raymond Drake's book
about this. ("Berossus" was a Sumerian / Chaldean author responsible for recording
the original account of this information.)
Right: Enki, the first on Earth and symbols of Gemini and Cancer engraved on an
amulet found in deepest layer and underground temple of Eridu the city of Enki.
Berossus describes an animal endowed with reason, who was called
Oannes; the whole body of the animal was like that of a fish, and had under a
fish's head another (regular human) head, and also feet below, similar to those
of a man, subjoined to the fish's tail. His voice too and language was articulate
and human, and a representation of him is preserved even to this day. This
Being in the day-time used to converse with Man, but took no food at that season;
and he gave them an insight into letters and sciences and every kind of art. He taught
them to construct houses, to found temples, to compile laws, and explained to
them the principles of geometrical knowledge. He made them distinguish the
seeds of the earth and showed them how to collect fruits; in short, he instructed
them in everything which could tend to soften manners and humanize mankind.
From that time so universal were his instructions, nothing has been added
material by way of improvement. When the sun set, it was the custom of this
Being to plunge again into the sea and abide all night in the deep, for he was
amphibious. After this there appeared other animals like Oannes. [emphasis added]
As we can see, the single most remarkable aspect of the story of the Sumerian
culture is how beings like Oannes led them so incredibly quickly from nomadic
"hunting and gathering" to an advanced society with running water, schools,
codified law, government, domestication of animals and cultivation of crops for
food and herbal healing remedies, as well as mathematics and geometry, house
building and the like. Obviously those of a higher civilization could come into
a primitive culture and effect changes very quickly, just as we in the West have
done throughout our entire world.
According to many, many sources from diversified fields, the survivors
of Atlantis preserved their corpus of knowledge, albeit in a scattered form, as
most of them left the sinking continent in great haste and with little to spare –
hence the ancient story of Noah’s Ark. The only historical account of Atlantis
that ever made its way into the public was from the Greek philosopher Plato,
and modern researchers still draw off of his writings when investigating the
subject. It is often written that Plato caused a serious upset in the Egyptian
priesthood by publishing this data, as it was intended to remain strictly
concealed from the public. According to Plato's account, Atlantis disappeared
in a sudden cataclysm that caused it to sink beneath the sea. There were a
precious few who became aware that this was going to happen before it actually
did, and they were able to evacuate the island continent before the event itself
occurred. They migrated to different areas throughout Europe, Africa and Asia
as well as the Americas, most notably within the Mesoamerican region of the Yucatan.
According to the legends as preserved by Plato and others in secret, the
majority of the entire world was not civilized during the time of Atlantis, but existed
in a primitive / tribal state. The secluded island of Atlantis itself, surrounded by the
Atlantic Ocean on all sides, was far more advanced than many of the indigenous
cultures that were already in existence in other parts of the world. At that time,
not everyone was at the same level of development by any means, and the legends
say that Atlantis had just begun a large-scale colonization / civilization program for
the outside world when they collapsed.
The Atlantean cataclysm completely submerged all the remnants of their
once great island, and in many cases the survivors of this disaster found themselves
thrust into situations with primitive peoples who could barely even begin to fathom
the civilization that they had come from. And in some of these cases, if they
were to begin openly speaking about their knowledge, they would have been
killed very quickly out of fear. Therefore, it appears that the majority of
survivors from Atlantis had to pass down their traditional knowledge in
conditions of the utmost secrecy, knowing that their conflicting religious
and scientific beliefs could quickly turn them into dinner for a tribe of wandering
cannibals if they weren't careful.
The overarching term that was given for the secret knowledge from the lost
civilization of Atlantis, (other than “The Tradition,”) was “The Mysteries.” In most
cases, the secrecy of the Mysteries was kept so tightly that rigorous initiations were
demanded of anyone who either chose or was invited to participate. And furthermore,
to insure their own survival the inheritors of the Atlantean legacy would often punish
those who betrayed the secrets with death. In order to be entrusted with the
secrets, you had to swear an oath that you gave permission to be killed if you
ever revealed the knowledge to those who were “uninitiated.” They believed
that it was better to sacrifice one traitor than to lose everyone in an ambush
soon afterwards – and this was a very real possibility at that time. One can
certainly imagine that many bands of survivors who did not either keep strict
secrecy or were not as careful or dramatic as the Babylonian Oannes or the
Mesoamerican Viracocha were simply wiped out, and that perhaps this
common link among recognized historical figures of the Mysteries was the very
thing that had preserved their knowledge through time.
According to numerous sources of evidence, especially “Secret Teachings of All Ages”
by Manly Palmer Hall,” the knowledge of the Mysteries was almost totally wiped out more
than once due to these oppressive conditions in uncivilized lands. Yet, the underlying power
of the information was so strong that great men would always come along and completely
reintegrate all of the fragmented pieces. This happened in Greece with Thales, Pythagoras
and Plato touring the African / Eurasian continents and compiling lost ancient data, and
much more recently it was done again by Francis Bacon, a highly-educated royal
contemporary of the Elizabethan era who had access to ancient records in the
Vatican and elsewhere. Bacon's efforts to resuscitate the Mysteries were what
directly fathered the modern-day Masonic Order, and he and Pythagoras are
said by Manly Hall (discussed below) to be the single two most important figures
in Masonry today.
The Masonic Order is often lambasted by modern ‘conspiracy theorists’ as an
easy target due to its vows of secrecy and demonstrable worldwide power in our
modern civilization. There is strong first-hand evidence from “cult survivors” that a
negatively oriented group known as the “Illuminati” has penetrated through certain
aspects of the Masonic Order, though this does not necessarily impugn most average
Masons. This will be discussed in more detail towards the end of this volume. As
just one of hundreds of examples, almost every person who signed the Declaration
of Independence was a Mason, as well as a high number of astronauts and US
Presidents. (Haven’t you ever wondered why there is a pyramid on the back
of the dollar bill with the “All-Seeing Eye” on the top? Or why the Washington
Monument is a perfect Egyptian obelisk?) Many authors have gone far out of their
way to demonstrate that the majority of high-level corporate executives, military
officials and top government politicians all have connections to Masonry, and
updated lists of these people (which may or may not be entirely accurate) are
easily found through searching the Internet.
Only those who had penetrated through the highest “degrees” of Freemasonry had
any idea about what the Mysteries really were. The lower degrees, especially the first three
“Blue Degrees,” were designed to foster a large body of loyal and unified members for
the group, thus enhancing Masonic power and influence without compromising any
real knowledge or secrets. Those who would receive the deepest knowledge could
be carefully observed over a long period of time, and handpicked slowly and carefully
through higher degrees in a very controlled fashion. Any sign of lack of integrity, doubt
or distrust on behalf of the initiate would permanently freeze his progress, insuring
that he would never advance any further. (And yes, only men can join the Freemasons.
The corresponding, much less popular women's group is called Eastern Star.)
And so, even if certain “Illuminati” elements that have penetrated the top levels
of the modern Masonic Order have become quite confused and power-hungry,
the original secret information from Atlantis is very important to us. It does not
appear that the ancient information was biased towards the negative side of
spirituality, though the “Illuminati” may have now co-opted it as such.
Many researchers agree that the books of Manly Palmer Hall, a 33rd-degree Masonic
initiate, (the highest publicly acknowledged degree,) are the ultimate source available
for learning about the real secrets that are preserved by these modern inheritors
of the Mysteries. The book The Secret Teachings of All Ages is inarguably
Hall's finest accomplishment – written as a literal encyclopedia of all
the great truths that he or any other members of these societies were willing
to openly reveal. And within that subset, Hall has quite a lot to say. Once
all the other pieces are in place, we will see that Hall's information is far more
than adequate for recombining the true picture of the Atlantean Mysteries.
Hall's book begins, paradoxically enough, with an enormous and perhaps
even boring discussion of philosophers, from Greek to Roman right up through the
present, going into great detail about their widely contradictory ideas. In this
discussion, we can clearly see how the unified knowledge of the Mysteries had
already become widely dispersed, and everyone had their own theories based
on what little they knew – and yet underneath it all, a common thread could
be perceived. Certain philosophers such as Pythagoras actively sought to
eliminate this problem by traveling far and wide to collect this scattered secret
information from other areas. By the end of that chapter, the reader is practically
exhausted with the huge body of philosophical information that was presented,
and at this point Hall comes clean with the hidden Masonic knowledge that he
is in contact with, regarding the true secret origin of all philosophy. In this
excerpt, he also touches upon the all-important concept of symbolism being
used to convey information and hide truth from the uninitiated:
The magnificent institutions of Hindu, Chaldean (Sumerian), and Egyptian
learning must be recognized as the actual source of Greek wisdom. The last was
patterned after the shadow cast by the sanctuaries of Ellora, Ur, and Memphis
upon the thought substance of a primitive people. Thales, Pythagoras, and Plato
in their philosophic wanderings contacted many distant cults and brought back
the lore of Egypt and the inscrutable Orient.
From indisputable facts such as these it is evident that philosophy emerged
from the religious Mysteries of antiquity, not being separated from religion until
after the decay of the Mysteries. He who would fathom the depths of philosophic
thought must familiarize himself with the teachings of those initiated priests designated
as the first custodians of divine revelation. The Mysteries claimed to be the
guardians of a transcendental knowledge so profound as to be incomprehensible
save to the most exalted intellect and so potent as to be revealed with safety
only to those in whom personal ambition was dead and who had consecrated
their lives to the unselfish service of humanity. Both the dignity of these sacred
institutions and the validity of their claim to possession of Universal Wisdom are
attested by the most illustrious philosophers of antiquity, who were themselves
initiated into the profundities of the secret doctrine and who bore witness to its efficacy.
The question may legitimately be propounded: If these ancient mystical
institutions were of such "great pith and moment," why is so little information now
available concerning them and the arcana they claimed to possess? The answer is
simple enough: The Mysteries were secret societies, binding their initiates to inviolable
secrecy, and avenging with death the betrayal of their sacred trusts. Although these
schools were the true inspiration of the various doctrines promulgated by the ancient
philosophers, the fountainhead of those doctrines was never revealed to the profane
. Furthermore, in the lapse of time the teachings came so inextricably linked with the
names of disseminators that the actual but recondite source - the Mysteries - came
to be wholly ignored. [emphasis added]
And as we continue further along in Hall's book, we come upon the chapter
"Atlantis and the Gods of Antiquity," where the core idea of humanity's
hidden Atlantean past is expounded upon further:
"The history of Atlantis," writes Ignatius Donnelly, "is the key of the Greek
mythology. There can be no question that these gods of Greece were human beings.
The tendency to attach divine attributes to great earthly rulers is one deeply implanted
in human nature. (See Atlantis.)
…The Garden of Eden from which humanity was driven by a flaming sword is perhaps
an allusion to the earthly paradise supposedly located west of the Pillars of Hercules
and destroyed by volcanic cataclysms. The Deluge legend may be traced also to the
Atlantean inundation, during which a "world" was destroyed by water.
Was the religious, philosophic, and scientific knowledge possessed by the priestcrafts
of antiquity secured from Atlantis, whose submergence obliterated every vestige of its
part in the drama of world progress? Atlantean sun worship has been perpetuated in
the ritualism and ceremonialism of both Christianity and pagandom. Both the cross
and the serpent were Atlantean emblems of divine wisdom…
The mythologies of many nations contain accounts of gods who "came
out of the sea." Certain shamans among the American Indians tell of holy men
dressed in birds' feathers and wampum who rose out of the blue waters and
instructed them in the arts and crafts. Among the legends of the Chaledans (Sumerians)
is that of Oannes, a partly amphibious creature who came out of the sea and taught
the savage peoples along the shore to read and write, till the soil, cultivate herbs
for healing, study the stars, establish rational forms of government, and become
conversant with the sacred Mysteries. Among the Mayas, Quetzalcoatl, the
Savior-God (whom some Christians believe to have been St. Thomas), issued
from the waters and, after instructing the people in the essentials of civilization,
rode out to sea on a magic raft of serpents to escape the wrath of the fierce
god of the Fiery Mirror, Tezcatlipoca.
[Note: Again, with references to a "magic raft" and a "Fiery Mirror" we can
see a clear connection to the more magnificent versions of the Vimana that
we had discussed above.]
May it not have been that these demigods of a fabulous age who,
Esdras-like, came out of the sea were Atlantean priests? All that primitive man
remembered of the Atlanteans was the glory of their golden ornaments, the
transcendency of their wisdom, and the sanctity of their symbols - the cross
and the serpent. That they came in ships was soon forgotten, for untutored
minds considered even boats as supernatural. Wherever the Atlanteans
proselyted they erected pyramids and temples patterned after the great
sanctuary in the [Atlantean] City of the Golden Gates. Such is the origin
of the pyramids of Egypt, Mexico, and Central America. The mounds in
Normandy and Britain, as well as those of the American Indians, are remnants
of a similar culture. In the midst of the Atlantean program of world colonization
and conversion, the cataclysms which sank Atlantis began. The Initiate-Priests
of the Sacred Feather who promised to come back to their missionary
settlements never returned; and after the lapse of centuries tradition preserved
only a fantastic account of gods who came from a place where the sea now is…
From the Atlanteans the world has received not only the heritage of arts
and crafts, philosophies and sciences, ethics and religions, but also the heritage of
hate, strife, and perversion. The Atlanteans instigated the first war; and it has been
said that all subsequent wars were fought in a fruitless effort to justify the first one
and right the wrong which it caused. Before Atlantis sank, its spiritually illumined
Initiates, who realized that their land was doomed because it had departed from
the Path of Light, withdrew from the ill-fated continent. Carrying with them the
sacred and secret doctrine, these Atlanteans established themselves in Egypt,
where they became its first "divine" rulers. Nearly all the great cosmologic
myths forming the foundation of the various sacred books of the world are
based upon the Atlantean Mystery rituals.
Without going into further long quotations here, Hall later makes the important
point that the language of symbolism was used to hide the Atlantean knowledge,
both scientific and spiritual. In this way, there could be a physical structure, such as
a pyramid or building, which was built according to certain “sacred” proportions.
Once someone had a basic understanding of the physics that we will be discussing
in this book, these symbolically encoded mysteries can again be revealed.
Mythological teachings, repeated generation after generation, were also used
to hide very advanced information; and we will have more to say about this as
we progress. Certain sculptures or illustrations were also used, with their true
meanings hidden in myth. Hindu dances and mandalas incorporated “sacred
geometry” into their patterns as well. The Yin-Yang symbol of the ancient
Orient is also of particular significance, as is the staff with two coiled serpents
surrounding it, now used as the symbol for medicine.
Events After the Deluge. see
Ancient Astronauts
"... Not much more than a century ago, no one had ever heard of the
Sumerians, but now the collections at the British Museum, the Louvre,
the Berlin Museum, Yale University and elsewhere hold a greater
wealth of Sumerian texts that have been found from any other ancient
culture. There are literally tens of thousands of clay tablets and
cylinder-seals, containing everything from administrative and
taxation records to essays and literature. Many of these are
from a distant era, more than a 1000 years before epic Greek
poems such as the Iliad and the Odissey, and even longer before
the Israelites' first notations for Genesis.
"... cylinder-seals were used to roll positive images into soft
clay, which was then baked. Since the stone seals were reverse
masters, they facilitated a reproduction process for any number
of impressions and, by virtue of this, not only were numerous
copies made possible (say, for decorative building reliefs or
matching pottery), but the existence of a library-retained
'original' completely undermined any attempt at forgery.
"... One of the scholarly adepts of later times was non other
than King Ashur-banipal of Assyria, who wrote on a clay tablet
in the seventh century BC, about 100 years before the Israelite captivity:
"The god of the scribes has bestowed upon me the gift of the
knowledge of his art. I have been initiated into the secrets of
writing. I can even read the intricate tablets in Sumerian. I
understand the enigmatic words in the stone carvings from the
days of the Flood."
Sitchin, Z, The 12th Planet, p. 22. and
Planet X
"... It is well known to all historical and theological
scholars that the Old Testament's book of Genesis was extracted
from older Mesopotamian records. Why is it, then, that so many of
those same scholars uphold the Church's veneration of Genesis as
an absolute truth, whereas they decry the original records as
legend and mythology? It is because, in the final analysis,
despite falling congregations, Church opinion always wins at
an official level since it is inherently tied to the governments
which control the academic establishments.
"What actually transpired was that the original Mesopotamian
writings were recorded as history. This history was later
rewritten to form a base for foreign religious cults - first
Judaism and then Christianity. The corrupted dogma of the
religions then became established as 'history' and because
the contrived dogma (the new approved history) was so different
from the original writings, the early first-hand records were
labelled 'mythology'.
"As we have seen, the ancient Sumerians were a very
advanced race: they had schools, hospitals, lawyers,
accountants, doctors, astronomers and historians. The training
of these professionals was expensive and time consuming;
the schools were strict and accuracy was everything, as
can be seen from the scribal records. It is quite inconcievable
that the scribes, clerks and historians, having gone through
the academic system to win their qualifications, would then
be sent out into the world to write mythology. Such an
assumption is ludicrous. Their task was to record events
of the past and the present as they understood them to be,
and we now have the results of their labours to hand: tens
of thousands of neatly written cuneiform tablets. But these
are the very records which modern academia classifies as
the legends of primitive people. Why? Because they do not
conform to the accepted notions of a Church society which
rewrote the accounts and has since defined its own known
mythology as history.
Nippur was one of the longest-lived sites, beginning in
the prehistoric Ubaid period (c. 5000 B. C. ) and lasting until
about A. D. 800, in the Islamic era (Gibson 1992).
Kings, on ascending the throne in cities such as Kish,
Ur, and Isin, sought recognition at Ekur, the temple of Enlil,
the chief god of the Mesopotamian pantheon. In exchange
for such legitimization the kings lavished gifts of land,
precious metals and stones, and other commodities on the temples
and on the city as a whole. At the end of successful wars,
rulers would present booty, including captives, to Enlil and
the other gods at Nippur. Most important, kings carried out for
the city elaborate construction and restoration of temples,
public administrative buildings, fortification walls, and
canals. Even after 1800 B. C., when the Babylonians made Marduk
the most important god in southern Mesopotamia, Enlil was still
revered, kings continued to seek legitimization at Nippur, and
the city remained the recipient of pious donations.
Nippur has been the focus of major excavation since 1889
when the University of Pennsylvania opened the first American
expedition in the Middle East. Finding the site a rich source
for cuneiform tablets, that expedition continued to excavate at
Nippur until 1900 [Hilprecht 1903; Peters 1897]. The main
achievements of the expedition were to locate the ziggurat and
temple of Enlil and to recover more than 30,000 cuneiform
tablets of extraordinary literary, historical, grammatical, and
economic importance. More than 80% of all known Sumerian
literary compositions have been found at Nippur. Included were
the earliest recognized versions of the Flood Story, parts of
the Gilgamesh Epic, and dozens of other compositions.
It was these Sumerian works, plus an invaluable group of lexical texts
and bilingual (Sumerian/Akkadian) documents that allowed
scholars to make real progress in deciphering and understanding
Sumerian. As important in historical terms are royal
inscriptions from all periods, especially those of the Kassite
Dynasty which ruled Mesopotamia from about 1600 to 1225 B. C.
More than 80% of our knowledge of this dynasty has come from
Nippur texts. In a special category of Nippur texts are the
business archives of the Murashu family, merchant bankers who
controlled vast commercial and agricultural interests under
the Achaemenid Persian kings (c. 500 B.C.) [Stolper 1985].
The Babylonian 'Epic of Creation
- Enuma Elish' is written on seven tablets, each are between 115 and 170 lines long.
It supposedly was written no later than the reign of
Nebuchadrezzar in the 12th century B.C.E. But there is also
little doubt that this story was written much earlier, during
the time of the Sumerians. Drawing some new light on the
ancients, Henry Layard found within the ruins of the library
of Ashurbanipal in Nineveh, texts that were not unlike the
Genesis creation in the Bible. George Smith first published
these text in 1876 under the title, The Chaldean Genesis.
Akkadian text written in the old Babylonian dialect.
The Babylonian god finished his work within the span of
6 tablets of stone. The last and 7th stone exalted the
handiwork and greatness of the diety's work. Thus the comparison
must be made that the 7 days of creation found in the Bible,
borrowed its theme from the Babylonians and them from the
The Sumerian epic places Anu, Enlil and Ninurta as the
heroes. The Babylonian epic stars Marduk. The Babylonian epic
is the one you are about to read. Though it would be easy to
say that this again is mere 'myth', what if it is not? What if
one is looking here at a technical report, a report on the
origins of our Solar System, our planet Earth, and the creation
of mankind.
The epos is written in a style which is different from
every day speech at the time. It uses an extended word
variation with literary words that are normally not very
frequent. This is characteristic for poetry. In prose texts
there is no such inclination to use alternative formulations,
like in the bible in Genesis I: ''And God saw ..., and God saw
..., and God created ..., and God created ....'' with little
The text is constructed from two-line verses (sentence
units). A concept is explained in two lines, a distich (from
Greek di 'two' and stichos 'verse'). The two members maintain a
relation that one could call ''rhyme in an abstract sense'' on
the level of meaning. The meaning content of each verse appears
in two parallel formulations often separated by leaving a blanc
space, the so called parallelismus membrorum. The second part
either emphasize the first part in different wording thereby
extending the meaning, or the second part is an opposite
statement, contrasting the first part. Compare the opening
When above: the heaven has not been named
Nor earth below: pronounced by name
Metre in the strict sense in which Greek and Latin
literature is composed (groups of long and short syllables) was
not used, but a line often has three to four (rarely five)
stresses/beats. End rhyme nor alliteration occurs.
Tablet 2
Tablet three
Tablets four and five
Tablets five and six
The creation of Man
'Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and
called their name Adam, in the day when they were created'
(Genesis 5:2). So says the book of Genesis, but in reading this
we are immediately confronted by something contrary to our
traditional indoctrination: 'Male and female created he them.......and
called their name Adam'. We are separately informed
(Genesis 3:20) that the man 'called his wife's name Eve,
because she was the mother of all living', but we are left with
the fact that Adam was not a personal name. In practice,
adam was not a proper noun at all - it was a generic term
applied to both men and women. The bible texts relates that
'God formed man of the dust of the ground' (Genesis 2:7).
It has, therefore, been presumed that the name Adam had
something to do with earth - and the word for earth was adamah.
In the image above, the curved object held by the gods is a
womb. They also appear to be holding petree cups with a
'seed' of themselves in each. The image below reveals
their creation completed.
The 'Father'- Savior of mankind
Enki had a fun loving and mischievous nature. His sacred number is 40.
He also holds dominion over the land. He is the keeper of the 'me's' - the
Divine Laws - the Rules of the Universe. The 'me' were assembled by Enlil in
Ekur and given to Enki to guard and impart to the world, beginning with Eridu,
his center of worship. From there, he guards the 'me' and imparts them on the
people. He directs the 'me' towards Ur and Meluhha and Dilmun, organizing
the world with his decrees.
Later, Inanna comes to Enki and complains at having been given too
little power from his decrees. In a different text, she gets Enki drunk and he
grants her more powers, arts, crafts, and attributes - a total of ninety-four
'me'. Inanna parts company with Enki to deliver the 'me' to her cult center
at Erech. Enki recovers his wits and tries to recover the 'me' from her, but
she arrives safely in Erech with them.
Enki was the leader of the first sons of Anu that came down to Earth.
He played the pivotal role in saving humanity from the global Deluge. He
defied the Anunnaki ruling council and told Ziusudra (the Sumerian Noah)
how to build a ship on which to save humanity from the killing flood. Ea
would have been over 120 years old at that time, yet his activity with humanity
continued to be actively reported for thousands of years thereafter.
More on Enki
The Story from the texts...
The Anunnaki had no time to waste after the
flood waters had subsided; the once fertile land had become a bed of clay
and the whole enviroment had been destroyed. The records tell
of how the first priority was to make the ground habitable
again, and to restore the rich eden of the delta country.
The grain crops had to be reinstated, along with the cattle
and sheep herds which were given priority of the 'creation
chamber'. According to one ancient tablet ( pieced together
from seventeen fragments), the matters of farming and
agriculture were placed in the hands of Ashnan and her brother
Lahar. These junior Anunnaki, who were themselves products of
the 'creation chamber', were given the task of preparing the
ground, and of farming grain and cattle respectively, with sheep
appearing to be a joint responsibility. However, the task was
too great for the Anunnaki alone and labour assistance was
urgently required. Consequently, it is explained that humans
were reintroduced at an early stage, and the Tablet of Ashnan
and Lahar details that 'for the sake of the good things in their
pure sheepfolds, Man was given breath'....
This is Noah's flood. The population explosion
described in Genesis actually predates this flood. A bed
of 'clay' layer that confirms there was a great flood, dates
before 7000 BC.
according to C. Leonard Woolley. see
Passage forward, page 5.and
Passage, page 4.
(automatic scroll down)
We also found evidence of a large meterorite hitting the earth
in 7640BC., which could have prompted earthquakes and title waves.
But the Sumerian text clearly reveals that each time the planet
passes close to the earth, a title wave is produced. Around 1600 B.C.
was the last close passage of the planet. The
Dogon Tribe of Mali,
Africa also have a legend about a race of Amphibious Gods - Nommos - who
came to Earth from Sirius approximately
five thousand years ago.
continued; The instruction came firstly from
Dragon Queen Tiâmat, the primeval mother of the Anunnaki, who
said to Enki, 'O my son, rise from your bed........Work what is
wise. Fashion servants of the gods, [and] may they produce
their doubles'. To this, Enki replied.
O my mother, the creature whose name you uttered, it
exists. Bind upon it the image of the gods..............Nin-mah
[Nin-Khursag] will work above you.......{she} will stand by you
at your fashioning. O my mother, decree upon its fate;
Nin-mah will bind upon it in the mould of the gods. It is man.
Nin-Khursag was then approached by Enki and the Assembly,
and was formally requested to create man 'to bear the yoke' of
the Anunnaki.....
In political affairs, the relationship between Enki and
his sister-wife Nin-Khursag was fraught with disagreement: they
appear to have spent a great deal of time drinking wine and
quarrelling. That apart, Nin-Khursag was a highly regarded
anatomical specialist and there are many accounts of her
research, which included the saving of Enki's semen to be
applied to the cross-fertilisation of other life-forms. The
documented 'creation chamber' of Nin-Khursag was called the
House of Shimtî, from the Sumerian sh-im-tî, meaning
Nin-Khursag's experiments were soon perfected, and she
was ready to create her utmost masterwork, Homo sapiens-sapiens.
The Atra-hasis Epic records that Ea and Nin-igiku (Enki and
Nin-Khursag) created fourteen new humans soon after the flood,
seven boys and seven girls, and the clinical process involved
the wombs of women who had survived the deluge. The tablet is
very fragmented and much of the text has been lost, but what
remains describes how Nin-Khursag made use of the 'seven and
seven wombs', having prepared fourteen 'pinches of clay' upon
which Enki had delivered his 'repeated incantation'. In one
instance the opening of a navel is detailed, and the wombs are
called the 'Creatresses of Destiny'. It is related that these
wombs completed Nin-Khursag's work by developing the 'forms of
the people' that she made.
Other texts we found called 'the lost books of Adam and Eve' reveal that Eve
had 3 sets of twins. The above information confirms twins were implanted.
in this image, the two entwined snakes and the ladder
like ribbons between the serpents bodies.....does it remind you of
that these images are thousands of years old. Today we still use
the image of the entwined serpent as a sign of medicine, this has
carried over from ancient times. What does the emblem of entwined
serpents, the symbol for medicine and healing to this very day, represent?
discovery by modern science of the double helix structure of DNA
offers the answer: The entwined Serpents emulated the structure of the
genetic code, the secret knowledge of which enabled the creation
of the Adam. The first man the Annuaki created called the "Adam".
The question is, "where did these
females used as surrogate mothers - come from?" And there are
seven pairs of twins we have never heard about. We did find
information that Cain and Abel each had a twin sister but there
must have been more children born in the line of Cain by his
father Enlil or Seth and his father Adam. Seth's twin sister
was called Noraia and that name is revealed in the Egyptian
texts as Maat..This name is recorded in
The Gospel of the Holy Twelve
The fundamental difference between the Sumerian records
and the Genesis version of the creation of modern humankind was
that the new men and women did not emerge in ready-made adult
form. They were scientifically induced, with human ova
fertilised by the Anunnaki, to be placed as cultured embryos
into the wombs of surrogate mothers. As a result, they were
born quite naturally as babies:
Nin-Khursag, being uniquely great,
Makes the womb contract.
Nin-Khursag, being a great mother,
Sets the birth-giving going.
Being the daughter of the great Anu, Nin-Khursag was the
designated Lady of Life and her emblem (which is to be found on
various tablet and cylinder representations ) was a symbolic
womb, shaped rather like the Greek letter omega Ω . She was
also called the Lady of Form-giving, Lady Fashioner and the
Lady of the Embryo, while a text entitled Enki and the World
Order called her the Midwife of the Country.
Likewise, Nin-Khursag's half-brother Enki, Lord of the Earth and
Waters, was called Nudimmud, meaning 'Image Fashioner', being the
'archetype' of original form - the Master of Shaping and the
Charmer of Making. "..and god made man in
his image".
Except for the last sentence, the entire text on
the Anunnaki was copied from
..MSN Groups at
Ancient Wisdom
Tablet VI of the Enûma elish states that man was created
with the blood of Kingu, a son of Tiâmat who had been executed
for inciting a rebellion - and we have, in blood, an immediate
relationship with 'red' as citied by Josephus. The Hebrew words
for blood were adamu and dam, as in the goel ha dam (the blood
avenger) of Deuteronomy (19:12). But, if man was fashioned
soley from the blood of a god as suggested, then man (perceived
as A-dam) would be a god, which is not the case - so there had
to be another agent. Upon further investigation we discover
that an alternative Mesopotamian Creation account details that
advanced man was produced by uniting the blood of a god with
clay. This was not ordinary clay as in cohesive earth, and yet
the created man was said to be 'of the earth' - which is to say,
more correctly, 'of the Earth', or more specifically given
in the Anchor Bible, an 'earthling'.
In his first-century Antiquities of the Jews, Flavius
Josephus adds an extra dimension, stating, 'This man was called
Adam, which in the Hebrew tongue signifies one that is red,
because he was compounded out of the red earth'. Josephus had
been trained for the Pharisee priesthood, so he was clearly well
versed in the correctness of his own Hebrew language.
Nevertheless, in relating the word adam to 'one that is red'
he called upon his further knowledge of the Akkadian language
of Mesopotamia in which 'adamatu' was a dark-red earth. These
two Semitic languages were not dissimilar, and the Hebrew word
for 'red' was adom, while another word denoting something red
was adum, as indicated by the Adummim (the red men) of the book
of Joshua (15:7). In addition to all this, it is said in many
dictionaries that the word adam actually means 'man'. So, in
no particular order of preference, we have adom, adamah, adam -
or, red, earth, man.
As detailed in Genesis, the Adam definition was applied
to both the man and the woman, so in using the term 'man' we are
speaking more generally of mankind, and thus of humankind, male
and female (Zakar and Neqivah). It is clear that the primitive
human race was not called Adam, for this was the name applied
to the 'first of a kind' in about 3882 BC. In old languages such
as Vedic, the word hu relates to 'mighty' and the
proto-linguistic term hu-mannan (whence, 'human') identifies
'mighty man' (who is later known as Nimrod). So, as we us look
at the Enûma elish, the Babylonian Creation epic, we find the
inspirational source for Genesis. The time frame however is very
different. What does this ancient work have to say on the matter ?
(Common sence tells us this creation was not in 3882 BC. Homo
sapians have been found that date back to 25,000 BC.
In the Nag hammidi texts, we verify
another version of the creation story; "And at that
time, the prime parent (Yaldabaoth) then rendered an opinion
concerning man to those who were with him. Then each of them
cast his sperm into the midst of the navel of the earth. Since
that day, the seven rulers have fashioned man with his body
resembling their body, but his likeness resembling the man that
had appeared to them. His modelling took place by parts, one at
a time. And their leader fashioned the brain and the nervous
system. Afterwards, he appeared as prior to him. He became a
soul-endowed man. And he was called Adam, that is, "father",
according to the name of the one that existed before him."
"And when they had finished Adam, he abandoned him as an
inanimate vessel, since he had taken form like an abortion, in
that no spirit was in him. Regarding this thing, when the chief
ruler remembered the saying of Pistis, he was afraid lest the
true man enter his modelled form and become its lord. For this
reason he left his modelled form forty days without soul, and he
withdrew and abandoned it. Now on the fortieth day, Sophia Zoe
sent her breath into Adam, who had no soul. He began to move
upon the ground. And he could not stand up."
"... Nevertheless, Adam's was not the original earthly
Blood Royal (the Sangreal). He was a prototype, a model for
things to come, but he was not the physical progenitor of the
kingly line. As will be detailed, there were a further two
stages in the creative process - a process which involved Eve
rather than Adam, which is in the Nag Hammidi Library texts and
is discussed on
Passage 2
"... Although the style of Abba (Father) moved into Semitic
use, and was later adopted in the New Testament to define God,
Mark 14:36; Romans 8:15; Galatians 4:6., it was originally
a Sumerian word which defined the sanga-lugal.
Frankfort, H., Kingship and the Gods, p. 215.
Nag Hammidi Texts: "Then, when the seven rulers (Yaldabaoth's sons) came,
they saw him and were greatly disturbed. They went up to him and
seized him. And he (viz., the chief ruler Yaldabaoth ) said to
the breath within him, "Who are
you? And whence did you come hither?" It answered and said,
"I have come from the force of the man for
the destruction of your work." When they heard, they
glorified him, since he gave them respite from the fear and the
anxiety in which they found themselves. Then they called that
day "Rest", in as much as they had rested from toil. And when
they saw that Adam could stand up, they were glad, and they took
him and put him in Paradise. And they withdrew up to their
"... In Hebrew the name Eve was Hawa (Ava), but the verbal
root which gave rise to the name was hayah ('to live').
Alter, R., Genesis, p. 15. Hence Eve was akin to the Sumerian
Nin-ti, which meant 'Lady of Life' - and this, as we have seen,
was yet another title of Nin-khursag. The Sumerian word ti meant
'to make live', but another Sumerian word, ti (pronounced tee),
meant 'rib'. Kramer, S. N., History Begins at Sumer, p.
When Nin-khursag's title Nin-ti was applied to her
surrogate daughter and transposed to the name Eve, it was
correctly interpreted by the Genesis compilers, but its further
association with Adam's rib was wholly inaccurate and had nothing
whatever to do with the original accounts.
"An intriguing reference to the biblical 'rib' was made
by the Protestant dissenter Mathew Henry in the early 1700s.
Whereas Genesis (3:16) states that God said to Eve that Adam
'shall rule over thee' (a sexist guideline adopted by the
Catholic and Anglican Churches), the Church dissenters claimed
that Eve was 'not made of Adam's head so as to rule over him,
nor out of his feet to be trampled upon by him, but out of
his side to be equal with him'. In pressuming the rib
symbolism to be emblematic of male and female equality,
the dissenters were rather more at odds with episcopal dogma
than is generally portrayed by their reluctance towards
the Book of Common Prayer.
"In considering the word hayah (to live), it is of
interest to note that the similar Arabic word 'hayya' denoted
a female serpent, whilst 'hayat' related to life. As detailed
by the linguist Balaji Mundkur, the words were all akin in
origin, Mundkur, Balaji, The Cult of the Serpent, State
University of New York Press, Albany, NY, 1983, p. 70., and
the definitions of 'life' and 'serpent' were mutually supportive.
This is particularly relevant since Eve (Khawa/Hawah) was
not only the Lady of Life, but was also described as the
Lady of the Serpent."
Nag Hammidi Library; "After the day of rest, Sophia sent
her daughter Zoe, being
called Eve, as an instructor, in order that she might make Adam,
who had no soul, arise, so that those whom he should engender
might become containers of light. When Eve saw her male
counterpart prostrate, she had pity upon him, and she said,
"Adam! Become alive! Arise upon the earth!" Immediately her word
became accomplished fact. For Adam, having arisen, suddenly
opened his eyes. When he saw her, he said, "You shall be called
'Mother of the Living'. For it is you who have given me life.""
see Origin of the World
Careful study of the Nag Hammidi
texts reveals to us that
the 'force' of the man who gave them respite from fear is
Christ or as he calls himself - Seth in the texts. The
'destruction' of their work is our knowledge of how and who did
the work - and it is our 'consciousness'. That is we know we are
alive and breathing and 'stuck' or imprisioned in a 'modeled form' - our body.
Christ or Seth is 'the true man' or soul that entered the
modeled form that they are afraid of. We are 'lord' over our
bodies and each one of us carries a 'part' of the soul of Christ'
which can be used to release us from the 'modeled form' once we
understand this can be done. If you haven't read our page on
The Light of your soul,
it would be helpfull to understand how we can escape and not
be 'trapped' on earth as Enlil/Yaldabaoth/Yehweh would like us
to be. This knowledge and further study of it makes us
Masters over our own destiny and Enlil/Yaldabaoth cannot
control us. We have a hidden page which also reveals more on this
subject. Because there is alot more information that needs to be
explained, it follows the 'Jesus' pages.
"Consciousness"; The dictionary says this is the
moral goodness or blameworthiness of one's own conduct,
intentions, or character or a feeling of
obligation to do right or be good. You could say that our
'character' is derived from our genes and what we are taught as
children- ie., right and wrong.
Since Enki gave man the right to partake of the 'tree of
knowledge' and the 'tree of life', he could be equated with
Christ or a 'Son of God', ie., a savior who gave us the
ability to determine for ourselves the difference between right
and wrong..
The second part of this page
The Atlantis Connection
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